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Summary A matrix program to predict short term genetic gain from single trait selection for milk yield was developed. Rate of genetic gain was calculated as the annual change in the mean breeding value of all producing females. Several parameters sets representing various selection policies were used to examine situations pertinent to dairy populations of the United States. Approach to the asymptotic rates of genetic gain within the model varied with the choice of parameters, but even with consistent selection policies, predicted total genetic gain in the first 10 years was only half of the expected from classical theory. Considerable year to year variation in the rate of gain occurred. Early gains were more dependent on female selection decisions than gains during the steady state. In a two-phase model, the approach to the linear rate of gain in the second phase was accelerated by starting with an ongoing improvement program, but considerable delays still existed. Selection for sex- limited traits such as milk yield, which require pedigree selection and a waiting time for progeny test results reached asymptotic rates more slowly than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The rising global demand for animal products and the growing public concerns about the environment and animal welfare require dairy farms to improve their efficiency and apply more sustainable farming systems. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) could represent a valuable support in addressing these challenges. In recent years, dairy farms have been modernising and introducing new sensors and automatic systems for managing the herd. However, the diffusion of new technologies in Italian dairy farms is still limited and farmers are reluctant to invest in precision systems. The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of PLF tools in Italian dairy farms, the motivations, benefits and limits of technological investments from the farmers’ point of view and the factors affecting the diffusion of technology. From November 2020 to June 2021, an online questionnaire was distributed and 52 responses were obtained. About 79% of the farms were located in Lombardy. The more represented milking system was the conventional milking parlour (73%), followed by automatic milking (19%). The average age of respondents was quite low: 35% of them was less than 40 years old and more than 50% was between 40 and 60. Statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the effects of different factors on the presence of technology at farm. The age of the farmer, the milk production level and the presence of an automatic milking system influenced the technological level of the farm. Precision systems that provide information on animal activity for the management of reproduction and on milk yield and flow are the most popular and are considered among the most useful. Management of reproduction and milk production are the areas where farmers appear to show interest for future investments as well. Younger farmers appear to have implemented more PLF systems than older ones, and they show a propensity to invest in latest generation precision tools. Farmers seem to have a growing interest in PLF, but some limits have been identified: the investment costs, followed by the lack of time to check information from sensor systems and the difficulty in data interpretation. As PLF technologies can play an important role in the development of sustainable, animal-friendly and efficient livestock production, further improvements and efforts are necessary to increase the propensity to PLF of dairy farmers. Results can be useful in the Italian context but also in other countries where dairy farming is rapidly intensifying but PLF is encountering resistance.  相似文献   

Embryo reduction may prevent the negative effects of twinning in dairy cattle; however, the technique may carry an additional risk of pregnancy loss. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on pregnancy maintenance of embryo reduction by manual amnion rupture in unilateral and bilateral twin pregnant cows. A secondary objective was to examine the dynamics of endocrine factors following the treatment. On Day 35-41 of gestation 55 cows bearing two live twin embryos (28 bilateral, 27 unilateral) were randomly assigned to a twin reduction group (n = 27; cows fitted with a progesterone releasing intra-vaginal device for 21 days after manual amnion rupture) or control group (n = 28; untreated cows). Pregnancy loss before Day 90 was recorded in nine control and eleven twin reduction cows (32.1% vs 40.7%, respectively, p = 0.508). Logistic regression models indicated that laterality was the only variable significantly affecting pregnancy loss. The pregnancy loss risk was 8.7 times higher for unilateral than for bilateral twin pregnancies (59.3% vs 14.3%, respectively, P < 0.001) yet was similar in the unilateral control and unilateral twin reduction cows (62.3% vs 53.8%, respectively, P = 0.581). In contrast, four of 14 cows with bilateral twin pregnancies undergoing twin reduction lost their pregnancies while no losses were recorded in control cows with bilateral pregnancies (P = 0.049). A rise in plasma progesterone concentration was detected on the day following treatment in the twin reduction group and concentrations remained high within the first week of treatment. Plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) concentrations fell between Day 35-41 and Day 42-48, regardless of treatment. Our findings indicate that embryo reduction by manual amnion rupture did not carry an additional risk of pregnancy loss for unilateral twin pregnancies, whereas it increased the risk of pregnancy failure in bilateral twin pregnancies. However, benefits of preventing cows from delivering twins might also be considered when assessing the success of embryo reduction in bilateral twin pregnancies.  相似文献   

目的为弄清临沂市奶牛乳房炎主要病原菌种类及其药物敏感情况,为科学防治本病提供依据。方法采集患乳房炎奶牛的乳样进行细菌分离鉴定,并对主要病原菌做药敏试验。结果从115份乳样中,分离出6种127株病原菌,其中金黄色葡萄球菌46株,占36.22%,无乳链球菌33株,占25.98%,停乳链球菌21株,占16.53%,大肠埃希菌17株,占13.39%,乳房链球菌8株,占6.3%,沙门菌2株,占1.57%;主要病原菌均对头孢喹诺和左氧氟沙星高度敏感。结论临沂市奶牛乳房炎主要致病菌为金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌和大肠埃希菌。首选药物为头孢喹诺和左氧氟沙星。因此,治疗奶牛乳房炎应通过药敏试验,合理地选择药物。  相似文献   

Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter in US dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To obtain an overview of the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter in faeces of US dairy cows in 2002. METHODS AND RESULTS: Faeces from 1435 cows, representing 96 dairy operations in 21 US states, were collected for the culture of Campylobacter. A total of 735 Campylobacter strains were isolated (51.2% positive samples) with 94 operations positive (97.9%) for Campylobacter. From this collection, 532 isolates (473 Campylobacter jejuni and 59 Campylobacter coli) were randomly selected for susceptibility testing to eight antimicrobials: azithromycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid and tetracycline. The C. jejuni isolates exhibited resistance to tetracycline (47.4%), nalidixic acid (4.0%) and ciprofloxacin (2.5%), while the C. coli strains exhibited some resistance to all antimicrobials except chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin. Only 3.6% of the C. jejuni isolates were resistant to two or more antimicrobials but 20.3% of the C. coli strains were multiresistant. CONCLUSIONS: On most operations, at least one cow was positive for Campylobacter and more than half of the cows sampled were shedding Campylobacter. The C. coli isolates had significantly higher levels of resistance to macrolides and to tetracycline compared with the C. jejuni strains, but were susceptible to ciprofloxacin. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrated a high prevalence of Campylobacter on US dairy operations; however, US dairy cattle have not been recognized as a major source of human infection compared with poultry. Campylobacter coli appears to develop antimicrobial resistance more readily than C. jejuni from the same environment.  相似文献   

Little is known about the thermoregulatory response of the eland, a tropical animal often raised in temperate climate. We compared the surface temperature (Ts) of the eland with that of similarly sized Holstein–Friesian dairy cattle at three different ambient temperatures (Ta) to get better evidence about thermal response. The Ts of all body areas (neck, dewlap, trunk, body forepart, barrel, body hind part, forelimb and rear limb) did not differ at Ta 29.2 °C, but at Ta 12.5 °C all the areas of the eland (except the neck) had lower mean Ts than those areas in cattle. At Ta 0.4 °C, only the eland dewlap had a lower Ts and the eland neck had a higher Ts than that in cattle.  相似文献   

Supplementary fat positively influences reproductive performance in dairy cattle, although the mechanisms involved are not clearly defined. Our objective was to determine the effects of four different fat supplements on follicle development, plasma steroid hormone concentrations and prostaglandin (PG) synthesis in lactating dairy cattle. Forty-eight early lactation Holstein-Friesian cows (21 primiparous, 27 multiparous) were used in a completely randomized block design. Cows were fed the same basal TMR diet and received one of four fat supplements: (i) palmitic acid (18:0 fatty acid; Control), (ii) flaxseed (rich in 18:3 n-3 fatty acid; Flax), (iii) conjugated linoleic acid (a mixture of cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers; CLA), and (iv) fish oil (rich in 20:5 and 22:6 n-3 fatty acids; FO). All lipid supplements were formulated to be isolipidic; palmitic acid was added as necessary to provide a total lipid supplement intake of 500 g/day. Cows were synchronized to be in estrus on Day 15 of dietary treatment. All antral follicles were counted, and dominant follicles, subordinate follicles and corpora lutea were measured daily via transrectal ovarian ultrasonography for one complete estrous cycle. Blood samples were collected daily, and selected samples were analyzed for progesterone, estradiol, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin, cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids. Estrus was synchronized a second time, and liver and endometrial biopsies were collected on Day 7 of the estrous cycle. Gene expression was evaluated for a number of genes involved in prostaglandin synthesis (endometrium) and fatty acid uptake and utilization (liver). Fat supplementation had little effect on follicle development. Cows receiving supplementary n-3 fatty acids had lesser plasma progesterone (P4) and smaller corpora lutea than cows receiving the CLA or Control supplements. Effects of fat supplementation on the endometrial expression of genes involved in PG synthesis were minor. Hepatic expression of SREBF1, ASCL1 and FABP1 was reduced by FO supplementation. Reduced plasma P4 in n-3 supplemented cows may lead to a suboptimal uterine environment for embryo development and hence reduced fertility compared to cows receiving the control or CLA supplements.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the facilitating effect of a single cloprostenol treatment postinsemination on ovulation and pregnancy rate in dairy cattle and Italian buffalos. This study was conducted to test the effects of 500 μg cloprostenol given intramuscularly immediately postinsemination to 55 primiparous and 60 multiparous Holstein cows (Bos taurus; TR) of a typical dairy operation in East Germany and to compare them with 57 primiparous and 48 multiparous saline-treated cows (CON). Animals of the TR and CON groups did not differ or only differed marginally for age at treatment, interval calving–treatment, lactation number, milk production on the day of treatment, body condition score, and their peri- and postparturient case histories. All animals were clinically and reproductively healthy on the day of treatment. They were inseminated once 12 h after the onset of estrus, scanned 24 h after insemination to confirm ovulation, and tested for pregnancy by transrectal palpation between Days 42 and 48 postinsemination. Treatment did not affect the number of cows ovulating. The overall combined pregnancy rate (PR) was 47.3%. Pregnancy rate did not differ statistically between TR and CON (46.1% vs. 48.6%; P > 0.05). In conclusion, this study failed to demonstrate beneficial effects of a postinsemination treatment of primiparous and multiparous cows with cloprostenol on ovulation and PR in a typical dairy cattle operation in East Germany.  相似文献   



Female fertility is important for the maintenance of the production in a dairy cattle herd. Two QTL regions on BTA04 and on BTA13 previously detected in Nordic Holstein (NH) and validated in the Danish Jersey (DJ) and Nordic Red (NR) were investigated further in the present study to further refine the QTL locations. Refined QTL regions were imputed to the full sequence data. The genes in the regions were then studied to ascertain their possible effect on fertility traits.


BTA04 was screened for number of inseminations (AIS), 56-day non-return rate (NRR), days from first to last insemination (IFL), and the interval from calving to first insemination (ICF) in the range of 38,257,758 to 40,890,784 bp, whereas BTA13 was screened for ICF only in the range from 21,236,959 to 46,150,079 with the HD bovine SNP array for NH, DJ and NR. No markers in the DJ and NR breeds reached significance. By analyzing imputed sequence data the QTL position on BTA04 was narrowed down to two regions in the NH. In these two regions a total of 9 genes were identified. BTA13 was analyzed using sequence data for the NH breed. The highest –log10(P-value) was 19.41 at 33,903,159 bp. Two regions were identified: Region 1: 33,900,143-33,908,994 bp and Region 2: 34,051,815-34,056,728 bp. SNPs within and between these two regions were annotated as intergenic.


Screening BTA04 and BTA13 for female fertility traits in NH, NR and DJ suggested that the QTL for female fertility were specific for NH. A missense mutation in CD36 showed the strongest association with fertility traits on BTA04. The annotated SNPs on BTA13 were all intergenic variants. It is possible that BTA13 at this stage is poorly annotated such that the associated polymorphisms are located in as-yet undiscovered genes. Fertility traits are complex traits as many different biological and physiological factors determine whether a cow is fertile. Therefore it is not expected that there is a simple explanation with an obvious candidate gene but it is more likely a network of genes and intragenic variants that explain the variation of these traits.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-790) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This paper describes the thermal properties (effective thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity) of an organic waste used to model the composting process in relation to volumetric water content at 20°C. The organic waste was a mixture of fresh dairy cattle feces and sawdust with a ratio of one-to-one on a dry weight basis. The thermal probe method was used to determine the effective thermal conductivity and diffusivity. The effective thermal conductivities were found to increase with volumetric water content, and ranged from 0.0500 to 0.202 W m−1 K−1 at volumetric water contents of 0% and 44.2%, respectively. The thermal diffusivity was not affected by the volumetric water content, and was found to have a mean value of 1.08 × 10−7 m2 s−1.  相似文献   

The bulk density, specific heat and thermal conductivity of Moroccan dairy cattle manure were studied with respect to total solids concentration. In the range of total solids studied regression equations were established relating each of these parameters to the percentage of total solids in cattle manure.  相似文献   

The longitudinal slope of a stall is important for positioning cows in the stall and maintaining cleanliness of the stall surface. The objectives of this study were to determine the short-term effect of increasing free-stall slope from 4.5% to 9.3% on dairy cow lying behavior, rumination, milk production, cleanliness, and preference. In experiment 1, 60 multiparous Holstein cows were divided randomly into two groups and exposed to a 4.5% stall slope (standard in the research facility) and a 9.3% stall slope in a replicated crossover design with four 7-day periods. Each group of cows were housed in a pen with 30 free-stalls and switched between treatments weekly. Lying behavior and rumination were recorded continuously, milk yields were recorded twice per day, and cleanliness scores were collected on the last day of each week. Experiment 2 consisted of an 8-day preference test conducted with 14 cows from experiment 1 in an experimental pen with 32 stalls (16 stalls with a 4.5% slope and 16 stalls with a 9.3% slope). Continuous video monitoring was used to record time spent lying, standing, and perching in each treatment during the last 5 days, and lying time was used to assess preference. In experiment 1, cows spent 12 min/day less time lying down (12.8 vs 12.6 ± 0.28 h/d) and had 0.6 more bouts/day (9.5 vs 10.1 ± 0.38 no./d) with a shorter duration by 6 min/day (1.4 vs 1.3 ± 0.03 h/bout) in stalls with a 9.3% slope. Rumination was 5.5 min less per day in stalls with a 9.3% slope (578.4 vs 572.9 ± 16.56 min/d) and milk yield did not differ between treatments (33.6 vs 33.4 ± 0.78 kg/d). Stall slope did not affect cow cleanliness (1.6 vs 1.6 ± 0.05 points on a 1–5 scale). In experiment 2, cows showed no clear preference for lying, standing, or perching in either stall slope (4.5% and 9.3%) when given a choice. These results indicate that increasing stall slope from 4.5% to 9.3% marginally altered lying behavior, but did not interfere with stall use or influence cow preferences.  相似文献   

Postpartum anestrus in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fertility of the postpartum period is negatively influenced by the incidence of anestrus. The latter condition is characterized by the absence of estrous behavior, which may be an indication of suboptimal conditions (e.g., inadequate peripartum nutrition) or pathologic conditions (e.g., chronic debilitating diseases or uterine and ovarian diseases). Although initiation of ovarian follicular growth in the postpartum period is generally not affected, subsequent development (deviation) and the fate of the dominant follicle are the primary factors that affect reestablishment of ovarian cyclicity. Anestrus can be classified based on the three functional states of follicular development; that is, follicle emergence, deviation, and ovulation. Prevention of anestrus is preferable to treatment and can be achieved in part by maintaining a healthy periparturient period. To better understand the etiology of anestrus and its prevention, research is urgently needed in the following three areas: the role of peripartum disease conditions that influence reproduction, genes involved in ovulation, and the influence of proteins (e.g., leptin) that appear to be important links between metabolic signals and the neuroendocrine axis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of a chronic stressor, lameness, on reproductive parameters. Seventy cows 30-80 days post-partum were scored for lameness and follicular phases synchronized with GnRH followed seven days later by prostaglandin (PG). Fifteen Lame animals did not respond to GnRH ovarian stimulation. Milk progesterone for 5 days prior to PG was lower in the remaining Lame cows than Healthy herdmates. Fewer Lame cows ovulated (26/37 versus 17/18; P = 0.04) and the interval from PG to ovulation was shorter in Lame cows. In Subset 1 (20 animals), the LH pulse frequency was similar in ovulating animals (Lame and Healthy) but lower in Lame non-ovulators. An LH surge always preceded ovulation but lameness did not affect the interval from PG to LH surge onset or LH surge concentrations. Before the LH surge, estradiol was lower in non-ovulating cows compared to those that ovulated and estradiol concentrations were positively correlated with LH pulse frequency. In Subset 2 (45 cows), Lame ovulating cows had a less intense estrus than Healthy cows, although Lame cows began estrus and stood-to-be-mounted earlier than Healthy cows. In conclusion, we have identified several parameters to explain poor fertility in some chronically stressed animals. From 30 to 80 days post-partum, there was a graded effect that ranged from 29% Lame cows with absence of ovarian activity, whereas another 21% Lame cows failed to express estrus or ovulate a low estrogenic follicle; in 50% cows, many reproductive parameters were unaffected by lameness.  相似文献   

Gait assessment in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lameness is one of the most important dairy cow welfare issues and has inspired a growing body of literature on gait assessment. Validation studies have shown that several methods of gait assessment are able to successfully distinguish cows with and without painful pathologies. While subjective methods provide an immediate, on-site assessment and require no technical equipment, they show variation in observer reliability. On the other hand, objective methods of gait assessment provide accurate and reliable data, but typically require sophisticated technology, limiting their use on farms. In this critical review, we evaluate gait assessment methods, discuss the reliability and validity of measures used to date, and point to areas where new research is needed. We show how gait can be affected by hoof and leg pathologies, treatment of these ailments and the pain associated with lameness. We also discuss how cow (e.g. conformation, size and udder fill) and environmental features (e.g. flooring) contribute to variation in the way cows walk. An understanding of all these factors is important to avoid misclassifying of cows and confounding comparisons between herds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of somatic cell count (SCC), body condition score (BCS) or lameness score on ovarian follicular growth and ovulation in dairy cows. Seventy four animals 30-80 days post-partum were monitored for all three conditions before synchronization of ovarian follicular phases by administration of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) followed seven days later with prostaglandin F2alpha (PG). Ultrasonography of both ovaries twice daily throughout the follicular phase revealed that fewer animals with combined high SCC and lameness (4/9) ovulated compared to healthy animals (19/21; P = 0.006) or animals with only high SCC (11/11; P = 0.004) or only lameness (21/27; P = 0.06). Overall, regardless of the presence of other concurrent conditions, fewer lame cows ovulated than Non Lame animals (30/42 and 30/32; P = 0.015). Mean follicular growth and maximum follicular diameter were unaffected by any of the three conditions. However, dominant follicle growth and maximum diameter were greater in the 60 animals that ovulated compared to the 14 that did not; 1.83 ± 0.16 versus 0.96 ± 0.26 mm/day (P = 0.014) and 19.4 ± 0.4 versus 16.4 ± 1.2 mm (P = 0.003), respectively. In conclusion, lameness reduced the proportion of cows that ovulated and the synergistic effect of high SCC and lameness reduced that proportion further. However, follicular growth and maximum follicular diameter were unaffected by high SCC, low BCS or lameness.  相似文献   

Timed embryo transfer programs for management of donor and recipient cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Currently, timed ovulation induction and fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in superstimulated donors and synchronization protocols for fixed-time embryo transfer (FTET) in recipients can be performed using GnRH or estradiol plus progesterone/progestin (P4)-releasing devices and prostaglandin F (PGF2α). The control of follicular wave emergence and ovulation at predetermined times, without estrus detection, has facilitated donor and recipient management. However, because Bos taurus cows have subtle differences in their reproductive physiology compared with Bos indicus cattle, one cannot assume that similar responses will be achieved. The present review will focus on the importance of orchestrating donor and recipient management to assure better logistics of procedures to achieve more desirable results with embryo collection and transfer. In addition, this will provide clear evidence that the use of FTAI in superstimulated donors and FTET in embryo recipients eliminates the need to detect estrus with satisfactory results. These self-appointed programs reduce labor and animal handling, facilitating the use of embryo transfer in beef and dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Economic consequences of reproductive performance in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The net economic value of reproductive efficiency in dairy cattle was estimated using a stochastic dynamic simulation model. The objective was to compare the economic consequences of reproductive performance scenarios (“average” and “poor”) of a cow having a good reproductive performance and to explore which reproductive factors have an important impact on economic efficiency. A “good” reproductive performance scenario was defined with 1 ovulation rate (POVUi), 0.7 estrus detection rate (PEst), 0.7 conception rate (PCon), 0.03 incidence rate of postpartum disorders prolonging the ovarian cyclicity (CO), 0.2 incidence rate of postpartum disorders reducing conception (ME), 0.05 embryonic death rate (ED), and voluntary waiting period (VWP) of 9 wks pp (post partum). In the current situation of dairy cows in the Netherlands, an “average” reproductive scenario (0.95 POVUi, 0.5 PEst, 0.5 Pcon, 0.07 CO, 0.27 ME, 0.07 ED and VWP of 12 wks pp) and a “poor” reproductive scenario (0.90 POVUi, 0.3 PEst, 0.3 Pcon, 0.11 CO, 0.33 ME, 0.09 ED and VWP of 15 wks pp) were identified. A sensitivity analysis was performed by comparing changes of single effect of factors in a good and poor scenario with the average scenario. The mean net economic loss (NELi) compared with the good scenario was €34 and €231 per cow per year for the average and poor reproductive performance scenario, respectively. Increasing the calving interval resulted in greater economic loss. The important factors on the cost of reproductive efficiency were the involuntary culling cost and the return of milk production. Variation in PCon, PEst, ME, ED, and VWP had large impacts on economic benefits.  相似文献   

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