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Chaetostoma chimu sp. nov. is described from 119 specimens collected in the Andean foothills of the Orinoco River in Colombia. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by a combination of characters, including shape of cheek odontodes, presence of a supraoccipital excrescence, sexual dimorphism characters and colour pattern. In addition, this species can be distinguished from the sympatric and geographically close congeners of the Orinoco that have curved cheek odontodes (i.e., Chaetostoma anale, Chaetostoma formosae and Chaetostoma joropo), by presenting a generally larger orbital diameter and interorbital distance, details of sexual dimorphism and colour pattern. The type locality of specimens collected by Kjell von Sneidern in the mid-twentieth century in the Colombian Amazon is also clarified. Chaetostoma alternifasciatum and Chaetostoma vagum are proposed as junior synonyms of C. anale. An identification key for the species of Chaetostoma from cis-Andean drainages in Colombia is provided. The new species is herein categorized as Vulnerable (Vu) B1a (i, iii), following the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

Doradidae is a putatively monophyletic group of South American freshwater catfishes containing 30 extant genera and 72 valid species. Only one study to date has attempted to estimate phylogenetic relationships among doradids. This morphological analysis partitioned species into two basal genera ( Wertheimeria and Francisodoras ) and a crown group of three subfamilies (Platydoradinae, Astrodoradinae and Doradinae) whose relationships were unresolved. No subsequent work has been done to resolve the subfamilial trichotomy or to assess whether postulated intergeneric relationships are accurate. We address this problem with complete sequences (2.5 kilobases, kb) of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes and partial (1.3 kb) sequences of the nuclear elongation factor-1 alpha (EF1α) gene from representatives of 23 doradid genera (43 species) and 13 outgroups from additional siluriform families. Phylogenetic analysis of these data yields strong support for the monophyly of Doradidae and Astrodoradinae (as well as other relationships), but otherwise shows significant conflict with morphological results. A partial re-examination of published morphological data indicates that many characters may have been incorrectly polarized and many taxa have incorrect state assignments. Our results provide a framework for ongoing efforts to describe the species-level diversity of this poorly understood neotropical family.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 551–575.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudacanthicus comprises six valid species distributed in the Amazon basin and Caribbean coastal drainages from Guyana to French Guiana: P. serratus, P. fordii, P. histrix, P. spinosus, P. leopardus and P. pitanga. A new species of Pseudacanthicus is described from the Rio Xingu Basin, distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: presence of anastomose dark blotches forming continuous zigzag bands alongside longitudinal keels; presence of dark blotches on ventral surface of body and head; all fins with orange to red colour on unbranched rays and sometimes subsequent branched rays. Brief comments on ornamental fisheries and conservation of the new species are also provided.  相似文献   


The differences between Anisopodus White, 1853 and Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847 are discussed and the gender of the latter is corrected. Notes on Hyperplatys pusillus (Bates, 1863) are provided. Hyperplatys nigrisparsus is considered a new rank for H. pusillus nigrisparsus (Bates, 1885). This species is newly recorded from Brazil (Amazonas). Alcidion laetulum Bates, 1880 (currently Nealcidion laetulum), Alcidion costatum Monné & Martins, 1976 (currently Nealcidion costatum), and Nealcidion murinum Monné, 1998, are synonymized with Alcidion bispinum Bates, 1863 (currently Nealcidion bispinum). Anisopodus melzeri Gilmour, 1965 is transferred to Hyperplatys with a new record from the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Notes on a second specimen of Confluentia colombiana (Gilmour, 1950) are provided. Three new species are described from Ecuador: Nealcidion kayi n. sp. (Acanthocinini), Hyperplatys pichinchensis n. sp. (Acanthocinini) and Confluentia quijos n. sp. (Colobotheini).  相似文献   

The genus Hisonotus was resurrected as a member of the tribe Otothyrini (actually subfamily Otothyrinae). However, phylogenetic studies based on morphological and molecular data showed that Hisonotus is not monophyletic and independent lineages can be identified, such as the group composed of the species Hisonotus insperatus, Hisonotus luteofrenatus, Hisonotus oliveirai, Hisonotus paresi and Hisonotus piracanjuba, a lineage unrelated to that containing the type species of the genus Hisonotus (Hisonotus notatus). Herein, based in molecular and morphological data, a new genus is described to accommodate the lineage mentioned above, into which are also added three new species. This new genus can be distinguished from other genera of Otothyrinae by the following combination of characters: (1) a pair of rostral plates at the tip of the snout; (2) two large pre-nasal plates just posterior to the rostral plates; (3) a supra-opercular plate that receives the laterosensory canal from the compound pterotic before the preopercle; (4) a well developed membrane at anal opening in females; and (5) a V-shaped spinelet. A key to species of Curculionichthys is provided.  相似文献   

Doryopteris adornata is described as a new species from west‐central South America (Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina). The dense indument of scales on the abaxial surface of the lamina is the most prominent diagnostic feature of this new species. Illustrations of the diagnostic characters are provided, as well as a table comparing the morphological characters of D. adornata with those of the two most similar species. The ecology and distribution are described. The conservation status for the new species using World Conservation Union (IUCN) guidelines/criteria is recommended. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 73–77.  相似文献   

A new proteocephalidean cestode is described from 2 catfishes, Clarias gariepinus (type host) and C. cf. anguillaris (Siluriformes: Clariidae), from Ethiopia (type locality), Sudan, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, and a new genus, Barsonella, is proposed to accommodate it. The genus belongs to the Proteocephalinae because its genital organs (testes, ovary, vitellarium, and uterus) are situated in the medulla. Barsonella lafoni, the type and only species of the new genus, is characterized mainly by the possession of an additional opening of each sucker; circular musculature on the anterior margin of suckers, serving as a sphincter; a small thin-walled glandular apical organ; absence of well-developed osmoregulatory canals in mature, pregravid, and gravid proglottids; and a large strobila, up to 173 mm long and 3.2 mm wide. Species of Marsypocephalus Wedl, 1861 (Marsypocephalinae), other large-sized proteocephalidean tapeworms occurring sympatrically in African catfishes (Clarias and Heterobranchus) and also possessing a sphincter-like, circular musculature on the anterior part of suckers, differ from B. lafoni in the absence of an additional sucker opening and glandular apical organ, the cortical position of the testes, well-developed osmoregulatory canals throughout the strobila, and a large cirrus sac. Proteocephalus glanduligerus (Janicki, 1928), another cestode parasitic in Clarias spp. in Africa, is much smaller than B. lafoni (maximum length 15 mm), has suckers without additional opening and circular musculature on the suckers, a large-sized glandular organ, much larger than suckers, and well-developed osmoregulatory canals. Comparison of partial sequences of the 28S rRNA gene for 7 samples of B. lafoni from 2 different hosts and 4 localities in Ethiopia, Sudan, and Tanzania has shown a very low genetic variability. In a limited phylogenetic analysis, B. lafoni formed a clade with Corallobothrium solidum Fritsch, 1886 (Proteocephalidae: Corallobothriinae), an African electric catfish parasite. This clade was the sister group of almost all Neotropical taxa from pimelodid and other catfishes.  相似文献   

The examination of material representing one of Lake Tanganyika's six previously recognized endemic catfish lineages, has revealed the presence of an additional genus of clariid, described here as Pseudotanganikallabes new genus. This genus is represented by a single species, Pseudotanganikallabes prognatha sp. nov., which is distinguished from all other clariids by its lack of an infraorbital series, the presence of multiple osseous connections between the swim bladder capsules and elements of the neurocranium, the absence of an ethmoid notch, the presence of a very large, egg‐shaped occipital fontanelle and the extension of the lower lip beyond the margin of the upper jaw. A combination of additional external and molecular characters serves to further distinguish this taxon from all currently recognized clariid species. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial (cytb) and nuclear (18S‐ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2‐28S) sequence data supports the creation of a new genus for this species, as it appears to represent an independent, monophyletic lineage within the family Clariidae.  相似文献   

Members of a new genus and species of harpacticoid copepod crustacean appeared in samples from semi-terrestrial (moist arboreal mosses, wet soil) and aquatic (bromeliad tanks, Sphagnum moss, rock pools, stream) habitats in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The new taxon, for which we propose the name Pindamoraria boraceiae sp. nov. , is distinguished by a unique combination of characters, in particular the segmentation and setation pattern of legs 1–4 in both sexes, the structure of leg 5 in the female, and the strongly modified claw of the maxilliped in the male. It most resembles the canthocamptid genera Moraria , Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis . Both previous records of species of Moraria from South America refer to members of Antarctobiotus , which is not considered a member of the Moraria group: Moraria (Kuehneltiella) neotropica Löffler has previously been transferred to Antarctobiotus ; and we propose herein the transfer of Moraria kummeroworum Ebert & Noodt to Antarctobiotus as well. In the New World, the genus Moraria extends only as far south as Honduras; and Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis are Old World genera. The new species from Brazil is therefore the only member of the Moraria group known from South America.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139, 81–92.  相似文献   

The Neotropics possess the greatest freshwater fish diversity of the world, rendering the study of their evolutionary history extremely challenging. Loricariidae catfishes are one of the most diverse components of the Neotropical ichthyofauna and despite a long history of classification, major issues still need elucidation. Based on a nuclear gene, we present a robust phylogeny of two former loricariid subfamilies: Hypoptopomatinae and Neoplecostominae. Our results show that Neoplecostominae is nested within Hypoptopomatinae, and is the sister group to the former Otothyrini tribe. According to our results, supplemented by morphological observations, we erect two new subfamilies, the Otothyrinae and a new Hypoptopomatinae, and modify the Neoplecostominae by including the genus Pseudotocinclus. The uncovered evolutionary relationships allow a detailed analysis of their historical biogeography. We tested two Dispersal-Extinction-Cladogenesis models for inferring the distribution range evolution of the new subfamilies, and show that the model having no constrains performs better than a model constraining long-range dispersal. The Maximum Likelihood reconstructions of ancestral ranges showed a marked division between the Amazonian origin of the Hypoptopomatinae and the eastern coastal Brazil+Upper Paraná origin of the Neoplecostominae and Otothyrinae. Markedly few instances of dispersal across the border separating the Amazon basin and the Paraná-Paraguay+eastern coastal Brazil+Uruguay were reconstructed. This result is in clear contrast with the historical biogeography of many Neotropical fishes, including other Loricariidae. Part of the dispersal limitation may be explained by divergent ecological specialization: lowland rivers versus mountain streams habitats. Moreover, because most species of the new subfamilies are small, we hypothesize that body size-related effects might limit their dispersal, like predation and energetic cost to migration. Finally, morphological and anatomical features are presented that limit or, to the contrary, enhance dispersal capability in these small and fascinating catfishes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences was used to test the validity of morphospecies of catfishes of the family Astroblepidae inhabiting the southern‐most limit of their Andean distribution in the upper Ucayali and upper Madre de Dios river basins. Population samples of morphospecies designated a priori on the basis of morphological features were further diagnosed by the presence of unique and unreversed molecular synapomorphies, thereby confirming species validity for seven of nine cases. Although each are distinguished by unique combinations of morphological features, two morphospecies (designated F and H) cannot be diagnosed on the basis of apomorphic changes in molecular sequence that did not also occur in other astroblepid morphospecies or outgroup taxa. Further, one morphospecies (species G) was recovered as nested within the assemblage of populations sampled from morphospecies F, whose morphological diagnosis does not involve unique or apomorphic characters. In contrast, the absence of corroborating molecular apomorphies for species H, otherwise recognized by distinctive and uniquely derived morphological characters, suggests a history of rapid divergence and insufficient time for fixation of genetic differences. Species sharing syntopic distributions were not recovered as sister groups, and in some cases species distributed in adjacent river drainage basins were not more closely related to one another than to species distributed in more distant drainages. Three independent instances were observed of sister‐group relationships involving species distributed in both the Apurimac and Urubamba rivers (Ucayali drainage). These observations combine to suggest that the current distribution of astroblepid species in the southern region may have arisen via a complex history involving both divergence between and dispersal amongst drainage basins that is probably repeated numerous times throughout the Andean distribution of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 90–102.  相似文献   

Four new species of longhorn beetles are described from Brazil: Coleoxestia diamantina n. sp. (Cerambycinae, Cerambycini), from Bahia; Mirador bravoi n. sp. (Cerambycinae, Ectenessini), from Bahia; Compsibidion antonietae n. sp. (Cerambycinae, Neoibidionini), from Goiás, Bahia and São Paulo; and Amphicnaeia quadrifasciata n. sp. (Lamiinae, Apomecynini) from Bahia. Coleoxestia diamantina and Compsibidion antonietae are included in previous keys.  相似文献   

A new species of dobsonfly, Corydalus wanningeri, from Venezuela, is described and illustrated. It superficially resembles Corydalus neblinensis Contreras-Ramos, with a uniform reddish coloration of body and wings. Yet, because of male genitalic structure it might be closely related to Corydalus crossi Contreras-Ramos. Specimens were collected from a rain forest transitional zone between the Orinoco lowlands and the Gran Sabana plateau, in Bolívar state. This is the 15(th) species of Corydalus to be recorded from Venezuela, rendering this the country with the highest number of documented Corydalus species. A key to the sexually dimorphic, long-mandibled Venezuelan species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Three new species of Notidobiella Schmid (Insecta: Trichoptera) are described from South America: Notidobiella amazonianasp. n. (Brazil), Notidobiella brasilianasp. n. (Brazil), and Notidobiella ecuadorensissp. n. (Ecuador). In addition, the 3 previously described species in the genus, Notidobiella chacayana Schmid, Notidobiella inermis Flint, and Notidobiella parallelipipeda Schmid, all endemic to southern Chile, are redescribed and illustrated, including the females of each species for the first time, and a key to males of the species in the genus is provided. The occurrence of Notidobiella in Brazil and Ecuador represents a significant extension of the range of the genus beyond southern Chile where it previously was thought to be endemic. The biogeography of Sericostomatidae and other austral South American Trichoptera is reviewed. The presence of the family in South America may not be part of a "transantarctic" exchange, but instead may represent an earlier occurence in the region. The distribution of Notidobiella in tropical South America likely represents recent dispersal from southern South America to the north.  相似文献   

Loricaria cuffyi n. sp. is described based on 36 specimens from the Essequibo and upper Negro River drainages in western Guyana and the upper Orinoco River drainage in Venezuela. The new species can be distinguished from sympatric and geographically proximate congeners by a postorbital notch that is inconspicuous, shallow and rounded, odontode ridges on the dorsum of head and predorsal weakly developed, abdominal plates tightly joined and completely covering the median abdominal space and pectoral girdle, higher anterior lateral plate counts, and coloration characteristics. The distribution of the new species adds to an interesting and well-documented biogeographical pattern exhibited by other Guiana Shield loricariids influenced by the proto-Berbice during the Cenozoic and recent configuration of drainages in the Guiana Shield. We present an update on the taxonomy of Loricaria, and discuss the biogeography and conservation status of the new species.  相似文献   

A revision of the species of the subfamily Achalcinae of the Neotropical region is presented. A new genus, Australachalcus gen. nov. , is erected based on the presence of six dorsocentral bristles and synapomorphies in the hypopygium. Eight new Achalcus species ( bilineatus , brevicornis , costaricensis , cyanocephalus , maculipennis , micromorphoides , niger , tibialis ) and eight new Australachalcus species ( acornis , browni , cummingi , incisicornis , pseudorobustus , robustus , setosus , variabilis ) are described, and Achalcus albipalpus Parent, A. brevinervis Van Duzee, A. longicornis Van Duzee and Enlinia edwardsae (Van Duzee) are newly referred to Australachalcus and redescribed. A key to males of all species and females of eight species is provided. One Palaearctic species, Achalcus melanotrichus Mik, and nine New Zealand Achalcus species ( chaetifemoratus , luteipes , medius , minor , minusculus , minutus , nigroscutatus , relictus , separatus ) described by Parent are also transferred to Australachalcus . In Neotropical Achalcinae, three Achalcus and more than four different Australachalcus species groups can be distinguished, whereas all Holarctic Achalcus species belong to the single A. flavicollis species group. In the Neotropics, Australachalcus is nearly entirely confined to Chile, whereas Achalcus is recorded from Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Chile, with no or little overlap in distribution between the separate species groups. Beyond Chile, most achalcine species treated here were collected at higher altitudes. Most Chilean species are only active during the southern summer, whereas in Costa Rica achalcine representatives are encountered throughout the year.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 27–73.  相似文献   

In order to test the congruence of genetic data to the morphologically defined Neotropical catfish genera Tympanopleura and Ageneiosus and explore species diversity, we generated 17 DNA barcodes from five of six species of Tympanopleura and 12 of 13 species of Ageneiosus. To discriminate limits between species, an automatic barcode gap discovery (ABGD), a generalised mixed yule-coalescent model (GYMC) and fixed distance thresholds Kimura two-parameter (K2P; 3%) were used to discriminate putative species limits from the DNA barcodes. The ABGD, GMYC and K2P methods agreed by each generating 13 clusters: six in Tympanopleura (five nominal plus one undescribed species) and seven in Ageneiosus. These clusters corresponded broadly to the described species, except in the case of the Ageneiosus ucayalensis group (A. akamai, A. dentatus, A. intrusus, A. ucayalensis, A. uranophthalmus and A. vittatus). Haplotype sharing and low divergences may have prevented molecular methods from distinguishing these species. We hypothesise that this is the result of a recent radiation of a sympatric species group distributed throughout the Amazon Basin. One putative new species of Tympanopleura was also supported by the molecular data. These results taken together highlight the utility of molecular methods such as DNA barcoding in understanding patterns of diversification across large geographic areas and in recognising overlooked diversity.  相似文献   

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