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To determine the role of the sea urchin egg plasma membrane in the species-specificity of fertilization, the ability of denuded activated eggs to be heterospecifically refertilized was determined. Our initial studies included evaluating the effectiveness of three commonly used methods of vitelline envelope (VE) removal using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies directed against the VE. Unfertilized Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs were extracted with 0.01 M dithiothreitol (DTT) for 3 min or digested with 1.0 mg/ml pronase for 1 hr. Eggs were also fertilized, then diluted into a divalent-free medium to produce thin, elevated envelopes (VE*s) that were mechanically removed by sieving the eggs through nylon mesh. We found that both DTT extraction and pronase digestion were not completely effective in VE removal, and mechanical removal methods gave rise to a mixed population of eggs, those that had their VEs removed and those with a collapsed envelope that was not detectable at the light microscope level. Therefore, a new method of VE removal was developed. Eggs with VE*s were prepared followed by treatment with 0.01 M DTT to solubilize the envelopes. Nearly 100% of the denuded activated eggs incorporated one or more homologous and heterologous sperm, suggesting that the egg plasma membrane does not function in determining the species-specificity of fertilization.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C from sea urchin eggs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Protein kinase C is considered to be ubiquitous in tissues and organs; however, its isolation and characterization have been principally with adult mammalian tissues. 2. There is increasing evidence for the importance of this enzyme during early development. 3. In this study, protein kinase C has been identified and partially characterized in cytosolic fraction from sea urchin eggs. 4. The enzyme was resolved from other protein kinase activities by ion exchange chromatography. 5. Phosphatidylserine and Ca2+ were required for protein kinase C to be active. 6. Diacylglycerol and phorbol ester enhanced the activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The adult body plan of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is established within the imaginal rudiment during the larval stages. To facilitate the study of these stages, we have defined a larval staging scheme, which consists of seven stages: Stage I, four-arm stage; Stage II, eight-arm stage; Stage III, vestibular invagination stage; Stage IV, rudiment initiation stage; Stage V, pentagonal disc stage; Stage VI, advanced rudiment stage; and Stage VI, tube-foot protrusion stage. Each stage is characterized by significant morphological features observed for the first time at that stage. This scheme is intended as a guide for determining the degree of larval development, and for identifying larval and adult structures. Larval anatomy was visualized using light and confocal microscopy as required on living material, whole mount fixed specimens, and serial sections. Antibody staining to localize specific gene products was also used. Detailed analysis of these data has furthered our understanding of the morphogenesis of the rudiment, and has suggested provocative questions regarding the molecular basis for these events. We intend this work to be of use to investigators studying gene expression and morphogenesis in postembryonic larvae.  相似文献   

11(R)-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid [11(R)-HETE] and 12(R)-HETE are biosynthesized by eggs of the sea urchin S. purpuratus. We report here the isolation of the 11(4)- and 12(R)-hydroperoxy-eicosanoids from incubations of the desalted 30-50%(NH4)2SO4 fraction of the egg homogenate; biosynthesis required the addition of calcium but not NADPH. Egg 11- and 12-HETE were formed from octadeuterated arachidonic acid without loss of geminal 2H from C11 or C12, thus revealing that 11- or 12-keto intermediates are not involved in the biosynthesis. The results support the conclusion that egg 11(R)- and 12(R)-HETE are synthesized by a lipoxygenase and not by an NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 monooxygenase mechanism.  相似文献   

The vitelline envelope (VE) is an extremely thin, acellular, proteinaceous coat that surrounds the extracellular surface of sea urchin eggs. Despite previous studies on VE composition, structure and function, our understanding of the envelope is still incomplete at the molecular level. We have isolated VE components from intact, unfertilized Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs by reduction with alkaline dithiothreitol-sea water solutions and have characterized the macromolecules by SDS-PAGE. There were eight major glycoprotein bands, including two high molecular weight components at 265 and 300 kDa, and several minor components. We have revealed, by lectin blot analysis, that most components contain mannose, while a subset of glycoproteins contain fucose and N -acetylglucosamine; galactose and sialic acid were also detected. The components in the VE preparations were compared with cell surface complex preparations by immunoblot analysis, using antisera against a VE preparation, a 305 kDa electrophoretically purified VE glycoprotein and an extracellular portion of the sea urchin egg recombinant 350 kDa sperm receptor. Serum against the recombinant sperm receptor reacted with a component of ∼350 kDa on blots, but did not react with the 300 kDa component found in VE preparations. Therefore, we suggest these two glycoproteins are not the same.  相似文献   

"Spiral asters" composed of swirls of subcortical microtubules were recently described in fertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. In our study, these structures did not occur at culture temperatures below 16 degrees C. When the culture temperature was elevated, however, "spiral asters" routinely appeared during a susceptible period before mitotic prophase when the sperm aster-diaster normally exists. A massive and protracted rotation of the cytoplasm (excluding an immobile cortex and perinuclear region) began within 1 min of exposure to elevated temperature. Fibrils of the "spiral aster" could be seen within this rotating mass even by bright-field microscopy. The identity of microtubules in these structures was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. A mechanistic association between "spiral aster" formation and cytoplasmic rotation was indicated by the simultaneous inhibitory effects of microtubule and dynein poisons. Inhibitors of microfilaments, however, had no effect. We infer that elevated temperature induces unique changes in the microtubules of the pre-prophase sperm aster-diaster, resulting in cytoplasmic rotation and the spiral configuration of microtubules. Comparative cytological evidence supports the idea that "spiral asters" do not normally occur in fertilized sea urchin eggs. Biogeographic evidence for S. purpuratus indicates that fertilization and development naturally occur below 15 degrees C, hence "spiral asters" in eggs of this species should be regarded as abnormalities induced in the laboratory by unnaturally elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Apoptosis provides metazoans remarkable developmental flexibility by (1) eliminating damaged undifferentiated cells early in development and then (2) sculpting, patterning, and restructuring tissues during successive stages thereafter. We show here that apoptotic programmed cell death is infrequent and not obligatory during early embryogenesis of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. During the first 30 h of urchin development, fewer than 20% of embryos exhibit any cell death. Cell death during the cleavage stages consists of necrotic or pathological cell death, while cell death during the blastula and gastrula stages is random and predominantly caspase-mediated apoptosis. Apoptosis remains infrequent during the late blastula stage followed by a gradual increase in frequency during gastrulation. Even after prolonged exposure during the cleavage period to chemical stress, apoptosis occurs in less than 50% of embryos and always around the pre-hatching stage. Embryonic suppression of apoptosis through caspase inhibition leads to functionally normal larvae that can survive to metamorphosis, but in the presence of inducers of apoptosis, caspase inhibition leads to deformed larvae and reduced survival. Remarkably, however, pharmacological induction of apoptosis, while reducing overall survival, also significantly accelerates development of the survivors such that metamorphosis occurs up to a week before controls.  相似文献   

Activity of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase was investigated in flagellar plasma membranes of sea urchin sperm (S. purpuratus). Membranes incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP showed in the presence of 1 microM cAMP an increased phosphorylation in multiple polypeptides. Half maximal response was seen at 0.6 microM of cAMP. In contrast, higher concentrations (100 microM) of cGMP were required to cause the same amount of protein phosphorylation. 80% of the protein kinase activity stimulatable by cAMP was resistant to extraction by 10 mM EGTA and sonication but it was entirely recovered in a detergent-solubilized fraction. Membranes pretreated with 200 microM cAMP, ultracentrifuged and resuspended in buffer solution did not undergo cAMP-stimulated phosphorylation in their polypeptides. This study demonstrates that flagellar plasma membranes isolated from S. purpuratus sea urchin sperm have an endogenous cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which may be bound to the membrane via its regulatory subunit.  相似文献   

The initiation of Ca(2+) release from internal stores in the egg is a hallmark of egg activation. In sea urchins, PLCgamma activity is necessary for the production of IP(3), which leads to the initial rise in Ca(2+). To examine the possible function of a tyrosine kinase in activating PLCgamma at fertilization, sea urchin eggs were treated with the specific Src kinase inhibitor PP1 or microinjected with recombinant Src-family SH2-domain proteins, which act as dominant interfering inhibitors of Src-family kinase function. Both modes of inhibiting Src-family kinases resulted in a specific and dose-dependent delay in the onset of Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum at fertilization. The rise in cytoplasmic pH at fertilization also was inhibited by microinjection of Src-family SH2-domain proteins. Further, an antibody directed against Src-type kinases recognized a protein of ca. M(r) 57K that was enriched in the membrane fraction of eggs. The kinase activity of this protein was stimulated rapidly and transiently at fertilization, as measured by autophosphorylation and by phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate. Together, these data indicate that a Src-type tyrosine kinase is necessary for the initiation of Ca(2+) release from the egg ER at fertilization and identify a Src-type p57 protein as a candidate in the signaling pathway leading to this Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

Eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were examined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy for tubulin-containing structures at intervals from fertilization through first cleavage. The staining revealed that the monaster is made up not only of the sperm aster but also of tubulin-staining fibers originating elsewhere in the egg. The monaster does not divide directly but is broken down first before the amphiaster or interphase asters begin to form. The interphase asters reach a peak of development at the streak stage and are in turn broken down before the formation of the mitotic apparatus. The breakdown of the monaster, interphase asters, as well as the asters of the mitotic apparatus proceeds from the cell center or aster centers to the periphery of the cell and is followed by growth of new asters, also proceeding outward from the aster centers. The pattern suggests a transient wavelike movement of some condition, or factor, which favors microtubule depolymerization.  相似文献   

Chromatin was isolated from spermatozoa of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The isolated chromatin shows less absorptivity ratio of 230 nm : 260 nm and possesses less protein than does embryonic chromatin. The ratio of histone : DNA is 1.02; nonhistone : DNA 0.13; RNA : DNA 0.04. Sperm chromatin melts in two steps with Tms 70°C and 84°C in 2.5 × 10−4, M EDTA in contrast to embryonic chromatin with a single Tm = 72°C. Disc electrophoresis of basic proteins of sperm revealed one minor component with extremely fast mobility and three major components. The one with the slowest mobility is characteristic of sperm. The embryo has in turn its characteristic histone which also migrated slowly in disc electrophoresis. Both of these unique histone fractions are selectively extracted from chromatin by 5% perchloric acid. Amino acid analyses of these chromatographically purified unique fractions show that both contain a large amount of lysine, while that from sperm, in addition, contains also a large amount of arginine. Minimal molecular weights of 33,000 for sperm and 16,200 for embryo unique histone were estimated from these analyses. Sperm chromatin supports a level of RNA synthesis in vitro with exogeneously supplied RNA polymerase about 2% that of the corresponding free DNA.  相似文献   

H W Detrich  L Wilson 《Biochemistry》1983,22(10):2453-2462
Tubulin was purified from unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by chromatography of an egg supernatant fraction on DEAE-Sephacel or DEAE-cellulose followed by cycles of temperature-dependent microtubule assembly and disassembly in vitro. After two assembly cycles, the microtubule protein consisted of the alpha- and beta-tubulins (greater than 98% of the protein) and trace quantities of seven proteins with molecular weights less than 55 000; no associated proteins with molecular weights greater than tubulin were observed. When analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on urea-polyacrylamide gradient gels, the alpha- and beta-tubulins did not precisely comigrate with their counterparts from bovine brain. Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that urchin egg tubulin contained two major alpha-tubulins and a single major beta species. No oligomeric structures were observed in tubulin preparations maintained at 0 degrees C. Purified egg tubulin assembled efficiently into microtubules when warmed to 37 degrees C in a glycerol-free polymerization buffer containing guanosine 5'-triphosphate. The critical concentration for assembly of once- or twice-cycled egg tubulin was 0.12-0.15 mg/mL. Morphologically normal microtubules were observed by electron microscopy, and these microtubules were depolymerized by exposure to low temperature or to podophyllotoxin. Chromatography of a twice-cycled egg tubulin preparation on phosphocellulose did not alter its protein composition and did not affect its subsequent assembly into microtubules. At concentrations above 0.5-0.6 mg/mL, a concentration-dependent "overshoot" in turbidity was observed during the assembly reaction. These results suggest that egg tubulin assembles into microtubules in the absence of the ring-shaped oligomers and microtubule-associated proteins that characterize microtubule protein from vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

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