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Metridia longa (Lubbock) has an annual life cycle in Balsfjorden (69°21'N:19°06'E) with spawning occurring from early to mid-May. Development through copepodite stages I-V takes place during summer. At the end of August copepodite stage V accounted for >80% of the population. Overwintering (October-March) was mainly performed by adults. At noon throughout the year copepodite stage V and adults were found within the bottom 30 m of the fjord. The majority of stage IV occurred within the bottom 80 m, while copepodite stages I-III were mainly concentrated within the surface 50 m. Body length, weight, carbon and nitrogen content, and CN ratio were determined for copepodite stage V, adult males and females throughout the year. While body length was constant, weight and C and N content varied with season. Lowest CN ratios (4–6) were found in copepodite stage V in July and in adults in late winter. Highest CN ratios (16–20) were measured in adults from October through early winter. These results are discussed in relation to the life cycle of M. longa and the primary production cycle of the fjord. It is argued that M. longa overwinters in an active state compared with Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) from the same locality.  相似文献   

The generation cycles of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) are described together with the seasonal variations in length, wet wt, dry wt, carbon content, nitrogen content and CN ratio in copepodite stage IV, V and stage VI males and females from Balsfjorden (69°21′N: 19°06′E), a subarctic fjord in northern Norway. C. finmarchicus overwinters in copepodite stage IV (≈ 20%) or V (≈80%) and produces one generation a year. Variations in body weight and body content of carbon and nitrogen in the different copepodite stages showed a pronounced seasonal pattern. For instance, the CN ratio was lowest (4.9) in adult females during the spawning period. Copepodite stage IV and V had higher CN values in summer and autumn (12 to 14) than in spring (8 to 10). Variations in length, weight and chemical composition revealed that the overwintering stock of C. finmarchicus went through two growth phases during this period. From September to January no significant changes in the measured variables were detected. During the second phase of the overwintering period, January to April, the different stages showed a profound decrease in weight and change in chemical composition. This seemed to be connected with the onset of sexual differentiation in stage V starting in January, subsequent moulting into adults and gonad maturation in these adults. These results are further discussed in relation to the different prevailing hypotheses concerning overwintering strategy in Calanus species.  相似文献   

The ultimate rate of approach to equilibrium in the infinite stepping-stone model is calculated. The analysis is restricted to a single locus in the absence of selection, and every mutant is assumed to be new to the population. Let f(t, x) be the probability that two homologous genes separated by the vector x in generation t are the same allele. It is supposed that f(0, x) = O(x?2?η), η > 0, as x ≡ ¦ x ¦ → ∞. In the absence of mutation, f(t, x) tends to unity at the rate t?12 in one dimension and (ln t)?1 in two dimensions. Thus, the loss of genetic variability in two dimensions is so slow that evolutionary forces not considered in this model would supervene long before a two-dimensional natural population became completely homogeneous. If the mutation rate, u, is not zero f(t, x) asymptotically approaches equilibrium at the rate (1 ? u)2tt?32 in one dimension and (1 ? u)2tt?1(lnt)?2 in two dimensions. Integral formulas are presented for the spatial dependence of the deviation of f(t, x) from its stationary value as t → ∞, and for large separations this dependence is shown to be (const + x) in one dimension and (const + ln x) in two dimensions. All the results are the same for the Malécot model of a continuously distributed population provided the number of individuals per colony is replaced by the population density. The relatively slow algebraic and logarithmic rates of convergence for the infinite habitat contrast sharply with the exponential one for a finite habitat.  相似文献   

Yolk sac-derived teratomas are composed of various well-differentiated tissues. These tissues must be derived from multipotent cells. To exclude a germ cell origin for these teratomas we used Steel-Sl+ females copulated with Sl+ males. The embryos generated from such mating comprise 25% SlSl sterile embryos, deficient in primordial germ cells, 25% normal embryos (+/+), and 50% heterozygotes (Sl+). The results indicate that the genotype of the embryos does not influence the development of teratomas. Displaced yolks sacs belonging to genetically sterile embryos developed into teratomas as frequently as those from heterozygotes and from genetically normal embryos.  相似文献   

The one-dimensional linear homogeneous stepping stone migration structure is an important model in that it represents a short-range migration extreme for geographically structured populations and also serves as the underlying discretespace model for much of the work on continuous-space clines. We examine conditions for the protection of an allele under a stepping stone migration structure by using a recursive method based on Sturm sequences. Necessary and sufficient conditions for protection of an allele are found for a generalized step-cline selection gradient, which is the selection scheme used in much of the early cline work. Sufficient conditions for the protection of an allele are also found for (i) an advantageous patch at the stepping stone boundary which is followed by an arbitrary selection gradient, and for (ii) an advantageous patch embedded within an otherwise arbitrary selection gradient. We let m be the migration rate between neighboring demes. If within the advantageous patch WAaWaa = 1 + s, then for (i) s ? m(1 ? m) is sufficient to protect allele A, even if the patch consists of only a single deme, while for (ii) s ? 2m(1 ? 2m) guarantees that a single deme will protect A. If the advantageous patch consists of k demes, each with WAaWaa = 1 + s, then s ? (π24)mk2 is sufficient for protection of A in (i), while s ? π2mk2 is sufficient for protection of A in (ii). Sufficient conditions for a protected polymorphism are found, and a bound on the level of migration is determined, below which a protected polymorphism exists, as predicted from Karlin and McGregor's (1972. Theor. Pop. Biol.3, 186–209, 210–238) small parameter results. Finally, our patch swamping conditions (protection of an allele given a single advantageous patch) are compared to Nagylaki's (1975. Genetics80, 595–615) conditions for the existence of continuous-space clines under analogous selection schemes and are shown to be identical for the two specific cases examined. We also discuss extensions of some of the above results to circular stepping stone migration structures.  相似文献   

For a sex-linked recessive lethal disease, a model is constructed to study reproductive compensation for having at least one normal male with partial cultural inheritance. The equilibrium frequency of heterozygous females depends on the probability that a female offspring of the compensating parents will not compensate, α, the probability that a female offspring of the non-compensating parents will compensate, β, and the mutation rate, u. When α = 0, the equilibrium frequency of heterozygous females is given by √2u, whereas when α ≠ 0 it is given by 2[{β +(2α + β) (α + β)}/{α(α + β)}]u.Then, the proportion of affected males due to fresh mutations is much smaller than Haldane's estimate of 13 without reproductive compensation.  相似文献   

Treadmilling of actin was investigated at physiological salt concentrations (100 mm-KCl, 0.5 to 2.0 mm-MgCl2, 200 μm-ethyleneglycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)N,N′-tetraacetic acid or 50 μm-CaCl2 at 37 °C. The concentration at which monomers bind to the lengthening end of filaments with the same rate as subunits are released (low critical concentration c1 was determined by mixing unmodified actin filaments with various concentrations of monomeric actin labeled with 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole. Above a monomeric actin concentration of about 0.12 μm, incorporation of actin molecules into filaments was detected, whereas below this concentration no incorporation was found (c1 = 0.12 μm). Combination of various concentrations of labeled monomers with labeled filaments permitted determination of the net critical concentration (c1) at which filaments lengthen at one end with the same rate as they shorten at the other end (c1 = 0.16 μm). A lower limit of the high critical concentration at the shortening end (ch) was estimated by measuring the release of subunits from labeled filaments in the presence of various concentrations of unlabeled monomers (ch >0.5 μm). The differences in the three critical concentrations demonstrate that under physiological conditions actin filaments lengthen at one end by, on the average, one subunit during the time that four association reactions take place at the two ends (efficiency parameters s = 14). The small difference between the low and the net critical concentration suggests that the rates of both association and dissociation are considerably greater at the lengthening end than at the shortening end of actin filaments.  相似文献   

Under the same solution conditions, the apparent weight average sedimentation coefficient, swa, and some quantities obtained from it can be combined with the equilibrium constant or constants, Ki, and the monomer concentration, cI, obtained from sedimentation equilibrium, light scattering or osmotic pressure experiments on the same self-associating solute, so that the individual sedimentation coefficients, si, of the self-associating species, and also the hydrodynamic concentration dependence parameter,g or g, can be evaluated. Using two different models for the hydrodynamic concentration parameter, four different methods are presented for the evaluation of the si's. Methods for evaluating g or g, once the si's are known, are presented. A method for obtaining the number average sedimentation coefficient, sN, and its application to self-associations is presented. Methods are shown for the evaluation of Z average properties, xzc, as well as number average properties,xNc, of a self-associating solute from its weight average properties, xwc.  相似文献   

Male rats received Silastic implants of the aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3, 17-dione (ATD), on days 2–10 of life. Controls received blank implants. There were no differences in the masculine sexual behavior of ATD and control males when they were tested as gonadally intact adults. In contrast, even without exogenous hormone treatment, nine of 14 ATD males exhibited lordosis behavior, whereas only one of 12 controls did so. In addition, during a sexual preference test in which access was provided to both a sexually receptive female and to a stud male, there was no difference in the proportions of ATD (1114) and control (712) males that copulated with the stimulus female; however, seven of the ATD males also exhibited feminine sexual behavior including some instances of solicitation. Only one of the control males showed any lordosis behavior. In general, all animals spent more time with the stimulus female than with the stud male. At the termination of preference testing, all animals were castrated and then tested twice for feminine sexual behavior under exogenous estradiol benzoate and progesterone. All of the ATD males showed lordosis behavior with a mean lordosis quotient (LQ) of 85; and 11 of the 14 also showed solicitation behavior. Only five of 12 control males exhibited lordosis (X?LQ = 59) and only one showed solicitation behavior. These results indicate that the propensity of males to show feminine sexual behavior can be manipulated independently of the capacity for masculine sexual behavior. Moreover, our results suggest that the process of defeminization may occur primarily postnatally in rats since treatment during that period results in substantial increments in later feminine sexual behavior including solicitation behaviors.  相似文献   

Statistically significant (P < 0.05) thyroid hyperactivity (131I% uptakes) occurs on certain days in Plasmodium berghei infected C3H mice. Male mice thyroid glands are made more hyperactive by the malaria than the female glands. Hyperactive thyroid glands may be at least one cause of hypocholesterolemia in plasmodium-infected rodents. Thyroid hyperplasia was found only in experimental mice (620 males; 820 females). A hyperactive thyroid gland appears to be an unreported aspect of experimental acute P. berghei infections in mice. The hyperthyroidism may be due to possible toxic substances acting either directly on the thyroid gland, or indirectly on the hypothalamus affecting TSH production.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have been used to study the distribution of several proteins in cleavage and blastoderm stages of Drosophila melanogaster. These antigens are known to be associated with hnRNA-containing particles in tissue culture cells. Protein blotting shows that they are present in the embryo 1 hr after egg deposition. A redistribution from the cytoplasm into the somatic nuclei can be observed during developmental stage 1213, one stage prior to the formation of the cellular blastoderm. Yolk nuclei become stained by these antibodies at about the same time. The shift into pole cell nuclei, however, occurs 112 hr later, during the migration of these cells into the posterior midgut rudiment.  相似文献   

Adult male mice were given gonadal doses of 0–1200 rad acute X-irradiation and mated the same day. 531 sons, conceived within a week of the treatment, were tested for fertility and their testes examined cytologically for chromosome aberrations in spermatocytes. 5557 of those diagnosed as semi-sterile and 3540 of those diagnosed as sterile were judged to be heterozygous for one or more reciprocal translocations. Numbers of 0, 1, 2… translocations per mouse showed a good fit to a Poisson distribution, in contrast to previous findings with spermatogonial irradiation. Although the dose response fitted a linear relationship, the power law equation of best fit had a dose-exponent of 1.41. Further analysis along similar lines to those used previously in Drosophila by Catcheside, Lea and Haldane, which assumed random rejoining of breaks and direct proportionality between dosage and number of breaks, gave a close fit between the actural results and those expected if αq = 2.8·103?/rad, where α is the mean number of breaks per nucleus and q is the proportion which rejoin or restitute. By combining these data with those for litter-size reduction in F1 (taken as a measure of induced dominant lethality) α was estimated to be 3.4 × 10?3 per rad. When compared with the value of 0.8 × 10?3 per rad obtained in Drosophila by Haldane and Lea, this suggested that mouse haploid nuclei are more radiosensitive to chromosome breakage than Drosophila haploid nuclei by a factor of about 4. The mean number of implants per pregnant female mated to cytologically abnormal males was about 15% lower than with normal males. This pre-implantation loss was thought to be mainly the result of a reduction in the rate of fertilization in this group rather than to early death of unbalanced zygotes. There was no evidence for the induction of any undetected types of chromosomal aberration or gene mutation which could cause intrauterine death in the progeny of F1 males.  相似文献   

Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) from pig heart and pig skeletal muscle can be reversibly dissociated into monomers at high hydrostatic pressure. The reaction can be quantitatively filled by a reversible consecutive dissociation-unfolding mechanism according to Na = 4M ? 4M* (where N is the native letramer, and M and M* two different conformations of the monomer) (K. Müller, et al., Biophys. Chem. 14 (1981) 101). At P ? 1 kbar, the pressure deactivalion of both isoenzymes (H4 and M4) is described by the two-state equilibrium N ? 4M. From the respective equilibrium constant and the temperature and pressure dependence of the change in free energy, the thermodynamic parameters of the dissociation/deactivation may be determined, e.g., for LDH-M4: ΔgDiss = 110 kJmol, ΔSDiss = ?860 J/K per mol, ΔHDiss = ?124 kJmol (enzyme concentration 10 μgml, in Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.6, I = 0.16 M, 293 K, 0.8 kbar); the dissociation volume is found to be ΔVDiss = ?420 mlmol (0.7 < p < 0.9 kbar). Measurements using 8-anilino-1-naphlhalenesulfonic acid (ANS) as extrinsic fluorophore demonstrate that the occurrence of hydrophobic surface area upon dissociation parallels the decrease in reactivation yield after pressurizarion beyond 1 kbar. Within the range of reversible deactivation (p < 1 kbar) no increase in ANS fluorescence is detectable, thus indicating compensatory effects in the process of subunit dissociation. 2H2O is found to stabilize the enzyme towards pressure dissociation, in accordance with the involvement of hydrophobic interactions in the subunit contact of both isoenzymes of LDH.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase prepared from bovine erythrocytes yields small, but well-ordered plate-like crystals. X-ray investigation shows them to belong to monoclinic space group C2. Unit cell dimensions are: a = 90.4 A?, b = 109.5 A?, c = 58.6 A?, β = 99 ° ± 15 min. The crystal density is ?c = 1.36 ± 0.02 g.cm?3. Consequently, the asymmetric unit of the crystal cell is occupied by one tetrameric molecule of Mr 84,000. Matthew's (1968) parameter ΓM is calculated to be 1.71 Å3/dalton.  相似文献   

15N-enriched poly(l-alanines) of various molecular weights were prepared from l-alanine-N-carboxyanhydride (l-Ala-NCA) and their helix/coil equilibrium in trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) investigated by means of 40.5 MHz 15N nuclear magneic resonance (n.m.r.), 22.3 MHz 13C n.m.r. and circular dichroism (c.d.) spectra. The 15N n.m.r. spectra exhibit at least three peaks, and the dependence of their intensities on molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and temperature, as well as dynamic nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements, indicate that the high-field peak represents the helix fraction. All three spectroscopic methods agree that a helix→coil transition takes place with decreasing concentration. Furthermore, poly(l-alanines) containing d-alanine or glycine in various mole ratios were synthesizsed by copolymerizations of N-carboxyanhydrides (NCAs). The 15N n.m.r. spetra demonstrate that one d-Ala unit per 100 l-Ala units suffices to affect significantly the helix/coil equilibrium in TFA. In other words, the helix content under equilibrium conditions is highly sensitive to racemization. Furthermore, 13 C n.m.r. cross-polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) spectra demonstrate that the presence of d-Ala units also affects the α-helix content in the solid state.  相似文献   

The phenotype of axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) homozygous for the mutant gene e (“eyeless”) is different from normal in that (1) no optic vesicles develop in ee embryos, (2) ee larvae from posthatching onward are darker than normal white larvae, and (3) fully grown ee animals are sterile.Experiments reported here show that eyelessness in ee embryos results from a direct effect of the gene on presumptive forebrain ectoderm; not on the mesoderm that induces the ectoderm to form eyes. Homotopic grafts of normal presumptive ectoderm on ee blastula hosts differentiated complete eyes, but reciprocally grafted embryos were always eyeless. Similarly, grafts of either ee or normal presumptive prechordal mesoderm into normal hosts gave normal eyes, but in the mutant hosts no eyes developed. Thus the e gene affects only the ectodermal component of the inductive system for eye formation.Genetically eyeless (pigmented) cells, when interspersed prior to gastrulation among genetically eyed (albino) cells in the eye preprimordium, are induced to form clones of pigmented retinal epithelium in the albino host eye.The sterility of ee larvae appears also to be due to a direct effect of the e gene on the ectodermal (neural plate) primordium of the hypothalamus. Grafts of normal cells which included the hypothalamic, but not the optic or anterior pituitary primordia, always restored fertility to ee recipients.The mutant pigmentation phenotype was demonstrated to be a consequence of eyelessness and, therefore, an indirect effect of the gene. The pigment pattern of normal embryos from which both optic vesicles were removed resembles that of the mutants. In addition, implantation of a single full-sized, functional eye was able to restore the normal pigmentation, but not fertility, to ee recipients.  相似文献   

Research on sterile mosquito technology from 1955 to the 1980s provided a substantial body of knowledge on propagation and release of sterile mosquitoes. Radiation sterilisation and chemosterilisation have been used effectively to induce dominant lethality and thereby sterilise important mosquito vectors in the laboratory. Experimental releases of chemosterilised males provided complete control of Anopheles albimanus in a small breeding population (14-15 sq km) in El Salvador. Releases of radiation sterilised males failed to control either Aedes aegypti or Anopheles quadrimaculatus in the USA. Releases of radiation-sterilised and chemosterilised male Culex quinquefasciatus in the USA and India were successful in some instances. Development of genetic sexing systems for Anopheles and improved physical separation methods for Culex have made it possible to rear and release males almost exclusively (> 99%) minimizing the release of potential vectors, the females. Factors that affected efficacy in some field programmes included reduction of competitiveness by radiation, immigration of fertilized females from outside the release zones, and inability of laboratory-bred males to perform in the wild. Despite significant progress, institutional commitments to carry the process further were generally lacking in the late 1970s and until recently. Now, with renewed interest and support for further assessment of this technology, this paper summarizes the current knowledge base, prioritizes some areas of investigation, and challenges scientists and administrators to maintain an awareness of progress, remain realistic about the interpretation of new findings, and make decisions about the sterile insect technique on the basis of informed scientific documentation. Areas recommended for priority research status include the establishment of genetic sexing mechanisms that can be transferred to other mosquito species, re-examination of radiation sterilisation, aerial release technology and mass rearing.  相似文献   

The 1.672 g/cm3 satellite DNA of Drosophila melanogaster was purified by successive equilibrium centrifugations in a CsCl gradient, an actinomycin DCsCl gradient, and a netropsin sulfate/CsCl gradient. The resulting DNA was homogeneous by the physical criteria of thermal denaturation, renaturation kinetics and equilibrium banding in each of the gradients listed above. In addition, the complementary strands could be separated in an alkaline CsCl gradient. Despite this rigorous purification procedure, nucleotide sequence analysis indicates the presence of two different DNA species in this satellite, poly A-A-T-A-TT-T-A-T-A and polyA-A-T-A-T-A-TT-T-A-T-A-T-A. Further physical, chemical and template properties of the isolated complementary strands demonstrate that these two repeating sequences are not interspersed with each other. This result has biological significance since sequences of this particular satellite are known to be located primarily on two different chromosomes, Y and 2. These results further suggest that the sequence heterogeneity observed in satellite DNA of higher eukaryotes may result from mixtures of very closely related but molecularly homogeneous repeated sequences each restricted to a particular chromosome or chromosomal region.  相似文献   

This experiment examined the possibility that endogenous embryonic androgen contributes to sexual differentiation of behaviour in male or female quail (Coturnixcoturnixjaponica), and that it does so via aromatization (conversion to oestrogen). Eggs were injected on day 9 of incubation with oil or ATD (an aromatization inhibitor). As adults, males and females were exposed to short days, injected with testosterone propionate, tested for male-typical behaviour, then injected with oestradiol benzoate and tested for female-typical receptivity. ATD increased the level of male-typical copulatory behaviour in males. Male-typical behaviour in females was not affected, nor was female-typical behaviour in either sex. Thus normal male quail are actually slightly demasculinized by their own androgen during embryonic development, and this process is mediated by aromatization.  相似文献   

New data have been collected on the crystalline structure of collagen fibrils in tendon. The unit cell in decrimped tendon has been determined by measurements of the Bragg reflections in the X-ray diffraction pattern. The results are consistent with a triclinic cell with b = 75.5 A?, β = 93 °, a = bsinβ, a = 90 °, c = n × 668 A?, where n is probably 4 and γ = 90 °. A selection rule observed for prominent reflections is explicable either in terms of a specific orientation of the microfibrils on the lattice, or by a helical distortion of the microfibril axis. The cell parameter β can be varied by changing the ionic envirionment.  相似文献   

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