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Present understanding of the control of animal cell proliferation is summarized briefly. Major gaps in present knowledge are listed. Models of growth control are discussed.  相似文献   

Common infection strategies of plant and animal pathogenic bacteria   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Gram-negative bacterial pathogens use common strategies to invade and colonize plant and animal hosts. In many species, pathogenicity depends on a highly conserved type-III protein secretion system that delivers effector proteins into the eukaryotic cell. Effector proteins modulate a variety of host cellular pathways, such as rearrangements of the cytoskeleton and defense responses. The specific set of effectors varies in different bacterial species, but recent studies have revealed structural and functional parallels between some effector proteins from plant and animal pathogenic bacteria. These findings suggest that bacterial pathogens target similar pathways in plant and animal host cells.  相似文献   

Clonal anergy is maintained independently of T cell proliferation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ag encounter in the absence of proliferation results in the establishment of T cell unresponsiveness, also known as T cell clonal anergy. Anergic T cells fail to proliferate upon restimulation because of the inability to produce IL-2 and to properly regulate the G(1) cell cycle checkpoint. Because optimal TCR and CD28 engagement can elicit IL-2-independent cell cycle progression, we investigated whether CD3/CD28-mediated activation of anergic T cells could overcome G(1) cell cycle block, drive T cell proliferation, and thus reverse clonal anergy. We show here that although antigenic stimulation fails to elicit G(1)-to-S transition, anti-CD3/CD28 mAbs allow proper cell cycle progression and proliferation of anergic T cells. However, CD3/CD28-mediated cell division does not restore Ag responsiveness. Our data instead indicate that reversal of clonal anergy specifically requires an IL-2-dependent, rapamycin-sensitive signal, which is delivered independently of cell proliferation. Thus, by tracing proliferation and Ag responsiveness of individual cells, we show that whereas both TCR/CD28 and IL-2-generated signals can drive T cell proliferation, only IL-2/IL-2R interaction regulates Ag responsiveness, indicating that proliferation and clonal anergy can be independently regulated.  相似文献   

Null mutations in the Drosophila Kinesin heavy chain gene (Khc), which are lethal during the second larval instar, have shown that conventional kinesin is critical for fast axonal transport in neurons, but its functions elsewhere are uncertain. To test other tissues, single imaginal cells in young larvae were rendered null for Khc by mitotic recombination. Surprisingly, the null cells produced large clones of adult tissue. The rates of cell proliferation were not reduced, indicating that conventional kinesin is not essential for cell growth or division. This suggests that in undifferentiated cells vesicle transport from the Golgi to either the endoplasmic reticulum or the plasma membrane can proceed at normal rates without conventional kinesin. In adult eye clones produced by null founder cells, there were some defects in differentiation that caused mild ultrastructural changes, but they were not consistent with serious problems in the positioning or transport of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, or vesicles. In contrast, defective cuticle deposition by highly elongated Khc null bristle shafts suggests that conventional kinesin is critical for proper secretory vesicle transport in some cell types, particularly ones that must build and maintain long cytoplasmic extensions. The ubiquity and evolutionary conservation of kinesin heavy chain argue for functions in all cells. We suggest interphase organelle movements away from the cell center are driven by multilayered transport mechanisms; that is, individual organelles can use kinesin-related proteins and myosins, as well as conventional kinesin, to move toward the cell periphery. In this case, other motors can compensate for the loss of conventional kinesin except in cells that have extremely long transport tracks.  相似文献   

Summary A thermodynamic model of particle adhesion from a suspension onto a solid surface is used to predict the extent of adhesion of suspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells to the following polymer substrates: fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), sulphonated polystyrene (SPS), and glass. According to this model, the extent of adhesion is determined by the surface tensions of the plant cells, the polymer substrates, and the suspending liquid medium. Experimentally, adhesion of the washed plant cells was found to decrease with increasing substrate surface tension, following the sequence FEP>PS>PET>SPS>glass, when the surface tension of the liquid was greater than that of the plant cells, in agreement with the model. However, adhesion increased with increasing substrate surface tension when the liquid surface tension was lower than the cellular surface tension, also in agreement with the model. When the liquid and cellular tensions were equal the extent of adhesion was independent of the substrate surface tension. This also agrees with model predictions and leads to a value for the surface tension of C. roseus cells of approximately 54 ergs/cm2 which is in agreement with a value obtained from contact angle measurements on layers of cells and sedimentation volume analysis. The cellular surface tension determined by the sedimentation volume method showed a biphasic alteration during growth cycles of C. roseus cell cultures. These variations (between 55 and 58 ergs/cm2) agree with the pattern of adhesion previously described.  相似文献   

寡营养细菌及其在环境科学中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
寡营养细菌是生存在寡营养环境中的一类细菌,其多样性与生物量在整个生物圈组成中都具有较大的优势,因而在生物地球化学循环中发挥着重要作用.从20世纪80年代开始,寡营养细菌在自然或人为环境中的寡营养机制、对饥饿的生理反应以及在生态系统中的作用一直是微生物生态学研究的前沿领域之一,其理论价值与应用前景已受到各国微生物生态学家与环境科学家们的广泛重视.本文综述了寡营养细菌的基本概念、营养类型、生理生态特性、可能的寡营养机制、主要研究方法以及在医学细菌检测和环境重金属监测中的应用等,并指出了寡营养细菌在环境科学中的应用前景.  相似文献   

The addition of the organophosphorous plant growth regulator Melaphen (4 × 10?12 M) to the incubation medium increases the maximum rate of oxidation of NAD-dependent substrates in rat liver and sugar beet root mitochondria. In addition, Melaphen stimulates electron transport during oxidation of succinate by rat liver mitochondria, but has no effect on the rate of this substrate oxidation in sugar beet root mitochondria. In storage organs of plants, the rate of oxidation of NAD-dependent substrates by mitochondria is relatively low. By stimulating the activity of NAD-dependent dehydrogenases, Melaphen stimulates energy metabolism in the cells and manifests adaptogenic activity by accelerating the germination of seeds. Melaphen does not influence the fluorescence of lipid peroxidation (LPO) products in mitochondria non-exposed to stress, but decreases 1.5–2 fold the LPO fluorescence in rat liver mitochondria exposed to cold stress and artificially “aged” sugar beet root mitochondria. Besides, Melaphen increases the rate of electron transport in a terminal site of respiratory chains of plant and animal mitochondria and decreases LPO. The data obtained testify to antistress activity of Melaphen.  相似文献   

Lysosomes are the major cell digestive organelles that were discovered over 50 years ago. They contain a number of hydrolases that help them to degrade intracellular and extracellular material delivered. Among the hydrolases, the cathepsins, a group of proteases enclosed in the lysosomes, have a major role. About a decade ago, the cathepsins were found to participate in apoptosis. Following their release into the cytosol, they cleave Bid and degrade antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, thereby triggering the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, with the lysosomal membrane permeabilization being the critical step in this pathway. Lysosomal dysfunction is linked with several diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, thereby providing a potential for therapeutic applications. In this review lysosomes and lysosomal proteases involvement in apoptosis and their possible pharmaceutical targeting are discussed.  相似文献   

Twelve endophytic bacteria were isolated from the meristem of in vitro Cymbidium eburneum orchid, and screened according to indole yield quantified by colorimetric assay, in vitro phosphate solubilization, and potential for plant growth promotion under greenhouse conditions. Eight strains with positive results were classified into the genus Paenibacillus by FAME profile, and evaluated for their ability to increase survival and promote the growth of in vitro germinated Cattleya loddigesii seedlings during the acclimatization process. The obtained results showed that all strains produced detectable indole levels and did not exhibit potential for solubilizing inorganic phosphate. Particularly, an increase of the total biomass and number of leaves was observed. Two strains of Paenibacillus macerans promoted plant growth under greenhouse conditions. None of the treatments had a deleterious effect on growth of inoculated plants. These results suggest that these bacterial effects could be potentially useful to promote plant growth during seedling acclimatization in orchid species other than the species of origin.  相似文献   

The clinical manipulation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) represents a promising strategy for the regulation of unwanted immune responses. It is now becoming clear that Tregs exert multiple effects on different cell targets under particular conditions; however, the interplay between these different factors remains unclear. Using mouse Tregs of known Ag specificity, we report in this study two different levels of Treg-mediated suppression: one that targets T cell proliferation and one that targets dendritic cell-mediated proinflammatory chemokine (CCL3 and CCL4) production. These two effects can be dissociated, and whereas modulation of T cell proliferation depends on the strength of the antigenic stimulus, modulation of chemokine production by dendritic cells does not. We also provide evidence that the bystander effect of Tregs on immune responses observed in vivo may be in great part explained by a decrease in the recruitment of target T cells, and therefore in the magnitude of the response, rather than by a direct effect on their priming or proliferation. Overall, our results shed some light on the different aspects that need to be considered when attempting to modulate Tregs for clinical purposes.  相似文献   

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