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Recent segmental and gene duplications in the mouse genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文


The high quality of the mouse genome draft sequence and its associated annotations are an invaluable biological resource. Identifying recent duplications in the mouse genome, especially in regions containing genes, may highlight important events in recent murine evolution. In addition, detecting recent sequence duplications can reveal potentially problematic regions of the genome assembly. We use BLAST-based computational heuristics to identify large (≥ 5 kb) and recent (≥ 90% sequence identity) segmental duplications in the mouse genome sequence. Here we present a database of recently duplicated regions of the mouse genome found in the mouse genome sequencing consortium (MGSC) February 2002 and February 2003 assemblies.


We determined that 33.6 Mb of 2,695 Mb (1.2%) of sequence from the February 2003 mouse genome sequence assembly is involved in recent segmental duplications, which is less than that observed in the human genome (around 3.5-5%). From this dataset, 8.9 Mb (26%) of the duplication content consisted of 'unmapped' chromosome sequence. Moreover, we suspect that an additional 18.5 Mb of sequence is involved in duplication artifacts arising from sequence misassignment errors in this genome assembly. By searching for genes that are located within these regions, we identified 675 genes that mapped to duplicated regions of the mouse genome. Sixteen of these genes appear to have been duplicated independently in the human genome. From our dataset we further characterized a 42 kb recent segmental duplication of Mater, a maternal-effect gene essential for embryogenesis in mice.


Our results provide an initial analysis of the recently duplicated sequence and gene content of the mouse genome. Many of these duplicated loci, as well as regions identified to be involved in potential sequence misassignment errors, will require further mapping and sequencing to achieve accuracy. A Genome Browser database was set up to display the identified duplication content presented in this work. This data will also be relevant to the growing number of investigators who use the draft genome sequence for experimental design and analysis.

Diploid genomes with divergent chromosomes present special problems for assembly software as two copies of especially polymorphic regions may be mistakenly constructed, creating the appearance of a recent segmental duplication. We developed a method for identifying such false duplications and applied it to four vertebrate genomes. For each genome, we corrected mis-assemblies, improved estimates of the amount of duplicated sequence, and recovered polymorphisms between the sequenced chromosomes.  相似文献   



Previous studies have suggested that recent segmental duplications, which are often involved in chromosome rearrangements underlying genomic disease, account for some 5% of the human genome. We have developed rapid computational heuristics based on BLAST analysis to detect segmental duplications, as well as regions containing potential sequence misassignments in the human genome assemblies.  相似文献   

DAGchainer: a tool for mining segmental genome duplications and synteny   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
SUMMARY: Given the positions of protein-coding genes along genomic sequence and probability values for protein alignments between genes, DAGchainer identifies chains of gene pairs sharing conserved order between genomic regions, by identifying paths through a directed acyclic graph (DAG). These chains of collinear gene pairs can represent segmentally duplicated regions and genes within a single genome or syntenic regions between related genomes. Automated mining of the Arabidopsis genome for segmental duplications illustrates the use of DAGchainer.  相似文献   

Transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning allows selective isolation of a desired chromosomal region or gene from complex genomes. The method exploits a high level of recombination between homologous DNA sequences during transformation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We investigated the effect of nonhomology on the efficiency of gene capture and found that up to 15% DNA divergence did not prevent efficient gene isolation. Such tolerance to DNA divergence greatly expands the potential applications of TAR cloning for comparative genomics. In this study, we were able to use the technique to isolate nonidentical chromosomal duplications and gene homologues.  相似文献   

A total of 355 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed, based on expressed sequence tag (EST) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-end sequence databases, and successfully used to construct an SSR-based genetic linkage map of the apple. The consensus linkage map spanned 1143 cM, with an average density of 2.5 cM per marker. Newly developed SSR markers along with 279 SSR markers previously published by the HiDRAS project were further used to integrate physical and genetic maps of the apple using a PCR-based BAC library screening approach. A total of 470 contigs were unambiguously anchored onto all 17 linkage groups of the apple genome, and 158 contigs contained two or more molecular markers. The genetically mapped contigs spanned ~421 Mb in cumulative physical length, representing 60.0% of the genome. The sizes of anchored contigs ranged from 97 kb to 4.0 Mb, with an average of 995 kb. The average physical length of anchored contigs on each linkage group was ~24.8 Mb, ranging from 17.0 Mb to 37.73 Mb. Using BAC DNA as templates, PCR screening of the BAC library amplified fragments of highly homologous sequences from homoeologous chromosomes. Upon integrating physical and genetic maps of the apple, the presence of not only homoeologous chromosome pairs, but also of multiple locus markers mapped to adjacent sites on the same chromosome was detected. These findings demonstrated the presence of both genome-wide and segmental duplications in the apple genome and provided further insights into the complex polyploid ancestral origin of the apple.  相似文献   

The review considers the structure, evolution, and possible mechanisms of spreading of intrachromosomal and interchromosomal segment duplications (SD), which account for more than 5% of the human genome. Most SD are mosaic and consist of multiple modules, which occur in several copies in different genome regions. SD are preferentially located in pericentric and subtelomeric regions, which are least studied on the human chromosomes. Homologous recombination between SD results in various chromosome rearrangements, contributing to the genome instability and the origin of several human hereditary disorders.  相似文献   

BackgroundSusumu Ohno’s idea that modern vertebrates are degenerate polyploids (concept referred as 2R hypothesis) has been the subject of intense debate for past four decades. It was proposed that intra-genomic synteny regions (paralogons) in human genome are remains of ancient polyploidization events that occurred early in the vertebrate history. The quadruplicated paralogon centered on human HOX clusters is taken as evidence that human HOX-bearing chromosomes were structured by two rounds of whole genome duplication (WGD) events.ResultsEvolutionary history of human HOX-bearing chromosomes (chromosomes 2/7/12/17) was evaluated by the phylogenetic analysis of multigene families with triplicated or quadruplicated distribution on these chromosomes. Topology comparison approach categorized the members of 44 families into four distinct co-duplicated groups. Distinct gene families belonging to a particular co-duplicated group, exhibit similar evolutionary history and hence have duplicated simultaneously, whereas genes of two distinct co-duplicated groups do not share their evolutionary history and have not duplicated in concert with each other.ConclusionThe recovery of co-duplicated groups suggests that “ancient segmental duplications and rearrangements” is the most rational model of evolutionary events that have generated the triplicated and quadruplicated paralogy regions seen on the human HOX-bearing chromosomes.  相似文献   

A report on the fifth annual conference of the Society for Bioinformatics in the Nordic Countries (SOCBIN), 'Bioinformatics 2003', Helsinki, Finland, 22-24 May 2003.  相似文献   



The identification of signatures of natural selection has long been used as an approach to understanding the unique features of any given species. Genes within segmental duplications are overlooked in most studies of selection due to the limitations of draft nonhuman genome assemblies and to the methodological reliance on accurate gene trees, which are difficult to obtain for duplicated genes.


In this work, we detected exons with an accumulation of high-quality nucleotide differences between the human assembly and shotgun sequencing reads from single human and macaque individuals. Comparing the observed rates of nucleotide differences between coding exons and their flanking intronic sequences with a likelihood-ratio test, we identified 74 exons with evidence for rapid coding sequence evolution during the evolution of humans and Old World monkeys. Fifty-five percent of rapidly evolving exons were either partially or totally duplicated, which is a significant enrichment of the 6% rate observed across all human coding exons.


Our results provide a more comprehensive view of the action of selection upon segmental duplications, which are the most complex regions of our genomes. In light of these findings, we suggest that segmental duplications could be subjected to rapid evolution more frequently than previously thought.  相似文献   

Segmental duplications and copy-number variation in the human genome   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
The human genome contains numerous blocks of highly homologous duplicated sequence. This higher-order architecture provides a substrate for recombination and recurrent chromosomal rearrangement associated with genomic disease. However, an assessment of the role of segmental duplications in normal variation has not yet been made. On the basis of the duplication architecture of the human genome, we defined a set of 130 potential rearrangement hotspots and constructed a targeted bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) microarray (with 2,194 BACs) to assess copy-number variation in these regions by array comparative genomic hybridization. Using our segmental duplication BAC microarray, we screened a panel of 47 normal individuals, who represented populations from four continents, and we identified 119 regions of copy-number polymorphism (CNP), 73 of which were previously unreported. We observed an equal frequency of duplications and deletions, as well as a 4-fold enrichment of CNPs within hotspot regions, compared with control BACs (P < .000001), which suggests that segmental duplications are a major catalyst of large-scale variation in the human genome. Importantly, segmental duplications themselves were also significantly enriched >4-fold within regions of CNP. Almost without exception, CNPs were not confined to a single population, suggesting that these either are recurrent events, having occurred independently in multiple founders, or were present in early human populations. Our study demonstrates that segmental duplications define hotspots of chromosomal rearrangement, likely acting as mediators of normal variation as well as genomic disease, and it suggests that the consideration of genomic architecture can significantly improve the ascertainment of large-scale rearrangements. Our specialized segmental duplication BAC microarray and associated database of structural polymorphisms will provide an important resource for the future characterization of human genomic disorders.  相似文献   

Initial human genome sequence analysis has revealed large segments of nearly identical sequence in particular chromosomal regions. The recent origin of these segments and their abundance (approximately 5%) has challenged investigators to elucidate their underlying mechanism and role in primate genome evolution. Although the precise fraction is unknown, some of these duplicated segments have recently been shown to be associated with rapid gene innovation and chromosomal rearrangement in the genomes of man and the great apes.  相似文献   

The present study depicts the phenomenon of supernumerary chromosomes as autonomous genome elements, similar in features with segmental duplications. Possible role of B chromosomes in evolution and the reasons of their nonrandom distribution in different mammalian taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to create a genome-wide high resolution map (i.e., >100 bp) of 'rearrangement hotspots' which can facilitate the identification of regions capable of mediating de novo deletions or duplications in humans. A hierarchical method was employed to fragment segmental duplications (SDs) into multiple smaller SD units. Combining an end space free pairwise alignment algorithm with a 'seed and extend' approach, we have exhaustively searched 409 million alignments to detect complex structural rearrangements within the reference-guided assembly of the NA18507 human genome (18× coverage), including the previously identified novel 4.8 Mb sequence from de novo assembly within this genome. We have identified 1,963 rearrangement hotspots within SDs which encompass 166 genes and display an enrichment of duplicated gene nucleotide variants (DNVs). These regions are correlated with increased non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) event frequency which presumably represents the origin of copy number variations (CNVs) and pathogenic duplications/deletions. Analysis revealed that 20% of the detected hotspots are clustered within the proximal and distal SD breakpoints flanked by the pathogenic deletions/duplications that have been mapped for 24 NAHR-mediated genomic disorders. FISH Validation of selected complex regions revealed 94% concordance with in silico localization of the highly homologous derivatives. Other results from this study indicate that intra-chromosomal recombination is enhanced in genic compared with agenic duplicated regions, and that gene desert regions comprising SDs may represent reservoirs for creation of novel genes. The generation of genome-wide signatures of 'rearrangement hotspots', which likely serve as templates for NAHR, may provide a powerful approach towards understanding the underlying mutational mechanism(s) for development of constitutional and acquired diseases.  相似文献   



Recently duplicated genes are often subject to genomic rearrangements that can lead to the development of novel gene structures. Here we specifically investigated the effect of variations in internal tandem repeats (ITRs) on the gene structure of human paralogs located in segmental duplications.  相似文献   

Based on fish genomic studies, we review mechanisms of divergence in duplicated genes (paralogs), resulted in small (“subfunctionalization”) or large (“neofunctionalization”) changes in paralogs. Gene divergence occurs due to several processes, such as non-synonymous substitutions, exon-intron structure rearrangement, and alterations in regulatory regions, which cause differential temporal or spatial expression of paralogous gene copies during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

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