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The objective of the study was to examine whether or not the preimplantation embryo can act as a carrier of classic scrapie infection. The study was carried out on quarantined premises with sheep of highly susceptible scrapie genotypes. Uninfected embryos, collected from New Zealand–derived Suffolk ewes, were surgically transferred into recipient ewes that were also of New Zealand origin. Seventeen negative control lambs were born on the study premises from these embryo transfers. Thirty-nine experimental lambs were from embryos collected from naturally infected donor ewes. The experimental lambs were also born on the study premises after their surgical transfer into recipient ewes of New Zealand origin. These embryos had been collected from donor ewes in a scrapie-infected flock where the ewes were clinically sick with scrapie or developed clinical scrapie after embryo collection. All lambs were confirmed as scrapie susceptible of the ARQ/ARQ genotype. Twenty-eight experimental animals survived to the end point of the study at 5 yr of age with a mean survival of 1579 d. In the negative control group, 12 of 17 sheep survived to 5 yr of age with a mean survival of 1508 d. Postmortem examinations were carried out on all animals derived by embryo transfer, and in none was histologic or immunohistochemical evidence of scrapie found. In contrast, in the originating flock the majority of scrapie cases occurred in ARQ/ARQ genotyped animals where a 56% mortality from scrapie had been recorded in animals of this genotype. Thus, the study provides no evidence for transmission of scrapie and reinforces published evidence that vertical transmission of scrapie may be circumvented by embryo transfer procedures.  相似文献   

The first experiment involved in vitro exposure of clean embryos to bluetongue virus (BTV) while three subsequent experiments involved the collection of embryos from BTV-infected donor ewes and their transfer to disease-free recipients. In Experiment I, 22 embryos/ova were exposed to BTV type 11 (BTV-11) for 1 h, washed 10 times in PBS and assayed in pairs for BTV. All 11 samples were positive for BTV in the 11-d-old embryonated chicken egg (ECE) assay system and 5/11 samples were positive in baby hamster kidney-21 (BHK-21) cells. In Experiment II, 5 donors were infected with BTV type 10 (BTV-10). All embryos were washed 10 times prior to assay or transfer. Thirty-three embryos/ova were assayed in groups of 2 or 3 and none yielded virus in ECE. Two BTV-seronegative recipients each received 6 embryos and a total of 3 lambs free of BTV antibodies were delivered. In Experiments III and IV, a total of 9 donors were infected with BTV-11. All embryos were washed 10 times prior to assay or transfer. Seventy-four embryos/ova were assayed in groups of 2 or 3 and none yielded virus in ECE, while for each experiment, 6 embryos were transferred into 2 BTV-seronegative recipients. The four recipients and their 3 lambs and 2 aborted fetuses were also seronegative for BTV.  相似文献   

The objective was to assess the potential of Day-7, IVP zona pellucida-intact blastocysts to transmit bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) to embryo recipients. Embryos were exposed (1h) to two non-cytopathic (NCP) biotypes, either NY-1 (type 1) or two concentrations of PA-131 (type 2), washed 10 times, and transferred into recipients (two embryos/recipient) free of BVDV and its antibody. Six (30.0%) of the 20 pregnancies were lost after 30 d following transfer of the embryos exposed to the type 1 strain; none of the recipients or their 18 full term offspring seroconverted. Conversely, following exposure to the type 2 strain, 16 (51.6%) of the 31 pregnancies were lost >30 d after embryo transfer. Furthermore, 18 (51.4%) of 35 recipients receiving embryos exposed to type 2 seroconverted; 11 of those were pregnant at 30 d, but only 2 went to full term and gave birth to noninfected (seronegative) calves. Virus isolation tests were performed on single, virus-exposed, washed embryos (not transferred); 3 of 12 (25%) and 17 of 61 (28%) exposed to type 1 and type 2, respectively, were positive for live BVDV. Embryos exposed to type 2 virus had from 0 to 34 viral copies. In conclusion, a large proportion of recipients that received embryos exposed to BVDV, especially those exposed to a high concentration of type 2 virus, became infected after ET, and their pregnancies failed. However, term pregnancies resulted in calves free of both virus and antibody. Therefore, additional disinfection procedures are recommended prior to transferring potentially infected IVP embryos.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether the lentivirus, bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) is likely to be transmitted via embryo transfer. In the first experiment, embryos collected from BIV-negative heifers were exposed in vitro to BIV for 24 h, washed and then tested for the presence of the provirus. In the second experiment, embryos obtained from BIV-negative heifers were transferred to the uterine horns of BIV-infected heifers; 24 h later these embryos were recovered and tested for the presence of BIV. In the third experiment, embryos were collected from heifers experimentally infected with BIV and then transferred to BIV-negative recipients. In all three experiments, (BIV) proviral DNA was not detected by PCR in association with any oocytes, embryos, follicular fluid, oviductal or uterine washes. Twelve single embryos collected from BIV experimentally infected donors were transferred to BIV-negative recipients resulting in the birth of 7 calves all of which were also negative for BIV; the recipients remained BIV-negative throughout the experiment. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that it is possible to produce transferrable stage embryos from donors infected with BIV and that such embryos are unlikely to transmit this agent either to the recipients or the resulting offspring.  相似文献   

Summary Recently, bluetongue virus (BLU) serotype 11 was detected in diseased dogs that had been inoculated with live attenuated vaccine contaminated with this serotype of bluetongue virus (Akita et al., 1994). For various laboratory tests, BLU can be propagated in different cell cultures. No information was found in the literature about the possibility of propagating this virus in canine cells. To determine whether the BLU isolate from the contaminated canine vaccine (BLU-vac) is unique in its ability to replicate in canine cells, this virus was studied in parallel with U.S. prototype strains of BLU (serotypes 2, 10, 11, 13, and 17), in hamster lung (HmLu-1) and canine kidney (MDCK) cell cultures. In HmLu-1 cell cultures, the BLU-vac produced cytopathic effect (CPE) of the same type as the U.S. prototype BLU strains by 4 to 6 d postinoculation. In MDCK cell cultures, all of the BLU strains tested were able to replicate but did not produce CPE. The BLU-inoculated MDCK cells became persistently infected, and these cultures continued to produce infectious BLU even after six serial passages over 2 1/2 mo. In none of these cultures was CPE observed. In mixed cultures containing both HmLu-1 and MDCK cells, CPE first affected the HmLu-1 islands; subsequently, CPE spread also to the areas with MDCK cells. The silent persistent infection of the MDCK cells with BLU indicates that more stringent screening of the cells used in the production of live vaccines for various contaminating viruses is necessary.  相似文献   

Cattle besnoitiosis caused by Besnoitia besnoiti (Eucoccidiorida: Sarcocystidae) is a re‐emerging disease in Europe. Its mechanical transmission by biting flies has not been investigated since the 1960s. The aim of this study was to re‐examine the ability of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) to transmit virulent B. besnoiti bradyzoites from chronically infected cows to susceptible rabbits. Three batches of 300 stable flies were allowed to take an interrupted bloodmeal on chronically infected cows, followed by an immediate bloodmeal on three rabbits (Group B). A control group of rabbits and a group exposed to the bites of non‐infected S. calcitrans were included in the study. Blood quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analyses, and clinical, serological and haematological surveys were performed in the three groups over 152 days until the rabbits were killed. Quantitative PCR analyses and histological examinations were performed in 24 tissue samples per rabbit. Only one rabbit in Group B exhibited clinical signs of the acute phase of besnoitiosis (hyperthermia, weight loss, regenerative anaemia and transient positive qPCR in blood) and was seroconverted. Parasite DNA was detected in four tissue samples from this rabbit, but no cysts were observed on histological examination. These findings indicate that S. calcitrans may act as a mechanical vector of B. besnoiti more efficiently than was previously considered.  相似文献   

Nine, Brucella abortus culture positive 2-yr-old cows were used to test the hypothesis that embryos and ova collected from such cows are not infected. Superovulation was induced at varying times postpartum or postabortion with intramuscular injections of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The cows were artificially inseminated with B. abortus-negative semen. Superovulations and nonsurgical embryo collections nonsurgical embryo collections were attempted twice for each cow. Jugular blood, udder secretions, cervical swabs, uterine collections, embryos and ova were cultured bacteriologically from the nine cows simultaneously at nonsurgical embryro collections, and B. abortus was isolated only from the udder secretions of seven cows. Brucella abortus was not isolated from 15 uterine collections, 21 embryos, or 18 ova from the culture-positive cows. It was concluded that B. abortus was not present at the detection limits of the culture method employed, which supports the finding or view that embryos and ova collected from donor cows at 100 days or greater post partum or post abortion are not likely to harbor Brucella.  相似文献   

Mice homozygous for mutant alleles at the gray tremor (gt) locus develop a marked non-intention tremor beginning at 8 days of age. Most homozygous mice die by 3 months. Homozygotes exhibit intense vacuolation of the central nervous system gray matter and vacuolation and hypomyelination of some white matter tracts. Based on neuropathological similarities with scrapie, other investigators inoculated wild-type mice with gray tremor brain homogenates to test the hypothesis of transmissibility. Published reports indicated that spongiform encephalopathy (R. L. Sidman, H. C. Kinney, and H. O. Sweet, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:253-257, 1985) and disease, including hind limb paralysis in NFS mice (P. M. Hoffman, R. G. Rohwer, C. MacAuley, J. A. Bilello, J. W. Hartley, and H. C. Morse III, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:3866-3870, 1987), were transmitted by inoculation of gt/gt brain homogenates. In our hands, however, no NFS/NCr animals inoculated intracerebrally with gt/gt or +/+ brain preparations showed any signs of disease or pathological changes in the brain. Positive transmission by other investigators may reflect the microbiological status of their donor or recipient mice.  相似文献   

The housing of animals at night was investigated as a possible means of protecting them from attack by Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), the vectors of bluetongue. Light-trap catches of Culicoides were compared inside and outside animal housing, in the presence and absence of cattle. A three-replicate, 4 × 4 Latin square design was used at four farms in Bala, north Wales, over 12 nights in May and June 2007, and the experiment repeated in October. In the two studies, respectively, >70 000 and >4500 Culicoides were trapped, of which 93% and 86%, respectively, were of the Culicoides obsoletus group. Across the four farms, in May and June, the presence of cattle increased catches of C. obsoletus by 2.3 times, and outside traps caught 6.5 times more insects than inside traps. Similar patterns were apparent in October, but the difference between inside and outside catches was reduced. Catches were strongly correlated with minimum temperature and maximum wind speed and these two variables explained a large amount of night-to-night variation in catch. Outside catches were reduced, to a greater extent than inside catches, by colder minimum temperatures and higher maximum wind speeds. These conditions occur more frequently in October than in May and June, thereby suppressing outside catches more than inside catches, and reducing the apparent degree of exophily of C. obsoletus in autumn. The results suggest that the risk of animals receiving bites from C. obsoletus is reduced by housing at both times of year and the benefit would be greatest on warm, still nights when outside catches are at their greatest.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether cells of early goat embryos isolated from in vivo-fertilized goats interact with the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) in vitro and whether the embryonic zona pellucida (ZP) protects early embryo cells from CAEV infection. ZP-free and ZP-intact 8-16 cell embryos were inoculated for 2 h with CAEVat the 10(4) tissue culture infectious dose 50 (TCID50)/ml. Infected embryos were incubated for 72 h over feeder monolayer containing caprine oviduct epithelial cells (COECs) and CAEV indicator goat synovial membrane (GSM) cells. Noninoculated ZP-free and ZP-intact embryos were submitted to similar treatments and used as controls. Six days postinoculation, infectious virus assay of the wash fluids of inoculated early goat embryos showed typical CAEV-induced cytopathic effects (CPE) on indicator GSM monolayers, with fluids of the first two washes only. The mixed cell monolayer (COEC + GSM) used as feeder cells for CAEV inoculated ZP-free embryos showed CPE. In contrast, none of the feeder monolayers, used for culture of CAEV inoculated ZP-intact embryos or the noninoculated controls, developed any CPE. CAEV exposure apparently did not interfere with development of ZP-free embryos in vitro during the 72 h study period when compared with untreated controls (34.6 and 36% blastocysts, respectively, P > 0.05). From these results one can conclude that the transmission of infectious molecularly cloned CAEV-pBSCA (plasmid binding site CAEV) by embryonic cells from in vivo-produced embryos at the 8-16 cell stages is possible with ZP-free embryos. The absence of interactions between ZP-intact embryos and CAEV in vitro suggests that the ZP is an efficient protective embryo barrier.  相似文献   

Here we report methods forextracting maternal DNA from avian eggshells oroffspring DNA from eggshells and embryos. Thesemethods offer alternative techniques forobtaining DNA from oviparous organisms. UsingDNA extracted from eggshells, we obtainmicrosatellite genotypes of the brood parasiticbrown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater)female that laid the eggs and/or her hatchedoffspring. Using DNA extracted from embryos, weobtain microsatellite genotypes of offspring.We demonstrate that separate extractionsperformed on the embryo and shell from a singleegg can provide DNA from the embryo and itsmother, respectively. This single-egg approachfor obtaining both maternal and embryonic DNAsimplifies paternity analyses because allelesunique to the embryo can be considered paternalin origin. Finally we report two newmicrosatellite loci and primer sequences forbrown-headed cowbirds.  相似文献   

Mebus CA  Singh EL 《Theriogenology》1991,35(2):435-441
A total of 436 embryos/unfertilized ova was collected from 30 foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viremic cattle; 106 of these embryos/ova were from eight donors that had FMD virus in their reproductive tracts. The 436 embryos/ova were washed and then either assayed in cell culture or intradermally in steer tongues or transferred to recipients. Foot-and-mouth infectivity was not found to be associated with any of the embryos/ova assayed in cell culture or intradermally. The 149 embryos transferred produced two abortions, five sets of twins born prematurely, and 15 normal calves. All of the recipients and all of the calves remained FMD-seronegative.  相似文献   

This study was done to examine the reproductive efficiency of embryo transfer donors that were persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and to determine the potential for vertical or horizontal transmission of BVDV during embryo transfer from persistently infected donors. The reproductive inefficiency of 7 different persistently infected donors was evident by consistent failure at superovulation and/or fertilization. Washing of embryos according to the reccommendations of the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) prevented the adherence of BVDV to embryos and to unfertile and degenerated ova, as determined by virus isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. In addition, a normal, BVDV antibody seronegative and BVDV-negative calf was born following transfer from a PI donor to a seronegative recipient.  相似文献   

The cloning syndrome is a continuum with the consequences of abnormal reprogramming manifest throughout gestation, the neo-natal period, and into adulthood in the cloned generation, but it does not appear to be transmitted to subsequent offspring following sexual reproduction. Most in vivo studies on bovine somatic cell cloning have focused on development during pregnancy and the neo-natal period. In this paper, we report on the viability and health of cloned cattle in adulthood. From our studies at AgResearch, we find that between weaning and 4 years of age, the annual mortality rate in cattle cloned from somatic cells is at least 8%. Although the reasons for death are variable and some potentially preventable, the main mortality factor in this period is euthanasia due to musculoskeletal abnormalities. This includes animals with severely contracted flexor tendons and those displaying chronic lameness, particularly in milking cows. In contrast, no deaths beyond weaning have so far been encountered with the offspring of clones where the oldest animals are 3 years of age. In surviving cloned cattle, blood profiles and other indicators of general physiological function such as growth rate, reproduction, rearing of offspring, and milk production are all within the normal phenotypic ranges.  相似文献   

In conformity with the findings of previous investigators, it was shown by density gradient ultracentrifugation that the antibodies in sera collected from calves shortly after vaccination with Brucella abortus, strain 19, were entirely or mainly rapidly-sedimenting. These macroglobulin (19S or IgM) antibodies showed complement-fixing as well as agglutinative activity with Br. abortus antigen. In later bleedings from the same vaccinated calves, antibodies with an intermediate sedimentation rate, (IgG), were present, as well as IgM. Sera from 15 of 22 non-vaccinated, relatively recent field cases of brucellosis appeared to contain only the IgG class of antibodies. In one herd, however, two cows with IgM only and five with both IgM and IgA were found; all seven of these cattle had been serologically negative before their introduction into this known infected herd a few months earlier. The agglutinative activity of sera from four cases of brucellosis of long standing and from eight cows, 4 to 13 years of age, that had been vaccinated as calves, was confined to the IgG fraction.  相似文献   

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