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Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan protozoan zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii infamous for inducing severe clinical manifestations in humans. Although the disease affects at least one billion people worldwide, it is neglected in many countries including developed ones. In literature, the epidemiological data documenting the actual incidence of the disease in humans and domestic animals from Japan are limited and importantly many earlier papers on T. gondii infections were published in Japanese and a considerable part is not available online. Herein, we review the current summary about the epidemiological situation of T. gondii infection in Japan and the potential associated risk factors in humans and animals as well as the different T. gondii genotypes isolated in Japan. Several T. gondii isolates have been identified among cats (TgCatJpTy1/k-3, TgCatJpGi1/TaJ, TgCatJpObi1 and TgCatJpOk1–4) and goats (TgGoatJpOk1–13). This literature review underscores the need for a nationwide investigation of T. gondii infection in Japanese people and assessment of the socioeconomic impact of the disease burden. Furthermore, epidemiological studies in domestic and wild animals and estimation of degree of contamination of soil or water with T. gondii oocysts are needed, for a better understanding of the scope of this public health concern.  相似文献   

Examination of literature shows that a number of authors regard outbreeding and heterozygosity as the prevalent factors associated with long-term successful evolution in the angiosperms. A number of plant evolutionists, however, have doubted the truth of such an assumption. Everincreasing reports of the existence of arboreal angiospermous apomixis in tropical forests of the Neotropics and the Far East undermined a thinking which, recently, has rested on optimality. Finding apomixis in trees surprised authors, who held biased opinions about the determinism of outbreeding as the major guiding factor in the evolutionary history of the angiosperms. The thinking that apomixis may turn out to be a regular mating system of the flowering plants met with the approval of some authors, who wondered about the true penetration of the phenomenon among the higher plants. The fact that one-third of all known flowering plants are autogamous has cast further doubt on the deterministic infallibility of outbreeding and successful long-term evolution. Despite claims that the breeding system is directly involved with fitness, while determining the course of optimized evolution, there is comparatively little hard evidence to substantiate a hypothesis which, in the last analysis, has rested principally on common sense. Rather, if continuing field research happens to unveil new cases of woody angiospermous apomixis, a prediction is advanced that the next two biomes to show regular incidence of the phenomenon are Africa’s paleotropical savannas and humid forests. If evolution is partly or wholly dependent on the breeding system to proceed, current knowledge supports views that further enhancement of organic diversification vis-à-vis selection and adaptednesss rests on three major tested mating systems: outbreeding, inbreeding and apomixis.  相似文献   

Brown SP 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(22):R960-R961
Putting a competitive squeeze on a cooperative group has long been considered to encourage cheats. Now we learn that competition, by driving diversification among cooperators, can create groups that are both more productive and more resistant to defection.  相似文献   

Behavioral syndromes: an ecological and evolutionary overview   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Recent studies suggest that populations and species often exhibit behavioral syndromes; that is, suites of correlated behaviors across situations. An example is an aggression syndrome where some individuals are more aggressive, whereas others are less aggressive across a range of situations and contexts. The existence of behavioral syndromes focuses the attention of behavioral ecologists on limited (less than optimal) behavioral plasticity and behavioral carryovers across situations, rather than on optimal plasticity in each isolated situation. Behavioral syndromes can explain behaviors that appear strikingly non-adaptive in an isolated context (e.g. inappropriately high activity when predators are present, or excessive sexual cannibalism). Behavioral syndromes can also help to explain the maintenance of individual variation in behavioral types, a phenomenon that is ubiquitous, but often ignored. Recent studies suggest that the behavioral type of an individual, population or species can have important ecological and evolutionary implications, including major effects on species distributions, on the relative tendencies of species to be invasive or to respond well to environmental change, and on speciation rates. Although most studies of behavioral syndromes to date have focused on a few organisms, mainly in the laboratory, further work on other species, particularly in the field, should yield numerous new insights.  相似文献   

Our current understanding of the PSII reaction centre owes a great deal to comparisons to the simpler and better understood, purple bacterial reaction centre. Here we provide an overview of the similarities with a focus on charge separation and the electron acceptors. We go on to discuss some of the main differences between the two kinds of reaction centres that have been highlighted by the improving knowledge of PSII. We attempt to relate these differences to functional requirements of water splitting. Some are directly associated with that function, e.g. high oxidation potentials, while others are associated with regulation and protection against photodamage. The protective and regulatory functions are associated with the harsh chemistry performed during its normal function but also with requirements of the enzyme while it is undergoing assembly and repair. Key aspects of PSII reaction centre evolution are also addressed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Cryptococcosis is an often fatal opportunistic fungal infection. Despite efforts to elucidate the role of immunity in host defense against the disease, much remains to be learned. The purpose of this brief review is to provide the reader with an overview of the history of research concerned with host immunity in cryptococcosis. Both humoral and cell-mediated studies are included. An effort has been made to present the reader with a comprehensive list of references in the hope of encouraging additional reading and research in this important area.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase family - an evolutionary overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glutathione peroxidases (EC and EC catalyze the reduction of H(2)O(2) or organic hydroperoxides to water or corresponding alcohols using reduced glutathione. Some glutathione peroxidase isozymes have a selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activity and present a selenocysteine encoded by the opal TGA codon. In the present study, insights into the evolution of the whole glutathione peroxidase gene family were obtained after a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis using the improved number of glutathione peroxidase sequences recorded in the PeroxiBase database (http://peroxidase.isb-sib.ch/index.php). The identification of a common ancestral origin for the diverse glutathione peroxidase clusters was not possible. The complex relationships and evolutionary rates of this gene family suggest that basal glutathione peroxidase classes, present in all kingdoms, have originated from independent evolutionary events such as gene duplication, gene losses, lateral gene transfer among invertebrates and vertebrates or plants. In addition, the present study also emphasizes the possibility of some members being submitted to strong selective forces that probably dictated functional convergences of taxonomically distant groups.  相似文献   

Yawning is a ubiquitous activity among humans, nonhuman primates, mammals, birds and other vertebrates. Comparative analysis suggests that yawning has two major features: (1) communication — whereby the behavior of other individuals is affected, and (2) direct physiological benefit — whereby the organism is receiving some direct physiological benefit from yawning. Various functional hypotheses used to explain yawning in an evolutionary context are reviewed. The contagious nature in humans and the manifest lack of contagion in other species suggests that yawning in humans has a different and as yet poorly understood evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Biological rhythms have been observed in practically all groups of laboratory mammals and at every level of physiological and behavioural organization. Biological rhythms are classified according to their period as ultradian (less than 24 h), circadian (approximately 24 h), infradian (greater than 24 h), and seasonal or circannual rhythms (approximately 1 year). This review outlines what is known about the neurobiology of biological rhythms in mammals and describes the hierarchical order in which ultradian, circadian and infradian rhythms are related to each other. The article does not attempt to catalogue every physiological variable showing rhythmical fluctuations in laboratory mammals. Rather, it focuses on the basic concepts of circadian rhythms and recent advances made in our understanding of the physiology of the internal clock controlling circadian and other biological rhythms.  相似文献   

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