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A.Gupta 《古生物学报》2002,41(4):517-523
根据从印度库茂恩(Kumaun)喜马拉雅纳尼塔尔(Naini Tal)温带地区获得的85cm钻井的孢粉资料,恢复了1720+/-130年以来晚全新世古植被演变史,并推测了当地的古气候,当前孢粉资料说明了该地区当时发育有栎树混交林和波动的温暖润气候,孢粉组合序列的初始阶段,森林距沉积盆地较远,但是,由于气候变得更加温暖潮湿,森林也很快茂密起来,约1200年前,因气候恶化,森林变得稀疏,而在约124年前,气候再次转好,麦类及其他作物花粉资料证明农耕活动大约开始于1460年前左右。  相似文献   

文中研究报道产自川西松潘县红土坡的中新统马拉墩组孢子花粉植物群。迄今为止,人们关于青藏高原东北边缘新近纪古植被的所知甚少。红土坡马拉墩组孢粉组合的总体特征是榆科(Ulmaceae)、桦木科(Betulaceae)以及松科(Pinaceae)花粉比较丰富,蕨类孢子稀少。被子植物花粉在整个组合中含量最高,占孢粉总数的52.4%—84.4%;其次是裸子植物花粉,占13.8%—44.1%;蕨类孢子仅占1.2%—5.1%。被子植物中以榆科和桦木科花粉最多。榆科花粉可达孢粉总数的14.7%—28.8%,其中绝大多数是榆属(Ulmus),其他可能包括少许榉属(Zelkova)。桦木科花粉含量也很高,达12.6%—25.7%,主要为桦木属(Betula)和桤木属(Alnus)。此外,杨柳科(Salixaceae)、山毛榉科(Fagaceae)以及胡桃科(Juglandaceae)也有一定含量。这样的孢粉组合代表了以落叶阔叶树为主的针阔叶混交林。与此组成相同或相近的森林在我国现代落叶阔叶林或针阔叶混交林植被中很难见到。根据和同期与红土坡纬度相当地区的孢粉组合的对比,推测在早中新世当地的海拔高度已经超过1000 m,甚至达到2000 m左右,也即已经接近或仅略低于当地现今的高度。  相似文献   

文中研究报道产自川西松潘县红土坡的中新统马拉墩组孢子花粉植物群。迄今为止,人们关于青藏高原东北边缘新近纪古植被的所知甚少。红土坡马拉墩组孢粉组合的总体特征是榆科(Ulmaceae)、桦木科(Betulaceae)以及松科(Pinaceae)花粉比较丰富,蕨类孢子稀少。被子植物花粉在整个组合中含量最高,占孢粉总数的52.4%—84.4%;其次是裸子植物花粉,占13.8%—44.1%;蕨类孢子仅占1.2%—5.1%。被子植物中以榆科和桦木科花粉最多。榆科花粉可达孢粉总数的14.7%—28.8%,其中绝大多数是榆属(Ulmus),其他可能包括少许榉属(Zelkova)。桦木科花粉含量也很高,达12.6%—25.7%,主要为桦木属(Betula)和桤木属(Alnus)。此外,杨柳科(Salixaceae)、山毛榉科(Fagaceae)以及胡桃科(Juglandaceae)也有一定含量。这样的孢粉组合代表了以落叶阔叶树为主的针阔叶混交林。与此组成相同或相近的森林在我国现代落叶阔叶林或针阔叶混交林植被中很难见到。根据和同期与红土坡纬度相当地区的孢粉组合的对比,推测在早中新世当地的海拔高度已经超过1 000 m,甚至达到2 000 m左右,也即已经接近或仅略低于当地现今的高度。  相似文献   

横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系的开端是在晚白垩纪和早古近纪(早第三纪).古植物资料表明在古近纪初期横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系是同古地中海沿岸一致的以照叶林为主的暖湿植物区系.古近纪后期和新近纪(新第三纪)以后古地中海气候逐步旱化,原来的暖湿植物区系在地中海地区逐步消失,而在横断山及喜马拉雅和东亚其他地区得以保存和发展,现代横断山及东喜马拉雅的亚热带森林即是其后裔.古近纪中期以后由于古地中海的逐步退却,气候变得干旱,原暖湿植物区系逐步被现代旱生的地中海植物区系所取代.新近纪以后,旱生的现代地中海植物区系由于喜马拉雅和横断山的隆起而转向适应高山环境,逐步分化形成了现代的中国-喜马拉雅成分.横断山-喜马拉雅地区硬叶高山栎林的起源;铁筷子属,绿绒蒿属,芒苞草属,假百合属及马桑属的地中海、喜马拉雅-横断山间断分布的形成便是古地中海植物区系残遗的体现;黄花木属、独一味属等众多中国喜马拉雅成分就是古地中海祖先的后裔.这些代表类群的分析研究表明现代的喜马拉雅-横断山的高山植物区系以及中国-喜马拉雅成分中有相当的一部分是起源于新生代旱生的地中海植物区系.  相似文献   

对Vychegda河流域靠近Baika村(61°16'N,46°44'E)洪积平原的一个剖面进行了孢粉学研究.化石点位于泰加林带中部,靠近欧洲云杉林和亚乌拉尔-西伯利亚云、冷杉-西伯利亚松林界限附近.该河流盆地森林覆盖率高达98%.根据放射性碳年代测定,沉积涵盖了全新世大约自9000 yrs B.P.以来的大部分地层.主要运用化石植物群组成来恢复这一地区全新世以来的植被和气候变化,通过某些化石植物群的全部植物种类的现代地理分布的分析,可以发现与过去植被最接近的现代对应植被类型的位置,通过确定所有植物种现代生长地区的景观和气候来推测与古环境最接近的景观和气候.整个孢粉组合序列中云杉、松和桦占统治地位,但是植物群的成分和植被有变化.暖温带树种,如椴、榆及栎等在森林中的含量有变化,在全新世最暖期,相当于中晚大西洋期(6000-4500 yrs B.P.)达到最高.这些变化通过对应的现代植物群在俄罗斯平原的"迁移"反映出来,从中、南乌拉尔向西至Sukhona河盆地然后再返回到研究区的Vychegda河下游.运用古植物群的方法定量恢复的主要气候指标表明在大西洋期7月份月均温比现代高2.5℃,1月份月均温比现在高出1℃,年降雨量和现在接近.这段时间可以认为是本地区全新世的气候最适宜期.  相似文献   

海南岛第三纪沉积环境与古植物群落的多样性及其变迁   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
海南岛第三纪沉积类型及古植物群落复杂多样,早第三纪主要为河湖泊,湖泊相和湖沼相等沉积,晚期发生海侵,开始出现海陆交相沉积;古植物群落主要有:温带山地针叶林和落叶阔叶林,亚热带常绿和落叶阔叶林,晚晚开始出现红树林,总体属温暖湿珠亚热带气候,晚第三纪海侵加大,沉积为型为滨海相,滨海-浅海相,浅海相及深水广海相等海相沉积,在滨海地区红树林面积大大增加,盆地中心平原地上展为低地热带雨林,总体属炎热潮湿的热带气候,但在海南岛西部和西北部仍发育有山地雪松和云杉林,上新世时植被类型逐渐接近现今当地的面貌,深入研究本区第三纪古环境与古植物群落的变迁对海南岛现代生物多样性形成机制的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对中国飞蝗种下阶元划分和历史演化过程的几点看法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
前人把我国飞蝗划分为东亚飞蝗、亚洲飞蝗和西藏飞蝗三个亚种,并推测我国最原始的飞蝗发生地可能是郑州-开封东北至临清-禹南以南的古黄河冲积扇地带。由于飞蝗的形态、生理、生态等性状受气候与生态条件影响,从而在地区间变化很大,而且过去关于我国飞蝗发生动态和演化的分析均忽视了地史中重大气候事件的影响,因此有关结论的可靠性值得质疑并有待深入验证。根据分子群体遗传学的最新研究结果,我们认为:(1)我国飞蝗应被重新划分为青藏种群、海南种群和北方种群3大类群;(2)我国东部地区(辽宁、黄淮平原、陕西和山西)的飞蝗与海南的飞蝗之间的遗传差别已达亚种水平,因此不是东亚飞蝗,而是亚洲飞蝗经过适应性演化在我国华北地区形成的特异地理宗——华北地理宗;(3)华北地理宗的形成应是末次冰期后种群大规模扩张的结果,推测是由蒙新高原的飞蝗沿黄河流域逐步扩散而来;(4)结合历史上飞蝗发生的情况可以推断,在中国,至少在北至北纬46℃的地区,光周期不会成为飞蝗发育的限制性因素,有效积温可能是惟一限制性气候因子。因此,在气候逐渐变暖的趋势下,飞蝗有逐渐向北扩散的可能,东北地区将会逐步具有飞蝗大发生所需要的必要气候条。  相似文献   

重建中国北方泥河湾盆地中更新世(~603–587 ka)植被与气候 中国北方泥河湾盆地发育了一套含有东方人类活动证据的晚新生代地层,既发现有早更新世(距今~1.66Ma–78ka)直立人使用的石制品,也有中更新世晚期(~370–260ka)早期智人的头盖骨、牙齿等直接证据。该系列地层中孢粉学的研究为我们探索早期人类生存环境提供了可能。本文研究的虎头梁剖面地质年代距今约603–587ka,介于直立人向早期智人演化的过渡时期。基于地层孢粉学组合分析,我们重建了当时的植被从温带针阔混交林-草原(以云杉属、冷杉属、桦木属、胡桃属、蒿属和藜科为主)逐渐向以松、云冷杉为主的针叶林转变的动态过程。通过对比同时期全球其他人类遗址,揭示了早期人类以洞穴生活为主,同时伴随比较开阔的草原或森林-草原植被,以及丰富的哺乳动物。据此,推测本研究揭示的~603–587ka前泥河湾盆地茂密针叶林的出现和开阔草原的消失可能是人类追逐着大多数哺乳动物向草原或森林-草原等开阔地迁移,而离开了泥河湾的新证据。这些新发现有助于增进和丰富我们对早期人类饮食、迁徙和定居等行为方面的认知,同时也填补了泥河湾盆地中更新世(780–400ka)时期古植被与古环境研究的空白。  相似文献   

孙航 《云南植物研究》2002,24(3):273-288
横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系的开端是在晚白垩纪和早古近纪(早第三纪)。古植物资料在古近纪初期横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系是同古地中海沿岸一致的以照叶林为主的暖湿植物区系。古近纪后期和新近纪(新第三纪)以后古地中海气候逐步旱化。原来的暖湿植物区系在地中海地区逐步消失,而在横断山及喜马拉雅和东亚其他地区得以保存和发展,现代横断山及东喜马拉雅的亚热带森林即是其后裔。古近纪中期以后由于古地中海的逐步退却,气候变得干旱,原暖湿植物区系逐步被现代旱生的地中海植物区系所取代。新近纪以后,旱生的现代地中海植物区系由于喜马拉雅和横断山的隆起而转向适应高山环境,逐步分化形成了现代的中国-喜马拉雅成分。横断山-喜马拉雅地区硬中高山栎林的起源;铁筷子属,绿绒蒿属,芒苞草属,假百合属及马桑属的地中海,喜马拉雅-横断山间断分布的形成便是古地中海植物区系残遗的体现;黄花木属,独一味属等众多中国喜马拉雅成分就是古地中海祖先的后裔。这些代表类群的分析研究表明现代的喜马拉雅-横断山的高山植物区系以及中国-喜马拉雅成分中有相当的一部分是起源于新生代旱生的地中海植物区系。  相似文献   

最近在广西崇左木榄山智人洞遗址采集到1件具有现代智人解剖特征初始状态的下颌骨和丰富的哺乳动物化石。啮齿类中的鼠科化石有锡金小鼠(Mus pahari)、中华姬鼠(Apodemus draco)、黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、似德氏狨鼠(Hapalomys cf.H.delacouri)、笔尾树鼠(Chiropodomys gliroides)、社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)、针毛鼠(Niviventer fulvescens)、爱氏巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi)、印度板齿鼠(Bandicota indica)、褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)和黄毛鼠(Rattus losea)共8属11种。这种全部由当地或邻近地区现生种类构成的组合显然比当地早更新世的三合大洞和川黔地区中更新世歌乐山期的鼠类组合进步, 而与广西田东雾云洞的鼠类组合相似, 其动物群的时代为晚更新世早期, 与不平衡铀系法得到的测年结果(距今约11万年)相吻合。智人洞鼠科动物的组合明显具有东洋界热带-亚热带动物群的特点, 其中林灌和草地型所占比例较大表明当时的森林面积可能减少、林灌和草地面积可能增加, 反映出当时的气候相对干旱。  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Do relationships among forest plant traits correspond to dispersability‐persistence trade‐offs or other inter‐trait correlations found in the literature? 2. Do species groups delineated by trait similarity, differ in occurrence in ancient vs. new forests or isolated vs more continuous forest patches? 3. Are these patterns consistent for different forest types? Location: Central Belgium, near Leuven. Methods: We investigate the distributions of a large set of plant traits and combinations among all forest species occurring in patches with varying forest continuity and isolation. Through calculation of Gower's similarity index and subsequent clustering,‘emergent’ species groups are delineated. Then, the relative occurrence of these different groups in forest patches of different age and size, sustaining different forest types (alluvial vs. Quercion), and having different isolation status is compared through multivariate GLM analysis. Results: Correlations among several life history traits point towards trade‐offs of dispersability and fecundity vs. longevity. We distinguished three species groups: 1= mainly shrubs or climbers with fleshy or wind dispersed fruits and high dispersal potential; 2 = dominated by small, mainly vegetatively reproducing herbs; 3 = with spring flowering herbs with large seeds and mainly unassisted dispersal. Relative occurrence of these groups was significantly affected by forest age, area, isolation and forest type. Separate analyses for alluvial and Quercion forests indicated that the relative importance of these factors may differ, depending on forest type and species group. Both forest continuity and isolation are important in restricting the relative occurrence of forest species in alluvial forests, whatever their group membership. In Quercion forests forest patch area was the primary determinant of relative occurrence of species groups. Conclusions: It is very important to preserve the actual forest area including the spatial setting and the dispersal infrastructure within the landscape. Next, forest connectivity may be restored, but it is inherently a long process.  相似文献   

The sedimentation of the Late Cretaceous Gosau Group of the Northern Calcareous Alps records the complex geodynamic evolution of the northern part of the Austroalpine microplate. The tectonically controlled sedimentation and facies distribution were mainly governed by the oblique subduction of the Pennic-Ligurian ocean below the Austroalpine margin. Most of the Gosau successions comprise two distinct sedimentary complexes. The Lower Gosau Subgroup (upper Turonian-Campanian) is characterized by terrestrial to shallow-marine facies associations: alluvial fan and fan delta deposits, shallow-marine sandstones and sandy limestones, and storm-influenced nearshore and shelf deposits. During the early Santonian sea-level highstand, a great part of the Northern Calcareous Alps was covered by a shallow shelf sea. Palaeotransport directions point to source areas situated both to the north and to the south of the Northern Calcareous Alps.

The Upper Gosau Subgroup (upper Santonian-Eocene) comprises deep-water hemipelagic and turbiditic deposits. Rapid subsidence into bathyal to abyssal depths started diachronously from the northwest (Santonian) to the southeast (Maastrichtian) after a short phase of deformation and erosion. Abyssal deposits in the northern parts of the Northern Calcareus Alps and north-directed palaeotransport indicate a tilting of the slope towards the north. This subsidence pulse is attributed to an event of subcrustal tectonic erosion, probably triggered by the subduction of a topographic high of the South Penninic ocean. The relationships of the Gosau Group of the Austroalpine unit to Late Cretaceous deposits of the Carpathians and Southern Alps are discussed in the framework of a plate tectonic model.  相似文献   

Massive historical land cover changes in the Central European lowlands have resulted in a forest distribution that now comprises small remnants of ancient forests and more recently established post-agricultural forests. Here, land-use history is considered a key driver of recent herb-layer community changes, where an extinction debt in ancient forest remnants and/or a colonization credit in post-agricultural forests are being paid over time. On a regional scale, these payments should in theory lead toward a convergence in species richness between ancient and post-agricultural forests over time. In this study, we tested this assumption with a resurvey of 117 semi-permanent plots in the well-studied deciduous forests of the Prignitz region (Brandenburg, NE Germany), where we knew that the plant communities of post-agricultural stands exhibit a colonization credit while the extinction debt in ancient stands has largely been paid. We compared changes in the species richness of all herb layer species, forest specialists and ancient forest indicator species between ancient and post-agricultural stands with linear mixed effect models and determined the influence of patch connectivity on the magnitude of species richness changes. Species richness increased overall, but the richness of forest specialists increased significantly more in post-agricultural stands and was positively influenced by higher patch connectivity, indicating a convergence in species richness between the ancient and post-agricultural stands. Furthermore, the richness of ancient forest indicator species only increased significantly in post-agricultural stands. For the first time, we were able to verify a gradual payment of the colonization credit in post-agricultural forest stands using a comparison of actual changes in temporal species richness.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between vegetation changes and site condition in Kushiro Mire, northeastern Japan, where massive depositions of sediment from the watershed have been observed over the last several decades. These changes also included the changing area of floodplain forest. To determine the factors that induced the changing floodplain forest area and the effect of sediment accumulation on floodplain vegetation, we examined site conditions where vegetation had recently changed. We classified the pattern of vegetation change as new forest (formerly meadow), new meadow (formerly forest), stable forest (forest since 1967), and stable meadow (meadow since 1967) with the help of aerial photographs taken in 1967, 1977, and 2000. The survey results showed that the quadrats were divided into six vegetation types based on current vegetation composition. All new forests comprised alder (Alnus japonica) and were divided into two vegetation types. New meadows were also considered alder forest based on remnants of former forest and divided into two vegetation types. The site condition showed better correspondence to the pattern of vegetation change than the current vegetation composition, though it had a significant relationship with the latter. In new forests, high water table and a relatively high content of clay and silt characterized the site condition, whereas in new meadows, low water table and high sand content were the site characteristics. We discuss these site characteristics in the context of alder’s adaptability to site. It is suggested that coarse sediment probably along with intense flooding and fine sediment coupled with high water table contributed to the disappearance and establishment of alder forests, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. Forest patches in central Belgium were inventoried twice for the presence or absence of forest plant species to study the effects of age and distance on species composition. All forests in the study area were subdivided based on their land use history. To avoid effects of autocorrelated environmental characteristics on species composition, habitat homogeneity was indirectly investigated using a TWINSPAN classification of the vegetation data. Two major habitats (alluvial and non‐alluvial forests) were distinguished and analysed separately. Patterns of species composition were investigated at the landscape level using Mantel tests. Species composition similarity measures were calculated between all pairs of fragments based on the floristic data. A highly significant correlation was found between species composition similarity and inter‐patch distance. Difference in age, which we used as a measure for habitat quality, was less important in explaining species composition patterns. The effects of spatial configuration became significant when difference in age was accounted for, and a partial correlation was calculated between inter‐patch distance and species composition similarity. Different results were found for alluvial and non‐alluvial forest types. Alluvial forests were more influenced by the spatial configuration than the non‐alluvial. For the non‐alluvial forest type effects measured with the difference in age between forest fragments obscured the effects of inter‐patch distance. Based on our findings we suggest that species composition is not only internally generated, but external processes such as differential colonization caused by varying degrees of isolation may be of overriding importance.  相似文献   

Local and regional vegetation since the last glacial period was reconstructed on the basis of a palynological study of sediment at Iwaya, in the Sea of Japan area, western Japan. During the interstade (before about 30 000 years BP), forests were composed predominantly ofCryptomeria japonica withTsuga sieboldii and cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved trees. In the pre-full-glacial, the full-glacial and the early late-glacial (30 000-12 000 years BP), forests were dominated by temperate (montane) and boreal (subalpine) Pinaceae andBetula. During the early full-glacial, the pinaceous forests were mixed with cool-temperate trees such asFagus crenata. In the late full-glacial (18 000-16 000 years BP), the maximum development of pinaceous conifer forests was recognized. Cool-temperate broad-leaved forests composed mainly ofF. crenata andQuercus (Lepidobalanus) replaced the pinaceous forests at about 12 000 years BP and were maintained to the early postglacial.Cryptomeria japonica was distributed around the Mikata lowland during the last glacial.Cryptomeria japonica, which began to increase at 16 000 years BP, increased abruptly in the early postglacial and spread throughout the postglacial in the lowlands. After 6300 years BP, lucidophyllous forests composed mainly ofQuercus (Cyclobalanopsis) andCastanopsis were established in the Mikata district; this was later than in the inland and the Pacific Ocean areas in the Kinki region, western Japan. In historic times (afterca 2000 years BP), secondary forest ofPinus densiflora, which can grow as a pioneer in disturbed habitats, spread.  相似文献   


We analysed the effects of patch configuration and site history on vascular plants in ancient forests of the Eastern Po Plain, documented back to 1740. Despite their reduced size, all the forests are part of Natura 2000 Network and significantly contribute to the maintenance of a threatened habitat and support biological diversity of the Continental biogeographic region. The presence of some functional ecological plant species groups was correlated with patch configuration and age. Habitat quality, in terms of suitability for forest species, was found to be important in explaining the presence of species of high conservation value, but patch age (as an indicator for habitat quality) played a major role too. For core forest species, patch area is a redundant variable in explaining species richness relative to habitat quality and patch age and the extinction of specialists seems to occur mainly in a deterministic way. Even small forest fragments can be very important for maintaining plant species diversity, at least if they are of high habitat quality and if the forest management is appropriate. However, to achieve a long term conservation, management plans should also aim at an improvement of the anthropogenic matrix surrounding forest remnants.  相似文献   

柳蝙蛾生物学特性及发生规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1997~2000年在黑龙江和吉林东部地区,对柳蝙蛾的生物学习性和发生规律进行了研究。在该地区柳蝙蛾多数个体2年完成一个世代,分别以卵和幼虫2次越冬。每年6月底、7月上旬,幼虫转移到水曲柳上危害。上树后的幼虫,在室内人工饲养条件下发育了6龄仍未化蛹。在水曲柳人工林中,主要危害2~20年的水曲柳人工幼林的干基部(20cm以下)和干部。水曲柳蝙蝠蛾的发生量与林龄和林分结构密切相关。以水曲柳人工纯林以  相似文献   

滇东南岩溶山地3种人工林群落林下植物群落学特征比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过样地法比较了川滇桤木(Alnusferdinandi-coburgii)、墨西哥柏(Cupressuslusitanica)、银荆(Acaciadealbata)3个人工林群落林下植物和次生灌丛的群落学特征。结果发现,3个群落都以高位芽植物为主,其次为地面芽植物;在高位芽植物中又都以小高位芽植物比例较高;其叶型谱以中型叶为主。生活型谱和叶型谱都与滇中亚热带常绿阔叶林的群落相似。从3种人工林的群落学特征看,以川滇桤木林的水热条件最好;川滇桤木林的物种多样性最高,说明川滇桤木林林下植物种类成分复杂,生境优越,群落破坏后恢复能力最强,最有利于向顶极演替发展。  相似文献   

对雅鲁藏布江大峡弯河谷地区热带森林植被情况进行了调查分析。论述了造成该地区热带植被概况及其被破坏的自然因素和人为因素。并对该地区植被在次生演替的各个时期植被种类成分的变化,群落结构,建群种生长速度等进行比较研究,结果如下:A.自然因素导致的次生演替主要经历了下列6个价段:(1)尼泊尔桤木(Alnusnepolensis)阶段;(2)尼泊尔桤术单优群落阶段;(3)原生植被主要树种侵入阶段;(4)尼泊尔桤木林衰退阶段;(5)原生植被恢复阶段;(6)原生植被建立阶段。B.人为因素导致的次生演替主要经历有下列5个阶段:(1)高大禾草或热带高草阶段;(2)野芭蕉侵入生长阶段;(3)喜阳树种侵入或恢复生长阶段;(4)杂木林阶段;(5)原生植被恢复及建立阶段。最后讨论了植被次生演替规律对自然植物区系的影响和对治理山地,保护该地区生物多样性,合理利用资源及发展生产的重要性及意义。  相似文献   

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