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The interaction between coumarin drugs and DNA gyrase   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
The coumarin group of antibiotics have as their target the bacterial enzyme DNA gyrase. The drugs bind to the B subunit of gyrase and inhibit DNA supercoiling by blocking the ATPase activity. Recent data show that the binding site for the drugs lies within the N-terminal part of the B protein, and individual amino acids involved in coumarin interaction are being identified. The mode of inhibition of the gyrase ATPase reaction by coumarins is unlikely to be simple competitive inhibition, and the drugs may act by stabilizing a conformation of the enzyme with low affinity for ATP.  相似文献   

Bacterial DNA gyrase, has been identified as the target of several antibacterial agents, including the coumarin drugs. The coumarins inhibit the gyrase action by competitive binding to the ATP-binding site of DNA gyrase B (GyrB) protein. The high in vitro inhibitory potency of coumarins against DNA gyrase reactions has raised interest in studies on coumarin-gyrase interactions. In this context, a series of low-molecular weight peptides, including the coumarin resistance-determining region of subunit B of Escherichia coli gyrase, has been designed and synthesized. The first peptide model was built using the natural fragment 131-146 of GyrB and was able to bind to novobiocin (K(a) = 1.8 +/- 0.2 x 10(5)/m) and ATP (K(a) = 1.9 +/- 0.4 x 10(3)/m). To build the other sequences, changes in the Arg(136) residue were introduced so that the binding to the drug was progressively reduced with the hydrophobicity of this residue (K(a) = 1.3 +/- 0.1 x 10(5)/m and 1.0 +/- 0.2 x 10(5)/m for Ser and His, respectively). No binding was observed for the change Arg(136) to Leu. In contrast, the binding to ATP was not altered, independently of the changes promoted. On the contrary, for peptide-coumarin and peptide-ATP complexes, Mg(2+) appears to modulate the binding process. Our results demonstrate the crucial role of Arg(136) residue for the stability of coumarin-gyrase complex as well as suggest a different binding site for ATP and in both cases the interactions are mediated by magnesium ions.  相似文献   

The effects of mono- and divalent metal ions on the DNA gyrase B subunit, on its 43 kDa and 47 kDa domains, and on two mutants in the Toprim domain (D498A and D500C) were investigated by means of circular dichroism and protein melting experiments. Both types of metal ion, with the notable exception of Mn2+, did not affect the conformational properties of the enzyme subunit at room temperature, but were able to produce selective and differential effects on protein stability. In particular, monovalent (K+) ions increased the stability of the gyrase B structure, whereas destabilising effects were most prominent using Mn2+ as the metal ion. Ca2+ and Mg2+ produced comparable changes in the gyrase B melting profile. Additionally, we found that monovalent (K+) ions were more effective in the 43 kDa N-terminal domain where ATP binding occurs, whereas divalent ions caused large modifications in the conformational stability of the 47 kDa C-terminal domain. Our results on gyrase B mutants indicate that D498 interacts with Mn2+, whereas it has little effect on the binding of the other ions tested. A D500C mutation, in contrast, effectively impairs Mg2+ affinity, suggesting effective contacts between this ion and D500 in the wild-type enzyme. Hence, the sites of metal ion complexation within the Toprim domain are modulated by the nature of the ion species. These results suggest a double role played by metal ions in the catalytic steps involving DNA gyrase B. One has to do with direct involvement of cations complexed to the Toprim domain in the DNA cutting-rejoining process, the other, until now overlooked, is connected to the dramatic changes in protein flexibility produced by ion binding, which reduces the energy required for the huge conformational changes essential for the catalytic cycle to occur.  相似文献   

The 43 kDa N-terminal ATPase domain of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase B protein has been purified from an over-expressing strain. This protein has been crystallized in two crystal forms, both in the presence of the non-hydrolysable ATP analogue 5'-adenylyl-beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate. The first crystal form is monoclinic P2(1), with cell dimensions a = 76 A, b = 88 A, c = 82 A, beta = 105.5 degrees, and diffracts to at least 2.7 A resolution using synchrotron radiation. Crystal density measurements suggest that there are two molecules in the asymmetric unit (Vm = 3.08 A3/Da). The second crystal form is orthorhombic C222(1), with cell dimensions a = 89.2 A, b = 143.1 A and c = 79.8 A. The crystals diffract to beyond 3 A and are stable for at least 100 hours when exposed to X-rays from a rotating anode source. The asymmetric unit of this crystal form appears to contain one molecule (Vm = 2.96 A3/Da). Data have already been collected to 5 A resolution from native crystals of this second form, and to 6 A resolution from three heavy-atom derivatives. Electron density maps calculated using phases obtained from these derivatives show features consistent with secondary structural elements, and have allowed the molecular boundary to be determined. Higher resolution native and derivative data are being collected.  相似文献   

We have analysed the DNA cleavage reaction of DNA gyrase using oligonucleotides annealed to a single-stranded M13 derivative containing a preferred gyrase cleavage site. We find that gyrase can cleave duplexes down to approximately 20 bp in size in the presence of the quinolone drugs ciprofloxacin and oxolinic acid. Ciprofloxacin shows a variation in its site specificity with an apparent preference for G bases adjacent to the cleavage sites, whereas oxolinic acid stimulates cleavage predominantly at the previously determined site. With either drug, cleavage will not occur within 6 bases from the end of a DNA duplex or a nick. We suggest that cleavage site specificity with short DNA duplexes is determined by drug-DNA interactions whereas with longer fragments the positioning effect of the DNA wrap around gyrase prescribes the site of cleavage.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the only enzyme known to negatively supercoil DNA. The enzyme is a heterotetramer of A(2)B(2) subunit composition. Alignment of the primary sequence of gyrase B (GyrB) from various species shows that they can be grouped into two classes. The GyrB of Gram-negative eubacteria has a stretch of about 165 amino acids in the C-terminal half, which is lacking in other GyrB subunits and type II topoisomerases. In Escherichia coli, no function has so far been attributed to this stretch. In this study, we have tried to assess the function of this region both in vivo and in vitro. A deletant (GyrBDelta160) lacking this region is non-functional in vivo. The holoenzyme reconstituted from gyrase A (GyrA) and GyrBDelta160 shows reduced but detectable supercoiling and quinolone-induced cleavage activity in vitro. GyrBDelta160 retains its ability to bind to GyrA and novobiocin. However, when reconstituted with GyrA, the deletant shows greatly impaired DNA binding. The intrinsic ATPase activity of the GyrBDelta160 is comparable to that of wild type GyrB, but this activity is not stimulated by DNA. These studies indicate that the additional stretch present in GyrB is essential for the DNA binding ability of E. coli gyrase.  相似文献   

Human Rad51 protein (HsRad51) is a homolog of Escherichia coli RecA protein, and functions in DNA repair and recombination. In higher eukaryotes, Rad51 protein is essential for cell viability. The N-terminal region of HsRad51 is highly conserved among eukaryotic Rad51 proteins but is absent from RecA, suggesting a Rad51-specific function for this region. Here, we have determined the structure of the N-terminal part of HsRad51 by NMR spectroscopy. The N-terminal region forms a compact domain consisting of five short helices, which shares structural similarity with a domain of endonuclease III, a DNA repair enzyme of E. coli. NMR experiments did not support the involvement of the N-terminal domain in HsRad51-HsBrca2 interaction or the self-association of HsRad51 as proposed by previous studies. However, NMR tiration experiments demonstrated a physical interaction of the domain with DNA, and allowed mapping of the DNA binding surface. Mutation analysis showed that the DNA binding surface is essential for double-stranded and single-stranded DNA binding of HsRad51. Our results suggest the presence of a DNA binding site on the outside surface of the HsRad51 filament and provide a possible explanation for the regulation of DNA binding by phosphorylation within the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

A 5-kb region of theAcholeplasma laidlawii PG-8B genome was sequenced. The region contained the genes for RecF, DNA gyrase subunits A and B (GyrA and GyrB), and a fragment of the ATP-binding subunit of the hypothetical ABC transporter. In phylogenetic analysis,A. laidlawii GyrA and GyrB formed statistically significant, stable clusters with the corresponding proteins ofClostridium acetobutylicum, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, andStreptococcus pneumoniae. A laidlawii PG-8B clones resistant to fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotic ciprofloxacin (Cff) were obtained on a selective medium. The clones carried mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) ofgyrA, which resulted in substitutions Ser83→Ala, Ser83→Phe, or Asp91→Asn. No mutations were found ingyrB QRDR of the resistant clones.  相似文献   

The DNA dependence of the ATPase activity of DNA gyrase   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
We have studied the ATPase activity of DNA gyrase both in the absence and presence of DNA. In the absence of DNA we show that the gyrase B protein alone has a very low level of ATPase activity which can be increased many-fold by pretreatment of the B protein with heat or urea. When both the gyrase A protein and linear DNA are also present, the ATPase activity of the untreated B protein is greatly stimulated. We find that the extent of stimulation is dependent upon the length of the DNA but largely independent of DNA sequence. DNA molecules greater than 100 base pairs in length are much more effective in stimulating the gyrase ATPase than those of 70 base pairs or less, although short DNA molecules will stimulate the ATPase at high concentrations. The behavior of long and short DNA molecules with respect to ATPase stimulation is also reflected in their abilities to bind DNA gyrase. To account for these data we propose a model for the interaction of gyrase with ATP and DNA in which ATP hydrolysis requires the binding of DNA to two sites on the enzyme.  相似文献   

The intrinsic ATPase of DNA gyrase   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

Tryptic fragments of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A protein   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Treatment of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A protein with trypsin generates two large fragments which are stable to further digestion. The molecular masses of these fragments are 64 and 33 kDa, and they are shown to be derived from the N terminus and the C terminus of the A protein, respectively. These fragments could represent structural and/or functional domains within the A subunit of DNA gyrase. The trypsin-cleaved A protein (A'), in combination with the B subunit of gyrase, can support ATP-dependent supercoiling of relaxed DNA and other reactions of DNA gyrase. The isolated 64-kDa fragment will also catalyse DNA supercoiling in the presence of the B protein, but the 33-kDa fragment shows no enzymic activities. We conclude that the N-terminal 64-kDa fragment represents the DNA breakage/reunion domain of the A protein, while the 33-kDa fragment may contribute to the stability of the gyrase-DNA complex.  相似文献   

Microcin B17 (MccB17) is a peptide-based bacterial toxin that targets DNA gyrase, the bacterial enzyme that introduces supercoils into DNA. The site and mode of action of MccB17 on gyrase are unclear. We review what is currently known about MccB17-gyrase interactions and summarise approaches to understanding its mode of action that involve modification of the toxin. We describe experiments in which treatment of the toxin at high pH leads to the deamidation of two asparagine residues to aspartates. The modified toxin was found to be inactive in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that the Asn residues are essential for activity. Following on from these studies we have used molecular modelling to suggest a 3D structure for microcin B17. We discuss the implications of this model for MccB17 action and investigate the possibility that it binds metal ions.  相似文献   

Keane FM  Clarke AW  Foster TJ  Weiss AS 《Biochemistry》2007,46(24):7226-7232
Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen. Its virulence factors include a variety of MSCRAMMs (microbial surface component recognizing adhesive matrix molecules), each capable of binding specifically to the host extracellular matrix. The fibronectin-binding protein, FnBPA, has been shown previously to bind immobilized fibronectin, fibrinogen, and alpha-elastin peptides. Here we show that region A of FnBPA (rAFnBPA) binds to recombinant human tropoelastin. Binding occurs to three separate truncates of tropoelastin, encompassing domains 2-18, 17-27, and 27-36, signifying that the interaction occurs at multiple sites. The greatest affinity was for the N-terminal truncate. We observed a pH dependency for the rAFnBPA-tropoelastin interaction with strong, nonsaturable binding at low pH. The interaction ceased at higher pH. These data support a model of surface-surface interactions between the negative charges present on rAFnBPA and the positive lysines of tropoelastin. A protein lacking the negatively charged C-terminal fibronectin-binding motif of the A domain of FnBPA and another construct lacking subdomain N1 were both capable of binding immobilized tropoelastin with a lower affinity. The binding properties of five site-directed mutants of rAFnBPA were compared with wild-type rAFnBPA. There was no decreased affinity for immobilized tropoelastin, in contrast to the defective binding of these mutants to alpha-elastin and fibrinogen. The data indicate novel interactions between tropoelastin and FnBPA that include the use of surface charges. These results demonstrate that FnBPA is capable of directly binding tropoelastin prior to its incorporation into elastin.  相似文献   

Quinolone drugs can inhibit bacterial DNA replication, via interaction with the type II topoisomerase DNA gyrase. Using a DNA template containing a preferred site for quinolone-induced gyrase cleavage, we have demonstrated that the passage of the bacteriophage T7 replication complex is blocked in vitro by the formation of a gyrase-drug-DNA complex. The majority of the polymerase is arrested approximately 10 bp upstream of this preferred site, although other minor sites of blocking have been observed. The ability of mutant gyrase proteins to arrest DNA replication in vitro has been investigated. Gyrase containing mutations in the A subunit at either the active-site tyrosine (Tyr122) or Ser83 (a residue known to be involved in quinolone interaction) failed to halt the progress of the polymerase. A low-level, quinolone-resistant mutation in the B subunit of gyrase showed reduced blocking compared to wild-type. We have demonstrated that DNA cleavage and replication blocking occur on similar time-scales and we conclude that formation of the cleavable complex is a prerequisite for polymerase blocking. Additionally, we have shown that collision of the replication proteins with the gyrase-drug-DNA complex is not sufficient to render this complex irreversible and that further factors must be involved in processing this stalled complex.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein and nucleolar protein B23 are putative stimulatory factors for DNA polymerase alpha. We showed that these two factors interacted with each other and stimulated the activity of DNA polymerase alpha synergistically. B23 exists in two isoforms designated as B23.1 and B23.2. While B23.1 bound to a retinoblastoma protein-conjugated column, B23.2 did not. These results indicate that B23.1 can directly bind to retinoblastoma protein. It was also shown that B23 was co-immunoprecipitated with both retinoblastoma protein and DNA polymerase alpha from a HeLa cell extract by monoclonal antibodies raised against these components. These results suggest that these three proteins exist as a complex in cells, at least in part. The simultaneous addition of both B23.1 and retinoblastoma protein caused stimulation of DNA polymerase alpha activity that is much higher than the sum of the stimulation by retinoblastoma protein and B23.1 alone. The maximal stimulation was attained at the molar ratio of DNA polymerase alpha/retinoblastoma protein/B23.1 = 1:1:12. Since B23 exists as a hexamer in solution, it may act as a stimulator of DNA polymerase alpha in a form of double-hexamer, in concert with the phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase supercoils DNA in bacteria. The fact that it is essential in all bacteria and absent from eukaryotes makes it an ideal drug target. We discuss the action of coumarin and quinolone drugs on gyrase. In the case of coumarins, the drugs are known to be competitive inhibitors of the gyrase ATPase reaction. From a combination of structural and biochemical studies, the molecular details of the gyrase-coumarin complex are well established. In the case of quinolones, the drugs are thought to act by stabilising a cleavage complex between gyrase and DNA that arrests polymerases in vivo. The exact nature of the gyrase-quinolone-DNA complex is not known; we propose a model for this complex based on structural and biochemical data.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen is metabolized by cytochrome P450 to a reactive metabolite that covalently binds to proteins and this binding correlates with the hepatotoxicity. The major protein adduct was previously reported to be a 55 kDa protein that was detected on Western blots using antisera specific for 3-(cystein-S-yl)acetaminophen. In this study, the 55 kDa protein was isolated using a combination of ion exchange fast flow chromatography, hydroxyapatite HPLC and anion exchange HPLC. Amino acid sequences of 8 internal peptides from a trypsin digestion of the 55 kDa protein were found to have 97% homology with the deduced amino acid sequence from a cDNA that corresponds to a 56 kDa selenium binding protein. This is the first report of a specific protein to which a metabolite of acetaminophen covalently binds.  相似文献   

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