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The recovery at Shi’bat Dihya 1 (SD1) of a dense Middle Paleolithic human occupation dated to 55 ka BP sheds new light on the role of the Arabian Peninsula at the time of the alleged expansion of modern humans out of Africa. SD1 is part of a complex of Middle Paleolithic sites cut by the Wadi Surdud and interstratified within an alluvial sedimentary basin in the foothills that connect the Yemeni highlands with the Tihama coastal plain. A number of environmental proxies indicate arid conditions throughout a sequence that extends between 63 and 42 ka BP. The lithic industry is geared toward the production of a variety of end products: blades, pointed blades, pointed flakes and Levallois-like flakes with long unmodified cutting edges, made from locally available rhyolite. The occasional exploitation of other local raw materials, that fulfill distinct complementary needs, highlights the multi-functional nature of the occupation. The slightly younger Shi’bat Dihya 2 (SD2) site is characterized by a less elaborate production of flakes, together with some elements (blades and pointed flakes) similar to those found at SD1, and may indicate a cultural continuity between the two sites. The technological behaviors of the SD1 toolmakers present similarities with those documented from a number of nearly contemporaneous assemblages from southern Arabia, the Levant, the Horn of Africa and North Africa. However, they do not directly conform to any of the techno-complexes typical of the late Middle Paleolithic or late Middle Stone Age from these regions. This period would have witnessed the development of local Middle Paleolithic traditions in the Arabian Peninsula, which suggests more complex settlement dynamics and possible population interactions than commonly inferred by the current models of modern human expansion out of Africa.  相似文献   

There is increasing consensus that the global climate will continue to warm over the next century. The biodiversity-rich Amazon forest is a region of growing concern because many global climate model (GCM) scenarios of climate change forecast reduced precipitation and, in some cases, coupled vegetation models predict dieback of the forest. To date, fires have generally been spatially co-located with road networks and associated human land use because almost all fires in this region are anthropogenic in origin. Climate change, if severe enough, could alter this situation, potentially changing the fire regime to one of increased fire frequency and severity for vast portions of the Amazon forest. High moisture contents and dense canopies have historically made Amazonian forests extremely resistant to fire spread. Climate will affect the fire situation in the Amazon directly, through changes in temperature and precipitation, and indirectly, through climate-forced changes in vegetation composition and structure. The frequency of drought will be a prime determinant of both how often forest fires occur and how extensive they become. Fire risk management needs to take into account landscape configuration, land cover types and forest disturbance history as well as climate and weather. Maintaining large blocks of unsettled forest is critical for managing landscape level fire in the Amazon. The Amazon has resisted previous climate changes and should adapt to future climates as well if landscapes can be managed to maintain natural fire regimes in the majority of forest remnants.  相似文献   

The sediments forming the Cassian Formation (Middle—Upper Triassic) of the Central Dolomites represent the following environments: back-reef areas, shallow marginal basins, slope, and central basin. In each of these major environments faunal assemblages were found whose composition, mode of preservation and occurrence proved to be characteristics. In the back-reef areas, algal/foraminifera- and calcareous sponge/coral-patch reefs with a highly diverse fauna of frame-builders and reef-dwellers, in some localities excellently preserved, form the most conspicuous feature. In the shallow marginal basins autochthonous algal meadow/soft-bottom associations dominated by gastropods and deposit-feeding bivalves prevail. Slope deposits do not contain any autochthonous associations but either remains of pelagic faunas or transported faunal elements of shallow-water origin in the form of Cipit boulders (subaerially cemented parts from the outer edge of the carbonate platforms), worn Pachycardia rugosa-dominated, or echinoderm debris-dominated assemblages. Sediments of the central basin lack benthic faunas but contains pelagic assemblages of low diversity dominated by Daonella, Posidonia, and some ammonites.  相似文献   

Climate change,fuel and fire behaviour in a eucalypt forest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A suite of models was used to examine the links between climate, fuels and fire behaviour in dry eucalypt forests in south‐eastern Australia. Predictions from a downscaled climate model were used to drive models of fuel amount, the moisture content of fuels and two models of forest fire behaviour at a location in western Sydney in New South Wales, Australia. We found that a warming and drying climate produced lower fine fuel amounts, but greater availability of this fuel to burn due to lower moisture contents. Changing fuel load had only a small effect on fuel moisture. A warmer, drier climate increased rate of spread, an important measure of fire behaviour. Reduced fuel loads ameliorated climate‐induced changes in fire behaviour for one model. Sensitivity analysis of the other fire model showed that changes in fuel amount induced changes in fire behaviour of a similar magnitude to that caused directly by sensitivity to climate. Projection of changes in fire risk requires modelling of changes in vegetation as well as changes in climate. Better understanding of climate change effects on vegetation structure is required.  相似文献   

The Wessex Formation on the Isle of Wight yields an Early Cretaceous dinosaur fauna. Sedimentological evidence shows that this represents a mosaic of fluvial, floodplain and lacustrine environments within a relatively narrow east-west oriented valley. The vegetational cover on the alluvial plain had a savannah-or chaparral-like aspect, probably of low productivity. The relative scarcity of small aquatic vertebrates, absence of coals, abundance of oxidixed sediments and the presence of immature calcretes indicate seasonal water supply. The dinosaur taxa compising the Wessex Formation faunal assemblage represent a single palaeocommunity which inhabited the local alluvial plain, although some species may have been transient. The fauna had a relatively low diversity and this is attributed to the low productivity of the local vegetation. Iguanodontids and Hypsilophodon were the dominant elements in the fauna. In contrast to Late Jurassic dinosaur faunas, sauropods are less abundant in the Wessex Formation, although they remain taxonomically diverse. It is concluded that climatic changes which took place in the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous resulted in the appearance of low productivity vegetation and that this was incapable of supporting large sauropod populations.  相似文献   

Climate change will drive dramatic changes in the abundance and distribution of species. Assessing the impacts of climate change on our agricultural systems is essential for mitigation planning. Here, I combine projections from the UK Hadley Centre's HadRM03 climate change model for Southern Britain with a general mechanistic model of the interaction between climate, temperate grass physiology and cereal aphid population dynamics. Aphids are one of the largest and most important groups of crop pests and disease vectors worldwide but particularly in temperate regions. The model predicts an increasingly dramatic decline in cereal aphid abundance from the 1961 to 1990 baseline with increasing CO2 emissions: low emissions=?5%, medium low=?12%, medium high=?61%, and high=?92%. Of the six climate variables used in the model, changes in temperature and rainfall were the most important across all emissions scenarios and, counter‐intuitively, the direct impact of elevated CO2 actually declines as emissions increase. The results suggest that the pest status of cereal aphids in Southern Britain will significantly decline by the end of this century.  相似文献   

The discovery of a Middle Epipaleolithic adult skeleton (F-81) at the site of Wadi Mataha in southern Jordan provides new insights into human variability in the Epipaleolithic of the Levant. This paper analyzes the skeletal morphology of Wadi Mataha F-81 in the context of other Epipaleolithic remains from Jordan and Israel to assess the current evidence for morphological variability throughout this period. The F-81 skeleton shares morphological features with earlier Epipaleolithic skeletons from Ohalo and Nahal Ein Gev, and later Natufian populations. Despite the morphological similarities, F-81 extends the range of known variability prior to the Natufian with its unusually small stature and unique combination of morphological characteristics. High levels of cranial and postcranial robusticity suggest that the F-81 individual was physically active and terrestrially mobile. Pronounced bilateral asymmetry in the upper limb suggests significant lateralization of habitual activity. In the context of Epipaleolithic remains, the F-81 skeleton provides preliminary evidence for greater morphological variability, terrestrial mobility, and lateralized habitual behavior prior to the Natufian, and skeletal gracilization between the Middle and Late Epipaleolithic in the Levant.  相似文献   

In the largest early tetrapod clade, the temnospondyls, ontogenies were diverse and quite distinct from the life cycles of extant amphibians. Three well‐studied clades exemplify the diversity of these long‐extinct ontogenies, here analysed with respect to their bearing on developmental plasticity, reaction norms and evolution. Sclerocephalus readily adjusted by means of developmental evolution to different lake environments. In addition, plasticity (reaction norm) played a significant role, apparent both morphologically and by altered developmental traits. Size increase and extension of the ontogenetic trajectory gave larger predators, a phenomenon also found in the dissorophoid Micromelerpeton. Whereas Sclerocephalus was throughout preying on the same fishes, Micromelerpeton was able to fit into different trophic levels. In the branchiosaurid Apateon, a biphasic life cycle was established, with metamorphosis producing a terrestrial morph in some species; truncation of the ontogenetic trajectory gave a sexually mature larva as an alternative morph (neoteny). Plasticity was high in the larval morphs, permitting neotenes to live as filter feeders or small carnivores. Fine‐tuning of development permitted Apateon populations to adjust to specific lake properties and readily change from a filter‐feeding to carnivorous mode of life. In the nonmetamorphosing Triassic Gerrothorax, morphology was extremely conserved, but histology reveals much plasticity at the microscopical level, correlating with fluctuating salinity and water energy. In responding to environmental fluctuations by enhanced plasticity, the studied temnospondyls managed to populate lakes inhabitable to other tetrapods and fishes.  相似文献   

Land‐use changes, pollution and climate warming during the 20th century have caused changes in biodiversity across the world. However, in many cases, the environmental drivers are poorly understood. To identify and rank the drivers currently causing broad‐scale floristic changes in N Europe, we analysed data from two vascular plant surveys of 200 randomly selected 2.5 × 2.5 km grid‐squares in Scania, southernmost Sweden, conducted 1989–2006 and 2008–2015, respectively, and related the change in frequency (performance) of the species to a wide range of species‐specific plant traits. We chose traits representing all plausible drivers of recent floristic changes: climatic change (northern distribution limit, flowering time), land‐use change (light requirement, response to grazing/mowing, response to soil disturbance), drainage (water requirement), acidification (pH optimum), nitrogen deposition and eutrophication (N requirement, N fixation ability, carnivory, parasitism, mycorrhizal associations), pollinator decline (mode of reproduction) and changes in CO2 levels (photosynthetic pathway). Our results suggest that climate warming and changes in land‐use were the main drivers of changes in the flora during the last decades. Climate warming appeared as the most influential driver, with northern distribution limit explaining 30%–60% of the variance in the GLMM models. However, the relative importance of the drivers differed among habitat types, with grassland species being affected the most by cessation of grazing/mowing and species of ruderal habitats by on‐going concentration of both agriculture and human population to the most productive soils. For wetland species, only pH optimum was significantly related to species performance, possibly an effect of the increasing humification of acidic water bodies. An observed relative decline of mycorrhizal species may possibly be explained by decreasing nitrogen deposition resulting in less competition for phosphorus. We found no effect of shortage or decline of pollinating lepidopterans and bees.  相似文献   

Travelers to North Yemen nearly invariably report that Yemeni people are universally addicted to the drug qat and that the problems of the country are related to this. On the other hand, the majority of Yemenis claim that qat is not only harmless, but that it has many virtues. After describing the chemistry of the drug and the customs of use, this paper addresses the question of the concept of addiction in terms of data gathered during an extensive field study of qat use. Questions of latency, tolerance and availability are discussed, while particular attention and data are devoted to an examination of the analgesic hypothesis. It is concluded that a more complex theory is needed to deal with drug dependencies and that social and cultural perspectives must be added to concepts of the physiological and psychological effects of drugs if progress is to be made toward understanding institutional drug use such as is found with regard to qat.  相似文献   

Use of a Santa Barbara beach by people and birds varied in both time and space. There were 100 birds, 18 people and 2 dogs per kilometer. Bird density varied primarily with the season and tide while human activity varied most between weekend and weekday. Bird distributions along the beach were determined mainly by habitat type (particularly a lagoon and exposed rocky intertidal areas) For crows and western gulls, there was some evidence that access to urban refuse increased abundance. Interactions between birds and people often caused birds to move or fly away, particularly when people were within 20 m. During a short observation period, 10% of humans and 39% of dogs disturbed birds. More than 70% of birds flew when disturbed. Bird species varied in the frequency that they were disturbed, partially because a few bird species foraged on the upper beach where contact with people was less frequent. Most disturbances occurred low on the beach. Although disturbances caused birds to move away from humans, most displacement was short enough that variation in human activity did not alter large-scale patterns of beach use by the birds. Birds were less reactive to humans (but not dogs) when beach activity was low.  相似文献   

Migrating waterbirds moving between upper and lower latitudinal breeding and wintering grounds rely on a limited network of endorheic lakes and wetlands when crossing arid continental interiors. Recent drying of global endorheic water stores raises concerns over deteriorating migratory pathways, yet few studies have considered these effects at the scale of continental flyways. Here, we investigate the resiliency of waterbird migration networks across western North America by reconstructing long‐term patterns (1984–2018) of terminal lake and wetland surface water area in 26 endorheic watersheds. Findings were partitioned regionally by snowmelt‐ and monsoon‐driven hydrologies and combined with climate and human water‐use data to determine their importance in predicting surface water trends. Nonlinear patterns of lake and wetland drying were apparent along latitudinal flyway gradients. Pervasive surface water declines were prevalent in northern snowmelt watersheds (lakes ?27%, wetlands ?47%) while largely stable in monsoonal watersheds to the south (lakes ?13%, wetlands +8%). Monsoonal watersheds represented a smaller proportion of total lake and wetland area, but their distribution and frequency of change within highly arid regions of the continental flyway increased their value to migratory waterbirds. Irrigated agriculture and increasing evaporative demands were the most important drivers of surface water declines. Underlying agricultural and wetland relationships however were more complex. Approximately 7% of irrigated lands linked to flood irrigation and water storage practices supported 61% of all wetland inundation in snowmelt watersheds. In monsoonal watersheds, small earthen dams, meant to capture surface runoff for livestock watering, were a major component of wetland resources (67%) that supported networks of isolated wetlands surrounding endorheic lakes. Ecological trends and human impacts identified herein underscore the importance of assessing flyway‐scale change as our model depictions likely reflect new and emerging bottlenecks to continental migration.  相似文献   

BackgroundExtreme precipitation events are increasing as a result of ongoing global warming, but controversy surrounds the relationship between flooding and mosquito-borne diseases. A common view among the scientific community and public health officers is that heavy rainfalls have a flushing effect on breeding sites, which negatively affects vector populations, thereby diminishing disease transmission. During 2014 in Montpellier, France, there were at least 11 autochthonous cases of chikungunya caused by the invasive tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in the vicinity of an imported case. We show that an extreme rainfall event increased and extended the abundance of the disease vector Ae. albopictus, hence the period of autochthonous transmission of chikungunya.Conclusions/SignificanceOur empirical data suggests that heavy rainfall events did increase the risk of arbovirus transmission in Southern France in 2014 by favouring a rapid rise in abundance of vector mosquitoes. Further studies should now confirm these results in different ecological contexts, so that the impact of global change and extreme climatic events on mosquito population dynamics and the risk of disease transmission can be adequately understood.  相似文献   



Dengue is a major global public health problem with increasing incidence and geographic spread. The epidemiology is complex with long inter-epidemic intervals and endemic with seasonal fluctuations. This study was initiated to investigate dengue transmission dynamics in Binh Thuan province, southern Vietnam.


Wavelet analyses were performed on time series of monthly notified dengue cases from January 1994 to June 2009 (i) to detect and quantify dengue periodicity, (ii) to describe synchrony patterns in both time and space, (iii) to investigate the spatio-temporal waves and (iv) to associate the relationship between dengue incidence and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices in Binh Thuan province, southern Vietnam.

Principal Findings

We demonstrate a continuous annual mode of oscillation and a multi-annual cycle of around 2–3-years was solely observed from 1996–2001. Synchrony in time and between districts was detected for both the annual and 2–3-year cycle. Phase differences used to describe the spatio-temporal patterns suggested that the seasonal wave of infection was either synchronous among all districts or moving away from Phan Thiet district. The 2–3-year periodic wave was moving towards, rather than away from Phan Thiet district. A strong non-stationary association between ENSO indices and climate variables with dengue incidence in the 2–3-year periodic band was found.


A multi-annual mode of oscillation was observed and these 2–3-year waves of infection probably started outside Binh Thuan province. Associations with climatic variables were observed with dengue incidence. Here, we have provided insight in dengue population transmission dynamics over the past 14.5 years. Further studies on an extensive time series dataset are needed to test the hypothesis that epidemics emanate from larger cities in southern Vietnam.  相似文献   

Consanguineous marriage is traditionally common throughout the Eastern Mediterranean region, especially in the mainly Muslim countries. To date, there is little information on consanguinity in Yemen. The aim of this study was to ascertain the rate of consanguineous marriage and average coefficient of inbreeding in Sana'a City, Yemen. A population survey was conducted with the intention of covering married couples resident in Sana'a City by means of a multi-stage random sampling technique. A total of 1050 wives and husbands were interviewed on consanguinity in their households. The total incidence of consanguinity was 44-7% (95% CI 41.7-47.7%) with first-cousin marriages constituting 71.6% of the total consanguineous marriages and 32% of all marriages. Paternal parallel first cousins (Type I) accounted for 49% of first-cousin marriages. The average coefficient of inbreeding (F) was 0.02442. The incidence of consanguinity is relatively high in Yemen with predominantly first-cousin marriage. This might be related to the deeply rooted social and cultural beliefs in the country.  相似文献   

Comparisons of morphologies and modes of life of the Ordovician fossil Tetradium Dana, 1846, with chaetetid sponges, tabulate corals, and Recent rhodophytes show that several defining Tetradium characteristics are incompatible with its chaetetid and tabulate classifications. All Tetradium characteristics fit a rhodophyte identification, however, as a calcified uniaxial corticated florideophyte. It is argued from functional morphology that the fundamental subsquare cross-section of the Tetradium tube is an adaptation for close packing, which implies that the basic growth form is compact and should have developed where conditions were optimal. More open forms are derived from it and probably occupied less-favourable environments.
Palaeoecological studies from the Ottawa Valley, Canada, show that the Tetradium growth form is correlated with environmental stress and became more open as salinity increased: i.e. the compact T. fibratum form lived in normal marine conditions, radiating bundles of T. cellulosum tubes in low to middle hypersalinity and single T. syringoporoides tubes in high hypersalinity. Different Tetradium growth forms from the study area are phenotypic variants of a single species, rather than different species and genera. Therefore, classifications that divide Tetradium into different species and genera based only on growth form have no biological basis. There is little evidence of interspecific interactions with Tetradium .  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the ecology of the Bryozoa in the Upper Wenlockian of Gotland. The Upper Wenlockian sedimentary rocks of Gotland, locally known as the Halla-Mulde Beds, are deposited in a shallow sea. The sedimentary rock types include well-developed reefs of “barrier” and “fringing” types and marly limestones in both forereef and backreef positions. These sedimentary rocks are rich in Bryozoa as well as in other shelly fossils. Twenty seven bryozoan species have been identified from this stratigraphic sequence. The bryozoans tend to occur in associations. These are not strictly comparable with the neontological animal communities in the Petersen sense, but should rather be regarded as “ecozones”.Twelve different faunistic associations can be identified in the investigated material. On Bryozoa alone, five major zones are discernible.  相似文献   

The palaeoecology of the fauna from the Ndolanya Beds, Laetoli, Tanzania, has been analysed to reconstruct the environment of this 2.6 Ma site. Community profiles have been constructed in relation to three variables that carry ecological meaning: body weight, locomotor adaptations and feeding preferences. Comparing the similarities and differences in the structure of the fossil faunas with those of modern environments allows us to draw inferences about palaeoenvironmental conditions, and this is based on a comparative dataset of 15 modern environments (44 localities) covering a wide range of climatic and ecological conditions across Asia, Africa and Central America. In addition, 16 fossil sites in East and South Africa have been analysed in the same way, and both sets of comparative data have been used as the basis for comparison with an ecological diversity analysis of the fauna from the Upper Ndolanya Beds. The Ndolanya fauna is characterized by a predominance of medium to large sized terrestrial and herbivorous species.There is evidence of taphonomic bias that eliminated many of the smaller species. A comparison of multivariate analyses of 23 selected modern localities conducted both with and without the small species included, indicates that the loss of these species does not adversely influence the results of an ecological diversity analysis. The evidence suggests that at the time of the deposition of the Ndolanya Beds the Laetoli region was a semi-arid bushland. This is considerably drier and more open than is suggested for the earlier Laetolil Beds.  相似文献   

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