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Chromosomal imbalances were analyzed in 62 breast cancers with different DNA ploidy by CGH. The results of DNA image cytometry and CGH are consistent with peridiploid and aneuploid cases. The peritetraploid tumors harbored a high number of chromosomal imbalances, as a hint for an unfavorable prognosis. The quantitative analysis of imbalances highlighted the role of different physical constituents of the chromosome, and of chromosomal losses in different DNA ploidy groups. The peritetraploid and aneuploid tumors differed from the peridiploid tumors in losses at 8p and 18q. The peritetraploid cancers exhibited more gains at 8q, the aneuploid tumors more losses at 17p than their peridiploid counterparts. The aneuploid cases differed from the peritetraploid tumors in a higher number of losses at 11q and 14q. Combinations of imbalances provide further insights into the genetic background of DNA ploidy. Hypotheses for the progression from peridiploid to nondiploid breast cancers are given.  相似文献   

Sixteen ear malignant melanomas (MM) were studied for ploidy and cell cycle analysis by flow and image cytometry. The results were compared with clinical (age, sex, stage), histologic (depth of invasion, level, type) and prognostic (recurrence, death) parameters. Single nuclear suspensions were obtained from fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor and adjacent normal tissue processed separately according to Hedley's technique. These, a "spiked" specimen of normal tissue and tumor, and a spleen diploid control were analyzed on a FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, California, U.S.A.). Feulgen-stained Cytocentrifuge preparations of nuclear suspensions of normal, MM and diploid spleen were analyzed with the CAS 200 Image Analyzer (Cell Analysis Systems, Inc., Elmhurst, Illinois, U.S.A.) against commercial calibration rat hepatocytes defined as diploid. Six (37.5%) MM were diploid, and 10 (62.5%) were aneuploid; 8 (90%) were hypodiploid, for a high frequency. There were no statistically significant correlations between clinical, pathologic, prognostic or cell cycle analysis parameters and ploidy, although poor prognostic features tended to be in aneuploid lesions.  相似文献   

Paraffin-embedded tissue from a series of 40 cases of diffuse, large cell lymphoma was analyzed by both flow and image cytometry to compare the ability of these techniques to detect DNA aneuploid populations. Image cytometry (ICM) was performed both on nuclear suspensions and tissue sections. Twenty cases (50%) were non-diploid by at least one method of analysis. Twenty-five percent of the cases were aneuploid by flow cytometry (FCM) alone. The majority of these cases were near-diploid tumors which could not be resolved by ICM. Peri-tetraploid peaks were identified by ICM of tissue sections alone in 15% of the cases. There was an apparent loss of these peri-tetraploid cells during the preparation of the nuclear suspensions. The remaining cases showed a good correlation between all three methods in the determination of DNA ploidy. Flow and image cytometry are complimentary techniques when applied to archival tissue, however aneuploid populations may be missed if ICM is not performed on tissue sections.  相似文献   

Numerous studies using flow cytometry (FCM) have shown that DNA quantification and ploidy classification can provide information of prognostic significance for patients with colorectal carcinoma; recent advances in image analysis cytometry (image cytometry, ICM) provide a new, alternative technique for DNA quantification. This study investigated whether (1) patients with colorectal carcinomas that exhibit a diploid pattern of DNA distribution have improved five-year survival statistics as compared to their non-diploid counterparts and (2) ICM provides quantitative data comparable to that obtained by FCM. DNA quantification and ploidy classification of 27 cases of primary colorectal carcinoma was performed on archival paraffin-embedded tissue by both FCM and ICM; 70% (19) of the tumors were classified as nondiploid by ICM while 56% (15) were similarly classified by FCM. Diploid tumors were associated with Dukes' stage A while nondiploid tumors were associated with Dukes' stage D. The overall five-year survival rate was 75% for patients with ICM diploid tumors and 67% for patients with FCM diploid tumors. The five-year survival was only 53% for patients with nondiploid tumors identified by both techniques. This study confirmed that DNA quantification is an important prognostic indicator for patients with colorectal carcinoma. It also showed that ICM provides data comparable to that of FCM and may be more sensitive.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the reproducibility of several stains used to measure nuclear DNA by image cytometry. The specimens were touch preparations of liver and testis from mouse and liver, intestine and brain from rat, fixed in either neutral formalin or Carnoy's solution. The tested stains included four Feulgen methods (pararosaniline, azure-A, thionin and acriflavine), the gallocyanine-chromalum stain and two fluorescent stains (acridine orange and propidium iodide). Absorbance measurements employed a video image analysis system; fluorescence measurements were from a scanning microspectrophotometer. The acriflavine-Feulgen stain was analyzed for both absorbance and fluorescence. All seven stains were quantitative for DNA and gave reproducible results. The absorbance measurements had a lower coefficient of variation (CV) than the fluorescence values. In a nested analysis of variance of the pararosaniline Feulgen stains, cell-to-cell variability accounted for 67% of the total variance; slide-to-slide, 9%; and batch-to-batch, 24%. These values did not change significantly when the staining was performed in an automatic staining machine. For DNA analysis using image cytometry, we conclude that the Feulgen staining technique is the most useful. In particular, acriflavine-Feulgen-stained cells fixed in Carnoy's fluid give the least variation between measurement values and the most accurate ratios between the separate ploidy groups. For fluorescence cytometry we recommend Carnoy's fixation and the acriflavine-Feulgen stain because of its narrow CV as compared to acridine orange and propidium iodide.  相似文献   

The DNA content in 37 tumors from 34 women with gynecological cancer was measured by flow cytometry (FCM) and interactive image cytometry (ICM). Agreement was obtained in 81% of cases as regards ploidy levels, but seven tumors (19%) showed different ploidies. Of these, five were classified as diploid by FCM but either aneuploid (three cases) or polyploid (two cases) by ICM. Two other tumors were aneuploid by ICM but polyploid (one case) and unclassifiable (one case) by FCM. All tumors classified as aneuploid by FCM were also aneuploid by ICM, and all tumors classified diploid by ICM were also diploid by FCM. Of six patients whose tumors were classified as euploid (five diploid and one polyploid) by FCM but classified as aneuploid by ICM, five relapsed, and three of these have died of disease. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that ICM must be performed in cases classified as diploid by FCM to ensure that small subpopulations of aneuploid tumor cells are not overlooked.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prognostic value of DNA ploidy in breast carcinoma and its relation to other established prognostic factors. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated DNA ploidy in 303 breast carcinoma patients with a median follow-up of 63 months. Flow cytometry was performed on frozen tumor material, yielding histograms with narrow peaks (median coefficient of variation of 2.08). DNA ploidy pattern was classified as either diploid versus nondiploid, euploid (diploid and tetraploid) versus aneuploid or diploid/near-diploid (DNA index < 1.2) versus other, and correlated with relapse-free (RFS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) along with tumor size, histologic grade and type, axillary lymph node involvement, menopausal and steroid receptor status, age and type of treatment. RESULTS: Seventy-one percent of tumors were DNA nondiploid (14% tetraploid and 57% aneuploid). There was a strong association between DNA ploidy and histologic grade. Histologic grade, lymph node status, tumor size and DNA ploidy (regardless of the classification used) were all significantly associated with RFS and CSS in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that DNA ploidy, at least when determined from frozen tumor tissue, is an independent prognostic factor in breast carcinoma; however, its prognostic power seems to be inferior to that of histologic grade, with which it strongly correlates.  相似文献   

The DNA ploidy of 85 melanocytic skin lesions was determined by flow cytometry (FCM) and interactive image analysis (IA) using nuclear extracts of paraffin-embedded tissue. Of the 85 lesions analyzed, 43 were malignant melanomas in different stages of evolution, 15 were dysplastic nevi, 11 were Spitz nevi, and 16 were other types of nevi. Some of the last had features of congenital nevi. Within the melanoma category, there was 42% aneuploidy by FCM versus 56% by IA. Of those melanomas aneuploid by FCM, all but one were aneuploid by IA. All dysplastic nevi, 10/11 Spitz nevi and 15/16 other nevi were diploid by both methods. One of the 16 nevi from the "other types" category was tetraploid by IA but diploid by FCM. A single Spitz nevus was tetraploid by FCM but diploid by image analysis. While our results suggest that interactive IA is potentially a more sensitive method than FCM for detecting aneuploidy in cutaneous pigmented lesions, it remains to be shown whether this will translate into better prognostic assessment of the biologic behavior of melanocytic neoplasms than provided by flow cytometric ploidy analysis.  相似文献   

Tumor cells from 72 patients with advanced breast carcinoma (T3/T4) were analyzed for their DNA content by cytophotometry and flow cytometry (FCM). Both methods were able to subdivide the tumors into groups with different prognoses. Patients with a normal/near-normal DNa content in the tumor had a better prognosis than did those with aneuploid tumors. FCM measurements of DNA content gave a better discrimination for both survival (P = .019) and disease-free survival (P = .059) than did cytophotometry (P = .105 and P = .067, respectively). These results indicate that FCM analysis of paraffin-embedded material is a more accurate method than is cytophotometry for characterizing the DNA content of breast carcinoma cells. The method could be useful in both retrospective studies and in daily diagnostic work.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish a diploid reference value for DNA ploidy analysis of mouse cells (Mus musculus) by image cytometry using the CAS 200, an analysis system suitable for DNA content studies in human cells. STUDY DESIGN: To establish this standard, we used spleen imprints from 26 normal animals. A minimum of 150 lymphocytes present in each imprint was counted. The mean DNA content (pg/cell) of the G0/G1 peak and the DNA index observed in all samples were statistically analyzed. Cytospins with peritoneal cells from the same animals were then analyzed with this reference DNA value to confirm the diploid range. RESULTS: The DNA diploid reference value was determined by the mean DNA content of all spleen samples, which was 6.42 +/- 0.234 pg/cell, and the diploid range, defined as the diploid value +/- 10%, was 5.78-7.06 pg/cell. All the peritoneal samples showed a DNA diploid histogram, with a mean value for the G0/G1 peak DNA content of 6.742 +/- 0.15. CONCLUSION: The diploid reference value found in this study differs from those reported for other species, including the human being, and should be used in further studies of mouse pathology.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric studies of human sperm from fertile men display a constant and characteristic bimodal nonartifactual DNA pattern confirming the existence of two distinct populations. The main population is represented by a peak followed by a shoulder (“marginal population”). The appearance of this marginal population fluctuates with either freezing and thawing or with Percoll gradient centrifugation. We have analyzed both the main and marginal sperm populations by flow cytometry after cell sorting, laser scanning cytometry, light microscopic evaluation, and their sensitivity to DNase digestion. We have observed that the marginal population detected in fertile men represents a sperm group altered in the nuclear condensation, yielding unstable chromatin which appears more stainable with propidium iodide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A DNA image cytometry method, implemented on the LEYTAS image processing system, has been applied to acriflavine-Feulgen-stained breast cancer cytology specimens. An essential feature of the LEYTAS image cytometry method (LCM) is the automated selection of single nuclei according to predetermined specifications. Visual interaction has been used to reject remaining artefacts like overlapping nuclei. DNA profiles obtained with LCM have been compared with DNA profiles obtained by scanning cytophotometry (SCM) or flow cytometry (FCM). The resolution of DNA profiles obtained with LCM is similar to that from SCM but lower than that from FCM. However, a high correlation is found for the DNA indices measured with LCM and FCM (r = 0.97). The LCM profiles of aneuploid tumours generally showed lower accessory diploid fractions than FCM profiles due to the automated rejection of leukocyte nuclei. Also, LCM profiles frequently showed the presence of minor subpopulations of highly aneuploid/polyploid tumour cells that could not be identified by FCM. Therefore, LCM appears to be supplementary to FCM for studying tumour cell stemline heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa obtained from fish (Clarias gariepinus), human (Homo sapiens), turkeys (Meleagris gallapova), rats (Rattus norvegicus), hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), and monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were stained with acridine orange before measuring fluorescence by flow cytometry. These mature sperm from various species produced different intensities of fluorescence while displaying similar ratios of red/green fluorescence. Comparison of the green fluorescence values for the various species showed the sequence (descending order of fluorescence values) human, turkey, monkey, hamster, rat and fish. The DNA complement (as base pairs in the haploid genome) of the various species did not increase in direct proportion to the fluorescence values. This suggests that the DNA was not equally accessible to the dye in the different species tested. The similarity in ratios of red/green fluorescence suggests that the structure of DNA in the chromatin is similar in the different species but abnormal 'satellite' populations of cells that show higher red/green fluorescence ratios than the parent population have been found in sperm samples from monkeys and from some infertile men. Their high red fluorescence intensities were not caused by RNA because treatment with RNAse did not alter the red fluorescence. It is possible that these cells contain larger amounts of denatured (single stranded) DNA.  相似文献   

In soft tissue sarcoma, the prognostic importance of DNA ploidy status is limited. One possible explanation may be technical; small non-diploid stemlines will be diluted in relation to the presence of normal diploid cells and may not be detected by flow cytometry (FCM). We assessed DNA ploidy status in 93 tumors with both FCM and image cytometry (ICM). ICM may permit the exclusion of non-relevant cells. The ability of the two methods to detect non-diploid stemlines was compared, as were the prognostic consequences. The patients (54 males) had a median age of 69 years. Surgical procedures were performed on all patients. None of the patients had received preoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy. FCM and ICM were performed with standard methods. The prognostic value was assessed with univariate and multivariate analysis. In 82 of the 93 tumors, a concordant ploidy status by FCM and ICM was found. In 5 FCM type 1-2 tumors (diploid), the identification of non-diploid stemlines by ICM did not influence the metastatic rates. Increasing tumor size, histotype other than liposarcoma, increasing malignancy grade, tumor necrosis, and ICM non-diploidy were univariate prognostic factors for metastasis. In a multivariate analysis, only tumor size larger than 9 cm was a prognostic factor. In about 10% of the tumors, a discrepancy between FCM and ICM ploidy status was found, but we could not find a consistent prognostic consequence of this. Neither FCM nor ICM ploidy status was an independent prognostic factor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prognostic importance of DNA ploidy pattern on gastrointestinal (GI) B-cell lymphoma using image cytometry (ICM) and to compare the results with previously published flow cytometry (FCM) data. STUDY DESIGN: Forty-three cases of surgically resected primary GI B-cell lymphomas were examined. Thirty-eight tumors were located in the stomach, 2 in the small intestine, 1 in the large bowel and 2 in both the stomach and small intestine. Six cases were at stage E I 1, 15 at stage E I 2, 20 at stage E II 1 and 1 each at stages III and IV. Histologically, the lymphomas were classified as GI low grade marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type (low grade, 12 cases), low grade MALT lymphoma with a high grade component (mixed type, 10 cases) and GI diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBC) (high grade MALT lymphoma, 21 cases). After gross removal of nonneoplastic tissue, single cell suspensions were prepared from paraffin blocks and stained according to Feulgen. Ploidy analysis was done using a custom-made DNA cytometer and Optimas image analysis software (Optimas Corp., Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.). RESULTS: Aneuploidy was found in 42% (5/12 cases) of low grade MALT lymphoma, 90% (9/10 cases) of mixed type lymphoma and 100% (21/21 cases) of GI DLBCL. DNA ploidy had no significant impact on overall survival time (P = .73). CONCLUSION: ICM analysis showed a higher proportion of aneuploidy in GI lymphomas as compared to that in prior studies using FCM for ploidy determination. Whether DNA ploidy is an independent prognostic factor remains to be determined.  相似文献   

DNA contents were determined using flow cytometry in cells of 71 clones of the rat transplantable rhabdomyosarcoma passed through more than 70 cycles of selection for increased malignancy. 58 clones (82%) consisted of cells with diploid DNA content, whereas 13 clones (18%) displayed not only diploid, but also near tetraploid cell subpopulations, the latter covering from 20 to 60% of the total number of cells measured. The data obtained show the existence of intra- and interclonal karyotypic heterogeneity in populations of tumor clonogenic cells.  相似文献   

We studied nuclear DNA distribution by flow cytometry in 59 human brain tumors. Samples were frozen at -20 degrees C immediately after surgery and unicellular suspensions were obtained with a mechanical dissociation technique. Nuclear DNA was stained with propidium iodide. Normal human brain tissue was used as a diploid reference standard. In 86.3% of benign tumors an unimodal DNA distribution with a DNA index usually within the diploid range was found. Among malignant tumors, 64% had un unimodal DNA distribution with diploid or near-diploid modal DNA content. The remaining 36% showed an additional cell peak with a DNA index ranging from 1.15 to 1.92. The percentage of S-phase cells was higher in malignant (median = 3.8) than in benign tumors (median = 1.9) (p less than .001), without correlation to histological tumor subtype.  相似文献   

The technique of DNA flow cytometry was used to study variation in DNA content among different ploidy levels, as well as among diploid species, of Vaccinium section Cyanococcus. In a sample of plants of varying ploidy level, the relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) of nuclei stained with propidium iodide was a function of the number of chromosome sets (x), as represented by the linear equation RFI=3.7x-2.3 (r2=95%). The data indicated that DNA flow cytometry could be useful for the determination of ploidy level at the seedling stage in blueberry. They also suggest that conventional polyploid evolution has occurred in this section of the genus Vaccinium with an increase in nuclear DNA content concurrent with the increase in chromosome number. The nuclear DNA content of diploid species of Vaccinium section Cyanococcus was estimated from the relationship of the observed RFI to an internal known DNA standard (trout red blood cells). A nested analysis of variance indicated significant variation among species, as well as among populations within species, in nuclear DNA content, although this variation was small compared to the variation among ploidy levels. The variation in nuclear DNA content corresponded to the phylogenetic relationships among species determined from previous studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify p53 expression by flow cytometry. A panel of three monoclonal antibodies: NCL-p53-240, NCL-p53-1801 and NCL-p53-DO7, was tested on breast cell lines and primary breast cancers. The relationships between ploidy, tumour grade and p53 expression for each antibody, were examined. Methodology was assessed using a variety of breast cell lines. Staining patterns were confirmed and the quantification technique qualified. Cytokeratin-positive cells from 58 samples obtained from patients with breast cancer were assayed for DNA content and p53 expression. p53 quantification was performed using calibrated fluorescent beads on cytokeratin-positive cells. Bloom and Richardson grading revealed 20 grade I and 38 grade II/III breast cancers. Examination of fluorescence thresholds showed a positive correlation between grade and DO7 (P=0.003) at a level of 8900 molecules, 240 (P=0.005) at a level of 2900 molecules and 1801 (P=0.005) at a level of 1850 molecules. These levels equated with 34% (DO7), 43% (240) and 43% (1801) of the samples being classified as p53-positive. Examination of ploidy revealed 23 diploid and 35 aneuploid breast cancers. Application of p53 threshold levels on diploid and aneuploid tumours showed correlation between aneuploidy and p53 expression for DO7 at a level of 9000 molecules, 240 at a level of 1900 molecules and 1801 at a level of 1800 molecules. These levels equated with 34% (DO7), 52% (240) and 52% (1801) of the samples being classified as p53-positive. We conclude that measurement of p53 by flow cytometry may be of clinical importance by indicating levels of positivity using fluorescence thresholds. p53 expression has been shown to correlate with both grade and ploidy. Flow-cytometric measurement of p53 may be a useful prognostic assay.This study was supported by the North of England Cancer Research Campaign  相似文献   

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