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Seasonal changes in the fatty acid composition of neutral and polar lipids were measured in the ovary, liver, white muscle, and adipopancreatic tissue of northern pike. The role of environmental and physiological factors underlying these changes was evaluated. From late summer (August–September) to winter (January–March), the weight percentage of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially 22:6n3) declined significantly in the neutral lipids of all somatic tissues examined. However, large quantities of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulated in the recrude cing ovaries during fall and the weight percentage of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in ovary polar lipids also increased significantly. Additionally, the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of somatic polar lipids increased significantly during fall due to increases in the total polar lipid content of the somatic tissues. This suggests that during fall n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid are diverted away from somatic neutral lipids and thereby conserved for use in ovary construction and for incorporation into tissue polar lipids. The percentage of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid in ovary neutral lipids also declined during fall and early winter, perhaps as an adaptation to conserve these fatty acids for storage in oocyte polar lipids and later incorporation into cellular membranes of the developing embryo. Reductions in the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids content of somatic and ovarian neutral lipids during fall were compensated for specifically by increases in the percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids rather than saturated fatty acids. This suggests that the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in pike neutral lipid, is regulated physiologically, and hence may influence the physiological functioning of these lipids. During fall and early winter the percentage of saturated fatty acids declined significantly in the polar lipids of all tissues examined. This change was consistent with the known effects of cold acclimation on the fatty acid composition of cellular membranes. As the ovaries were recrudescing from September to January, liver polar lipids exhibited significant decreases in the percentage of total polyunsaturated fatty acids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and increases in monounsaturated fatty acids, and acquired a fatty acid composition very similar to that of ovary polar lipids. Therefore, seasonal changes in the percentage of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in liver polar lipids probably reflect the liver's role in vitellogenesis rather than the effects of temperature on membrane fatty acid composition. At all times of year, the fatty acid compositions of white muscle and adipopancreatic tissue neutral lipids were very similar, which may indicate a close metabolic relationship between these lipid compartments.Abbreviations AP adipopancreatic - BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - CI confidence interval - EFA essential fatty acids - MUFA monounsaturated fatty acids - NL neutral lipids - PL polar lipids - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acids - SFA saturated fatty acids  相似文献   

Arctic slimy sculpin were sampled by passive trapping in lakes containing the predators lake trout and burbot (LT lakes), and lakes lacking sculpin predators (NoLT lakes). Sculpin food abundance (chironomid biomass) from the rocky littoral zone was compared with that from the deep water sediment zone. Distribution, size, growth, age, condition and relative abundance of sculpin were examined. Spatial distribution of sculpin was different between lake types, with more and larger sculpin found over the sediment zone in NoLT lakes. There were no seasonal patterns evident in this distribution and catch per unit effort was not significantly different between LT and NoLT lakes. Biomass of chironomids, the major food of the sculpin, was higher in the sediments than on the rocks, suggesting that sediments should be the preferred environment in the absence of piscivores. Longevity of sculpins varied between IV and VIII years and was not correlated with lake type. Sculpin size frequency distributions were shifted toward slightly larger fish in NoLT lakes. Sculpin growth curves and condition estimates did not reveal a difference between lake types, but comparison of mean ototlith interannular distances between lake types showed a trend, significant in year 4, toward more growth in no lake trout lakes. These results suggest that the presence of piscivores is an important factor limiting arctic slimy sculpin distribution and may act in concert with food supply to impact sculpin growth.  相似文献   

We tested the role of the slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), a benthic fish, in structuring the rocky littoral invertebrate community in Toolik Lake, Alaska. Comparisons of sculpin gut contents and prey community structure indicated that these fish forage selectively, eating proportionally more large and motile prey, and proportionally fewer small and sessile forms. Field experiments compared the effects of natural, reduced and elevated sculpin densities on benthic community structure. At natural levels of sculpin density, biomass of trichopteran larvae were reduced by more than 50%, and predatory chironomid larvae by 27%, in comparison to areas where sculpin were excluded. Tube-dwelling and small free living chironomid larvae were unaffected at normal sculpin densities. Under artificially high sculpin densities, there was some reduction of tube-dwelling chironomids, but the small free living ones remained unaffected. There appears to be a threshold length of about 3.5 mm, below which chironomid larvae are free form sculpin predation. Tube-dwelling chironomids may be longer than this threshold, but still avoid predation by having most of their body hidden in their tubes.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among 337 northern pike (Esox lucius) collected from the coastal zone of the central Baltic region and the Finnish islands of Aland were analysed using five microsatellite loci. Spatial structure was delineated using both traditional F-statistics and individually based approaches including spatial autocorrelation analysis. Our results indicate that the observed genotypic distribution is incompatible with that of a single, panmictic population. Isolation by distance appears important for shaping the genetic structure of pike in this region resulting in a largely continuous genetic change over the study area. Spatial autocorrelation analysis (Moran's I) of individual pairwise genotypic data show significant positive genetic correlation among pike collected within geographical distances of less than c. 100-150 km (genetic patch size). We suggest that the genetic patch size may be used as a preliminary basis for identifying management units for pike in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The population structure and seasonal changes in condition factors of the burbot in a shallow coastal region of the north-eastern Bothnian Bay are described. The significance of the so-called rest years is examined by comparing condition indices in immature or sterile and mature burbot. The somatic condition index ( K 2), liver index ( K 1), intestine index ( K 1) and gonad index ( Kg ) are determined monthly in terms of organ weight in relation to body length. Approximately 30% of the whole catch of 1052 burbot were non-maturing but were 40 cm or more in length. K 2, K 1 and K 1 were lowest in the autumn, when the first sign of gonad recrudescence was observed in mature burbot. The non-maturing burbot were never in poorer condition than mature ones. As mature and non-maturing burbot dissipated their energy stores during the warmest period of the summer, it is concluded that burbot spending a rest year do not accumulate and store energy reserves over the summer for the next year, and that such rest years, if they exist, do not occur for nutritional reasons.  相似文献   

In our study, a systematic development of a new large-scale sperm cryopreservation protocol was carried out in northern pike (Esox lucius). The effect of 2 sugar based (glucose and trehalose) extenders, 3 dilution ratios (1:3, 1:9 and 1:19) 2 vol straws (0.5 and 5 mL) and a 10 mL cryotube, 2 different cryopreservation methods (Polystyrene box-P. box and Controlled Rate Freezer-CRF), as well as 3 different thawing periods (3, 3.5 and 4 min) were investigated on the motility of thawed sperm. The glucose based extender showed significantly higher pMOT (1:3–18 ± 16%, 1:9–20 ± 13%, 1:19–16 ± 12%) at all dilution ratios than in the trehalose based extender (1:3–0.3 ± 1%, 1:9–1±1%, 1:19–4±2%). A similar tendency was recorded in VCL and STR at a ratio 1:3 and 1:9. No significant difference was measured in sperm movement between the P. box and CRF using the 0.5 mL straw. Similarly no significant difference was observed in all motility parameters with 10 mL cryotube frozen in CRF at a ratio 1:3–1:19. An effective and short thawing period (3 min) was experimentally specified for the 10 mL cryotube cryopreserved in the CRF. In all large-scale cryopreservation methods, high pMOT (straw CRF: 57 ± 10%, straw P. box: 50 ± 9%, cryotube CRF: 41 ± 10%), and STR were measured, and no significant difference was recorded in all motility parameters. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our newly developed extender and the applicability of 3 different large-scale cryopreservation methods in pike sperm. Our protocols could be new prospective candidates for future exploitation in hatchery practice.  相似文献   

The burbot, Lota lota, is the only freshwater species of the codfish family and has a Holarctic distribution. Pleistocene glaciations caused significant geographical differentiation in the past, but its life history characterized by winter spawning migrations over large distances is likely to homogenize populations by contemporary gene flow. We investigated the population genetic structure of 541 burbots from Lake Constance and adjacent Rhine and Danube tributaries in Europe using the entire mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and 11 microsatellites. Microsatellites revealed considerable population divergence (F(ST) = 0.26) and evidenced recent bottlenecks in two Central European rivers. In accordance to previous evidence two main phylogeographic lineages (Atlantic and Danubian) were found co-occurring at similar frequencies in Lake Constance, where they currently undergo random mating as indicated by microsatellites. The Danubian lineage contributed only a small proportion to the lake's mtDNA diversity, and probably expanded within the lake shortly after its formation approximately 10,000-15,000 BP. The larger Atlantic haplotype diversity suggested a population expansion older than the lake itself. Levels of admixture at microsatellite loci were less obvious due to their high variability, and coalescence methods were used to estimate past admixture proportions. Our results reinforce a model of a two-step colonization of Europe by burbot from an ancestral Danubian refuge, and confirm the persistence of a secondary Atlantic refuge, as proposed to exist for other freshwater fish. We conclude that the present-day burbot population in Lake Constance bears the genetic signature of both contemporary gene flow and historical separation events.  相似文献   

Northern pike (Esox lucius) was widely distributed in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. In China, northern pike was originally distributed only in the upper reaches of the Irtysh River in Xinjiang and has appeared in many water bodies outside the Irtysh River Basin in Northern Xinjiang. A total of four populations were collected from north to south in Xinjiang, including Irtysh River (RIR), Ulungu Lake (LUL), a small lake nearby Ulungu River (LJD), and Bosten Lake (LBO). We estimated population genomic parameters, performed gene flow analysis, and estimated the effective population size of each population. The proportion of individuals with high inbreeding coefficient (F ≥ 0.0625) accounted for 36.4% (44/121) of all sequenced individuals, approximately 4.5% (1/22) in LUL, 25.9% (7/27) in LBO, 42.9% (18/42) in RIR, and 60% (18/30) in LJD. RIR had the highest mean of genomic relatedness (coancestry coefficient = 0.025 ± 0.040, IBD = 0.036 ± 0.078). Gene flow results showed that the population spreading was from RIR into two branches, one was LBO, and the other continued to split into LUL and LJD, and migration signal from LBO to LUL was detected. Our results suggested that the extinction risk of northern pike was very low in Xinjiang of China, and the controlled capture fishery of northern pike could be developed reasonably.  相似文献   

Bioenergetics models were applied for the assessment of food consumption of northern pike, pikeperch and European catfish in drainable ponds of 0.4 ha. The ponds were stocked with known numbers of the 0+ predators. The prey fish consisted of naturally recruited 0+ cyprinids (rudd, roach and bream). The study shows that the impact of the three 0+ piscivores on the aquatic system differs, which is related to the feeding behaviour and habitat use of the fish. All piscivores realised part of their production on a non-fish diet.  相似文献   

Carl  Leon M. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):229-235
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the burbot and lake trout compete with or prey on each other, and that a change in the abundance of lake trout has triggered a response in the burbot population. Burbot growth, length-weight relationship and population size did not change, and it appears that at these population levels, the changes in lake trout abundance had no detectable effect on burbot. It is suggested that the burbot population in Lake Opeongo is limited at the larval stage by competition with, or predation by, a planktivore, the lake herring.  相似文献   

Northern pike (Esox lucius) are often considered to be specialist piscivores, but under some circumstances will continue to eat invertebrates as adults. To examine effects of fish assemblage composition on the trophic ecology of pike, we combined stable isotope analysis (SIA) of carbon and nitrogen and stomach content analysis (SCA) on pike from five lakes in northern Alberta, three of which contain only pike (“pike-only”) and two that also contain yellow perch (Perca flavescens) or white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) (“pike-other”). Fish were more important as prey and empty stomachs, which often characterize piscivores, were significantly more frequent in pike-other than in pike-only lakes. However, even though invertebrates were more important for pike in pike-only lakes, SIA and SCA indicated that invertebrates were also an important component of pike diets in pike-other lakes. SIA and SCA also revealed considerable intrapopulation variation in trophic ecology, with individuals in some populations differing by as much as two trophic levels. Comparisons of stomach contents and isotope signatures of the same fish suggested that within these variable populations, specialization on invertebrates or fish was a long-term trait of some individuals. SIA indicated that trophic position increased and diets shifted to a greater importance of littoral prey as pike grew in pike-only lakes, but not in lakes with other fish present. Trophic adaptability in northern pike is expressed at both the population level, where the trophic ecology is sensitive to differences in prey regimes, and at the organismal level, in the form of intrapopulation variation and individual specialization. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 3 February 1999  相似文献   

Fertilized and unfertilized eggs from the northern pike (Esox lucius) were incubated 2 hr in buffer with 0 and 10% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide and then quickly frozen in the wells of aluminum blocks submerged in liquid nitrogen. Control eggs and ovarian fluid were similarly frozen immediately after collection. The frozen eggs were sectioned, freeze dried, mounted on stubs, and carbon coated. X-ray microanalysis was used to determine changes in element levels and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) penetration in the zona radiata, cytoplasm, cortical alveoli, and egg yolk. Unfertilized eggs incubated without Me2SO showed decreased levels of Na, Cl, and K in the zona radiata; fertilized eggs, incubated without Me2SO showed decreased levels of Na, P, and Cl in the zona radiata and increased levels of K in the cytoplasm; unfertilized eggs, incubated with 10% Me2SO showed decreased Na and Cl in the zona radiata, decreased K in the cytoplasm and increased K in the cortical alveoli; fertilized eggs incubated in buffer with 10% Me2SO showed decreased levels of Na, P, Cl, and K (zona radiata), P, Cl, and K (cytoplasm), Na (yolk), and increased Cl in the yolk (all P<.01). Me2SO (v/v) levels reached 1.5-3.1% in the zona radiata, 0-3.2% in cytoplasm, 2.3-8.7% in cortical alveoli, and 0-1.6% in the yolk. Unfertilized eggs showed more Me2SO penetration than fertilized eggs.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies have been investigating the influence of contemporary environmental factors on population genetic structure, but few have addressed the issue of spatial patterns in the variable intensity of factors influencing the extent of population structure, and particularly so in aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we document the landscape genetics of northern pike (Esox lucius), based on the analysis of nearly 3000 individuals from 40 sampling sites using 22 microsatellites along the Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River system (750 km) that locally presents diverse degrees of interannual water level variation. Genetic structure was globally very weak (FST = 0.0208) but spatially variable with mean level of differentiation in the upstream section of the studied area being threefold higher (FST = 0.0297) than observed in the downstream sector (FST = 0.0100). Beside interannual water level fluctuation, 19 additional variables were considered and a multiple regression on distance matrices model (R2 = 0.6397, < 0.001) revealed that water masses (= 0.3617, < 0.001) and man‐made dams (= 0.4852, < 0.005) reduced genetic connectivity. Local level of interannual water level stability was positively associated to the extent of genetic differentiation (= 0.3499, < 0.05). As water level variation impacts on yearly quality and localization of spawning habitats, our study illustrates how temporal variation in local habitat availability, caused by interannual water level fluctuations, may locally decrease population genetic structure by forcing fish to move over longer distances to find suitable habitat. This study thus represents one of the rare examples of how environmental fluctuations may influence spatial variation in the extent of population genetic structure within a given species.  相似文献   

We compared prey-orienting and rheotactic behaviors in a fluvial (Coweeta Creek) and lacustrine (Lake Michigan) population of mottled sculpin. Blinded sculpin from both populations exhibited unconditioned, mechanosensory based rheotaxis to low velocity flows. Whereas Lake Michigan sculpin generally showed increasing levels of positive rheotaxis to increasing velocities, Coweeta Creek sculpin show varying levels of positive rheotaxis at low to intermediate velocities and often reduced positive rheotaxis or even negative rheotaxis at the highest velocities (12?cm?s?1). Blinded Lake Michigan, but not Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin exhibited an orienting response to a small (3?mm diameter) artificial prey (50?Hz vibrating sphere). In conclusion, the two populations differed in the strength and polarity of the rheotactic response at higher velocities and in their responsiveness to mechanosensory cues from epibenthic prey sources. These behavioral differences have most likely arisen from different learning experiences in different habitats and from the greater importance of visual cues to the Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin and mechanosensory cues to Lake Michigan mottled sculpin in the sensory guidance of orienting behaviors.  相似文献   

We compared prey-orienting and rheotactic behaviors in a fluvial (Coweeta Creek) and lacustrine (Lake Michigan) population of mottled sculpin. Blinded sculpin from both populations exhibited unconditioned, mechanosensory based rheotaxis to low velocity flows. Whereas Lake Michigan sculpin generally showed increasing levels of positive rheotaxis to increasing velocities, Coweeta Creek sculpin show varying levels of positive rheotaxis at low to intermediate velocities and often reduced positive rheotaxis or even negative rheotaxis at the highest velocities (12 cm s-1). Blinded Lake Michigan, but not Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin exhibited an orienting response to a small (3 mm diameter) artificial prey (50 Hz vibrating sphere). In conclusion, the two populations differed in the strength and polarity of the rheotactic response at higher velocities and in their responsiveness to mechanosensory cues from epibenthic prey sources. These behavioral differences have most likely arisen from different learning experiences in different habitats and from the greater importance of visual cues to the Coweeta Creek mottled sculpin and mechanosensory cues to Lake Michigan mottled sculpin in the sensory guidance of orienting behaviors.  相似文献   

Samples from a natural population of pike (Esox lucius L.) from the River Danube were used in a 12-month study to determine seasonal variations in biochemical parameters of pike blood sera, hepatosomatic index (HSI) and gonadosomatic index (GSI). The ranges of enzyme activities for sample means were: aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) 252.0–583.8 U 1−1, alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) 4.9–11 -2 U1 and alkaline phosphatase (AP) 39.5–91.8 U1−1. The ranges of other parameters analysed in serum were total protein 27.7–40.1 g 1 1, urea 0.57–l.52 mmol 1 1 and creatinine 21.2–118.6 μmol 1 1. The range of sample means for HSI and GSI were 1.28–4.16 and 0.07–20.2 respectively. Temperature ranged from 4.5 to 23.5°C. The activity of serum AP was positively correlated to water temperature in males only, while urea and creatinine showed a positive correlation to water temperature in individuals of both sexes. GSI was correlated significantly with HSI in females. Total protein reached the lowest values during the spawning period, while creatinine levels depended on both the sex and season.  相似文献   

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