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G. Dewasmes  N. Loos 《Polar Biology》2002,25(11):865-867
Avian sleep quality depends on its depth (deeper sleep being of better quality). In king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonica), sleep may be disturbed by congeners passing in the sleeper's vicinity. As king penguin activity is increased in the morning, sleep disturbances are more likely to occur during this time period. One might therefore assume that afternoon sleepers (AS) sleep more profoundly than morning sleepers (MS). To test this hypothesis, we examined the diurnal variations in sleep depth of king penguins sleeping in resting sites adjacent to the colony of 'La Baie du Marin' (Crozet Archipelago). We measured the bodily tactile arousal threshold at the upper back level. The arousal threshold in AS was twice as high as in MS. This study demonstrates for the first time that sleep depth changes according to time of day in a diurnal wild bird. We postulate that diurnal sleep depth is increased due to decreased congener movements close to the sleeping penguin.  相似文献   

E. Challet  C.-A. Bost    Y. Handrich    J.-P. Gendner      Y. Le  Maho 《Journal of Zoology》1994,233(4):669-681
As do so many other seabirds, penguins fast when ashore for breeding. For penguins in dense colonies, territory defence seems to imply conflicting energetic requirements because of its assumed high energy cost, when the birds need to limit energy expenditure to cope with their fast. In this context, behavioural time budget over 24 h was investigated during breeding in the king penguin, Aptenodytes putugonicu , by using a remote-controlled videocamera. The comparison of day-night activity was performed in relation to breeding status (incubation vs. brooding) and duration of fasting (beginning vs. end of incubation shift). Five categories of behaviours were quantified: territoly defence, comfort, resting, sleeping and chick-feeding. Breeding king penguins remain active by day as well as by night. Between incubation and brooding we found a three-fold increase in the energy consuming temtory defence, together with a drastic decrease in that posture which corresponds to deep sleep, is. when most energy is saved. These increases in aggressiveness and vigilance may be related to protection of the newly hatched chick. Between the onset and the end of an incubation shift, the time spent in sleep increases three-fold, whereas territory defence remains unchanged. These data for penguins under natural conditions accord with previous studies on captive birds which have shown that an increasing proportion of sleep during the course of fasting may contribute to energy saving. On the other hand, both resting (which is the main component of penguins'time budget; about 65%) and comfort (about 16% of time) show no change either between incubation and brooding or during the course of fasting.  相似文献   

Summary Male and femalePsammodromus hispanicus from southern Europe were acclimated to four seasonal conditions of photoperiod and night time temperature. During the dark period, the lizards' body temperatures fell to ambient air temperature but during the light period the lizards were allowed to thermoregulate behaviourally and at such times the lizards' mean body temperature varied from 29.0°C to 32.6°C. The resting metabolic rate of these lizards was measured in 5°C steps from 5°C to 30°C or 35°C. Sexual condition had little effect on resting metabolic rate, but at low temperatures lizards acclimated to winter or spring seasonal conditions had lower resting metabolic rates than those acclimated to summer or autumn conditions. At temperatures above 20°C seasonal acclimation had no effect on resting metabolic rate. It is considered that the reduction in low temperature metabolic rate in spring and winter is induced by low night time temperatures and serves to conserve energy during those seasons when lizards must spend long periods at low temperature without being able to feed.  相似文献   

Daily torpor can provide significant energy and water savings in bats during cold ambient temperatures and food scarcity. However, it may reduce rates of foetal and juvenile development. Therefore, reproductive females should optimize development by minimizing times in torpor. To test this hypothesis, the use of torpor by female and male free-ranging Daubenton’s bats (Myotis daubentonii) during reproduction (gestation, lactation, and post-lactation period) was investigated in 1998 and 1999. Temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were attached to the bats to measure skin temperature. Simultaneously, ambient temperature was recorded. While both sexes became torpid during daytime, male bats used daily torpor (>6°C below individual active temperature) significantly more often during reproductive period (mean: 78.4 % of day time in May and 43 % in June) than females. Female bats went into daily torpor, particularly in late summer when juveniles were weaned (mean: 66.6 % of daytime). Lowest skin temperatures occurred in a female bat with 21.0°C during post-lactation. Skin temperatures of male bats fluctuated from 16.8°C in torpor to 37.2°C during times of activity. There was a significant effect of reproductive period on skin temperature in females whereas mean ambient temperature had no significant effect. However, mean ambient temperature affected mean skin temperatures in males. Our findings indicate that female Daubenton’s bats adopt their thermoregulatory behaviour in particular to optimize the juvenile development.  相似文献   

Filtration was studied in two Arctic clams, Hiatella arctica and Mya sp., collected in Young Sound, Northeast Greenland. Clearance rates were determined as a function of ambient temperature and algal cell concentration, using the clearance method and feeding with a unicellular flagellate. For both species, clearance rates increased with increasing temperature from <у up to 4-8°C. At higher temperatures, filtration ceased and the clams closed their valves. Clearance rates were also determined in temperate specimens of H. arctica collected on the west coast of Sweden. For these specimens, clearance rates increased with increasing temperature from 0 to 18-20°C. When weight-specific clearance rates were compared between the two populations and between species, there were no differences at 1°C. Clearance rates in Arctic H. arctica were maximal at algal cell concentrations corresponding to 2.5-8 µg chlorophyll a l-1. Temperature compensation in Arctic bivalves is discussed and it is concluded that adaptations to constant low temperatures consist of a lower minimum temperature, for active filtration. Low clearance rates due to low temperatures did not seem to limit growth, under the prevailing conditions in Young Sound.  相似文献   

C4 plants are uncommon in cold environments and do not generally occur in the alpine tundra. In the White Mountains of California, however, the C4 grass Muhlenbergia richardsonis is common in the alpine zone at 3,300-3,800 m, with the highest population observed at 3,960 m (13,000 feet) above sea level. This is the highest reported C4 species in North America and is near the world altitude limit for C4 plants (4,000-4,500 m). Above 3,800 m, M. richardsonis is largely restricted to southern slope aspects, with greatest frequency on southeast-facing slopes. In open tundra, M. richardsonis formed prostrate mats with a mean height of 2.5 cm. Neighboring C3 grasses were two to three times taller. Because of its short stature, leaf temperature of M. richardsonis was greatly influenced by the boundary layer of the ground, rising over 20°C above air temperature in full sun and still air and over 10°C above air temperature in full sun and wind velocity of 1-4 m s-1. Thus, although air temperatures did not exceed 15°C, midday leaf temperatures of M. richardsonis were routinely between 25°C and 35°C, a range favorable to C4 photosynthesis. At night, leaf temperature of M. richardsonis was often 5-12°C below air temperature, resulting in regular exposure to subzero temperatures and frosting of the leaves. No visible injury was associated with exposure to freezing night temperatures. The presence of M. richardsonis in the alpine zone demonstrates that C4 plants can tolerate extreme cold during the growing season. The localization to microsites where leaf temperatures can exceed 25°C during the day, however, indicates that even when cold tolerant, C4 plants still require periods of high leaf temperature to remain competitive with C3 species. In this regard, the prostrate growth form of M. richardsonis compensates for the alpine climate by allowing sufficient heating of the leaf canopy during the day.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic activity of the moss Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske was investigated on Léonie Island (67°35'S, 68°20'W, Antarctic Peninsula) in response to short-term changes of UV-B radiation. The UV-environment of natural mat formations dominated by S. uncinata was altered using filter screens. Two filter experiments were conducted in the Antarctic summers 1998 and 1999. A third filter experiment was conducted during springtime ozone depletion in October 1998. Photosynthetic activity of S. uncinata was mainly determined by photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD). Light response of relative electron transport rate through photosystem II (rel ETR=jF/Fm'2PPFD) remained unaffected by ambient summer levels of UV-B radiation. The same was found for net photosynthesis and dark respiration. In October 1998, S. uncinata was mainly metabolically inactive due to low temperatures. No significant levels of DNA-damage measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) were induced by ambient summer levels of UV-B. Artificially enhanced UV-B radiation supplying a Setlow-DNA-dose of 8.7 kJ mф dayу UV-B led to formation of 7Dž CPD (106 nucleotides)-1. It is concluded that current ambient summer levels of UV-B radiation do not affect photosynthetic activity in S. uncinata.  相似文献   

Huddling allows emperor penguins to conserve energy and survive their long winter fast while facing harsh climatic conditions. Here we report the first investigation into the effects of changes in wind speed and ambient temperature on different components of penguin huddling behaviour. We attached light and temperature recorders to male emperor penguins at the Pointe Géologie colony, Antarctica, which recorded huddling events. We then compared the frequency, duration, occurrence and intensity of huddling bouts, with ambient air temperatures and wind speeds. Huddling occurrence increased with lower ambient temperatures and higher wind speeds, whereas huddling intensity was mainly enhanced by lower ambient temperatures. Moreover, huddling group movements were linked to wind direction and its global density to lower ambient temperatures. Hence, emperor penguins complex huddling behaviour was modulated differently depending on these two parameters. Weather conditions may then affect emperor penguins ability to save energy and survive their winter fast.  相似文献   

Maintaining a constant body temperature is critical to the proper functioning of metabolic reactions. Behavioural thermoregulation strategies may minimize the cost of energetic balance when an animal is outside its thermoneutral zone. We investigated whether ambient temperature and relative air humidity influence the use of behavioural strategies by a group of Prince Bernhard's titi monkeys (Callicebus bernhardi) living in a forest fragment. We monitored a social group composed of four individuals (an adult couple and two juveniles) for 1010 h from March to September 2015. We used the instantaneous scan sampling method to record the body posture, the microhabitat, and the occurrence of huddling with group mate(s) when animals were resting. We recorded ambient temperature and relative humidity in the shade every 10 min with a data logger hanging at a height of approximately 5 m. Daytime temperature ranged from 18.5 °C to 38.5 °C and relative humidity ranged from 21% to 97%. Titi monkeys avoided sunny places at higher temperatures, especially above 31 °C. Minimum night temperature did not influence the choice of resting microhabitats during the first hour after sunrise. Sitting was the major resting posture during the day (62%). Titi monkeys increased the use of heat-dissipating postures at ambient temperatures >27 °C. In addition, an increase in relative humidity increased the use of these postures at 26 °C, 27 °C, 29 °C and 33 °C, but caused a decrease at 24 °C. On the other hand, the ambient temperature did not influence the occurrence of huddling. We conclude that microhabitat choice and postural behaviour are important for titi monkeys to prevent overheating and suggest that these behavioural adjustments might also be critical for other tropical arboreal mammals.  相似文献   

A variety of studies have documented the dangerously high temperatures that may occur within the passenger compartment (cabin) of cars under clear sky conditions, even at relatively low ambient air temperatures. Our study, however, is the first to examine cabin temperatures under variable weather conditions. It uses a unique maximum vehicle cabin temperature dataset in conjunction with directly comparable ambient air temperature, solar radiation, and cloud cover data collected from April through August 2007 in Athens, GA. Maximum cabin temperatures, ranging from 41–76°C, varied considerably depending on the weather conditions and the time of year. Clear days had the highest cabin temperatures, with average values of 68°C in the summer and 61°C in the spring. Cloudy days in both the spring and summer were on average approximately 10°C cooler. Our findings indicate that even on cloudy days with lower ambient air temperatures, vehicle cabin temperatures may reach deadly levels. Additionally, two predictive models of maximum daily vehicle cabin temperatures were developed using commonly available meteorological data. One model uses maximum ambient air temperature and average daily solar radiation while the other uses cloud cover percentage as a surrogate for solar radiation. From these models, two maximum vehicle cabin temperature indices were developed to assess the level of danger. The models and indices may be useful for forecasting hazardous conditions, promoting public awareness, and to estimate past cabin temperatures for use in forensic analyses.  相似文献   

Fast-start performance associated with escape behaviour was investigated in the sub-Antarctic notothenioid Eleginops maclovinus from the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (mean winter water temperature 4°C, mean summer water temperature 10°C). Fish acclimated to 8.5°C for 2 months were filmed at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10°C. Escape responses were temperature dependent over the range of temperatures tested. Maximum length-specific velocity ([^(V)]max )(\hat V_{\max } ) , maximum length-specific acceleration (Âmax) and inertial power output (Piner) increased significantly with temperature. Q10 values for [^(V)]max\hat V_{\max } , Âmax and Piner were 1.90, 3.27 and 8.90, respectively. Non-dimensional curvature of the spine ([^(c)])(\hat c) also varied significantly with temperature, but was higher at low temperatures. The values of [^(c)]\hat c were threefold lower than previously reported for Antarctic notothenioids and similar to the values for temperate species. The results indicate that the high values of [^(c)]\hat c observed during escape behaviour in Antarctic notothenioids are not a universal feature of the suborder. A greater flexion of the body during fast starts is therefore a promising candidate for a specialised feature of behaviour linked to low-temperature performance.  相似文献   

We examined the thermoregulatory behaviour (TRB) of roosting Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) in north central Chile during summer and winter, when ambient temperatures (Ta) are most extreme. Each body posture was considered to represent a particular TRB, which was ranked in a sequence that reflected different degrees of thermal load and was assigned an arbitrary thermoregulatory score. During summer, birds exhibited eight different TRBs, mainly oriented to heat dissipation, and experienced a wide range of Ta (from 14 to 31°C), occasionally above their thermoneutral zone (TNZ, from 2 to 30°C), this being evident by observations of extreme thermoregulatory responses such as panting. In winter, birds exhibited only three TRBs, mainly oriented to heat retention, and experienced a smaller range of Ta (from 11 to 18°C), always within the TNZ, even at night. The components of behavioural responses increased directly with the heat load which explains the broader behavioural repertoire observed in summer. Since penguins are primarily adapted in morphology and physiology to cope with low water temperatures, our results suggest that behavioural thermoregulation may be important in the maintenance of the thermal balance in Humboldt penguins while on land.  相似文献   

The Bar-tailed Lark (Ammomanes cinctura) breeds in desert and semi-desert areas of the Saharo-Sindian region, from north-west Africa through the arid plains of the Arabian Peninsula to the Sind. Despite having a wide distribution, little information is available on the breeding ecology of this species. This study was conducted in a desert in the north of Saudi Arabia, where the daytime ambient temperature may exceed 40 °C. In contrast, the night ambient temperature may reach less than 10 °C in late spring and early summer. The objectives of this study were to collect some baseline data on some aspects of the breeding ecology of this species and to record the nest attendance behavior. The study found that Bar-tailed Larks preferred to nest under shrub trunks, which may camouflage both nests and incubating parents against predators and protect eggs, nestlings and incubating parents from hostile weather conditions. Moreover, nest attendance was high, as Bar-tailed Lark parents incubated their eggs 95.97 ± 2.62% over the entire day, and they seemed to maintain the eggs at temperatures around 23–33 °C. In addition, they incubated more at night than during the daytime. Temperatures under the shrubs at night fell below 21 °C, thus parents increased the nest attendance to warm the eggs and prevent the embryos from exposure to lethal temperatures.  相似文献   

Most fish species are regularly subjected to periods of starvation during which a reduction of energy turnover might be favourable for the animal. This reduction of energy flux may be achieved by changes in thermal behaviour and/or swimming activity. We investigated such behavioural changes during starvation and subsequent refeeding in roach, Rutilus rutilus, with respect to energetic benefits and growth maximisation. Roach, acclimated to a wide range of temperatures (4, 12, 20, 24, 27 and 30 °C), were fed to excess, subjected to 3 weeks of starvation and subsequently refed in order to determine the temperature dependence of feeding rates, growth rates and conversion efficiency (K1) under control conditions and during compensatory growth. When exposed to a thermal gradient, control animals preferentially selected a temperature of 26.8ǂ.9 °C, which is in the range of the optimal temperatures for feeding, growth and conversion efficiency. Starving fish showed a distinct circadian pattern of the mean selected temperature (MST). They migrated to cooler water in the dark (MSTdark=22.8ǃ.1 °C) but returned to warmer water during daytime. This behaviour may be regarded as a trade-off between the potentially higher food density in warmer water areas and the energetic benefit of selecting cooler water patches. The circadian pattern of MST was gradually abandoned upon refeeding and control values were reached again after 3 weeks. Energetically more effective than behavioural hypothermia was the reduction of swimming activity. During starvation, activity peaks were slightly lower than under control conditions and mean daily activity decreased by about 50%. Swimming velocity, however, was not affected by feeding regime. After a period of starvation fish showed compensatory growth at all temperatures, even below 12 °C, where these animals normally do not grow. This suggests that after a period of starvation the critical temperature for growth shifts to lower values.  相似文献   

Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) are faced with large daily fluctuations in ambient temperature during summer and winter. In this study, peritoneal body temperature of free-living rock hyrax was investigated. During winter, when low ambient temperatures and food supply prevail, rock hyrax maintained a lower core body temperature relative to summer. In winter body temperatures during the day were more variable than at night. This daytime variability is likely a result of body temperatures being raised from basking in the sun. Body temperatures recorded during winter never fell to low levels recorded in previous laboratory studies. During summer ambient temperatures exceeded the thermoneutral zone of the rock hyrax throughout most of the day, while crevice temperatures remained within the thermoneutral zone of rock hyrax. However, in summer variation in core body temperature was small. Minimum and maximum body temperatures did not coincide with minimum and maximum ambient temperatures. Constant body temperatures were also recorded when ambient temperatures reached lethal limits. During summer it is likely that rock hyrax select cooler refugia to escape lethal temperatures and to prevent excessive water loss. Body temperature of rock hyrax recorded in this study reflects the adaptability of this animal to the wide range of ambient temperatures experienced in its natural environment.  相似文献   

In the 2009–2010 austral summer, two breeding pairs of king penguins were recorded at Stinker Point, Elephant Island, Maritime Antarctic. This is the first record of king penguins breeding south of 60°S. The finding suggests a possible range extension of this species and increases the number of breeding bird species at Stinker Point, which was recently appointed as an Important Bird Area in Antarctica.  相似文献   

Core temperature was determined in two king penguins living in the wild at Ile de la Possession, Crozel Archipelago, using implantable four-channel temperature loggers. Core temperatures derived from bird no. 1 (sensor placed under the sternum, in the vicinity of the liver and upper stomach) were closely correlated with diving activity (as determined by an external light recorder), and ranged from 38.3°C, (on land) to a minimum of 37.2°C during a dive. Core temperatures measured in bird no. 2 showed that temperatures near the heart were generally 1°C lower than those under the sternum or in the lower abdomen. Core temperatures declined continuously during dives (by 0.8, 1.2 and 2.7°C in the lower abdomen, under the sternum and near the heart, respectively) and showed precipitous drops to 35°C, probably associated with ingestion of food. Temperatures measured near the heart fluctuated over a period of 288 s, corresponding to the duration (from the literature) of the surface/dive cycle. The relevance of these findings with respect to diving physiology, blood perfusion of tissues, tissue metabolism and aerobic dive limits is discussed.  相似文献   

In the laboratory rock elephant shrews (Elephantulus myurus; mean body mass 56.6 g) displayed the lowest torpor Tb min yet recorded (ca. 5°C) in a placental daily heterotherm. It was unknown whether these low Tbs were characteristic of daily heterothermy in free-ranging animals. It was also unclear how cost effective these low Tbs were since considerable energy is required to arouse from low Tbs on a daily basis. We continuously measured body temperature once every hour for 85 days in 13 free-ranging E. myurus from May to August 2001 (winter) in Weenen Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We recorded a total of 412 torpor bouts. Free-ranging E. myurus had a high propensity for torpor with females displaying higher torpor frequency than males. The lowest Tb recorded was 7.5°C at Ta=2.7°C and the minimum torpor Tb was strongly correlated with ambient temperature. Torpor arousal was tightly coupled with ambient temperature cycles. Low torpor Tb min at low Tas was therefore cost-effective because the animals offset the high cost of arousal through exogenous passive heating. Laboratory studies under constant ambient temperatures may therefore underestimate the energetic benefits of torpor in free-ranging small mammals that inhabit regions where seasonality is moderate.  相似文献   

The significance of sleep and factors that affect it have been well documented, however, in light of global climate change the effect of temperature on sleep patterns has only recently gained attention. Unlike many mammals, bats (order: Chiroptera) are nocturnal and little is known about their sleep and the effects of ambient temperature (Ta) on their sleep. Consequently we investigated seasonal temperature effects on sleep behaviour and surface body temperature of free-ranging Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus wahlbergi, at a tree roost. Sleep behaviours of E. wahlbergi were recorded, including: sleep duration and sleep incidences (i.e. one eye open and both eyes closed). Sleep differed significantly across all the individuals in terms of sleep duration and sleep incidences. Individuals generally spent more time awake than sleeping. The percentage of each day bats spent asleep was significantly higher during winter (27.6%), compared with summer (15.6%). In summer, 20.7% of the sleeping bats used one eye open sleep, and this is possibly the first evidence of one-eye-sleep in non-marine mammals. Sleep duration decreased with extreme heat as bats spent significantly more time trying to cool by licking their fur, spreading their wings and panting. Skin temperatures of E. wahlbergi were significantly higher when Ta was ≥35°C and no bats slept at these high temperatures. Consequently extremely hot days negatively impact roosting fruit bats, as they were forced to be awake to cool themselves. This has implications for these bats given predicted climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Culture conditions in growth and esterase production by a newly isolated Lactobacillus casei CL96 were investigated using a dextrose-free MRS medium supplemented with different sugars in a 2 l fermentor at different pHs (4.0-9.0) and temperatures (20-50°C). The optimal growth was obtained in basal MRS medium containing 1% (w/v) lactose at pH 7.0 and 30°C. The maximal esterase production was obtained intracellularly during the late logarithmic phase, but during the stationary phase, the esterase activity was released in the culture medium. The enzyme activity was maximal at pH 7.0 and 37°C. Among various substrates (C2-C16) tested, the highest activity was towards C6 and C8. Though the enzyme was produced constitutively, the tributylin induced the enzyme production by 2.5 fold. L. casei CL96 esterase was very active at neutral pH and ambient temperature and might be suitable for biotechnological applications in the dairy industry.  相似文献   

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