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张露萍  马彬  郑英 《生命科学》2010,(10):959-964
PIAS(protein inhibitor of activated STAT)蛋白家族是一种能够激活STAT转录活性的抑制蛋白,共包括4个成员,可与多种蛋白发生相互作用,从而影响靶蛋白的活性和功能,其主要与STAT、Wnt、TGF-β、NF-κB等通路的转录因子或转录辅因子相互作用以调控下游基因的转录活性。在细胞周期中,PIAS蛋白是细胞衰老和细胞凋亡的调节子,可促进细胞的扩散和衰老。在肿瘤发生中,PIAS蛋白的过表达能抑制癌细胞的增殖并诱导其凋亡。除此之外,在生殖系统和神经系统中,PIAS家族蛋白也能通过与相关的转录因子或激素受体相互作用影响其发生发展的过程。  相似文献   

PIAS蛋白家族的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

STAT蛋白与肿瘤   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
STAT是一种重要的核转录因子,参与调控细胞的生长、分化和凋亡。诸多肿瘤细胞系及人的癌变组织中存在着持续激活的STAT蛋白,尤其是STATl、STAT3、STAT5蛋白及其下游分子对于肿瘤的发生、发展、演进起着重要的作用。STAT蛋白的抑制为肿瘤治疗提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

细胞因子信号传导JAK/STAT途径的调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
JAK/STAT途径是多数细胞因子的信号传导途径,是阐明细胞因子生物学功能的分子基础。最近这条途径的调控机制逐渐被认识并引起人们的广泛关注。SOCS家族、PIAS家族、SHP-1、STATs天然突变体、去c-末端JAKs、AG-490、CAMP、钙离子载体霉素等多种因素参与了该途径的调控。  相似文献   

【目的】猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)是一种危害全球养猪业的重要病原。SUMO(Small ubiquitin-like modifier)化修饰作为一种可逆的翻译后修饰在调节病毒复制方面发挥着重要功能。PIAS1(Protein inhibitor of activated STAT1)是SUMO E3连接酶PIAS家族的一员,可以促进靶蛋白的SUMO化修饰,进而影响靶蛋白的功能,参与基因转录调控过程。探究PIAS1与PRRSV N蛋白相互作用的机制及其对N蛋白SUMO化修饰和病毒复制的影响,为进一步阐明PRRSV复制调控和致病的分子机制提供科学依据。【方法】利用酵母回复杂交、免疫共沉淀和激光共聚焦技术验证N蛋白与PIAS1的相互作用;以递增剂量外源性转染PIAS1观察其是否介导N蛋白SUMO化修饰;采用RNA干扰和慢病毒转导技术测定PIAS1对PRRSV复制的影响。【结果】PIAS1能与N蛋白相互作用,而且两者主要共定位于胞浆中;外源转染PIAS1并未增加N蛋白SUMO化修饰水平;在MARC-145细胞中,PIAS1的表达有利于PRRSV的复制。【结论】PIAS1可促进PRRSV的复制。  相似文献   

细胞信号转导途径JAK-STAT通路是细胞因子由细胞膜外向细胞核内传递信号的主要途径,参与了介导细胞生长,增殖分化,炎症反应,细胞凋亡等多种病理生理过程。STAT蛋白是JAK-STAT通路的核心分子,且所有的STAT蛋白在心脏中均有表达,改变其分子结构能调节STAT蛋白的生物学活性。目前,已有大量文献报道了STAT1、STAT3在心脏疾病中的作用,缺血性心脏疾病、缺血再灌注引起心肌损伤、心肌肥大、心肌梗塞后的心脏衰竭以及缺血预/后处理介导的心脏保护作用等均与STAT蛋白密切相关。本文主要就近年来STAT蛋白在心脏疾病中作用的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

新近研究发现STAT2基因具有致瘤性.前期研究发现:多种肿瘤组织和细胞系高表达STAT2,因此为进一步研究STAT2基因在肿瘤发生发展中的功能,利用RNA基因沉默技术,降低STAT2基因在宫颈癌HeLa细胞系中的内源表达水平,采用XTT实验、软琼脂集落形成实验以及裸鼠体内成瘤实验等研究策略,发现沉默STAT2基因可抑制...  相似文献   

目的:探讨PTPN9对结直肠癌细胞生长和存活的影响及其机制。方法:建立稳定PTPN9高表达的细胞系,使用Real-timePCR检测其内源性变达,使用细胞集落实验及Caspase-3、Caspase-9,检测其细胞活力及凋亡情况。同时我们抑制了细胞中PTPN9的表达,使用实时PCR来验证敲低效率,应用100μM H_2O_2诱导凋亡模型,利用CCK-8测定来确定细胞活力,Caspase-9和Cas-pase-3测定检测其凋亡情况。最后我们应用Western blot技术,检测PTPN9抑制STAT3通路,来调控细胞凋亡。结果:PTPN9的表达在结直肠癌组织中下调。PTPN9的高表达减慢细胞生长和集落的形成,从而诱导结直肠癌细胞凋亡。相反,PTPN9低表达促进细胞生长和存活。此外,PTPN9负责调控STAT3的活化,并在结直肠癌中抑制核易位,并且通过抑制STAT3通路,来抑制PTPN9低表达对细胞凋亡的影响。结论:PTPN9在结直肠癌组织中通过抑制STAT3的活化而抑制细胞生长和存活。  相似文献   

Stress-inducible phosphoprotein 1 (STI1), a cochaperone for Hsp90, has been shown to regulate multiple pathways in astrocytes, but its contributions to cellular stress responses are not fully understood. We show that in response to irradiation-mediated DNA damage stress STI1 accumulates in the nucleus of astrocytes. Also, STI1 haploinsufficiency decreases astrocyte survival after irradiation. Using yeast two-hybrid screenings we identified several nuclear proteins as STI1 interactors. Overexpression of one of these interactors, PIAS1, seems to be specifically involved in STI1 nuclear retention and in directing STI1 and Hsp90 to specific sub-nuclear regions. PIAS1 and STI1 co-immunoprecipitate and PIAS1 can function as an E3 SUMO ligase for STI. Using mass spectrometry we identified five SUMOylation sites in STI1. A STI1 mutant lacking these five sites is not SUMOylated, but still accumulates in the nucleus in response to increased expression of PIAS1, suggesting the possibility that a direct interaction with PIAS1 could be responsible for STI1 nuclear retention. To test this possibility, we mapped the interaction sites between PIAS1 and STI1 using yeast-two hybrid assays and surface plasmon resonance and found that a large domain in the N-terminal region of STI1 interacts with high affinity with amino acids 450–480 of PIAS1. Knockdown of PIAS1 in astrocytes impairs the accumulation of nuclear STI1 in response to irradiation. Moreover, a PIAS1 mutant lacking the STI1 binding site is unable to increase STI1 nuclear retention. Interestingly, in human glioblastoma multiforme PIAS1 expression is increased and we found a significant correlation between increased PIAS1 expression and STI1 nuclear localization. These experiments provide evidence that direct interaction between STI1 and PIAS1 is involved in the accumulation of nuclear STI1. This retention mechanism could facilitate nuclear chaperone activity.Stress-inducible phosphoprotein I (STI1)1 is a conserved cochaperone protein that assists Hsp90 in managing client proteins, by mediating the transfer of proteins between Hsp70 and Hsp90 (13). STI1 contains several tetratricopeptide-repeat domains (TRP) that can serve as interaction modules with Hsp90 and Hsp70 (4). STI1 helps to drive the sequential steps involved in the Hsp90 chaperone machinery (5) and regulates the ATPase activity of Hsp90 (6, 7). STI1 is also secreted by distinct cells (812), using a noncanonical mechanism involving extracellular vesicles (11). Secreted STI1 can activate multiple signaling pathways in distinct cell types (810, 1318).Elimination of STI1 in yeast sensitizes cells to Hsp90 inhibitors, but it is not by itself lethal (19). STI1 can also be eliminated in C. elegans, although it results in decreased life span (20). In contrast, STI1 mutant mice do not survive E10.5 and present several morphological defects, owing to decreased levels of several Hsp90-client proteins (21). Mouse embryonic fibroblasts obtained from STI1-deficient embryos also fail to thrive and present increased levels of the DNA damage marker γ-H2AX, suggestive of increased cellular stress (21). Hence, in mammals STI1 seems to play additional roles in cellular survival that are not yet fully understood.STI1 is abundantly expressed in the cytoplasm of cells, but can also be found in the Golgi (22), in vesicles and in multivesicular bodies (11). Moreover, this cochaperone has been shown to shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus in cell lines (23). Cellular stress, arrest in G1/S phase of the cell cycle and phosphorylation are factors that seem to regulate STI1 nuclear localization (23, 24). Presumably nuclear STI1 can regulate chaperone activity, but whether it can interact with nuclear proteins is unknown.Previous experiments using cell lines have shown that knockdown of STI1 increases susceptibility of cells to irradiation (25). Whether changes in STI1 levels in primary differentiated cells, such as astrocytes, may affect their response to irradiation stress is unknown. This is of interest, as astrocytes, which can give rise to distinct tumor cells, are highly radioresistant (26). Indeed, astrocytes have a noncanonical DNA damage response (DDR) to irradiation (26). Here we show that STI1 undergoes nuclear translocation in astrocytes after γ-radiation-induced DNA damage. Moreover, astrocytes haploinsufficient for STI1 are more susceptible to cell death induced by irradiation. To understand potential mechanisms involved with STI1 nuclear retention, we have performed yeast-two hybrid screenings to identify STI1 nuclear partners. We identified protein inhibitor of activated STAT (PIAS1) as a direct interactor of STI1 and provide evidence that it acts as a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) E3 ligase for STI1. We show this interaction is involved with STI1 nuclear retention after irradiation. Interestingly, tissue microarray analysis demonstrated that higher PIAS1 levels are found in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) when compared with non-neoplastic tissue. Furthermore, we uncovered a positive relationship between increased PIAS1 expression in GBMs and augmented STI1 nuclear localization. Our results reveal a novel mechanism by which increased expression of PIAS1, as observed in GBM, can increase the retention of nuclear STI1, a critical regulator of the chaperone machinery.  相似文献   

Regulation of cytokine signaling pathways by PIAS proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shuai K 《Cell research》2006,16(2):196-202

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small endogenous gene regulators that have been implicated in various developmental and pathological processes. However, the precise identities and functions of miRNAs involved in antitumor immunity are not yet well understood. miRNA-21 is an oncogenic miRNA that can be detected in various tumours. In this study, we report that a miRNA-21 inhibitor enhances the release of chemoattractants RANTES and IP-10 in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and results in increased lymphocyte migration. Thus, miRNA-21 is a potential therapeutic target for cancer immunotherapy. We further demonstrated that PIAS3, a protein inhibitor of activated STAT3, is a target of miRNA-21 in MCF-7. Thus, miRNA-21 is a novel miRNA regulating immune cell recruitment, which acts at least in part via its inhibition of PIAS3 expression and oncogenic STAT3 signalling in tumour cells.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the expression of microRNA (miR)‐181b, protein inhibitor of activated STAT3 (PIAS3) and STAT3, and to examine the function of the miR‐181b/PIAS3/STAT3 axis on the Warburg effect and xenograft tumour growth of colon cancer. Moreover, a positive feedback loop between miR‐181b and STAT3 that regulated the Warburg effect in colon cancer was explored. A luciferase reporter assay was used to identify whether PIAS3 was a direct target of miR‐181b. The gain‐of‐function and loss‐of‐function experiments were performed on HCT 116 cells to investigate the effect of miR‐181b/PIAS3/STAT3 on the Warburg effect and xenograft tumour growth of colon cancer, as determined by commercial kits and xenograft experiments. The relationship between the expression of miR‐181b, PIAS3 and STAT3 in HCT 116 and HT‐29 cells was determined using RT‐qPCR and Western blot. We found miR‐181b was a direct regulator of PIAS3. miR‐181b promoted the Warburg effect and the growth of colon cancer xenografts; however, these effects could be reversed by PIAS3. miR‐181b expression interacted with STAT3 phosphorylation in a positive feedback loop in colon cancer cells via regulating PIAS3 expression. In conclusion, this study for the first time demonstrated that miR‐181b contributed to the Warburg effect and xenograft tumour growth of colon cancer by targeting PIAS3. Moreover, a positive feedback loop between miR‐181b and STAT3 that regulated the Warburg effect in colon cancer was also demonstrated. This study suggested miR‐181b/PIAS3/STAT3 axis as a novel target for colon cancer treatment.  相似文献   

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