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短光低温不育水稻不育性的遗传观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用若干常规品种与短光低温不育水稻宜DIS配组,考察双亲及F1在自然低温影响前后的花粉育性,并于不育系稳定不育期间调查F2及F3的育性分离。结果表明:(1)低温是影响双亲及F1育性稳定性的重要生态因子;(2)F1的育性稳定性除与父本的育性稳定性有关外,可能尚与其他因素有关,这种育性稳定性表现是由可遗传因子决定的;(3)短光低温不育特性基本上符合2对独立主基因控制的遗传模式,但可能尚受到众多微效基因的  相似文献   

水稻感光性和光敏不育性的发育遗传关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在人工气候室控制的光长与温度下,用光敏不育系7001S与早中熟粳稻(Oryza sativa ssp,japoni-ca)感光性弱的“秋光”、“有芒早粳”和“CPSLO-l7”3个品种分别杂交,分析了杂种F_1、F_2植株育性与感光性的表现,以及两者的关系。结果表明:这3个组合的恢复亲本均属于具两对光敏不育的恢复基因的品种。F_1植株均倾向晚熟亲本,说明控制感光性强的基因属于显性。F_2植株在长日照下表现为不育株的感光性均倾向感光性强的亲本;且有不少不育株为晚熟超亲;在少数弱感光性的植株中没有不育株。说明光敏不育基因与感光性基因关系密切,可能两者有连锁关系,光敏不育基因要在感光性基因表达的基础上才能表达。  相似文献   

光温条件对短光低温不育水稻育性转换的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
短光低温不育水稻是一类与长光高温不育水稻育性转换特性相反的新种质,通过对分期播种材料自然条件下的育性及人工短光处理后的育性比较分析表明,宜DIS的光敏期为第一苞分化期至第二次枝梗原基和小穗原基分化期(幼穗分化I-III期),在常温下光敏期的短日处理可使育性趋于不育,但在高温下光敏期短日不育效应被削弱,宜DIS的花粉育性在高,低温作用下育性的均出现下降,根据高,低温影响育性的资料分析得到的敏感期基本一致,即花粉母细胞形成期至花粉内容物充实期(幼穗分化V-Ⅶ期)。  相似文献   

何予卿  徐才国 《植物学报》2001,18(2):202-209
本研究以来源于农垦58S的籼型光敏核不育系培矮64S(短日条件下育性难转换)和8902S(短日条件下育性易转换)及其F1、F2群体为材料,通过短日不同光温和不同生态条件4种处理,利用RFLP分子标记研究了影响光敏核不育水稻在短日条件下的育性可转换性的遗传、基因定位和基因互作,主要结果表明:影响光敏核不育水稻的育性可转换性表现为微效基因的作用,定位了7个控制光敏核不育水稻的育性可转换性QTL,即S2、S3a、S3b、S5、S8和S10。揭示了基因互作真实存在于光敏核不育水稻中,基因互作形式和互作类型对光敏核不育水稻的育性可转换性的影响表现多种多样,不同类型的基因互作所解释的遗传变异处于2.15%~10.07%之间。  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻恢复基因对数和等位性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以不同遗传背景和熟期的9个粳型恢复系相互间和与农垦58S配制杂交组合,1997~1999年研究了农垦58S光敏核不育基因的遗传规律。结果表明,供试恢复系均携带恢复农垦58S光敏核不育性的1对或2对主效显性基因。T984和农垦58的1对主效恢复基因等位。其它7个恢复系携带2对等位的主效恢复基因,暗示农垦58S的光敏核不育性涉及到2对隐性基因,遗传背景仅影响微效基因的表达和分离。  相似文献   

上位性对光敏核不育水稻不育性不稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以来源于农垦58S的籼型光敏核不育水稻(Oryza satiwa L.)培矮64S(长日低温下不育性稳定)和8902S(长日低温下不育性不稳定)及其人F1、F2群体为材料,通过长日低温和不同长日生态条件的7种处理,并结合RFLP分子标准记,研究了影响光敏核不育基因的育性不稳定性的遗传及其基因定位和基因互作对其育性不稳定性的影响。结果表明:影响光敏核不育基因的育性不稳定性表现为微效基因的作用,定位了  相似文献   

水稻光(温)敏核不育系与核质互作不育系的遗传关系剖析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1991─1992年,分析了7个光(温)敏核不育系与15 个核质互作不育系杂交F1及部分F2植株在长日照和短日照条件下的育性表现,结果清楚地表明,有些光敏核不育系能够保持核质互作不育系的雄性不育性,有些光(温)敏核不育系则能够恢复或部分恢复; 有些光敏核不育系对某一核质互作不育系具有保持能力,对另一核质互作不育系则具有恢复能力; 并初步推测光(温)敏核不育基因与核质互作不育基因是独立发生的,当核质互作不育系中细胞质和细胞核的隐性不育基因一起作用时,能够掩盖光(温)敏不育基因及其育性恢复基因的表达。  相似文献   

本研究以来源于农垦58S的灿型光敏核不育系培矮64S(短日条件下育性难转换)和8902S(短日条件下育性蝗转换)及其F1,F2群体为材料,通过短日不同光温和不同生态条件4种处理,利用RFLP分子标记研究了影响光敏偿育水稻在短日条件下的育性可转换性的遗传,基因定位和基因互作,主要结果表明:影响光敏不育水稻的育性可转换性表现为微效基因的作用,定位了7个控制光敏核不育水稻的育性可转换性QTL,即S2,S3a,S3b,S5,S8和S10,揭示了基因互作真实存在于光敏核不育水稻中,基因互作形式和互作类型对光敏核不育水稻的育性可转换性的影响表现多种多样,不同类型的基因互作所解释的遗传变异处于2.15%-10.07%之间。  相似文献   

籼型光(温)敏不育稻均为温敏不育系,它们与粳型光敏不育稻结实的最适温度范围均较狭,两者的雄性细胞均较脆弱易受异常温度及长光为害,花药中有蛋白质组分不能转译,光敏不育性与感光性不能分开;光敏不育性的遗传是由2对独立的隐性不育基因控制,与其对应的2对恢复基因在粳稻、籼稻和爪哇稻中普遍存在,部分常规稻中原已存在1对隐性不育基因,农垦58S产生于农垦58一个基因位点的隐性光敏突变,控制农垦58S不育的2对隐性基因中来源于农垦58的1对即为与BT型水稻等位的不育基因。  相似文献   

籼粳不育新位点的发现及其遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱旭东  朱立煌 《遗传学报》1998,25(3):245-251
粳稻02428携有S-5n广亲和基因,然而与籼稻IR24杂交表现为半不育。对02428与IR24.Pecos、秋光等品种杂交的分离世代的小穗育性进行遗传分析,结果表明:02428与IR24之间的不育性受单基因控制,遗传规律符合单位点孢子体一配子体遗传模式,不育性由非S-5的新位点引起,美国品种Pecos具有复等位的中性基因;RFLP标记技术检测后初步确定,该新不育位点在第11染色体上的标记G24附件,与目前已报道的不育位点都不等位,新位点暂定名为S-p(t)。研究结果还显示,粳稻品种秋光与籼稻品种IR24之间的不育性受2个不育位点S-5和S-p(t)控制,其遗传效应表现有累加作用。  相似文献   

利用人工控制光周期程序(简称SPAC)处理或在北京自然长日下栽培,考察了15个群体的自交结实率和正常花粉率频率分布,得到了如下结果。 1.F_1的育性正常。F_1群体的表现型值呈双峰连续分布。分离出1个无法准确划分的“败育群”;2.在F_2的“败育群”或农垦58原种S群体内,雄性彻底败育的个体只是少数,其余多数个体败育不完全,表现型值各不相同,在低值端呈连续分布;3.由F_1选出的光敏感雄性不育单株繁衍来的F_4家系群体,其表现型值依然分离,在低值端呈连续分布。雄性完全败育个体的比例在各家系、株系、甚至同一株系内的植株间存在差别;4.仅F_4家系群体中的1个株系。农垦58S或鄂宜105S群体内表现型值基本一致,雄性彻底败育了。作者认为,连续分布是水稻光敏感雄性不育初级群体表现型值分布的普遍形式。它多半产生于修饰基因分离、重组造成的基因型值的连续变异。  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, the time course for the photoperiodic response in juvenile male musk shrews was examined by exposing animals to short (10L:14D) or long (14L:10D or 18L:6D) daylengths for 10, 20, 40 or 56 days. When compared with the response of animals maintained in long days, those exposed to short days showed an inhibition of reproductive maturation by 40 days of treatment. In Exp. 2, the combined effects of photoperiod and social cues were investigated in juvenile males that were either housed in short days (with or without a female) or in long days (with or without a female) for 40 days. The short photoperiod was generally inhibitory to sexual maturation, while the presence of an adult female was generally stimulatory, i.e. animals living with a female in long days had the greatest level of sexual maturity, while those living alone in short days had the lowest level of maturity. Animals that received opposing signals, i.e. short days in the presence of a female, had an intermediate response which was equivalent to the response seen in males living alone in long days. These results suggest that the presence of a female can partly reverse inhibitory effects of short days. In Exp. 3, the effects of photoperiod and social cues on the reproductive physiology of the adult male (same design as in Exp. 2) were investigated. The results show that the adult male musk shrew is responsive to both photoperiodic and social cues, in a manner similar to that of juvenile animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Klaimi YY  Qualset CO 《Genetics》1973,74(1):139-156
The inheritance of photoperiodic response was studied in crosses involving four spring wheats (Sonora 64, Pitic 62, Justin and Thatcher) and three winter wheats (Blackhull, Early Blackhull and Extra Early Blackhull). The parental cultivars were classified into a photoperiod-sensitive group (Justin, Thatcher, Blackhull and Early Blackhull) and a relatively photoperiod-insensitive group (Sonora 64, Pitic 62 and Extra Early Blackhull) based on their heading response when vernalized and grown under different daylength regimes.-F(1) data indicated that daylength insensitivity is not always dominant over day-length sensitivity and that the dominance relationship with respect to photoperiodic response depends on the alleles present in the parents. The heading patterns after vernalization and growth under short days of F(1), F(2), F(3) and backcross generations of a 4-parent diallel cross involving Justin, Sonora 64, Extra Early Blackhull and Blackhull could be satisfactorily explained on the basis of two major loci with three alleles at each locus. The genotype for each parent was suggested in terms of these loci. Genes with minor effects also influenced the photoperiodic response in a quantitative manner.-Diallel cross analysis of the number of days to heading (log scale) indicated significant additive and dominance genetic variances, a high average degree of dominance for earliness (photoperiod insensitivity) and a preponderance of recessive alleles in the parents acting in the direction of lateness (photoperiod sensitivity). Estimation of the genetic components of variation contained in the generation means of individual crosses (untransformed data) showed that, besides additivity and dominance, epistasis was also an important factor in the genetic control of photoperiodic response in wheat.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the photoperiodic sensitivity for reproduction in adults of a spring‐breeding carabid beetle, Carabus yaconinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), were examined by transferring adults from outdoor to photoperiodic conditions in various seasons. Newly‐emerged adults transferred to the laboratory in September to December showed a long‐day photoperiodic response, but lost photoperiodic sensitivity gradually during winter. In late April, overwintered adults were not sensitive to the photoperiod, with females continuing to have mature eggs under both long‐day and short‐day conditions. In contrast, in late June and late July, the adults were sensitive to the photoperiod, with only those kept under short‐day conditions re‐entering reproductive diapause. This recovery of photoperiodic sensitivity appears to play a definitive role in maintenance of diapause in autumn for adults that have reproduced. The adults collected in late April regained photoperiodic sensitivity in two months even after being kept under unchanged conditions. Therefore, no environmental cue is required for recovery of photoperiodic sensitivity, which apparently recovers with the lapse of time. Our results suggest that the recurrent photoperiodic response is required in long‐living adults of C. yaconinus to regulate the timing of reproduction, and also indicate a difference in photoperiodic sensitivity in summer between overwintered and newly‐emerged adults.  相似文献   

Photoperiod is an important signal controlling the onset of dormancy in perennial plants. Short days typically induce growth cessation, the initiation of cold acclimation, the formation of a terminal bud. bud dormancy and other adaptive responses. Photoperiodic ecotypes have evolved in many species with large latitudinal distributions. The photoperiodic responses of two northern (53°35′ and 53°50′N) and two southern (34°10′ and 40°32′N) genotypes of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) were characterized by growing trees under a range of photoperiods in the greenhouse and growth chamber. Short days induced bud set in both ecotypes. resulting in trees with fewer leaves and less height growth than trees grown under long days. Short days also enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the northern ecotype and decreased branching of the southernmost genotype. Two aspects of the photoperiodic response were evaluated for each trail: critical photoperiod. which was defined as the longest photoperiod that elicited a short-day response, and photoperiodic sensitivity, which was defined as the change in response per unit change in photoperiod. For each of the traits analyzed, the northern ecotype had a longer critical photoperiod and greater photoperiodic sensitivity than did the southern ecotype. The short critical photoperiod and reduced photoperiodic sensitivity of the southern ecotype resulted in a significant delay in bud set compared to that of the northern ecotype, even under a 9-h photoperiod. Typically, photoperiodic ecotypes have been characterized as having different critical photoperiods. Ecotypic differences in photoperiodic sensitivity, however, indicate that differences in the photoperiodic response curves cannot be completely described by the critical photoperiod alone. These results also suggest that the critical photoperiod. photoperiodic sensitivity and speed of bud set have a common physiological basis. Bud set occurred earlier hi the northern ecotype primarily because bud scale leaves were initiated earlier. For one of the northern genotypes, leaf primordia that were initialed under long days subsequently differentiated into bud scale leaves after the trees were transferred to a 9-h photoperiod. This demonstrates that primordia initiated under long days are not necessarily committed to becoming foliage leaves. The response to photoperiod did not differ appreciably between the greenhouse and growth chamber conditions that were tested.  相似文献   

The photoperiodic control of diapause induction in the larvae of the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe), was investigated using a west Japan-type population collected from Ino, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. In this population, the larvae expressed a long-day photoperiodic response with a critical daylength between 13.5 and 14 h at 25 °C ; under a long daylength, the larvae pupated after the 4th or 5th instar, while the larvae entered diapause under a short daylength after 2.3 additional molts on average. When the photoperiod was changed from a short (L12:D12) to a long (L15:D9) daylength, pupation occurred in most of the individuals irrespective of the time of the change. When the photoperiod was changed from long to short at 1 or 2 weeks after hatching, all of the larvae entered diapause, whereas when the photoperiod was changed at 5 weeks after hatching or later, most of the larvae pupated. The 2 weeks exposures to a long daylength against a 'background' of a short daylength at various times revealed that the larvae of this insect are most sensitive to the photoperiod from 4 to 6 weeks after hatching.  相似文献   

晚粳,早籼光敏核不育水稻幼穗分化后光周期效应的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了日长对不同晚粳(Oryzasativasub.japonica)及早籼(O.sativasub.indica)水稻幼穗发育的影响。发现在晚粳中,二次枝梗期之后所给予的长日处理除延迟幼穗分化进程外,还会影响颍花的发育,表现为颍花密度及结实率下降。而早籼稻中则无明显的类似效应。因此日长对幼穗发育的影响与日长对幼穗分化诱导的影响有一定的相关性。同时,长日对晚粳幼穗发育的影响与引起光敏不育表现的时期相同,表明光敏不育水稻的雄性不育是该突变体雄蕊发育对长日抑制幼穗发育影响的一种特殊反应。  相似文献   

A research was conducted on the pollen fertility of rice sterile lines D52S and D38S responsive to photoperiod during the sensitive stage under natural and controlled conditions. Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) and recessive class approach were applied to identify DNA markers that co-segregate with gene conferring male-sterility in D52S mutant rice. The results showed that in day-light higher or equal to 14.00 h, D52S and D38S rice pollen were fertile; however, they were sterile when day-length was less than 14.00 h. They were therefore considered to be short photo-periodic sensitive genic male sterile lines(Short PGMS lines). Under short day-light conditions, the pollen fertility segregation of F2 populations from crosses between D52S/Shuhui527 and D52S/Gui99showed 3:1 ratio of fertile to sterile plants suggestingthat male sterility in D52S was controlled by one recessive gene. Two markers RM244 and RM216 located on chromosome number 10 co-segregated completely with the rpms locus. The locus was mapped to the interval between SSR markers RM2571 (6.6 cM) and RM244 (4.6 cM).  相似文献   

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