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Rising global temperatures are suggested to be drivers of shifts in tree species ranges. The resulting changes in community composition may negatively impact forest ecosystem function. However, long‐term shifts in tree species ranges remain poorly documented. We test for shifts in the northern range limits of 16 temperate tree species in Quebec, Canada, using forest inventory data spanning three decades, 15° of longitude and 7° of latitude. Range shifts were correlated with climate warming and dispersal traits to understand potential mechanisms underlying changes. Shifts were calculated as the change in the 95th percentile of latitudinal occurrence between two inventory periods (1970–1978, 2000–2012) and for two life stages: saplings and adults. We also examined sapling and adult range offsets within each inventory, and changes in the offset through time. Tree species ranges shifted predominantly northward, although species responses varied. As expected shifts were greater for tree saplings, 0.34 km yr?1, than for adults, 0.13 km yr?1. Range limits were generally further north for adults compared to saplings, but the difference diminished through time, consistent with patterns observed for range shifts within each life stage. This suggests caution should be exercised when interpreting geographic range offsets between life stages as evidence of range shifts in the absence of temporal data. Species latitudinal velocities were on average <50% of the velocity required to equal the spatial velocity of climate change and were mostly unrelated to dispersal traits. Finally, our results add to the body of evidence suggesting tree species are mostly limited in their capacity to track climate warming, supporting concerns that warming will negatively impact the functioning of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims This study aimed to document and describe the current range expansion of the great‐tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus Gmelin) into the USA. By examining the habitat associations and pattern of spread of this species, I intended to determine the factors responsible for this remarkable expansion by a tropical species into a temperate environment. Location This study focused on the spread of the great‐tailed grackle in the continental USA, Canada and Baja California. Methods I used published records, museum specimens, and egg collections to document this range expansion from 1880 through 2002. In addition I surveyed large portions of Arizona, Nevada, southern Utah and southern California for great‐tailed grackles during 2000 and 2001. The data gathered was used to create maps in order to quantify the rate of spread of this species. Results Between 1880 and 2000 the great‐tailed grackle expanded its breeding range in the USA from c. 64,000 km2 to more than 3,561,000 km2, an increase of 5530%. The average annual rate of increase is 3.4%, but has lessened during the past 20 years. Northward movement in the eastern portion of the range has slowed down, reflecting this decrease. However, in the central and western portion of the species range, the rate of northward movement is still accelerating. During this expansion, the average time between first sighting in a state and first breeding was 5.8 years. The species has become less migratory during its range expansion, wintering in 17 of the 20 states where it breeds. Main conclusions This range expansion has been marked by great‐tailed grackles preferring human‐modified environments as breeding grounds, especially in the western states. This association appears to benefit the species in two ways; nest predation is lessened in such areas compared with natural conditions, whereas human activities tend to generate an abundant and consistent food supply for feeding offspring. Wintering birds are often associated with cattle feed lots and large‐scale dairies, where abundant waste grain provides them with a reliable food supply. Given the continued human population increase throughout large areas of the western USA, the great‐tailed grackle will continue its range expansion.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of cockroaches have been reported for Austria so far. This study is the first record of the parthenogenetic Surinam cockroach, Pycnoscelus surinamensis (L.) for Austria (and thus Central Europe). The species is natively distributed in Indo‐Malaysia but has been unintentionally introduced in many, mainly tropical, countries throughout the world. Sequencing the DNA barcoding region revealed that all Austrian P. surinamensis samples had the same haplotype, which they shared with samples from the United States of America, Guyana and French Polynesia, indicating that all these samples/populations belong to the same clonal lineage. Even though in temperate regions, the occurrence of P. surinamensis is currently limited to greenhouses, we advocate proper monitoring of the populations with respect to global warming and the expected increasing independence of this species from greenhouses that comes along with it.  相似文献   

A lower jaw of the mesonychian Hapalodectes is reported from Nongshanian sediments (Upper Doumu Formation; middle Paleocene) of the Qianshan Basin (Anhui Province, China). The fragmentary mandible is only the third specimen of Hapalodectidae discovered in Paleocene deposits, and the first in south east China; it is moreover the oldest, the two other specimens having been found in Gashatan (late Paleocene) localities. The premolars and molars of the new fossil are morphologically similar to Hapalodectes dux (late Paleocene of Mongolia), which has been considered to be the most primitive hapalodectid, but their relative proportions recall H. paleocenus and the Eocene Hapalodectes species. As a result, the fossil described herein appears to be different from the other previously described species of Hapalodectes in being morphologically intermediate between H. dux and the other Hapalodectes species, notably the Bumbanian Hapalodectes hetangensis and H. huanghaiensis from China; it is thus identified as a new species, Hapalodectes lopatini (possibly a male individual). Its discovery is important because it sheds light on the initial radiation of hapalodectids. The presence of one primitive hapalodectid in Mongolia previously suggested the Mongolian Plateau as the centre of origination of this carnivorous family, but the discovery of H. lopatini in older sediments from south‐east China challenges this hypothesis. In the earliest Eocene, Hapalodectes dispersed from Asia to North America; this event being part of the ‘East of Eden’ dispersals. This event resulted in the geographical separation of two distinct Hapalodectes groups, in North America and south‐eastern China respectively.  相似文献   

Gephyroberyx darwini , herein reported northward to Browns Bank in the western North Atlantic, may inhabit rarely sampled hard substrata in northern temperate and boreal slope waters.  相似文献   

Aim The distribution range of Lactuca serriola, a species native to the summer‐dry mediterranean climate, has expanded northwards during the last 250 years. This paper assesses the influence of climate on the range expansion of this species and highlights the importance of anthropogenic disturbance to its spread. Location Central and Northern Europe. Methods Data on the geographic distribution of L. serriola were assembled through a literature search as well as through floristic and herbarium surveys. Maps of the spread of L. serriola in Central and Northern Europe were prepared based on herbarium data. The spread was assessed more precisely in Germany, Austria and Great Britain by pooling herbarium and literature data. We modelled the bioclimatic niche of the species using occurrence and climatic data covering the last century to generate projections of suitable habitats under the climatic conditions of five time periods. We tested whether the observed distribution of L. serriola could be explained for each time period, assuming that the climatic niche of the species was conserved across time. Results The species has spread northwards since the beginning of the 19th century. We show that climate warming in Europe increased the number of sites suitable for the species at northern latitudes. Until the late 1970s, the distribution of the species corresponded to the climatically suitable sites available. For the last two decades, however, we could not show any significant relationship between the increase in suitable sites and the distributional range change of L. serriola. However, we highlight potential areas the species could spread to in the future (Great Britain, southern Scandinavia and the Swedish coast). It is predominantly non‐climatic influences of global change that have contributed to its rapid spread. Main conclusions The observation that colonizing species are not filling their climatically suitable range might imply that, potentially, other ruderal species could expand far beyond their current range. Our work highlights the importance of historical floristic and herbarium data for understanding the expansion of a species. Such historical distributional data can provide valuable information for those planning the management of contemporary environmental problems, such as species responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

At the eastern margins of the geographical distribution in Europe, populations of Cepaea nemoralis are sparse and limited to urban environments to which they are possibly confined by relatively warmer climates. In 1999 we introduced 1101 C. nemoralis individuals originating from nine urban populations to a rural location in the area. The snails established a viable population, which suggests that confinement to urban settings is dispersal‐ rather than climate‐limited. The snails filled available habitats at a rate of approximately 400–600 m2 year?1. On the whole, morph frequencies remained remarkably stable; changes that occurred are attributable to segregation of alleles or chromosomes. However, snails responded to habitat heterogeneity: consistent and predictable divergence occurred between habitat types, such that light‐shelled snails were repeatedly more frequent in the open than in adjoining shaded habitats. This suggests the operation of climatic and/or visual selection. As the whole area encompassing seven distinct habitat patches was only 0.3 ha, and the maximum duration of population divergence was only 11 years (fewer than four snail generations), these results indicate extremely small temporal and spatial scales of adaptation during initial phases of population establishment and spread. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 462–470.  相似文献   

The spangled perch Leiopotherapon unicolor is considered a rare vagrant in the southern Murray‐Darling Basin, Australia, due to its intolerance of the relatively cool water temperatures that prevail during winter months. This study details 1342 records of the species from 68 locations between 2010 and 2014 outside its accepted ‘core adult range’ following widespread flooding during 2010 and 2011. Although records of the species declined over 2013, L. unicolor remained resident in the southern Murray‐Darling Basin as of April 2014. The species persisted in several locations for three consecutive winters with recruitment documented at two sites. This study represents the first identification of the dispersal of large numbers of L. unicolor into the southern Murray‐Darling Basin, persistence beyond a single winter, and recruitment by the species in habitats south of its recognized ‘core adult range’. Targeted research would determine the potential for predicted environmental changes (artificially warmer drainage wetlands, climate change and greater floodplain connectivity) to facilitate longer term persistence and range expansion by the species in the southern Murray‐Darling Basin.  相似文献   

The snails Theodoxus danubialis and Theodoxus prevostianus form a single clade native to freshwaters of south-eastern Europe whose inter- and intraspecific relationships remain unresolved. The present study utilized a phylogeographical approach to clarify the relationship of these species as well as to reconstruct the evolutionary and demographic history of populations in the western portion of their range. Phylogenetic, population genetic, and nested clade analyses reveal a clade that has distributed itself upriver from a lower Danube River source population and become genetically distinct primarily through range expansion and localized allopatric divergence. Notably, this geographical pattern is replicated phylogenetically in the form of two cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (CO I) lineages that are present simultaneously in individual snails. Haplotypes from polymorphic individuals form two distinct clades, both of which show phylogenetic and nucleotide substitution patterns consistent with a mitochondrial origin, and whose common ancestor must have occurred in a lower Danube source population. Separated allopatrically from their Danubian relatives, populations of T. danubialis in northern Italy have also undergone substantial range expansion, much more recently than Danube watershed lineages. In addition to repeated patterns of range expansion, parallelism is found in T. prevostianus , which is shown to be a nonmonophyletic taxon of remarkable morphological and ecological similarity.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 603–617.  相似文献   

Devitt TJ 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(14):4387-4407
The Western Lyresnake (Trimorphodon biscutatus) is a widespread, polytypic taxon inhabiting arid regions from the warm deserts of the southwestern United States southward along the Pacific versant of Mexico to the tropical deciduous forests of Mesoamerica. This broadly distributed species provides a unique opportunity to evaluate a priori biogeographical hypotheses spanning two major distinct biogeographical realms (the Nearctic and Neotropical) that are usually treated separately in phylogeographical analyses. I investigated the phylogeography of T. biscutatus using maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from across this species' range. Phylogenetic analyses recovered five well-supported clades whose boundaries are concordant with existing geographical barriers, a pattern consistent with a model of vicariant allopatric divergence. Assuming a vicariance model, divergence times between mitochondrial lineages were estimated using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock methods calibrated using geological information from putative vicariant events. Divergence time point estimates were bounded by broad confidence intervals, and thus these highly conservative estimates should be considered tentative hypotheses at best. Comparison of mtDNA lineages and taxa traditionally recognized as subspecies based on morphology suggest this taxon is comprised of multiple independent lineages at various stages of divergence, ranging from putative secondary contact and hybridization to sympatry of 'subspecies'.  相似文献   

Rising sea surface temperatures in the North Sea have had consequential effects on not only indigenous plankton species, but also on the possibility of successful colonisation of the area by invasive plankton species. Previous studies have noted the introduction and integration into the plankton community of various phytoplankton species, but establishment of zooplankton organisms in the North Sea is less well-documented. Examining continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey data and zooplankton results from the Helgoland Roads study, the autumn of 1999 witnessed the occurrence of the marine cladoceran Penilia avirostris in large numbers in the North Sea. The rapid appearance of the species corresponded with exceptionally warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Since 1999, the species has become a regular feature of the autumnal zooplankton community of the North Sea. In 2002 and 2003, the species occurred in greater abundance than recorded before. It is suggested that increased autumn SSTs have proved favourable to P. avirostris, with warmer conditions contributing to the success of the species resting eggs and aiding colonisation.Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   

Pollock D  Majka CG 《ZooKeys》2012,(162):1-24
Lacconotus LeConte, the sole Nearctic representative of the eurypine Mycteridae, is revised, based on morphological features of adults. The following syn. n. is proposed: Lacconotus pallidus Van Dyke, 1928 = Lacconotus pinicola Horn, 1879. The former is a light-colored form with a southern California distribution. A subgen. n.,Alcconotus, is described for Lacconotus pinicola, producing the following comb. n.: Lacconotus (Alcconotus) pinicola (Horn). A lectotype is designated for Lacconotus pinicola. A key separating the two subgenera and species is provided, as are photographs and illustrations of salient structures of adults, and maps showing collection localities. Lacconotus punctatus is newly recorded in Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin; Lacconotus pinicola is newly recorded in Arizona and Utah in the USA, and Baja California Norte in Mexico. Phenology information shows a north-to-south gradation in occurrence time.  相似文献   

We investigated the extent of poleward shifts in the distribution range of Agonum viridicupreum due to climate change in the western Palaearctic. Species' records were obtained from extensive literature sources as well as from collections, and consistent amateur entomologists' recordings. Within the general geographic range of the species, we analyzed in detail two parts of both, the northern and southern distribution range boundaries: (1 and 2) north-western Germany (leading or high-latitude edge), (3) Israel and (4) southern Italy (rear or low-latitude edge). Temporal changes in the occurrence data of the species indicated a northward shift of the leading edge of a minimum of 100 km within the last 50 to 100 years. In contrast, according to the data gathered, the rear edge has not changed during the last decades. Further studies are needed in order to fully understand the underlying mechanisms of the different behaviour of leading and rear range edges of Agonum viridicupreum in the current context of global change. Despite our incomplete understanding, chronosequences of the occurrence of the given species have the potential to optimize climate niche modelling to predict trends in the distribution range in the future.  相似文献   

Until recently, most phylogeographic approaches have been unable to distinguish between demographic and range expansion processes, making it difficult to test for the possibility of range expansion without population growth and vice versa. In this study, we applied a Bayesian phylogeographic approach to reconstruct both demographic and range expansion in the lizard Liolaemus darwinii of the Monte Desert in Central Argentina, during the Late Quaternary. Based on analysis of 14 anonymous nuclear loci and the cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA gene, we detected signals of demographic expansion starting at ~55 ka based on Bayesian Skyline and Skyride Plots. In contrast, Bayesian relaxed models of spatial diffusion suggested that range expansion occurred only between ~95 and 55 ka, and more recently, diffusion rates were very low during demographic expansion. The possibility of population growth without substantial range expansion could account for the shared patterns of demographic expansion during the Last Glacial Maxima (OIS 2 and 4) in fish, small mammals and other lizards of the Monte Desert. We found substantial variation in diffusion rates over time, and very high rates during the range expansion phase, consistent with a rapidly advancing expansion front towards the southeast shown by palaeo‐distribution models. Furthermore, the estimated diffusion rates are congruent with observed dispersal rates of lizards in field conditions and therefore provide additional confidence to the temporal scale of inferred phylogeographic patterns. Our study highlights how the integration of phylogeography with palaeo‐distribution models can shed light on both demographic and range expansion processes and their potential causes.  相似文献   

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