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Three mammalian hyaluronan synthase genes, HAS1, HAS2, and HAS3, have recently been cloned. In this study, we characterized and compared the enzymatic properties of these three HAS proteins. Expression of any of these genes in COS-1 cells or rat 3Y1 fibroblasts yielded de novo formation of a hyaluronan coat. The pericellular coats formed by HAS1 transfectants were significantly smaller than those formed by HAS2 or HAS3 transfectants. Kinetic studies of these enzymes in the membrane fractions isolated from HAS transfectants demonstrated that HAS proteins are distinct from each other in enzyme stability, elongation rate of HA, and apparent K(m) values for the two substrates UDP-GlcNAc and UDP-GlcUA. Analysis of the size distributions of hyaluronan generated in vitro by the recombinant proteins demonstrated that HAS3 synthesized hyaluronan with a molecular mass of 1 x 10(5) to 1 x 10(6) Da, shorter than those synthesized by HAS1 and HAS2 which have molecular masses of 2 x 10(5) to approximately 2 x 10(6) Da. Furthermore, comparisons of hyaluronan secreted into the culture media by stable HAS transfectants showed that HAS1 and HAS3 generated hyaluronan with broad size distributions (molecular masses of 2 x 10(5) to approximately 2 x 10(6) Da), whereas HAS2 generated hyaluronan with a broad but extremely large size (average molecular mass of >2 x 10(6) Da). The occurrence of three HAS isoforms with such distinct enzymatic characteristics may provide the cells with flexibility in the control of hyaluronan biosynthesis and functions.  相似文献   

Weigel PH 《IUBMB life》2002,54(4):201-211
The first gene for a glycosaminoglycan synthase to be cloned was the hyaluronan (HA) synthase from S. pyogenes, which we reported in 1993. Since then, at least 20 bacterial, viral, or eukaryotic HA synthase gene or cDNA sequences and two bacterial chondroitin synthase genes have been reported. During the last decade a great deal has been elucidated about the structure, function, and mechanisms of action of the bacterial HA synthases, which are the focus of this review. Very rapid progress has been made in elucidating the mechanism of HA synthesis by the HA synthase from Pasteurella multocida. Although little of this information is applicable to understanding the mechanism of action of streptococcal HA synthases, good progress has also been made in understanding how these latter enzymes work.  相似文献   

Here reported is the developmental gene expression pattern of the three known vertebrate hyaluronan synthases (XHas1, XHas2 and XHas3) and a comparative analysis of their mRNAs spatio-temporal distribution during Xenopus laevis development. We found that while XHas2 shows a steady-state expression from gastrula to late tailbud stage, XHas1 is mainly present in the early phases of development while XHas3 is predominantly transcribed in tailbud embryos. XHas1, XHas2 and XHas3 show distinct tissue expression patterns. In particular, XHas1 is localized in ectodermal derivatives and in cranial neural crest cells, whereas XHas2 is mainly found in mesoderm-derived structures and in trunk neural crest cells. Moreover, the expression pattern of XHas2 overlaps that of MyoD in cells committed to a muscle fate. Unlike the other hyaluronan synthases, XHas3 mRNA distribution is very restricted. In particular, XHas3 is expressed in the otic vesicles and closely follows the inner ear development. In conclusion, XHas1, XHas2 and XHas3 mRNAs have distinct and never overlapping spatial expression domains, which would suggest that these three enzymes may play different roles during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Autophagy has recently been implicated in both the prevention and progression of cancer. However, the molecular basis for the relationship between autophagy induction and the initial acquisition of malignancy is currently unknown. Here, we provide the first evidence that autophagy is essential for oncogenic K-Ras (K-Ras(V12))-induced malignant cell transformation. Retroviral expression of K-Ras(V12) induced autophagic vacuole formation and malignant transformation in human breast epithelial cells. Interestingly, pharmacological inhibition of autophagy completely blocked K-Ras(V12)-induced, anchorage-independent cell growth on soft agar. Both mRNA and protein levels of ATG5 and ATG7 (autophagy-specific genes 5 and 7, respectively) were increased in cells overexpressing K-Ras(V12). Targeted suppression of ATG5 or ATG7 expression by short hairpin (sh) RNA inhibited cell growth on soft agar and tumor formation in nude mice. Moreover, inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with antioxidants clearly attenuated K-Ras(V12)-induced ATG5 and ATG7 induction, autophagy, and malignant cell transformation. MAPK pathway components were activated in cells overexpressing K-Ras(V12), and inhibition of JNK blunted induction of ATG5 and ATG7 and subsequent autophagy. In addition, pretreatment with antioxidants completely inhibited K-Ras(V12)-induced JNK activation. Our results provide novel evidence that autophagy is critically involved in malignant transformation by oncogenic K-Ras and show that reactive oxygen species-mediated JNK activation plays a causal role in autophagy induction through up-regulation of ATG5 and ATG7.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) is a large linear polymer of repeating disaccharides of glucuronic acid and GlcNAc. Although HA is widely distributed in vertebrate animals, it has not been found in invertebrates, including insect species. Insects utilize chitin, a repeating beta-1,4-linked homopolymer of GlcNAc, as a major component of their exoskeleton. Recent studies illustrate the similarities in the biosynthetic mechanisms of HA and chitin and suggest that HA synthase (HAS) and chitin synthase have evolved from a common ancestral molecule. Although the biochemical properties and in vivo functions of HAS proteins have been extensively studied, the molecular basis for HA biosynthesis is not completely understood. For example, it is currently not clear if proper chain elongation and secretion of HA require other components in addition to HAS. Here, we demonstrate that a non-HA-synthesizing animal, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, can produce HA in vivo when a single HAS protein is introduced. Expression of the mouse HAS2 gene in Drosophila tissues by the Gal4/UAS (upstream activating sequence) system resulted in massive HA accumulation in the extracellular space and caused various morphological defects. These morphological abnormalities were ascribed to disordered cell-cell communications due to accumulation of HA rather than disruption of heparan sulfate synthesis. We also show that adult wings with HA can hold a high level of water. These findings demonstrate that organisms synthesizing chitin (but not HA) are capable of producing HA that is structurally and functionally relevant to that in mammals. The ability of insect cells to produce HA supports the idea that in vivo HA biosynthesis does not require molecules other than the HAS protein. An alternative model is that Drosophila cells use endogenous components of the chitin biosynthetic machinery to produce and secrete HA.  相似文献   

We examined the expression pattern of hyaluronan synthase (HAS) mRNAs in the uterine cervix of pregnant mice. The expression levels of HAS-1 and -2 mRNAs peaked at delivery, whereas that of HAS-3 mRNA peaked on the 15th day of pregnancy. The regulation of HAS mRNA expression was examined in pregnant mouse uterine cervical fibroblasts. The expression of HAS-1, -2, and -3 mRNAs was significantly augmented by interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). Progesterone significantly interfered with expression of HAS-1 and -2 mRNAs, but significantly increased the expression of HAS-3 mRNA. Low-molecular-weight hyaluronan significantly enhanced only the expression of HAS-1 mRNA. These results indicate that HAS in the uterine cervix is regulated in a complex manner by IL-1beta, progesterone, and low-molecular-weight hyaluronan, of which changes in the cervical tissue and serum closely participate in uterine cervical ripening and/or inflammation.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural aspects of hypertrophic chondrocytes in hamster and mouse epiphysial cartilage were examined in relation to their metabolic activities. With the hypertrophic change, cytoplasmic vacuolization proceeded leaving the partially intact endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the hypertrophic cells, cytoplasmic hyaluronan was stained with the biotinylated hyaluronan-binding region (b-HABR) of aggrecan, and mRNAs of hyaluronan synthase (Has 1, Has 2 and Has 3) were detected by in situ hybridization. When the epiphysial cartilage was cultured in the presence of 35S, 3H-GlcNAc, 3H-proline or 14C-palmitic acid, vacuolated late hypertrophic chondrocytes were labeled with these radioactive precursors. The evidence indicates that late hypertrophic chondrocytes are metabolically active, which appears to be essential for the enlargement of chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan that is synthesized by a family of enzymes called hyaluronan synthases (HASs), of which there are three isoforms (HAS1, 2 and 3) in mammals. The HASs have different tissue expression patterns and function, indicating that synthesis of HA and formation of the HA matrix may be regulated by various factors. The HA matrix has an important role in renal water handling and the production of a concentrated urine. We investigated the distribution of HA and the expression of HAS1, HAS2 and HAS3 mRNAs in the kidney of the Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, a native Australian desert rodent that is reported to produce the most concentrated urine of any mammal. After periods of three, seven and fourteen days of water deprivation, the distribution of renal HA changed considerably, and there was a general down-regulation of HAS mRNA expression. It is proposed that the regulation of HA synthesis by the different HAS isoforms during water deprivation in N. alexis, could be influenced by the molecular mass of the HA chains produced by each isoform, followed by the rate at which the individual HAS produces HA.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan that is synthesized by a family of enzymes called hyaluronan synthases (HASs), of which there are three isoforms (HAS1, 2 and 3) in mammals. The HASs have different tissue expression patterns and function, indicating that synthesis of HA and formation of the HA matrix may be regulated by various factors. The HA matrix has an important role in renal water handling and the production of a concentrated urine. We investigated the distribution of HA and the expression of HAS1, HAS2 and HAS3 mRNAs in the kidney of the Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, a native Australian desert rodent that is reported to produce the most concentrated urine of any mammal. After periods of three, seven and fourteen days of water deprivation, the distribution of renal HA changed considerably, and there was a general down-regulation of HAS mRNA expression. It is proposed that the regulation of HA synthesis by the different HAS isoforms during water deprivation in N. alexis, could be influenced by the molecular mass of the HA chains produced by each isoform, followed by the rate at which the individual HAS produces HA.  相似文献   

A plant allene oxide synthase (AOS) reacting with 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E,15Z-octadecatrienoic acid (13-HPOT), a lipoxygenase product of alpha-linolenic acid, provides an allene oxide which functions as an intermediate for jasmonic acid (JA) synthesis, making AOS a key enzyme regulating the JA level in plants. Although AOSs in various plants have been investigated, there is only limited information about AOSs in soybean (Glycine max). In this study, we cloned and characterized two soybean AOSs, GmAOS1 and GmAOS2, sharing 95% homology in the predicted amino acid sequences. GmAOS1 and GmAOS2 were composed of 564 and 559 amino acids respectively, with predicted N-terminal chloroplast-targeting signal peptides. Both AOSs expressed in Escherichia coli were selective for 13S-hydroperoxides of alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids, suggesting the potential of GmAOS1 and GmAOS2 to contribute to JA synthesis. GmAOS1 and GmAOS2 were expressed in leaves, stems, and roots, suggesting broad distribution in a soybean plant.  相似文献   

The natural cervical relaxation which occurs at estrus in the ewe may be initiated by binding of hyaluronan (HA) to its receptor CD44. Indeed, we have previously shown that HA content and fragment size in the ovine cervix varies with the stage of the estrous cycle. Despite the importance of cervical relaxation in promoting sperm transport and facilitating the possible development of transcervical artificial insemination (AI), the mechanisms coordinating these changes in HA content remain to be defined. Hyaluronan synthases (HAS) 1, 2, and 3 regulate HA biosynthesis and herein, we describe the changing pattern of HAS isoform expression during the estrous cycle to determine whether this may underpin HA-mediated changes in relaxation of the ovine cervix. Accordingly, cervices were collected from 24 cyclic sheep (n = 8 / group) at the luteal, pre-luteinizing hormone (LH) and post-LH surge stages. Protein and mRNA expression for HAS 1, 2 and 3 was determined in five different tissue layers (epithelium, subepithelial stroma, and longitudinal, circular and transverse muscle) of the vaginal, mid and uterine regions of each cervix by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, respectively. HA synthases were expressed in all the tissue layers and regions of the cervix, and the pattern of expression was similar for mRNA and protein. HAS1 protein and mRNA expression was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher at the pre-LH surge stage, while HAS 2 and 3 protein and mRNA expression was significantly (P ≤ 0.001) higher at the luteal stage. Overall, both HAS protein and mRNA expression was significantly (P ≤ 0.001) higher in the epithelial layer and the vaginal region. These findings are in accordance with our previous results and explain the differences observed in the HA content and differing HA fragment size at different stages of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Both oncogenic adenovirus (BAV-3) and nononcogenic adenovirus (Ad-1) are able to induce gene mutations in cultured mammalian cells. In the case of equal multiplicity of the infection the frequency of induced mutations is higher in variants with Ad-1. Unlike Ad-1 both mutagenic and transforming effects of BAV-3 are intensified by means of TPA promoters. TPA modifies analogously mutagenic and transforming effect of much less than oncogenic fragment much greater than of DNA BAV-3. Oncogene and, probably, other viral genes reveal mutagenic activity.  相似文献   

Fifteen revertant clones exhibiting contact inhibition, one of the typical characteristics of normal cells, were studied after treatment of spontaneously transformed Chinese hamster fibroblasts with SV40. The clones proved to be partial revertants, as regards to other properties of the normal phenotype--loss of the ability to grow in a medium with a low serum content and anchorage-dependence. Viral DNA was detected in all revertant clones. The expression of T-antigen--the product of viral oncogene, was observed in 13 of 15 revertants analyzed. The study of SV40 "rescued" from several revertants in permissive monkey cells has shown that the virus is non-defective. In 7 clones, reversion was accompanied with polyploidization. In the cases, reversion could be due to changes in the balance between oncogenes and suppressor genes (anti-oncogenes). The possibility of induction by SV40 of mutations in anti-oncogenes suppressing the expression of both cellular and viral oncogenes is discussed. It is suggested that reversion to the normal phenotype in clones with a near-diploid karyotype could result from such virus-induced suppressor mutations.  相似文献   

Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) activates keratinocyte migration and stimulates wound healing. Hyaluronan, an extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan that accumulates in wounded epidermis, is known to promote cell migration, suggesting that increased synthesis of hyaluronan might be associated with the KGF response in keratinocytes. Treatment of monolayer cultures of rat epidermal keratinocytes led to an elongated and lifted cell shape, increased filopodial protrusions, enhanced cell migration, accumulation of intermediate size hyaluronan in the culture medium and within keratinocytes, and a rapid increase of hyaluronan synthase 2 (Has2) mRNA, suggesting a direct influence on this gene. In stratified, organotypic cultures of the same cell line, both Has2 and Has3 with the hyaluronan receptor CD44 were up-regulated and hyaluronan accumulated in the epidermis, the spinous cell layer in particular. At the same time the expression of the early differentiation marker keratin 10 was inhibited, whereas filaggrin expression and epidermal permeability were less affected. The data indicate that Has2 and Has3 belong to the targets of KGF in keratinocytes, and support the idea that enhanced hyaluronan synthesis acts an effector for the migratory response of keratinocytes in wound healing, whereas it may delay keratinocyte terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

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