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A reappraisal of non-consensus mRNA splice sites.   总被引:42,自引:10,他引:32  

Secondary structure of splice sites in adenovirus mRNA precursors.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Nucleotide sequence at polyoma VP1 mRNA splice sites.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Prediction of splice junctions in mRNA sequences.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
K Nakata  M Kanehisa    C DeLisi 《Nucleic acids research》1985,13(14):5327-5340
A general method based on the statistical technique of discriminant analysis is developed to distinguish boundaries of coding and non-coding regions in nucleic acid sequences. In particular, the method is applied to the prediction of splicing sites in messenger RNA precursors. Information used for discrimination includes consensus sequence patterns around splice junctions, free energy of snRNA and mRNA base pairing, and statistical differences between coding and non-coding regions such as periodic appearance of specific bases in coding regions reflecting the non-random usage of degenerate codons. Given the reading frame of an exon (but not the exon/intron boundaries), the method will predict the following exon, namely, the intron to be excised out. When applied to human sequences in the GenBank database, the method correctly identified 80% of true splice junctions.  相似文献   

A soybean chitinase which has an apparent molecular mass of 28 kDa by SDS-PAGE, and has chitinase specific activity of 133 units per mg protein at pH 5.2 and an apparent pI of 5.7, was purified from mature dry seeds. Based upon the selected part (the residue positions 10–17) of the determined N-terminal 38 amino acid sequence, a 23-mer degenerate oligonucleotide was synthesized and used for the PCR cloning of the chitinase cDNA. The resulting 1340 bp cDNA was comprised of a 5-untranslated region of 39 bases, a coding region corresponding to a 25 amino acid signal sequence, followed by a mature 308 amino acid sequence (calculated molecular mass 34269, calculated pI 4.7), and a 235 nucleotide 3-terminal untranslated region including 24 bases of the poly(A) tail. By comparing the deduced primary sequence with those of plant chitinases known to date, this enzyme was more than 50% identical to every class III acidic chitinase, but has no significant similarity to other families of chitinases. The comparison also showed that the C-termininal region of this chitinase is markedly extended, by at least 31 residues. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that this mRNA species is remarkably transcribed from the early stage until the late middle stage of seed development, whilst it is hardly expressed in the leaves and the stems of soybean. Spatial and temporal expression of this single gene imply that this class III chitinase is mainly devoted to the seed defense, not only in development but also in dormancy of soybean seed. This is the first reported isolation and cDNA cloning of a class III acidic endochitinase from seeds. According to the chitinase nomenclature we propose that this enzyme would be classified into a new class of chitinase PR-8 family, together with a Sesbania homologue.  相似文献   

对Alu剪接位点双碱基的类型、分布进行了分析,发现非标准剪接(不满足GT-AG规则)占很大优势。而且非标准剪接的分布频率会随不同的染色体而变化,在Alu剪接较多的11、12、17号染色体上分布最多。通过对Alu及其剪接住点碱基关联的计算分析,说明在Alu中剪接位点双碱基的这种异常使用主要是由Alu中二联体的关联压力造成的,从而表明这种重复序列对生命活动的多样化起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Finding splice sites within a wilderness of RNA.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文

Deletions were introduced at exon-intron boundaries in the late region of a simian virus 40-beta-globin cDNA recombinant to study the role of splicing in the formation of simian virus 40 late cytoplasmic RNAs. The recombinant was used as a wild type because it allowed characterization of mutant RNAs expressed from defective genomes in the presence of comparable RNAs contributed by the coinfecting helper virus. Removal of a 17-base pair segment at map position 0.76, which included a portion of the leader sequence implicated in the splicing of the major 16S mRNA, prevented expression of 16S-type mRNA. The same mutant accumulated cytoplasmic 19S-type mRNA, but the assortment of the 5' ends of these mRNAs differed from the assortment of the wild-type counterparts. Another mutant that lacks nucleotide sequences implicated in the splicing of the major 16S mRNA and one of the principal 19S-type RNAs accumulated a 16S-type mRNA with a previously undetected leader splice, and assortment of 19S mRNAs with new or normally underrepresented splices, and even a species of unspliced cytoplasmic 19S mRNA.  相似文献   

Nearly all mRNA introns begin with the dinucleotide GU. Mutations in either of these virtually invariant bases have been found to inactivate the corresponding 5' splice site. Until now single base changes in neighboring bases have not been found to completely inactivate a 5' splice site. Here we show that a single A----U transversion in the third position of the adenovirus 2 E1A 13S mRNA intron does prevent RNA splicing at the corresponding 5' splice site.  相似文献   

Estimating the rate and scale of dispersal is essential for predicting the dynamics of fragmented populations, yet empirical estimates are typically imprecise and often negatively biased. We maximized detection of dispersal events between small, subdivided populations of water voles (Arvicola terrestris) using a novel method that combined direct capture-mark-recapture with microsatellite genotyping to identify parents and offspring in different populations and hence infer dispersal. We validated the method using individuals known from trapping data to have dispersed between populations. Local populations were linked by high rates of juvenile dispersal but much lower levels of adult dispersal. In the spring breeding population, 19% of females and 33% of males had left their natal population of the previous year. The average interpopulation dispersal distance was 1.8 km (range 0.3-5.2 km). Overall, patterns of dispersal fitted a negative exponential function. Information from genotyping increased the estimated rate and scale of dispersal by three- and twofold, respectively, and hence represents a powerful tool to provide more realistic estimates of dispersal parameters.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulfoxide affects the selection of splice sites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Depending on the cell lines and cell types, dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) can induce or block cell differentiation and apoptosis. Although Me2SO treatment alters many levels of gene expression, the molecular processes that are directly affected by Me2SO have not been clearly identified. Here, we report that Me2SO affects splice site selection on model pre-mRNAs incubated in a nuclear extract prepared from HeLa cells. A shift toward the proximal pair of splice sites was observed on pre-mRNAs carrying competing 5'-splice sites or competing 3'-splice sites. Because the activity of recombinant hnRNP A1 protein was similar when added to extracts containing or lacking Me2SO, the activity of endogenous A1 proteins is probably not affected by Me2SO. Notably, in a manner reminiscent of SR proteins, Me2SO activated splicing in a HeLa S100 extract. Moreover, the activity of recombinant SR proteins in splice site selection in vitro was improved by Me2SO. Polar solvents like DMF and formamide similarly modulated splice site selection in vitro but formamide did not activate a HeLa S100 extract. We propose that Me2SO improves ionic interactions between splicing factors that contain RS-domains. The direct impact of Me2SO on alternative splicing may explain, at least in part, the different and sometimes opposite effects of Me2SO on cell differentiation and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Thousands of tandem alternative splice sites (TASS) give rise to mRNA insertion/deletion variants with small size differences. Recent work has concentrated on the question of biological relevance in general, and the physiological regulation of TASS in particular. We have quantitatively studied 11 representative TASS cases in comparison to one mutually exclusive exon case and two cassette exons (CEs) using a panel of human and mouse tissues, as well as cultured cell lines. Tissues show small but significant differences in TASS isoform ratios, with a variance 4- to 20-fold lower than seen for CEs. Remarkably, in cultured cells, all studied alternative splicing (AS) cases showed a cell-density-dependent shift of isoform ratios with similar time series profiles. A respective genome-wide co-regulation of TASS splicing was shown by next-generation mRNA sequencing data. Moreover, data from human and mouse organs indicate that this co-regulation of TASS occurs in vivo, with brain showing the strongest difference to other organs. Together, the results indicate a physiological AS regulation mechanism that functions almost independently from the splice site context and sequence.  相似文献   

Over 50% of donor splice sites in the human genome have a potential alternative donor site at a distance of three to six nucleotides. Conservation of these potential sites is determined by the consensus requirements and by its exonic or intronic location. Several hundred pairs of overlapping sites are confirmed to be alternatively spliced as both sites in a pair are supported by a protein, by a full-length mRNA, or by expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from at least two independent clone libraries. Overlapping sites may clash with consensus requirements. Pairs with a site shift of four nucleotides are the most abundant, despite the frameshift in the protein-coding region that they introduce. The site usage in pairs is usually uneven, and the major site is more frequently conserved in other mammalian genomes. Overlapping alternative donor sites and acceptor sites may have different functional roles: alternative splicing of overlapping acceptor sites leads mainly to microvariations in protein sequences; whereas alternative donor sites often lead to frameshifts and thus either yield major differences in the protein sequence and structure, or generate nonsense-mediated decay-inducing mRNA isoforms likely involved in regulated unproductive splicing pathways.  相似文献   

M de Mars  P E Cizdziel    E C Murphy  Jr 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5260-5269
We have examined splice site activation in relation to intron structure in murine sarcoma virus (MuSV)-124 RNA. MuSV-124 contains inactive murine leukemia virus env gene splice sites (termed 5' env and 3' env) as well as cryptic sites in the gag and v-mos genes (termed 5' gag and 3' mos) which are activated for thermosensitive splicing by a 1,487-base intronic deletion in the MuSV-124 derived MuSVts110 retrovirus. To determine conditions permissive for splice site activation, we examined MuSV-124 mutants deleted in the 1,919-base intron bounded by the 5' gag and 3' mos sites. Several of these deletions activated thermosensitive splicing either at the same sites used in MuSVts110 or in a previously unreported temperature-sensitive splice event between the 5' gag and 3' env sites. These data suggested that the thermosensitive splicing phenotype characteristic of MuSVts110 required neither a specialized intron nor selection of a particular 3' splice site. The 3' env and 3' mos sites were found to compete for splicing to the 5' gag site; the more upstream 3' env site was exclusively used in MuSV-124 mutants containing both sites, whereas selection of the 3' mos site required removal of the 3' env site. Branchpoint sequences were found to have a potential regulatory role in thermosensitive splicing. Insertion of a beta-globin branchpoint sequence in a splicing-inactive MuSV-124 mutant activated efficient nonthermosensitive splicing at the 3' mos site, whereas a mutated branchpoint activated less efficient but thermosensitive splicing.  相似文献   

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