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Summary The population are of flowering shoots of the perennial herb, Saxifraga hirculus, reaches a max. of 134 m2 and an overall density of flowers/m2 of 11.4. The flower is mainly visited by a syrphid sp., Eurimyia lineata, and to a lesser extent by another syrphid Neoscia tenur, a moth, Zygaena trifolii, and a fungus gnat, Asindulum nigrum. The distribution of the interfloral flight distance is leptokurtic. The mean flight distance of the visitors is 101 cm. 10% of the flights are much longer (2–8 m: cross-flower patch, and about 20 m: cross-population flights). If they are not included, the mean of flights (<1.7 m) becomes 28 cm. These flights become shorter with increasing flower density. The visitors do not have a nearest-neighbour foraging pattern. They visit on average the 8th nearest neighbour. The distribution of flight directions is uniform. Seed dispersal distances have a leptokurtic distribution and a mean dispersal distance of 13 cm. The ecological neighbourhood area is 66.4 m2 and 64.9 m2 assuming normality and allowing for leptokurtosis. Z. trifolii with its large proportion of long flights increases the size of the neighbourhood area considerably. The mean flight distance (<1.7 m) is correlated with neighbourhood area. The evolutionary impact of moths and butterflies to plant population structure is stressed.  相似文献   

M. Ohlson 《Ecography》1986,9(3):205-213
The perennial herbaceous mire plant Saxifraga hirculus was studied in different population densities along an environmental gradient on a mire in central Sweden. Tests were made whether the habitat conditions influenced the balance between vegetative growth of runners and seed production. Along a 30 m long transect the gradient was analysed for vegetation, hydrology, temperature and contents of ions in groundwater and surface peat. Three main zones were distinguished, a spring area, a rich fen area and an intermediate fen area. Range in concentration of ions in groundwater along the transect (mg 1−1): Ca 4–59, Mg 0.3–3.5, K 0.1–3.0, Na 1.0–4.1 and Fe 0.4–4.5. Range in pH: 5.8–7.5. Despite the gradient in ion concentration, the element content in S. hirculus was constant along the transect. Population density reached maximum in the rich fen, 52 floral shoots 0.25 m−2. In the spring area, S. hirculus was characterized by few flowers per floral shoot, low height, numerous runners and a large total length of runners. In the rich fen, high seed production was characteristic; in the intermediate fen, production of both runners and seeds were low. The flowering of S. hirculus starts early in the spring area. Consequences of this with regard to genetic variation along the transect are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The open, dish-shaped flowers of Saxifraga hirculus reflected ultraviolet and yellow light, contained very small amounts of nectar, and contained an average of about 75300 pollen grains per flower. Almost 11% of the pollen was inviable. Stigmatic pollen loads and seed set decreased during the course of the season. The plant appeared to be fully between-ramet compatible and partially within-ramet compatible. Seed set for the population was 30.3%. The protandrous flower opened during the day and had male and female phases of nine and three days, respectively. The protandrous system reduced the number of pollination days by a third.
At least 26 species of insects, 16 of which were syrphids, visited the flowers. Based on the number of flower visits, four species were the dominant visitors of S. hirculus: Eurimyia lineata and Neoascia tenur (Diptera: Syrphidae); Asindulum nigrum (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), and Zygaena trlfolii (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Eurimyia lineata was the most frequent visitor (51% of all visits). As the season advanced, the visits by E. lineata decreased, whereas the visits by A. nigrum increased. Z. trifolli disappeared completely towards the end of the season. Only two thirds of the pollination days were "good" foraging days for these visitor species. The four major visitor species spent an average of 11.7, 27.4, 30.7 and 22.6 s per flower, respectively. Estimates suggest that about 6.5 visits (which is equal to 2.6 min of flower-visiting) and 2100 grains of pollen were required to produce one seed.  相似文献   

Mikael Ohlson 《Ecography》1989,12(1):46-53
The perennial herbaceous mire plant Saxifraga hirculus was grown for two years in a greenhouse under two nutrient regimes. Based on metric characters, primarily those associated with the potential for lateral spread, I found ecotypic differentiation both between plants originating from three adjoining but different habitats on one mire and between plants from three widely separated habitats. The fact that seeds from the different habitats germinated in different proportions after a first and second period of stratification. suggests that there is a habitat-specific, innate seeddormancy. Also the degree of phenotypic plasticity differed among the plants, viz. plants from the least fertile habitats exhibited the largest plasticity.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations of an arctic-montane herb, Saxifraga hirculus (Saxifragaceae), was analysed by means of chloroplast restriction fragment-length polymorphism. Sampled populations were distributed across Europe and North America (Alaska and Colorado). There was no evidence for geographically structured genetically divergent lineages, and although no haplotypes were shared between North America and Europe, the haplotypes from different continents were intermixed on a minimum spanning tree. European populations were much more highly differentiated and had much lower levels of haplotype diversity than their Alaskan counterparts. Centres of haplotype diversity were concentrated in those Alaskan populations located outside the limits of the last (Wisconsin) glaciation, suggesting that they may have acted as refugia during the Pleistocene. It was not possible to identify putative migration routes or corresponding refugia in the European genepool. One British population, from the Pentland Hills, was genetically very distant from all the others, for reasons that are as yet unknown.  相似文献   

Dahlgaard, J. & Warncke, E. 1995. Seed set and germination in crosses within and between two geographically isolated small populations of Saxifraga hirculus in Denmark. - Nord. J. Bot. 15: 337–341. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Seed set and germination were studied in two geographically isolated populations of Saxifraga hirculus in Jutland, Denmark. The size of the populations differed, but both were assumed to exhibit significant genetic homogeneity and inbreeding due to (1) small population size (2) limited pollen flow and seed dispersal and (3) absence of gene flow between populations. Crosses within populations, as well as reciprocal crosses between populations, were carried out in the field. Seed number, proportion of developing seeds, germination percent, and germination rate were found to be greater for crosses between populations than for crosses within populations. Variation in seed size was found to be larger for maternal plants from the smaller population.  相似文献   


Saxifraga hirculus, the yellow marsh saxifrage, is a rare protected species growing in baserich flushes. For conservation, better knowledge is needed on its performance and habitat preferences, hence three colonies in the Cabrach district of Aberdeenshire have been monitored closely over the past eleven years. Additionally observations are reported on flowering at a ‘recovery site’ to which saxifrage Plants have been transplanted.

At one of the natural colonies S. hirculus has clearly increased, at another there has been decline, and at the third so many inflorescences are removed by grazing that the trend could not be decided. The increase, as measured by flowering, was associated with moderately heavy grazing that maintained sward height at about 20–25 cm in summer. The decrease in saxifrage flowering was associated with light grazing and a sward of 35–40 cm height; however drought conditions in 2003 were perhaps responsible, affecting the water table of this colony more than the other colonies due to site topography.

At the third colony water voles (Arvicola amphibious) have been regularly present, and have clear impact on the vegetation around their holes. It is suggested that the voles eat the flowering shoots of the saxifrage.  相似文献   

Pollen cell number was studied in 124 species of Saxifraga and six species of Micranthes. Binucleate pollen is present in all the six species of Micranthes studied and in 96 species of Saxifraga. Trinucleate pollen occurs in 28 species of Saxifraga and is confined to section Ciliatae subsection Hirculoideae, where it is a putative synapomorphy, and to two species of subsection Serpyllifoliae. Trinucleate pollen does not characterise the whole of section Ciliatae as has been thought. The state has probably evolved at least twice, and possibly three times, in the genus. One new nomenclatural combination is made in Micranthes.  相似文献   

Summary A small caribou herd of 24–77 animals resided on Pic Island (1138 ha) in Lake Superior from 1976 to 1984. Most of the caribou populations on the adjacent mainland had gone extinct earlier in this century. We tested three hypotheses for the persistence of this remanant population: (1) there was more forage available on the island than the mainland, (2) the animals on the island were isolated from white-tailed deer and did not develop the meningeal worm infection, and (3) there was less predation by wolves on the island. Forage was more abundant on the mainland than on Pic Island. The eggs of meningeal worms were not found in the feces of deer on the mainland or Pic island. Wolves seldom visited the island and when they did there was escape habitat available for the caribou. We concluded that the herd persisted because of this reduced predation risk and that the animals were prepared to select a reduced variety and phytomass of forage to remain for long periods in the relatively safe island habitat. When the animals did visit the mainland to feed they sclected forbs that provided a large bite size. On the island food supplies were too meager to select plants that gave a large bite size and the caribou spent long intervals feeding. Caribou by using habitats with a large phytomass and selecting for large bite size should minimize their time feeding which would allow them more time to watch for predators.  相似文献   

Saxifraga granulata is able to reproduce both sexually and vegetatively. In an earlier report from Denmark, seed set was said to be low, the species reproducing mainly vegetatively by means of bulbils. Furthermore, investigations in northern England have shown inbreeding depression in gynodioecious 5. granulata populations. The present study, however, demonstrates that 5. granulata is fully self-compatible in Denmark; seed set per flower in hand-selfings was on average 70%, compared to ca. 80% in control plants. Nevertheless, despite high seed set, reproduction by bulbils is probably the most important mode of reproduction. Saxifraga granulata has typically opportunistic flowers which are white, UV-neutral compared to the background reflexion, and offering only a small standing crop of nectar. Optical attraction by the massive flowering over a relatively short period is regarded as a way of overcoming competition from co-occurring, simultaneously flowering species. Saxifraga granulata flowers received visits from at least 27 different insects species. Based on number of recorded flower visits, records on foraging time, and investigations of body surface pollen loads, Rhamphomyia sulcata (Empididae), Cheilosia spp. (Syrphidae), Polyblepharis opaca (Empididae), and Halictus spp. ( s. I .) (Halictidae) were found to be the most important pollen vectors in the 5. granulata population.  相似文献   

Artificial nest experiments (ANEs) are widely used to obtain proxies of natural nest predation for testing a variety of hypotheses, from those dealing with variation in life-history strategies to those assessing the effects of habitat fragmentation on the persistence of bird populations. However, their applicability to real-world scenarios has been criticized owing to the many potential biases in comparing predation rates of artificial and natural nests. Here, we aimed to test the validity of estimates of ANEs using a novel approach. We related predation rates on artificial nests to population viability analyses in a songbird metapopulation as a way of predicting the real impact of predation events on the local populations studied. Predation intensity on artificial nests was negatively related to the species' annual population growth rate in small local populations, whereas the viability of large local populations did not seem to be influenced, even by high nest predation rates. The potential of extrapolation from ANEs to real-world scenarios is discussed, as these results suggest that artificial nest predation estimates may predict demographic processes in small structured populations.  相似文献   

An abundance index of an eastern Quebec population of North American porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) has cycled with superimposed periodicities of 11 and 22 years from 1868 to 2000. This cycle closely followed 11- and 22-year cycles in solar irradiance and local weather (e.g., winter precipitation and spring temperature), generating the hypothesis that solar activity may affect porcupine abundance through effects on local weather. We investigated the mechanisms linking porcupine abundance to local weather conditions using a 6-year study (2000–2005) involving individual mark-recapture, radio tracking, seasonal survival analyses and identification of mortality causes. Summer (May–August) survival was high and constant over the study period, whereas winter (August–May) survival was lower and varied during the duration of our study. Variations in local winter precipitation explained 89% of the variation in winter survival. Porcupine predation rates appeared strongly related to snow conditions; 95% of depredated porcupines were killed when snow was covering the ground, and predation rates were higher in years with increased winter precipitation. Our data thus support the hypothesis that changes in predation rates under different snow conditions were the mechanism relating climate to porcupine population dynamics, via modifications of the local predator–prey interactions and impacts on porcupine winter survival. Our study adds to the growing body of evidence supporting an effect of climate on predator–prey processes. Also, it identifies one possible mechanism involved in the relationship between solar irradiance and porcupine population cycles observed at this study site over a 130-year period.  相似文献   

Both predation and individual variation in life history traits influence population dynamics. Recent results from laboratory predator–prey systems suggest that differences between individuals can also influence predator–prey dynamics when different genotypes experience different predation-associated mortalities. Despite the growing number of studies in this field, there is no synthesis identifying the overall importance of the interactions between predation and individual heterogeneity and their role in shaping the dynamics of free-ranging populations of vertebrates. We aim to fill this gap with a review that examines how individual variability in prey susceptibility, in predation costs, in predator selectivity, and in predatory performance, might influence prey population dynamics. Based on this review, it is clear that (1) predation risk and costs experienced by free-ranging prey are associated with their phenotypic attributes, (2) many generalist predator populations consist of individual specialists with part of the specialization associated with their phenotypes, and (3) a complete understanding of the population dynamic consequences of predation may require information on individual variability in prey selection and prey vulnerability. Altogether, this work (1) highlights the importance of maintaining long-term, detailed studies of individuals of both predators and prey in contrasting ecological conditions, and (2) advocates for a better use of available information to account for interactive effects between predators and their prey when modelling prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

Hu XS  Li B 《Heredity》2003,90(2):162-168
We have extended Wright's model of migration load to hermaphrodite plants showing variation at a single locus with two alleles. The model incorporates independent migration of seeds and pollen grains, the selection at both the haploid gametophyte and the diploid sporophyte stages, and a mixed mating system. The analytical relations between migration load and migration rate of seeds and pollen grains are explicitly formulated. The results show that under certain conditions, seed flow can have a more effect on migration load than pollen flow. Pollen selection at the gametophyte stage cannot substantially affect the migration load at the sporophyte stage. Selection at the diploid sporophyte stage is critical in determining the migration load of pollen grains. The relative migration loads of pollen versus seeds can be approximately estimated in predominantly outcrossing populations by the ratio of pollen flow to twice the seed flow, when the selection coefficient (s(T)) is greater than, or approximately equal to, the migration rate (m).  相似文献   

Summary The study of atmospheric pollen in Bangalore carried out during 1982–87 showed the pollen ofCasuarina to be the second most dominant airborne pollen. Similar studies elsewhere in India also showed a significant presence. In view of such high density, Prick tests withCasuarina pollen extracts were carried out in atopic patients and normal controls and comparative analysis showed significant allergenicity. Further corroborative evidence in favour of skin test positivity was revealed on grading by Cutaneous Thermal Scan, a new device which showed statistically significant higher mean ratio of rise in temperature at antigen site and buffer saline control site in positive atopic patients, than that in negative atopic patients, as well as normal controls. The results obtained so far substantiate the suggestion thatCasuarina pollen is a significant potential aeroallergen which deserves the serious attention of the allergists.  相似文献   

The cumulative (season-long) incidence of heterospecific pollen transfer (HPT) was examined using nine sympatric species in a midsuccessional old field. Inflorescences were collected weekly during the flowering season, and the proportion of foreign pollen/stigma was recorded. Flowering phenologies of sympatric species and ovule and seed counts of study species were also recorded. Heterospecific pollen was detected on some stigmas of each species. Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) received the most foreign pollen; in some cases, all of the grains on a stigma were heterospecific. Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) received the least amount of foreign pollen; the incidence of heterospecific pollen was near zero in most cases. The mean and range of foreign pollen received varied by as much as an order of magnitude between species. The six species with zygomorphic flowers, all Fabaceae, received more heterospecific pollen than the three species with actinomorphic flowers, Potentilla recta and P. simplex (Rosaceae) and Ranunculus acris (Ranunculaceae). This probably reflects a bias because our data were analyzed on a cumulative basis and the Fabaceae had longer flowering phenologies. HPT was not correlated with the species' relative abundance within the community. Proportion of foreign pollen received varied temporally within species, and this variation generally was not related to phenology of any sympatric taxa or the species' own phenology. Pollen grain diameter was positively related to levels of foreign pollen received by species. This might be caused by poor adhesion of large pollen grains to small stigmatic papillae or if generalist pollinators carrying large amounts of heterospecific pollen visit the large-grained species and specialists with little foreign pollen visit the small-grained species. The large proportions of heterospecific pollen on stigmas of many species indicate that HPT occurs frequently in the community we studied and the implications may include reduced seed set because of occlusion by foreign grains. As yet, however, it is unclear how important a factor HPT is in mediating pollen limitation of reproductive success.  相似文献   

  • Commonly attributed to orchids, the pollen movement in Vanilla has been associated with food deception and specific plant–pollinator relationships.
  • This study investigated the role of flower rewards and pollinator specificity in the pollen transfer of a widely distributed member to the euglossinophilous Vanilla clade, V. pompona Schiede using data collected from Brazilian populations. These included investigations on morphology, light microscopy and histochemistry, and analysis of flowers scent using GC–MS. The pollinators and the mechanisms of pollination were recorded through focal observations.
  • The yellow flowers of V. pompona are fragrant and offer nectar as reward. The major volatile compound of the V. pompona scent, carvone oxide, shows convergent evolution in Eulaema-pollinated Angiosperms. The pollination system of V. pompona is not species-specific, but its flowers are strongly adapted to pollination by large Eulaema males. Pollination mechanism is based in a combination of perfume collection and nectar seeking.
  • The dogma of a species-specific pollination system based on food deception in Vanilla has been broken with the increase in studies on this Pantropical orchid genus. Here, least three bee species and dual reward-offering are involved in pollen transfer in V. pompona. Visitation frequency of bees collecting perfumes, used in courtship by male euglossines, is higher than in searching for food, as short-lived young euglossine males seem to be more interested in sex than food. A pollination system based on offering both nectar and perfumes as resources is described for the first time in orchids.

Many alpine plants are predominantly outcrossing, thus plant reproductive success is highly dependent on effectiveness of pollinators. How pollinators transfer pollen from one flower to another is of great interest in understanding the genetic structure in plant populations. We studied (1) the role and effectiveness of insect visitors for pollination, and (2) their contribution as pollen vectors for gene dispersal in a Rhododendron ferrugineum population. Various insect visitors were recorded, including Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. The most frequent and effective insects were honey bees and bumblebees. Muscid flies were considered as important pollinators, particularly due to their relatively high visitation rate. Syrphid flies, Formicidae, and Coleoptera were ineffective in transporting pollen, while the effectiveness of Lepidoptera and Empididae was negligible. A fluorescence labelling experiment revealed that pollen dispersal was restricted (0 - 2 m) in a dense R. ferrugineum stand and decreased in a leptokurtic fashion. This might lead to geitonogamous self-pollination that could explain the close relationship between individuals found in genetic studies of R. ferrugineum. However, some pollen grains may travel 40 - 45 m, which implies the occurrence of cross-pollination through the foraging activities of bumblebees and honey bees.  相似文献   

Are electrostatic forces involved in pollen transfer?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The measurements of Yes'kov & Sapozhnikov (1976) suggest that electrostatic potentials on foraging honeybees can reach hundreds of volts. Pollen grains of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L., subjected experimentally to potentials of this order, jumped a distance that increased approximately as the square of the voltage, between two pin electrodes on which, in some experiments, were impaled an anther or stigma of oilseed rape or a freshly-killed honeybee. Most floral surfaces were insulated, but there was a low-impedance path to earth via the stigma, and the electrostatic field due to an approaching charged bee must therefore concentrate there. Thus, if electrostatic potentials of this magnitude occur in nature they may increase the chance that pollen from bees will reach the stigma rather than other floral surfaces, as well as enabling pollen to jump from anther to bee and from bee to stigma across an air gap of the order of 0.5 mm.  相似文献   

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