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With the ultimate goal of identifying robust cellulases for industrial biocatalytic conversions, we have isolated and characterized a new thermostable and very halotolerant GH5 cellulase. This new enzyme, termed CelDZ1, was identified by bioinformatic analysis from the genome of a polysaccharide-enrichment culture isolate, initiated from material collected from an Icelandic hot spring. Biochemical characterization of CelDZ1 revealed that it is a glycoside hydrolase with optimal activity at 70°C and pH 5.0 that exhibits good thermostability, high halotolerance at near-saturating salt concentrations, and resistance towards metal ions and other denaturing agents. X-ray crystallography of the new enzyme showed that CelDZ1 is the first reported cellulase structure that lacks the defined sugar-binding 2 subsite and revealed structural features which provide potential explanations of its biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

In solfataric fields in southwestern Iceland, neutral and sulfide-rich hot springs are characterized by thick bacterial mats at 60 to 80°C that are white or yellow from precipitated sulfur (sulfur mats). In low-sulfide hot springs in the same area, grey or pink streamers are formed at 80 to 90°C, and a Chloroflexus mat is formed at 65 to 70°C. We have studied the microbial diversity of one sulfur mat (high-sulfide) hot spring and one Chloroflexus mat (low-sulfide) hot spring by cloning and sequencing of small-subunit rRNA genes obtained by PCR amplification from mat DNA. Using 98% sequence identity as a cutoff value, a total of 14 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 5 archaeal OTUs were detected in the sulfur mat; 18 bacterial OTUs were detected in the Chloroflexus mat. Although representatives of novel divisions were found, the majority of the sequences were >95% related to currently known sequences. The molecular diversity analysis showed that Chloroflexus was the dominant mat organism in the low-sulfide spring (1 mg liter−1) below 70°C, whereas Aquificales were dominant in the high-sulfide spring (12 mg liter−1) at the same temperature. Comparison of the present data to published data indicated that there is a relationship between mat type and composition of Aquificales on the one hand and temperature and sulfide concentration on the other hand.  相似文献   

The abundance of viable microorganisms recovered from deep subsurface volcanic rock samples increased after rock perturbation and storage for 1 week at 4 degrees C, while the diversity and evenness of recoverable heterotrophic bacterial communities generally decreased. One sample of each morphologically distinct colony type, recovered both before and after storage of U12n rock samples, was purified and characterized by fatty acid methyl ester (MIDI) and API rapid NFT strips. As determined by MIDI cluster analysis, the composition of the recoverable microbial communities changed with storage of rock samples; some groups of organisms were recovered only before, only after, or at both sample times. In general, the isolates recovered only after storage of rock samples had a greater ability to utilize the carbohydrates included in API test strips and had faster generation times than isolates recovered only on initial plating. The nutritional versatility and faster growth rates of organisms recovered in higher proportions after sample storage provide evidence that some microbial community changes may be due to the proliferation of a few bacterial types. However, because some new genera are recovered only after storage, the possibility also exists that dormant bacterial types are resuscitated during sample perturbation and storage.  相似文献   

A total of 268 strains of Pseudomonas isolated during storage life of lamb carcasses was identified to species level. One-hundred and thirteen strains obtained at 30 degrees C were Ps. fragi (51), Ps. lundensis (17), Ps. fluorescens biovars I (10), III (9) and VI (1), Ps. putida biovar A (8 strains) and unidentified (17 strains). Species and biovars isolated at 7 degrees C (155) were Ps. fragi (101), Ps. lundensis (32), Ps. fluorescens biovar I (6), Ps. putida biovar A (8) and unidentified (8). Numerical analysis (82% SSM, UPGMA) of 'psychrotrophic' and 'mesophilic' strains resulted in the formation of nine and eight clusters respectively. The dendrograms obtained exhibited similar structures. Most of the strains of Ps. lundensis and Ps. fragi clustered together. Strains of this latter species also joined the type strain of Ps. testosteroni and appeared included with phenons containing the Ps. putida strains. There were clusters made up exclusively of strains assigned to one biovar or group (Ps. fluorescens biovars I and II and unidentified). A high level of similarity was observed between clusters of Ps. fluorescens biovar I and those containing the Ps. fragi-Ps. lundensis complex (> 74% SSM) and Ps. lundensis (> 80%). The recovery of pseudomonads seemed to be affected by the sampling day.  相似文献   

An organism growing at 88 degrees C that closely resembles Desulfurococcus mucosus produced a single extracellular proteinase. We have purified this enzyme and carried out a preliminary characterization. The proteinase, which is a serine-type enzyme, had a molecular mass of 52,000 Da by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, but only 10,000-13,000 Da by gel-permeation chromatography. Molecular mass values from sucrose-gradient centrifugation were of the same order as those from SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. It had an isoelectric point of 8.7, and was inhibited by di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate, phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride and chymostatin. Substrate-specificity studies suggested a possible preference for hydrophobic residues on the C-terminal side of the splitting point. The thermostability of this enzyme is probably greater than any other reported proteinase (t1/2 at 95 degrees C, 70-90 min; t1/2 at 105 degrees C, 8-9 min). Ca2+ chelation does not appear to be implicated in stabilization of the protein structure. The stability of the Desulfurococcus proteinase was not greatly affected by the presence of reducing reagents (e.g. dithiothreitol), some chaotropic agents (e.g. NaSCN) and some detergents, but activity was lost rapidly at 95 degrees C in the presence of the oxidizing agent NaBO3. Proteolytic activity was readily detected at temperatures up to and including 125 degrees C, although denaturation was very rapid above 115 degrees C. A number of Figures supporting some of the findings reported in this paper have been deposited in supplement SUP 50137 (14 pages) at the British Library Lending Division, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies may be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1987) 241, 5.  相似文献   

Wild and cultivated Basidiomycetes species were cultured to determine the distribution of bacteria causing brown blotch disease of Agaricus bisporus. Colonies from each basidiocarp were screened for brown blotch organisms by the white line and host pathogenicity tests. Isolates causing brown blotch were identified as Pseudomonas tolaasi and an Arthrobacter species.  相似文献   

Microbial Life at 90 C: the Sulfur Bacteria of Boulder Spring   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The physiology of the bacteria living in Boulder Spring (Yellowstone National Park) at 90 to 93 C was studied with radioactive isotope techniques under conditions approximating natural ones. Cover slips were immersed in the spring; after a fairly even, dense coating of bacteria had developed, these cover slips were incubated with radioactive isotopes under various conditions and then counted in a gas flow or liquid scintillation counter. Uptake of labeled compounds was virtually completely inhibited by formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, and mercuric bichloride, and inhibition was also found with streptomycin and sodium azide. The water of Boulder Spring contains about 3 mug of sulfide per ml. Uptake of labeled compounds occurs only if sulfide or another reduced sulfur compound is present during incubation. The pH optimum for uptake of radioactive compounds by Boulder Spring bacteria is 9.2, a value near that of the natural spring water (8.9). Many experiments with a variety of compounds were performed to determine the temperature optimum for uptake of labeled compounds. The results with all the compounds were generally similar, with broad temperature optima between 80 and 90 C, and with significant uptake in boiling (93 C) but not in superheated water (97 C). The results show that the bacteria of Boulder Spring are able to function at the temperature of their environment, although they function better at temperatures somewhat lower. The fine structure of these bacteria has been studied by allowing bacteria in the spring to colonize glass slides or Mylar strips which were immediately fixed, and the bacteria were then embedded and sectioned. The cell envelope structure of these bacteria is quite different from that of other mesophilic or thermophilic bacteria. There is a very distinct plasma membrane, but no morphologically distinct peptidoglycan layer was seen outside of the plasma membrane. Instead, a rather thick diffuse layer was seen, within which a subunit structure was often distinctly visible, and connections frequently occurred between this outer layer and the plasma membrane. The thick outer layer usually consisted of two parts, the outer part of which was sometimes missing. Within the cells, structures resembling ribosomes were seen, and regions lacking electron density which probably contained deoxyribonucleic acid were also visible.  相似文献   

We modeled changes in contractile element kinetics derived from the cyclic relationship between myoplasmic [Ca(2+)], measured by indo 1 fluorescence, and left ventricular pressure (LVP). We estimated model rate constants of the Ca(2+) affinity for troponin C (TnC) on actin (A) filament (TnCA) and actin and myosin (M) cross-bridge (A x M) cycling in intact guinea pig hearts during baseline 37 degrees C perfusion and evaluated changes at 1) 20 min 17 degrees C pressure, 2) 30-min reperfusion (RP) after 30-min 37 degrees C global ischemia during 37 degrees C RP, and 3) 30-min RP after 240-min 17 degrees C global ischemia during 37 degrees C RP. At 17 degrees C perfusion versus 37 degrees C perfusion, the model predicted: A x M binding was less sensitive; A x M dissociation was slower; Ca(2+) was less likely to bind to TnCA with A x M present; and Ca(2+) and TnCA binding was less sensitive in the absence of A x M. Model results were consistent with a cold-induced fall in heart rate from 260 beats/min (37 degrees C) to 33 beats/min (17 degrees C), increased diastolic LVP, and increased phasic Ca(2+). On RP after 37 degrees C ischemia vs. 37 degrees C perfusion, the model predicted the following: A x M binding was less sensitive; A x M dissociation was slower; and Ca(2+) was less likely to bind to TnCA in the absence of A. M. Model results were consistent with reduced myofilament responsiveness to [Ca(2+)] and diastolic contracture on 37 degrees C RP. In contrast, after cold ischemia versus 37 degrees C perfusion, A x M association and dissociation rates, and Ca(2+) and TnCA association rates, returned to preischemic values, whereas the dissociation rate of Ca(2+) from A x M was ninefold faster. This cardiac muscle kinetic model predicted a better-restored relationship between Ca(2+) and cross-bridge function on RP after an eightfold longer period of 17 degrees C than 37 degrees C ischemia.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of three strains of water Leptospira was studied by negative staining, thin sectioning, and freeze-etching. The cells possessed a triple-layered sheath which covered two independent axial filaments, one inserted subterminally in each end of the cell. The protoplasmic cylinder was surrounded by a triple-layered cell wall and possessed ribosomes, lamellar structures, and a typical procaryotic nuclear region. The axial filament was comprised of several component structures. An axial fibril, with a diameter of 20 to 25 nm, consisted of a solid inner core (13 to 16 nm in diameter) surrounded by a coat. A terminal knob (40 to 70 nm in length) was connected to a series of disc insertion structures at the terminal end of the axial fibril. The axial fibril was surrounded by a helical outer coat (35 to 60 nm in diameter) which was composed of a continuously coiled fiber, 3 to 4 nm in diameter, embedded in an electron-dense material. A procedure for the purification of the axial fibrils was presented and their ultrastructural, physical, and chemical properties were determined. Similarities in ultrastructural, physical, and chemical properties were noted between the axial fibrils and bacterial flagella. A schematic model of the leptospiral axial filament is presented, and a mechanism is proposed for its function as a locomotor organelle.  相似文献   

The optimum temperatures for methanogenesis in microbial mats of four neutral to alkaline, low-sulfate hot springs in Yellowstone National Park were between 50 and 60°C, which was 13 to 23°C lower than the upper temperature for mat development. Significant methanogenesis at 65°C was only observed in one of the springs. Methane production in samples collected at a 51 or 62°C site in Octopus Spring was increased by incubation at higher temperatures and was maximal at 70°C. Strains of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum were isolated from 50, 55, 60, and 65°C sites in Octopus Spring at the temperatures of the collection sites. The optimum temperature for growth and methanogenesis of each isolate was 65°C. Similar results were found for the potential rate of sulfate reduction in an Icelandic hot spring microbial mat in which sulfate reduction dominated methane production as a terminal process in anaerobic decomposition. The potential rate of sulfate reduction along the thermal gradient of the mat was greatest at 50°C, but incubation at 60°C of the samples obtained at 50°C increased the rate. Adaptation to different mat temperatures, common among various microorganisms and processes in the mats, did not appear to occur in the processes and microorganisms which terminate the anaerobic food chain. Other factors must explain why the maximal rates of these processes are restricted to moderate temperatures of the mat ecosystem.  相似文献   

腾冲热海眼镜泉粉红色菌藻席的细菌组成分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
应用免培养法系统研究眼镜泉粉红色菌藻席的细菌组成。经过克隆筛选,测定了23个克隆的16S rDNA插入片段的近全序列。与GenBank的序列进行比对和相似性分析,结果表明,组成该菌藻席的细菌分属于Proteobacteria、Firmicutes、Bacteroidetes、Actinobacter、Deinococcus-thermus、Aquificals 6个类群(phylum),表现出了高度的细菌多样性。结合分析温度相近的5个热泉:Octopus spring、Haegindi and Fluidir spring、Olkelduhals、Grendalur spring中的菌藻席细菌组成,表明生态位相近的不同环境中,其物种组成相近。Aquificales是中性或弱碱性高温热泉菌藻席群落的优势物种。  相似文献   

We characterized and compared five geographically isolated hot springs with distinct red-layer communities in Yellowstone National Park. Individual red-layer communities were observed to thrive in temperatures ranging from 35 to 60°C and at pH 7 to 9. All communities were dominated by red filamentous bacteria and contained bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl a), suggesting that they represented novel green nonsulfur (GNS) bacteria. The in vivo absorption spectra of individual sites were different, with two sites showing unusual Bchl a protein absorption bands beyond 900 nm. We prepared and analyzed 16S rRNA libraries from all of these sites by using a combination of general bacterial primers and new GNS-specific primers described here. These studies confirmed the presence of novel GNS-like bacteria in all five communities. All GNS-like clones were most similar to Roseiflexus castenholzii, a red filamentous bacterium from Japan that also contains only Bchl a. Phylogenies constructed by using GNS-like clones from Yellowstone red-layer communities suggest the presence of a moderately diverse new “red” cluster within the GNS lineage. Within this cluster, at least two well-supported subclusters emerged: YRL-A was most similar to Roseiflexus and YRL-B appeared to be novel, containing no known isolates. While these patterns showed some site specificity, they did not correlate with observed Bchl a spectrum differences or obvious features of the habitat.  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the density and diversity of white grubs community (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) occurring in cultivated and noncultivated fields of the Planalto region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are presented. Sampling was carried out in 23 municipalities during the 2009 and 2010 winter seasons. Cultivated and noncultivated fields were chosen in each locality. Melolontid larvae were collected for identification and counted to determine the population density. A mean of 12.9 larvae m?2 were collected in cultivated areas against 10.5 larvae m?2 in noncultivated areas. The latter were more diverse (H′?=?2.52) than cultivated areas (H′?=?2.26). Despite the high evenness index (J?=?0.75 noncultivated and J?=?0.74 cultivated), faunistic parameters indicated Cyclocephala flavipennis Arrow and Diloboderus abderus Sturm as an extremely dominant species in cultivated areas. These results showed that the population density of white grubs increases, and their community composition is affected in cultivated areas.  相似文献   

Spore suspensions of 15 strains in 15 species of Micromonospora prepared with ultrasonication-technique were tested for resistance to moist heat, acid, alkali, and organic solvents (5 alcohols, 4 ketones and ether). More than 50% spore-survival was found in most organisms heated at 60°C for 20min, but less than 0.5% survived at 80°C. The spore-viability did not change at pH 6 to 8, but decreased beyond this range, and remarkably at acidic pH. A maximum reduction in viability was found with most organic solvents at a concentration of around 80%, and the spores were more resistant to ketone than alcohols and dioxane. Several Streptomyces species were also studied, and their spores were less resistant to heat and organic solvents than those of Micromonospora.  相似文献   

The chemolithoautotrophic archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi isolate TAG 11 lives close to 100 degrees C and gains energy by sulfur respiration, with hydrogen as electron donor. From the membranes of this hyperthermophile, an ATPase complex was isolated. The purified enzyme consists of six major polypeptides, the 67, 51, 41, 26 and 22 kDa subunits composing the AF(1) headpiece, and the 7 kDa proteolipid of the AF(0) component. The headpiece of the enzyme restored the formation of ATP during sulfur respiration in membrane vesicles from which it had been removed by low salt treatment. Characteristics of the reconstituted activity suggest that the same enzyme is responsible for ATP formation in untreated membranes. ATP formation was neither sensitive to ionophores and uncouplers, nor to dicyclohexyl carbodiimide, but depended on closed vesicles. Both ATPase activity (up to 2 micromol per min and mg protein) as well as ATP formation (up to 0.4 micromol per min and mg membrane protein) were highest at 100 degrees C. A P/e2 ratio of close to one can be estimated for sulfur respiration with hydrogen. In addition to ATP, autoradiographic detection revealed the formation of high quantities of (33)P(i)-labeled ADP and of another compound not identified so far.  相似文献   

After male animals die, the spermatozoa within the testis and epididymis eventually disintegrate. In this study, the motility, viability and fertility of mouse spermatozoa were examined after retrieval from the epididymis at various days after death. Cadavers were maintained in a refrigerator at 4 degrees C. About 30% of the spermatozoa collected 10 days after death were viable, but they had limited ability to fertilize oocytes in vitro. However, when the spermatozoa were injected into oocytes, the fertilization rate was over 80%. Normal live fetuses were even obtained using immotile spermatozoa retrieved 20 days after death. Therefore, when valuable male animals die unexpectedly and sperm cryopreservation is not possible immediately, temporal storage of cadavers (or epididymis and vas deferens) at 4 degrees C in a regular refrigerator followed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection may help to preserve the genome of individuals. This procedure could be particularly important in endangered species.  相似文献   

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