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Normal development of spurs and horny squamae have been studied in histological preparations obtained from the skin of tarsometatarsus in 8--16-day-old embryos. During the first, initial stage of development, by means of rearrangement of cellular matter and cell migration, three main parts of the spur are layed down -- the horny cover, the spur body and the fibrovascular cushion. For the second stage, vigorous growth of the spur germ at the expense of proliferative activity of its cells is characteristic. At the third stage (after hatching) in males, the spur body outgrows and the bony core is formed. Morphogenesis of the horny squama can be devided into two stages. At the initial stages by means of condensing cellular elements, squamous papilla and horny shell are layed down. The fibrovascular cushion is absent. The second stage is similar to the spur one and is characterized by growth of all the germ parts at the expense of cell proliferation. Comparing morphogeneses of the squama and the spur, it is possible to conclude that phylogenetic transformation of the squama into the spur is performed by two means (modi) of phyloembryogenesis: by means of adding new signs of development to the initial terminal stages of its morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Proteomic profiling of facial development in chick embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mangum JE  Farlie PG  Hubbard MJ 《Proteomics》2005,5(10):2542-2550
Craniofacial disorders are associated with one-third of human birth defects but the underlying molecular and cellular causes remain poorly understood. Proteomics seems well-placed to benefit this medically important area but the scarcity of embryonic tissues poses a major challenge. In this study, we applied a microsample proteomics strategy to investigate the first branchial arch, an embryonic structure crucial for facial development, and found that proteome analysis is both practicable and informative despite the scarcity of tissue. Exploiting the embryonic chick as a tractable source of accurately staged tissue, we developed a sequential extraction procedure to interface with one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1-D PAGE) and 2-D PAGE. In 2-D gels, about 8% of the visible proteome changed between embryonic days 3 and 5, and the identities determined for 21 proteins accorded with the rapid growth during this period. These results led to the first molecular identification of chicken alpha-fetoprotein, and an unusual localisation of vimentin to endoderm. With over 470 protein spots accessible, this comparative proteomics approach has good prospects for providing new markers, functional hypotheses and genes to target in functional tests. A broader value of extending these approaches to facial development in other species and to other areas in embryology can be anticipated.  相似文献   

Left-right asymmetry of internal organs is widely distributed in the animal kingdom. The chick and mouse embryos have served as important model organisms to analyze the mechanisms underlying the establishment of the left-right axis. In the chick embryo many genes have been found to be asymmetrically expressed in and around the node, while the same genes in the mouse show symmetric expression patterns. In the mouse there is strong evidence for an establishment of left-right asymmetry through nodal cilia. In contrast, in the chick and in many other organisms left-right asymmetry is probably generated by an early-acting event involving membrane depolarization. In both birds and mammals a conserved Nodal-Lefty-Pitx2 module exists that controls many aspects of asymmetric morphogenesis. This review also gives examples of divergent mechanisms of establishing asymmetric organ formation. Thus there is ample evidence for conserved and non-conserved strategies to generate asymmetry in birds and mammals.  相似文献   

目的:研究吗啡对胎动、心率、孵化率、孵化时间、雏鸡体重等的影响。方法:以气室给药的方式给鸡胚注射吗啡,记录胎动、心率、孵化率、孵化时间、雏鸡体重。结果:吗啡可以缩短雏鸡的孵化时间,降低雏鸡的孵化率,并导致雏鸡出现运动障碍;20mg/kg吗啡剂量和12—16胚龄的给药时间,鸡胚孵化率最高,残疾率最低;吗啡导致胚胎心率加快,胎动减少(P〈0.05)。结论:吗啡对胚胎发育有损伤作用,损伤程度与吗啡剂量和给药时间有关。  相似文献   

The effects of the acute and chronic administration of a pure opioid antagonist--naltrexone--was studied in chick embryos from the 4th to the 19th day of incubation. In acute administration, naltrexone (40 mg/kg egg weight) induced paroxysmal activation of spontaneous motility in both normal and spinal embryos from the 13th-15th day of incubation. Activation attained 3- to 4-fold the resting activity of chick embryos of the same ages. The chronic administration of naltrexone (7.46 +/- 1.18 mg/kg e.w. per 24 h) from the 4th to the 16th day of incubation was not manifested either in the embryos' somatic development or in the weight of the brain hemispheres, but it depressed the development of spontaneous motility to 26.1-75.8% of the activity of the control embryos. This developmental effect was not demonstrably correlated either to the length of time for which naltrexone was administered, or to when, in the course of incubation, it was administered to the chick embryos. The results are evaluated as evidence of the participation of opioid elements in the development and effectuation of central motor input functions in the early stages of ontogenetic development.  相似文献   

Shape and orientation of the mesothelial cells were examined in the mullerian ducts of 8, 13 and 15 day female chick embryos with the scanning electron microscope. The observed evolution in the pattern of these cells likely reflects the mechanical conditions to which these organs are subjected during embryonic development: stretching for the left duct, slackening for the right duct. These observations, together with data concerning growth of these organs, suggest that topographical relationships between cells, which in this system result from mechanical factors, play an important role in controlling cell proliferation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The formation of the neural tube (neurulation) involves two mechanisms: primary and secondary neurulation. In chicks, there is also an overlap zone, where both mechanisms work together. Homocysteine (Hcy) may have an important teratogenic role in neural tube defects (NTD) when folic acid levels are considered normal. Recently, Hcy capability to generate NTD and modify neural crest cell migration has been demonstrated in chick embryos. This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of Hcy on neurulation and the development of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). METHODS: Chick embryos were treated with L-Hcy thiolactone 20 micromol to produce the highest rate of survival with embryos carrying neural tube defect (NTD) in the spine. Embryos at stages (st) 3-10 were treated and harvested at st 18-23. Only externally normal embryos or those carrying spinal NTD embryos were considered. RESULTS: Histological sections of Hcy-treated embryos showed: open spina bifida (39% of embryos), more than one tube forming the spinal cord (26%), disorganized spinal cord (26%), always affecting lumbosacral regions, probably in the overlap zone. Additionally, 32% of embryos had small and continuous DRG, associated with a slimmed roof plate. Three-dimensional reconstruction showed unsegmented DRG until the C8 ganglion level. There was a 75% reduction of C3 DRG cells in treated embryos in comparison to untreated ganglia. CONCLUSION: Hcy teratogenicity in avian embryos affected the neural tube in the overlap zone, secondary neurulation and the cervical DRG.  相似文献   

K R Fisher  S Fedoroff 《In vitro》1978,14(10):878-886
By using whole-chick-embryo cultures followed by fragment cultures of spinal-cord primordia, it was possible to reproduce in vitro the whole process of neuronal development beginning with its initiation and continuing up to and including the maturation of neurons. Normal whole embryos were developed to Hamilton-Hamburger stages 17 and 18 by growing embryos from the primitive streak stage on large (28-mm) glass rings. The advantage of whole-embryo cultures is that development can be staged accurately, which is especially important during the early stages when morphogenesis progresses very rapidly. By using such accurately staged embryos and tritiated thymidine, we have determined that some postmitotic neuronal precursor cells appear in chick embryos as early as Hamburger-Hamilton stages 4 and 5, i.e. the definitive streak stages before the neural tube has formed.  相似文献   

The effects of specific inhibitors of cholinesterases on chick development were studied. Inhibitors were injected into the eggs, at final concentration ranging between 1 mM and 10 nM. Their effects were depending on inhibitor concentration, and detectable at stages as more advanced as more diluted were the inhibitors. The strongest teratogenic effects on gastrulation, neurulation and morphogenesis were caused by BW 284c51, specific inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase. Its effects were compared to those of ion channels blockers. The inhibitors action seems to be correlated to an altered cholinergic system and to consequently altered intercellular communications.  相似文献   

Allograft reactivity in chick embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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