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The Czech Republic has undergone rapid political, social, and economic transformation since the late 1980s. While obesity rates among children and adolescents in the Czech Republic have been previously relatively low, this has changed in recent years. Across the past 50 years, body weight, body mass index (BMI)-for-age, and adiposity rebound (AR) (the time when a child reaches the lowest BMI before their BMI gradually begins to increase until adulthood) occurs earlier. The most dramatic changes have been observed among school-aged children, where BMI values have increased at the 50th, 90th, and 97th percentiles. In contrast, adolescent girls appear to be thinner than in the past. The analyses of weight-for-height percentiles indicated that the 50th percentile of the body weight among boys and girls remained similar in nearly all age categories across the past 50 years. Although the growth pattern of children at the 50th percentile has not changed, the 10th and 90th percentiles have expanded. Our findings suggest that the secular trend of increased height, accelerated growth, and earlier maturation is responsible for Czech children experiencing adiposity rebound at earlier ages compared to the past.  相似文献   

Neophobia, defined as showing caution toward novel features of the environment, is widespread in birds and mammals; it can be affected by ecology, early experience, and social context. In this study, we aimed to (i) investigate the response to novel food in adult common marmosets and Goeldi's monkeys and (ii) assess the role of social influences. We used an experimental paradigm employed previously with capuchin monkeys and children, in which a subject (observer) was presented with a novel food under three conditions: (i) Presence: group members did not have food; (ii) Different color: group members received familiar food whose color differed from that of the observer's novel food; (iii) Same color: group members received familiar food of the same color as the observer's novel food. Although most common marmosets tasted and/or ate the novel food, none of the Goeldi's monkeys ate it and only two sampled it. Differences in home range size and early social experience might explain the divergent behavior of the two species. Observers of both species similarly attended to group members and their visual attention increased with the number of group members eating, especially when the observer's and group members' foods were perceptually similar. However, we observed social influences on explorative behavior in Goeldi's monkeys but not on explorative or eating behavior in common marmosets. This result might be explained by the different pattern of response to novel food observed in the two species. Moreover, social influences on Goeldi's monkeys' behavior were nonspecific, i.e. they were not based on an appreciation that the food is safe because eaten by group members.  相似文献   

Hunting and gathering is, evolutionarily, the defining subsistence strategy of our species. Studying how children learn foraging skills can, therefore, provide us with key data to test theories about the evolution of human life history, cognition, and social behavior. Modern foragers, with their vast cultural and environmental diversity, have mostly been studied individually. However, cross-cultural studies allow us to extrapolate forager-wide trends in how, when, and from whom hunter-gatherer children learn their subsistence skills. We perform a meta-ethnography, which allows us to systematically extract, summarize, and compare both quantitative and qualitative literature. We found 58 publications focusing on learning subsistence skills. Learning begins early in infancy, when parents take children on foraging expeditions and give them toy versions of tools. In early and middle childhood, children transition into the multi-age playgroup, where they learn skills through play, observation, and participation. By the end of middle childhood, most children are proficient food collectors. However, it is not until adolescence that adults (not necessarily parents) begin directly teaching children complex skills such as hunting and complex tool manufacture. Adolescents seek to learn innovations from adults, but they themselves do not innovate. These findings support predictive models that find social learning should occur before individual learning. Furthermore, these results show that teaching does indeed exist in hunter-gatherer societies. And, finally, though children are competent foragers by late childhood, learning to extract more complex resources, such as hunting large game, takes a lifetime.  相似文献   

Attempts to explain differences in the size and structure of primate groups have argued that they are a consequence of variation in the intensity of feeding competition caused by contrasts in food distribution. However, although feeding competition can limit the size of female groups, many other factors affect the costs and the benefits of sociality to females and contribute to differences in group size. Moreover, interspecific differences in social relationships between females, in female philopatry, and in kinship between group members appear to be more closely associated with variation in life‐history parameters, reproductive strategies, and phylogeny than with contrasts in food distribution or feeding competition. The mismatch between predictions of socioecological theory and observed variation in primate social behavior has led to protracted arguments about the future of primate socioecology. We argue that future attempts to understand the diversity of primate societies need to be based on an approach that explores separate explanations for different components of social organization, combines ecological and phylogenetic information, and integrates research on primates with similar studies of other groups of mammals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The global prevalence of red and black fruits has still not been explained. Hypotheses based on innate consumer preferences have been tested and rejected. Though colour itself plays an important role in animal foraging, it is only one component of signals. Another major component are colour contrasts against background achieving the conspicuousness of signals. In order to evaluate which signal component determines consumers behaviour, we measured fruit colour and colour contrasts of 43 species against their natural background under ambient light conditions. Red and black fruits exhibit stronger contrasts and are therefore more conspicuous to consumers than fruits of other colours. Subsequently, trials were carried out to determine whether colour or conspicuousness influences avian food choice. Four bird species strongly preferred contrasting red–green or black–green over uni-coloured red, green, or black fruit displays, while no preference for particular hues was found. We therefore hypothesize that conspicuousness determines avian food selection and define the contrast hypothesis: Diurnal dispersers select fruit colours based on their conspicuousness and not their colour itself.
Because colour vision is an ancient trait, the entire heterogeneous group of frugivorous birds most likely perceives conspicuousness uniformly over evolutionary time spans. Conspicuousness has thus the potential to explain the global prevalence of red and black fruits.  相似文献   

Human infants rely on social interactions to acquire food‐related information. 1 , 2 Adults actively teach children about food through culturally diverse feeding practices. Characteristics we share with the other primates, such as complex diets, highly social lives, and extended juvenile periods, suggest that social learning may be important during ontogeny throughout the order. Although all young primates typically pay attention to feeding adults, great apes and callitrichids, in particular, acquire new foraging techniques through abilities unknown in other nonhuman primates; that is, they learn by imitation. However, ape social learning is almost exclusively infant‐initiated, while adult callitrichids actively teach their young. It is unlikely that the same selective forces have acted to favor sophisticated social‐learning mechanisms in both taxa. 3 , 4 Equipped with an ape brain, complex foraging methods, and a cooperative infant‐care system, early hominins were uniquely poised to take social learning about food and foraging techniques to a new level.  相似文献   

Capsule We examined regurgitates from Black-legged Kittiwakes during the early chick-rearing period over two breeding seasons at two colonies in Ireland where diet has not been studied previously. Clupeids were the dominant food source at both colonies, which contrasts with other studies throughout the British Isles that suggest Kittiwakes feed mainly on sandeels during this period. Our study is limited by sample size and restricted to the early breeding season, but suggests a link between reproductive success and dietary composition which should be investigated further.  相似文献   

Attitudes towards, and treatment of the elderly in Japan are discussed and the medicalization of their health care is examined. It is suggested that the ready availability of medical care will not eliminate the major problems that the elderly experience. The process by which traditional medicine has been incorporated systematically into the socialized health care system and its use in connection with the problems of elderly patients is documented. Modifications in the application of herbal medicine made by biomedical practitioners have been linked to cases of iatrogenesis in the elderly. In conclusion, the social construction of both traditional East Asian medicine and biomedicine in Japan is briefly examined; in both systems the somatic aspects of the problems of the elderly are emphasized while the social dimensions remain largely unquestioned.  相似文献   

The feedbacks from population density to demographic parameters, which drive population regulation, are the accumulated results of several ecological processes. The compensatory feedback from increased population density to fertility includes at least two distinct factors, the effects of decreases in per capita food level and increases in the social density (the number of interacting individuals). Because these effects have been studied separately, their relative importance is unknown. It is also unclear whether food limitation and social density combine additively to influence fertility. We investigated these questions with two factorial experiments on reproduction in the Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa. In one experiment, we crossed two levels of density with two levels of a total food ration that was distributed to all individuals. In the other experiment, we crossed two levels of density with two levels of per capita food. Whereas the first experiment suggested that the effects of variation in food level and density were synergistic, the second experiment indicated that they were not. The apparent synergism—the statistical interaction of food and density levels—was the result of confounding per capita food with social density in that design. In the second experiment, the effects of social density on reproductive rate were stronger than the effects of food level, whereas the effects of food level were stronger on offspring size at parturition than those of social density. The results suggest that the social stresses that emerge at higher densities play an important role in the compensatory response of fertility to density, a role, that is, at least as important as that of decreased per capita food levels.  相似文献   

Dietary composition may have profound effects on the activity budgets, level of food competition, and social behavior of a species. Similarly, in seasonally breeding species, the mating season is a period in which competition for mating partners increases, affecting amicable social interactions among group members. We analyzed the importance of the mating season and of seasonal variations in dietary composition and food competition on reconciliation in wild female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island, Japan. Yakushima macaques are appropriate subjects because they are seasonal breeders and their dietary composition significantly changes among the seasons. Though large differences occurred between the summer months and the winter and early spring months in activity budgets and the consumption of the main food sources, i.e., fruits, seeds, and leaves, the level of food competition and conciliatory tendency remained unaffected. Conversely, conciliatory tendency is significantly lower during the mating season than in the nonmating season. Moreover, conciliatory tendency is lower when 1 or both female opponents is in estrous than when they are not. Thus the mating season has profound effects on reconciliation, whereas seasonal changes in activity budgets and dietary composition do not. The detrimental effects of the mating season on female social relationships and reconciliation may be due to the importance of female competition for access to male partners in multimale, multifemale societies.  相似文献   

North Korea has survived the breakdown of the communist bloc and has been immune to the democratization process of the 1990s. In spite of national famines and economic collapse, the totalitarian regime in Pyongyang maintains a firm grip on its power. Reliable information on the population's biosocial welfare is scarce. Using height and weight data of 5991 North Korean pre-school children measured in 2002, we investigate determinants of height-for-age z-score (HAZ), weight-for-age z-score (WAZ) and weight-for-height z-score (WHZ) as an indicator for child health. We find a statistically significant impact of the age of the child and of the mother, as well as the sex of the child on HAZ and WAZ. In contrast, social status and wealth proxies at the individual and household level are not statistically significant possibly because of errors in these variables. We do not find a consistent effect for geographic regions or for rural-urban residents either. Yet, urban provinces seem to be better-off. Most importantly, we find that children living in families who benefit from food aid of the United Nations are healthier in terms of HAZ, WAZ and WHZ than those depending on the government. Hence, further delivery of United Nations food aid is likely to mitigate the effects of the ongoing food crisis in North Korea.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to the age changes of the Body Mass Index in Czech and Slovak children from 1.5 to 15 years of age. The anthropological survey was carried out in 1976-1978 in the whole region of the former Czechoslovakia. At the beginning of the research period children with normal weight predominate. After the seventh year of age there is a change and the BMI is increasing. As late as pre-puberty and puberty there is a change in a fractional part of the population, as children with overweight are increasing, more frequently in girls than in boys. However, its presence is not fundamentally increasing up to 15 years. The frequency differences in the different BMI categories between both sexes in the Czech and Slovak populations are only rarely statistically significant.  相似文献   

For species in which group membership frequently changes, it has been a challenge to characterize variation in individual interactions and social structure. Quantifying this variation is necessary to test hypotheses about ecological determinants of social patterns and to make predictions about how group dynamics affect the development of cooperative relationships and transmission processes. Network models have recently become popular for analyzing individual contacts within a population context. We use network metrics to compare populations of Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) and onagers (Equus hemionus khur). These closely related equids, previously described as having the same social system, inhabit environments differing in the distribution of food, water, and predators. Grevy’s zebra and onagers are one example of many sets of coarsely similar fission–fusion species and populations, observed elsewhere in other ungulates, primates, and cetaceans. Our analysis of the population association networks reveals contrasts consistent with their distinctive environments. Grevy’s zebra individuals are more selective in their association choices. Grevy’s zebra form stable cliques, while onager associations are more fluid. We find evidence that females associate assortatively by reproductive state in Grevy’s zebra but not in onagers. The current approach demonstrates the utility of network metrics for identifying fine-grained variation among individuals and populations in association patterns. From our analysis, we can make testable predictions about behavioral mechanisms underlying social structure and its effects on transmission processes.  相似文献   

Sensory evaluation is a scientific method that deals with precision, accuracy and sensitivity. Its basic principles are in large part anchored on the natural sciences, such as biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. However, sensory evaluation goes beyond such platforms and has its own social, economic and cultural facets. Sensory evaluation has been extensively used in the study of consumer items such as food and clothing, and lately on behavioral and physiological reactions. It has been an integral part of the food science curriculum in various universities. However, the other disciplines of home economics, such as clothing technology, family life and child development, home economics education, hotel, restaurant and institution management, interior design and community nutrition, which deal with the needs of families and consumers, have not fully maximized the use of sensory evaluation. The multidisciplinary nature of home economics will push sensory evaluation to a more diverse level of relevance and purpose. This paper presented the social, economic and cultural dimensions of sensory evaluation along with its possible applications in the various disciplines of home economics in the Philippines.


The paper provided a wholistic view of sensory evaluation not merely as a scientific method but its important social, cultural and economic dimensions. This document can serve as a guide for students, teachers and professionals in the conduct of sensory assessments. Likewise, this will help home economists not only in the Philippines but also in other countries to maximize the use of sensory evaluation in improving the quality of life of families and consumers. Moreover, this can drive multidisciplinary undertakings utilizing sensory evaluation as the key concept and thus enrich the pool of knowledge both in the natural and social sciences and their interaction.  相似文献   

近年来,捷克加快发展高科技、低能耗、低原料消耗的高效能产业,并把生物科技及产业作为重点。捷克建立了多部门协同的生物科技促进和监管体系,着力营造良好的软环境,正在形成以布拉格、布鲁诺、南莫拉维亚为核心的生物技术产业集群。捷克积极参与欧盟框架计划,把国际合作作为推进生物科技跨越发展的着力点,充分发挥地理位置优势和人才资源优势吸引国外投资,力图成为中欧地区最发达的研发外包中心。  相似文献   

For social species, being a member of a cohesive group and performing activities as a coordinated unit appear to provide a mechanism for the efficient transmission of information about food. Social learning about food palatability was investigated in two captive primates, Saguinus fuscicollis and S. labiatus, which form stable and cohesive mixed-species groups in the wild. We explored whether an induced food aversion toward a preferred food is modified during and after social interaction with non-averse conspecifics or congeners. Sets of intra- and interspecific pairs were presented with two foods, one of which was considered distasteful by one of the pairs (the other was palatable), and their behavior was compared pre-interaction, during interaction, and post-interaction. For the aversely-conditioned individuals of both species, the change in social context corresponded to a change in their preference for the food that they considered unpalatable, regardless of whether they had interacted with a conspecific or congeneric pair, and the change in food preference was maintained post-interaction. In a control condition, in which averse individuals did not have the opportunity to interact with non-averse animals, S. fuscicollis sampled the preferred food, but not as quickly as when given the opportunity to interact. We conclude that the social learning demonstrated here may allow individual tamarins to track environmental change, such as fruit ripening, more efficiently than asocial learning alone, because social learners can more quickly and safely focus on appropriate behavior by sharing up-to-date foraging information. Furthermore, since the behavior of congeners, as well as conspecifics, acts to influence food choice in a more adaptive direction, social learning about food palatability may be an advantage of mixed-species group formation to tamarins of both species.  相似文献   

In Morocco, the beginning of the nutritional transition is closely linked to social and economic transformations and changes in behaviour and traditional lifestyles. The objective of this study is to describe the current pattern of food consumption and the nutritional status of adolescents in the province of Ouarzazate and its association with parents' educational level. The sample comprises 327 high school students from Ouarzazate: 135 (41.3%) boys and 192 (58.7%) girls (age range 15-20 years). For both boys and girls, the results show lower height and BMI z-scores than the WHO reference values. Adolescents whose parents have a low educational level have lower height/age and BMI/age z-scores than those whose fathers have a high educational level. No differences are observed in total daily energy intake depending on fathers' educational level, but the energy provided by lipids is higher in adolescents whose fathers have a high educational background. The quality of fats consumed (MUFA+PUFA/SFA) is better among those boys whose fathers have low education, but no differences are observed for girls. The process of nutritional transition is not uniform in the sample, but depends on the socioeconomic characteristics of population groups, which include, among others, accessibility of certain food, differences in habits and lifestyles related to energy expenditure, and higher prevalence of overweight and obesity in more favoured groups.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a number of recent social science publications on the nature and causes of food insecurity in low and middle-income countries. The focus is on one specific element of food insecurity, vitamin A deficiency, which is widespread in developing countries and causes blindness and early death among millions of children. A new approach in the fight against vitamin A deficiency is `Golden Rice'. The paper explores the pros and cons of this recently developed transgenic rice variety, and tries to answer the question whether in this particular case, genetic modification technology provides a solution to food insecurity. It is concluded that Golden Rice is one of the options available, but not necessarily the most effective one.  相似文献   

Parameters characterizing the structure of the decomposer food web, biomass of the soil microflora (bacteria and fungi) and soil micro-, meso- and macrofauna were studied at 14 non-reclaimed 1– 41-year-old post-mining sites near the town of Sokolov (Czech Republic). These observations on the decomposer food webs were compared with knowledge of vegetation and soil microstructure development from previous studies. The amount of carbon entering the food web increased with succession age in a similar way as the total amount of C in food web biomass and the number of functional groups in the food web. Connectance did not show any significant changes with succession age, however. In early stages of the succession, the bacterial channel dominated the food web. Later on, in shrub-dominated stands, the fungal channel took over. Even later, in the forest stage, the bacterial channel prevailed again. The best predictor of fungal bacterial ratio is thickness of fermentation layer. We argue that these changes correspond with changes in topsoil microstructure driven by a combination of plant organic matter input and engineering effects of earthworms. In early stages, soil is alkaline, and a discontinuous litter layer on the soil surface promotes bacterial biomass growth, so the bacterial food web channel can dominate. Litter accumulation on the soil surface supports the development of the fungal channel. In older stages, earthworms arrive, mix litter into the mineral soil and form an organo-mineral topsoil, which is beneficial for bacteria and enhances the bacterial food web channel.  相似文献   

In diurnal bird species, individuals breeding at high latitudes have larger broods than at lower latitudes, which has been linked to differences in the daily time available for foraging. However, it remains unclear how latitude is linked with parental investment in nocturnal species. Here, we investigate nestling provisioning rates of male Tengmalm's owls in two populations at different latitudes (Czech Republic 50 °N; Finland 63 °N) with the help of cameras integrated into nest boxes. Clutch sizes were smaller in the Czech population (CZ: 5.1 ± 0.1; FIN: 6.6 ± 0.1), but given the higher nestling mortality in the Finnish population, the number of fledglings did not differ between the two populations (CZ: 3.5 ± 0.3; FIN: 3.9 ± 0.2). Nestling provisioning patterns varied within days, over the reproductive season and between the two sites. Males delivered most food at dusk and dawn, having peak delivery rates at sun angles of -11° to -15° at both sites, and males increased the prey delivery rates with higher nestling requirements. Given the longer nights during summer in the Czech Republic compared to Finland, Czech males only showed a small shift in their delivery peak during the night from -17° in April to -14° in July. In contrast, Finnish males shifted their peak of prey delivery from -11° in April to -1° in July. Consequently, Czech males had a longer hunting time per night around midsummer when feeding young (360 min) than Finnish males (270 min). This suggests that nocturnal owl species in northern populations are constrained by the short nights during the breeding season, which can limit the number of young they can raise. Moreover, owls in northern populations are additionally constrained through the unpredictable changes in food availability between years, and both these factors are likely to influence the reproductive investment between populations.  相似文献   

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