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To support detailed genetic analysis of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white bass (Morone chrysops), we isolated 153 microsatellite loci from repeat‐enriched striped bass DNA libraries. Of these, 147 markers amplified in striped bass (average 4.7 alleles per locus) and 133 in white bass (average 2.2 alleles per locus). One hundred twenty‐two markers amplified in their hybrid. Development of new microsatellite markers will facilitate evaluations of genetic structure in wild populations and will support pedigree analysis and linkage mapping for selective breeding.  相似文献   

Measurements of embryonic volume revealed regulation capability before hatch. Water diffusion permeability, determined as tritiated water efflux, was found to be low, but within the range for fish eggs. The perivitelline fluid is readily interchangeable with the external medium due to a high chorion permeability to both water and salt.  相似文献   

The ovarian development of captive-reared, striped bass Morone saxatilis was examined during a 10-week period encompassing the spawning season. Vitellogenic oocytes in March had a mean diameter of 838 ± 18 μm and did not grow significantly thereafter. Except from one non-hormone-treated fish, all females failed to undergo final oocyte maturation (FOM) and their ovaries became atretic with the onset of high spring temperatures. A clearing fixative was found useful in identifying early stages of atresia, evident by the absence of the germinal vesicle (GV). Final oocyte maturation of fish treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) consisted of two phases. Early FOM lasted from 1 to 3 weeks, and was associated with lipid-droplet coalescence, and displacement of the GV and yolk globules to the peripheral cytoplasm. Late FOM lasted <24h, and consisted of yolk-globule coalescence and GV breakdown (GVBD). Ovulated eggs had completely coalesced lipid and yolk masses, with cortical alveoli lined against the cell wall. Both phases of FOM were associated with significant increases in oocyte diameter. Striped bass oocytes showed important morphological differences compared to oocytes of other members of the Moronidae family, in terms of percentage lipid content, chorion thickness and degree of hydration after ovulation.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of copper toxicity and consequences of exposure vary due to uptake route and ionoregulatory status. The goal of this research was to develop a model fish system to assess the influence of different Cu exposure routes (waterborne or dietary) on bioavailability, uptake, and effects in hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops x Morone saxatilis) acclimated to fresh- or saltwater. Initially, hybrid striped bass were exposed to dietary Cu concentrations of 571, 785, and 1013 mug Cu/g, along with a control (approximately 5 microg Cu/g), for 14 days in saltwater. Intestinal and liver Cu accumulated in a dose-dependent manner in fish exposed to increasing levels of dietary Cu. Chronic (42 days) experiments were then conducted to determine sub-lethal effects of aqueous, dietary, and combined aqueous and dietary Cu exposures to both freshwater- and saltwater-acclimated hybrid striped bass. Growth and Cu accumulation in the gill, intestine, and liver were measured. Although no significant effects were observed in fish exposed to waterborne Cu, those exposed through the diet accumulated significant liver and intestinal Cu but showed no significant change in growth. Overall, these results suggest that at the levels tested, exposure to elevated waterborne Cu did not cause significant long-term tissue Cu accumulation, whereas dietary Cu exposure caused significant liver and intestinal Cu accumulation in hybrid striped bass which was comparable in both freshwater and saltwater (15 g/L).  相似文献   

The influence of mode of capture, season of capture and total body length ( L T) on the probability of regurgitation for striped bass Morone saxatilis captured using gillnets in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, was examined. Overall, the mean rate of regurgitation for striped bass which contained food contents in their stomach was 8·3%. Striped bass captured by wedging had a higher mean regurgitation rate (17%) than individuals that were either entangled (5%) or gilled (2%). Striped bass caught during the autumn had approximately the same frequency of regurgitation as individuals captured during the summer (10 v . 9%), but these regurgitation rates were higher than those observed for fish during the spring sampling periods (4%). Larger striped bass were more likely to regurgitate their stomach contents than smaller individuals, with the frequency of regurgitation increasing by 0·7% for every 50 mm increase in L T. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of identifying factors that influence regurgitation of stomach contents to minimize and account for biases associated with diet data collected from striped bass captured in gillnets. Using this information, sampling recommendations for food‐habit and feeding‐rate studies involving the collection of piscivorous fishes using gillnets are made.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic studies of population structure and gene flow are commonly employed in fish stock assessment and breeding population delineation. Genetically structured breeding populations may have different effective population sizes, distinct reproductive rates and variable susceptibility to harvesting or breeding habitat degradation. Nine microsatellite loci were isolated for Morone saxatilis (Moronidae), an anadromous fish inhabiting the mid‐Atlantic. Microsatellite loci were isolated with a subtractive hybridization method and will be used to estimate population structure. The loci averaged 8.5 alleles each. Seven loci in the Choptank population and two loci in the Potomac population deviated from Hardy–Weinberg expected frequencies of heterozygotes.  相似文献   

We developed primers for the amplification of six polymorphic nuclear microsatellites in Mediterranean Cedrus taxa. Microsatellites originated from two Cedrus atlantica genomic libraries enriched for TC (four markers) and TG (two markers) motifs. No distortion from Mendelian segregation was observed. There were up to eight alleles per locus and mean expected heterozygosity was 0.75. Four microsatellites also amplified in the Himalayan cedar. These markers should be helpful for species identification, diversity studies, parentage analysis and genome mapping and to monitor biodiversity in endangered Mediterranean Cedrus forests.  相似文献   

Loss of habitat and poaching have led to a drastic reduction in numbers of the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis). To aid in the conservation management of this species, we isolated and optimized 10 polymorphic Sumatran rhinoceros microsatellite loci. A survey of six individuals yielded a mean number of alleles of 3.7, mean expected heterozygosity of 0.551 and probability of identity of 3.46 × 10?8. Although this estimate is similar to estimates of microsatellite variability in the Black, Indian and White rhinoceroses, such a conclusion is premature as locus purity, sample size and number of loci surveyed vary significantly among studies.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) mRNA-producing neurons was studied in developing hybrid striped bass (white bass Morone chrysops female × striped bass Morone saxatilis male), 1–55 days post-fertilization (dpf), by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Neurons that produce salmon (s) GnRH were first detected at 32 h post-fertilization in the olfactory placodes. These neurons migrated posteriorly during development and reached their final position at the olfactory bulbs-telencephalon boundary, possibly the terminal nerve ganglion (TNg) by 11 dpf. First signal of chicken (c) GnRH-II neurons appeared in the midbrain 2 dpf and remained there throughout development. A signal of seabream (sb) GnRH mRNA was first detected at 21 dpf in the preoptic area (POA) and as a bilateral continuum along the ventral telencephalon at 32–55 dpf. The expression of all three forms of GnRH increased throughout development. These results suggest that cGnRH-II neurons originate in the mid-brain, and that sGnRH neurons originate in the olfactory placodes and migrate caudally to the TNg. Neurons that express sbGnRH seem to originate at the preoptic area and then to migrate anteriorly along the ventral telencephalon. An olfactory placodal origin of these neurons, however, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The construction of high-density linkage maps for use in identifying loci underlying important traits requires the development of large numbers of polymorphic genetic markers spanning the entire genome at regularly spaced intervals. As part of our efforts to develop markers for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), we performed a comparison of allelic variation between microsatellite markers developed from expressed sequence tag (EST) data and anonymous markers identified from repeat-enriched libraries constructed from genomic DNA. A subset of 70 markers (37 from EST databases and 33 from repeat enriched libraries) was characterized with respect to polymorphism information content (PIC), number of alleles, repeat number, locus duplication within the genome and ability to amplify in other salmonid species. Higher PIC was detected in dinucleotide microsatellites derived from ESTs than anonymous markers (72.7% vs. 54.0%). In contrast, dinucleotide repeat numbers were higher for anonymous microsatellites than for EST derived microsatellites (27.4 vs.18.1). A higher rate of cross-species amplification was observed for EST microsatellites. Approximately half of each marker type was duplicated within the genome. Unlike single-copy markers, amplification of duplicated microsatellites in other salmonids was not correlated to phylogenetic distance. Genomic microsatellites proved more useful than EST derived microsatellites in discriminating among the salmonids. In total, 428 microsatellite markers were developed in this study for mapping and population genetic studies in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Development of nine polymorphic microsatellites from a genomic library of hybrid striped bass (female Morone chrysops × male Morone saxatilus) DNA is described. Breeding of hybrid striped bass for aquaculture is based largely on breeding wild fish. Molecular markers such as microsatellites will be useful tools for developing broodstock, estimating heritability for production traits, and selective breeding via marker‐assisted selection. The nine polymorphic microsatellites include six dinucleotide and three complex repeat motifs. The number of alleles detected among a sample of 10 individuals of each species was relatively low. All polymerase chain reaction primer pairs also amplified products in the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax.  相似文献   

The striped bass Morone saxatilis population in the Savannah River (south-eastern U.S.A.) collapsed in the 1980s, and recent eorts to restore the population have resulted in increased catch-per-unit-eort (CPUE) of striped bass in the Savannah River Estuary (SRE). The abundance of eggs and larvae, however, remain well below historic levels. The primary cause of the population decline was remedied, and environmental conditions seem suitable for striped bass spawning. Regression analysis of data derived from ultrasonic imaging of 31 striped bass resulted in a statistical model that predicted ovary volume well (r2=0.95). The enumeration of oocytes from ovarian tissue samples and the prediction of ovary volume allowed fecundity to be estimated without sacrificing the fish. Oocyte maturation in Savannah River striped bass seemed to progress normally, with oocytes developing to final stages of maturity in larger fish (>750 mm L T). Additionally, fecundity estimates were comparable to a neighbouring striped bass population. The environmental cues needed to trigger development and release of striped bass oocytes into the SRE appeared to be present. If most of the striped bass females in the SRE are still young (<7 years), the ability to produce large numbers of eggs will be limited. As these young fish mature, egg production probably will increase and the density of striped bass eggs eventually will approach historic levels, provided suitable habitat and water quality are maintained.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA) technique was used to isolate seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in sea bass, Lates calcarifer Bloch. A total of 62 samples of wild and cultivated sea bass collected from a few populations within Peninsular Malaysia were used in the study. For seven polymorphic loci, the number of alleles ranged from four to nine and locus heterozygosities ranged from 0.710 to 1.000. The loci will be useful for studying population structure, genetic variability of wild and hatchery stocks of L. calcarifer and broodstock management purposes.  相似文献   

Striped bass Morone saxatilis populations in drainages along the Gulf of Mexico coast (Gulf) were depleted in the 1950s and 1960s, probably because of anthropogenic influences. It is believed that only the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (A-C-F) river system continually supported a naturally reproducing population of Gulf lineage. Striped bass juveniles of Atlantic coast (Atlantic) ancestry were introduced to restore population abundances in the A-C-F from the late 1960s to the mid 1970s and in many other Gulf rivers from the 1960s to the present. We previously identified mtDNA polymorphisms that were unique to ? 60% of striped bass from the A-C-F and which confirmed the continued successful natural reproduction of striped bass of Gulf maternal ancestry within the system. However, the genetic relatedness of the extant A-C-F population to ‘pure’ Gulf striped bass was not addressed. In this study, we determined the frequency of a diagnostic mtDNA XbaI polymorphism in samples of ‘pure’ Gulf striped bass that were collected from the A-C-F prior to the introduction of Atlantic fish, that were obtained from museum collections, and that were originally preserved in formalin. PCR primers were developed that allowed for amplification of a 191-bp mtDNA fragment that contained the diagnostic XbaI restriction site. Using RFLP and direct sequence analyses of the PCR amplicons, we found no significant differences in mtDNA XbaI genotype frequencies between the archived samples and extant A-C-F samples collected over a 15-year period. This indicates that significant maternally mediated introgression of Atlantic mtDNA genomes into the A-C-F gene pool has not occurred. Additionally, we found no evidence of the unique Gulf mtDNA genotype in striped bass from extant populations in Texas, Louisiana and the Mississippi River. These results highlight the importance of the A-C-F as a repository of striped bass to restore extirpated Gulf populations and the potential use of museum collections in retrospective population studies.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were characterized in a freshwater prawn from enriched genomic library using six biotinylated probes: (AG)10, (TG)10, (CAA)10, (CAG)10, (GAT)10 and (TAC)10. Primers for DNA amplification were designed and synthesized for 20 loci. Ten loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from five to 17 alleles per locus and the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.27 to 0.83 per locus. Developed microsatellite primers should prove useful for selective breeding programs and population genetic studies of freshwater prawn.  相似文献   

Brycon species are present in various basins in Brazil and were or still are part of commercial fisheries and aquaculture activities ( Ferreira et al. 1996 , Mendonça 1994 ). Despite the importance of this group of fish, natural populations of some Brycon species are endangered ( Lins et al. 1997 ). Here, we describe the characterization of seven microsatellite loci that will be useful for the genetic studies in natural and captive populations for these and other species of Brycon.  相似文献   

Japanese sea bass (Laterolabrax japonicus) inhabits the coast of East Asia and is cage‐cultured currently in China as well. Twenty‐two microsatellite DNA markers were developed and used to type 35 individuals collected along the Chinese coast. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 23. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.111 to 0.938, while the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.114 to 0.914. All 22 loci are neutral and independent of each other; two deviated significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These microsatellite DNA markers are moderately informative, which will certainly facilitate the management and exploitation of the genetic resource of L. japonicus.  相似文献   

Thirty‐nine polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers were isolated from the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) genomic library. All of the loci showed moderate allelic variation ranging from two to seven alleles, with observed heterozygosities from 0.000 to 0.938. The microsatellite DNA markers isolated will be available for use in analysis of quantitative trait loci in breeding programmes and for population genetic studies on experimental fish.  相似文献   

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