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A small cosmid for efficient cloning of large DNA fragments   总被引:290,自引:0,他引:290  
B Hohn  J Collins 《Gene》1980,11(3-4):291-298
The production and use of the 6 kb cosmid pHC79, a derivative of pBR322, is described. It can be used for cloning of fragments cleaved by EcoRI, ClaI, BamHI (also BglII, BclI, Sau3A and MboI), SalI (also XhoI and AvaI), EcaI and PstI. Hybrid cosmids containing inserts in the size range of 40 kb are packaged in vitro and transduced with an efficiency of 5 X 10(4) - 5 X 10(5) clones/microgram of insert DNA. Prefractionation of the DNA fragments to be cloned into 40 kb sized fragments ensures the cloning of contiguous stretches of DNA. Proteins produced in vitro by the cosmid pHC79 are identical to the ones produced by its pBR322 parent.  相似文献   

The functional analysis of genes frequently requires manipulation of large genomic regions embedded in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). We have designed a yeast-bacteria shuttle vector, pClasper, that can be used to clone specific regions of interest from YACs by homologous recombination. The important feature of pClasper is the presence of the mini-F factor replicon. This leads to a significant increase in the size of the plasmid inserts that can be maintained in bacteria after cloning by homologous recombination in yeast. The utility of this vector lies in its ability to maintain large fragments in bacteria and yeast, allowing for mutagenesis in yeast and simplified preparation of plasmid DNA in bacteria. Using PCR-generated recombinogenic fragments in pClasper we cloned a 27 kb region from a YAC containing the Hoxc cluster and a 130 kb region containing the entire Hoxb cluster. No rearrangements were seen when the recombinants in the shuttle vector were transferred to bacteria. We outline the potential uses of pClasper for functional studies of large genomic regions by transgenic and other analyses.  相似文献   

Recently, the nucleotide sequences of entire genomes became available. This information combined with older sequencing data discloses the exact chromosomal location of millions of nucleotide markers stored in the databases at NCBI, EMBO or DDBJ. Despite having resolved the intron/exon structures of all described genes within these genomes with a stroke of a pen, the sequencing data opens up other interesting possibilities. For example, the genomic mapping of the end sequences of the human, murine and rat BAC libraries generated at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), reveals now the entire encompassed sequence of the inserts for more than a million of these clones. Since these clones are individually stored, they are now an invaluable source for experiments which depend on genomic DNA. Isolation of smaller fragments from such clones with standard methods is a time consuming process. We describe here a reliable one-step cloning technique to obtain a DNA fragment with a defined size and sequence from larger genomic clones in less than 48 hours using a standard vector with a multiple cloning site, and common restriction enzymes and equipment. The only prerequisites are the sequences of ends of the insert and of the underlying genome.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe , as a host for the propagation of cloned large fragments of human DNA has been investigated. Two acentric vector arms were utilized; these carry autonomously replicating sequences ( ars elements), selectable markers ( ura4(+) or LEU2 ) and 250 bp of S. pombe terminal telomeric repeats. All cloning was performed between the unique sites in both vector arms for the restriction endonuclease Not I. Initially the system was tested by converting six previously characterized cosmids from human chromosome 11p13 into a form that could be propagated in S.pombe as linear episomal elements of 50-60 kb in length. In all transformants analysed these cosmids were maintained intact. To test if larger fragments of human DNA could also be propagated total human DNA was digested with Not I and size fractionated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Fractions of 100-1000 kb were ligated to Not I-digested vector arms and transformed into S.pombe protoplasts in the presence of lipofectin. Prototrophic ura+leu+transformants were obtained which upon examination by PFGE were found to contain additional linear chromosomes migrating at between 100 and 500 kb with a copy number of 5-10 copies/cell. Hybridization analyses revealed that these additional bands contained human DNA. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses of several independent clones indicated that the inserts were derived from single loci within the human genome. These analyses clearly demonstrate that it is possible to clone large fragments of heterologous DNA in fission yeast using this S.p ombe artificial chromosome system which we have called SPARC. This vector-host system will complement the various other systems for cloning large DNA fragments.  相似文献   

A simple method for cloning blunt ended DNA fragments.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

W A Loenen  W J Brammar 《Gene》1980,10(3):249-259
Lambda derivatives are described that can be used for cloning DNA fragments of about 20 kilobase pairs (kb) generated by restriction enzymes EcoRi, HindIII, BamHI, MboI and BglII. Recombinants can be selected by their Spi- phenotype and their propagation is facilitated by the presence of a chi site.  相似文献   

We applied a resistance split-fusion strategy to increase the in vivo direct cloning efficiency mediated by Red recombination. The cat cassette was divided into two parts: cma (which has a homologous sequence with cmb) and cmb, each of which has no resistance separately unless the two parts are fused together. The cmb sequence was integrated into one flank of a target cloning region in the chromosome, and a linear vector containing the cma sequence was electroporated into the cells to directly capture the target region. Based on this strategy, we successfully cloned an approximately 48 kb DNA fragment from the E. coli DH1-Z chromosome with a positive frequency of approximately 80%. Combined with double-strand breakage-stimulated homologous recombination, we applied this strategy to successfully replace the corresponding region of the E. coli DH36 chromosome and knock out four non-essential genomic regions in one step. This strategy could provide a powerful tool for the heterologous expression of microbial natural product biosynthetic pathways for genome assembly and for the functional study of DNA sequences dozens of kilobases in length.  相似文献   



While conventional cloning methods using restriction enzymes and polynucleotide ligase are adequate for most DNAs, fragments made by the polymerase chain reaction are difficult to clone because the amplifying DNA polymerase tends to add untemplated nucleotides to the 3'-termini of the amplified strands. Conservative site-specific recombinases offer an efficient alternative to conventional cloning methods.  相似文献   

We introduced a novel method to clone random DNA fragments independent of ligation reaction. The method involves the generation of long protruding ends on PCR amplification DNA. Both oligonucleotides used for the amplification of the vector DNA carried one uracil residue at the tenth position from the 5′ end and this made the creation of the 3′ protruding ends of linearized vector possible by uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) and endonuclease IV (Endo IV). 76 groups of annealed oligonucleotides that had ten-nucleotides protruding at 3′-end, which were complementary to those at 3′-end of the linearized vector, were designed. The linearized vector and the annealed oligonucleotide were mixed together to transform E.coli directly without ligation reaction. The number of the clone that grew on the plates had been demonstrated to reach 1 × 105 transformants/μg and 96.1% of transformants harbored the cloned fragments. From the results of transformation, we can confirm that the efficiency of the creation of 3′ protruding ends in our method is high and our cloning method is benefit to produce recombinants easily and efficiently.  相似文献   

A Renibacterium salmoninarum enriched recombinant DNA library was constructed to isolate DNA fragments which could be used as probes to detect gene sequences specific for the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease in salmonid fish. One fragment of 149 base pairs was isolated and its specificity and sequence determined. This probe may prove useful in the design of diagnostic tests for the disease in asymptomatic fish and ova.  相似文献   

The largely unused uracil-excision molecular cloning technique has excellent features in most aspects compared to other modern cloning techniques. Its application has, however, been hampered by incompatibility with proof-reading DNA polymerases. We have advanced the technique by identifying PfuCx as a compatible proof-reading DNA polymerase and by developing an improved vector design strategy. The original features of the technique, namely simplicity, speed, high efficiency and low cost are thus combined with high fidelity as well as a transparent, simple and flexible vector design. A comprehensive set of vectors has been constructed covering a wide range of different applications and their functionality has been confirmed.  相似文献   

Rapid and efficient method for cloning of blunt-ended DNA fragments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P Upcroft  A Healey 《Gene》1987,51(1):69-75
We describe a system to generate cDNA or genomic libraries from DNA segments that have blunt termini. Background and rearrangement levels are low, but efficiencies are high and the procedural times very short. T4 ligase in the presence of polyethylene glycol produces high Mr oligomers of vector and insert. These concatemers are reduced to vector-insert monomers at a high frequency by subsequent cleavage with a restriction endonuclease, which recognises the insert rarely, if at all, and the vector once. The monomers are recircularised under standard ligation conditions prior to transformation. Thus insertion conditions are optimised independently of those for recircularisation. All reading frames for expression libraries are generated by short BAL 31 cleavage followed by the blunt-end cloning procedure. Similarly, genomic expression libraries can be made by BAL 31 or mung-bean nuclease treatment after cleavage with DNase I is the presence of Mn2+. The technique is suitable for any DNA segment that is blunt-ended or can be made so. When the vector is treated with alkaline phosphatase, recombinants are generated at a frequency greater than 90% and have single inserts. Yields are 3-5 X 10(6) colony-forming units per micrograms of insert.  相似文献   

A general method for cloning DNA fragments in multiple copies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W H Taylor  P J Hagerman 《Gene》1987,53(2-3):139-144
A general method for the cloning of DNA fragments in tandem arrays is presented. Synthetic directional adapters are attached to the fragment ends to establish complete control over fragment orientation during ligation. Use of these directional adapters thereby ensures the production of direct repeats, an arrangement essential for clone stability. The technique involves a protocol that is both less complex and less time-consuming than previous methods. Using this technique, a 10-min ligation has yielded a plasmid containing 20 copies of a 151-bp fragment.  相似文献   

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