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Organogenesis involves a series of dynamic morphogenesis and remodeling processes. Since feathers exhibit complex forms, we have been using the feather as a model to analyze how molecular pathways and cellular events are used. While several major molecular pathways have been studied, the roles of matrix degrading proteases and inhibitors in feather morphogenesis are unknown. Here we addressed this knowledge gap by studying the temporal and spatial expression of proteases and inhibitors in developing feathers using mammalian antibodies that cross react with chicken proteins. We also investigated the effect of protease inhibitors on feather development employing an in vitro feather bud culture system. The results show that antibodies specific for mammalian MMP2 and TIMP2 stained positive in both feather epithelium and mesenchyme. The staining co-localized in structures of E10-E13 developing feathers. Interestingly, MMP2 and TIMP2 exhibited a complementary staining pattern in developing E15 and E20 feathers and in maturing feather filaments. Although they exhibited a slight delay in feather bud development, similar patterns of MMP2 and TIMP2 staining were observed in in vitro culture explants. The broad spectrum pharmacological inhibitors AG3340 and BB103 (MMP inhibitors) but not Aprotinin (a plasmin inhibitor) showed a reversible effect on epithelium invagination and feather bud elongation. TIMP2, a physiological inhibitor to MMPs, exhibited a similar effect. Markers of feather morphogenesis showed that MMP activity was required for both epithelium invagination and mesenchymal cell proliferation. Inhibition of MMP activity led to an overall delay in the expression of molecules that regulate either early feather bud growth and/or differentiation and thereby produced abnormal buds with incomplete follicle formation. This work demonstrates that MMPs and their inhibitors are not only important in injury repair, but also in development tissue remodeling as demonstrated here for the formation of feather follicles.  相似文献   

beta-catenin signaling can initiate feather bud development.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Intercellular signaling by a subset of Wnts is mediated by stabilization of cytoplasmic beta-catenin and its translocation to the nucleus. Immunolocalization of beta-catenin in developing chick skin reveals that this signaling pathway is active in a dynamic pattern from the earliest stages of feather bud development. Forced activation of this pathway by expression of a stabilized beta-catenin in the ectoderm results in the ectopic formation of feather buds. This construct is sufficient to induce bud formation since it does so both within presumptive feather tracts and in normally featherless regions where tract-specific signals are absent. It is also insensitive to the lateral inhibition that mediates the normal spacing of buds and can induce ectopic buds in interfollicular skin. However, additional patterning signals cooperate with this pathway to regulate gene expression within domains of stabilized beta-catenin expression. Localized activation of this pathway within the bud as it develops is required for normal morphogenesis and ectopic activation of the pathway leads to abnormally oriented buds and growths on the feather filaments. These results suggest that activation of the beta-catenin pathway initiates follicle development in embryonic skin and plays important roles in the subsequent morphogenesis of the bud.  相似文献   

Darwin's theory describes the principles that are responsible for evolutionary change of organisms and their attributes. The actual mechanisms, however, need to be studied for each species and each organ separately. Here we have investigated the mechanisms underlying these principles in the avian feather. Feathers comprise one of the most complex and diverse epidermal organs as demonstrated by their shape, size, patterned arrangement and pigmentation. Variations can occur at several steps along each level of organization, leading to highly diverse forms and functions. Feathers develop gradually during ontogeny through a series of steps that may correspond to the evolutionary steps that were taken during the phylogeny from a reptilian ancestor to birds. These developmental steps include 1) the formation of feather tract fields on the skin surfaces; 2) periodic patterning of the individual feather primordia within the feather tract fields; 3) feather bud morphogenesis establishing anterio-posterior (along the cranio-caudal axis) and proximo-distal axes; 4) branching morphogenesis to create the rachis, barbs and barbules within a feather bud; and 5) gradual modulations of these basic morphological parameters within a single feather or across a feather tract. Thus, possibilities for variation in form and function of feathers occur at every developmental step. In this paper, principles guiding feather tract formation, distributions of individual feathers within the tracts and variations in feather forms are discussed at a cellular and molecular level.  相似文献   

In this study, we have monitored the spatial distribution of S-phase cells during successive stages of normal feather morphogenesis using the specific marker BrdU. We also disturbed the development program by administration of hydrocortisone on the chorioallantoic membrane of 6.5-day chick embryos and examined the resulting pattern of BrdU incorporation. Our results show that a specific spatio-temporal pattern of cell proliferation occurs during successive stages of feather development and that this pattern accounts for the growth of feather buds according to the cephalocaudal orientation. Our experimental analysis showed that the stage-dependent alteration of feather morphogenesis (as shown by Züst, Ann. Embryol. Morphogen. 4, 1971 and confirmed by Démarchez et al., Dev. Biol. 106, 1984), is based on a stage-dependent alteration of the proliferation pattern in the epidermis. Forty-eight hours after treatment, non-induced epidermis ceases DNA synthesis and is unable to form placodes. Induced epidermis at the placodal and dermal condensation stages fails to produce the cohorts of S-phase cells responsible for the caudal outgrowth and the slanting shape of the buds. These young buds display anarchic proliferation in the whole epidermis possibly resulting in the appearance of "curly" feathers. Together, these results show the importance of the spatial pattern of ectodermal and mesodermal cell proliferation during the normal feather morphogenesis. Moreover, they corroborate the particular role of epidermis both in the establishment of feather rudiments and in the cephalocaudal orientation of the feathers.  相似文献   

Many animals can change the size, shape, texture and color of their regenerated coats in response to different ages, sexes, or seasonal environmental changes. Here, we propose that the feather core branching morphogenesis module can be regulated by sex hormones or other environmental factors to change feather forms, textures or colors, thus generating a large spectrum of complexity for adaptation. We use sexual dimorphisms of the chicken to explore the role of hormones. A long-standing question is whether the sex-dependent feather morphologies are autonomously controlled by the male or female cell types, or extrinsically controlled and reversible. We have recently identified core feather branching molecular modules which control the anterior-posterior (bone morphogenetic orotein [BMP], Wnt gradient), medio-lateral (Retinoic signaling, Gremlin), and proximo-distal (Sprouty, BMP) patterning of feathers. We hypothesize that morpho-regulation, through quantitative modulation of existing parameters, can act on core branching modules to topologically tune the dimension of each parameter during morphogenesis and regeneration. Here, we explore the involvement of hormones in generating sexual dimorphisms using exogenously delivered hormones. Our strategy is to mimic male androgen levels by applying exogenous dihydrotestosterone and aromatase inhibitors to adult females and to mimic female estradiol levels by injecting exogenous estradiol to adult males. We also examine differentially expressed genes in the feathers of wildtype male and female chickens to identify potential downstream modifiers of feather morphogenesis. The data show male and female feather morphology and their color patterns can be modified extrinsically through molting and resetting the stem cell niche during regeneration.  相似文献   

The avian feather complex represents a vivid example of how a developmental module composed of highly integrated molecular and histogenic programs can become rapidly elaborated during the course of evolution. Mechanisms that facilitate this evolutionary diversification may involve the maintenance of plasticity in developmental processes that underlie feather morphogenesis. Feathers arise as discrete buds of mesenchyme and epithelium, which are two embryonic tissues that respectively form dermis and epidermis of the integument. Epithelial-mesenchymal signaling interactions generate feather buds that are neatly arrayed in space and time. The dermis provides spatiotemporal patterning information to the epidermis but precise cellular and molecular mechanisms for generating species-specific differences in feather pattern remain obscure. In the present study, we exploit the quail-duck chimeric system to test the extent to which the dermis regulates the expression of genes required for feather development. Quail and duck have distinct feather patterns and divergent growth rates, and we exchange pre-migratory neural crest cells destined to form the craniofacial dermis between them. We find that donor dermis induces host epidermis to form feather buds according to the spatial pattern and timetable of the donor species by altering the expression of members and targets of the Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Sonic Hedgehog and Delta/Notch pathways. Overall, we demonstrate that there is a great deal of spatiotemporal plasticity inherent in the molecular and histogenic programs of feather development, a property that may have played a generative and regulatory role throughout the evolution of birds.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis and expression of the alpha and beta keratin polypeptides are controlled by epidermal-dermal interactions during development of avian skin derivatives. We have examined the relationship between morphogenesis of the embryonic feather and expression of the feather alpha and beta keratins by routine histology, indirect-immunofluorescence, and SDS-PAGE. Initially beta keratins are expressed only in the feather sheath. Following barb ridge morphogenesis beta keratins can be detected in the barb ridge, coincident with the differentiation of barb ridge cells into eight distinct morphological types. Beta keratinization occurs in gradients; from feather apex to base, and from periphery of the barb ridge to the interior. The onset of beta keratinization in the barb ridges is paralleled by an increase in the major feather beta keratin polypeptides, as detected by SDS-PAGE. The alpha keratins are present in both the periderm and feather sheath at early stages of feather development, but become greatly reduced after hatching, when the down feather emerges from the sheath.  相似文献   

Selective cell death by apoptosis plays important roles in organogenesis. Apoptotic cells are observed in the developmental and homeostatic processes of several ectodermal organs, such as hairs, feathers, and mammary glands. In chick feather development, apoptotic events have been observed during feather morphogenesis, but have not been investigated during early feather bud formation. Previously, we have reported a method for generating feather buds on a bioengineered skin from dissociated skin epithelial and mesenchymal cells in three-dimensional culture. During the development of the bioengineered skin, epithelial cavity formation by apoptosis was observed in the epithelial tissue. In this study, we examined the selective epithelial cell death during the bioengineered skin development. Histological analyses suggest that the selective epithelial cell death in the bioengineered skin was induced by caspase-3-related apoptosis. The formation of feather buds of the bioengineered skin was disturbed by the treatment with a pan-caspase inhibitor. The pan-caspase inhibitor treatment suppressed the rearrangement of the epithelial layer and the formation of dermal condensation, which are thought to be essential step to form feather buds. The suppression of the formation of feather buds on the pan-caspase inhibitor-treated skin was partially compensated by the addition of a GSK-3β inhibitor, which activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling. These results suggest that the epithelial cell death is involved in the formation of feather buds of the bioengineered skin. These observations also suggest that caspase activities and Wnt/β-catenin signaling may contribute to the formation of epithelial and mesenchymal components in the bioengineered skin.  相似文献   

The relationships between feather morphogenesis, histogenesis, and biochemical differentiation were examined by recombining backskin epidermis and dermis, from chick embryos (Hamburger-Hamilton stages 27-31), with an intervening Nucleopore filter (pore size of 0.4 micron). The filter inhibited normal feather morphogenesis and histogenesis of barb ridges, yet feather-like filaments, which were free of dermal cells, formed from the epidermal cells. Using indirect immunofluorescence, with antiserum against alpha- and beta-keratins, the biochemical differentiation of the feather-like filaments was compared to normal feathers. In the feather-like filaments resulting from tissues of stages 27-29, cells containing beta keratins were occasionally seen at the periphery of the filaments, yet cells containing alpha-keratins were inappropriately located throughout the filaments. In a few feather-like filaments on recombinants resulting from tissues of stages 29.5-31, cells positive for beta-keratins were found in the center of the filament, but again alpha-keratins were also found. Surrounding these cells there were several layers of cells, arranged circumferentially, resembling sheath cells. Some sheath-like cells contained beta-keratins. We conclude that although feather epidermal cells, which are separated from their dermis by a Nuclepore filter, can undergo limited morphogenesis and the production of alpha- and beta-keratins, normal feather morphogenesis, histogenesis, and biochemical differentiation require the intimate associations of epidermis and dermis.  相似文献   

Molecular signaling in feather morphogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development and regeneration of feathers have gained much attention recently because of progress in the following areas. First, pattern formation. The exquisite spatial arrangement provides a simple model for decoding the rules of morphogenesis. Second, stem cell biology. In every molting, a few stem cells have to rebuild the entire epithelial organ, providing much to learn on how to regenerate an organ physiologically. Third, evolution and development ('Evo-Devo'). The discovery of feathered dinosaur fossils in China prompted enthusiastic inquiries about the origin and evolution of feathers. Progress has been made in elucidating feather morphogenesis in five successive phases: macro-patterning, micro-patterning, intra-bud morphogenesis, follicle morphogenesis and regenerative cycling.  相似文献   

The biology of feather follicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feather is a complex epidermal organ with hierarchical branches and represents a multi-layered topological transformation of keratinocyte sheets. Feathers are made in feather follicles. The basics of feather morphogenesis were previously described (Lucas and Stettenheim, 1972). Here we review new molecular and cellular data. After feather buds form (Jiang et al., this issue), they invaginate into the dermis to form feather follicles. Above the dermal papilla is the proliferating epidermal collar. Distal to it is the ramogenic zone where the epidermal cylinder starts to differentiate into barb ridges or rachidial ridge. These neoptile feathers tend to be downy and radially symmetrical. They are replaced by teleoptile feathers which tend to be bilateral symmetrical and more diverse in shapes. We have recently developed a "transgenic feather" protocol that allows molecular analyses: BMPs enhance the size of the rachis, Noggin increases branching, while anti- SHH causes webbed branches. Different feather types formed during evolution (Wu et al., this issue). Pigment patterns along the body axis or intra-feather add more colorful distinctions. These patterns help facilitate the analysis of melanocyte behavior. Feather follicles have to be connected with muscles and nerve fibers, so they can be integrated into the physiology of the whole organism. Feathers, similarly to hairs, have the extraordinary ability to go through molting cycles and regenerate. Some work has been done and feather follicles might serve as a model for stem cell research. Feather phenotypes can be modulated by sex hormones and can help elucidate mechanisms of sex hormone-dependent growth control. Thus, the developmental biology of feather follicles provides a multi-dimension research paradigm that links molecular activities and cellular behaviors to functional morphology at the organismal level.  相似文献   

The developmental appearance of cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs) was mapped during the morphogenesis of the adult chicken feather. Neural CAM (N-CAM), liver CAM (L-CAM), and neuron-glia CAM (Ng-CAM), as well as substrate molecules (laminin and fibronectin), were compared in newborn chicken skin by immunohistochemical means. N-CAM was found to be enriched in the dermal papilla, which was closely apposed to L-CAM-positive papillar ectoderm. The two CAMs were then co-expressed in cells of the collar epithelium. Subsequently generated barb epithelia expressed only L-CAM, but N-CAM reappeared periodically on cells between developing barbs and barbules. N-CAM first appeared on a single L-CAM-positive basilar cell located in each valley flanked by two adjacent barb ridges. Subsequently, the expression of N-CAM extended one cell after another to include the whole basilar layer. N-CAM also appeared in the L-CAM-positive axial-plate epithelia, beginning in a single cell located at the ridge base. The two collectives of N-CAM-positive epithelia constituting the marginal and axial plates then disintegrated, leaving interdigitating spaces between keratinized structures that had previously expressed L-CAM. The morphological transformation from an epithelial cylinder to a three-level branched feather pattern is thus achieved by coupling alternating CAM expression in linked cell collectives with specific differentiation events, such as keratinization. During all of these morphogenetic processes, laminin and fibronectin formed a continuous basement membrane separating pulp from feather epithelia, and were excluded from the sites involved in periodic appearances of N-CAM. The same staining pattern described for developing chickens persisted in the feather follicles of adult chicken tissue that have gone through several cycles of molting. Cyclic expression of the two different CAMs underlies each of the different morphological events that are generated epigenetically during feather morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The rachises of extant feathers, composed of dense cortex and spongy internal medulla, are flexible and light, yet stiff enough to withstand the load required for flight, among other functions. Incomplete knowledge of early feathers prevents a full understanding of how cylindrical rachises have evolved. Bizarre feathers with unusually wide and flattened rachises, known as “rachis-dominated feathers” (RDFs), have been observed in fossil nonavian and avian theropods. Newly discovered RDFs embedded in early Late Cretaceous Burmese ambers (about 99 million year ago) suggest the unusually wide and flattened rachises mainly consist of a dorsal cortex, lacking a medulla and a ventral cortex. Coupled with findings on extant feather morphogenesis, known fossil RDFs were categorized into three morphotypes based on their rachidial configurations. For each morphotype, potential developmental scenarios were depicted by referring to the rachidial development in chickens, and relative stiffness of each morphotype was estimated through functional simulations. The results suggest rachises of RDFs are developmentally equivalent to a variety of immature stages of cylindrical rachises. Similar rachidial morphotypes documented in extant penguins suggest that the RDFs are not unique to Mesozoic theropods, although they are likely to have evolved independently in extant penguins.  相似文献   

We explored the role of beta-catenin in chicken skin morphogenesis. Initially beta-catenin mRNA was expressed at homogeneous levels in the epithelia over a skin appendage tract field which became transformed into a periodic pattern corresponding to individual primordia. The importance of periodic patterning was shown in scaleless mutants, in which beta-catenin was initially expressed normally, but failed to make a punctuated pattern. To test beta-catenin function, a truncated armadillo fragment was expressed in developing chicken skin from the RCAS retrovirus. This produced a variety of phenotypic changes during epithelial appendage morphogenesis. In apteric and scale-producing regions, new feather buds with normal-appearing follicle sheaths, dermal papillae, and barb ridges were induced. In feather tracts, short, wide, and curled feather buds with abnormal morphology and random orientation formed. Epidermal invaginations and placode-like structures formed in the scale epidermis. PCNA staining and the distribution of molecular markers (SHH, NCAM, Tenascin-C) were characteristic of feather buds. These results suggest that the beta-catenin pathway is involved in modulating epithelial morphogenesis and that increased beta-catenin pathway activity can increase the activity of skin appendage phenotypes. Analogies between regulated and deregulated new growths are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来关于羽毛和羽状皮肤衍生物的研究极大促进了我们对羽毛起源与早期演化的理解。结合最新的古生物学与今生物学资料,对一些保存了皮肤衍生物的非鸟恐龙标本进行观察研究,为这个重要的进化问题提供了新见解。推测羽毛的演化在鸟类起源之前就以下列顺序完成了5个主要的形态发生事件:1)丝状和管状结构的出现;2)羽囊及羽枝脊形成;3)羽轴的发生;4)羽平面的形成;5)羽状羽小支的产生。这些演化事件形成了多种曾存在于各类非鸟初龙类中的羽毛形态,但这些形态在鸟类演化过程中可能退化或丢失了;这些演化事件也产生了一些近似现代羽毛或者与现代羽毛完全相同的羽毛形态。非鸟恐龙身上的羽毛有一些现代羽毛具有的独特特征,但也有一些现生鸟羽没有的特征。尽管一些基于发育学资料建立的有关鸟类羽毛起源和早期演化的模型推测羽毛的起源是一个全新的演化事件,与爬行动物的鳞片无关,我们认为用来定义现代鸟羽的特征应该是逐步演化产生的,而不是突然出现。因此,对于羽毛演化而言,一个兼具逐步变化与完全创新的模型较为合理。从目前的证据推断,最早的羽毛既不是用来飞行也不是用来保暖,各种其他假说皆有可能,其中包括展示或者散热假说。展开整合性的研究有望为羽毛的起源问题提供更多思路。  相似文献   

BMP2 and BMP7 play antagonistic roles in feather induction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Feathers, like hairs, first appear as primordia consisting of an epidermal placode associated with a dermal condensation that is necessary for the continuation of their differentiation. Previously, the BMPs have been proposed to inhibit skin appendage formation. We show that the function of specific BMPs during feather development is more complex. BMP2 and BMP7, which are expressed in both the epidermis and the dermis, are involved in an antagonistic fashion in regulating the formation of dermal condensations, and thus are both necessary for subsequent feather morphogenesis. BMP7 is expressed earlier and functions as a chemoattractant that recruits cells into the condensation, whereas BMP2 is expressed later, and leads to an arrest of cell migration, likely via its modulation of the EIIIA fibronectin domain and alpha4 integrin expression. Based on the observed cell proliferation, chemotaxis and the timing of BMP2 and BMP7 expression, we propose a mathematical model, a reaction-diffusion system, which not only simulates feather patterning, but which also can account for the negative effects of excess BMP2 or BMP7 on feather formation.  相似文献   

We are interested in using retroviral vectors to trace cell lineage and to introduce exogenous genes in chicken skin explant cultures. Here the LZ10 virus carrying the gene encoding beta-galactosidase was introduced to the skin explants by two different means: a) the virus was added to the media or b) the virus was microinjected into regions of the developing feather buds. Infection by microinjection led to localized expression of beta-galactosidase in the developing feather bud, while, surprisingly, infection by adding the virus to the culture media led to localized band of beta-galactosidase expression in the middle of the feather filament. The significance of this finding in skin morphogenesis and as a tool for experimental embryology is discussed.  相似文献   

Skin acts an important protection role in animal survival and it evolves with the animal divergence. We identified the conserved miRNA families of skin among duck and other species. Cluster analysis showed that the species with similar skin characteristics were clustered into the same group, indicating miRNAs are important in skin function and skin evolution. The miRNA profiles demonstrated that different miRNA regulation mechanism may exist in contour feather follicles (with the surrounding skin) and down feather follicles (with the surrounding skin). Comparing the highly abundant miRNAs with those of mammalian hair follicles and skins, different miRNAs and miRNA families were found, suggesting the different ways in feather follicles and mammalian hair follicles. Bioinformatics prediction indicated that seven miRNAs probably targeted the genes of Wnt/β-catenin, Shh/BMP and Notch pathways which were important in feather morphogenesis. Further analysis should be conducted to experimentally validate the relationships between miRNAs and their predicted target genes because the target genes were based exclusively upon the bioinformatics.  相似文献   

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