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Sporadic reports have appeared that suggest silicon plays a functional role in immune function by affecting lymphocyte proliferation. In addition, there is also considerable interest in supplemental arginine as a modulator of immune function. Therefore, the purpose of this animal experiment was to determine the effect of supplemental compared to adequate arginine on immune function as measured by splenic T-lymphocyte proliferation in the presence of adequate or inadequate dietary silicon. The independent variables were, per gram of fresh diet, silicon supplements of 0 or 35 μg and arginine supplements of 0 or 5 mg. The basal diet contained 2.3 μg silicon/g and 7.82 mg l-arginine/g. After feeding the male rats (nine per treatment group) for 8 wk, spleen lymphoid cells were isolated and cultured with methyl-3[H]thymidine. Supplemental arginine significantly decreased Con-A-induced DNA synthesis of splenic T-lymphocytes, but the response to arginine was influenced by dietary silicon. The decreased DNA synthesis was more marked when rats were fed adequate silicon than when fed inadequate silicon. Also, when arginine was not supplemented, DNA synthesis was higher in lymphocytes from rats fed an adequate silicon diet than rats fed the inadequate silicon diet. These findings support the hypothesis that an interaction between silicon and arginine affects immune function and that inadequate dietary silicon impairs splenic lymphocyte proliferation in response to an immune challenge. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Northern Plains Area is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, and all agency services are available without discrimination. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable.  相似文献   

Effects of germanium and silicon on bone mineralization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chemical properties of Ge are similar to Si. This study investigated whether Ge can substitute for, or is antagonistic to, Si in bone formation. Sixty male weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to treatment groups of 12 and 6 in a 2×4 factorially arranged experiment. The independent variables were, per gram fresh diet, Si (as sodium metasilicate) at 0 or 25 μg and Ge (as sodium germanate) at 0, 5, 30 or 60 μg. Results confirmed that Ge does not enhance Si deprivation and provided evidence that Ge apparently can replace Si in functions that influence bone composition. When Si was lacking in the diet, calcium and magnesium concentrations of the femur were decreased; this was reversed by feeding either Ge and/or Si. Similar effects were found for zinc, sodium, iron, manganese, and potassium of vertebra. There were some responses to Si deprivation that Ge could not reverse: Ge did not increase femur copper, sodium, or phosphorus or decrease molybdenum of vertebra, effects that were eveked by Si supplementation. Additionally, some findings suggested that 60 μg Ge/g diet could be a toxic intake for the rat. On the other hand, some responses induced by Ge indicate that this element may be acting physiologically other than as a substitute for Si. Germanium itself affected bone composition. Germanium supplementation decreased Si and molybdenum in the femur and increased DNA in tibia. Regardless of the amount of Si fed, animals fed 30 μg Ge/g diet had increased tibial DNA compared to animals fed 0 or 60 μg Ge; however, tibial DNA of animals fed 30 μg Ge was not statistically different from those animals fed 5 μg Ge. Thus, Ge may be of nutritional importance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was threefold: 1. to determine the long-term effects of interactions between lactational zinc deficiency and gender on bone mineral composition in repleted rat offspring, 2. to determine the nutritional efficacy of the second of two commercially designed, modified Luecke diets (ML2) during the gestational and lactational stress, and 3. determine the ultratrace element contents of Ralston Rodent Laboratory Chow #5001. The ML2 basal diet, based on dextrose, sprayed egg white, and corn oil contained 0.420 μg Zn/g, was supplemented with Zn (as zinc acetate) at 0 (diet 0ML2) or 30 (diet 30ML2) μg/g, and was mixed and pelleted commercially. all rat dams were fed the 30ML2 diet ad libitum during gestation. Beginning at parturition, the dams were fed either the 1. 0ML2, 2. 30ML2 (food restricted), or 3. 30ML2 (ad libitum) diets. All pups were fed the 30ML2 diet ad libitum from 23 to 40 d of age. From d 40 to 150, all pups were fed Ralston Rodent Laboratory Chow. The 30ML2 diet was found to be nutritionally efficacious; litter size and pup growth were normal and pup mortality was only 1.2%. Pups (ZD) with access to the 0ML2 diet until 23 d of age and nursed by dams fed the 0ML2 diet, when compared to pups (PF) fed restricted amounts of the 30ML2 diet, exhibited increased mortality and decreased concentrations of tibial zinc but no change in growth. Inadequate zinc nutriture during infancy, despite postlactational zinc repletion, induced imbalances in adult bone mineral metabolism. Thus, at 150 d of age, the ZD pups exhibited increased levels of bone P and Mg and decreased concentrations of K as compared to the PF pups.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether dietary boron (B) affects the strength, density and mineral composition of teeth and mineral density of alveolar bone in rabbits with apparent obesity induced by a high-energy diet. Sixty female, 8-month-old, New Zealand rabbits were randomly assigned for 7 months into five groups as follows: (1) control 1, fed alfalfa hay only (5.91 MJ/kg and 57.5 mg B/kg); (2) control 2, high energy diet (11.76 MJ and 3.88 mg B/kg); (3) B10, high energy diet + 10 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h; (4) B30, high energy diet + 30 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h; (5) B50, high energy diet + 50 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h. Maxillary incisor teeth of the rabbits were evaluated for compression strength, mineral composition, and micro-hardness. Enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp tissue were examined histologically. Mineral densities of the incisor teeth and surrounding alveolar bone were determined by using micro-CT. When compared to controls, the different boron treatments did not significantly affect compression strength, and micro-hardness of the teeth, although the B content of teeth increased in a dose-dependent manner. Compared to control 1, B50 teeth had decreased phosphorus (P) concentrations. Histological examination revealed that teeth structure (shape and thickness of the enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp) was similar in the B-treated and control rabbits. Micro CT evaluation revealed greater alveolar bone mineral density in B10 and B30 groups than in controls. Alveolar bone density of the B50 group was not different than the controls. Although the B treatments did not affect teeth structure, strength, mineral density and micro-hardness, increasing B intake altered the mineral composition of teeth, and, in moderate amounts, had beneficial effects on surrounding alveolar bone.  相似文献   

Mineral and trace element interactions were studied in a balance trial with rats. Calcium, copper, and zinc were supplied to a rapeseed meal diet in a factorial design. Animals were fedad libitum, and absorption, excretion, and retention of the elements were evaluated either as fractions of total intake or in relation to nitrogen retention to account for differences in food intake and lean body mass increment. The intrinsic content of minerals and trace elements was sufficient to support growth at a rate that could be expected from the rapeseed protein quality. However, when calcium was included in the diet, the intrinsic dietary level of zinc appeared to be limiting, despite the fact that the zinc level was twice the recommended level. Additional zinc supply reversed growth impairment. This calcium-zinc interaction is believed to be owing to the formation of phytate complexes. Calcium addition influenced the calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and iron—but not the copper—balances. The addition of calcium reduced the availability of the intrinsic zinc, whereas no effect was seen in the zinc-fortified groups. The availability of intrinsic copper was in a similar way significantly impaired by addition of dietary zinc, where-as copper-supplied groups were unaffected by zinc addition. Intrinsic iron availability was also dependent upon zinc addition, although in a more ambigouus way. Thus, addition of extrinsic minerals to a diet high in phytate can result in significant impairments of growth and mineral utilization.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the concentrations of macronutrients and the mineral and trace element composition in maternal milk of Japanese women. We collected human milk samples from mothers living throughout Japan from December 1998 to September 1999, and defined as group A the 1197 samples among them that met the following conditions: breast milk of mothers who were under 40 years old, not in the habit of smoking and/or using vitamin supplements, and whose babies showed no symptoms of atopy and whose birth weights were 2.5 kg or more. We then analyzed their contents individually. We also analyzed the amino acid and free amino acid composition of the breast milk of pooled samples from various lactation stages. Large differences were found to exist among the contents of individual human milk samples. The mean contents of each component were as follows: energy, 66.3+/-13.3 kcal/100 mL; solid matter, 12.46+/-1.56 g/100 mL; ash, 0.19+/-0.06 g/100 mL; total nitrogen, 0.19+/-0.04 g/100 mL; lipids, 3.46+/-1.49 g/100 mL; carbohydrates, 7.58+/-0.77 g/100 mL; lactose, 6.44+/-0.49 g/100 mL; pH, 6.5+/-0.3; osmotic pressure, 299+/-14 mOsm/kg.H2O; chloride, 35.9+/-16.2 mg/100 mL; sodium, 13.5+/-8.7 mg/100 mL; magnesium, 2.7+/-0.9 mg/100 mL; phosphorus, 15.0+/-3.8 mg/100 mL; potassium, 47.0+/-12.1 mg/100 mL; calcium, 25.0+/-7.1 mg/100 mL; chromium, 5.9+/-4.7 microg/100 mL; manganese, 1.1+/-2.3 microg/100mL; iron, 119+/-251 microg/100 mL; copper, 35+/-21 microg/100 mL; zinc, 145+/-135 microg/100 mL; and selenium, 1.7+/-0.6 microg/100 mL. The content of each component varied greatly as the duration of lactation increased. In conclusion, it appears to be necessary to evaluate individual differences of human milk in order to perform valid research regarding infant formula.  相似文献   

Moringa is a mycorrhizal crop cultivated in the tropics and subtropics and appreciated for its nutritive and health-promoting value. As well as improving plant mineral nutrition, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can affect plant synthesis of compounds bioactive against chronic diseases in humans. Rhizophagus intraradices and Funneliformis mosseae were used in a full factorial experiment to investigate the impact of AMF on the accumulation of glucosinolates, flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, and mineral elements in moringa leaves. Levels of glucosinolates were enhanced, flavonoids and phenolic acids were not affected, levels of carotenoids (including provitamin A) were species-specifically reduced, and mineral elements were affected differently, with only Cu and Zn being increased by the AMF. This study presents novel results on AMF effects on glucosinolates in leaves and supports conclusions that the impacts of these fungi on microelement concentrations in edible plants are species dependent. The nonspecific positive effects on glucosinolates and the species-specific negative effects on carotenoids encourage research on other AMF species to achieve general benefits on bioactive compounds in moringa.  相似文献   

Deoxynivalenol (DON), a well-known contaminant of feed, can have negative effects on gut permeability and function in poultry, which then could affect major and trace element content of the broilers’ breast and thigh muscles, and ultimately reduce meat quality. To study this hypothesis, DON-contaminated diet was fed to broiler chicks. Two groups of birds were housed in metabolic cages with free access to water and feed, with or without DON (10 mg/kg). After 5 weeks, birds were dissected and samples of the breast and thigh muscles, feed and droppings were analysed for five macro (Ca, K, Mg, Na, and P) and ten micro elements (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Li, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, and Zn) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) methods. In both groups, increased (p?<?0.05) concentrations of Ca Na, Fe, Mn, and Zn were found in thigh muscles compared with the breast, whereas the concentrations of Mg, P, and Rb were higher in the breast muscles. DON had no effect on the elemental contents of the broilers’ breast and thigh muscles. In conclusion, DON at a level of 10 mg/kg feed to broiler chicken over of 5 weeks did not alter the macro or micro element composition in muscle meat.  相似文献   



A Geographical Information System (GIS) approach enhances the acquisition, management, and analysis of trace element data from cortical bone. A high-resolution spatial dimension expands the research potential of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data from cortical bone cross-sections. The chemical characterization of hundreds of osteons, notably sequences of superimposed osteons, permits more exacting studies of individual life histories than is possible with analyses of bulk bone samples.


A GIS procedure was used to estimate Sr, Ba, Pb, and Cu concentrations, originally generated through LA-ICP-MS, for bone microstructural features, notably fragmentary and intact osteons, in a human femoral cross-section. The skeleton is from Ribe, Denmark, and dates to the early modern period.


Postmortem chemical alteration was limited to the bone's outer and inner margins. Two dietary indicators, Sr and Ba, and two socioeconomic indicators, Pb and Cu, measured for individual osteons were correlated with one another. Osteon sequences indicate concentrations of all four elements increased late in life for this individual.


The application of GIS procedures expedites fine-grained analyses of variation in the distribution of trace elements in bone microstructure identifiable in cortical bone cross-sections. It provides an efficient means of extracting the most information possible from LA-ICP-MS data about the lives of people in the past. Combining the two procedures makes it easier to track exposure to elements such as Pb across the part of an individual's life represented by osteon sequences.

The level and/or form of dietary iron, dietary nickel, and the interaction between them affected the trace element content of rat liver. Livers were from the offspring of dams fed diets containing 10–16 ng, or 20 μg, of nickel/g. Dietary iron was supplied as ferric chloride (30 μg/g) or ferric sulfate (30 μg, or 60 μg). In nickel-deprived rats fed 60 μg of iron/g of diet as ferric sulfate, at age 35 days, levels of iron and zinc were depressed in liver and the level of copper was elevated. At age 55 days, iron was still depressed, copper was still elevated, but zinc also was elevated. In rats fed 30 μg of iron/g of diet as ferric chloride, liver iron content was higher in nickel-deprived than in nickel-supplemented rats at 30, but not at 50, days of age. Also manganese and zinc were lower in nickel-deprived than in nickel-supplemented rats at age 35 days if their dams had been on experiment for an extended period of time (i.e., since age 21 days). Thus, the levels of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc in liver were affected by nickel deprivation, but the direction and extent of the affects depended upon the iron status of the rat.  相似文献   

新疆蚁属蚂蚁及元素的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴卫  刘建平  欧阳彤  黄人鑫 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):186-189,F003
我国将蚂蚁食用和药用已有悠久的历史 ,北方省区以蚁属Formica蚂蚁为重要。经调查和鉴定 ,新疆蚁属蚂蚁有 2 2种 ,其中 8种蚁类具有较为丰富的资源 ;对 4种蚂蚁分析测定 ,含有较高的Zn,Mn,Ce,Ca等微量和常量元素 ,说明新疆蚁属蚂蚁具有很好的潜在开发利用价值。  相似文献   

Contamination in a trace element laboratory can come from a variety of sources, including laboratory gloves. Therefore, vinyl and latex gloves were obtained from as many manufacturers as would supply gloves. These gloves were either prepared for acid-washing and subsequent soaking in an acid solution, or immersed in an acid solution for a duration of either 1 min or 1 h. Incubation washes were analyzed for a variety of trace elements by flame atomic abosrption spectroscopy (AAS) or inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results indicated that only three brands of vinyl gloves were acceptable for use in a trace element laboratory, whereas others had contamination of different elements. Latex gloves contained such high levels of biologically important elements that they were not considered suitable for routine trace element work. Vinyl gloves of choice should be routinely acid-washed before use in a trace element laboratory.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the impact of ischemia-reperfusion on antioxidant enzyme activities and trace element concentrations. For this purpose, ischemia was initiated by clamping superior mesenteric artery of Wistar (albino) rats for 30 min, followed by reperfusion for 20 min. Immediately after reperfusion, blood samples were taken and examined for red cell copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn-SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities spectrophotometrically and plasma zinc, copper, and magnesium concentrations by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. In the ischemiareperfusion group, red cell Cu-Zn-SOD activity and plasma zinc and copper concentrations were increased significantly (p<0.001) when compared to the control group; however, the increases in GPx activity and plasma magnesium concentration were not significant (p>0.05). We also found a significant (p<0.01) decrease in catalase activity. Free radicals released as a consequence of ischemia-reperfusion caused significant alterations in antioxidant enzymes and in the concentrations of trace elements. Presented at III International Congress of Pathophysiology 1998, Lahti, Finland.  相似文献   

The mechanism underling bone mineral density (BMD) loss that occurs in the femur after total hip arthroplasty (THA) remains unknown. We compared the equivalent stress and strain energy density (SED) to BMD in the femur after THA using subject-specific finite element analyses. Twenty-four patients who had undergone primary cementless THA were analysed. BMD was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) at 1 week and 3, 6 and 12 months after THA. Seven regions of interest (ROIs) were defined in accordance with Gruen's system (ROIs 1–7). Computed tomography images of the femurs were acquired pre- and postoperatively, and the images were converted into three-dimensional finite element (FE) models. Equivalent stress and SED were analysed and compared with DEXA data. BMD was maintained 1 year after THA in ROIs 3, 4, 5 and 6, whereas BMD decreased in ROIs 1, 2 and 7. FE analysis revealed that equivalent stress in ROIs 3, 4, 5 and 6 was much higher than that in ROIs 1, 2 and 7. A significant correlation was observed between the rate of changes in BMD and equivalent stress. Reduction of equivalent stress may contribute to decrease in BMD in the femur after THA.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si, as silicate) is involved in numerous important structure and function roles in a wide range of organisms, including man. Silicate availability influences metal concentrations within various cell and tissue types, but, as yet, clear mechanisms for such an influence have been discovered only within the diatoms and sponges. In this study, the influence of silicate on the intracellular accumulation of metals was investigated in baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). It was found that at concentrations up to 10 mM, silicate did not influence the growth rate of S. cerevisiae within a standard complete medium. However, an 11% growth inhibition was observed when silicate was present at 100 mM. Intracellular metal concentrations were investigated in yeast cultures grown without added silicate (−Si) or with the addition of 10 mM silicate (+Si). Decreased amounts of Co (52%), Mn (35%), and Fe (20%) were found within +Si-grown yeast cultures as compared to −Si-grown ones, whereas increased amounts of Mo (56%) and Mg (38%) were found. The amounts of Zn and K were apparently unaffected by the presence of silicon. +Si enhanced the yeast growth rate for low-Zn2+ medium, but it decreased the growth rate under conditions of a low Mg2+ medium and did not alter the growth rates in high Zn2+ and Co2+ media. +Si doubled the uptake rate of Co2+ but did not influence that of Zn2+. We propose that a possible explanation for these results is that polysilicate formation at the cell wall changes the cell wall binding capacity for metal ions. The toxicity of silicate was compared to germanium (Ge, as GeO2), a member of the same group of elements as Si (group 14). Hence, Si and Ge are chemically similar, but silicate starts to polymerize to oligomers above 5 mM, whereas Ge salts remain as monomers at such concentrations. Ge proved to be far more toxic to yeast than Si and no influence of Si on Ge toxicity was found. We propose that these results relate to differences in cellular uptake.  相似文献   

Convincing evidence that silicon is a bioactive beneficial trace element continues to accumulate. The evidence, which has come from human, animal, and in vitro studies performed by several laboratories, indicate that silicon in nutritional and supra nutritional amounts promotes bone and connective tissue health, may have a modulating effect on the immune or inflammatory response, and has been associated with mental health. A plausible mechanism of action for the beneficial effects of silicon is the binding of hydroxyl groups of polyols such that it influences the formation and/or utilization of glycosaminoglycans, mucopolysaccharides, and collagen in connective tissue and bone. In addition, silicon may affect the absorption, retention or action of other mineral elements (e.g., aluminum, copper, magnesium). Based on findings from both animal and human experiments, an intake of silicon of near 25 mg/d would be a reasonable suggestion for an adequate intake that would assure its nutritional benefits. Increased intakes of silicon through consuming unrefined grains, certain vegetables, and beverages and cereals made from grains should be recognized as a reasonable dietary recommendation.  相似文献   

Lanthanides, because of their diversified physical and chemical effects, have been widely used in a number of fields. As a result, more and more lanthanides are entering the environment and eventually accumulating in the human body. Previous studies indicate that the impact of lanthanides on brain function cannot be neglected. Although neurological studies of trace elements are of paramount importance, up to now, little data are provided regarding the status of micronutritional elements in rats after prenatal and long-term exposure to lanthanide. The aim of this study is to determine the ytterbium (Yb) and trace elements distribution in brain and organic tissues of offspring rats after prenatal and long-term exposure to Yb. Wistar rats were exposed to Yb through oral administration at 0,0.1, 2, and 40 mg Yb/kg concentrations from gestation day 0 through 5 mo of age. Concentrations of Yb and other elements (Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn) in the serum, liver, femur, and brain regions (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and the rest) of offspring rats at the age of 0 d, 25 d, and 5 mo were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The accumulation of Yb in the brain, liver, and femur is observed; moreover, the levels of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ca, and Mg in the brain and organic tissues of offspring rats are also altered after Yb exposure. This disturbance of the homeostasis of trace elements might induce adverse effects on normal physiological functions of the brain and other organs.  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠灌木根际中、微量元素含量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了阿拉善干旱荒漠区霸王、白刺、红砂、沙冬青、沙木蓼、梭梭和驼绒藜7种旱生灌木根际与非根际土壤Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu的含量特征.结果表明:(1)除梭梭根际pH值高于非根际之外,其余6种灌木根际土壤均表现出不同程度的酸化作用.(2)7种灌木根际全钙和交换性钙的含量均低于非根际.除沙木蓼和驼绒藜外,其余5种灌木根际全镁含量均高于非根际,白刺的富集率最高,为43.04%;除沙木蓼外,其余灌木根际交换性镁的含量均有所富集,梭梭的富集率最高,为26.52%.(3)7种灌木根际全铁、全锰、全锌含量总体上小于非根际,但是根际有效铁、有效锰、有效锌含量均大于非根际,表现出明显的富集效应,沙木蓼根际有效铁、有效锰、有效锌的富集率最高,分别为:29.76%、20.92%、86.99%.(4)沙木蓼根际全铜和有效铜含量略高于非根际.梭梭根际全铜含量低于非根际,但梭梭根际有效铜含量却有富集的趋势.其余五种灌木根际全铜和有效铜含量均低于非根际.(5)根际及非根际土壤各养分性状之间,存在复杂的相关性.  相似文献   

Pistia stratiotes L. in a Nigerian lake receiving organic and laboratory chemical wastes, accumulated trace elements from the lake water. Its possible use in the treatment of specific industrial wastes or in selective enrichment of specific elements is discussed.  相似文献   

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