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Previous studies with the lymphokine, histamine-releasing activity (HRA), showed that HRA consisted of a heterogeneous group of molecules. The possibility of using thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) as a source of large quantities of HRA has been investigated. Antigen-stimulated TDL synthesize and release HRA in quantities similar to an equivalent number of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Streptokinase (SK) antigen routinely caused TDL to produce HRA approximately 15,000 Da. In contrast, staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB) induced the formation of a heterogeneous mixture of HRAs with apparent molecular weights of 50,000 and 15,000. Two peaks of activity (HRA I and II) were recovered when the supernatant from SK-stimulated TDL was subjected to ion-exchange chromatography. Interestingly, basophil chemotactic activity (BCA) was also eluted in these two peaks. Although interferon (IFN) is also released by antigen-stimulated TDL, the nonidentity of IFN and HRA was established by fundamental differences in chromatographic properties and specific antisera to IFN. In contrast, these studies suggest that HRA and BCA may be present on the same molecular entity.  相似文献   

The production of large quantities of the lymphokine(s) histamine-releasing activity (HRA) and its partial purification by Sephadex G-75 and ion-exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl (CM) Sepharose 6B have been detailed (M. A. Lett-Brown, D. O. Thueson, D. E. Plank, M. P. Langford, and J. A. Grant, Cell. Immunol. 87, 434-444, 1984). Two peaks of activity (HRA I and II) were recovered. Preparations of HRA have now been analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Thoracic duct lymphocytes stimulated with 200 U/ml streptokinase were used as a source of HRA. Gel-filtration HPLC on a TSK 3000 column separated HRA into two peaks of activity (10,000-20,000 and 1300 Da). Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using a Nucleosil C-8 column showed that HRA II (the activity eluted at a conductivity of 18-20 mmho on the CM-Sepharose column) eluted as a single sharp peak, the main protein contaminant being cytochrome c, the carrier protein added to enhance the yield of HRA. High-performance liquid chromatography was found to be a useful analytical tool and may be suitable for the large-scale purification of HRA.  相似文献   

A simple, sensitive precipitin-type single-cell secretion assay is described and applied to the study of immunoglobulin-secreting cells. Evidence is presented that its efficiency is comparable to that achieved with reverse hemolytic plaque techniques. Also described is a modification of the simplified procedure which possesses substantially increased sensitivity. Enhanced sensitivity is achieved through the use of monoclonal rheumatoid factors which preferentially react with rabbit or human immunoglobulins that are incorporated into immune complexes as a result of interaction with antigen. Addition of rheumatoid factor to the agarose-cell mixture leads to additional crosslinking of immune complexes that form around active cells, thereby increasing the probability of forming a detectable precipitate. The application of this procedure to the detection of cells producing T-cell products is also discussed.  相似文献   

Significant differences in the glucocorticoid- and cyclic nucleotide-mediated regulation of the secretory glycoproteins, α-fetoprotein and transferrin, have been observed to develop in a mouse hepatoma cell line, Hepa-2, after many passages in culture. Treatment of low-passage cells with hydrocortisone (10?6m), N6,O2-dibutyryl cyclic AMP (10?3m), or 8-bromo-cyclic AMP (10?3m) results in 1.5-, 2- to 4-, and 5.5- to 6-fold increases, respectively, in the rates of synthesis and secretion of α-fetoprotein. As expected of secretory proteins, the ratio of synthesis to secretion is 1 and remains unaltered when treatment with hydrocoritsone, N6,O2-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and 8-bromo-cyclic AMP causes a stimulation of synthesis and secretion. Similar studies showing that albumin and transferrin synthesis and secretion are also balanced in these low-passage cells have been published and indicate that the regulation of synthesis and secretion remains coupled in these low-passage cells. In high-passage Hepa-2 cells, however, we have shown that the relative rate of α-fetoprotein synthesis is higher than its rate of secretion and that the ratio of synthesis to secretion is 4. Similarly, the ratio of transferrin synthesis to secretion is 3.6, whereas it remains unaltered for albumin. When the high-passage cells are treated with N6,O2-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, there is a greater increase in the rate of secretion for both glycoproteins, resulting in a reduction of the ratio of synthesis to secretion from 4 to 1.63 for α-fetoprotein and from 3.6 to 2.3 for transferrin. This effect on the secretion of α-fetoprotein and transferrin is specific for the cyclic nucleotides and occurs only in high-passage cells. Hydrocortisone treatment causes an increase in α-fetoprotein synthesis and secretion. However, the ratio of synthesis to secretion increases from 3.96 in control to 5.5 in treated cells. Our studies show, therefore, that there is an increase in this ratio because of a slightly greater effect on synthesis which is not reflected in secretion. Similarly, hydrocortisone exerts a greater increase in transferrin synthesis than secretion and causes the ratio of synthesis to secretion to increase from 3.6 to 6.2. We propose that during continued subculturing a Hepa-2 variant is selected in which the regulation of serum glycoprotein synthesis and secretion is uncoupled. Furthermore, this effect is specific for secretory glycoproteins since the regulation of albumin synthesis and secretion by hydrocortisone and cyclic nucleotides remained unaltered.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes were separated from whole blood on a Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. They were then depleted of monocytes, separated into T and non-T fractions, and assayed for locomotor responses toward casein and endotoxin-activated serum in Boyden chambers. Non-T cells showed higher random motility than did T cells. Culture prior to assay was necessary in order to demonstrate locomotor activity of T cells, but this requirement, although desirable, was not essential for non-T lymphocytes. It was not necessary for Con A to be present in the culture medium or for either T or non-T lymphocytes to be in blast form to show locomotion.  相似文献   

By use of an accurate procedure for the measurement of relative numbers of murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) marked differences of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-specific CTL in spleens were found among mouse strains that ranged from low over intermediate and high to very high, suggesting a gradient of responses rather than distinct classes. Differences were also found between mice sharing the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

R Rosa  I Audit  J Rosa 《Biochimie》1975,57(9):1059-1063
Electrophoresis of 3-phosphoglycerate mutase from erythrocytes of man and several animal species has been performed on cellulose acetate strips. In most cases the electrophoretic pattern of this enzymatic activity shows three bands. 2,3-diphosphoglycerate phosphatase and diphosphoglycerate mutase from erythrocytes of the same species have been revealed after migration during the same electrophoresis. We found that the band of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate phosphatase and the band of diphosphoglycerate mutase activities migrate at the same level as one of the bands corresponding to 3-phosphoglycerate mutase. Here, we discuss the possible existence of a single molecule carrying three enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic properties of rat hepatic prolactin receptors have been determined by a combination of gel chromatography and ultracentrifugation. Prolactin receptors were detergent extracted from partially purified plasma membranes prepared from female rat livers. Fifteen different nonionic detergents were tested for solubilizing prolactin receptors, including Triton X-100, Polyoxyethylene W-1, Lubrol WX, detergents of the Tween and Brij series, and digitonin. When the receptors were detergent solubilized after ligand was bound to the receptor, 1% Triton X-100 had the highest efficacy of solubilization. However, if the receptors were solubilized prior to exposure to ligand, maximum binding was to receptors solubilized with 0.25% Triton X-100. The Kd of 43.2–74.5 pM for binding to the soluble receptor was three to fivefold lower than the Kd for the membrane receptor. Gel chromatography (Bio-Gel A-1.5m, 2.5 × 50 cm) of the soluble receptor indicated a Stokes radius (Rs) of 5.0 nm for the hormonereceptor-detergent complex. The hydrodynamic properties of the receptor-detergentligand complex were determined by centrifugation in 5–20% sucrose gradients in H2O and in D2O. They are v? = 0.7; s20,w = 4.7; ff0 = 1.49; Mr = 118,000 for the complex, 73,000 for the receptor alone. Approximately 0.22 mg of Triton X-100 is estimated bound per milligram of protein. This represents about 25 mol detergent/mol receptor.  相似文献   

The relationship between autorosettes and allorosettes was investigated using a mixed rosette assay in which the origin of the erythrocytes was assessed by the fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeling of one type of erythrocyte. The data show that auto- and allorosettes belong to the same T-cell subset: (1) in most of the subjects, the percentages of T cells binding autologous red blood cells (auto-RBC) are equivalent to those binding allogeneic RBC (allo-RBC); (2) the percentage of rosettes formed after the simultaneous addition of auto- and allo-RBC is similar to that of autorosettes alone or allorosettes alone; and (3) nearly 80% of the resetting cells bind both types of RBC as directly visualized in the mixed rosette assay. The experiments in which the lymphocytes are resetted first with one type of RBC, and then with the other type support the finding that auto- and allo-RBC may bind to the lymphocytes through a single receptor which exhibits a varying affinity for RBC according to their origin.  相似文献   

An NADH-dependent 15-ketoprostaglandin Δ13 reductase has been purified to near homogeneity from human placenta by a procedure which includes affinity chromatography on blue Sepharose. The enzyme utilizes as substrates 15-ketoprostaglandins of the E, F, A, and B series, and the reaction is experimentally irreversible. Molecular weight estimations on Sephadex G-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfate disc gel electrophoresis suggest that the enzyme is a dimer. The subunits appear to be similar in size if not identical and have a molecular weight of 35,000. The mechanism of the reaction of 15-ketoprostaglandin E2 and NADH catalyzed by this enzyme has been investigated by steady-state kinetic methods. The 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin product is an inhibitor of the reaction, being competitive with respect to 15-ketoprostaglandin E2 and noncompetitive with respect to NADH; NAD+ does not inhibit the reaction. NADPH and Cibacron blue 3G-A are “dead-end” inhibitors of the reaction; both act competitively with respect to NADH and noncompetitively with respect to 15-ketoprostaglandin E2. These observations are consistent with a rapid equilibrium random mechanism with the formation of an unreactive enzyme · NADH · 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin E2 complex. The interaction of NADPH and Cibacron blue 3G-A with the free enzyme was investigated further by fluorimetry. Both substances bind to the free enzyme and quench its fluorescence. This property was utilized to titrate the enzyme, and a value of 3.28 × 10?11 mol of binding sites/mU of enzyme was obtained.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) from B10.D2, B10.BR, and (B10.D2 × B10.BR)F1 mice of different ages have been activated by irradiated “wild-type” H2Kb antigens (from B10.A(3R) mice) under limiting dilution conditions such that cytotoxic cells in responder wells represent the progeny of a single CTLp. After expansion in the presence of IL2 and irradiated C57B1/6Kha spleen cells the contents of each well were divided into equal aliquots and tested for lysis with a panel of selected H2Kb mutant targets. As has been observed for the murine B-cell repertoire, there seems to be substantially more homogeneity in the neonatal allo-T-cell repertoire than in the adult mouse. Furthermore, while the adult F1 repertoire is markedly distinct from that expressed by either parental T-lymphocyte pool, the neonatal repertoire apparently reflects a relatively accurate composite of each parental population, codominantly expressed. These data, combined with studies of adult bone marrow radiation chimeras, suggest that during development of the adult T-lymphocyte repertoire from the initially expressed restricted (germ-line?) recognition specificities, somatic diversification driven by environmental (MHC?) antigenic determinants occurs. In addition to this ontogenetic development, during senescence another “regulation” of the repertoire becomes apparent, and once more the heterogeneity of recognition specificities is diminished. Nevertheless, the homogeneity seen in aged mice does not represent a simple return to the expression of the limited number of allo-specificities encoded in the neonatal repertoire.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity has been implicated in several key processes in early development. In an attempt to correlate proteolytic activity with developmental events, a study of the protease(s) in undeveloped cysts of Artemia salina was initiated using 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid to determine the release of amino groups upon protein hydrolysis. The versatility and sensitivity of this reagent made it possible to detect and characterize the proteolytic activity in small quantities of cysts of the brine shrimp. A protease with a molecular weight of 84,000, a pH optimum of 3.6, and a temperature optimum of 45°C was partially purified from Artemia cysts using ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. In addition, two acid protease inhibitors, one dialyzable and one nondialyzable, were found in crude extracts of the cysts. The latter was partially purified and found to have a molecular weight of between 10,000 and 20,000. The activity of the acid protease is not dependent on CaCl2 or EDTA, but CaCl2 in the reaction mixture increases the rate of inactivation of the nondialyzable protease inhibitor. The inhibitors may complex with the acid protease in the embryo and control its activity during development.  相似文献   

Murine histocompatibility antigens were solubilized from the spleens and lungs of C57BL/6 (H-2b) animals with hypertonic salt (3 M KC1). Aggregate-free soluble antigens were incubated with nonadherent lymph node cells from BALB/c (H-2d) mice for 18 hr prior to their use as responder cells in the mixed-lymphocyte reaction (MLR). It was found that the generation of cytotoxic cells was suppressed while the proliferative response was not affected. The observed suppression was not due to a shift in the kinetics of the generation of cytotoxicity as determined throughout a 10-day culture period. The suppression was specific in that the response in MLR to unrelated H-2f stimulator cells and the subsequent generation of cytotoxic cells were unchanged. Using various H-2 recombinant strains as target cells in the assay of cell-mediated lympholysis, suppression of cytotoxicity was observed when the D end, but not the K end, was shared with the C57BL/6 strain from which the antigens were derived.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the course of Leishmania tropica infection of BALB/ c, CBA, and (BALB/c × CBA)F1 mice in vivo and the growth of the parasite in isolated adherent skin cells in vitro. The susceptible phenotype of the BALB/c mouse was reflected in an innate susceptibility of a discrete subpopulation of adherent skin cells to permit extensive and prolonged growth and replication of the parasite in tissue culture. When cells infected in culture were used to stimulate proliferation of immune lymphocytes from “cured” mice, the skin cells of susceptible BALB/c mice were deficient in their ability to induce proliferation of lymphocytes of BALB/c, CBA, or BCF1 origin (all immunized in the appropriate bone marrow reconstituted irradiated BCF1 hosts). In contrast, these skin cells were able to induce proliferation of immune lymphocytes if the L. tropica antigen source used was a soluble excreted extract (EF), rather than that produced by a live parasite infection. Stimulation of naive lymphocytes using an infected adherent skin cell population from BALB/c mice was found to produce a cell population(s) (Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2+ and including some Lyt-1+ cells) able to inhibit subsequent sensitization of normal BCF1 lymph node cells by L. tropica antigens. The susceptibility of the BALB/c mouse in vivo thus may be attributable to the early contact of T-lymphocyte subsets in BALB/c mice with the high-antigen load maintained in this discrete skin cell population. These particular skin cells were also found to express low levels of Ia antigens.  相似文献   

Lung tissue obtained from fetal rabbits of 23 days gestational age was maintained in organ culture to study the in vitro formation of lamellar body phospholipids. During the culture period, the epithelium of the prealveolar ducts of the explants differentiated to form type II pneumonocytes. After 8 days in culture, the explants were harvested, homogenized, and two lamellar body fractions were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The lamellar body fraction which best retained the distinct multilamellar structure was recovered at the interface between a solution of buffer without sucrose and buffer containing 0.41 m sucrose. The phospholipid compositions of both lamellar body fractions were similar to those reported for lamellar bodies and surfactant isolated from fetal rabbit lung, with the exception of a slightly higher phosphatidylethanolamine content. The disaturated phosphatidylcholine content of the lamellar body fractions, expressed as a percentage of total lipid phosphorus, was not influenced by the presence of palmitate in the medium.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice is dependent upon the use of Bordetella pertussis suspensions as an adjuvant. Intravenous administration of B. pertussis causes an increased vascular permeability in brain tissue and an increased vascular sensitivity to vasoactive amines which promotes the development of EAE. The efficacy of different batches and strains of B. pertussis in the expression of EAE closely correlates with the vasoactive amine sensitization activity of each material tested. Pertussigen, the histamine sensitizing factor (HSF), is responsible for these adjuvant properties whereas purified endotoxin is inactive. The effect of cimetidine, diphenhydramine, methysergide, reserpine, and cyproheptadine on B. pertussis induced histamine sensitivity and the expression of EAE are examined. Cyproheptadine, an agent with mixed histamine and serotonin blocking properties, blocks both B. pertussis-induced vasoactive amine sensitization and the expression of EAE.  相似文献   

A Δ13-15-ketoprostaglandin reductase has been isolated from human placenta and purified 800-fold. The enzyme utilizes NADH as a cofactor but not NADPH. It reduces the 13,14 double bond in 15-ketoprostaglandin E1, E2 and F. The KM apparent for NADH is 54.8 μM and the KM apparent for 15-ketoprostaglanding E2 is 7.0 μM. The partially purified enzyme contains no 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial respiration was studied as a function of the total adenine nucleotide content of rat liver mitochondria. The adenine nucleotide content was varied by treating isolated mitochondria with pyrophosphate or by incubating pyrophosphate-treated mitochondria with ATP. Mitochondria with at least 4 nmol adenine nucleotides/mg protein maintained at least 80% of the State 3 activity of control mitochondria, which had approximately 10 nmol/mg protein. However, State 3 decreased rapidly once the adenine nucleotide content fell below 4 nmol/mg protein. Between 2 and 4 nmol adenine nucleotides/mg, State 3 was not limited by the maximal capacity of electron flow as measured by the uncoupled respiration. However, at very low adenine nucleotide levels (<2 nmol/mg), the uncoupled rates of respiration were markedly depressed. State 4 was not affected by changes in the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide content. Adenine translocase activity varied in almost direct correlation with changes in the adenine nucleotide content. Therefore, adenine translocase activity was more sensitive than State 3 to changes in total adenine nucleotides over the range of 4 to 10 nmol/mg protein. The results suggest that (i) State 3 is dependent on the level of intramitochondrial adenine nucleotides, particularly in the range below 4 nmol/mg protein, (ii) adenine translocase activity is not rate-limiting for oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria with the normal complement of adenine nucleotides, however, at low adenine nucleotide levels, depressed State 3 rates may be explained in part by the low rate of ADP translocation, and (iii) a mechanism of net ATP uptake exists in mitochondria with low internal adenine nucleotides.  相似文献   

An NADP-linked 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase has been identified in human placental tissue and partially purified. Prostaglandins of the A and B series are good substrates for this enzyme while those of the E and F series are not. This enzymic preparation also catalyzes oxido-reductions at the 9 position of the prostaglandin molecule; these are slow compared to those occurring at the 15 position of the prostaglandins in the A and B series. Disc gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme reveals the presence of three protein bands which contain dehydrogenase activity. Boiled placental homogenates contain an inhibitor which appears to be specific for the NADP-linked 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase. The inhibitor is heat stable and has a molecular weight of 6,000 – 7,000.  相似文献   

High-pressure liquid chromatography capable of resolving all known vitamin D metabolites and a sensitive competitive binding protein assay specific for 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were used to assay the blood of rats dosed with ethanol, 1α-hydroxyvitamin D3, 24R-hydroxy-25-fluorovitamin D3, or 1α-hydroxy-25-fluorovitamin D3. Compared to the ethanoldosed animals, the blood of rats dosed with 1α-hydroxyvitamin D3 had increased levels of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3; but those dosed with the fluorinated vitamins did not. Instead, their blood contained a compound that cochromatographs with 1α,24R-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on high-pressure liquid chromatography and binds to the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor proteins. 1α,24R-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 binds as well as 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 to the chick-intestinal cytosol receptor protein for 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3; whereas 1α,24S-dihydroxyvitamin D3 binds only one-tenth as well as 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Thus it appears that in vivo, the fluorinated vitamin D compounds are converted to a compound likely to be 1α,24R-dihydroxy-25-fluorovitamin D3 and that may rival the potency of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.  相似文献   

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