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小麦印度腥黑粉菌与近似种的形态学比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对小麦印度腥黑粉菌及其近似种的形态学特征进行了系统研究。T. indica和T. horrida不同菌株冬孢子大小变化范围均较大。在所研究的种中,T. indica与T. walkeri最近似,前者冬孢子大小平均值比后者略大,分别为:38.35?5.92祄和32.86?1.53祄。T. indica与其它具有疣状或刺状突起的腥黑粉菌:T. horrida, T. barclayana, T. setariae, T. opaca, T. sumatii和T. savilei等区别明显,T. indica冬孢子大小平均值明显大于这些腥黑粉菌,前者大于30祄,后者则小于30祄, T. indica孢壁纹饰与这些腥黑粉菌也有一定区别。应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,能将T. indica与除T. walkeri之外的其它近似种区别开,但在区别T. indica与T. walkeri方面则有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

目的:研究提取不同时期小麦网腥黑粉菌冬孢子总DNA的最佳方法。方法:应用改良过的四种方法(CTAB法、SDS-CTAB法、SDS法和尿素法)对小麦网腥黑粉菌冬孢子总DNA进行提取。结果:提取当年小麦网腥黑粉菌冬孢子DNA,纯度(OD260/OD280):CTAB法〉SDS-CTAB法〉SDS法〉尿素法=1.876〉1.7815〉1.7789〉1.6095;产率(μg/g):SDS-CTAB法〉SDS法〉尿素法〉CTAB法=796.25〉664〉306〉291.5。提取15年的小麦网腥黑粉菌冬孢子DNA,纯度(OD260/OD280):CTAB法〉SDS-CTAB法〉SDS法〉尿素法=1.91795〉1.8876〉1.65985〉1.55925;产率(μg/g):尿素法〉CTAB法〉SDS法〉SDS-CTAB法=1529.25〉799〉687.25〉372.5。结论:SDS-CTAB法是提取当年小麦网腥黑粉菌冬孢子DNA的最佳方法。CTAB法是提取15年的小麦网腥黑粉菌冬孢子DNA的最佳方法。  相似文献   

小麦K型及V型细胞质雄性不育系线粒体DNA的比较分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用RFLP和RAPD技术对具有相同核遗传背景的小麦K型不育系K149A,V型不育系V149A及相应保持系149B的线粒体DNA进行了比较分析。结果表明它们之间线粒体DNA的结构显著不同,atpA,atp9,coxⅡ,cob等线粒体功能基因有组织结构上的差异。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA( mtDNA)分析在揭示物种亲缘关系、遗传比较、系统进化和遗传结构等领域的研究中得到了广泛的应用,尤其是在海洋动物的遗传结构研究中发挥了重要的作用.介绍线粒体DNA的结构特征、多态性研究方法,并对其在海洋动物群体遗传结构研究中的应用进行了综述.  相似文献   

目的:对2种常用的线粒体DNA提取方法进行比较,分析提取物中核DNA的存在情况,同时建立新检测方法降低线粒体假基因干扰。方法:以仅在核DNA中存在的基因β-actin作为核DNA存在的标定基因,通过PCR方法扩增线粒体DNA上的一段基因MTND5-2,并以β-actin做参比,比较常用的2种提取线粒体DNA方法的优劣,即碱法Ⅰ(先提取完整线粒体后从中获得线粒体DNA)和碱法Ⅱ(根据线粒体DNA与核DNA的结构差异,从中获得双链环状的线粒体DNA)。结果:2种线粒体DNA提取方法并不能获得仅含线粒体DNA的纯提取物,碱法Ⅰ获得的线粒体DNA纯度相对较高;以碱法Ⅰ提取物为模板进行PCR,可获得更多较纯的线粒体目的基因。结论:碱法Ⅰ较碱法Ⅱ可获得更纯的线粒体来源的目的基因;新建方法可获得较纯的线粒体基因,且是一种简单、方便、经济的方法。  相似文献   

闫华超 《生物技术通讯》2010,21(2):280-283,294
结合动物线粒体基因组的最新研究进展,对目前动物线粒体基因序列的分析技术进行了概述,分析了应用较广的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)、序列特异性寡核苷酸分析(SSO)、DNA芯片、单链构象多态性(SSCP)、变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和竞争性寡核苷酸引物延伸(COP)等技术的原理、方法和适用范围,并对它们在线粒体基因的遗传、起源和进化等热点问题中的应用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

袁娟  张其中  罗芬 《生态科学》2008,27(4):272-276
鱼类是脊椎动物亚门中种属数量最多的类群,分布广泛,起源复杂,拥有丰富的遗传多样性.多种自然和人为因素对鱼类遗传资源存在不同程度的作用,对鱼类生存和进化有重要影响.采用分子手段探讨鱼类遗传资源现状,可为遗传育种、鱼类进化研究和遗传资源保护等提供一定科学依据.以鱼类线粒体DNA(mtDNA)为代表的分子标记技术已被用于研究鱼类群体遗传结构及其与影响因素间的关系.本文综述了鱼类mtDNA的结构特征及其在鱼类分子群体遗传研究中的应用,对了解和运用mtDNA等分子标记研究鱼类群体遗传具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

小麦K型及V型细胞质雄性不育系线粒体DNA的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用RFLP(restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphism)和RAPD(radomlyamplifiedpolymorphicDNA)技术对具有相同核遗传背景的小麦K型不育系K149A、V型不育系V149A及相应保持系149B的线粒体DNA进行了比较分析。结果表明它们之间线粒体DNA的结构显著不同,atpA,atp9,coxII,cob等线粒体功能基因有组织结构上的差异。推测线粒体DNA是小麦K、V型雄性不育系胞质不育困子的载体。但由于不育系与保持系间线粒体DNA差异甚大,难以确定究竞哪些差异确与雄性不育有关。仅仅比较不育系和保持系间线粒体DNA的差异是限制本领域取得突破性进展的症结所在。基于“核质工作”的思路,把“雄性不育-育性恢复”作为一个整体来考虑,并重视比较不育系和杂种F1代之间线粒体DNA的结构和表达的差异,所得结果对寻找和鉴定cms因子,进而阐明cms的形成机理有积极意义。  相似文献   

At present, the Tibetan Mastiff is the oldest and most ferocious dog in the world. However, the origin of the Tibetan Mastiff and its Phylogenetic relationship with other large breed dogs such as Saint Bernard are unclear. In this study, the primers were designed according to the mitochondrial genome sequence of the domestic dog, and the 2,525 bp mitochondrial sequence, containing the whole sequence of Cytochrome b, tRNA-Thr, tRNA-Pro, and control region of the Tibetan Mastiff, was obtained. Using grey wolves and coyotes as outgroups, the Tibetan Mastiff and 12 breeds of domestic dogs were analyzed in phylogenesis. Tibetan Mastiff, domestic dog breeds, and grey wolves were clustered into a group and coyotes were clustered in a group separately. This indicated that the Tibetan Mastiff and the other domestic dogs originated from the grey wolf, and the Tibetan Mastiff belonged to Carnivora, Canidae, Canis, Canis lupus, Canis lupus familiaris on the animal taxonomy. In domestic dogs, the middle and small breed dogs were clustered at first; German Sheepdog, Swedish Elkhound, and Black Russian Terrier were clustered into one group, and the Tibetan Mastiff, Old English Sheepdog, Leonberger, and Saint Bernard were clustered in another group. This confirmed the viewpoint that many of the famous large breed dogs worldwide Such as Saint Bernard possibly had the blood lineage of the Tibetan Mastiff, based on the molecular data. According to the substitution rate, we concluded that the approximate divergence time between Tibetan Mastiff and grey wolf was 58,000 years before the present (YBP), and the approximate divergence time between other domestic dogs and grey wolf was 42,000 YBP, demonstrating that the time of origin of the Tibetan Mastiff was earlier than that of the other domestic dogs.  相似文献   

周志军  尚娜  刘静  常岩林  石福明 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1770-1777
采用PCR扩增结合DNA克隆测序技术,分析了斑翅草螽Conocephalus maculates 9个地理种群mtDNA控制区序列的变异及遗传多样性。切除侧翼RNA基因序列后,最终获得的斑翅草螽mtDNA控制区比对后全长为676 bp,平均碱基组成T(37.8%),C(11.7%),A(41.3%)和G(9.1%)。共检测到98个可变位点,占总位点数的14.5%,其中,9处碱基插入/缺失,74处转换(40个T/C,34个A/G),50处颠换(18个A/T,11个T/G,15个A/C,6个C/G)。共定义46个单倍型,其中,4个为种群间共享单倍型(H02、H05、H08和H10),其余42个为各种群独有单倍型,包括6个种群内共享单倍型(H09、H11、H15、H18、H26和H38)。单倍型总数占实验个体总数的69.7%,除四川峨眉山外,其余种群单倍型百分比均﹥50%。通过两两地理种群间的FST值差异显著性检验,将这些群体分为4组,分别为SC+CQ,GX+FLB+HN+YN,XZ和HB。以长瓣草螽C.gladiatus、峨眉草螽C.emeiensis、悦鸣草螽C.melaenus、竹草螽C.bambusanus为外群,构建的斑翅草螽mtDNA控制区单倍型NJ法系统树形成3个自举支持度较高的分支,其中,分支A由28种单倍体组成,包括本研究中除四川峨眉山(SC)和重庆万州(CQ)以外的7个种群;分支B由12种单倍体组成,包含除菲律宾拉乌尼翁(FLB)和江西南昌(JX)以外的7个种群;分支C由6种单倍型组成,全部来自西藏林芝(XZ)的单倍型。聚类结果表明,斑翅草螽不同地理种群间的遗传分化并不明显,即使是两两群体间FST值差异显著的群体,也未能形成完全独立的分支。  相似文献   

PCR-RFLP analysis of the cytochrome b gene in horse mitochondrial DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The mitochondrial DNA sequence of cytochrome b gene in a Thoroughbred horse was determined. By comparing DNA sequences between the Thoroughbred and published sequence data (two horses and one Grevyi zebra), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were designed for amplification of a 590 bp DNA fragment in the cytochrome b gene, and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was studied in 140 horses of six breeds using three restriction enzymes ( AciI, BamHI, RsaI ). Two morphs were found using each of the three enzymes. By combining three enzymes morphs, the 140 horses examined were classified into four types. Type 2 was most frequent in all breeds.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome is a powerful molecule marker to provide information for phylogenetic relationships and revealing molecular evolution in ichthyological studies. Sebastiscus species, a marine rockfish, are of essential economic value. However, the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of Sebastidae have been controversial so far. Here, the mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of three species, S. tertius, S. albofasciatus, and S. marmoratus, were systemically investigated. The lengths of the mitogenomes’ sequences of S. tertius, S. albofasciatus, and S. marmoratus were 16910, 17056, and 17580 bp, respectively. It contained 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and one identical control region (D-loop) among the three species. The genetic distance and Ka/Ks ratio analyses indicated 13 PCGs were suffering purifying selection and the selection pressures were different from certain deep-sea fishes, which were most likely due to the difference in their living environment. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML). Most interestingly, the results indicated that Sebastidae and Scorpaenidae were grouped into a separate branch, so the taxonomic status of Sebastidae should be classified into subfamily Sebastinae. Our results may lead to a taxonomic revision of Scorpaenoidei.  相似文献   

陈磊  张洪海  马建章 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1463-1471
应用Long-PCR和克隆测序法得到蒙古狼(Canis lupus chanco)线粒体基因组全序列,结合GenBank中现有犬科动物线粒体基因组数据,应用最大简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和Bayesian分析法对蒙古狼的系统发育地位进行了探讨。结果如下:蒙古狼线粒体基因组全长16709bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和1个非编码区。序列碱基的组成存在明显的A-T偏好性。tRNA基因中除tRNA-Ser(AGY)缺少双氢尿嘧啶(DHU)臂以外,其余均能折叠成典型的三叶草二级结构。大多数蛋白质编码基因的起始和终止密码子与犬科动物有报道相同,COXⅡ基因的起始密码子为ATA,与其他犬科动物不同。基于12S rRNA+16S rRNA+H链上的12个蛋白质编码基因的联合数据的系统发育分析发现,在已报道的狼亚种数据中,西藏狼(Canis lupus laniger)的分化时间最早,其次为阿拉伯狼(Canis lupus arabs),蒙古狼与欧亚狼(Canis lupuslupus)的系统发育地位最为接近。  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of Cryptotermes domesticus (Haviland) was sequenced and annotated to study its characteristics and the phylogenetic relationship of C. domesticus to other termite species. The mitogenome of C. domesticus is a circular, close, and double-stranded molecule with a length of 15,655 bp. The sequenced mitogenome contains 37 typical genes, which are highly conserved in gene size, organization, and codon usage. Transfer RNA genes (tRNAs) also have typical secondary structures. All of the 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) start with an ATN codon, except for nad4, which starts with GTG and terminates with the terminal codon TAA and TAG or the incomplete form T-- (cox2 and nad5). Most tRNAs have a typical cloverleaf structure, except for trnS1, in which this form is replaced by a simple loop and lacks the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm. The nucleotide diversity (Pi) and nonsynonymous (Ka)/synonymous (Ks) mutation rate ratios indicate that nad1, cox1, and cox3 are the most conserved genes, and that cox1 has the lowest rate of evolution. In addition, an 89 bp repeated sequence was found in the A + T-rich region. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods based on 13 PCGs, and the monophyly of Kalotermitidae was supported.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship of the genera Arthroderma and Nannizzia, was investigated by mitochondrial DNA analysis based on the restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms. Phylogenetic trees made on ten species. A. benhamiae, A. insingulare, A. quadrifidum, A. simii, A. vanbreuseghemii, N. fulva, N. grubyia, N. gypsea, N. incurvata and N. otae showed no definite distinctions between the genera Arthroderma and Nannizzia. These results support the conclusion of Weitzman et al. that the genera Arthroderma and Nannizzia are congeneric.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA from four strains of the oomycete Achlya has been compared and nine gene loci mapped, including that of the ribosomal protein gene, var1. Examination of the restriction enzyme site maps showed the presence of four insertions relative to a map common to all four strains. All the insertions were found in close proximity to genic regions. The four strains also cotained the inverted repeat first observed in A. ambisexualis (Hudspeth et al. 1983), allowing an examination by analysis of retained restriction sites of the evolutionary stability of repeated DNA sequences relative to single copy sequences. Although the inverted repeat is significantly more stable than single copy sequences, more detailed analysis indicated that this stability is limited to the portion encoding the ribosomal RNA genes. Thus, the apparent evolutionary stability of the repeat does not appear to derive from the inverted repeat structure per se.Abbreviations ATPase 6, 9 genes for ATPase subunits 6 and 9 - COI, II, III genes for cytochrome oxidase subunits 1, 2, and 3 - COB gene for apocytochrome b - L-, S-RNA genes for the mitochondrial large and small ribosomal RNAs - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - var1 gene for the S. cerevisiae mitochondrially, encoded ribosomal protein - m.u. map units - bp base pairs - kb kilobase pairs  相似文献   

虾虎鱼类体态变异大、体型小、种类多, 形态鉴定及谱系分类较为困难。为深入开展虾虎鱼类的鉴定、分类及遗传进化等研究, 文章对已获得的26种虾虎鱼线粒体全基因组进行分析。结果发现, 虾虎鱼类线粒体基因组的基因组成及排列模式与大多数脊椎动物线粒体基因组特征基本一致; 由于不同物种的控制区存在不同数量的重复序列而导致基因组序列长度存在明显的差异; 26种虾虎鱼线粒体全基因组序列及不同基因中A+T的含量均超过50%, 并存在碱基G偏倚现象。基于37个编码基因序列, 利用Kimura双参数法计算遗传距离, 发现矛尾刺虾虎鱼与斑尾刺虾虎鱼、斑纹舌虾虎鱼与钝吻舌虾虎鱼分别为同种异名。通过对26种虾虎鱼线粒体基因组控制区序列的比较, 识别了终止结合序列区、中央保守区及保守序列区。利用26种虾虎鱼线粒体基因组的36个编码基因序列构建系统发育树, 发现部分聚类结果不同于传统的形态学分类方式, 虾虎鱼科中的5个亚科出现了明显的分化, 近盲虾虎鱼亚科、背眼虾虎鱼亚科、瓢虾虎鱼亚科亲缘关系较近而聚成一大支, 然后与拟虾虎鱼亚科种类形成姐妹类群, 虾虎鱼亚科与其它的4个亚科亲缘关系较远, 单独成为一个类群。根据分子钟估算结果推测虾虎鱼科物种可能起源于始新世晚期至渐新世时段, 在中新世进一步分化为具有现代表征的虾虎鱼种类。  相似文献   

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