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《Experimental mycology》1994,18(1):20-32
Goodwin, S. B., and Fry, W. E. 1994. Genetic analyses of interspecific hybrids between Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora mirabilis. Experimental Mycology 18, 20-32. Four crosses were made between isolates of two host-specific Phytophthora species. Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora mirabilis. In the two most successful crosses involving a common P. infestans A2 parent, allozyme analysis confirmed that 79 of 86 progeny were interspecific hybrids, 3 were presumed selfs, and 4 were either selfs or nonrecombinant parental types. Mating type, alleles at the allozyme locus glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, and the + alleles at a number of DNA fingerprinting loci segregated independently according to Mendelian expectation. Three DNA fingerprinting loci were tightly linked in P. mirabilis, but no other linkages were detected among these markers. Mitochondrial DNA was uniparentally inherited, mostly from the P. infestans parent. Growth rate segregated as a quantitative character. None of the 68 progeny tested infected Mirabilis jalapa (the host of P. mirabilis), 3 infected potato, and 4 were weakly pathogenic to tomato. Because most of the F1 hybrids could not infect any of the hosts infected by the parents, host specialization could provide a postzygotic as well as a prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanism for P. infestans and P. mirabilis in central Mexico. These results indicate that P. mirabilis probably is capable of a regular outcrossing mating system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Eight isolates, identified as either Acanthamoeba castellanii or A. polyphaga from human eye infections, contact lens containers, and soil in Japan, were characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Mitochondrial DNA was digested with either Bgl II, Eco R I, Hind III, Hpa I, Sca I or Xba I, electrophoresed in agarose gels, and stained with ethidium bromide. Four distinct RFLP phenotypes that refer to the collection of six fragment size patterns obtained for a single strain with six enzymes, were discovered among the eight strains used in this study. Three strains morphologically classified as A. polyphaga share a single RFLP phenotype with the Ma strain of A. castellanii. The interspecific sequence differences of 7.06–12.74% in DNA nucleotide were estimated from the proportion of DNA fragments shared by each pair of mtDNA.  相似文献   

Total DNA of three species of Meloidogyne spp., including four subspecific races of M. incognita, were digested separately with EcoR I, Cla III, and Hind III and probed with ³²P-labelled total genomic DNA from M. incognita race 1 in Southern hybridizations. Short exposures of Southern blots after Hind III digestion revealed patterns that were useful for separating the species. Race differences were seen after longer exposures. The DNA fragment patterns obtained were scanned with a laser densitometer and the data were subjected to principal coordinate and cluster analyses. The likelihood of cloning species and race-specific DNA probes is discussed.  相似文献   

Dan H. Schulze  C. S. Lee 《Genetics》1986,113(2):287-303
DNA hybridization was used to establish DNA sequence relationships among seven Drosophila species. Single-copy DNA was isolated from four species within the Drosophila mulleri complex, D. mojavensis, D. arizonensis, D. ritae and D. starmeri. These single-copy DNAs were used as tracers to be hybridized with each other and one additional member of the mulleri complex, D. aldrichi, a member of a closely related complex, D. hydei, and a distantly related species, D. melanogaster. Two methods have been used to determine the relatedness between these species: (1) the extent of duplex formed as measured by binding to hydroxyapatite and (2) the thermal stability of the duplexed DNA. Moderately repetitive DNA was purified from these species and used similarly to determine the divergence of this family of sequences. The rate of nucleotide substitution was estimated to be 0.2 +/-, 0.1% base pair change per million years for both single-copy and middle-repetitive DNAs. The size of the D. arizonensis genome, a representative of the mulleri complex, was calculated to be 2.2 X 10(8) base pairs from its kinetic complexity similar to that of D. hydei. The relative amounts (18%) and average reiteration frequency (100 copies) of the middle-repetitive DNA are similar for all Drosophila species studied. Finally, the data are presented in a phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

McClean PE  Hanson MR 《Genetics》1986,112(3):649-667
Sequence divergence among the mitochondrial (mt) DNA of nine Lycopersicon and two closely related Solanum species was estimated using the shared fragment method. A portion of each mt genome was highlighted by probing total DNA with a series of plasmid clones containing mt-specific DNA fragments from Lycopersicon pennellii. A total of 660 fragments were compared. As calculated by the shared fragment method, sequence divergence among the mtDNAs ranged from 0.4% for the L. esculentum-L. esculentum var. cerasiforme pair to 2.7% for the Solanum rickii-L. pimpinellifolium and L. cheesmanii-L. chilense pairs. The mtDNA divergence is higher than that reported for Lycopersicon chloroplast (cp) DNA, which indicates that the DNAs of the two plant organelles are evolving at different rates. The percentages of shared fragments were used to construct a phenogram that illustrates the present-day relationships of the mtDNAs. The mtDNA-derived phenogram places L. hirsutum closer to L. esculentum than taxonomic and cpDNA comparisons. Further, the recent assignment of L. pennellii to the genus Lycopersicon is supported by the mtDNA analysis.  相似文献   

在多种动物类群中,基于线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因的DNA条形码是一种高效的物种鉴别手段,然而猫科Felidae动物中广泛存在的线粒体假基因可能影响DNA条形码的有效性。本研究共涉及猫科动物12属25种119个样本。采用3对条形码通用引物对6属11种29个猫科动物样本进行了扩增及测序。结果3个样本扩增失败,8个样本得到假基因,18个样本获得了条形码序列。结合另外93条猫科动物条形码序列(源自BOLD Systems),采用Kimura 2-parameter模型计算遗传距离,构建Neighbor-Joining(NJ)树。结果显示,遗传距离种内为0%~8.1%,平均0.8%;种间为1.4%~13.1%,平均8.7%;属间为8.2%~21.8%,平均15.1%。NJ树显示,除3个种外,其余物种均以极高的置信度(99%)形成单系分支。而假基因序列有些可以单独形成分支,有些夹杂在COⅠ序列形成的分支中,对物种鉴定产生干扰。  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme analysis was employed in studying the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ATPase6/ND4L region in several Northeast Asian populations of resident lake char of the genus Salvelinus. On evidence of mitotypes, genetic similarity was assumed for populations of neiva (Ueginskoe Lake), lake resident char from the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk (Mak-Mak Lake and Elekchanskie lakes), and dolly varden. Mitotype AAAA proved to be common for these populations. Lake char populations of the Juliet and Maxi lakes (the basin of the Kolyma River) had mitotype DBAA, which is similar to mitotype DBAB observed earlier in Taranetz char from Chukotka. The divergence between mitotypes AAAA and DBAA was estimated at 0.3%. Different origins were assumed for the lake resident char populations from the basins of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Kolyma River, the former originating in the Pacific and the latter, in the Arctic basins.  相似文献   

Blair JE  Coffey MD  Martin FN 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37003
To better understand the evolutionary history of a group of organisms, an accurate estimate of the species phylogeny must be known. Traditionally, gene trees have served as a proxy for the species tree, although it was acknowledged early on that these trees represented different evolutionary processes. Discordances among gene trees and between the gene trees and the species tree are also expected in closely related species that have rapidly diverged, due to processes such as the incomplete sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. Recently, methods have been developed for the explicit estimation of species trees, using information from multilocus gene trees while accommodating heterogeneity among them. Here we have used three distinct approaches to estimate the species tree for five Phytophthora pathogens, including P. infestans, the causal agent of late blight disease in potato and tomato. Our concatenation-based "supergene" approach was unable to resolve relationships even with data from both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, and from multiple isolates per species. Our multispecies coalescent approach using both Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods was able to estimate a moderately supported species tree showing a close relationship among P. infestans, P. andina, and P. ipomoeae. The topology of the species tree was also identical to the dominant phylogenetic history estimated in our third approach, Bayesian concordance analysis. Our results support previous suggestions that P. andina is a hybrid species, with P. infestans representing one parental lineage. The other parental lineage is not known, but represents an independent evolutionary lineage more closely related to P. ipomoeae. While all five species likely originated in the New World, further study is needed to determine when and under what conditions this hybridization event may have occurred.  相似文献   

Duan S  Lu B  Li Z  Tong J  Kong J  Yao W  Li S  Zhu Y 《Biochemical genetics》2007,45(1-2):113-129
Species in the genus Oryza (Poaceae) contain 10 genomic types and are distributed in pan-tropics of the world. To explore phylogenetic relationships of Oryza species having the AA-genome, DNA sequences of the chloroplast trnL intron and trnL-trnF spacer, mitochondrial nad1 intron 2, and nuclear internal transcribed spacer were analyzed, based on materials from 6 cultivated (O. sativa and O. glaberrima) and 13 wild accessions, in addition to a CC-genome species (O. officinalis) that was used as an outgroup. Analyses of the combined sequence data set from different sources provide a much better resolution of the AA-genome species than the individual data set, indicating the limitation of a single gene in phylogenetic reconstruction. The phylogeny based on the combined data set demonstrated an apparent grouping of the AA-genome Oryza species that was well associated with their geographic origin, although the Australian O. meridionalis showed its affinity with the African species. The geographic pattern of the phylogenetic relationship was probably attributed to the frequent genetic exchange and introgression among the AA-genome species from the same continents. In addition, Asian cultivated rice O. sativa showed its close relation to O. rufipogon and O. nivara, whereas African cultivated rice O. glaberrima was closely linked to O. barthii and O. longistaminata, indicating the independent domestication of the two cultivated species in different geographic locations.  相似文献   

Abstract Zymograms of the extracellular pectic enzymes (pectinesterase, polygalacturonase) of Fusarium lateritium and related species were prepared by electrophoresis from untreated culture filtrates. The zymogram technique gave evidence to conclude that F. lateritium, F. stilboides and F. xylarioides are distinct species. "pini" isolates are rather "subglutinans"-like fusaria than "lateritium"-like, while F. udum represents a genetical variant of F. oxysprorum .  相似文献   

犬Ⅰ型腺病毒DNA的酶切分析及分子克隆   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
犬Ⅰ型腺病毒(CAV-1)弱毒用限制性内切酶EcoR Ⅰ,BamH Ⅰ,Pst Ⅰ,Sph Ⅰ和Hind Ⅲ消化分析后其图谱与强毒株相比没有差异。将弱毒DNA用Pst Ⅰ完全消化后以鸟枪法克隆到载体质粒pBluescrip'SK中,经用光生物素标记的CAV-1 DNA杂交筛选以及Pst Ⅰ分析重组质粒证明已将分子量为5.5,3.5,2.85,1.2,0.32和0.28Kb的CAV-1DNA片段克隆到质粒中。克隆到的这些片段将可考虑进一步研究作为探针检测犬及狐狸等野生动物的腺病毒感染。  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Phytophthora infestans was constructed in a derivative of pBELOBACII that had been modified by adding a npt selectable marker gene for transforming P. infestans. A total library of 8 genome equivalents was generated and 16,128 clones with inserts averaging 75 kb (4.9 genome equivalents) were individually picked and stored as an arrayed library in microtiter plates. This coverage was confirmed by screening the library for 11 DNA loci by colony hybridization and by polymerase chain reaction of DNA pools. Transformation of P. infestans with BAC clones containing inserts of 93 to 135 kb was demonstrated. The efficiency of transformation with most BACs was noticeably higher than that with smaller plasmids. Detailed analyses of transformants obtained with a 102-kb BAC indicated that entire inserts were present in about one-quarter of the transformants.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin is recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot accounting for more than 25,000 plant species that represent almost 10% of the world’s vascular flora. In particular, the maquis vegetation on Mediterranean islands and archipelagos constitutes an important resource of the Mediterranean plant diversity due to its high rate of endemism. Since 2009, a severe and widespread dieback and mortality of Quercus ilex trees and several other plant species of the Mediterranean maquis has been observed in the National Park of La Maddalena archipelago (northeast Sardinia, Italy). Infected plants showed severe decline symptoms and a significant reduction of natural regeneration. First studies revealed the involvement of the highly invasive wide-host range pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi and several fungal pathogens. Subsequent detailed research led to a better understanding of these epidemics showing that multiple Phytophthora spp. were involved, some of them unknown to science. In total, nine Phytophthora species were isolated from rhizosphere soil samples collected from around symptomatic trees and shrubs including Asparagus albus, Cistus sp., Juniperus phoenicea, J. oxycedrus, Pistacia lentiscus and Rhamnus alaternus. Based on morphological characters, growth-temperature relations and sequence analysis of the ITS and cox1 gene regions, the isolates were identified as Phytophthora asparagi, P. bilorbang, P. cinnamomi, P. cryptogea, P. gonapodyides, P. melonis, P. syringae and two new Clade 6 taxa which are here described as P. crassamura sp. nov. and P. ornamentata sp. nov. Pathogenicity tests supported their possible involvement in the severe decline that is currently threatening the Mediterranean maquis vegetation in the La Maddalena archipelago.  相似文献   

Emerging plant pathogens have largely been a consequence of the movement of pathogens to new geographic regions. Another documented mechanism for the emergence of plant pathogens is hybridization between individuals of different species or subspecies, which may allow rapid evolution and adaptation to new hosts or environments. Hybrid plant pathogens have traditionally been difficult to detect or confirm, but the increasing ease of cloning and sequencing PCR products now makes the identification of species that consistently have genes or alleles with phylogenetically divergent origins relatively straightforward. We investigated the genetic origin of Phytophthora andina, an increasingly common pathogen of Andean crops Solanum betaceum, S. muricatum, S. quitoense, and several wild Solanum spp. It has been hypothesized that P. andina is a hybrid between the potato late blight pathogen P. infestans and another Phytophthora species. We tested this hypothesis by cloning four nuclear loci to obtain haplotypes and using these loci to infer the phylogenetic relationships of P. andina to P. infestans and other related species. Sequencing of cloned PCR products in every case revealed two distinct haplotypes for each locus in P. andina, such that each isolate had one allele derived from a P. infestans parent and a second divergent allele derived from an unknown species that is closely related but distinct from P. infestans, P. mirabilis, and P. ipomoeae. To the best of our knowledge, the unknown parent has not yet been collected. We also observed sequence polymorphism among P. andina isolates at three of the four loci, many of which segregate between previously described P. andina clonal lineages. These results provide strong support that P. andina emerged via hybridization between P. infestans and another unknown Phytophthora species also belonging to Phytophthora clade 1c.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding coupled high resolution melting (Bar-HRM) is an emerging method for species discrimination based on DNA dissociation kinetics. The aim of this work was to evaluate the suitability of different primer sets, derived from selected DNA regions, for Bar-HRM analysis of species in Croton (Euphorbiaceae), one of the largest genera of plants with over 1,200 species. Seven primer pairs were evaluated (matK, rbcL1, rbcL2, rbcL3, rpoC, trnL and ITS1) from four plastid regions, matK, rbcL, rpoC, and trnL, and the nuclear ribosomal marker ITS1. The primer pair derived from the ITS1 region was the single most effective region for the identification of the tested species, whereas the rbcL1 primer pair gave the lowest resolution. It was observed that the ITS1 barcode was the most useful DNA barcoding region overall for species discrimination out of all of the regions and primers assessed. Our Bar-HRM results here also provide further support for the hypothesis that both sequence and base composition affect DNA duplex stability.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease analysis has revealed extensive mtDNA polymorphism in two species of rats, Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus. Sequence divergence values for the eight detected R. norvegicus variants range from 0.2% to 1.8% and for the eight R. rattus variants, from 0.2% to 9.6%. Three of the most closely related R. norvegicus mtDNA's appear to differ by deletions/insertions of about 4 base pairs apiece. Restriction sites for seven enzymes have been mapped for 11 of these variants. The 31 intraspecific and 41 interspecific variant sites appear to be evenly distributed on the mtDNA molecule outside of the rRNA cistrons. The location of sites present in all the DNAs suggests that the rRNA genes and possibly the light strand origin of replication may be more highly evolutionarily conserved than other parts of the molecule. The sequence divergences among the mtDNAs of animals whose geographic origins are separated by major barriers, such as oceans, were significantly greater than those among animals found within large land masses, such as the continental United States. Dendrograms (phenograms), which have been constructed to depict the relationships among the various DNAs, indicate that East Asian members of the R. rattus species are more closely related to American rats of this species than to other Asian R. rattus animals from Sri Lanka. Moreover, it appears that R. norvegicus comprises a group taxonomically distinct from any of the R. rattus subspecies.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are common and important plant symbionts. They have coenocytic hyphae and form multinucleated spores. The nuclear genome of AMF is polymorphic and its organization is not well understood, which makes the development of reliable molecular markers challenging. In stark contrast, their mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is homogeneous. To assess the intra- and inter-specific mitochondrial variability in closely related Glomus species, we performed 454 sequencing on total genomic DNA of Glomus sp. isolate DAOM-229456 and we compared its mtDNA with two G. irregulare isolates. We found that the mtDNA of Glomus sp. is homogeneous, identical in gene order and, with respect to the sequences of coding regions, almost identical to G. irregulare. However, certain genomic regions vary substantially, due to insertions/deletions of elements such as introns, mitochondrial plasmid-like DNA polymerase genes and mobile open reading frames. We found no evidence of mitochondrial or cytoplasmic plasmids in Glomus species, and mobile ORFs in Glomus are responsible for the formation of four gene hybrids in atp6, atp9, cox2, and nad3, which are most probably the result of horizontal gene transfer and are expressed at the mRNA level. We found evidence for substantial sequence variation in defined regions of mtDNA, even among closely related isolates with otherwise identical coding gene sequences. This variation makes it possible to design reliable intra- and inter-specific markers.  相似文献   

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