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The morphogenesis of gonads in Bufo bufo tadpoles was studied, and ultrastructural differences between sexes were identified. All specimens analyzed initially developed gonads made up of a peripheral fertile layer (cortex) surrounding a small primary cavity. Subsequently a central layer of somatic cells (medulla) developed. Both layers were separated by two uninterrupted basal laminae between which a vestige of the primary cavity persisted. During female differentiation, the peripheral layer continued to be the fertile layer. In males, the central layer blended into the peripheral layer and the basal laminae disappeared. The somatic cells of the central layer came into direct contact with the germ cells; this did not occur in females. Testicular differentiation continued with the migration of germ cells towards the center of the gonad. The somatic elements surrounding the germ cells appeared to play an active role in their transfer to the center of the gonad. The peripheral layer shrank and became sterile. Two basal laminae then re-formed to separate the fertile central layer from the peripheral sterile one. Germ cells have always been thought to perform a passive role in sex differentiation in amphibians. Following the generally accepted "symmetric model", the mechanism of gonad development is symmetrical, with cortical somatic cells determining ovarian differentiation and medullary somatic cells determining testicular differentiation. In contrast, we found that sex differentiation follows an "asymmetric" pattern in which germ cells tend primarily toward a female differentiation and male differentiation depends on a secondary interaction between germ cells and medullary somatic cells.  相似文献   

Early events in mammalian craniofacial morphogenesis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Head-trunk differences are well established in the most primitive vertebrates, and are clear from early developmental stages of all modern forms. The boundary between the two regions is not constant in all vertebrate classes in terms of the number of occipital somites. The occipital region is in some respects a transitional zone, giving rise to trunk-like somitic derivatives in the head. It is also highly specialised, providing a unique population of neural crest cells that are essential for formation of the aorticopulmonary septum (which divides the outflow tract of the heart) in mammals and birds. In the preoccipital hindbrain, rhombomeres represent a segmental structural pattern that is quite distinct from that of the somites, with a segment-specific pattern of gene expression. Expression of some of these genes in mesenchyme close to the primitive streak at earlier stages suggests that this pattern may be established at the time of neural induction. Mammalian embryos have taken cranial specialization further than other classes of vertebrate, particularly in relation to the pattern of development and eventual structural complexity of the forebrain. Mammalian specialisations of craniofacial development are described through references to studies on cranial neurulation, on cranial neural crest cell migration, and on the possible morphogenetic roles of extracellular matrix components.  相似文献   

Normal human peripheral-blood lymphocytes were irradiated with a dose of X-rays and processed for electron microscopic examination at different times after irradiation. A localized protrusion of the plasma membrane of the irradiated lymphocytes was observed in samples fixed as early as 15 min after irradiation, suggesting that the injury to the plasma membrane could have occurred during or immediately after irradiation. This was followed by fenestration of the plasma membrane, rarefaction of the cytoplasm and accumulation of cytoplasmic organelles in the centrosphere region. Localized distention of the outer nuclear envelope occurred after 2 hours and invagination of the inner nuclear membrane after 4 hours of irradiation. By 24 hours, the cytoplasmic and nuclear ultrastructural integrity was lost. The study suggested that, for high doses of X-radiation, the plasma membrane of the human peripheral-blood lymphocytes was the most sensitive target.  相似文献   

In wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans, the gonad is a complex epithelial tube that consists of long arms composed predominantly of germline tissue as well as somatic structures specialized for particular reproductive functions. In gon-1 mutants, the adult gonad is severely disorganized with essentially no arm extension and no recognizable somatic structure. The developmental defects in gon-1 mutants are limited to the gonad; other cells, tissues, and organs appear to develop normally. Previous work defined the regulatory "leader" cells as crucial for extension of the gonadal arms (J. E. Kimble and J. G. White, 1981, Dev. Biol. 81, 208-219). In gon-1 mutants, the leader cells are specified correctly, but they fail to migrate and gonadal arms are not generated. In addition, gon-1 is required for morphogenesis of the gonadal somatic structures. This second role appears to be independent of that required for leader migration. Parallel studies have shown that gon-1 encodes a secreted metalloprotease (R. Blelloch and J. Kimble, 1999, Nature 399, 586-590). We discuss how a metalloprotease may control two aspects of gonadal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

To understand mechanisms of sex determination, it is important to know the lineage relationships of cells comprising the gonads. For example, in mice, the Y-linked gene Sry triggers differentiation of Sertoli cells from a cell population originating in the coelomic epithelium overlying the nascent gonad that also gives rise to uncharacterised interstitial cells. In contrast, little is known about origins of somatic cell types in the chick testis, where there is no Sry gene and sex determination depends on a ZZ male/ZW female mechanism. To investigate this, we performed fate mapping experiments in ovo, labelling at indifferent stages the coelomic epithelium by electroporation with a lacZ reporter gene and the underlying nephrogenous (or mesonephric) mesenchyme with chemical dyes. After sex differentiation, LacZ-positive cells were exclusively outside testis cords and were 3betaHSD-negative, indicating that the coelomic epithelium contributes only to non-steroidogenic interstitial cells. However, we detected dye-labelled cells both inside and outside the cords. The former were AMH-positive while some of the latter were 3betaHSD-positive, showing that nephrogenous mesenchyme contributes to both Sertoli cells and steroidogenic cells. This is the first demonstration via lineage analysis that steroidogenic cells originate from nephrogenous mesenchyme, but the revelation that Sertoli cells have different origins between chick and mouse suggests that, during evolution, mechanisms of gonad morphogenesis may diverge alongside those of sex determination.  相似文献   

Epithelial differentiation during lung development appears to be influenced by mesenchyme-derived instructions coupled with hormonal regulations. The basal lamina which is associated with progenitor and differentiating epithelia during mouse embryogenesis (Theiler-stages 16-28) was examined by transmission electron microscopy and indirect-immunofluorescence microscopy. During the embryonic phase of lung development, progenitor epithelia for the pulmonary acinus projected microvilli or cytoplasmic "feet" through the basal lamina, which resulted in discontinuities and a close approximation of the adjacent mesenchymal-cell processes. These changes were also associated with the transitory polarization of mesenchymal cells perpendicular to the plane of the basal lamina, which resulted in a sheet of cuboidal mesenchymal cells adjacent to the developing acinar-tubule epithelium. During the embryonic phase of lung development, these specific interstitial or mesenchymal cells stained for heparan-sulfate proteoglycans; no other cell types were immunostained. By Theiler-stage 25, the acinar-tubule epithelia had differentiated into type-II pneumonocytes which contained lamellar bodies and significant amounts of glycogen. Fibronectin, laminin, and heparan-sulfate proteoglycan were localized in the basement membranes during the embryonic, canalicular, and terminal sac phases of lung morphogenesis. A diffuse localization of fibronectin of the interstitial cell surfaces was observed. These observations indicate that major changes in the structure and composition of basal lamina occur during the embryonic and fetal phases of pulmonary-acinus epithelial-cell differentiation and the production of pulmonary surfactant. The major changes in the basal lamina may be partly mediated by mesenchyme-derived instructions for type-II epithelial-cell differentiation.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural examination of spermatogenesis in Phaeoceros has shown nucleoli to be present in spermatogenous cells and to persist until the centrioles become associated with nuclei of young spermatids. At the onset of multilayered structure (MLS) formation, well-defined aggregations of osmiophilic strands begin to form in the nuclei of young spermatids and disappear shortly after chromatin condensation starts in the midstage spermatids. When the centrioles in the young spermatids are orientated perpendicular to the nuclear envelope, the nucleoplasm immediately in front of them is densely stained. Where the spline tubules of the MLS extend over the nucleus, the nuclear envelope is devoid of pores, and the inner nuclear membrane is contacted internally by the local deposition of dense staining nucleoplasm. Chromatin condensation begins with strands extending perpendicularly from the dense staining nucleoplasm beneath the spline and continues with the nuclear beak becoming filled with condensed chromatin. As the MLS lamellae disappear acropetally, the rear portion of the anterior mitochondrion (AM) extends back under the nuclear beak which now narrows to a size that approximates the anterior end of the nucleus of a spermatozoid. By the end of the mid-spermatid stage, the nucleus has coiled approximately one gyre of a helix and the five or six central slpine tubules extend over the plastid which is now located beneath the front end of the AM. Several profiles of endoplasmic reticulum confluent with the nuclear envelope are present. Possible factors which might play a role in determining the morphology of the mid-spermatids are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural/immunocytochemical studies with well defined antibodies suggest that distal segments of olfactory cilia are the main sites of early events in olfactory signal transduction. Such studies also begin to provide specifics of the cytoskeletal make-up of olfactory epithelial cells, but knowledge about relationships between cytoskeletal and transduction components is still incomplete. Probes to less well defined chemical entities, but that distinctly label olfactory cilia, supporting cell microvilli and microvilli of microvillous cells, may serve as markers for further studies on olfactory signaling. Ultrastructural/immunocytochemical studies also suggest that supporting cells help to balance the mucous environment of olfactory cilia.  相似文献   

Rat albumin, transferrin, angiotensinogen and T kininogen were examined immunohistochemically in the epithelial basement membranes (BMs) during the earliest rat morphogenesis. As a specific marker for BMs, laminin was used. Albumin and transferrin immunostaining appeared as early as the 11th day of gestation in all epithelial BMs. In 13-day-old mesonephric-gonadal complex, just after the onset of the sexual cord differentiation, all BMs were weakly stained. One day later, a stronger immunoreactivity was distributed along the coelomic epithelium, the Wolffian duct, the mesonephric tubules, the differentiating sexual cords and the blood vessels. The epidermal BM and all epithelial BMs of differentiating organs are also immunoreactive. The accumulation of albumin and transferrin in the BMs is probably the result of a strong release of these two major liver proteins in the embryonic blood and their diffusion in extracellular spaces. At these stages, the lack of angiotensinogen and T kininogen BM labeling is consistent with their low hepatic and plasmatic concentrations. During embryogenesis, some plasma proteins are probably trapped in the epithelial BMs and not produced by local cells.  相似文献   

Spore wall morphogenesis ofOphioglossum thermale var.nipponicum was examined by transmission electron microscopy. The spore wall of this species consists of three layers: endospore, exospore, and perispore. The spore wall development begins at the tetrad stage. At first, the outer undulating lamellar layer of the exospore (Lo) is formed on the spore plasma membrane in advance of the inner accumulating lamellar layer (Li) of the exospore. Next, the homogeneous layer of the exospore (H) is deposited on the outer lamellar layer. Both lamellar layers may be derived from spore cytoplasm; and the homogeneous layer, from the tapetum. Then the endospore (EN) is formed. It may be derived from spore cytoplasm. The membranous perispore (PE), derived from the tapetum, covers the exospore surface as the final layer. Though the ornamentation of this species differs distinctly from that ofO. vulgatum, the results mentioned above are fundamentally in accordance with the data obtained fromO. vulgatum (Lugardon, 1971). Therefore, the pattern of spore wall morphogenesis appears to be very stable in the genusOphioglossum.  相似文献   

Thrips spermiogenesis is characterized by unusual features in the differentiating spermatid cells. Three centrioles from which three individual short flagella are initially assembled, make the early spermatid a tri-flagellated cell. Successively, during spermatid maturation, the three basal bodies maintain a position close to the most anterior end of the elongating nucleus, so that the three axonemes are progressively incorporated in the spermatid cytoplasm, where they run in parallel to the main nuclear axis. Finally, the three axonemes amalgamate to form a microtubular bundle. The process starts with the formation of rifts at three specific points in each axonemal circumference, corresponding to sites 1,3,7 and leads to the formation of 9 microtubular rows of different length, i.e. 3 "dyads", 3 "triads" and 3 "tetrads". In the spermatozoon, the nucleus, the mitochondrion and the bundle of microtubules are arranged in a helicoidal pattern. The elongation of the spermatozoon is allowed by the deep anchorage of the spermatid to the cyst cell through a dense mass of material which, at the end of spermiogenesis, becomes a long anterior cylindrical structure. This bizarre "axoneme" does not show any trace of progressive movement but it is able to beat. According to the presence of dynein arms, sliding can take place only within each row and not between the rows. The possible molecular basis underlying the peculiar instability of thrips axonemes is discussed in light of the present knowledge on the organization of the axoneme in mutant organisms carrying alterations of the tubulin molecule.  相似文献   

Electron optic study of inflammation infiltrating cells in juvenile periodontopathic tissue showed the presence of "nuclear-body"-type structures and of nuclear and cytoplasmic virus-like inclusions, which predominated in cells presenting degenerative modifications commonly encountered in malignant cells. Their significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies on sperm-egg interaction at the time of fertilization inLaternula limicola were performed. The temporary-acrosome did not change morphologically while the sperm passed through the egg investments. At the onset of sperm entrance into the egg, however, the temporary-acrosome and mitochondria were eliminated from the sperm. Afterwards the sperm was engulfed by the egg surface without membrane fusion of the gametes. After entry the sperm nucleus was surrounded by four membranes: the plasma membranes of the egg and of the sperm, and the membranes of the sperm nuclear envelope. As the sperm nucleus differentiated into the male pronucleus, the plasma membranes of both the sperm and egg were initially vesiculated, then dispersed into the egg cytoplasm. Finally, the sperm nuclear envelope changed into the male pronuclear membrane accompanying sperm chromatin dispersion.  相似文献   

Epithelial morphogenesis.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
B M Gumbiner 《Cell》1992,69(3):385-387
The identification of protein factors, such as epimorphin, scatter factor, and activin, that induce epithelial branching and convergent extension-like movements in embryonic tissues are important breakthroughs in our understanding of the role of mesenchyme in epithelial morphogenesis. Moreover, the development of simple in vitro epithelial cell systems that undergo morphogenesis in response to these factors should provide a means to investigate the cellular and molecular bases of the morphogenetic movements themselves. Although many different cellular processes are involved in such morphogenetic behaviors, cell rearrangement is a particularly intriguing one that will be important to study further. Several considerations lead to the prediction that a dynamic regulation of cell-cell adhesion is likely to play a central role in cell rearrangements and epithelial morphogenesis. Ultimately, a greater issue to be addressed is how the different cellular mechanisms participating in epithelial morphogenesis are coordinated and regulated, so as to generate the diverse patterns found in various epithelia.  相似文献   

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