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During isometric contractions, slow twitch soleus muscles (SOL) from rats with chronic heart failure (chf) are more fatigable than those of sham animals. However, a muscle normally shortens during activity and fatigue development is highly task dependent. Therefore, we examined the development of skeletal muscle fatigue during shortening (isotonic) contractions in chf and sham-operated rats. Six weeks following coronary artery ligation, infarcted animals were classified as failing (chf) if left ventricle end diastolic pressure was >15 mmHg. During isoflurane anaesthesia, SOL with intact blood supply was stimulated (1s on 1s off) at 30 Hz for 15 min and allowed to shorten isotonically against a constant afterload. Muscle temperature was maintained at 37°C. In resting muscle, maximum isometric force (F(max)) and the concentrations of ATP and CrP were not different in the two groups. During stimulation, F(max) and the concentrations declined in parallel sham and chf. Fatigue, which was evident as reduced shortening during stimulation, was also not different in the two groups. The isometric force decline was fitted to a bi-exponential decay equation. Both time constants increased transiently and returned to initial values after approximately 200 s of the fatigue protocol. This resulted in a transient rise in baseline tension between stimulations, although this effect which was less prominent in chf than sham. Myosin light chain 2s phosphorylation declined in both groups after 100 s of isotonic contractions, and remained at this level throughout 15 min of stimulation. In spite of higher energy demand during isotonic than isometric contractions, both shortening capacity and rate of isometric force decline were as well or better preserved in fatigued SOL from chf rats than in sham. This observation is in striking contrast to previous reports which have employed isometric contractions to induce fatigue.  相似文献   

Supercompensated muscle glycogen can be achieved by using several carbohydrate (CHO)-loading protocols. This study compared the effectiveness of two "modified" CHO-loading protocols. Additionally, we determined the effect of light cycle training on muscle glycogen. Subjects completed a depletion (D, n = 15) or nondepletion (ND, n = 10) CHO-loading protocol. After a 2-day adaptation period in a metabolic ward, the D group performed a 120-min cycle exercise at 65% peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) followed by 1-min sprints at 120% VO2 peak to exhaustion. The ND group performed only 20-min cycle exercise at 65% VO2 peak. For the next 6 days, both groups ate the same high-CHO diets and performed 20-min daily cycle exercise at 65% VO2 peak followed by a CHO beverage (105 g of CHO). Muscle glycogen concentrations of the vastus lateralis were measured daily with 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy. On the morning of day 5, muscle glycogen concentrations had increased 1.45 (D) and 1.24 (ND) times baseline (P < 0.001) but did not differ significantly between groups. However, on day 7, muscle glycogen of the D group was significantly greater (p < 0.01) than that of the ND group (130 +/- 7 vs. 104 +/- 5 mmol/l). Daily cycle exercise decreased muscle glycogen by 10 +/- 2 (D) and 14 +/- 5 mmol/l (ND), but muscle glycogen was equal to or greater than preexercise values 24 h later. In conclusion, a CHO-loading protocol that begins with a glycogen-depleting exercise results in significantly greater muscle glycogen that persists longer than a CHO-loading protocol using only an exercise taper. Daily exercise at 65% VO2 peak for 20 min can be performed throughout the CHO-loading protocol without negatively affecting muscle glycogen supercompensation.  相似文献   

Autophagy, a highly conserved quality control mechanism, is essential for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and for the orchestration of an efficient cellular response to stress. During aging, the efficiency of autophagic degradation declines, and intracellular waste products accumulate. Therefore, in this study, we tested the hypothesis that skeletal muscle from old mice would have decreased autophagosome formation when compared to the muscle from young mice. We also examined whether autophagic regulatory events differ between muscle fiber types and in response to exercise in aged male mice. The extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and gastrocnemius muscles were studied in young and old ICR mice. Exercise was performed by allowing the mice to run on a treadmill with a 5° incline at 16.4 m/min for 40 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks after a 1-week adaptation period. Our results indicated that the levels of microtubule-associated protein 1b light chain 3, a marker of autophagosome formation, were lower in both the EDL and the gastrocnemius muscle of old mice compared to those young mice. To identify the factors related to the changes observed, the expression of autophagy regulatory proteins was examined in the EDL and gastrocnemius muscles. Beclin-1, autophagy-related gene 7 (ATG7), and lysosome-associated membrane protein were found to be lower in the EDL and gastrocnemius muscles of old mice compared to those in the young mice, then Beclin-1, ATG7, and muscle-specific RING finger protein-1 upregulated after regular exercise. Moreover, the muscle weight/body weight was significantly increased only in the gastrocnemius muscle of the old trained mice. These data suggest that autophagy regulatory events are attenuated in old skeletal muscle. However, this effect is upregulated when animals are subjected to exercise training.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study are twofold: 1) to investigate whether heart rate recovery (HRR) after a cycle ergometry test is affected by exercise training and 2) to test the ability of HRR to replicate the baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) changes that occur in response to an exercise training program in coronary artery patients. We randomized 82 coronary artery patients undergoing a residential cardiac rehabilitation program to an exercise training group (TR; n = 43) and an untrained group (UTR; n = 39). All of the patients underwent an exercise test before and after the rehabilitation program. HRR was recorded at the end of the 1st and 2nd min after exercise. BRS was determined at rest before and after treatment. HRR after the 2nd min was significantly improved in TR patients (-21.4 +/- 0.9 beats/min) compared with UTR patients (-17.8 +/- 1.2 beats/min) at the end of the training program. Improvement in HRR paralleled that in BRS in TR patients (from 3.2 +/- 0.3 to 5.3 +/- 0.8 ms/mmHg; P < 0.001), whereas no significant change was evident in UTR patients (from 3.5 +/- 0 to 4.0 +/- 0.4 ms/mmHg; P = 0.230). Our data show that HRR in the 2nd min after the cessation of a cycle ergometer exercise test increased in coronary artery patients after an exercise training period. This result confirms the positive effect induced by exercise training on HRR and extends the conclusions of previous studies to different modalities of exercise (i.e., cycle ergometer). HRR might provide an additional simple marker of the effectiveness of physical training programs in cardiac patients.  相似文献   

Effects of heavy resistance exercise on serum testosterone and skeletal muscle androgen receptor (AR) concentrations were examined before and after a 21-week resistance training period. Seven healthy untrained young adult men (YT) and ten controls (YC) as well as ten older men (OT) and eight controls (OC) volunteered as subjects. Heavy resistance exercise bouts (5 × 10 RM leg presses) were performed before and after the training period. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and 1h and 48 h after the resistance exercise bouts from m.vastus lateralis (VL) to determine cross-sectional area of muscle fibers (fCSA) and AR mRNA expression and protein concentrations. No changes were observed in YC and OC while resistance training led to significant increases in maximal strength of leg extensors (1 RM), fCSA and lean body mass in YT and OT. Acute increases occurred in serum testosterone concentrations due to resistance exercises but basal testosterone remained unaltered. Mean AR mRNA expression and protein concentration remained unchanged after heavy resistance exercise bouts compared to pre-values. The individual pre- to post-training changes in resting (pre-exercise) AR protein concentration correlated with the changes in fCSA and lean body mass in the combined group of YT and OT. Similarly, it correlated with the changes in 1 RM in YT. Although mean AR expression did not changed due to the resistance exercise training, the present findings suggest that the individual changes of AR protein concentration in skeletal muscle following resistance training may have an impact on training-induced muscular adaptations in both younger and older men.  相似文献   

Neuronal nitric oxide synthases (nNOS) are Ca2+/calmodulin-activated enzymes that synthesize the gaseous messenger nitric oxide (NO). nNOSμ and the recently described nNOSβ, both spliced nNOS isoforms, are important enzymatic sources of NO in skeletal muscle, a tissue long considered to be a paradigmatic system for studying NO-dependent redox signaling. nNOS is indispensable for skeletal muscle integrity and contractile performance, and deregulation of nNOSμ signaling is a common pathogenic feature of many neuromuscular diseases. Recent evidence suggests that both nNOSμ and nNOSβ regulate skeletal muscle size, strength, and fatigue resistance, making them important players in exercise performance. nNOSμ acts as an activity sensor and appears to assist skeletal muscle adaptation to new functional demands, particularly those of endurance exercise. Prolonged inactivity leads to nNOS-mediated muscle atrophy through a FoxO-dependent pathway. nNOS also plays a role in modulating exercise performance in neuromuscular disease. In the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, defective nNOS signaling is thought to restrict contractile capacity of working muscle in two ways: loss of sarcolemmal nNOSμ causes excessive ischemic damage while residual cytosolic nNOSμ contributes to hypernitrosylation of the ryanodine receptor, causing pathogenic Ca2+ leak. This defect in Ca2+ handling promotes muscle damage, weakness, and fatigue. This review addresses these recent advances in the understanding of nNOS-dependent redox regulation of skeletal muscle function and exercise performance under physiological and neuromuscular disease conditions.  相似文献   

Hutber, C. Adrian, B. B. Rasmussen, and W. W. Winder.Endurance training attenuates the decrease in skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA with exercise. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(6): 1917-1922, 1997.Musclemalonyl-CoA has been postulated to regulate fatty acid metabolism byinhibiting carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1. In nontrained rats,malonyl-CoA decreases in working muscle during exercise. Endurancetraining is known to increase a muscle's reliance on fatty acids as asubstrate. This study was designed to investigate whether the declinein malonyl-CoA with exercise would be greater in trained than innontrained muscle, thereby allowing increased fatty acid oxidation.After 6-10 wk of endurance training (2 h/day) or treadmillhabituation (5-10 min/day), rats were killed at rest or afterrunning up a 15% grade at 21 m/min for 5, 20, or 60 min. Trainingattenuated the exercise-induced drop in malonyl-CoA and prevented theexercise-induced increase in the constant for citrate activation ofacetyl-CoA carboxylase in the red quadriceps muscle of rats run for 20 and 60 min. Hence, contrary to expectations, the decrease inmalonyl-CoA was less in trained than in nontrained muscle during asingle bout of prolonged submaximal exercise.


Our laboratory has demonstrated (Steen MS, Foianini KR, Youngblood EB, Kinnick TR, Jacob S, and Henriksen EJ, J Appl Physiol 86: 2044-2051, 1999) that exercise training and treatment with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor trandolapril interact to improve insulin action in insulin-resistant obese Zucker rats. The present study was undertaken to determine whether a similar interactive effect of these interventions is manifest in an animal model of normal insulin sensitivity. Lean Zucker (Fa/-) rats were assigned to either a sedentary, trandolapril-treated (1 mg. kg(-1). day(-1) for 6 wk), exercise-trained (treadmill running for 6 wk), or combined trandolapril-treated and exercise-trained group. Exercise training alone or in combination with trandolapril significantly (P < 0.05) increased peak oxygen consumption by 26-32%. Compared with sedentary controls, exercise training alone or in combination with ACE inhibitor caused smaller areas under the curve for glucose (27-37%) and insulin (41-44%) responses during an oral glucose tolerance test. Exercise training alone or in combination with trandolapril also improved insulin-stimulated glucose transport in isolated epitrochlearis (33-50%) and soleus (58-66%) muscles. The increases due to exercise training alone or in combination with trandolapril were associated with enhanced muscle GLUT-4 protein levels and total hexokinase activities. However, there was no interactive effect of exercise training and ACE inhibition observed on insulin action. These results indicate that, in rats with normal insulin sensitivity, exercise training improves oral glucose tolerance and insulin-stimulated muscle glucose transport, whereas ACE inhibition has no effect. Moreover, the beneficial interactive effects of exercise training and ACE inhibition on these parameters are not apparent in lean Zucker rats and, therefore, are restricted to conditions of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The effects of chromium picolinate (CrPic)supplementation and resistance training (RT) on skeletal muscle size,strength, and power and whole body composition were examined in 18 men(age range 56-69 yr). The men were randomly assigned(double-blind) to groups (n = 9) thatconsumed either 17.8 µmol Cr/day (924 µg Cr/day) as CrPic or alow-Cr placebo for 12 wk while participating twice weekly in ahigh-intensity RT program. CrPic increased urinary Cr excretion~50-fold (P < 0.001). RT-inducedincreases in muscle strength (P < 0.001) were not enhanced by CrPic. Arm-pull muscle power increased withRT at 20% (P = 0.016) but not at 40, 60, or 80% of the one repetition maximum, independent of CrPic.Knee-extension muscle power increased with RT at 20, 40, and 60%(P < 0.001) but not at 80% of onerepetition maximum, and the placebo group gained more muscle power thandid the CrPic group (RT by supplemental interaction,P < 0.05). Fat-free mass(P < 0.001), whole body muscle mass(P < 0.001), and vastus lateralistype II fiber area (P < 0.05)increased with RT in these body-weight-stable men, independent ofCrPic. In conclusion, high-dose CrPic supplementation did not enhancemuscle size, strength, or power development or lean body mass accretionin older men during a RT program, which had significant, independenteffects on these measurements.


We have recently demonstrated (Saengsirisuwan V, Kinnick TR, Schmit MB, and Henriksen EJ, J Appl Physiol 91: 145-153, 2001) that exercise training (ET) and the antioxidant R-(+)-alpha-lipoic acid (R-ALA) interact in an additive fashion to improve insulin action in insulin-resistant obese Zucker (fa/fa) rats. The purpose of the present study was to assess the interactions of ET and R-ALA on insulin action and oxidative stress in a model of normal insulin sensitivity, the lean Zucker (fa/-) rat. For 6 wk, animals either remained sedentary, received R-ALA (30 mg. kg body wt(-1). day(-1)), performed ET (treadmill running), or underwent both R-ALA treatment and ET. ET alone or in combination with R-ALA significantly increased (P < 0.05) peak oxygen consumption (28-31%) and maximum run time (52-63%). During an oral glucose tolerance test, ET alone or in combination with R-ALA resulted in a significant lowering of the glucose response (17-36%) at 15 min relative to R-ALA alone and of the insulin response (19-36%) at 15 min compared with sedentary controls. Insulin-mediated glucose transport activity was increased by ET alone in isolated epitrochlearis (30%) and soleus (50%) muscles, and this was associated with increased GLUT-4 protein levels. Insulin action was not improved by R-ALA alone, and ET-associated improvements in these variables were not further enhanced with combined ET and R-ALA. Although ET and R-ALA caused reductions in soleus protein carbonyls (an index of oxidative stress), these alterations were not significantly correlated with insulin-mediated soleus glucose transport. These results indicate that the beneficial interactive effects of ET and R-ALA on skeletal muscle insulin action observed previously in insulin-resistant obese Zucker rats are not apparent in insulin-sensitive lean Zucker rats.  相似文献   

Phospholemman (PLM, FXYD1) is a partner protein and regulator of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase (Na(+)-K(+) pump). We explored the impact of acute and short-term training exercise on PLM physiology in human skeletal muscle. A group of moderately trained males (n = 8) performed a 1-h acute bout of exercise by utilizing a one-legged cycling protocol. Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis at 0 and 63 min (non-exercised leg) and 30 and 60 min (exercised leg). In a group of sedentary males (n = 9), we determined the effect of a 10-day intense aerobic cycle training on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase subunit expression, PLM phosphorylation, and total PLM expression as well as PLM phosphorylation in response to acute exercise (1 h at ~72% Vo(2peak)). Biopsies were taken at rest, immediately following, and 3 h after an acute exercise bout before and at the conclusion of the 10-day training study. PLM phosphorylation was increased both at Ser(63) and Ser(68) immediately after acute exercise (75%, P < 0.05, and 30%, P < 0.05, respectively). Short-term training had no adaptive effect on PLM phosphorylation at Ser(63) and Ser(68), nor was the total amount of PLM altered posttraining. The protein expressions of α(1)-, α(2)-,and β(1)-subunits of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase were increased after training (113%, P < 0.05, 49%, P < 0.05, and 27%, P < 0.05, respectively). Whereas an acute bout of exercise increased the phosphorylation of PKCα/βII on Thr(638/641) pre- and posttraining, phosphorylation of PKCζ/λ on Thr(403/410) was increased in response to acute exercise only after the 10-day training. In conclusion, we show that only acute exercise, and not short-term training, increases phosphorylation of PLM on Ser(63) and Ser(68), and data from one-legged cycling indicate that this effect of exercise on PLM phosphorylation is not due to systemic factors. Our results provide evidence that phosphorylation of PLM may play a role in the acute regulation of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase response to exercise.  相似文献   

Effects of exercise training on coronary transport capacity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coronary transport capacity was estimated in eight sedentary control and eight exercise-trained anesthetized dogs by determining the differences between base line and the highest coronary blood flow and permeability-surface area product (PS) obtained during maximal adenosine vasodilation with coronary perfusion pressure constant. The anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery was cannulated and pump-perfused under constant-pressure conditions (approximately equal to 100 Torr) while aortic, central venous, and coronary perfusion pressures, heart rate, electrocardiogram, and coronary flow were monitored. Myocardial extraction and PS of 51Cr-labeled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid were determined with the single-injection indicator-diffusion method. The efficacy of the 16 +/- 1 wk exercise training program was shown by significant increases in the succinate dehydrogenase activities of the gastrocnemius, gluteus medialis, and long head of triceps brachii muscles. There were no differences between control and trained dogs for either resting coronary blood flow or PS. During maximal vasodilation with adenosine, the trained dogs had significantly lower perfusion pressures with constant flow and, with constant-pressure vasodilation, greater coronary blood flow and PS. It is concluded that exercise training in dogs induces an increased coronary transport capacity that includes increases in coronary blood flow capacity (26% of control) and capillary diffusion capacity (82% of control).  相似文献   

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