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The purpose of this study was to quantify the load on the lumbar spine of subjects when they are asked to adjust from a slouched sitting posture into an upright posture with one of three different strategies: “free” (no instruction) and two coached patterns: “lumbopelvic” dominant and “thoracic” dominant. The activity of selected muscles and kinematic data was recorded from 20 volunteers while performing the three movement patterns to adjust sitting posture. Moments and forces at the lumbar spine were computed from an anatomically detailed model that uses kinematics and muscle activation as input variables.The lumbopelvic pattern produces less joint moment on the lumbar spine (on average 31.2 ± 3.9 N m) when compared to the thoracic pattern (43.8 ± 5.8 N m). However, the joint compression force was similar for these two patterns, but it was smaller in the free pattern, when no coaching was given (lumbopelvic: 1279 ± 112 N, thoracic: 1367 ± (125 N, free: 1181 ± 118 N). Lower thoracic erector muscle activity and higher lumbar erector activity were measured in the lumbopelvic pattern in comparison with the other two. In summary the lumbopelvic pattern strategy using predominantly the movement of anterior pelvic tilt results in smaller joint moments on the lumbar spine and also positions the lumbar spine closest to the neutral posture minimizing passive tissue stress. This may be the strategy of choice for people with low back flexion intolerance.  相似文献   

The flexion-relaxation phenomenon (FRP) in the low back provides insights into the interplay between the active and passive tissues. Establishing a reliable algorithm for defining the lumbar angle at which the muscles deactivate and reactivate was the focus of the current paper. First, the EMG data were processed using six different smoothing techniques (no smoothing, moving average, moving standard deviation, Butterworth low pass filter at 0.5 Hz, 5 Hz, and 50 Hz) herein called the processed EMG (pEMG). The FRP points were then defined using four thresholds (pEMG less than 3% MVC, pEMG less than 5% MVC, pEMG less than 2 times FRP pEMG, and pEMG less than 3 times FRP pEMG). Finally, a duration requirement was tested (no duration requirement, pEMG data must maintain threshold requirement for 50 data points). Each combination of smoothing, threshold, and duration were applied through a computer program to each muscle for all trials and established an EMG-off and EMG-on angle for each muscle. These estimates were compared to the gold standard of expert-identified EMG-off and EMG-on angles and the root mean square error (RMSE) between this gold standard and the predictions of the algorithms served as the dependent variable. The results showed that the most important factor to produce low values of RMSE is to utilize a Butterworth low pass filter of 5 Hz or less and, if this is employed, there is no value to a duration requirement. The results also suggest that using the "3 times FRP pEMG" threshold technique may provide further improvements in these predictions.  相似文献   

Due to the frequency of cervical spine injuries in canines, the purpose of this effort was to develop an EMG-driven dynamic model of the canine cervical spine to assess a biomechanical understanding that enables one to investigate the risk of neck disorders. A canine subject was recruited in this investigation in order to collect subject specific data. Reflective markers and a motion capture system were used for kinematic measurement; surface electrodes were used to record electromyography signals, and with the aid of force plate kinetics were recorded. A 3D model of the canine subject was reconstructed from an MRI dataset. Muscles lines of action were defined through a new technique with the aid of 3D white light scanner. The model performed well with a 0.73 weighted R2 value in all three planes. The weighted average absolute error of the predicted moment was less than 10% of the external moment. The proposed model is a canine specific forward-dynamics model that precisely tracks the canine subject head and neck motion, calculates the muscle force generated from the twelve major moment producing muscles, and estimates resulting loads on specific spinal tissues.  相似文献   

A high prevalence and incidence of neck and shoulder pain is present in the working population, especially sedentary workers. Recent findings have indicated that the flexion-relaxation (FR) ratio in the cervical erector spinae (CES) muscles might be a significant criteria of neuromuscular impairment and function. Additionally, the active cervical range of motion (ROM) is frequently used for discriminating between individuals with pain and those who are asymptomatic. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between the active cervical ROM and the FR ratio in a sample of regular visual display terminal (VDT) workers. In total, 20 asymptomatic male VDT workers were recruited. Active cervical ROM was measured by a cervical ROM (CROM) instrument. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to collect myoelectrical signals from the CES muscles, and the FR ratio was calculated for statistical analysis. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to quantify the linear relationship between the active cervical ROM and the FR ratio. The values obtained for the FR ratio in the right CES muscles correlated significantly with the active cervical ROM measured in flexion (r=0.73, p<0.01), left lateral flexion (r=0.64, p<0.01), and left rotation (r=0.60, p<0.01). Flexion (r=0.74, p<0.01) and right lateral flexion (r=0.61, p<0.01) positively correlated with the left FR ratio. Extension and right rotation showed either a very weak or no correlation with the mean value of the right and left FR ratio. Our findings suggested that the cervical FR ratio had a positive correlation with cervical movements, and that changes of the activation patterns in CES demonstrated as cervical FR ratio are associated with reduction of the cervical range of motion including flexion and lateral flexion. In addition, muscular dysfunction of the CES could occur in regular computer workers prior to occurrence of pain; this means that the FR ratio could be used to evaluate the potential risk of neck discomfort in computer workers.  相似文献   

Cervical disc injury due to impact has been observed in clinical and biomechanical investigations; however, there is a lack of data that helps to elucidate the mechanisms of disc injury during these collisions. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the behavior of the cervical spine under different types of loading situations. A three dimensional finite element (FE) model for the multi-level cervical spine segment (C0-C7) was developed using computed tomography (CT) data and applied to study the internal stresses and strains of the intervertebral discs under quasi-static loading conditions. The intervertebral discs were treated as nonlinear, anisotropic and incompressible subjected to large deformations. The model accuracy was validated by comparing it with previously published experimental and numerical results for different movements. It was shown that the use of a fiber reinforced model to describe the behavior of the annulus of the discs would predict higher maximum shear strains than an isotropic one, being therefore important the use of complex constitutive models in order to be able to detect the appearance of injured zones, since those strains and stresses are supposed to be related with damage to soft tissues. Several movements were analyzed: flexion, extension and axial rotation, obtaining that the maximum shear stresses in the disc were higher for a flexo-extension movement.  相似文献   

Viscoelastic creep of spine tissue, induced by submaximal spine flexion in sitting, can delay the onset of the flexion-relaxation phenomenon (FRP) and low back reflexes (LBR). Theoretically, these two outcome measures should be correlated; however, no studies have investigated this. This study aims to determine whether 30 min of near-maximal spine flexion will affect the onset of FRP and LBR in the lumbar erector spinae (LS) and lumbar multifidus (LM), and to examine the relation between these parameters. 15 participants were recruited (9F, 6M). Spine angle (between L1 and S2) was monitored synchronously with bilateral muscle activity in the LS (L1) and the LM (L4). FRP onset and LBR were measured in a randomized order before and after 30 min of slouched sitting. No significant difference was found for any muscle LBR onset time between pre and post-sitting (p > 0.05). A significant increase in FRP onset was found in the RLM (p = 0.016) following sitting. No significant correlation was found between the FRP and the LBR for any muscle. These results suggest that the LBR onset might not be as sensitive as an outcome measure to investigate shorter exposures of sitting as FRP.  相似文献   

The current study provides a quantitative assessment of three-dimensional spine motion during target-directed trunk movements in sitting. Subjects sat on an elevated surface, without foot support, and targets were placed in five directions, at three subject-specific distances (based on trunk height). Subjects were asked to lean toward the target, touch it with their head, and return to upright sitting. A retro-reflective motion analysis system was used to measure spine motion, using three kinematic trunk models (1, 3 and 7 segments). Significant differences were noted in the total trunk motion measured between the models, as well as between target distances and directions. In the most segmented model, inter-segmental trunk motion was also found to differ between trunk levels, with complex interaction effects involving target distance and direction. These findings suggest that inter-segmental spine motion is complex, task dependent, and often unevenly distributed between spine levels, with motion patterns differing between subjects, even in the absence of pathology. Use of a multi-segmental model provides the most interpretable findings, allowing for differentiation of individual motion patterns of the spine. Such an approach may be beneficial to the understanding of movement-related spine pathologies.  相似文献   

The relative motion between various vertebrae of multi-level cervical ligamentous spinal segments (C2-T2), using Bryant angles, is described. A three-dimensional sonic digitizer was utilized to study the motion in flexion, extension, right lateral bending and right axial rotation. Effects of a number of injuries and stabilization (interspinous wiring and acrylic cement, PMMA) on the motion behavior of C5-C6 (injured) and C4-C5 (superior to injured) levels were investigated. The data were normalized with respect to intact specimens. The injury to capsular ligaments at C5-C6 produced a significant increase in the relative motion at C4-C5. Although the interspinous wiring reduced the motion at C5-C6 the C4-C5 motion was still higher. The application of PMMA made the motion at C4-C5 comparable to the intact specimen.  相似文献   

C. C. Gunn  W. E. Milbrandt 《CMAJ》1976,114(9):803-809
The exact cause of tennis elbow, a common condition, is still obscure. While the condition may well be entirely due to a local disorder at the elbow, the results of a study of 50 patients whose condition was resistant to 4 weeks of treatment directed to the elbow suggest that the underlying condition may have been (at least in these patients) a reflex localization of pain from radiculopathy at the cervical spine. Clinical, radiologic and electromyographic findings supported this suggestion. The pain was demonstrated to be muscular tenderness, which was maximal and specific at motor points. Treatment directed to the cervical spine appeared to give relief in the majority of patients. The more resistant the condition, the more severe were the radiologic and electromyographic findings in the cervical spine.  相似文献   

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