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Phenoloxidase (PO) activity was studied in Sydney rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata). As in other molluscs, PO was found to exist as a pro-enzyme (proPO) in hemocytes. ProPO could be activated to PO by exogenous proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin), exposure of hemocytes to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and by the detergents, Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). Inhibition studies confirmed the proPO activating system of Sydney rock oysters is a proteinase cascade in which Ca2+ dependent serine proteinases proteolytically convert proPO into active PO. Activated PO was found to be a tyrosinase-like enzyme that is responsible for both monophenolase and diphenolase activity. The bifunctional PO had higher affinity for the monophenol, hydroquinine monomethyl ether (4HA) (Km = 4.45 ± 1.46 mM) than for the diphenol, l-DOPA (Km = 10.27 ± 1.33 mM). Maximum enzyme activity was evident at 37 °C, pH 8 and at salinities of between 30 and 37 ppt. Melanogenesis catalysed by the active enzyme is a composite of eumelanin and the product of a sclerotin pathway combining DOPA decarboxylase with PO activity.  相似文献   

In this study, three major hemocyte types were identified in the Sydney rock oyster. They were characterized primarily by light and electron microscopy based on the presence or absence of granules and nucleus to cytoplasm ratios. Hemoblast-like cells were the smallest cell type 4.0+/-0.4microm and comprised 15+/-3% of the hemocyte population. They had large nuclei and scanty basic cytoplasm. This cell type also had some endoplasmic reticuli and mitochondria. The second major type were hyalinocytes. Hyalinocytes represented 46+/-6% of all hemocytes. They were large cells (7.1+/-1.0microm) that had low nucleus:cytoplasm ratios and agranular basic or acidic cytoplasm. Hyalinocytes had the ability to phagocytose yeast cells and formed the core of hemocyte aggregates associated with agglutination. Four discrete sub-populations of hyalinocytes were identified. The third major cell type were the granulocytes, comprising 38+/-1% of the hemocyte population. These cells were large (9.3+/-0.3microm) and were characterized by cytoplasm containing many acidic or basic granules. Granulocytes were more phagocytic than hyalinocytes and they formed the inner layer of hemocytes during the encapsulation of fungal hyphae. Five discrete sub-populations of granulocytes were identified based on the types of granules in their cytoplasm. Flow cytometry showed that the hemocytes of rock oysters could be divided into between two and four major cell types based on their light scattering properties. The most common of the cell types identified by flow cytometry corresponded to hyalinocytes and granulocytes. Cytochemical assays showed that most enzymes associated with immunological activity were localized in granulocytes. Their granules contained acid phosphatase, peroxidase, phenoloxidase, superoxide and melanin. Hyalinocytes were positive only for acid phosphatase. All of these observations suggest that Sydney rock oysters have a broad variety of functionally specialized hemocytes, many of which are involved in host defense.  相似文献   

《Journal of Proteomics》2010,73(2):209-217
The Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata, is susceptible to infection by the protozoan parasite, Marteilia sydneyi, the causative agent of QX disease. M. sydneyi infection peaks during summer when QX disease can cause up to 95% mortality. The current study takes a proteomic approach using 2-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to identify markers of QX disease resistance among Sydney rock oysters. Proteome maps were developed for QX disease-resistant and -susceptible oysters. Six proteins in those maps were clearly associated with resistance and so were characterized by mass spectrometry. Two of the proteins (p9 and p11) were homologous to superoxide dismutase-like molecules from the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, and the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. The remaining S. glomerata proteins had no obvious similarities to known molecules in sequence databases. p9 and p11 are currently being investigated as potential markers for the selective breeding of QX disease-resistant oysters.  相似文献   

Our prior work has shown that the catecholamine hormone, noradrenaline, mediates environmental stress responses in Sydney rock oysters, resulting in impaired immunological function. In the current study, we tested the cellular basis of this stress response. Hemocytes were exposed to noradrenaline in vitro before cell morphology and viability were analyzed. Noradrenaline was shown to induce apoptotic markers, including the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, DNA fragmentation and plasma membrane blebbing. F-actin appeared to play an important role in the changes observed in hemocytes, being concentrated mostly in the plasma membrane blebs of noradrenaline-treated hemocytes. This may explain why hemocyte adhesion and pseudopodia formation were inhibited by noradrenaline. Cellular dysfunction induced by norarenaline mainly affected the hyalinocyte sub-population of hemocytes, whilst the other major cell type, granulocytes, remained unaffected. Given that hyalinocytes are important immunological effectors, the results of this study help to explain why immunosuppression accompanies noradrenaline-mediated stress responses in oysters.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine whether the infestation by the protozoan paramyxean parasite, Marteilia sydneyi, changes the bacterial community of the digestive gland of Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea glomerata. Methods and Results: Six 16S rDNA clone libraries were established from three M. sydneyi‐infected and three un‐infected oysters. Restriction enzyme analysis followed by sequencing representative clones revealed a total of 23 different operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in un‐infected oysters, comprising the major phyla: Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Spirocheates, where the clone distribution was 44, 36, 7 and 5%, respectively. Close to half of the OTUs are not closely related to any other hitherto determined sequence. In contrast, S. glomerata infected by M. sydneyi had only one OTU present in the digestive gland. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence reveals that this dominant OTU, belonging to the α‐Proteobacteria, is closely related to a Rickettsiales‐like prokaryote (RLP). Conclusions: The microbiota of the digestive gland of Sydney rock oysters is changed by infection by M. sydneyi, becoming dominated by a RLP, and generally less diverse. The bacterial community of un‐infected S. glomerata differs from previous studies in that we identified the dominant taxa as Firmicutes and α‐Proteobacteria, rather than heterotrophic γ‐Proteobacteria. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first culture‐independent study of the microbiota of the digestive glands of edible oysters to the species level. The commercial viability of the Sydney rock oyster industry in Australia is currently threatened by Queensland Unknown disease and the changes in the bacterial community of S. glomerata corresponding with infection by M. sydneyi sheds further light on the link between parasite infection and mortality in this economically damaging disease.  相似文献   

This study investigated the synergistic effects of ocean acidification (caused by elevations in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide pCO2) and temperature on the fertilization and embryonic development of the economically and ecologically important Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata (Gould 1850). As pCO2 increased, fertilization significantly decreased. The temperature of 26 °C was the optimum temperature for fertilization, as temperature increased and decreased from this optimum, fertilization decreased. There was also an effect of pCO2 and temperature on embryonic development. Generally as pCO2 increased, the percentage and size of D‐veligers decreased and the percentage of D‐veligers that were abnormal increased. The optimum temperature was 26 °C and embryonic development decreased at temperatures that were above and below this temperature. Abnormality of D‐veligers was greatest at 1000 ppm and 18 and 30 °C (≥90%) and least at 375 ppm and 26 °C (≤4%). Finally prolonged exposure of elevated pCO2 and temperature across early developmental stages led to fewer D‐veligers, more abnormality and smaller sizes in elevated CO2 environments and may lead to lethal effects at suboptimal temperatures. Embryos that were exposed to the pCO2 and temperature treatments for fertilization and embryonic development had fewer D‐veligers, greater percentage of abnormality and reduced size than embryos that were exposed to the treatments for embryonic development only. Further at the elevated temperature of 30 °C and 750–1000 ppm, there was no embryonic development. The results of this study suggest that predicted changes in ocean acidification and temperature over the next century may have severe implications for the distribution and abundance of S. glomerata as well as possible implications for the reproduction and development of other marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

The Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) is a commercially important bivalve in southeastern Australian. We describe the isolation and characterization of nine microsatellite markers for S. glomerata. The loci are highly polymorphic, with between five and 20 alleles identified among 30 individuals. Expected heterozygosity levels ranged from 0.608 to 0.936. The markers will be used to study natural dispersal, translocations and population structure. We will also use the microsatellites to test the genetic effects of QX disease on oyster populations. This infectious parasitic disease has decimated S. glomerata productivity in a number of areas over the past few decades.  相似文献   

Rock oysters from a mass selection trial were compared with wild-caught (control) oysters of the same age to determine the physiological basis for faster growth rates amongst the selected individuals, and to describe the associated flexibility in phenotypic traits of feeding, metabolism and growth. In confirmation of earlier studies, fast growth was associated with faster rates of feeding, reduced metabolic rates and lower metabolic costs of growth. Selected individuals deposited more protein, at a lower metabolic cost, than the controls. Control oysters, however, deposited more lipid than the selected oysters, though the unit costs of lipid deposition did not differ between categories. The results indicated a wide plasticity of physiological rates and efficiencies and demonstrated how, by selection, interactions between physiological traits can serve to enhance growth. If differences in lipid deposition observed here were indicative of different rates of gametogenesis, then the results also suggest that selection alters the balance between growth and reproduction. Whether these differences can be termed compensatory with respect to the life history of the species remains to be determined, but the results indicate some of the ways in which physiological flexibility may be expressed to effect different patterns of energy allocation.  相似文献   

QX disease in Sydney rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata) is caused by the paramyxean protozoan, Marteilia sydneyi. Disease outbreaks occur during summer (January to May) and can result in up to 95% mortality. The New South Wales Department of Primary Industries has been selectively breeding S. glomerata for resistance to QX disease since 1996. Previous work suggests that this breeding program has specifically affected the defensive phenoloxidase enzyme system of oysters. The current study more thoroughly characterises the effect of selection on the different forms of phenoloxidase found in oyster populations. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (native-PAGE) identified five discrete types of phenoloxidase in non-selected (wild type) and fourth generation QX disease resistant (QXR4) oysters. One electrophoretically distinct form of phenoloxidase, POb, is significantly less frequent in resistant oysters when compared to the wild type population. The frequency of POb also decreased in both the wild type and QXR4 populations over the course of a QX disease outbreak. This suggests that possession of POb makes oysters susceptible to QX disease and that breeding for resistance has resulted in negative selection against this form of phenoloxidase.  相似文献   

Haplosporidian parasites infect various invertebrate hosts including some commercially important shellfish. Haplosporidium nelsoni (along with Perkinsus marinus) has severely affected Eastern oyster production on the eastern seaboard of the United States and flat oyster production in Europe has been severely impacted by Bonamia ostreae. These parasites are also often present at a very low prevalence and there are a variety of morphologically similar species that can be difficult to differentiate during cytological or histological diagnosis hence the need to develop specific tests. Recently, a Minchinia sp. was described affecting rock oysters (Saccostrea cuccullata) in north Western Australia. In this study, two in situ hybridisation (ISH) assays and a PCR assay have been developed and optimised for use in investigating these parasites. The first ISH assay used a 166bp polynucleotide probe while the second used a 30bp oligonucleotide probe. The specificity of each ISH assay was assessed by applying each probe to a variety of haplosporidian (5), a paramyxian (1) or ciliophora (1) parasites. The polynucleotide probe produced strong hybridisation signals against all of the haplosporidian parasites tested (Minchinia sp., Minchinia teredinis, Bonamia roughleyi, H. nelsoni and Haplosporidium costale) while the oligonucleotide probe recognised only the Minchinia sp. Both probes failed to detect the paramyxian (Marteilia sp.) or the Rhynchodid-like ciliate. The PCR assay amplifies a 220bp region and detected Minchinia sp. DNA from 50ng of genomic DNA extracted from the tissues of infected oysters and 10fg of amplified Minchinia sp. DNA. The assay did not react to oysters infected with H. nelsoni or H. costale. The ability of the PCR and oligonucleotide ISH assay to diagnose Minchinia sp. infected oysters was compared to histological examination from a sample of 56 oysters. The PCR assay revealed 26 infections while histological examination detected 14 infections. The oligonucleotide ISH assay detected 29 infections. The oligonucleotide ISH and PCR assays were found to be significantly more sensitive than histology for detecting the parasite.  相似文献   

Sydney rock oysters were sampled from a mass selection experiment for growth (the "selected" category) and from a control ("not selected") population and held in the laboratory at three ration levels. We evaluated three models to explain faster rates of growth by selected oysters. Selection resulted in oysters feeding at up to twice the rate and with greater metabolic efficiency than controls. A field experiment confirmed that selection leads to faster rates of feeding across a wide range of food concentrations. Selected oysters also grew more efficiently, at a smaller cost of growth (Cg): mean values for Cg were 0.43 J x J(-1) in selected individuals and 0.81 J x J(-1) in the controls. In contrast, oysters in both categories showed similar metabolic rates at maintenance, i.e., at a ration supporting zero growth. There was no evidence that differential energy allocation affected the balance between total metabolic requirements above and below zero net energy balance. By experimenting with selected and control oysters of different sizes and ages, then standardizing the data for size, we found no effects of age on the differences due to selection. Faster-growing oysters feed more rapidly; invest more energy per joule ingested; show a higher net growth efficiency; and are able to allocate less energy per unit of tissue growth, than slower-growing individuals.  相似文献   

Species of Saccostrea are common oysters on Indo-Pacific rockyshores. The taxonomy of this genus is unclear, however, becauseof morphological plasticity among its constituent species. Oystersamples with distinct morphotypes were collected from shoresexperiencing different degrees of wave exposure in Japan, Taiwan,China, Vietnam, Singapore and Australia. Intraspecific and interspecificvariations in shell characters have been identified. Only S.kegaki could be readily differentiated from S. cucullata-B,S. cucullata-C and S. mordax by multivariate shell allometricanalyses. Phylogenetic analyses using partial mitochondrial16S DNA sequences of approximately 513 base pairs identifiedtwo clades that correspond to superspecies, i.e. putative S.cucullata and putative S. mordax, comprising nine and two lineagesfrom the Indo-West Pacific, respectively. These are S. cucullata-A,B, C, D, E, F, G, S. kegaki and S. glomerata in one clade, andS. mordax-A and B in the other. Interspecific sequence divergence(Kimura-2-parameter values) between lineages ranged from 1.02%to 11.74%. Both S. cucullata-C and S. kegaki are restrictedto the northern hemisphere, whereas S. glomerata seems to bea temperate species from the southern hemisphere. S. cucullata-Doccurs only in Taiwan. Other species, i.e. S. cucullata-A, B,D, E and F and S. mordax-A and B, have a wide range on rockyshores in the tropical and subtropical Western Pacific and inboth northern and southern hemispheres. (Received 7 January 2005; accepted 4 November 2005)  相似文献   

A Minchinia sp. (Haplosporidia: Haplosporidiidae) parasite was identified infecting rock oysters and morphologically described by Hine and Thorne (2002) using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The parasite was associated with up to 80% mortality in the host species and it is suspected that the parasite would be a major impediment to the development of a tropical rock oyster aquaculture industry in northern Western Australia. However, attempts to identify the parasite following the development of a specific probe for Haplosporidium nelsoni were unsuccessful. The SSU region of the parasite's rRNA gene was later characterized in our laboratory and an in situ hybridization assay for the parasite was developed. This study names the parasite as Minchinia occulta n sp. and morphologically describes the parasite using histology, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The non-spore stages were unusual in that they consisted primarily of uninucleate stages reminiscent of Bonamia spp. The parasite's spores were ovoid to circular shaped and measured 4.5 microm-5.0 microm x 3.5-4.1 microm in size. The nucleus of the sporoplasm measured 1.5-2.3 microm and was centrally located. The spores were covered in a branching network of microtubule-like structures that may degrade as the spore matures.  相似文献   

Many authors have highlighted a high inter-individual variability in immune parameters of marine bivalves. A high number of studies have reported the impact of external factors on hemocytes immune parameters such as temperature, salinity, pollutants or pathogens. However, only a few of them considered the impact of intrinsic parameters such as sex. Therefore, the present study assessed the impact of gender on hemocytes functions on two marine bivalves. Our results led to the conclusion that the gender contributes to this inter-individual variability. When studying the impact of an environmental variable, a pathogen or a pollutant, the sex of each animal should be determined and taken into account in the analysis and interpretation of immune parameters.  相似文献   

Haplosporidium sp. is described from rock oysters Saccostrea cuccullata Born, 1778 experiencing epizootics on the northwestern coast of Western Australia. All stages were observed as focal infections in the connective tissue of the gills, or as disseminated infections in the mantle and around digestive diverticulae. Haplosporidium sp. occurred between epithelial cells of the gut, in focal lesions in the gills, but not in the epithelium of the digestive diverticulae, and sporulation was confined to the connective tissue. Plasmodia developed into sporonts and sporocysts in a loose syncytium that gave rise to binucleate and uninucleate sporoblasts from which spores developed. Spores were flask-shaped, 5.6-6.7 x 3.3-4.0 microm, with a characteristic operculum, a few filamentous wrappings and rod-like structures in the posterior sporoplasm. Mature spores had a wall comprising inner (90 nm wide), middle (30 nm wide) and outer (130 nm wide) layers, and a surface coat of microtubules giving them a furry appearance. Oysters with empty gonad follicles were most heavily infected, and oyster condition and mortality appeared to be related to degree of infection.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of sporulation of a new parasite, Marteilioides branchialis (Paramyxea), in the Sydney Rock oyster, Saccostrea commercialis, is described. The development is typical of other Paramyxea whereby a stem cell internally cleaves a secondary cell contained within a vacuole. It differs from other species in the phylum in that each secondary cell produces a single spore composed of two concentric cells, one within a vacuole of the other. This type of sporulation represents the simplest of all known Paramyxea. Infection results in focal gill lesions and was observed concurrently with an epizootic of another paramyxean, Marteilia sydneyi.  相似文献   

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