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Eleven species of the proseriate turbellarian family Coelogynoporidae have been encountered between Cape Cod, Mass. and the southern shore-line of New Brunswick, Canada. The distributions of Coelogynopora schultzii, C. biarmata and Cirrifera cirrifera are reported. Four new species belonging to the genus Coelogynopora, one new species of Cirrifera and a species belonging to a new genus are described. Two species remain undescribed. Biological observations on a laboratory-reared colony of C. biarmata maintained since 1978 are reported.  相似文献   

Eighteen species of Histeridae are newly reported from New Brunswick, Canada. This brings the total number of species known from New Brunswick to 42. Seven of these species, Acritus exguus (Erichson), Euspilotus rossi (Wenzel), Hypocaccus fitchi (Marseul), Dendrophilus kiteleyi Bousquet and Laplante, Platysoma cylindricum (Paykull), Atholus sedecimstriatus (Say), and Margarinotus harrisii (Kirby) are recorded from the Maritime provinces for the first time. Collection and bionomic data are presented for these species.  相似文献   

One species of Silvanidae, Silvanus muticus Sharp, is newly recorded from New Brunswick, Canada and the Maritime provinces; Ahasverus longulus (Blatchley) is re-instated to the faunal list of the province, and we report the first recent provincial records of Dendrophagus cygnaei Mannerheim. Five species of Laemophloeidae (Charaphloeus convexulus (LeConte), Charaphloeus undescribed species (near adustus), Leptophloeus angustulus (LeConte), Placonotus zimmermanni (LeConte), and an undescribed Leptophloeus species) are added to the faunal list of New Brunswick. Collection data, bionomic data, and distribution maps are presented for all these species.  相似文献   

We report nine species of Eucnemidae new to the province and additional records for Onichodon canadensis (Brown) and Dromaeolus harringtoni Horn. Five species, Xylophilus cylindriformis (Horn), Entomophthalmus rufiolus (LeConte), Stethon pectorosus LeConte, Onichodon orchesides Newman, and Isarthrus rufipes (Melsheimer), are newly recorded for the Maritime provinces. This brings the total number of Eucnemidae recorded from New Brunswick to 15 species. Lindgren funnel traps are an effective tool for sampling the Eucnemidae.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of Tenebrionidae are newly reported for New Brunswick, Canada. Paratenetus punctatus Spinola, Pseudocistela brevis (Say), Mycetochara foveata (LeConte), and Xylopinus aenescens LeConte are recorded for the first time from the Maritime provinces. Platydema excavatum (Say) is removed from the faunal list of New Brunswick, and the presence of Platydema americanum Laporte and Brullé for the province is confirmed. This brings the total number of species of Tenebrionidae known from New Brunswick to 42. Two species of Zopheridae, Bitoma crenata Fabricius and Synchita fuliginosa Melsheimer, are newly recorded for New Brunswick, bringing the number of species known from the province to four. Bitoma crenata is new to the Maritime provinces. Collection and habitat data are presented for these species.  相似文献   

The following new species in the New World Natada complex are described: Natada minuscula, Natada cecilia, Natada lalogamezi, Natada kokii, Natada monteverdensis, Narosopsis iangauldi, and Euprosterna wemilleri. Natada minuscula is the smallest known species in the complex. Of the new species, only Natada kokii, Natada cecilia and Narosopsis iangauldi are known to occur outside of Costa Rica. Previously the New World Natada complex had 43 species in the neotropics. It is anticipated that the proportion of new species in the complex will exceed other major lineages of Limacodidae found in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Eight species of Lycidae are newly recorded from New Brunswick, Canada, bringing the total number of species known from the province to 16. The first documented records from New Brunswick are provided for Greenarius thoracicus (Randall) Erotides scuptilis (Say), and Calopteron terminale (Say) reported by Majka et al. (2011). Eropterus arculus Green, Lopheros crenatus (Germar), and Calochromus perfacetus (Say) are reported for the first time in the Maritime provinces. Collection data, habitat data, and distribution maps are presented for all these species.  相似文献   

Geophagy in New Guinea birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geophagy, the ingestion of soil, has been reported for birds and other animals from many regions, but its functions remain debated. We report geophagy for the first time for New Guinea birds: four or five parrot species, two or three pigeon species, one hornbill species, one crow species and possibly one cassowary species. These species ate soil at an area of bare ground created by a landslide on a steep mountain slope. Parrots visited the site in the early morning, pigeons in the late afternoon, flying in from considerable distances. All 11 of these species are frugivores. In the vicinity, we recorded 133 other bird species (including 37 other frugivore species) that were not observed to visit the site. Within each taxonomic group of frugivores, those practising geophagy tended to be the largest species of their guild. To test hypotheses regarding the functions of geophagy, we carried out chemical and physical analyses of soil samples from the site. The ingested soil was much too fine-grained to be useful as grit; it contained only modest levels of all 14 minerals analysed; it lacked buffering capacity; and there was no evidence that it protected against diarrhoea. Instead, the soil's high measured cation-exchange capacity, high content of cation-binding minerals and binding of large quantities of tannic acid and quinine suggest a different hypothesis: that geophagy in this case served to bind poisonous and/or bitter-tasting secondary compounds in ingested fruits and seeds. Geophagy thus represents one weapon in the escalating biological warfare between plants and animal consumers-an evolutionary arms race at which parrots excel. We discuss five unsolved problems posed by geophagy.  相似文献   

何汉兴 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):20-44
综述了中国大陆腐霉属的研究进展,内容包括腐霉属菌物的发生、分布、分类鉴定、致病性、所致植物病害防治及腐霉的利用等方面.至今,中国已报道的腐霉属菌物有64个种,其中有13个种作为世界新种进行了描述,这13个新种分别为:顶生腐霉Pythium acrogynum,孤雌腐霉P.amasculinum,百色腐霉P.baisense,北方腐霉P.boreale,短枝腐霉P.breve,壁合腐霉P.connatum,镰雄腐霉P.falciforme,贵阳腐霉P.guiyangense,广西腐霉P.guangxiense,下雄腐霉P.hypoandrum,昆明腐霉P.kummingense,南宁腐霉尸nanningense和中国腐霉P.sinensis.瓜果腐霉Pythium aphanidermatum为优势种,在全国普遍引起多种植物严重的猝倒病和根、茎、叶、果腐烂病.其中,大多数腐霉种对植物具有致病性,44个种寄生植物,1个种:紫菜腐霉P.porphyrae寄生红藻和紫菜,2个种:卡地腐霉P.carolinianum 和贵阳腐霉P.guiyangense寄生蚊子幼虫,2个种:努氏腐霉P.nunn和寡雄腐霉P.oligandrum 是真菌的重寄生菌.相比之下,台湾报道的腐霉种有48种(其中新种1个:四季腐霉P.sukuiense),海南报道的腐霉种有28种.对中国大陆腐霉属的研究前景也进行了讨论.  相似文献   

2001~2006年,在重庆的南川区、江津区、武隆县、城口县和渝北区等地进行蝶类调查时,发现有13种为重庆新记录(弄蝶6种,蚬蝶1种,灰蝶6种)。刘文萍[2~4]在重庆市蝶类调查基础上,结合历史记载,统计出重庆市蝶类447种。其统计时,少计了Leech[5]记载的黄襟弄蝶Pseudocoladenia dan(Fa  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ten new species of colorless Eugleninae are described. One of them is the type of a new genus ( Calycimonas physaloides nov. gen. nov. sp.). Especially remarkable forms are: Astasia acus , a species related to the green Euglena acus but without chromatophores and stigma and considerably smaller; Astasia edax , a species with animal-like nutrition and peculiar ecological adaptations; Petalomonas striata , a form which is not spirally but transversely striated; and finally Hyalophacus caecus , which was observed already by Klebs and Pochmann but was not sufficiently described. The new genus Calycimonas (ex fam. Peranemacearum) is related to Tropidoscyphus on the one hand (nearly the same shape as e.g. Tr. octocostatus , but possessing only a single flagellum) and to Petalomonas on the other hand (mode of nutrition and of swimming, formation of the reservoir, rigidity: however in transverse section not flattened).
The Astasiae with zootrophic nutrition are collected in a new subgenus Astasiae devorantes or Phytophaga which comprises besides A. edax three species already described by Skuja.  相似文献   

Guizhou is situated in the southwestern China and is very rich in algae However, our present knowledge of the Charophytes is scanty. Over 400 specimens were collected from 22 counties or cities and from them 41 species, 2 subspecies, 3 varieties were found. In addition to previously known species of this region, Nitella rasilis, N. paludosa, N. pseudopapillata and N. guizhouensis are new species, N. mirabilis var. libera is new variety, and N. penicillata, Chara burmanica, C. vulgaris var. gymnophylla are new records for China. In this paper, only the new taxa are reported.  相似文献   

Two new species of foliicolous lichens from New Zealand are described and illustrated. The most characteristic trait ofDimerella flava sp. nov. (Gyalectaceae) is its pale yellow tubular pycnidia, which clothe the algal-containing thallus on the upper surface of leaves and sometimes also on thin twigs.Porinula setifera sp. nov. (incertae sedis) is closely related to the type species ofPorinula, P. tanzanica, but differs in having hyaline setae on its perithecia and mostly simple paraphysoids.  相似文献   

Hughes M  Weir A  Leschen R  Judd C  Gillen B 《Mycologia》2004,96(6):1355-1369
Until now Rhachomyces kenodactyli Balazuc & W. Rossi has been the only species of Laboulbeniales known to occur on Coleoptera in the Bounty, Antipodes, Auckland, Campbell and Snares Islands, which lie 48° to 35° S. Four new species (Diphymyces depressus, Diphymyces leschenii, Laboulbenia subantarctica and Laboulbenia loxomeri) and five new records for the subantarctic (Cucujomyces phycophilus, Diphymyces penicillifer, Laboulbenia sp. 1, Rhachomyces sp. 1 and Teratomyces sp. 1) are reported, increasing the known number of taxa tenfold. An expanded geographic range for Rhachomyces kenodactyli is reported. A relatively high percentage (12%) of known beetle species in the subantarctic serve as hosts for Laboulbeniales. This host utilization rate is higher than that in tropical and north temperate regions. The high proportion of intertidal coleopteran taxa in the subantarctic fauna probably accounts for the greater number of host species utilized. Fungi on intertidal beetles (Omaliinae [Staphylinidae], Oopterus [Carabidae] and Kenodactylus audouini [Carabidae]) are known from many host individuals and collections, while those on terrestrial species are known from few, and in some cases, a single collection or host. The sporadic occurrence of some species encountered increases the likelihood that a few species of Laboulbeniales on Coleoptera probably remain undiscovered in the region.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, as elsewhere, research on rare species has been dominated by autecological studies of individual threatened species. Limitations of this approach are that it involves no comparison with related common species which may have similar traits, and that the minimal sample size prevents generalisation about causes and consequences of rarity. We report on experimentally determined growth and reproductive traits of 10 rare and common Acaena(Rosaceae) species from two taxonomic sections (sect. Ancistrum and sect. Microphyllae). We examined the relationship between rarity or commonness and relative growth rate, mode of vegetative expansion, morphology/presentation of reproductive structures and reproductive allocation. Rarity and commonness were defined according to geographic range size, measured as the number of 10-km grid squares containing at least one record of the species. There were tendencies across both taxonomic sections for species with large range size to have higher relative growth rates and in section Microphyllae, faster lateral expansion. Among section Ancistrum species, common species tended to produce inflorescences for a shorter period and held their capitula higher above the canopy, but other reproductive attributes showed little association with range size. In section Microphyllae all reproductive traits tended to be positively associated with range size. This was mainly due to the single very common species having high fecundity. The lack of strong patterns among our results may reflect insufficient sample size or that the rare species represent different types of rarity.  相似文献   

Forty–nine species of myxomycetes are reported as new to Norway. Of these, 22 species are new to Scandinavia. Several have not, or only rarely, been reported from Europe. Two species (viz. Diderma subfloriformis and Comatricha anomala) were previously known only from their type localities. Brief discussions are given for some of the more interesting species.  相似文献   

A short collecting expedition to Vietnam in 2016 yielded 700 specimens of 170 liverwort species of which 79 were new to the flora of Vietnam, including 43 species new to Indochina. Many of the newly recorded species have meta-Himalayan distributions (that predicts occurrence of these taxa in the areas of north-west Vietnam situated in the south-easternmost spurs of the Himalaya). Some species were recorded based on the study of living material, permitting the examination of oil body characteristics for Riccardia and Calypogeia. The known taxonomic liverwort diversity of Vietnam is currently 379 taxa, estimated to represent ca 80% of the actual taxonomic diversity in the country.  相似文献   

We report 21 new species records for the Coleoptera fauna of New Brunswick, Canada, seven of which are new records for the Maritime provinces. Four species of Mycetophagidae (Litargus didesmus Say, Litargus tetrapilotus LeConte, Mycetophagus punctatus Say, and Mycetophagus quadriguttatus Müller) are newly reported for the province of New Brunswick. Litargus didesmus is newly recorded for the Maritime provinces. Seven species of Tetratomidae are added to the faunal list of New Brunswick: Eustrophus tomentosus Say, Penthe obliquata (Fabricius), and Tetratoma tessellata Melsheimer are new to New Brunswick: Hallomenus serricornis LeConte, Pisenus humeralis Kirby, Synstrophus repandus (Horn), and Tetratoma variegata Casey, which are newly recorded for New Brunswick and the Maritime provinces. Ten additional species of Melandryidae are reported from New Brunswick, of which Orchesia cultriformis Laliberté, Orchesia ovata Laliberté, Phloeotrya fusca (LeConte), Scotochroides antennatus Mank, Spilotus quadripustulatus (Melsheimer), Symphora flavicollis (Haldeman), Symphora rugosa (Haldeman), and Zilora hispida LeConte are new for the province, and Microscapha clavicornis LeConte and Zilora nuda Provancher are newly recorded for the Maritime provinces. In addition, we report numerous additional records for three species of Mycetophagidae and one species of Melandryidae previously recorded from New Brunswick that suggest these species are more widely distributed than previously known. Collection, habitat data, and distribution maps are presented for all these species.  相似文献   

New DNA barcodes for identification of Korean birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA barcode is a short sequence of standardized genomic region that is specific to a species and therefore, helps in species identification. According to studies of animal species, the 648-bp sequence of the mitochondrial gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1) is extremely useful for species identification. Several studies of birds have already ascertained the reliability of CO1 barcodes. In this study, we investigated the validity of DNA barcoding in Korean bird species by using additional barcode records. We analyzed the CO1 barcodes of 154 species of Korean birds, and discovered that the average genetic distance between congeneric species was 25 times higher than the average genetic distance within species. Most (98.7 %) bird species possessed a barcode distinct from that of other bird species. However, among the remaining 1.3 %, species had overlapping barcode clusters. Thus, we reemphasize that CO1 barcodes are an effective identification tool for Korean bird species.  相似文献   

New Zealand honeydew beech forests are the only natural ecosystem where large quantities of above-ground labile carbon are added year-round. Microbes can potentially play an important role in the flux of nutrients through food webs; because of their potential for specialisation to sugar-rich niches we tested for the presence of yeasts in the honeydew system. We found at least two abundant species (Hanseniaspora osmophila and Candida railenensis), as well as two species (Zygosaccharomyces cidri and Z. rouxii) likely present at lower frequencies. Only Candida railenensis is known to be associated with Nothofagus, but the other species are associated with fruits and winemaking/fermentation. These other species found in honeydew may be indigenous, but it is also possible that they represent microbial examples of invasive species and consequently add to the considerable list of human-introduced species that have invaded New Zealand?s ecosystem.  相似文献   

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