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In a previous study we analysed the effect of diesel seawater contamination in the digestive gland of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna. We observed that antioxidant enzyme activities decreased after one-week starvation prior to the experiment, and this was considered in the analysis of the obtained results. To know whether the digestive gland oxidant-antioxidant status may be altered by starvation and experimental conditions, we evaluated the food deprivation effect in limpets from the nearshore shallow waters of Potter Cove, Antarctica. Organisms were acclimated to laboratory conditions and were divided in fed and starved groups, and maintained in these conditions during one month. Every week 20 limpets were sampled from each group. Digestive glands were dissected and kept frozen until they were processed. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities, as well as lipid peroxidation (LPO) measured as thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS), protein oxidation (PO) and reduced glutathione (GSH) were measured. For both groups of limpets, SOD increased its activity in the first week of the exposure period, with a maximum in the second week. CAT activity increased significantly in the second week, only for the starved group. Similarly, GST activity also increased for starved group in the second week; but maintained this tendency for both groups until the fourth week. In fed and starved limpets, TBARS values increased significantly, during the first week and then returned to normal values. The PO levels in the starved group increased only during the first week. The GSH content, for the fed group, increased significantly after the third week. The obtained results indicate that biochemical or physiological studies conducted with N. concinna should consider the effects of food deprivation and time spent under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Alan D. Steinman 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):163-170
Summary Irradiance level and grazer density were manipulated in a factorial design to examine the relative effects of biotic and abiotic factors on periphyton biomass, productivity, and taxonomic structure in a heavily grazed, woodland stream. Irradiance levels were increased from 0.26 to 12.42 mol quanta/m2/d by placing metal halide lamps over the stream. The major grazer in this system was the prosobranch snail Elimia clavaeformis. Its densities were reduced from ca. 750 individuals/m2 to near zero by raising platforms off the stream bottom. Experimental treatments were maintained for 48 days. Biomass-specific carbon fixation rates increased significantly in response to higher light levels, indicating that periphyton communities were light-limited at this time of year. However, positive effects of irradiance on areal-specific carbon fixation and biomass were detected only when grazer density was reduced. Basal cells of the chlorophyte Stigeoclonium dominated communities exposed either to low light or high grazing pressure. When light was increased and grazer density reduced, large or upright diatoms became more abundant. Results from this study indicated that limitation of periphyton photosynthesis could be mitigated by increasing the levels of an abiotic resource (light) to this system, but that periphyton biomass was controlled by biotic interactions.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that traits which signal parental quality might evolve in males of species with biparental care. In avian species, male ornaments may be the most likely candidates for such signals. Male house sparrows (Passer domesticus) possess a black throat patch often referred to as a “badge” or a “badge of status”. By assuming a trade-off between male attractiveness (reflected in male ornaments) and parental care under the differential allocation hypothesis, we predicted that badge size would be negatively correlated with male parental investment. An experiment in which the badge was enlarged in one group and unchanged in a control group was conducted. Our manipulation was predicted to affect female as well as male parental investment. However, we found that eight variables associated with parental investment—the start date for breeding, clutch size, male and female incubation time, male and female food provisioning rate, and average chick weight and the number of fledglings—barely differed between treatments. Also, little evidence for correlations between natural variation in badge size and any of these eight variables was found. Instead, the start date for breeding and the number of fledglings were significantly correlated with both male and female age, while clutch size increased with female age. Female condition was a positive predictor of clutch size and number of fledglings. Female tarsus length, unexpectedly, is related to both male and female incubation time. Badge size was also positively correlated with male age. However, parental age (male or female) was not related to parental care. We conclude that badge size does not signal parental quality, but that the ages of both sexes and the condition of the female play significant roles in the reproductive performance of this species.  相似文献   

Materials retained by river systems are diverse. Woody debris recruited from the riparian vegetation into streams is of variable sizes and varying surface textural complexity. The main aim of this study was to determine experimentally the colonization of wood recruited into a tropical stream by aquatic invertebrates and relate this to the degree of wood surface textural complexity. Wood, being alien to the wholly-aquatic and semi-aquatic invertebrates, provided an attachment substratum and was increasingly colonized by the invertebrates up to the 178th day. There was an initial increase in the taxa diversity up to the 9th day followed by a drastic decrease thereafter. Wood with smaller surface area had the higher invertebrate densities than those with large surface area, thus contrasting the expected trend. Our results show that the colonization by invertebrates of wood was scale-dependent. Invertebrates occupied the cracks, holes, protrusions, crevices and the small depressions found on the wood surface. Chironomidae (Order Diptera) made small tunnels in the more decayed parts of the wood and at the nodal areas. Wood decomposes slowly but it could cumulatively contribute more energy in its lifespan than the short-lived leaf litter which is more abundant in streams. Aquatic invertebrates encountering woody material in nature would make a trade-off between accepting a long-lasting resource and expending energy in continued search for the more palatable short-lived leafy material. The ecological and economic value of wood texture in streams and riparian vegetation management are poorly known and there is need for further research in the tropics.  相似文献   

Release from natural enemies is considered to potentially play an important role in the initial establishment and success of introduced plants. With time, the species richness of herbivores using non-native plants may increase [species-time relationship (STR)]. We investigated whether enemy release may be limited to the early stages of invasion. Substituting space for time, we sampled invertebrates and measured leaf damage on the invasive species Senecio madagascariensis Poir. at multiple sites, north and south of the introduction site. Invertebrate communities were collected from plants in the field, and reared from collected plant tissue. We also sampled invertebrates and damage on the native congener Senecio pinnatifolius var. pinnatifolius A. Rich. This species served as a control to account for environmental factors that may vary along the latitudinal gradient and as a comparison for evaluating the enemy release hypothesis (ERH). In contrast to predictions of the ERH, greater damage and herbivore abundances and richness were found on the introduced species S. madagascariensis than on the native S. pinnatifolius. Supporting the STR, total invertebrates (including herbivores) decreased in abundance, richness and Shannon diversity from the point of introduction to the invasion fronts of S. madagascariensis. Leaf damage showed the opposite trend, with highest damage levels at the invasion fronts. Reared herbivore loads (as opposed to external collections) were greater on the invader at the point of introduction than on sites further from this region. These results suggest there is a complex relationship between the invader and invertebrate community response over time. S. madagascariensis may be undergoing rapid changes at its invasion fronts in response to environmental and herbivore pressure.  相似文献   

Many migratory songbirds switch from a primarily insectivorous diet during the breeding season to either a mixed diet or fruit diet during the non‐breeding season. However, for species with mixed diets, arthropods may be superior food items because of their higher protein content and easier digestibility. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the diet and body condition of omnivorous Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) at a non‐breeding site in tropical forest in Belize, Central America. We used analysis of stable isotopes δ15N and δ13C in the blood to measure diet. Our objective was to determine if a higher dietary proportion of arthropods relative to fruit (i.e., higher δ15N and δ13C) was associated with better body condition. We also examined the possible effect of age, sex, and habitat type on Wood Thrush diets, as well as any changes in diet through the overwintering period. We used a hierarchical Bayesian mixing model (MixSIAR) to estimate the proportion of different prey items in the diet of overwintering Wood Thrushes overall, in each habitat type, and over time during the non‐breeding period. From January to April, we found a significant decline in δ15N in forest habitats, whereas δ15N increased in scrub habitat. There was no significant seasonal change in δ13C. Birds with higher δ15N or δ13C values were not in better body condition. Females in dry‐scrub habitat consumed more fruit than males, but this did not affect body condition. Mixing model results indicated that most Wood Thrushes at our study sites consumed primarily arthropods, even during the driest times of the non‐breeding season and in the driest habitat. Overall, our results suggest that the diet of Wood Thrushes varies with habitat and during the overwintering period, but diet alone was not a predictor of body condition. Wood Thrushes, and possibly other omnivorous migratory songbirds, are apparently flexibly able to meet their wintering and pre‐migration nutritional demands with a variety of diets.  相似文献   

Even though it is well known that electromyography (EMG) characteristics are influenced by electrode placement it is common to use a single pair of sensors per muscle for EMG. This study was designed to determine if the ability to distinguish between contraction conditions was influenced by sensor location. Subjects (n = 10; 27+/-5.3 years; 82+/-13.4 kg; 178+/-7.1 cm) completed six elbow flexor conditions: three isometric contraction intensities (100% maximum effort, 80%, 50%) and three isotonic contraction intensities (heavy weight, 80% and 50% of the weight). Three pairs of electrodes were placed centrally, medially and laterally on the biceps brachii belly in line with the muscle fibers. Isometric contractions were held for 5s, with the middle 3 s analyzed. Isotonic exercises included five repetitions of elbow flexion-extension, with the middle three repetitions analyzed. Average EMG (EMG(AVG)), root mean square EMG (EMG(RMS)) and mean power frequency (MPF) were calculated for each extracted data set. Dependent variables were analyzed using 2 (contraction type) x 3 (intensity) repeated measures ANOVAs per sensor. EMG(AVG) was influenced by the interaction between contraction type and intensity for all sensors (p < 0.05). EMG(RMS) as well as MPF were influenced by the interaction between contraction type and intensity for the lateral and central leads (p < 0.05) but not the medial leads (p > 0.05). Different conclusions could have been reached from the same experiment due to different sensor locations. These differences were primarily related to comparing contraction types (i.e., isotonic vs. isometric).  相似文献   

One of the major objectives of research on invasive species is to determine the relative importance of different evolutionary and ecological forces in the invasion process. It was recently suggested that post-introduction intraspecific hybridization between previously isolated genotypes could produce novel and/or heterotic progeny that might express enhanced invasiveness. We tested this hypothesis with Silene latifolia, a European native that has successfully invaded North America and has previously been shown to have undergone genetic change since its introduction. In a common garden experiment we compared the performance of plants derived from within and between population crosses from eight European and 18 North American populations. Results showed that there was no significant effect of crossing distance on progeny phenotype. Furthermore, progeny from within or between population crosses did not differ in size, reproductive output or survival. Collectively, these results suggest that the invasive phenotype of S. latifolia is likely the result of natural selection and/or genetic drift rather than intraspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

To examine whether written informed consent might influence the results of clinical trials the effect of placebo when given with or without informed consent to patients suffering from insomnia was studied. The study was a single blind observer blinded trial, and patients were paired according to sex, age, and hospital environment. Randomisation assigned the first patient of each pair to the control group (without informed consent) or the group to give informed consent. Of the 56 patients, 26 refused to give informed consent, and the age and sex distribution of these differed significantly (p less than 0.02) from the 30 pairs of patients ultimately enrolled into the study. In this "biased" sample, the hypnotic activity of placebo was significantly higher in the control group (p less than 0.05). It is concluded that the informed consent procedure biases the results of clinical trials and might affect their general applicability.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether prepregnancy pituitary suppression of luteinising hormone secretion with a luteinising hormone releasing hormone analogue improves the outcome of pregnancy in ovulatory women with a history of recurrent miscarriage, polycystic ovaries, and hypersecretion of luteinising hormone. DESIGN--Randomised controlled trial. SETTING--Specialist recurrent miscarriage clinic. SUBJECTS--106 women with a history of three or more consecutive first trimester miscarriages, polycystic ovaries, and hypersecretion of luteinising hormone. INTERVENTIONS--Women were randomised before conception to receive pituitary suppression with a luteinising hormone releasing hormone analogue followed by low dose ovulation induction and luteal phase progesterone (group 1) or were allowed to ovulate spontaneously and then given luteal phase progesterone alone or luteal phase placebo alone (group 2). No drugs were prescribed in pregnancy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Conception and live birth rates over six cycles. RESULTS--Conception rates in the pituitary suppression and luteal phase support groups were 80% (40/50 women) and 82% (46/56) respectively (NS). Live birth rates were 65% (26/40) and 76% (35/46) respectively (NS). In the luteal phase support group there was no difference in the outcome of pregnancy between women given progesterone and those given placebo pessaries. Live birth rates from an intention to treat analysis were 52% (26/50 pregnancies) in the group given pituitary suppression and 63% (35/56) in the controls (NS). CONCLUSIONS--Prepregnancy suppression of high luteinising hormone concentrations in ovulatory women with recurrent miscarriage and hypersecretion of luteinising hormone does not improve the outcome of pregnancy. The outcome of pregnancy without pituitary suppression is excellent.  相似文献   

Examining whole-body center of mass (COM) motion is one of method being used to quantify dynamic balance and energy during gait. One common method for estimating the COM position is to apply an anthropometric model to a marker set and calculate the weighted sum from known segmental COM positions. Several anthropometric models are available to perform such a calculation. However, to date there has been no study of how the anthropometric model affects whole-body COM calculations during gait. This information is pertinent to researchers because the choice of anthropometric model may influence gait research findings and currently the trend is to consistently use a single model. In this study we analyzed a single stride of gait data from 103 young adult participants. We compared the whole-body COM motion calculated from 4 different anthropometric models (Plagenhoef et al., 1983; Winter, 1990; de Leva, 1996; Pavol et al., 2002). We found that anterior-posterior motion calculations are relatively unaffected by the anthropometric model. However, medial-lateral and vertical motions are significantly affected by the use of different anthropometric models. Our findings suggest that the researcher carefully choose an anthropometric model to fit their study populations when interested in medial-lateral or vertical motions of the COM. Our data can provide researchers a priori information on the model determination depending on the particular variable and how conservative they may want to be with COM comparisons between groups.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering, X-ray diffraction coupled with differential scanning calorimetry, and Raman spectroscopy were applied to investigate unilamellar (ULVs) and multilamellar (MLVs) dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles in aqueous sucrose solutions with sucrose concentrations from 0 to 60% w/w. In case of ULVs, the addition of sucrose decreases the polydispersity of vesicle population. A minimum value of polydispersity was found at 20% sucrose. For sucrose concentration from 0 to 35% oligolamellar vesicles in the ULV population have a minimum presence. Vesicles with 5-10% sucrose exhibit the best stability in time. For the case of MLVs, sucrose influences the temperature of the phase transitions, but the internal membrane structure remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical works showed that chemical reactions in micro- and nano-droplets, bubbles and solid particles were strongly affected by their confinement. In particular, the smallness of the systems leads to high internal pressure compared to the external pressure, which then significantly modifies the values of chemical equilibrium and kinetic constants. In addition, surface tension or surface stress, reactional dilatation and surface charge play also a major role on the chemical reactivity. As living systems are also made of very complex dispersed subsystems, i.e. organelles, it seemed obvious to illustrate our theory by some biological actual examples encountered in pulmonary alveolae, in vacuolae and in medical applications, such as dissolution of gallstones.  相似文献   

Binding of 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonate (ANS) to rat liver mitochondria and submitochondrial inside-out particles was measured under energized and de-energized conditions. In mitochondria, energization/de-energization changed the binding capacity for ANS extrapolated for its infinitely high concentration, whereas the apparent Kd value remained unchanged. In submitochondrial particles apparent Kd was changed but the extrapolated maximum binding was not altered. These results are compatible with theoretical considerations assuming a free permeability of mitochondrial membranes to ANS and its distribution according to the transmembrane potential. The spin-labelled cationic amphiphile, 4-(dodecyl dimethyl ammonium)-1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl piperidine bromide (CAT12), was trapped by de-energized mitochondria in such a way that about half of the bound probe became inaccessible to reduction by externally added ascorbate. This inaccessible fraction was increased by energization. This indicates that this cationic probe can penetrate through the inner mitochondrial membrane. De-energization produced a parallel shift of the Lineweaver-Burk plots for the oxidation of external ferrocytochrome c by mitoplasts and of succinate by submitochondrial particles. A similar shift was obtained by a partial inhibition of succinate oxidation by antimycin A. Thus, the observed changes of the kinetics of the two membrane-bound enzyme systems on de-energization can be interpreted as reflecting changes of the control points of mitochondrial respiration rather than changes of the surface potential. It is concluded that neither the fluorescent probe ANS, the spin-labelled amphiphilic cation CAT12, nor the kinetics of some respiratory enzyme systems provide a sufficient proof for changes of the surface potential of the inner mitochondrial membrane upon energization.  相似文献   

In the absence of natural selection, average fitness in the population is expected to decline due to the accumulation of deleterious mutations. Replicate populations of flour beetles (Tribolium confusum) were maintained for 22 generations in the virtual absence of selection (random mating, favorable environment, excess of food, and mortality of only 3%). Larva-to-adult survivorship rates were similar in the stock population and selection-free populations. In contrast, starvation resistance of adult beetles from selection-free populations was significantly reduced (by more than 2% per generation). When tested in the favorable environment, beetles in one selection-free population had significantly slower development and smaller sizes of females than beetles from the stock population. Since such changes in these fitness components are usually maladaptive, they indicate possible erosion of fitness under relaxed selection at the rate of 0.1-0.2% per generation. No fitness erosion was detectable in the second selection-free population.  相似文献   

The low initial fitness of progeny from interspecific crosses in animals and the rarity of interspecific hybridization in natural environments have led to a debate about the evolutionary importance of this phenomenon. Here we directly assess the effects of hybridization between Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii on evolutionary rates. We looked at the effects on laboratory adaptation over 30 generations in two laboratory environments, one of which involved nutrition and temperature stress. Laboratory adaptation occurred over time in both environments as reflected by a marked change in viability. However, whilst hybrid lines at no stage performed poorly relative to parental lines, their rate of adaptation never exceeded that of the parentals. Thus, there was no evidence that hybridization increased evolutionary rates. Instead, hybrid lines converged phenotypically with one of the parental species.  相似文献   

J Abelson  J Lomas  J Eyles  S Birch  G Veenstra 《CMAJ》1995,153(4):403-412
OBJECTIVE: To obtain and contrast the informed opinions of people in five decision-making groups that could have a role in devolved governance of health care and social services. DESIGN: Deliberative polling. SETTING: Three rural and three urban communities selected from the 32 areas covered by a district health council in Ontario. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 280 citizens from five potential decision-making groups: randomly selected citizens, attendees at town-hall meetings, appointees to district health councils, elected officials and experts in health care and social services. INTERVENTION: Participants'' opinions were polled during 29 structured 2-hour meetings. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Participants'' opinions on their personal willingness and their group''s suitability to be involved in devolved decision making, desired type of decision-making involvement, information preferences, preferred areas of decision-making involvement and preferred composition of decision-making bodies. RESULTS: Mean attendance at each meeting was 9.6 citizens. Although there were some significant differences in opinion among the five potential decision-making groups, there were few differences among citizens from different geographic areas. A total of 189 (72%) of people polled were personally willing to take on a role involving responsibility for overall decision-making, but far fewer thought that their group was suited to taking on responsibility (30%) or a consulting role (55%). Elected officials were the most willing (85% personally willing, 50% thought their group was suitable) and randomly selected citizens the least willing (60% personally willing, 17% thought their group was suitable) to take responsibility for overall decision making. Most citizens polled indicated less interest in involvement in specific types of decisions, except for planning and setting priorities, than in overall decision making. Only 24 participants (9%) rated their own group as suitable to take responsibility for raising revenue, 91 (33%) deemed their group suited to distribution of funds and 108 (39%) felt their group was suitable for management of services. People in all five groups ranked health care needs (mean rank 1.5 out of four options) as the most important and preferences (mean rank 3.6) as the least important information. They rated a combination body involving several community groups as the most suitable overall decision-making body (8.8 on 10-point scale). Participants favoured the representation of elected officials, the provincial government and experts on combination bodies responsible for the specific types of decisions. Overall, as the complexity of devolved decision making became clear, participants tended to assign authority to traditional decision makers such as elected officials, experts and the provincial government, but also favoured a consulting role for attendees at town-hall meetings (i.e., interested citizens). CONCLUSION: There are significant differences among groups in the community in their willingness to be involved, desired roles and representation in devolved decision making on health care and social services in Ontario.  相似文献   

Despite having a profound effect on population dynamics, the reasons that animals disperse are poorly understood. Evolutionary explanations have focused on inbreeding and competition, where the potential cost of philopatry is negated through dispersal. Such scenarios lead to the prediction that less successful individuals preferentially disperse, termed 'fitness-associated dispersal'. Since heterozygosity is associated with fitness, we assessed whether dispersed animals had less observed heterozygosity (H(O)) than residents. We tested this prediction using both genetic and population-monitoring data of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Individuals classified as dispersers through cross-assignment had the lowest mean H(O), followed by residents, and then admixed individuals. Dispersed individuals had 6.3 per cent less H(O) than their subpopulation of origin. In the long-term study of the mountain goat herd at Caw Ridge, Alberta, immigrants had the lowest H(O); however, the opposite pattern was seen in emigrants, which may be related to density dependence. This study is the first to provide empirical evidence that heterozygosity is associated with dispersal.  相似文献   

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