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PurposeThe reliability of lower extremity muscle activation patterns has not been clearly studied in a dual-belt instrumented treadmill environment. The primary study objective was to quantify the day-to-day reliability of quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius and gluteus medius activation patterns in healthy young adult gait. Secondarily, the reliability of spatiotemporal, and knee/hip motion and moment-based gait outcomes was assessed.Scope: 20 young adults were recruited and tested on two separate days. Using standardized procedures, participants were prepared for surface electromyography and lower extremity motion capture. All individuals walked on a dual-belt instrumented treadmill while muscle activation, segment motions and ground reaction forces were recorded. Sagittal plane motion and net external sagittal and frontal plane moments were calculated. Discrete biomechanical and muscle activation measures were calculated, and non-negative matrix factorization extracted amplitude and temporal muscle activation features. Intraclass Correlation Coefficients, Standard Error of Measurement and Minimum Detectable Change were calculated.ConclusionsHigh to excellent Intraclass correlation coefficients were found between visits for most primary and secondary outcomes. The absolute and relative reliability, including Minimum Detectable Change values, provided in this study support the use of dual-belt instrumented treadmill walking as an acceptable medium to collect biomechanical and lower extremity EMG outcomes for future studies.  相似文献   

The Re-Link Trainer (RLT) is a modified walking frame with a linkage system designed to apply a non-individualized kinematic constraint to normalize gait trajectory of the left limb. The premise behind the RLT is that a user’s lower limb is constrained into a physiologically normal gait pattern, ideally generating symmetry across gait cycle parameters and kinematics. This pilot study investigated adaptations in the natural gait pattern of healthy adults when using the RLT compared to normal overground walking. Bilateral lower limb kinematic and electromyography data were collected while participants walked overground at a self-selected speed, followed by walking in the RLT. A series of 2-way analyses of variance examined between-limb and between-condition differences. Peak hip extension and knee flexion were reduced bilaterally when walking in the RLT. Left peak hip extension occurred earlier in the gait cycle when using the RLT, but later for the right limb. Peak hip flexion was significantly increased and occurred earlier for the constrained limb, while peak plantarflexion was significantly reduced. Peak knee flexion and plantarflexion in the right limb occurred later when using the RLT. Significant bilateral reductions in peak electromyography amplitude were evident when walking in the RLT, along with a significant shift in when peak muscle activity was occurring. These findings suggest that the RLT does impose a significant constraint, but generates asymmetries in lower limb kinematics and muscle activity patterns. The large interindividual variation suggests users may utilize differing motor strategies to adapt their gait pattern to the imposed constraint.  相似文献   

PurposeTo compare the responses in knee joint muscle activation patterns to different perturbations during gait in healthy subjects.ScopeNine healthy participants were subjected to perturbed walking on a split-belt treadmill. Four perturbation types were applied, each at five intensities. The activations of seven muscles surrounding the knee were measured using surface EMG. The responses in muscle activation were expressed by calculating mean, peak, co-contraction (CCI) and perturbation responses (PR) values. PR captures the responses relative to unperturbed gait. Statistical parametric mapping analysis was used to compare the muscle activation patterns between conditions.ResultsPerturbations evoked only small responses in muscle activation, though higher perturbation intensities yielded a higher mean activation in five muscles, as well as higher PR. Different types of perturbation led to different responses in the rectus femoris, medial gastrocnemius and lateral gastrocnemius. The participants had lower CCI just before perturbation compared to the same phase of unperturbed gait.ConclusionsHealthy participants respond to different perturbations during gait with small adaptations in their knee joint muscle activation patterns. This study provides insights in how the muscles are activated to stabilize the knee when challenged. Furthermore it could guide future studies in determining aberrant muscle activation in patients with knee disorders.  相似文献   

Falling on the outstretched hands (FOOSH), a protective mechanism to arrest the body and avoid injury, requires upper limb and trunk motor control for effective body descent. The purpose of this study was to investigate muscle activity during three phases of an unexpected FOOSH in healthy older and younger women. Twenty young (mean age 22.9 yrs, SD ± 3.7) and 20 older females (mean age 68.1 yrs, SD ± 5.0) performed five trials of unexpected FOOSHs. Surface electromyography (EMG) determined muscle activations for left shoulder girdle, elbow and abdominal muscles during an unexpected FOOSH. Root mean squared EMG data were calculated during three phases: (1) baseline (BL; 500 ms prior to release), (2) the preparatory phase (PRE; time between release and impact) (mean 257 ± 37 ms) and post-impact (POST; 200 ms after impact). A mixed MANOVA determined differences between phases and age groups. There was a significant multivariate interaction effect of age and time phase on muscle activity (p = 0.001). Younger women had significantly higher internal oblique/transversus abdominus activity during PRE (p = 0.006) as well as variations in muscle activity of shoulder girdle and elbow muscles. The age differences observed may lead to poorer preliminary trunk activation and greater arm bracing in older women, potentially increasing risk of fallrelated injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the activation of the rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique abdominis (EO), lower abdominal stabilizers (LASs), and lumbar erector spinae (LES) during performance of 3 traditional trunk exercises vs. exercise on the Ab Circle device. Surface electromyography was used to assess 12 subjects (6 men, 6 women) for 6 exercise conditions, including: abdominal crunch, side bridge, quadruped, and Ab Circle levels 1-3. For the RA, the abdominal crunch elicited significantly greater activity vs. the Ab Circle level 1, and the side bridge elicited significantly greater activity vs. the Ab Circle levels 1 and 2. For the EO, the side bridge elicited significantly greater activity vs. the quadruped. No significant differences were noted between conditions for the LASs. For the LES, the side bridge and quadruped elicited significantly greater activity vs. the abdominal crunch. The results of this study indicate that the anterior, posterior, and lateral trunk musculature can be activated to similar or even greater levels by performing the 3 traditional trunk exercises vs. the Ab Circle. This was particularly evident for the side bridge exercise, which elicited significantly greater activity of the RA vs. the Ab Circle levels 1 and 2, and elicited similar activity of the EO, LASs, and LES at all 3 Ab Circle levels.  相似文献   

To assess the electromyographic (EMG) activation of trunk muscle during exertions performed in one primary plane (sagittal, frontal, transverse), we previously proposed a protocol allowing minimizing out-of-plane efforts (coupled moments – CMs) with the use of a static dynamometer combined with a visual feedback system. The aims of this study were to go further by testing motor learning and reliability issues related to such a protocol. Three identical sessions were conducted, where maximal voluntary contractions and submaximal ramp contractions were performed in six different directions while standing in the dynamometer. Two feedback conditions were tested, the simple 1D-feedback in the primary plane and the full 3D-feedback in all planes simultaneously. Surface EMG signals were collected from back and abdominal muscles and EMG amplitude and CMs were computed during the ramp contractions. Providing a 3D feedback to minimize CMs did not improve EMG reliability or in other words, did not reduce the within-subject variability. Providing three assessment days had practically no effect (no learning) on CMs and EMG variables. Overall, the reliability of EMG was at best moderate. However, although this limits its use on an individual basis, it still allows within- and between-group comparisons for research applications.  相似文献   

Although progressive resistance training of trunk muscles on devices is very common, today, the effects of increasing resistance on trunk muscle activity during dynamic extension and flexion movements on training devices have not been reported yet. Thirty healthy subjects participated in maximal isometric and submaximal dynamic (at 30%, 50% and 70% of maximum mean torque (MMT)) extension and flexion exercises on Tergumed lumbar training devices. The normalized (as a percentage of maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC)) electromyographic activity of 16 abdominal and back muscles was investigated. The results of the present study indicated that in general, with increasing resistance from 30% MMT to 50% MMT and 70% MMT, the activity of all back muscles during the extension exercises and the activity of all abdominal muscles during the flexion exercises increased significantly. To train strength (>60% of MVIC), low intensities (30% and 50% MMT) appeared sufficient to affect the back muscles, but for the abdominals higher resistance (70% MMT) was required. In contrast to the other back muscles, the lumbar multifidus demonstrated high activity levels during both the extension and the flexion exercises. As the lumbar multifidus is demonstrated to be an important muscle in segmental stabilization of the lumbar spine, this finding may help in understanding the efficacy of rehabilitation programs using specific training devices.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of body segment parameter (BSP) perturbations on joint moments calculated using an inverse dynamics procedure and muscle forces calculated using computed muscle control (CMC) during gait. BSP (i.e. segment mass, center of mass location (com) and inertia tensor) of the left thigh, shank and foot of a scaled musculoskeletal model were perturbed. These perturbations started from their nominal value and were adjusted to ±40% in steps of 10%, for both individual as well as combined perturbations in BSP. For all perturbations, an inverse dynamics procedure calculated the ankle, knee and hip moments based on an identical inverse kinematics solution. Furthermore, the effect of applying a residual reduction algorithm (RRA) was investigated. Muscle excitations and resulting muscle forces were calculated using CMC. The results show only a limited effect of an individual parameter perturbation on the calculated moments, where the largest effect is found when perturbing the shank com (MScom,shank, the ratio of absolute difference in torque and relative parameter perturbation, is maximally −7.81 N m for hip flexion moment). The additional influence of perturbing two parameters simultaneously is small (MSmass+com,thigh is maximally 15.2 N m for hip flexion moment). RRA made small changes to the model to increase the dynamic consistency of the simulation (after RRA MScom,shank is maximally 5.01 N m). CMC results show large differences in muscle forces when BSP are perturbed. These result from the underlying forward integration of the dynamic equations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of voluntarily manipulating muscle activation and localized muscle fatigue on tibial response parameters, including peak tibial acceleration, time to peak tibial acceleration, and the acceleration slope, measured at the knee during unshod heel impacts. A human pendulum delivered consistent impacts to 15 female and 15 male subjects. The tibialis anterior and lateral gastrocnemius were examined using electromyography, thus allowing voluntary contraction to various activation states (baseline, 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60% of the maximum activation state) and assessing localized muscle fatigue. A skin-mounted uniaxial accelerometer, preloaded medial to the tibial tuberosity, allowed tibial response parameter determination. There were significant decreases in peak acceleration during tibialis anterior fatigue, compared to baseline and all other activation states. In females, increased time to peak acceleration and decreased acceleration slope occurred during fatigue compared to 30% and 45%, and compared to 15% through 60% of the maximum activation state, respectively. Slight peak acceleration and acceleration slope increases, and decreased time to peak acceleration as activation state increased during tibialis anterior testing, were noted. When examining the lateral gastrocnemius, the time to peak acceleration was significantly higher across gender in the middle activation states than at the baseline and fatigue states. The acceleration slope decreased at all activation states above baseline in females, and decreased at 60% of the maximum activation state in males compared to the baseline and fatigue states. Findings agree with localized muscle fatigue literature, suggesting that with fatigue there is decreased impact transmission, which may protect the leg. The relative effects of leg stiffness and ankle angle on tibial response need to be verified.  相似文献   

This study used surface electromyography (EMG) to investigate the regions and patterns of activity of the external oblique (EO), erector spinae longissimus (ES), multifidus (MU) and rectus abdominis (RA) muscles during walking (W) and pole walking (PW) performed at different speeds and grades. Eighteen healthy adults undertook W and PW on a motorized treadmill at 60% and 100% of their walk-to-run preferred transition speed at 0% and 7% treadmill grade. The Teager-Kaiser energy operator was employed to improve the muscle activity detection and statistical non-parametric mapping based on paired t-tests was used to highlight statistical differences in the EMG patterns corresponding to different trials. The activation amplitude of all trunk muscles increased at high speed, while no differences were recorded at 7% treadmill grade. ES and MU appeared to support the upper body at the heel-strike during both W and PW, with the latter resulting in elevated recruitment of EO and RA as required to control for the longer stride and the push of the pole. Accordingly, the greater activity of the abdominal muscles and the comparable intervention of the spine extensors supports the use of poles by walkers seeking higher engagement of the lower trunk region.  相似文献   

The hamstring muscles have been recognized as an important element in compensating for the loss of stability in the ACL-deficient knee, but it is still not clear whether the hamstring muscle force can completely compensate for the loss of ACL, and the consequences of increased hamstring muscle force. A two-dimensional anatomical knee model in the sagittal plane was developed to examine the effect of various levels of hamstring muscle activation on restraining anterior tibial translation in the ACL-deficient knee during level walking. The model included the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints, four major ligaments, the medial capsule, and five muscle units surrounding the knee. Simulations were conducted to determine anterior tibial translation and internal joint loading at a single selected position when the knee was under a peak external flexion moment during early stance phase of gait. Incremental hamstring muscle forces were applied to the modeled normal and the ACL-deficient knees. Results of simulations showed that the ACL injury increased the anterior tibial translation by 11.8mm, while 56% of the maximal hamstring muscle force could reduce the anterior translation of the tibia to a normal level during the stance phase of gait. The consequences of increased hamstring muscle force included increased quadriceps muscle force and joint contact force.  相似文献   

It has been shown that gait parameters vary systematically with the slope of the surface when walking uphill (UH) or downhill (DH) (Andriacchi et al., 1977; Crowe et al., 1996; Kawamura et al., 1991; Kirtley et al., 1985; McIntosh et al., 2006; Sun et al., 1996). However, gait trials performed on inclined surfaces have been subject to certain technical limitations including using fixed speed treadmills (TMs) or, alternatively, sampling only a few gait cycles on inclined ramps. Further, prior work has not analyzed upper body kinematics. This study aims to investigate effects of slope on gait parameters using a self-paced TM (SPTM) which facilitates more natural walking, including measuring upper body kinematics and gait coordination parameters.Gait of 11 young healthy participants was sampled during walking in steady state speed. Measurements were made at slopes of +10°, 0° and −10°. Force plates and a motion capture system were used to reconstruct twenty spatiotemporal gait parameters. For validation, previously described parameters were compared with the literature, and novel parameters measuring upper body kinematics and bilateral gait coordination were also analyzed.Results showed that most lower and upper body gait parameters were affected by walking slope angle. Specifically, UH walking had a higher impact on gait kinematics than DH walking. However, gait coordination parameters were not affected by walking slope, suggesting that gait asymmetry, left-right coordination and gait variability are robust characteristics of walking. The findings of the study are discussed in reference to a potential combined effect of slope and gait speed. Follow-up studies are needed to explore the relative effects of each of these factors.  相似文献   

The Conventional Gait Model (CGM) needs to benefit from large investigations on localization of the hip joint centre (HJC). Incorrect positions from the native equations were demonstrated (Sangeux et al., 2014; Harrington et al., 2007). More accurate equations were proposed but their impact on kinematics and kinetic CGM outputs was never evaluated. This short communication aims at examining if adoption of new HJC equations would alter standard CGM outputs. Sixteen able bodied participants underwent a full 3-D optoelectronic gait analysis followed by a 3-D ultrasound localization of their hips. Data were processed through the open source python package pyCGM2 replicating kinematic and kinetic processing of the native CGM. Compared with 3D ultrasound location, Hara equations improved the accuracy of sagittal plane kinematics (0.6°) and kinetics (0.02 N m kg−1) for the hip. The worst case participant exhibited Harrington’s equations reached a deviation of 3° for the sagittal kinematics. In the coronal plane, Hara and Harrington equations presented similar differences (1°) for the hip whilst Davis equations had the largest deviation for hip abduction (2.7°) and hip abductor moment (0.10 N m kg−1).Both Harrington and Hara equations improved the CGM location of the HJC. Hara equations improved results in the sagittal plane, plus utilise a single anthropometrics measurement, leg length, that may be more robust. However, neither set of equations had significant effect on kinematics. We reported some effects on kinetics, particularly in the coronal plane, which warrant caution in interpreting outputs using different sets of equations.  相似文献   

Accelerometry-based gait analysis is widely recognised as a promising tool in healthcare and clinical settings since it is unobtrusive, inexpensive and capable of providing insightful information on human gait characteristics. In order to expand the application of this technology in daily environments, it is desirable to develop reliable gait measures and their extraction methods from the acceleration signal that can differentiate between normal and atypical gait. Important examples of such measures are gait cycle and gait-induced acceleration magnitude, which are known to be closely related to each other depending on each individual's physical condition. In this study, we derive a model equation with two parameters which captures the essential relationships between gait cycle and gait acceleration based on experiments and physical modelling. We also introduce as a new gait parameter a set of indexes to evaluate the synchronisation behaviour of gait timing. The function and utility of the proposed parameters are examined in 11 healthy subjects during walking under various selected conditions.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the patterns of neuromuscular response from 24-trunk muscle sites during a symmetrical lift and replace task. Surface electromyograms (EMG) and kinematic variables were recorded from 29 healthy subjects. Pattern recognition techniques were used to examine how activation amplitude patterns changed with the different physical demands of the task (reach, phase of movement). The results indicated that there was very little trunk and pelvis motion during the task. Three principal patterns accounted for 95% of the total variation suggesting that the measured data had a simple underlying structure of variance. ANOVA results revealed significant differences in principal pattern scores. These differences captured subtle changes in muscle recruitment strategies that most likely reflect different stability and biomechanical demands. More balanced activations (bracing) between the abdominal and back sites were observed during the lighter demands, whereas differential recruitment among the back extensor sites was more predominant in the more demanding conditions. A pattern recognition technique offers a novel method to examine the relationships among a large number of muscles and test how different work characteristics change the relationships among the muscle sites.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the spatio-temporal activation of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and cervical extensor (CE) muscles with respect to the deltoid muscle onset during rapid voluntary upper limb movement in healthy volunteers. The repeatability and reliability of the spatio-temporal aspects of the myoelectric signals were also examined. Ten subjects performed bilateral and unilateral rapid upper limb flexion, abduction and extension in response to a visual stimulus. EMG onsets and normalised root mean square (nRMS) values were calculated for the SCM and CE muscles. Subjects attended three testing sessions over non-consecutive days allowing the repeatability and reliability of these measures to be assessed. The SCM and CE muscles demonstrated feed-forward activation (activation within 50 ms of deltoid onset) during rapid arm movements in all directions. The sequence and magnitude of neck muscle activation displayed directional specificity, however, the neck flexor and extensor muscles displayed co-activation during all perturbations. EMG onsets demonstrated high repeatability in terms of repeated measure precision (nSEM in the range 1.9-5.7%). This was less evident for the repeatability of nRMS values. The results of this study provide a greater understanding of cervical neuromotor control strategies. During bilateral and unilateral upper limb perturbations, the SCM and CE muscles demonstrate feed-forward co-activation. It seems apparent that feed-forward activation of neck muscles is a mechanism necessary to achieve stability for the visual and vestibular systems, whilst ensuring stabilisation and protection of the cervical spine.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: While body weight support (BWS) intonation is vital during conventional gait training of neurologically challenged subjects, it is important to evaluate its effect during robot assisted gait training. In the present research we have studied the effect of BWS intonation on muscle activities during robotic gait training using dynamic simulations. Methods: Two dimensional (2-D) musculoskeletal model of human gait was developed conjointly with another 2-D model of a robotic orthosis capable of actuating hip, knee and ankle joints simultaneously. The musculoskeletal model consists of eight major muscle groups namely; soleus (SOL), gastrocnemius (GAS), tibialis anterior (TA), hamstrings (HAM), vasti (VAS), gluteus maximus (GLU), uniarticular hip flexors (iliopsoas, IP), and Rectus Femoris (RF). BWS was provided at levels of 0, 20, 40 and 60% during the simulations. In order to obtain a feasible set of muscle activities during subsequent gait cycles, an inverse dynamics algorithm along with a quadratic minimization algorithm was implemented. Results: The dynamic parameters of the robot assisted human gait such as joint angle trajectories, ground contact force (GCF), human limb joint torques and robot induced torques at different levels of BWS were derived. The patterns of muscle activities at variable BWS were derived and analysed. For most part of the gait cycle (GC) the muscle activation patterns are quite similar for all levels of BWS as is apparent from the mean of muscle activities for the complete GC. Conclusions: Effect of BWS variation during robot assisted gait on muscle activities was studied by developing dynamic simulation. It is expected that the proposed dynamic simulation approach will provide important inferences and information about the muscle function variations consequent upon a change in BWS during robot assisted gait. This information shall be quite important while investigating the influence of BWS intonation on neuromuscular parameters of interest during robotic gait training.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (a) to determine group and individual differences in oxygen consumption during heel-toe running and (b) to quantify the differences in EMG activity for selected muscle groups of the lower extremities when running in shoes with different mechanical heel characteristics. Twenty male runners performed heel-toe running using two shoe conditions, one with a mainly elastic and a visco-elastic heel. Oxygen consumption was quantified during steady state runs of 6 min duration, running slightly above the aerobic threshold providing four pairs of oxygen consumption results for comparison. Muscle activity was quantified using bipolar surface EMG measurements from the tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius, vastus medialis and the hamstrings muscle groups. EMG data were sampled for 5 s every minute for the 6 min providing 30 trials. EMG data were compared for the different conditions using an ANOVA (alpha=0.05). The findings of this study showed that changes in the heel material characteristics of running shoes were associated with (a) subject specific changes in oxygen consumption and (b) subject and muscle specific changes in the intensities of muscle activation before heel strike in the lower extremities. It is suggested that further study of these phenomena will help understand many aspects of human locomotion, including work, performance, fatigue and possible injuries.  相似文献   

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