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Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax were collected during the Flemish Cap bottom survey (1991–2001, NAFO division 3M, depth of 200–720 m) and on commercial vessels (1998–2000, NAFO divisions 3L, M and N, depth of 700–1700 m). The abundance of roughhead grenadier, as well as their average size, increased with depth. Age and length composition of the catches showed clear differences between the sexes. The proportion of males in the catch declined in the larger length classes and there were no males in the largest length classes (25 cm). There were differences in the growth trajectories of the two sexes; both sexes grew similarly up to 9 years, but the male growth was slower thereafter. The pre-anal fin length at first maturity ( L PA50) for roughhead grenadier females was 28·5 cm, whilst the age at 50% maturity was 15–16 years. Individual total fecundity varied between 8522 and 61 844 oocytes. Macrourus berglax had a prolonged life cycle and multi-aged population structure, with differences in growth and mortality between males and females, slow maturation and low fecundity.  相似文献   

Several isolates of aquatic birnaviruses were recovered from different species of wild fish caught in the Flemish Cap, a Newfoundland fishery close to the Atlantic coast of Canada. The nucleotide sequence of a region of the NS gene was identical among the isolates and was most similar to the Dry Mills and West Buxton reference strains of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence of a region of the VP2 gene demonstrated that the isolates were most closely aligned with the American strains of IPNV serotype A1. Electron microscopy of virus structures clarified and concentrated from cultures of infected chinook salmon embryo (CHSE-214) cells revealed a majority of typical IPNV-like icosahedral particles, as well as a low proportion of type I tubules having a diameter of approximately 55 nm and a variable length of up to 2 microm. The tubules could be propagated in cell cultures, but always in the presence of low proportions of icosahedral particles. Cloning of selected isolates by serial dilution yielded preparations with a high proportion of the tubular structures with a density in CsCl gradients of approximately 1.30 g cm(-3). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the material in the band was composed of the IPNV pVP2 and VP2 proteins.  相似文献   

The genus Vigna (Fabaceae) consists of five subgenera, and includes more than 100 wild species. In Vigna, 10 crops have been domesticated from three subgenera, Vigna, Plectrotropis, and Ceratotropis. The habitats of wild Vigna species are so diverse that their genomes could harbor various genes responsible for environmental stress adaptation, which could lead to innovations in agriculture. Since some of the gene bank Vigna accessions were unidentified and they seemed to be novel genetic resources, these accessions were identified based on morphological traits. The phylogenetic positions were estimated based on the DNA sequences of nuclear rDNA-ITS and chloroplast atpB-rbcL spacer regions. Based on the results, the potential usefulness of the recently described species V. indica and V. sahyadriana, and some wild Vigna species, i.e., V. aconitifolia, V. dalzelliana, V. khandalensis, V. marina var. oblonga, and V. vexillata, was discussed.  相似文献   

The feeding dynamics of the glacier lanternfish Benthosema glaciale were studied during the summer of 2010 in the Flemish Cap. B. glaciale constituted a majority of the deep scattering layer (DSL), which was located between 300 and 650 m during daylight hours; at night, a part of the DSL migrated to the surface. B. glaciale is a zooplanktivore, feeding primarily on copepods (Calanus hyperboreus, Pareuchaeta norvegica, Metridia longa and Calanus finmarchicus), followed by amphipods (Themisto compressa) and krill (primarily Nematoscelis spp.). Although crustaceans dominated the diet, other invertebrates, such as chaetognaths, gastropods, polychaetes, ostracods and appendicularians, also contributed. The geographical differences in the composition of the diet resulted from the association of prey with distinct water masses. In the colder water at the north of the bank, Arctic species represented a higher proportion of the diet, but this situation was reversed in areas influenced by the warmer water from the south. B. glaciale fed more intensively towards the centre of the Flemish Cap. The diet of B. glaciale shifted ontogenetically, showing increasing prey size and prey diversity with increasing predator size.  相似文献   

Wild species in the genus A rachis L. have several desirablecharacters and are therefore of great interest for use in thegenetic improvement of A. hypogaea L. but only a few closelyrelated species have been used. There are many others whichcould not be used because they are incompatible with the cultivatedspecies. This paper reports techniques to produce hybrids fromincompatible crosses.  相似文献   

ARNEY  S. E. 《Annals of botany》1955,19(2):265-276
The initiation and growth of leaf primordia has been followedduring four winters, and similar rates were obtained in eachseason. When allowance is made for temperature differences,these rates are at a much lower level than during the activegrowing season. In this respect winter dormancy involves a physiologicalchange resulting in a lower level of activity rather than acomplete cessation of activity. Leaf emergence and expansion,on the other hand, is completely stopped during the winter;this appears to be the result of photoperiodic induction bythe shortening days of August and September and is not primarilydependent on the fall in temperature.  相似文献   

ARNEY  S. E. 《Annals of botany》1955,19(2):277-287
From observations of leaf emergence dates and periodical dissectionsof stem apices it appears that leaf initiation does not keeppace with leaf emergence during the spring. This leads to asubnormal number of enclosed leaf initials at each stem apexat some time in April or May. Forced plants behave similarly,and it is concluded from these results and from direct experimentsthat part of the lag of leaf initiation on leaf emergence isconnected in some way with the flowering of the first inflorescenceto emerge from the crown. Conditions in the bud at the end ofthe winter also lead to an excess of leaf emergence over leafinitiation in the early spring.  相似文献   

The inorganic and metal-organic growth requirements of ruminal and nonruminal Bacteroides species were compared. The heme requirement of many nonruminal Bacteroides species was similar to that of Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. ruminicola and was a general tetrapyrrole requirement. Some nonruminal Bacteroides species utilized succinate or alpha-ketoglutarate, as well as tetrapyrrole-containing compounds, in place of heme. Fe(+) as well as heme was required for maximal yields of some Bacteroides species. The divalent cation requirements of Bacteroides species are complex. Mg(2+) deletion from a medium containing Mg(2+), Ca(2+), Co(2+), and Mn(2+) reduced the yields of all isolates. Ca(2+) deletion from the same medium reduced the growth yields of Bacteroides fragilis, B. fundiliformis, and one strain of B. oralis. The effects of Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) on the growth of Bacteroides isolates was influenced by other divalent cations. Relatively large quantities of Na(+) were obligately required by all of the currently recognized predominant rumen Bacteroides species. Nonruminal Bacteroides species either did not require Na(+) or required only small amounts. The Na(+) requirement of some nonruminal Bacteroides species could be partially replaced by Li(+) or Cs(+). The Na(+) requirement of rumen Bacteroides species was absolute. The inorganic and metal-organic growth requirements of Bacteroides species appear useful as aids in species differentiation.  相似文献   

ARNEY  S. E. 《Annals of botany》1954,18(3):349-365
Changes in leaf size and in the number and size of the leafcells have been followed throughout the growing season and duringdrought and defoliation. The duration of the meristematic phaseof primordium growth is the major factor affecting leaf sizein all cases, and a hypothesis is developed to account for thechanges. A new index of shoot growth reflecting the rate ofcell production is used, together with the leaf initiation rate,to distinguish changes in growth rate at the time of runnerproduction and inflorescence initiation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The control of maize root growth by root cap mucilage and extracellular calcium (Ca) was examined. Special attention was paid to the influence of these factors on cellular aspects of root growth, such as cell shape and organization of the microtubular (MT) cytoskeleton. Externally supplied Ca impaired the transition of early post-mitotic cells from a more-or-less apolar mode of expansion to a strictly anisotropic mode of elongation accompanied by their more rapid growth. However, this inhibitory effect of Ca was not associated with any re-arrangement of the cortical MTs, their transverse arrays, with respect to the root axis, being maintained under these conditions. Root mucilage, collected from donor root caps and placed around root tips, exerted a similar effect on cell shapes as did externally supplied Ca. In contrast, roots grown in a medium of low Ca content, or from which the root cap mucilage was continually removed, had more elongated cell shapes in their post-mitotic growth regions when compared to the control roots. These findings are consistent with a notion that Ca is present in the root cap mucilage in physiologically relevant amounts and can mediate growth responses in both the PIG region and the apical part of the elongation zone. Integrating several known effects of Ca ions on growth at the root apex, a hypothesis is proposed that a Ca-mediated and MT-independent control of cell growth in the PIG region might be involved in morphogenetic root movements (e.g. gravitropism), and that root growth responses could be initiated by an asymmetric distribution of extracellular calcium, or root cap slime, around the growing root tip.  相似文献   

The composition of fatty acids in the tissue of heart, gill and skull oil of the three redfish species, Sebastes viviparus, Sebastes marinus and Sebastes mentella was determined by a chemometric method. The method consists of methanolysis of samples of the tissues and of the oils, gas chromatography of the resulting fatty acid methyl esters and multivariate statistical treatment, by principal component analysis, of the analytical data. Although the differences in fatty acid composition among the three tissues were the dominating features of the data, the three species had significantly different fatty acid profiles within each tissue, even though variation among the individuals was considerable. The fatty acid profiles appear to be species specific. The mutual relationship between S. marinus and S. mentella is closer than the relationship between either of them and S. viviparus.  相似文献   

Fish have evolved a variety of sex‐determining (SD) systems including male heterogamy (XY), female heterogamy (ZW) and environmental SD. Little is known about SD mechanisms of Sebastes rockfishes, a highly speciose genus of importance to evolutionary and conservation biology. Here, we characterize the sex determination system in the sympatrically distributed sister species Sebastes chrysomelas and Sebastes carnatus. To identify sex‐specific genotypic markers, double digest restriction site – associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD‐seq) of genomic DNA from 40 sexed individuals of both species was performed. Loci were filtered for presence in all of the individuals of one sex, absence in the other sex and no heterozygosity. Of the 74 965 loci present in all males, 33 male‐specific loci met the criteria in at least one species and 17 in both. Conversely, no female‐specific loci were detected, together providing evidence of an XY sex determination system in both species. When aligned to a draft reference genome from Sebastes aleutianus, 26 sex‐specific loci were interspersed among 1168 loci that were identical between sexes. The nascent Y chromosome averaged 5% divergence from the X chromosome and mapped to reference Sebastes genome scaffolds totalling 6.9Mbp in length. These scaffolds aligned to a single chromosome in three model fish genomes. Read coverage differences were also detected between sex‐specific and autosomal loci. A PCR‐RFLP assay validated the bioinformatic results and correctly identified sex of five additional individuals of known sex. A sex‐determining gene in other teleosts gonadal soma‐derived factor (gsdf) was present in the model fish chromosomes that spanned our sex‐specific markers.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of cap structures in the translation of brain mRNA was examined by measuring protein biosynthesis in vitro in wheat germ and reticulocyte systems programmed by mRNA that was either untreated or oxidized by periodate or from which 5'-terminal 7-methylguanosine (m7G) was removed by oxidation and β -elimination. In another series of reactions, amino acid incorporation into polypeptides was measured in the absence and in the presence of varying concentrations of the cap analogue 7-methylguanosine 5'-triphosphate (pppm7G). The results indicated that any of the above treatments interfered with brain mRNA translation, the degree of inhibition depending on the translation system used, the concentration of mRNA, and the source of initiation factors. Homologous brain initiation factors were superior to reticulocyte factors in providing a partial relief from inhibition of translation caused by these treatments. It was also found that synthesis of the brain-specific protein S-100 was inhibited by β -elimination of mRNA, by pppm7G, or by the presence of capped globin mRNA, indicating that the mRNA for this protein was probably capped.  相似文献   


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