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Methods of preserving Nosema pyrausta spores were developed by subjecting laboratoryreared, nondiapausing larvae of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, infected with N. pyrausta to different techniques of lyophilization and vacuum drying. Such material was still viable when it was stored in an airtight container and held at ?12°C for 12 months, or when it was stored in a vacuum desiceator and held at 22–24°C for 6 months.  相似文献   

Widespread planting of transgenic insecticidal (TI) crops for pest control has raised concerns about potential harm to nontarget arthropods. Because the first generation of TI crops produce single Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins causing little or no harm to most nontarget arthropods, they are not likely to cause such negative effects. However, varieties of transgenic crops with multiple Bt toxins or novel toxins might be more harmful to nontarget arthropods. Field studies assessing nontarget effects typically compare the relative abundance of nontarget arthropods in TI crop fields to non-TI crop fields. However, for nontarget arthropods that are killed by TI crops, such analyses may miss important effects. Results from simulations of a spatially explicit population dynamics model show that large-scale planting of TI crops could cause three types of negative effects on nontarget arthropods that suffer mortality caused by TI crops: (1) lower abundance in TI fields than non-TI fields with little or no effect on abundance in non-TI fields, (2) lower abundance in TI fields than non-TI fields and decreased abundance in non-TI fields, and (3) loss of the arthropod from TI and non-TI fields. Simulation results show that factors increasing the potential for negative effects of TI crops on nontarget arthropods in non-TI fields are low reproduction, high emigration, high adoption of TI crops, high mortality in TI fields, insecticide sprays, and rotation of TI and non-TI fields. The results suggest that risk assessment should consider the regional distribution of transgenic crops and the life history traits of nontarget arthropods to identify the most vulnerable regions and nontarget species.  相似文献   

For maize and cotton, transgenic varieties that express toxins derived from Bacillus thuriengensis (Bt) are now planted in several countries. To slow resistance evolution, the “high-dose/refuge” strategy is broadly implemented in which resistance is recessive and some fields (or areas within fields) are planted exclusively with Bt crops and other fields planted exclusively with non-transgenic refuge crops for susceptible insects. This strategy, however, could potentially be undermined by contamination. Here, we investigate general models of resistance evolution for high-dose events in which fields are contaminated due to the inadvertent mixing of seeds, volunteer plants, or pollen flow between Bt and non-Bt varieties coupled with seed-saving by farmers. Contamination of the refuge by Bt plants increases selection for resistance, thereby speeding resistance evolution. Nonetheless, in most situations this effect is small. Contamination of Bt fields by non-transgenic plants might be expected to have the opposite effect and always reduce the rate of resistance evolution. While this is often the case, it is not always so. If larvae move among plants within a field, then high movement rates may reverse the effect of contamination of Bt fields to slow resistance evolution. Furthermore, if the dispersal rates of adult females between Bt and refuge fields are low, then contamination of Bt fields may speed resistance. These results suggest that contamination has the potential to undermine the efficacy of the high-dose/refuge strategy, yet depending upon the particular pest and situation, contamination may not be a concern.  相似文献   

Epizootiological studies of Nosema pyrausta in natural European corn borer populations show that while vertical transmission is the primary way in which N. pyrausta is transferred from one host generation to the next, it is horizontal transmission that is responsible for the annual build-up of infection in each nonoverlapping generation. During the first generation, larval corn borer migration to adjacent corn stalks is minimal and increases in the prevalence of N. pyrausta within the population result from horizontal transmission of infection among borers that inhabit the same stalk. During the second generation, corn borer larvae actively disperse to other corn plants and this results in an increased level of infection. Factors which facilitate pathogen dispersal in this generation include (1) higher host densities, (2) longer periods of larval development, (3) lower mortality among young larvae, and (4) possible mechanical transmission by the braconid parasitoid, Macrocentrus grandii.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable development forms the basis for a wide variety of international and national policy making. World population continues to expand at about 80 M people per year, while the demand for natural resources continues to escalate. Important policies, treaties and goals underpin the notion of sustainable development. In this paper, we discuss and evaluate a range of scientific literature pertaining to the use of transgenic crops in meeting sustainable development goals. It is concluded that a considerable body of evidence has accrued since the first commercial growing of transgenic crops, which suggests that they can contribute in all three traditional pillars of sustainability, i.e. economically, environmentally and socially. Management of herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant transgenic crops to minimize the risk of weeds and pests developing resistance is discussed, together with the associated concern about the risk of loss of biodiversity. As the world population continues to rise, the evidence reviewed here suggests it would be unwise to ignore transgenic crops as one of the tools that can help meet aspirations for increasingly sustainable global development.  相似文献   

Nosema pyrausta (Paillot) (Microsporida: Nosematidae) is an obligatory intracellular parasite of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). This pathogen is maintained in natural populations of O. nubilalis by both horizontal and vertical transmission. The impact of N. pyrausta on fecundity of adults and survival of larvae has been well documented in laboratory and field research. In an extensive study covering a 6 year period at one site, we described the effect of N. pyrausta within O. nubilalis populations in a continuous corn following corn ecosystem. We documented the presence of the pathogen through all life stages of O. nubilalis (egg, larva, pupa, adult), by collecting throughout the crop season and examining each insect stage in the laboratory for the frequency of infection with N. pyrausta. The percentage of infection with N. pyrausta and magnitude of the O. nubilalis population fluctuated throughout generation 1 and generation 2. Both horizontal and vertical transmission played a role in maintaining N. pyrausta in the population in both generations. There were strong correlations between percentage adults with N. pyrausta and percentage larvae with N. pyrausta, and between percentage eggs with N. pyrausta and percentage larvae with N. pyrausta. There was a weak correlation between percentage adults with N. pyrausta and percentage eggs with N. pyrausta. The percentage of insects infected with N. pyrausta was always lowest in the egg.  相似文献   

转Bt基因作物释放杀虫晶体蛋白对土壤生态安全的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhou XY  Liu N  Zhao M  Li H  Zhou L  Tang ZW  Cao F  Li W 《遗传》2011,33(5):443-448
随着转Bt基因抗虫作物的大面积推广种植,其环境安全性问题日益引起关注。转Bt基因作物在生长期内持续不断地向环境释放杀虫晶体蛋白,这些杀虫晶体蛋白积累一旦超过了昆虫的消耗及环境因子对其的钝化,就可能对非靶标昆虫或土壤微生物造成伤害。转Bt基因作物向土壤中释放杀虫晶体蛋白的途径主要有3种:根系分泌、花粉飘落和秸秆还田。释放到土壤中的Bt杀虫晶体蛋白能够迅速被土壤活性颗粒吸附,1~3 h就能达到吸附平衡。吸附态Bt杀虫晶体蛋白不易被土壤微生物或酶降解,导致杀虫活性持续时间显著延长。土壤微生物种群变化是衡量Bt作物对土壤生态影响的重要指标。研究表明,Bt作物根系分泌物或Bt生物体降解释放的杀虫晶体蛋白对于土壤蚯蚓、线虫、原生动物、细菌和真菌没有毒性,但可使丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)菌丝长度减小,不能形成侵染单元。Bt杀虫晶体蛋白对土壤酶活性的影响程度依这类蛋白的导入方式或Bt作物生育期的不同而呈现差异。土壤中Bt Cry1Ab蛋白能被部分后茬作物吸收,但不同的商品试剂盒检测结果存在差异。文章综述了Bt杀虫晶体蛋白在土壤中释放、吸附、残留特性及其对土壤动物、土壤微生物、土壤酶活性和后茬作物的影响,旨在为转Bt基因作物释放杀虫晶体蛋白的土壤生态安全评价提供参考依据。  相似文献   

As a scientific discipline, plant morphology is 211 yr old, originated by Goethe in 1790. It is a discipline that has largely been Germanic in practice. Because it took its origins from the study of the natural history of plants and the United States is principally an engineering society, the discipline of plant morphology in its pure form has never been widely practiced in this country. What has been labeled "plant morphology" in the United States has served largely as a handmaiden for systematics, using morphological characteristics to carve up diversity into its systematic subunits. Because the heart of plant morphology as a science is a focus on the convergences rather than the homologies in a phylogenetic sense, the German tradition of plant morphology is a unifying science that focuses on fundamental themes that transcend systematic boundaries. This paper traces the history of the science of plant morphology through the lineage of its principal practitioners: Goethe, Hofmeister, von Goebel, and Troll. It also evaluates the principles of plant morphology by applying them to the phyletically diverse Pteridophytes, showing that contemporary members of that group exhibit levels of shoot organization comparable to that of seed plants and discusses the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

One of the possible adverse effects of transgenic insecticidal crops is the unintended decline in the abundance of nontarget arthropods. Field trials designed to evaluate potential nontarget effects can be more complex than expected because decisions to conduct field trials and the selection of taxa to include are not always guided by the results of laboratory tests. Also, recent studies emphasize the potential for indirect effects (adverse impacts to nontarget arthropods without feeding directly on plant tissues), which are difficult to predict because of interactions among nontarget arthropods, target pests, and transgenic crops. As a consequence, field studies may attempt to monitor expansive lists of arthropod taxa, making the design of such broad studies more difficult and reducing the likelihood of detecting any negative effects that might be present. To improve the taxonomic focus and statistical rigor of future studies, existing field data and corresponding power analysis may provide useful guidance. Analysis of control data from several nontarget field trials using repeated-measures designs suggests that while detection of small effects may require considerable increases in replication, there are taxa from different ecological roles that are sampled effectively using standard methods. The use of statistical power to guide selection of taxa for nontarget trials reflects scientists' inability to predict the complex interactions among arthropod taxa, particularly when laboratory trials fail to provide guidance on which groups are more likely to be affected. However, scientists still may exercise judgment, including taxa that are not included in or supported by power analyses.  相似文献   

Systems biology and its potential role in radiobiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
About a century ago, Conrad Röentgen discovered X-rays, and Henri Becquerel discovered a new phenomenon, which Marie and Pierre Curie later coined as radio-activity. Since their seminal work, we have learned much about the physical properties of radiation and its effects on living matter. Alas, the more we discover, the more we appreciate the complexity of the biological processes that are triggered by radiation exposure and eventually lead (or do not lead) to disease. Equipped with modern biological methods of high-throughput experimentation, imaging, and vastly increased computational prowess, we are now entering an era where we can piece some of the multifold aspects of radiation exposure and its sequelae together, and develop a more systemic understanding of radiogenic effects such as radio-carcinogenesis than has been possible in the past. It is evident from the complexity of even the known processes that such an understanding can only be gained if it is supported by mathematical models. At this point, the construction of comprehensive models is hampered both by technical inadequacies and a paucity of appropriate data. Nonetheless, some initial steps have been taken already and the generally increased interest in systems biology may be expected to speed up future progress. In this context, we discuss in this article examples of relatively small, yet very useful models that elucidate selected aspects of the effects of exposure to ionizing radiation and may shine a light on the path before us.  相似文献   

Since its origin in the 19th century, epidemiology has faced an internal tension between an approach oriented toward biology and the study of mechanisms, and an approach oriented toward populations and their interactions with the environment. Initially, this tension took the form of an opposition between microbiology and statistics. We describe the early roots of the quantitative approach to health and disease and several historical examples of the above tension. The search for the causes of pellagra exemplifies our thesis. In Italy, where pellagra was endemic, contrasting opinions coexisted between the hypothesis of contaminated maize, supported by Cesare Lombroso, and the hypothesis of a prevailing role of poverty and poor nutrition. In the United States, Joseph Goldberger found no evidence for the hypothesis of contaminated maize or for a microbiological agent, but recognized the central role of nutrition. The "cure" Goldberger proposed was land reform, but he continued studying the disease from a mechanistic point of view; shortly after his death, niacin deficiency was identified as the cause of pellagra. The tension between mechanistic and population-based studies is still present within epidemiology and is in fact essential for the success of the discipline.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, molecular and cell biologists have made important progress in characterizing the components and compartments of the cell. New visualization methods have also revealed cellular dynamics. This has raised complex issues about the organization principles that underlie the emergence of coherent dynamical cell shapes and functions. Self-organization concepts that were first developed in chemistry and physics and then applied to various morphogenetic problems in biology over the past century are now beginning to be applied to the organization of the living cell.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative contribution of minimum residence time, growth habit, and history of invasiveness to the spread of exotic plants in Michigan and California. Our data include minimum residence time as estimated by earliest herbarium collection records, growth habit, and history of invasiveness for over 2000 records from two herbaria (MI = 943, CA = 1131). Our data support the hypothesis that minimum residence time is highly associated with landscape spread, explaining 39–44% of variation in the number of counties invaded. In contrast, growth habit and history of invasiveness explained a small fraction of variation in spread in California but not Michigan. Over the past 30 years exotic plant species frequently became established in Michigan and California (≥50 species per decade), suggesting that many more species will become invasive over time. There is an urgent need to develop effective policies for exotic plant management. In both states we found significant positive correlations between minimum residence time and species occurrence on state invasive plant lists. Further, we found historical information on the pest status of a plant species introduced into a similar environment to be relevant in determining landscape spread of exotic plants. We conclude that efforts to predict exotic species spread based on biological characteristics may have limited success, and instead endorse pest risk analysis for proposed new imports coupled with rapid detection and early response for unintended and unwanted introductions.  相似文献   

Genetically modified plants are widely grown predominantly in North America and to a lesser extent in Australia, Argentina and China but their regions of production are expected to spread soon beyond these limited areas also reaching Europe where great controversy over the application of gene technology in agriculture persists. Currently, several cultivars of eight major crop plants are commercially available including canola, corn, cotton, potato, soybean, sugar beet, tobacco and tomato, but many more plants with new and combined multiple traits are close to registration. While currently agronomic traits (herbicide resistance, insect resistance) dominate, traits conferring “quality” traits (altered oil compositions, protein and starch contents) will begin to dominate within the next years. However, economically the most promising future lies in the development and marketing of crop plants expressing pharmaceutical or “nutraceuticals” (functional foods), and plants that express a number of different genes. From this it is clear that future agricultural and, ultimately, also natural ecosystems will be challenged by the large-scale introduction of entirely novel genes and gene products in new combinations at high frequencies all of which will have unknown impacts on their associated complex of non-target organisms, i.e. all organisms that are not targeted by the insecticidal protein. In times of severe global decline of biodiversity, pro-active precaution is necessary and careful consideration of the likely expected effects of transgenic plants on biodiversity of plants and insects is mandatory.In this paper possible implications of non-target effects for insect and plant biodiversity are discussed and a case example of such non-target effects is presented. In a multiple year research project, tritrophic and bitrophic effects of transgenic corn, expressing the gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-corn) that codes for the high expression of an insecticidal toxin (Cry1Ab), on the natural enemy species, Chrysoperla carnea (the green lacewing), was investigated. In these laboratory trials, we found prey-mediated effects of transgenic Bt-corn causing significantly higher mortality of C. carnea larvae. In further laboratory trials, we confirmed that the route of exposure (fed directly or via a herbivorous prey) and the origin of the Bt (from transgenic plants or incorporated into artificial diet) strongly influenced the degree of mortality. In choice feeding trials where C. carnea could choose between Spodoptera littoralis fed transgenic Bt-corn and S. littoralis fed non-transgenic corn, larger instars showed a significant preference for S. littoralis fed non-transgenic corn while this was not the case when the choice was between Bt- and isogenic corn fed aphids. Field implications of these findings could be multifold but will be difficult to assess because they interfere in very intricate ways with complex ecosystem processes that we still know only very little about. The future challenge in pest management will be to explore how transgenic plants can be incorporated as safe and effective components of IPM systems and what gene technology can contribute to the needs of a modern sustainable agriculture that avoids or reduces adverse impacts on biodiversity? For mainly economically motivated resistance management purposes, constitutive high expression of Bt-toxins in transgenic plants is promoted seeking to kill almost 100% of all susceptible (and if possible heterozygote resistant) target pest insects. However, for pest management this is usually not necessary. Control at or below an established economic injury level is sufficient for most pests and cropping systems. It is proposed that partially or moderately resistant plants expressing quantitative rather than single gene traits and affecting the target pest sub-lethally may provide a more meaningful contribution of agricultural biotechnology to modern sustainable agriculture. Some examples of such plants produced through conventional breeding are presented. Non-target effects may be less severe allowing for better incorporation of these plants into IPM or biological control programs using multiple control strategies, thereby, also reducing selection pressure for pest resistance development.  相似文献   

Larval susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis was determined for Nosema pyrausta-infected and uninfected European corn borers, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), in bioassays using a commercial formulation of B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, Dipel ES, incorporated into diet. LC50 values for N. pyrausta-infected larvae were significantly lower (P<0.0001) than for uninfected larvae and declined with increasing levels of infection. LC50 values for a 15-d bioassay using field-colony first instars were 0.006 and 0.027 mg of Dipel ES/kg of diet for larvae moderately infected by N. pyrausta and uninfected larvae, respectively. Nosema pyrausta-infected larvae reared on Dipel ES-amended diets produced 70-fold fewer spores (P<0.0001) than larvae reared on standard diet. For example, 15 d after placement as first instars on standard diet, infected field-colony larvae produced 7.6-8.7 million N. pyrausta spores per larva; similar larvae placed on diet containing 0.09 mg of Dipel ES/kg of diet produced 85-103 thousand spores per larva. Infected larvae also weighed less and failed to mature on Dipel ES-amended diets. Increased susceptibility of N. pyrausta-infected larvae to Dipel ES and reduced N. pyrausta spore production in larvae feeding on diet containing Dipel ES suggest that Bt corn will have a direct adverse effect on the survival and continual impact of N, pyrausta as a regulating factor on European corn borer populations.  相似文献   

Pressure as a thermodynamical parameter was successively introduced in physics, hydrometallurgy, geochemistry, and biology. In all cases, the main objective was to recreate a natural phenomenon (gas or liquid compressibility, synthesis or crystal growth of minerals, survival of deep sea microorganisms…). The introduction of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) in Biology was an important scientific feature over the last hundred years. This paper describes the different steps that have led to the spreading of pressure in biology and the opening of new frontiers either in basic and applied researches due to the specific characteristics of the pressure parameter. Because of the low energy conveyed by this parameter, leading to the preservation of most organoleptic properties of foods, and its ability to inactivate many pathogens, the use of HHP began to spread at the end of the twentieth century into the food industry, in particular for the development of pathogen inactivation processes. Today, even if this field is still the first application domain for HHP, more and more research works have shown that this parameter could be of great interest in health and medicine sciences.  相似文献   



Hypertension is, amongst others, characterized by endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling. As sphingolipids have been implicated in both the regulation of vascular contractility and growth, we investigated whether sphingolipid biology is altered in hypertension and whether this is reflected in altered vascular function.

Methods and Findings

In isolated carotid arteries from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats, shifting the ceramide/S1P ratio towards ceramide dominance by administration of a sphingosine kinase inhibitor (dimethylsphingosine) or exogenous application of sphingomyelinase, induced marked endothelium-dependent contractions in SHR vessels (DMS: 1.4±0.4 and SMase: 2.1±0.1 mN/mm; n = 10), that were virtually absent in WKY vessels (DMS: 0.0±0.0 and SMase: 0.6±0.1 mN/mm; n = 9, p<0.05). Imaging mass spectrometry and immunohistochemistry indicated that these contractions were most likely mediated by ceramide and dependent on iPLA2, cyclooxygenase-1 and thromboxane synthase. Expression levels of these enzymes were higher in SHR vessels. In concurrence, infusion of dimethylsphingosine caused a marked rise in blood pressure in anesthetized SHR (42±4%; n = 7), but not in WKY (−12±10%; n = 6). Lipidomics analysis by mass spectrometry, revealed elevated levels of ceramide in arterial tissue of SHR compared to WKY (691±42 vs. 419±27 pmol, n = 3–5 respectively, p<0.05). These pronounced alterations in SHR sphingolipid biology are also reflected in increased plasma ceramide levels (513±19 pmol WKY vs. 645±25 pmol SHR, n = 6–12, p<0.05). Interestingly, we observed similar increases in ceramide levels (correlating with hypertension grade) in plasma from humans with essential hypertension (185±8 pmol vs. 252±23 pmol; n = 18 normotensive vs. n = 19 hypertensive patients, p<0.05).


Hypertension is associated with marked alterations in vascular sphingolipid biology such as elevated ceramide levels and signaling, that contribute to increased vascular tone.  相似文献   

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