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Risk-sensitive foraging: the effect of relative variability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sharoni Shafir 《Oikos》2000,88(3):663-669

Individuals foraging in large groups are thought to benefitbecause they are better able to detect and avoid predators.As a consequence, individuals in groups can adopt more risky,but rewarding, foraging behaviors without exposing themselvesto excessive danger. I experimentally manipulated the size ofblack-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) groups to determineif individuals in large groups do forage in a more risky manner.I found that prairie dogs foraged more alertly and in less riskylocations (nearer to burrows, nearer to the center of the group,and in shorter vegetation) when group size was reduced. Effectsof group-size reductions were reversed when removed individualswere replaced, and persisted for at least three weeks in experimentswhere group size was permanently reduced. My results provideevidence that the relationships between group size and bothalertness and risk-place foraging are causal.  相似文献   

Memory has been little studied in social wasps. Vespula germanica (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) frequently revisits nondepleted food sources, making several trips between the resource and the nest. In this study, we analyzed this relocating behavior in order to evaluate whether this species is capable of remembering an established association after 1 h. To this end, we trained wasps to feed from a certain array. Then it was removed, setting it up again 1 h later, but this time 2 baited feeders were put in place, one at the original feeding site and the other opposite the first. We recorded the proportion of returning foragers, and their choice of feeder, after either 1 or 4 feeding trials. After 1 h, 78% of wasps trained with 4 feeding trials and 65% trained with 1, returned to the experimental area. Furthermore, during the testing phase, wasps trained with 4 feeding trials collected food from the previously learned feeder significantly more frequently than from the nonlearned one (P 〈 0.05). In contrast, wasps that had been trained only once chose both feeders equally. Thus, memory retrieval could be observed 1 h after wasps had collected food on 4 consecutive occasions, but not after only 1. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing that V. germanica is capable of remembering an association 1 h after the last associative event, demonstrating that 1 h does not impair memory retention if4 feeding experiences have occurred.  相似文献   

The effects of owl predation on the foraging behavior of heteromyid rodents   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary Researchers have documented microhabitat partitioning among the heteromyid rodents of the deserts of North America that may result from microhabitat specific predation rates; large/bipedal species predominate in the open/risky microhabitat and small/quadrupedal species predominate in the bush/safer microhabitat. Here, we provide direct experimental evidence on the role of predatory risk in affecting the foraging behavior of three species of heteromyid rodents: Arizona pocket mouse (Perognathus amplus; small/quadrupedal), Bailey's pocket mouse (P. baileyi; large/quadrupedal), and Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami; large/bipedal). Both kangaroo rats and pocket mice are behaviorally flexible and able to adjust their foraging behavior to nightly changes in predatory risk. Under low levels of perceived predatory risk the kangaroo rat foraged relatively more in the open microhabitat than the two pocket mouse species. In response to the presence of barn owls, however, all three species shifted their habitat use towards the bush microhabitat. In response to direct measures of predatory risk, i.e. the actual presence of owls, all three species reduced foraging and left resource patches at higher giving up densities of seeds. In response to indirect indicators of predatory risk, i.e. illumination, there was a tendency for all three species to reduce foraging. The differences in morphology between pocket mice and kangaroo rats do appear to influence their behavioral responses to predatory risk.  相似文献   

In social groups, individuals' dominance rank, social bonds, and kinship with other group members have been shown to influence their foraging behavior. However, there is growing evidence that the particular effects of these social traits may also depend on local environmental conditions. We investigated this by comparing the foraging behavior of wild chacma baboons, Papio ursinus, under natural conditions and in a field experiment where food was spatially clumped. Data were collected from 55 animals across two troops over a 5‐month period, including over 900 agonistic foraging interactions and over 600 food patch visits in each condition. In both conditions, low‐ranked individuals received more agonism, but this only translated into reduced foraging performances for low‐ranked individuals in the high‐competition experimental conditions. Our results suggest one possible reason for this pattern may be low‐ranked individuals strategically investing social effort to negotiate foraging tolerance, but the rank‐offsetting effect of this investment being overwhelmed in the higher‐competition experimental environment. Our results also suggest that individuals may use imbalances in their social bonds to negotiate tolerance from others under a wider range of environmental conditions, but utilize the overall strength of their social bonds in more extreme environments where feeding competition is more intense. These findings highlight that behavioral tactics such as the strategic investment of social effort may allow foragers to mitigate the costs of low rank, but that the effectiveness of these tactics is likely to be limited in certain environments.  相似文献   

Individuals, free to choose between different habitat patches, should settle among them such that fitness is equalized. Alternatives to this ideal free distribution result into fitness differences among the patches. The concordance between fitnesses and foraging costs among inhabitants of different quality patches, demonstrated in recent studies, suggests that the mode of habitat selection and the resulting fitness patterns may have important implications to the resource use of a forager and to the survival of its prey. We studied how coarse scale selection between habitat patches of different quality and quitting harvest rate in these patches are related to each other and to fine scale patch use in meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). To demonstrate these relationships, we manipulated habitat patches within large field enclosures by mowing vegetative cover and adding supplemental food according to a 2×2 factorial design. We tracked vole population densities, collected giving‐up densities (GUDs, a measure of patch quitting harvest rate), and monitored the removal of seeds from lattice grids with 1.5 m intervals (an index of fine‐scale space use) in the manipulated habitat patches. Changes in habitat quality induced changes in habitat use at different spatial scales. In preferred habitats with intact cover, voles were despotic and GUDs were low, but increased with the addition of food. In contrast, voles in less‐preferred mowed habitats settled into an ideal free distribution, GUDs were high and uninfluenced by the addition of food. Seed removal was enhanced by the presence of cover but inhibited by supplemental food. Across all treatments, vole densities and GUDs were strongly correlated making it impossible to separate their effects on seed removal rates. However, this relationship broke down in unmowed habitats, where GUDs rather than vole density primarily influenced seed removal by voles. GUDs and seed removal correlated with predation on tree seedlings formerly planted into the enclosures, demonstrating the mechanisms between coarse‐scale habitat manipulations and community level consequences on a forager's prey.  相似文献   

Procedural variables are concerned with the way subjects contact stimulus, response, and reinforcer variables and relations in an experiment. Procedural variables may therefore be understood as tools that allow researchers and theorists to explore the generality of their conceptions of independent variables, behavioral processes, and quantitative laws of behavior. The present article reviews data from several studies showing how procedural variables can influence the outcome of operant choice experiments, even when nominal independent variables remain constant. An important theoretical issue raised by these data is whether researchers have most usefully identified the independent variables that they incorporate into their quantitative models. Particular attention is paid to how procedural variables can influence the measure of reinforcement frequency over time that best correlates with the distribution of choice responding over time.  相似文献   

Optimal choice of foraging depth in divers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Many spatially complex environments are fractal, and consumers in these environments face scale-dependent trade-offs between encountering high densities of small resource patches versus low densities of large resource patches. I address the effects of these trade-offs on foraging by incorporating scale-dependent encounter of resources in fractal landscapes into classical optimal foraging theory. This model is then used to predict optimal scales of perception (foraging scale) and patch choice in response to spatial features of landscapes. The model predicts that, for a given density of resources, landscapes with greater extent and fractal dimension and that contain patchy (low fractal dimension) resources favour large foraging scales and specialization on a small proportion of resource patches. Fragmented (low fractal dimension) landscapes of small extent with dispersed (high fractal dimension) resources favour smaller foraging scales and generalists that use a large proportion of available resource patches. These predictions synthesize the results of other spatially explicit consumer–resource models into a simple framework and agree reasonably well with results of several empirical studies. This study thus places optimal foraging theory in a spatial context and suggests evolutionary mechanisms of consumers' responses to important spatial phenomena (e.g. habitat fragmentation, resource aggregation). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of predation risk from crab spiders on bee foraging behavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies have suggested that top–down effects ofpredation on plant–pollinator interactions may not be,as previously thought, rare and/or weak. In this paper, we explorethe effects of crab spiders (Araneae: Thomisidae) on the behaviorof 2 species of bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) foraging for nectarand pollen on 3 different plant species in central Portugal.In 2 experiments, we found that the eusocial bee Apis melliferawas significantly less likely to inspect and accept a floweror inflorescence if it harbored a spider. In contrast, we foundno such effects of spiders on the behavior of the solitary beeEucera notata. Further experiments showed that the effects ofenvironmental cues associated with predators on flower visitationby A. mellifera were detectable even when no spider was presentat the moment a flower was encountered. Such indirect effectswere only identified, however, in bees foraging on 1 of 2 plantspecies studied. In a final experiment, A. mellifera was shownto respond negatively to the presence of the corpses of conspecificsglued to flowers. This suggests that prey corpses left exposedon petals or bracts by spiders provide an obvious cue that beescan use to avoid predators. These results add to a growing bodyof evidence that plant–pollinator interactions are notimmune to the effects of predation and suggest that the strengthof such effects vary both between and within species.  相似文献   

Steven L. Lima 《Oecologia》1983,58(2):232-237
Summary I describe an artificial patch system that was used to study the foraging behavior of free-roaming downy woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) in a woodlot in southeastern Michigan. The artificial patches used were thin logs into which were drilled small holes to hold food items (bits of sunflower seed kernels). Downy woodpeckers would systematically search the holes of a patch for food items and thus by manipulating the food distribution within the patches, the birds could be made to experience differing rates of energy intake while foraging.Simple deterministic theories of optimal foraging in patchy environments indicate that an optimal forager, who experiences a decreasing rate of energy intake while foraging in a patch, should leave a patch when its rate of energy intake falls below the average intake rate for the overall environment. In other words, an optimal forager is continually assessing the quality of a patch and makes decisions as to when to leave a patch via its energy intake rate. When the downy woodpeckers studied could encounter any one of several types of patches each with differing, decreasing rates of energy intake, they followed a patch quality assessment strategy similar to that suggested by theory. Upon encountering a single type of patch for a number of consecutive days, however, the birds appeared to forage according to prior expectations of patch quality and not according to a quality assessment strategy based on energy intake rates. The observed expectations were not related to the number of food items per patch but they appeared to be based on expectations of when or where to leave a patch.  相似文献   

Intact adult male rats, in which aromatization of testosterone to estradiol was prevented pre- and/or neonatally by ATD (1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione), were repeatedly tested for partner preference behavior (choice: estrous female vs active male). In consecutive tests increasing preference scores for the female were found. Neonatal ATD males showed significantly lower preference scores for an estrous female than controls or prenatal ATD males. Prenatal ATD caused preference scores only slightly lower than those of controls. Ejaculation frequencies were markedly reduced or even absent in neonatal ATD males. Prenatal ATD treatment only had no or a moderately lowering effect on ejaculation frequency. Lordosis behavior of adult intact males was more facilitated following neonatal ATD treatment than following prenatal ATD treatment. In a number of tests the serotonergic drug 8-OH-DPAT was injected prior to testing for sexual partner preference and copulatory behavior. DPAT significantly increased preference for an estrous female in all groups of males when interaction was possible, but had no effect when sexual interaction was prevented by wire mesh. DPAT was able to increase the number of ejaculators in nonejaculating groups (i.e., perinatally ATD-treated males). "Premature ejaculations," i.e., ejaculations with the first intromission, were frequently observed with DPAT treatment in all groups of males. In conclusion, the availability of neonatal estrogen (derived from testosterone) organizes, at least partially, the preference for an estrous female normally shown by adult male rats. The lack of neonatal estrogen causes males to be less masculinized, both in partner preference behavior and ejaculatory behavior, and less defeminized in lordosis behavior.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Honeybees Apis mellifera ligustica were trained to work on a patch with artificial rewarding and non-rewarding flowers, coupled to an air extractor. The perceptual colour distance between the rewarding and the non-rewarding flowers was varied and the flower choice and the repellent scent-marking behaviour of the bees were recorded. 2. The discrimination between rewarding and non-rewarding flowers depended on their colour distance, improving with a greater colour difference. This task was guided thus visually and was not affected by activating the air extractor. 3. The scent-marking activity was only observable when the colour information of both groups of flowers was the same or very similar. This thus represents the first reported case of a modulation of an olfactory activity through the visual input provided by colour distances. When the air extractor was activated, rejections associated with the scent-marking behaviour disappeared, thus confirming the olfactory nature of this behaviour. 4. Honeybees are thus capable of using one or more sensory cues to enhance their foraging efficiency, according to the environmental situation. This great plasticity allows them to attain an enhanced efficiency while foraging. 5. We successfully applied the model of colour choice behaviour of the honeybee. Since the original theory was developed for Apis mellifera carnica, this work also constitutes the first attempt to describe the behaviour of the honeybee race, Apis mellifera ligustica, using the postulated model, and reaffirms thus its generality.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic salmon or parr (Salmo salar L.) maintain station at certain locations in flowing stream water. This position choice is assumed to involve the maximization of energy intake, based upon food availability which is usually directly related to water flow rate. Conversely energy expenditure, including station holding behaviour, foraging and defending preferred sites, is inversely related to water flow rate. Adaptations of parr to life in fast flows implies that station holding is energetically inexpensive at water speeds up to the maximum sustained holding speed, which is fish specific, thus the most important energetic consideration for parr is the ability to maximize food intake. Ten groups of three parr were each observed for 60 min within an artificial stream tank over a heterogeneous substratum. Individual position choice and behaviour were recorded continuously. For each location chosen by the parr the potential upstream line‐of‐sight (LOS), defined as the maximum distance upstream that the water surface would be visible, was calculated. At those sites where foraging behaviour was observed, the mean upstream potential LOS was significantly greater than at sites where other behaviours were observed and at 400 randomly generated sites within the tank. When foraging, parr usually take food from the stream drift and there is a significant time expenditure on food location, identification and catching. Results presented here would seem to confirm that to maximize time available to make these decisions, a fish would be expected to maximize the distance over which it can observe potential food particles.  相似文献   

C. A. Brandt 《Oecologia》1984,62(1):132-137
Summary Age-related differences in the foraging efficiency of piscivorous birds may be the results of differences in foraging skill, patch usage, or both. Brown pelicans were observed while foraging around a small Caribbean island. Areas where the birds fed were subdivided into small, homogeneous subunits (patches), and the bird's foraging success and patch use were noted and analyzed using multivariate techniques. Adult birds were found to be better at capturing prey under all conditions than were juveniles, but the differences were small in some patches. The density of prey and the birds' foraging success influenced the foraging efforts of adult and juvenile pelicans to similar degrees. Both age groups utilized local enhancement in their foraging, but such behavior augmented the foraging success only of juvenile birds. Both age groups often fed in patches where their foraging success was quite low. Such behaviour was much more costly for juvenile than for adult pelicans.  相似文献   

Weather variations have the potential to in fluence species interactions, although effects on competitive interactions between species are poorly known. Both weather and competition can influence foraging behavior and survival of herbivores during nursing/weaning, a critical period in the herbivore life cycle. We evaluated the joint effects of weather and competition with red deer Cervus elaphus on the foraging behavior of adult female Apen nine chamois Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata in summer, and on winter survival of chamois kids. High temperature and low rainfall during the growing seas on of vegetation had negative effects on bite rate. Effects of weather were greater in forb patches, including cold-adapted, nutritious plants of key importanee to chamois, than in graminoid ones. Our results confirm previous indications of a negative effect of competition on bite rate of female chamois and on kid survival. Furthermore, harsh weather conditions and competition with deer had additive, negative roles on foraging behavior and survival of chamois. Growing temperatures are expected to influence distribution, growth, and/or nutritional quality of plants;competition would reduce pasture quality and food availability through resource depletion. Both factors would limit food/energy intake rates during summer, reducing survival of the youngest cohorts in winter. We suggest that interspecific competition can be an important additive factor to the effects of weather changes on behavior and demography.  相似文献   

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