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Paradoxical extinction effects in the conditioned consummatory behavior of rodents have remained largely elusive. Here, appetitive flavor conditioning was studied to determine if a paradoxical magnitude of reinforcement extinction effect (MREE) can occur in the consummatory behavior of mice. During acquisition training of two experiments with factorial design, animals received daily access to either 32% or 4% sucrose solution, and goal tracking time was measured in one-minute bins. In Experiment 1 the solutions were flavored with either 5% or 0.5% almond essence and in Experiment 2 with 2% almond essence, but combined with continuous or partial schedules of reinforcement. During extinction tests of Experiment 1 and 2, water flavored with 0.5% or 2% almond was presented, respectively. Consummatory performance decreased more abruptly during the initial portion of the extinction sessions after training with 32% as compared to 4% sucrose solution. Furthermore, when given a choice test after extinction training (Experiment 2), animals trained with 32% sucrose, preferred the flavored solution, but animals trained with 4% preferred the unflavored solution. These results are interpreted as indicative of the occurrence of a paradoxical MREE in conditioned consummatory behaviors.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2005,4(6-7):517-530
Previous research indicated that ammonoid taxonomic diversity exploded after the Late Permian mass extinction, regaining pre-extinction levels by the Late Induan (Dienerian substage). From taxonomic analyses it had been inferred that ammonoids recovered rapidly, relative to other marine invertebrate groups. Complementing taxonomic metrics with morphologic and spatial data revealed more complex recovery dynamics. Morphological analysis indicated that ammonoids did not fully recover until the Spathian or Anisian. Taxonomic diversity is a poor predictor of disparity during the recovery. Spatial partitioning of taxonomic and morphological diversity revealed spatially homogeneous recovery patterns. Combining taxonomic, morphological, and spatial data refined interpretations of Triassic ammonoid recovery patterns and indicated that ecological, not intrinsic, factors were the probable control on ammonoid recovery rates. To cite this article: A.J. McGowan, C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

Albino rabbits were subjected to Pavlovian (classical) conditioning and extinction of concomitant heart rate and eyeblink responses. Sixty minutes before each of three extinction sessions animals were treated with 5 or 20 μg/kg of deamino-dicarba-arginine-8-vasopressin or saline. Vasopressin treatment delayed extinction of bradycardiac conditioned responses but did not affect concomitant eyeblink conditioned responses. It was concluded that classically conditioned autonomic responses may be useful tools for studying the effects of peptides on learning.  相似文献   

The depressive effects of noncontingent and explicitly unpaired food unconditioned stimuli (USs) and the recovery from those effects on autoshaped responding were examined in a series of experiments with pigeons. In Experiments 1 and 2, responding to a keylight conditioned stimulus (CS) previously paired with food was depressed equally by explicitly unpaired presentations of either that same food or a different food. Furthermore, responding recovered equally following removal of the explicitly unpaired foods. In contrast, Experiments 3 and 4 showed that noncontingent presentations of a food US depressed responding more to a keylight CS paired with that same food than to a keylight CS paired with a different food. Moreover, removal of the noncontingent foods led to complete recovery but more rapid extinction of responding to the same keylight relative to the different keylight. The implications of these results for understanding the mechanisms underlying depression and recovery of responding following degraded contingency and explicitly unpaired extinction procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

Activity of 91 neurons in the compact and diffuse parts of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg) was recorded in freely moving rabbits during execution of instrumental appetitive conditioning. Of the recorded neurons, 37.4% changed their activity in response to a conditioned stimulus, which is the evidence for the PPTg involvement in instrumental conditioning. Excitatory conditioned neuronal responses to the conditioned stimulus and food reinforcement significantly prevailed over inhibitory reactions. Neuronal responses to the conditioned stimulus were classified in several basic patterns reflecting stimulus effects, structure of the behavioral act, and reinforcement properties. These reactions indicate the involvement of the PPTg in attention, motor learning, and reinforcement. The revealed differences in associative reactive properties of the compact and diffuse parts of the PPTg to the conditioned stimulus and reinforcement point to the functional heterogeneity of this structure and suggest the leading role of the cholinergic part of the PPTg in instrumental appetitive conditioning and reinforcement as well as the essential contribution of the diffuse part into classical appetitive conditioning.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the interoceptive nicotine conditional stimulus (CS) functions similarly to exteroceptive CSs such as lights or environments. For instance, the appetitive conditioned response (CR) evoked when nicotine is repeatedly paired with sucrose presentations (the unconditioned stimulus; US) is sensitive to changes in training dose (CS salience) and the contiguity between the CS effects and sucrose. The current study was conducted to extend this research by examining the possible role of US intensity in CR acquisition and maintenance. Rats were trained using one of four sucrose concentrations: 0, 4, 16, or 32% (w/v). On nicotine sessions (0.4 mg base/kg), rats received 36 deliveries (4 s each) of their assigned concentration intermittently throughout the session; sucrose was withheld on saline sessions. In all groups, an appetitive goal-tracking CR was acquired at a similar rate. However, the asymptotic CR level varied with sucrose concentration. The magnitude of the CR was increased in rats trained with higher sucrose US concentrations. These findings are consistent with previous Pavlovian conditioning research, and extend the conditions under which the nicotine state functions as an interoceptive conditional stimulus.  相似文献   

An experiment evaluated whether the acquisition and extinction of conditioned taste aversion in the rat is stimulus-specific by testing the degree of response transfer between sweet and salty tastes. Animals in the paired-same and paired-different groups received a presentation of a gustatory CS and a cyclophosphamide injection US. Nonconditioned control groups received unpaired CS /US presentations or the CS followed by a vehicle injection. Taste avoidance was evaluated in three nonreinforced test sessions. In the paired-same, unpaired and vehicle groups, all test sessions were conducted with the same flavor as originally used in training, whereas the paired-different group was tested with a novel flavor on the first and second sessions and with the originally trained flavor in last session. Stimulus specific acquisition was apparent in the first test session, when the animals in the group paired-same exhibited lower fluid intake than the other three groups. Evidence of specificity of extinction was apparent in the last test session, when animals in the group paired-different exhibited lower fluid intake than the other three groups. These results provide further evidence of stimulus specificity in acquisition and extinction of conditioned taste aversion, supporting the associative interpretation of these phenomena.  相似文献   

The fragile X syndrome (FRAXA) is the most widespread heritable form of mental retardation caused by the lack of expression of the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). This lack has been related to deficits in cerebellum-mediated acquisition of conditioned eyelid responses in individuals with FRAXA. In the present behavioral study, long-term effects of deficiency of FMRP were investigated by examining the acquisition, savings and extinction of delay eyeblink conditioning in male individuals with FRAXA. In the acquisition experiment, subjects with FRAXA displayed a significantly poor performance compared with controls. In the savings experiment performed at least 6 months later, subjects with FRAXA and controls showed similar levels of savings of conditioned responses. Subsequently, extinction was faster in subjects with FRAXA than in controls. These findings confirm that absence of the FMRP affects cerebellar motor learning. The normal performance in the savings experiment and aberrant performance in the acquisition and extinction experiments of individuals with FRAXA suggest that different mechanisms underlie acquisition, savings and extinction of cerebellar motor learning.  相似文献   

Biotic recoveries following mass extinctions are characterized by a complex set of dynamics, including the rebuilding of whole ecologies from low-diversity assemblages of survivors and opportunistic species. Three broad classes of diversity dynamics during recovery have been suggested: an immediate linear response, a logistic recovery, and a simple positive feedback pattern of species interaction. Here we present a simple model of recovery which generates these three scenarios via differences in the extent of species interactions, thus capturing the dynamical logic of the recovery pattern. The model results indicate that the lag time to biotic recovery increases significantly as biotic interactions become more important in the recovery process.  相似文献   

Chlorpromazine injected into the amygdala, septum, or caudate delayed the acquisition of a one-way active avoidance response. Injections into nine other brain areas were inactive. Following a standard dose of chlorpromazine at its ED50 for delaying avoidance acquisition, tissue levels of chlorpromazine from those animals displaying reduced acquisition were significantly higher in the caudate and amygdala than from animals not demonstrating a drug effect.  相似文献   

The term ‘puddling’ includes feeding on (dried) mud and various excrements and secretions of vertebrates, and carrion. It is thought to be a form of supplementary feeding, not targeted at obtaining energy. Although the natural history of the puddling phenomenon in herbivorous arthropods becomes better known, it is still largely unclear how puddling (in particular for sodium) affects fitness despite the growing knowledge of insect physiology at the cellular level. If we follow the definition used for puddling in Lepidoptera, representatives of a wide range of herbivorous and detrivorous terrestrial arthropods (Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Blattodea, Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Diplopoda) have been observed to puddle. It appears that those species with diets low in sodium (e.g., folivorous larvae) puddle for sodium whereas those with diets low in nitrogen (e.g., detritivores) puddle for nitrogen. Sex differentials in puddling behavior can usually be explained by transfers of nutrients from males to females during mating. Puddling is rare or absent in immature stages and there is some evidence that nutrients from puddles increase female reproductive success. Strong evidence for the widely cited hypothesis that sodium from puddles is used to enhance neuromuscular activity is still lacking. High mobility and long life spans could be associated with puddling behavior, whereas insects that are concealed or well defended are less likely to puddle (e.g., beetles). The role that risks of pathogen and parasite infection as well as predation at puddling substrates may play in the evolution of puddling remains virtually unexplored.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of eliminating the bronchial circulation on recovery time from intravenous histamine challenge in canine lung periphery. Results from animals with intact bronchial circulations were compared with a second group in which the left lower lobe was isolated in situ. The pulmonary artery to this lobe was perfused and a bronchoscope was wedged in a small airway, which provided an index of resistance to airflow through the collateral system. The lobe was challenged with intravenous histamine, and the time constant of recovery (tau) from bronchoconstriction was measured. With or without pulmonary blood flow, elimination of the bronchial circulation increased tau 44.4 and 48.5%, respectively. This increase was similar to that found by stopping pulmonary blood flow alone (56.5%). Histamine challenges were also performed in sympathectomized or vagotomized animals with intact bronchial circulations. Neither of these conditions increased tau. We conclude that blood flow through the bronchial circulation affects the recovery time from intravenous histamine challenge in the lung periphery to a degree similar to that of the pulmonary circulation.  相似文献   

The influence of blood flow through the pulmonary circulation on the time course of recovery of the lung periphery from challenge with three bronchoconstrictive agents was studied in dogs. The rate of perfusion of the left lower lobe was varied between 0 and 300 ml/min. A fiber-optic bronchoscope (OD = 5.5 mm) was wedged in a small airway in the same lobe, and resistance to airflow through the collateral system was continuously monitored. The lung was challenged with histamine aerosol for 1 min, or with intravenous boluses of histamine, acetylcholine, or methacholine. The time constant (tau) of recovery from each of the challenges was measured under the various pulmonary blood flow conditions. The mean tau of the recoveries from histamine was inversely related to the rate of blood flow. However, pulmonary blood flow had no effect on recovery from challenge with acetylcholine or methacholine, two agents metabolized by cholinesterase in lung tissue. From this study we conclude that recovery of the lung periphery from histamine is perfusion dependent, whereas recovery from acetylcholine or methacholine is perfusion independent. This suggests that the rate of blood flow through the pulmonary circulation could play an important role in recovery of the peripheral airways from certain mediators of bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

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