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The adaptive value of matriphagy, the consumption of the mother by her offspring, in the sub-social spider Amaurobius ferox (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) was experimentally evaluated in terms of the benefits to the offspring and the costs to the mother. Matriphagy resulted in a 2.5-fold weight gain in the offspring over their initial weight, advancement of their moulting time, and larger body mass at dispersal in comparison with clutches deprived of matriphagy, but otherwise well provisioned with prey. Matriphagous offspring were also more successful at capturing large prey items, had a more extended social period, and a higher survival rate at dispersal. Mothers separated from their broods just prior to matriphagy were able to produce second clutches, effectively producing 33% more viable offspring (compared with the first clutches). However, the estimated reproductive outputs of the alternative maternal strategies (being devoted to the first clutch vs. deserting the first and producing a second one) suggest that mothers of A. ferox that are cannibalized by their broods enjoy greater reproductive success than those that escape cannibalism and produce second clutches.  相似文献   

Double nesting of the Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. E. Green 《Ibis》1984,126(3):332-346
Some Red-legged Partridge females lay two clutches in separate nests, one immediately after the other, which are incubated separately by the male and female of the pair. Pairs remained together during the laying of both clutches so that there were delays between the end of laving and incubation at the first nests. Incubation of the two nests began at approximately the same time but discrepancies of up to ten days occurred. Males incubated first clutches and females usually the second, but probably the first if the second was destroyed during laying. The proportion of surviving eggs which hatched was similar in first and second clutches but declined if the delay between laying and hatching was exceptionally long.
Yearling females began laying late and few seemed to attempt two clutches compared with older females of which 60–80% showed the double nesting habit. A model predicting reproductive success for both sexes in relation to the rate of nest predation during laying, suggested that attempting two clutches rather than one would be disadvantageous at high predation rates. Females would produce more young if their mates incubated their first clutch immediately it was complete rather than accompanying them during the laying of the second. However, males may benefit by this delay, even though it exposes the nest to predators for a longer time, because they are able to guard their mate and prevent other males from mating with her and fertilizing eggs of her second clutch.  相似文献   

The aim ofthe study was to assess laying traits, the weight of eggs and characters ofthe laying rhythm of pheasants in the first and second years of reproduction. Pheasants (10 cockerels and 50 hens) were kept in aviaries. Daily, individual control of laying was performed beginning with the day of the first laying and ending with the last egg. The following parameters were evaluated: age at first laying, length of the laying period, number of laid eggs and the average weight of the egg in the 8th week of laying. The laying rhythm was also assessed and comprised: the number of egg clutches, the number of eggs in a clutch, the number of eggs in the longest clutch, the number of intervals, the length of intervals and the longest interval between clutches. During the first period of reproduction, in comparison with the second, pheasants laid slightly more eggs of similar average weight. The first laying period was longer than the second and was characterised by a greater number of egg clutches and greater number of intervals between clutches. The greatest number of eggs was laid in 10-egg and longer clutches, although the l-egg clutches were the most numerous. A positive correlation was found between the number of eggs and the number of clutches, the greatest number of eggs in a clutch and the number of intervals between clutches. The similar values of the reproductive characters of one- and two-year old pheasants point to the possibility of longer utilization of these birds than only for one laying period. On the other hand, the considerable variability between the experimental hens with regard to the number and the length of egg clutches, as well as the intervals between them, indicate the possibility to carry out selection taking into account traits characterising the laying rhythm.  相似文献   

Time-dependent reproductive decisions in the blue tit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jan-Åke Nilsson 《Oikos》2000,88(2):351-361
Many breeding attempts in birds do not result in any fledged young due to predation on eggs or young. Consequently, the influence of time constraints on reproductive decisions are integrated parts of the reproductive behaviour of birds breeding within short, seasonal climate zones. In this study, I mimicked nest predation by removing blue tit (Parus caeruleus) clutches shortly after completion. Around 75% of the removed clutches were followed by a repeat clutch. Females producing their first clutch early in the season and females with an early onset of incubation in the laying sequence (an indication of high parental or territory quality) were most likely to initiate a repeat clutch. A trade‐off between the benefits of a repeat clutch and survival likely stopped late females in bad condition from investing more in the current reproductive season. Females producing a repeat clutch laid fewer eggs, had an earlier onset of incubation in the laying sequence and produced larger eggs than they did when producing their original first clutch. Eggs produced after the onset of incubation were especially large in the repeat clutches. Since food availability was presumably higher when the female produced her repeat clutch compared with her first clutch, females made a strategical decision when reducing clutch size, whereas onset of incubation and egg size may have been energetically constrained when producing the first clutch. Females that produced a relatively large clutch, had a relatively early onset of incubation, and laid relatively large eggs in their first clutch also did so when producing a repeat clutch, indicating that some of the variation in breeding parameters are due to differences in parental or territory quality. Differences between years in the temperature‐dependent development rate of caterpillars seem to affect the time constraints on breeding. A year with a predicted early seasonal decline in caterpillars resulted in short intervals between removal and relaying, small clutches and an early onset of incubation.  相似文献   

We examined inter- and intra-clutch egg-size variation in the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica), an open-nesting passerine breeding in the sub-alpine region in southern Norway. By removing first clutches shortly after egg-laying, we induced laying of a repeat clutch. Females significantly reduced the number of eggs from the first to the second nesting attempt, but increased mean egg size. Females in good condition laid significantly larger eggs than those in poor condition. Consistent with predictions of the brood survival hypothesis, assuming an adaptive investment in last eggs to ensure survival of all eggs in the clutch, we found that the size of the last eggs in first clutches was generally larger than the mean egg size of the clutch, and that the relative size of the last egg increased with clutch size. However, a large last egg reflected a general increase in egg size throughout the laying sequence rather than a specific investment in the last egg only. Egg size was not significantly influenced by sex or paternity (within-pair versus extra-pair) of the embryo. In repeat clutches the last egg was not consistently larger than the mean for the clutch. We conclude that female bluethroats face resource limitations during egg formation early in the season, and that the patterns of increase in egg size with laying order for first clutches, and from first to repeat clutches, can largely be explained by proximate constraints on egg formation.  相似文献   

Tobler M  Granbom M  Sandell MI 《Oecologia》2007,151(4):731-740
Maternal hormones can have substantial phenotypic effects in the progeny of many vertebrates. It has been proposed that mothers adaptively adjust hormone levels experienced by particular young to optimize their reproductive output. In birds, systematic variation in egg hormone levels has been related to different female reproductive strategies. Because in many bird species prospects of the offspring change seasonally and with brood number, strategic adjustment of yolk androgen levels would be expected. To test this idea, we induced pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) females to nest twice during the same season by removing their first clutches shortly after clutch completion. We collected eggs of first and replacement clutches to measure yolk concentrations of androstenedione (A4) and testosterone (T) and captured the females that laid these clutches for phenotypic measurements. Although average egg androgen levels were remarkably consistent within females, hormone patterns differed considerably between first and replacement clutches. Eggs of replacement clutches were heavier with larger yolks compared to first clutches, but they contained on average lower levels of androgens. Within clutches, androgen concentration increased over the laying sequence in the first clutch, but decreased or remained more constant over the laying sequence in the replacement clutch. Mean yolk T, but not A4 levels, were negatively associated with laying date for both breeding attempts. Moreover, females in good body condition produced eggs containing lower levels of androgens than females in poor condition. Our results are consistent with the idea that differences in yolk androgen levels may be one mechanism underlying seasonal variation in reproductive success and it is possible that changes in egg androgen patterns may reflect a change in female reproductive strategy. High within-female consistency also highlights the possibility that there may be some underlying genetic variation in yolk androgen levels.  相似文献   

Variation in maternal investments to offspring presumably reflects an optimization of resource allocation such that a female's fitness is maximized. In birds, both egg size and yolk constituents are examples of resources that can vary among offspring within a clutch. Egg size and maternally-derived steroid hormone concentrations present in yolk have been characterized for many species that lay small clutches or have altricial young, but little information is available for species that lay moderate to large clutches of precocial young. In this study, we recorded laying position, measured fresh egg mass and determined maternally-derived testosterone and estradiol concentrations present in yolks for whole clutches of free-living Canada geese Branta canadensis maxima to assess variation in maternal resources within clutches. We found that egg size varied non-linearly across the laying sequence such that first laid eggs were small, the largest eggs in the clutch occurred in the second and third positions, and size declined in eggs laid in subsequent positions. Concentration of testosterone in the yolk followed a pattern in which the first and second laid eggs have the highest concentrations within a clutch and declining concentrations in subsequently laid eggs. In contrast, maternally-derived yolk estradiol concentrations (measured in a subset of clutches) did not change across the laying sequence.  相似文献   

During the maternal social period, Amaurobius ferox spiderlings (Araneae: Amaurobiidae) show mutual tolerance, group cohesion and cooperation in prey capturing, which are recognized as the main characteristics in the evolution of spider sociality. Measuring spatial volume occupied by the spiderlings within the maternal web, this study investigated variation in group cohesion over the maternal social period, from emergence to dispersal. The results showed that the spatial volume of spiderlings varied greatly during the maternal social period and was associated with the development of the spiderlings. Strong group cohesion appeared to be related to maternal food provision, trophic egg laying and matriphagy. An increase of the spatial volume was obviously observed after matriphagy. The experiment revealed that group cohesion decreased after the second molt. A compact group of spiderlings should facilitate maternal food production at the prompted time, and reduced group cohesion after the second molt might lead to eventual dispersal of A. ferox spiderlings.  相似文献   

Causes of egg-size variation between and within clutches were studied in clutches of the blue tit ( Parus caeruleus L.). We measured the mass of each egg in the laying sequence in unmanipulated clutches, in clutches of parents experimentally supplied with extra food before egg-laying, and in clutches of parents supplemented with extra food after the start of egg-laying. Hatchlings were weighed at an age of two days and their mass was found to be positively related to egg mass. No general trend of decreasing or increasing egg mass was found within the laying sequence. Females provided with extra food before egg-laying laid clutches with significantly less variation in egg mass than did control females. The reason for this was that the first-laid egg of unmanipulated females was lighter than the rest of the eggs in the clutch. This pattern disappeared in clutches of females receiving extra food. Thus, the reduction in egg mass variation among clutches of foodsupplemented females depended on an ability of these females, in contrast to control females, to lay a first egg of the same mass as the rest of the clutch. Eggs laid after the initiation of incubation were significantly heavier than equivalent eggs in those clutches where incubation started after clutch completion. The difference was small, however, and the adaptive significance of the finding is questionable. We argue that intra-clutch variation in egg mass is connected with greater fitness consequences than in inter-clutch variation. Furthermore, our results indicate that energetical constraints on the laying female are more important as a cause of the observed intra-clutch variation in egg mass than are adaptive responses to the environment.  相似文献   

We studied the consequences of intraclutch egg-size variation in Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus in southern Spain to test the hypothesis that females allocate resources preferentially to eggs with the greatest survival potential. Second eggs were larger and had a greater hatching success than the other eggs in a clutch. However, we did not find unequivocal support for the differential allocation hypothesis, because egg failures according to laying order were not due to the causes predicted by the hypothesis, and the change in egg-size with laying order was not consistent between successive clutches of renesting females. This suggests that nutrient availability during egg formation could act as a proximate factor affecting egg-size independently of laying order. Larger eggs produced heavier chicks and, within broods, heavier chicks were most likely to be recruited into the breeding population. By laying clutches with a larger mean egg volume in replacement clutches, females took longer to lay again after failure of the first clutch. Thus, opposing selective forces may act to increase and decrease egg volume. Although a trade-off between egg-size and clutch-size has not been found in precocial birds, our results suggest that there may be a trade-off between egg-size and fecundity, since an increase in the size of eggs within clutches may limit the time remaining within the season to lay second or replacement clutches.  相似文献   

Mating outside the pair-bond occurs frequently in socially monogamous birds, but the benefits that females gain from this behaviour remain debated. One hypothesis is that females engage in extra-pair copulations (EPCs) to ensure that their clutch is fertilised in case their own mate is infertile, but evidence for this idea is scarce. We report on a case of an infertile male blue tit that bred in three successive years with three different females. In the first year, all eggs were sired by an extra-pair male whereas in the second year all eggs were unfertilised and contained no sperm. In the third year, the female produced two clutches that were fertilised by an extra-pair male, but – unlike ‘normal’ clutches – sperm numbers on the perivitelline membrane decreased rapidly over the laying sequence. Our findings show that blue tit females mated to an infertile male can escape reproductive failure by engaging in EPCs and support previous suggestions that EPCs in blue tits cease after the onset of egg laying.  相似文献   

Maternal care in spiders varies from just the construction of a protective silken structure for the eggs and the selection of a safe site to place them, to a long period of association between the mother and spiderlings. Such extended care may involve the active protection from predators and parasitoids, food regurgitation, the production of trophic eggs and even matriphagy. In this study, we describe extended maternal care in Helvibis longicauda (Theridiidae) and evaluate the effectiveness of maternal protection against predators of eggs and spiderlings. We conducted experiments comparing the frequency of egg sac destruction and mortality of spiderlings in the presence and absence of mothers. We also observed the behaviour of the mother and spiderlings during prey capture events and interactions with possible predators. Helvibis longicauda females guard their egg sacs until the emergence of the young and guard the spiderlings for several instar stages, fighting possible predators, including conspecifics. We found that aggressive behaviour by females increased the survival of both eggs and spiderlings in our experiments. Intruder males were the main source of mortality in the absence of females. The benefits of maternal care for the young also include the acquisition of prey items that are captured, immobilized and pre‐digested by the mother. Effective maternal protection and the extended period of supplying food to juveniles probably contribute to the late dispersal of offspring in H. longicauda.  相似文献   

We measured the reproductive output of Takydromus septentrionalis collected over 5 years between 1997 and 2005 to test the hypothesis that reproductive females should allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in a particular clutch and to individual eggs. Females laid 1–7 clutches per breeding season, with large females producing more, as well as larger clutches, than did small females. Clutch size, clutch mass, annual fecundity, and annual reproductive output were all positively related to female size (snout–vent length). Females switched from producing more, but smaller eggs in the first clutch to fewer, but larger eggs in the subsequent clutches. The mass-specific clutch mass was greater in the first clutch than in the subsequent clutches, but it did not differ among the subsequent clutches. Post-oviposition body mass, clutch size, and egg size showed differing degrees of annual variation, but clutch mass of either the first or the second clutch remained unchanged across the sampling years. The regression line describing the size–number trade-off was higher in the subsequent clutch than in the first clutch, but neither the line for first clutch, nor the line for the second clutch varied among years. Reproduction retarded growth more markedly in small females than in large ones. Our data show that: (1) trade-offs between size and number of eggs and between reproduction and growth (and thus, future reproduction) are evident in T. septentrionalis ; (2) females allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in current reproduction and to individual eggs; and (3) seasonal shifts in reproductive output and egg size are determined ultimately by natural selection.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 315–324.  相似文献   

Intraspecific nest parasitism in two colonies of Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor breeding in nestboxes was studied in central Spain from 1991 to 1994. Nests were monitored regularly and three criteria were used to detect nest parasitism: the appearance of more than one egg per day during the laying period of the host; the appearance of an egg after the start of incubation; eggs with unusual shape or pigmentation. The proportion of parasitized nests in first clutches (37%) was twice that of intermediate (19%) or second (20%) clutches in colony B, whereas parasitism occurred in first (35%) and intermediate (12%) but not in second clutches in colony A. Most clutches (52–70%) were parasitized during the host's laying period and received one parasitic egg. In 10% of the parasitized clutches in colony B, one of the host's eggs disappeared on the day the parasitic egg was added, suggesting that the parasitic female removed this egg. Although parasitism increased clutch size significantly, it led to a decrease in host breeding success, mainly through the removal of eggs and the loss of host nestlings and the survival of parasitic chicks. Observations suggested that parasitic females were young individuals without their own nests and/or those whose breeding attempt had been disrupted while laying in their own nest.  相似文献   

S. JAMES REYNOLDS 《Ibis》2001,143(2):205-215
Many small passerines forage intensively for calcium-rich foods during laying. Increased incidences of shell defects in eggs of small passerines have been reported, particularly in western Europe, and these have been explained in terms of declining calcium availability in soils, resulting from prolonged anthropogenic acid deposition. Studies in the field have provided laying birds, nesting in areas of low calcium availability, with calcium supplements. An alternative approach was adopted in this study by allowing captive Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata to lay first clutches on ad libitum calcium, switching them to a low calcium diet for 72 hours for the formation of all but the first egg of the second clutch and reinstating ad libitum calcium for the final clutch. Control females had access to ad libitum calcium for all three clutches. Clutch sizes did not vary significantly between birds on low calcium and controls. The former took over three days longer to lay clutch 3 than did controls but the difference was not statistically significant. Birds on low calcium laid eggs that declined in shell ash mass with laying sequence, indicating that birds may have been calcium-limited. Although not statistically significant, eggshell thickness also declined with laying sequence in clutches laid by females on low calcium. The remaining egg measurements (shell mass, shell surface area and volume] of clutches laid by birds on low calcium did not differ significantly from those of controls. Furthermore, females on low calcium did not resort to skeletal reserves to provide sufficient calcium for egg formation. Dietary calcium appears to be of paramount importance in providing sufficient calcium for clutch formation.  相似文献   

Clutch size control in capital breeders such as large waterfowl has been much debated. Some studies have concluded that clutch size in ducks is determined before the start of laying and does not change in response to egg additions or removals. The response, however, may depend on the timing of tests, and experiments may have been too late for females to alter the number of eggs. We here study clutch size responses to predation of first and second eggs in the common eider, using protein fingerprinting of egg albumen to verify that the same female continues laying in the nest after predation. Sixty of 79 females with early egg predation (one or both of the two first eggs) deserted the nest. Among the 19 females that stayed and continued laying, the mean number of eggs produced was 4.4, significantly higher than the 3.7 in non-predated nests. The staying females had similar egg size and clutch initiation date as females that deserted, and their body mass and clutch initiation date was similar to that of females whose clutches were not predated. Even capital-breeding common eiders may therefore be indeterminate layers, as many females in which early eggs are removed lay more eggs than others. A previous study has shown that they can reduce their laying if eggs are added. Our results add to increasing evidence that ducks have more flexible egg production than previously thought.  相似文献   

Reproductive tactics of the ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reproductive tactics of ringed plovers Charadrius hiaticula were studied at three localities in SW Sweden during five seasons. The usual clutch size is four, but removal experiments showed that females can produce five eggs in succession, with similar intervals between all eggs. High predation made mean breeding success per clutch low, 6.3% of eggs resulting in fledged young. Replacement clutches were common, and many pairs laid again after rearing their first brood to fledging. Egg laying spanned three months, much longer than for other waders in this region. Between years, reproductive success varied unpredictably with time of the season, but averaged over several years, the expected success was low and similar for the different parts of the breeding season. Chicks from late clutches had similar survival and recruitment as others. Because of the long breeding season and high rate of nest failure a female may produce up to five clutches of four eggs per season, containing in total about 3.7 times her own mass. Yearly local survival of adult females and males was estimated to 84.6 and 88.6%, respectively. Ability to produce many clutches with similar expected success throughout the season favours a long reproductive period, sometimes leading to double-brooding. Possible life-history trade-offs are discussed.  相似文献   

Correlations between female investment in egg production and age, breeding experience and laying date have been reported in several seabird species. In general, clutch and egg sizes increase with female age and breeding experience but decrease with laying date. Positive correlations of clutch and egg size with age and breeding experience can be caused by an increase in reproductive investment with maturation or they may be an artefact of lower survival rates for individuals with poor-quality phenotypes. Negative correlations of clutch and egg size with laying date might signal an adaptive reduction in egg production or be due in part to variation among individuals. We examined the interactions of female age, breeding experience, laying date and clutch and egg size in Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae . Breeding experience strongly affected clutch size with 87.3% of all one-egg clutches laid by first-time breeders. In addition, increasing age had a positive influence on egg size and was associated with earlier laying dates. However, there was little evidence to suggest that either clutch or egg sizes are influenced by laying date. Laying dates and clutch and egg sizes did not affect a female's probability of returning to breed in the following year, indicating that increased investment is a product of maturation and not of the loss of poor-quality breeders from the population. Our results suggest that as female Adélie Penguins gain foraging and breeding experience they are able to initiate breeding earlier, to lay complete clutches of two eggs and to lay larger eggs.  相似文献   

Cooperative brood care is a rare phenomenon in spiders and is restricted to a few social species, including three in the genus Stegodyphus. Brood care in Stegodyphus begins with regurgitation feeding followed by matriphagy: the young consume the body fluids of their mother causing her to die quickly. Whether such an extreme form of maternal care can become a communal task should depend on physiological or historical preconditions. I investigated whether femaleStegodyphus lineatus feed young or allow matriphagy according to their own reproductive state. Broods of young of two age classes (2 or 10 days after hatching) were isolated or fostered out to adult females that were unmated, had eggs or had young. Growth and survival of females and broods were followed over 21 days. The timing of matriphagy depended on the interaction between age of young and state of the foster mother. All broods that were fostered out to females with young grew and survived. Two-day-old young did not survive when isolated or fostered out to unmated females, but some survived and gained weight when placed with foster mothers that cared for egg sacs. Young of 10 days of age grew when fostered out to females with eggs but did not grow or lost weight when isolated or fostered out to unmated females. Survival among 10-day spiderlings was relatively high in all groups but differed significantly between treatments (young isolated or fostered out to unmated females or females with eggs) and control (left with the mother). The results show that these spiders will care for young from other females only when they are in the right developmental state. Such a constraint can have important consequences for the evolution of allomaternal care in social species: unless such a mechanism is overcome, nonreproductives cannot help in brood care. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

D.W. Snow 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):115-129
Incubated clutches of the Mandarin Duck were larger earlier in the breeding season. At all nests there were days on which a single egg, and days on which no egg was added to a clutch; days on which more than one egg was added to a clutch were less frequent. Larger clutches had proportionately more days on which two or more eggs were added; the proportion of days on which no eggs were added was unrelated to clutch size. Larger clutches had a relatively shorter laying period than expected, but a longer incubation period than smaller clutches. Unhatched eggs resulted mainly from embryonic mortality, which was concentrated in the period just prior to pipping. Similar proportions of unhatched eggs resulted from eggs laid into clutches before and after the start of incubation. Larger clutches did not have proportionately more unhatched eggs. As all clutches had at least one day on which no eggs were laid, it is proposed that the proportion of nests parasitized was greater than that estimated from nests with more than one egg laid on any one day.  相似文献   

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