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The effects of aging on cardiovascular function and cardiac structure were determined in a rat model recommended for gerontological studies. A cross-sectional analysis assessed cardiac changes in male Fischer 344 x Brown Norway F1 hybrid rats (FBN) from adulthood to the very aged (n = 6 per 12-, 18-, 21-, 24-, 27-, 30-, 33-, 36-, and 39-mo-old group). Rats underwent echocardiographic and hemodynamic analyses to determine standard values for left ventricular (LV) mass, LV wall thickness, LV chamber diameter, heart rate, LV fractional shortening, mitral inflow velocity, LV relaxation time, and aortic/LV pressures. Histological analyses were used to assess LV fibrotic infiltration and cardiomyocyte volume density over time. Aged rats had an increased LV mass-to-body weight ratio and deteriorated systolic function. LV systolic pressure declined with age. Histological analysis demonstrated a gradual increase in fibrosis and a decrease in cardiomyocyte volume density with age. We conclude that, although significant physiological and morphological changes occurred in heart function and structure between 12 and 39 mo of age, these changes did not likely contribute to mortality. We report reference values for cardiac function and structure in adult FBN male rats through very old age at 3-mo intervals.  相似文献   

Available studies indicate that both genetic background and aging influence collateral growth capacity, but it is not known how their combination affects collateral growth. We evaluated collateral growth induced by ileal artery ligation in Fischer 344 (F344), Brown Norway (BN), and the first generation hybrid of F344 x BN (F1) rats available for aging research from the National Institute on Aging. Collateral growth was determined by paired diameter measurements in anesthetized rats immediately and 7 days postligation. In 3-mo-old rats, significant collateral growth occurred only in BN (35% +/- 11%, P < 0.001). The endothelial cell number in arterial cross sections was also determined, since this precedes shear-mediated luminal expansion. When compared with the same animal controls, the intimal cell number was increased only in BN rats (92% +/- 21%, P < 0.001). The increase in intimal cell number and the degree of collateral luminal expansion in BN rats was not affected by age from 3 to 24 mo. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that intimal cell proliferation was much greater in the collaterals of BN than of F1 rats. The remarkable difference between these three strains of rats used in aging research and the lack of an age-related impairment in the BN rats are novel observations. These rat strains mimic clinical observations of interindividual variation in collateral growth capacity and the impact of age on arteriogenesis and should be useful models to investigate the molecular mechanisms responsible for such differences.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of extreme old age on muscle plasticity, 6- (adult) and 36-mo-old (old) male Fischer 344 x Brown Norway hybrid rats underwent bilateral surgical ablation of the gastrocnemius muscle to functionally overload (OV) the fast-twitch plantaris muscle for 8 wk. Plantaris muscle wet weight, muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), and average fiber CSA decreased by 44, 42, and 40%, respectively, in old compared with adult rats, and peak isometric tetanic tension decreased by 83%. Compared with muscles in age-matched controls, plantaris muscle mass increased by 53% and type I, IIA, and IIX/IIB CSA increased by 91, 76, and 103%, respectively, in adult-OV rats, but neither wet mass nor fiber CSA increased in old-OV rats. OV decreased type I, IIA, and IIX/IIB mean fiber CSA by 31, 35, and 30%, respectively, in old-OV rats. Collectively, our data indicate that in extreme old age the plantaris muscle undergoes significant loss of mass, fiber CSA, and contractile function, as well as its capacity to undergo hypertrophy in response to a chronic increase in mechanical load.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with oxidative damage and an imbalance in redox signaling in a variety of tissues, yet little is known about the extent of age-induced oxidative stress in the sympathoadrenal system. Lifelong caloric restriction has been shown to lower levels of oxidative stress and slow the aging process. Therefore, the aims of this study were twofold: (1) to investigate the effect of aging on oxidative stress in the adrenal medulla and hypothalamus and (2) determine if lifelong 40% caloric restriction (CR) reverses the adverse effects of age-induced oxidative stress in the sympathetic adrenomedullary system. Adult (18 months) and very old (38 months) male Fischer 344 x Brown Norway rats were divided into ad libitum or 40% CR groups and parameters of oxidative stress were analyzed in the adrenal medulla and the hypothalamus. A significant age-dependent increase in lipid peroxidation (+20%, P < 0.05) and tyrosine nitration (+111%, P < 0.001) were observed in the adrenal medulla while age resulted in a reduction in the protein expression of key antioxidant enzymes, CuZnSOD (−27%, P < 0.01) and catalase (−27%, P < 0.05) in the hypothalamus. Lifelong CR completely prevented the age-induced increase in lipid peroxidation in the adrenal medulla and restored the age-related decline in antioxidant enzymes in the hypothalamus. These data indicate that aging results in a significant increase in oxidative stress in the sympathoadrenal system. Importantly, lifelong CR restored the age-related changes in oxidative stress in the adrenal medulla and hypothalamus. Caloric restriction could be a potential non-pharmacological intervention to prevent increased oxidative stress in the sympathetic adrenomedullary system with age.  相似文献   

A spontaneous degenerative lesion of the cornea resembling calcific band keratopathy in man has been observed in 10-15% of the F-344 rats (aged 35-300 days) purchased from a private vendor's closed breeding colony. The lesion appears clinically as punctuate to linear superficial corneal opacities located in the interpalpebral fissure of one or both eyes. Occasional roughening, bleb formation, or pitting of the corneal surface resembling superficial ulcers may be observed. The lesion occurs in both sexes. It is rarely associated with inflammation or irritation. Histologically, it consists of mineral deposits along the epithelial basement membrane and Bowman's space, some of which are large enough to disrupt or destroy portions of the basilar epithelium. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of the deposits proved them to be composed of calcium and phosphorus. Electron microscopic examination revealed a variety of extracellular laminated and crystalline arrays similar to those seen in humans with band keratopathy. The etiology of the lesion is as yet undetermined. A genetic-associated susceptibility due to hypercalcemia may be involved.  相似文献   

At many breeding facilities, rats are housed at relatively high densities until they are 5 weeks old, at which point they are either shipped for research or rehoused at standard cage densities according to weight. The authors carried out a pilot study in Long Evans and in Fischer 344 rats to investigate whether continuing to house rats at high densities (24 in(2) floor space per rat) past the age of 5 weeks, through puberty and into adulthood would alter behavioral or physiological parameters compared with raising rats at standard densities (about 72 in(2) floor space per rat). After rats reached puberty, the authors rehoused them with unfamiliar cagemates. The researchers evaluated clinical and behavioral signs of stress, weight, blood glucose concentration, white blood cell count and serum corticosterone concentration. Overall, cage density had little effect on the parameters measured, though gender seemed to affect stress in Long Evans rats. The results suggest that rats of these strains can be raised at the higher densities tested until any age and regrouped with unfamiliar cagemates without compromising rats' welfare or subsequent experimental data.  相似文献   

Rodents are commonly used as models for human aging because of their relatively short life span, the ease of obtaining age-specific tissue samples, and lower cost. However, age-associated disease may confound inbred animal studies. For example, numerous physiologically significant lesions, such as chronic nephropathy, are more common in aged Fischer 344 (F344) rats than in other strains (Bronson RT, Genetic Effects of Aging, 1990). Conversely, F344 x Brown-Norway F1-hybrid (F344BN) rats, developed by the National Institute on Aging for aging research, live considerably longer and have fewer pathologies at any given age vs. inbred strains (Lipman RD, Chrisp CE, Hazzard DG, and Bronson RT, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 51: 54-59, 1996). To our knowledge, there are no data regarding the effect of age on bone geometry and mechanics in this strain of rat. Furthermore, caloric restriction (CR) extends the mean and maximal life span of animals and significantly reduces age-associated disease but may have adverse consequences for bone growth and mechanics. Thus we investigated the effects of age and CR on bone geometry and mechanics in the axial and appendicular skeleton of F344 Brown-Norway rats. Ad libitum fed rats were assessed at 8 mo (young adult; n = 6), 28 mo (late middle age; n = 5), and 36 mo (senescence; n = 6). CR rats were assessed at 28 mo (n = 6). Tibiae and the sixth lumbar vertebrae (L6) were dissected, scanned (micro-computed tomography) to determine geometry, and tested mechanically. From 8 to 36 mo, there were no significant changes in L6 geometry, and only the cross-sectional moment of inertia changed (increased) with the tibia. CR-induced body mass reductions accounted for changes in L6 load at proportional limit, maximal load, and stiffness (structural properties), but altered tibial structural properties were independent of body mass. In tibiae, geometric changes dominated alterations in structural properties. Those data demonstrated that, whereas aging in ad libitum-fed animals induced minor changes in bone mechanics, axial and appendicular bones were adversely influenced by CR in late-middle-aged animals in different manners.  相似文献   

The purpose ofthis study was to determine the effects of maturation and aging oncardiac output, the distribution of cardiac output, tissue blood flow(determined by using the radioactive-microsphere technique), and bodycomposition in conscious juvenile (2-mo-old), adult (6-mo-old), andaged (24-mo-old) male Fischer-344 rats. Cardiac output was lower injuvenile rats (51 ± 4 ml/min) than in adult (106 ± 5 ml/min) oraged (119 ± 10 ml/min) rats, but cardiac index was not differentamong groups. The proportion of cardiac output going to most tissuesdid not change with increasing age. However, the fraction of cardiacoutput to brain and spinal cord tissue and to skeletal muscle wasgreater in juvenile rats than that in the two adultgroups. In addition, aged rats had a greater percentcardiac output to adipose tissue and a lower percent cardiac output tocutaneous and reproductive tissues than that in juvenile and adultrats. Differences in age also had little effect on mass-specificperfusion rates in most tissues. However, juvenile rats had lower flowsto the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid and parathyroidglands, and kidneys than did adult rats, and aged rats had lower flowsto the white portion of rectus femoris muscle, spleen, thyroid andparathyroid glands, and prostate gland than did adult rats. Body massof juvenile rats was composed of a lower percent adipose mass and agreater fraction of brain and spinal cord, heart, kidney, liver, andskeletal muscle than that of the adult and aged animals. Relative tothe young adult rats, the body mass of aged animals had a greaterpercent adipose tissue mass and a lower percent skeletal muscle andskin mass. These data demonstrate that maturation and aging have asignificant effect on the distribution of cardiac output but relativelylittle influence on mass-specific tissue perfusion rates in conscious rats. The old-age-related alterations in cardiac output distribution toadipose and cutaneous tissues appear to be associated with theincreases in percent body fat and the decreases in the fraction of skinmass, respectively, whereas the decrease in the portion of cardiacoutput directed to reproductive tissue of aged rats appears to berelated to a decrease in mass-specific blood flow to the prostate gland.


The aim of this study was to determine if long-term treatment with melatonin (MEL), a purported anti-aging agent, was as effective as calorie restriction (CR) in modulating immune parameters in aging Fischer 344 male rats. Splenic lymphocytes were isolated from 17-month-old rats that, beginning at 6 weeks of age, were treated with MEL (4 or 16 microg/ml in drinking water) and from 17-month-old rats fed ad libitum (AL) or rats fed a CR diet (55% of AL intake). The number of splenic T cell populations and T cell subsets was measured by flow cytometry, the proliferative response of splenocytes to Concanavalin A (Con A) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was measured by [(3)H]thymidine incorporation, and the induction of cytokine production (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) was measured by ELISA assay. In addition, the level of the natural killer (NK) cell activity was assessed by fluorimetric assay. CR rats had a higher number of lymphocytes expressing the na?ve T cell marker (CD3 OX22) than AL rats (P < 0.05). CR rats also showed greater induction of proliferative response, IL-2 and IFN-gamma levels following Con A simulation, and NK cell activity than AL rats (P < 0.05). MEL-treated rats did not differ from AL rats in any of these parameters or in any other measurement. These results indicate that MEL treatment is unable to modulate immune function in a manner comparable with that of CR.  相似文献   

Larkin, Lisa, Eric R. Leiendecker, Mark Supiano, and JeffreyHalter. Glucose transporter content and enzymes of metabolism innerve-repair grafted muscle of aging Fischer 344 rats.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(5):1623-1629, 1997.Aging and grafting are associated with decreasedability of muscle to sustain power, likely reflecting diminished fuelavailability. To assess mechanisms that may contribute to availabilityof glucose, we studied GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 protein as well as mRNAcontents and enzymes of glucose metabolism in grafted and controlmedial gastrocnemius (MG) muscles of 6-, 12-, and24-mo-old male Fischer 344 rats. There was no effect of age or graftingon MG GLUT-4 content. There was both an age- and graft-associated increase in GLUT-1 content (P = 0.0044 and 0.0063, respectively). There was no effect of aging or grafting onhexokinase and phosphofructokinase activity or on protein and glycogencontent. Muscle mass and citrate synthase activity were significantlydiminished with grafting. Citrate synthase activity was significantlygreater in the 12-mo-old compared with the 6- and 24-mo-old animals.Grafting in combination with aging had no impact on any of theparameters measured. We conclude that diminished glucose transporterexpression cannot explain the decreased ability of aged muscle tosustain power. In addition, we conclude that the diminished ability ofthe grafted MG muscle to sustain power may be explained, in part, by adecrease in energy available from oxidative metabolism.


Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has acute positive inotropic effects, but consequences of chronically increased ET-1 on contractile function of cardiac myocytes are largely unknown. In the present study, effects of long-term treatment with ET-1 (10 nM) for 5 days on both force development [force of contraction (FOC)] and kinetics of contraction were determined in heart tissue reconstituted from rat cardiac cells. Isometric force was measured in response to cumulative concentrations of Ca(2+) and isoprenaline. ET-1 augmented basal FOC by 64 +/- 11% (P < 0.05), which was associated with a significantly blunted contractile response to Ca(2+) and isoprenaline. Moreover, ET-1 significantly prolonged relaxation (62 +/- 3 vs. 53 +/- 2 ms). Selective ET(A) (BQ-123) and ET(B) receptor blockade (BQ-788) demonstrated that effects of ET-1 on contractile function were mediated through the ET(A) receptor subtype. Effects of ET-1 were prevented by cotreatment with either Ro31-8425, a PKC inhibitor, or dimethylamiloride, an inhibitor of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger. In contrast to long-term ET-1 treatment, no changes in contractile parameters were observed after ET-1 treatment for 3 h before force measurement. These data suggest that chronic ET-1 stimulation has dual effects on contractility: improvement of basal force but impairment of twitch kinetics and inotropic responsiveness to beta-adrenoceptor stimulation. The signaling pathways involved include ET(A) receptors, PKC, and the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger. The present in vitro findings raise the possibility that ET-1 may exert both adaptive and maladaptive effects in the failing myocardium in which local accumulation of ET-1 is present.  相似文献   

Implantation of one 40 mg pellet of DOCA causes hypertension in the majority of young female Sprague-Dawley rats within three weeks without removal of a kidney or adding salt to the diet. Similar identically-treated Fischer 344 rats remain normotensive. If one kidney is removed and 1% saline is given to drink, the hormone dosage causes hypertension in rats of both strains, although even here Fischer 344 rats develop the disorder more slowly and less severely. It is concluded that for rat strains resistant to mineralocorticoid hypertension, sensitization is necessary for its induction, whereas for susceptible strains it is not. Fischer 344 rats appear to have higher levels of resting serum renin activity than Sprague-Dawley rats, but the relationship that this bears to hypertension susceptibility is unknown.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the ameliorating effects of dietary copper supplementation on selenium toxicity. Nine groups (n = 6) of weanling Fischer 344 female rats were randomly assigned to treatment groups and fed diets containing nontoxic levels of copper as CuCl2 and/or selenium as selenite or selenocystamine. Weight gain, liver and spleen weights, plasma lipid peroxidation, and liver selenium and copper content were analyzed after the 6-wk treatment period. Concentrations of up to 10 times the daily lethal dose of dietary selenium were well tolerated in rats supplemented with dietary copper. As the dietary level of selenium was increased, the ratio of selenium to copper measured in the liver decreased. In the groups of rats in which dietary copper supplementation was absent and dietary selenium was supplemented, copper stores in the liver remained unchanged from control values. Copper's protective effects from dietary selenium toxicity may come from the formation of a copper-selenide complex that renders both selenium and copper metabolically unavailable and nontoxic.  相似文献   

目的:探讨间歇运动对心梗大鼠缺血心肌细胞钙瞬变和收缩功能改变的影响。方法:3月龄SD雄性大鼠24只,适应性喂养1周后随机分为假手术组(S)、心梗组(MI)、心梗+运动组(ME),每组8只。MI组结扎左冠状动脉前降支制备心梗模型;S组只穿线不结扎;ME组术后一周开始间歇训练,运动方式为1周适应性运动(10 m/min×30 min/d),然后先以10 m/min×10 min,再以15 m/min×6 min和25 m/min×4 min依次交替运功,60 min/d,每周5 d连续8周。训练结束后次日,腹腔麻醉并分离心肌细胞。采用单细胞可视化动缘探测系统(IonOptix)测定[Ca^2+]i amplitude、[Ca^2]+i荧光比率(Ratio)、Departure velocity、TTP、TTP50%、TTB50%、Return velocity以及Ratio amplitude等钙瞬变指标和±dl/dtmax、SL、PTA、SL shortening%等心肌细胞收缩指标。结果:与S组相比,MI组[Ca^2+]i amplitude、[Ca^2+]i Ratio amplitude,Departure velocity和Return velocity均显著下降(P<0.01),TTB50%、TTP和TTP50%均显著增加(P<0.01),心肌细胞肌节SL Shortening%、PTA、±dl/dtmax均显著减少(P<0.01);与MI组相比,ME组Ratio amplitude、[Ca^2+]i amplitude、Return velocity和Departure velocity均显著提高(P<0.01),TTB50%、TTP和TTP50%均显著缩短(P<0.01,P<0.05),心肌细胞肌节SL Shortening%、PTA、±dl/dtmax均显著提高(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论:间歇运动可同步改善MI大鼠梗死周边区心肌活细胞的钙瞬变异常和心肌细胞的收缩功能。  相似文献   

Histopathological examinations on nephlocalcinosis of the Fischer 344 (F344) rats were carried out. As the results of comparison on its appearance among F344, Wistar and SD strains of rats, F344 female rats showed the most severe nephrocalcinosis. Nephrocalcinosis developed between 4 weeks and 8 weeks and was likely to keep its appearance through 108 weeks of the survival period of the rats. Histologically, mineral deposit was always observed at cortico-medullary junction. It seemed to locate at the outer portion of the basement membrane of the tubular epithelium, adjacent to the capillary wall in the connective tissue. Four weeks after ovariectomy at 4 weeks of age, the rats showed a decrease in degree of nephrocalcinosis. In contrary, the rats treated with estorone following ovariectomy revealed an increase in degree of nephrocalcinosis. It was suggested that the oestrogen-type sex hormone appeared to give a role in nephlocalcinosis.  相似文献   

The effect of transient cerebral ischemia (from 15 to 180 min) by bilateral carotid arterial occlusion on postischemic mortality rate and the signs of nervous disorder in Fischer 344 rat was studied. Total mortality rate was 40 to 60% during 72 hr of reperfusion following 2 hr ischemia. Postischemic mortality rate did not vary distinctly with 10, 20 and 40 weeks-old.  相似文献   

C E Hall  S Ayachi  O Hall 《Life sciences》1976,18(9):1001-1007
Female Fischer 344 rats sensitized to the development of salt hypertension by unilateral nephrectomy were given water, 1% NaCl solution or 5% sucrose + 1% NaCl solution to drink. Rats on saline alone drank about twice the fluid volume of those on water, whereas those on the sucrose-saline solution drank four to six times as much. No Fischer 344 rats ever developed hypertension, defined as a systolic pressure exceeding 150 mm Hg, during the six months of the study. However, the group on saline averaged slightly higher arterial pressures than those on water on 13 of the 14 occasions that blood pressure was measured, and the average pressure over the entire experimental period was also significantly increased. The rats on sucrose-saline had a group mean blood pressure which was always significantly higher than that of the group on water and usually greater also than that of the group on saline, and the average pressure over the entire experimental period was significantly augmented above that in either of the other groups. Rats on either of the saline solutions also had a slight but significant degree of heart and kidney enlargement, greatest in the sucrose-saline group, which is attributed to the higher pressures developed, even though they remained within the normotensive range.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in regional brain mitochondria from Fischer 344 rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brain mitochondrial function has been posited to decline with aging. In order to test this hypothesis, cortical and striatal mitochondria were isolated from Fischer 344 rats at 2, 5, 11, 24 and 33 months of age. Mitochondrial membrane potential remained stable through 24 months, declining slightly in mitochondria from both brain regions at 33 months. The ability of calcium to induce mitochondrial swelling and depolarization, characteristics of the permeability transition, was remarkably stable through 24 months of age and increased at advanced ages only for cortical, but not striatal, mitochondria. Striatal mitochondria were more sensitive to calcium than were cortical mitochondria throughout the first 2 years of life. A two-fold increased resistance to calcium was observed in striatal mitochondria between 5 and 11 months. Although these measurements do demonstrate changes in mitochondrial function with aging, the changes in polarization are relatively small and the increased cortical susceptibility to the permeability transition only occurred at very advanced ages. Thus mitochondrial decline with advanced age depends upon brain region.  相似文献   

Immune complexes occur spontaneously in the testis of Brown-Norway (BN) inbred rats between the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubules and the outer lamina of the myoid testicular cells. The deposits can be detected immunohistologically (IgG; C3) and by electron microscopy. The immune complexes appear between the 8th and 12th weeks of life, increase in amount up to the 30th week and decrease thereafter. After about the 20th week, of life, 15% of the animals show destruction of the germinal epithelium accompanied by an infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells. The final stage of this disease, which initially shows no signs of inflammation, is characterized by diffuse tubular atrophy. However, up to the 70th week of life, 85% of the animals with immune complexes show no pathological alterations. Antibodies eluated from the testes react with spermatocytes I and structures close to the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, but not with mature sperms. Serum antibodies to sperms occur in about 25% of the BN rats, but the presence of these antibodies shows no correlation with the immunohistological findings. This newly described spontaneous immune complex orchitis is regarded as a further example of an in-situ-induced immune complex disease. The observations made here can be compared with those in (peri-) membraneous glomerulonephritis, another example of a disorder resulting from in-situ-formation of immune deposits.  相似文献   

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