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The formation of the plastid-dividing ring (PD ring) and mitochondrion-dividing ring (MD ring) was studied in a highly synchronous culture of the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. The timing and the order of formation of the MD and PD rings were determined by observing organelles around the onset of their division, using transmission electron microscopy. In  C. merolae, there is one chloroplast and one mitochondrion per cell, and the shape of the chloroplast changes sequentially from acorn-like, to round, to trapezoidal, to peanut-shaped, in that order, during the early stage of chloroplast division. None of the cells with acorn-shaped or round chloroplasts contained organelles with PD rings or MD rings, while all of the cells with peanut-shaped chloroplasts contained organelles with both PD rings and MD rings. In cells with peanut-shaped chloroplasts, the PD and MD rings were double ring structures, with an outer ring located on the cytoplasmic face of the outer membrane of the organelle, and an inner ring located in the matrix beneath the inner membrane. These results suggested that the double ring structures of the PD ring and the MD ring form when chloroplasts are trapezoidal in shape. Detailed three-dimensional observation of cells with trapezoidal chloroplasts revealed the following steps in the formation of the double ring structures of the PD and MD rings: (i) the inner ring of the PD ring forms first, followed by the outer ring; (ii) then the MD ring forms and becomes visible; (iii) when the double ring structures of the two rings have formed, the microbody then moves from its remote location to the plane of division of the mitochondrion and contraction of the PD and MD rings commences. These steps were also confirmed by computer-aided three-dimensional reconstruction of the images from serial thin sections. This study reveals the order of formation of the double ring structures of the PD and MD rings, and the behavior of the microbody around the onset of division of plastids and mitochondria. The results also provide the first evidence that the inner PD ring is not a tension element formed by the contractile pressure but a definite structure, independent of the outer ring. Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Miyagishima S  Kuroiwa H  Kuroiwa T 《Planta》2001,212(4):517-528
The timing and manner of disassembly of the apparatuses for chloroplast division (the plastid-dividing ring; PD ring) and mitochondrial division (the mitochondrion-dividing ring; MD ring) were investigated in the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae De Luca, Taddei and Varano. To do this, we synchronized cells both at the final stage of and just after chloroplast and mitochondrial division, and observed the rings in three dimensions by transmission electron microscopy. The inner (beneath the stromal face of the inner envelope) and middle (in the inter-membrane space) PD rings disassembled completely, and disappeared just before completion of chloroplast division. In contrast, the outer PD and MD rings (on the cytoplasmic face of the outer envelope) remained in the cytosol between daughter organelles after chloroplast and mitochondrial division. The outer rings started to disassemble and disappear from their surface just after organelle division, initially clinging to the outer envelopes at both edges before detaching. The results suggest that the two rings inside the chloroplast disappear just before division, and that this does not interfere with completion of division, while the outer PD and MD rings function throughout and complete chloroplast and mitochondrial division. These results, together with previous studies of C. merolae, disclose the entire cycle of change of the PD and MD rings. Received: 19 May 2000 / Accepted: 3 August 2000  相似文献   

In order to obtain a three-dimensional view of the plastid-dividing ring (PD ring) and promote the biochemical study of plastid division, we developed a procedure to isolate structurally intact dividing chloroplasts (rhodoplasts) possessing PD rings from a highly synchronized culture of the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. The procedure consists of five steps. (1) The chloroplast division cycle is synchronized by light/dark cycles and treatment with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine. (2) The synchronized cells are treated with hypotonic solution. (3) The swollen cells are lysed in a French Pressure Cell. (4) The lysate is treated with DNase I. (5) The intact chloroplasts are separated by density-gradient centrifugation. The PD ring was visualized by fluorescence microscopy, after labeling the surface proteins of isolated chloroplasts with N-hydroxy-sulfo-succinimidyl biotin and detecting them with fluorescein isothiocyanate avidin. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the outer envelopes and PD rings were conserved on the isolated dividing chloroplasts. These are the first fluorescence microscopic and SEM images of the PD ring and they clearly show PD rings encircling isolated dividing chloroplasts in three dimensions. Received: 15 April 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   

The proliferation cycle of the microbody was studied in the primitive red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae, which contains one microbody per cell. Cells were synchronized with a dark/light cycle, and the morphology of the microbody and its interaction with other organelles were observed three-dimensionally by fluorescence microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and computer-assisted three-dimensional reconstruction of serial thin sections. The microbody in interphase cells is a sphere of 0.3 μm in diameter without a core. In M-phase, the microbody passes through a series of irregular shapes, in the order rod, worm, branched, H-shaped and dumbbell, and symmetric fission occurs just before cytokinesis. The microbody duplicates its volume in M-phase and three-dimensional quantitative analysis revealed that its surface area increases before its volume does. The microbody touches the mitochondrion and the chloroplast throughout its proliferation cycle, except briefly in interphase cells, winding around the divisional plane of the mitochondrion at one phase. Immunocytochemical labeling of catalase as a marker of matrix proteins of the microbody revealed that the duplication of catalase occurs in tandem with the volume increase. While no specific apparatus was identified in the microbody divisional areas, we identified an electron-dense apparatus about 30–50 nm in diameter between the microbody and the mitochondrion that may play a role in segregating the daughter microbodies. These results are the first characterization to show the morphological changes of one microbody in a one-microbody alga without proliferation-inducing substrates, which have been used in many studies, and clearly show that two daughter microbodies arise by binary fission of the pre-existing microbody. Received: 11 November 1998 / Accepted: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were originally established in eukaryotes by the endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterium; they then spread through diversification of the eukaryotic hosts and subsequent engulfment of eukaryotic algae by previously nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes. The continuity of chloroplasts is maintained by division of preexisting chloroplasts. Like their ancestors, chloroplasts use a bacterial division system based on the FtsZ ring and some associated factors, all of which are now encoded in the host nuclear genome. The majority of bacterial division factors are absent from chloroplasts and several new factors have been added by the eukaryotic host. For example, the ftsZ gene has been duplicated and modified, plastid-dividing (PD) rings were most likely added by the eukaryotic host, and a member of the dynamin family of proteins evolved to regulate chloroplast division. The identification of several additional proteins involved in the division process, along with data from diverse lineages of organisms, our current knowledge of mitochondrial division, and the mining of genomic sequence data have enabled us to begin to understand the universality and evolution of the division system. The principal features of the chloroplast division system thus far identified are conserved across several lineages, including those with secondary chloroplasts, and may reflect primeval features of mitochondrial division. Shin-ya Miyagishima is the recipient of the Botanical Society Award for Young Scientists, 2004.  相似文献   

K. Suzuki  N. Ohta  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1992,171(1-2):80-84
Summary The amounts of cell-nuclear DNA (cl-DNA), mitochondrial DNA (mt-DNA) and chloroplast DNA (cp-DNA) inCyanidioschyzon merolae were estimated by using a video-intensified microscope (VIM) system.C. merolae had the smallest amount of cell-nuclear DNA among eukaryotes. The results show that a cell-nucleus, a mitochondrion and a chloroplast contain an average 8.0×103kbp, 1.6×103kbp, and 5.0×103kbp, respectively. To confirm these results, cl-DNA, mt-DNA, and cp-DNA were isolated from cells by density centrifugation on Hoechst 33258/CsCl after density centrifugation on ethidium bromide/CsCl. The amounts of cl-DNA, mt-DNA, and cp-DNA obtained from the bands supported the data shown by the VIM-system. The cytochemical and biochemical characteristics were compared with those ofCyanidium caldarium RK-1 andC. caldarium Forma A. The values of cl-DNA and cp-DNA ofC. merolae were about 1.716 and 1.709, respectively. The order in density was different from that ofC. caldarium Forma A but very similar to that ofC. caldarium RK-1. However, the restriction patterns of cp-DNA inC. merolae differed from those ofC. caldarium RK-1.  相似文献   

H. Hashimoto 《Protoplasma》1986,135(2-3):166-172
Summary Ultrastructure of the constricting neck of dividing proplastids and young chloroplasts in the first leaves ofAvena sativa was examined by electron microscopy. An electron-dense, double ring structure (plastid-dividing ring doublet; PD ring doublet) with a width of 15–40 nm was revealed around the narrow neck of the constricted and dividing plastids by serial section technique. The inner and outer ring of the doublet coated the inside (stromal side) of the inner envelope membrane and the outside (cytoplasmic side) of the outer envelope membrane, respectively. However, electron-dense materials were not observed within the lumen between the outer and inner envelope membranes.Although the PD ring doublet was commonly observed in the constricted plastids with a 70–140 nm wide neck, they could be scarcely observed in the constricted plastids with a 160 or more nm wide neck. The components of the PD ring were assumed not to be concentrated enough to identify by electron microscopy in the early stage of constriction and the PD ring may be formed and recognized at the final stage.The significance of the formation of the PD ring and its role in plastokinesis (plastid kinesis) were discussed.  相似文献   

Haruki Hashimoto 《Protoplasma》1997,197(3-4):210-216
Summary The plastokinesis (kinesis of chloroplasts) of a raphidophyte alga,Heterosigma akashiwo, was studied by electron microscopy using rapid freezing and freeze-substitution techniques. The chloroplasts are enveloped by two pairs of tightly appressed double membranes, the inner and the cytoplasmic outer pair. The inner pair constricts to divide in advance of the outer pair. By observation of serial sections an electron-opaque, annular structure (plastid-dividing ring) was observed at the isthmus of constricting chloroplasts, girdling the periplastidal outer surface of the inner pair of the four surrounding membranes. These observations suggest that the mechanisms underlying the constriction of the inner and outer pair may differ from each other. The localization of the annular structure (plastid-dividing ring) suggests that the inner pair of the surrounding membranes may be homologous to the double envelope membranes of the chloroplasts of Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta. In addition these findings provide a new evidence supporting the secondary endosymbiosis hypothesis for the origin of the chloroplasts in chromophyte algae.  相似文献   

Chloroplast division in plant cells is accomplished through the coordinated action of the tubulin-like FtsZ ring inside the organelle and the dynamin-like ARC5 ring outside the organelle. This coordination is facilitated by ARC6, an inner envelope protein required for both assembly of FtsZ and recruitment of ARC5. Recently, we showed that ARC6 specifies the mid-plastid positioning of the outer envelope proteins PDV1 and PDV2, which have parallel functions in dynamin recruitment. PDV2 positioning involves direct ARC6–PDV2 interaction, but PDV1 and ARC6 do not interact indicating that an additional factor functions downstream of ARC6 to position PDV1. Here, we show that PARC6 (paralog of ARC6), an ARC6-like protein unique to vascular plants, fulfills this role. Like ARC6, PARC6 is an inner envelope protein with its N-terminus exposed to the stroma and Arabidopsis parc6 mutants exhibit defects of chloroplast and FtsZ filament morphology. However, whereas ARC6 promotes FtsZ assembly, PARC6 appears to inhibit FtsZ assembly, suggesting that ARC6 and PARC6 function as antagonistic regulators of FtsZ dynamics. The FtsZ inhibitory activity of PARC6 may involve its interaction with the FtsZ-positioning factor ARC3. A PARC6–GFP fusion protein localizes both to the mid-plastid and to a single spot at one pole, reminiscent of the localization of ARC3, PDV1 and ARC5. Although PARC6 localizes PDV1, it is not required for PDV2 localization or ARC5 recruitment. Our findings indicate that PARC6, like ARC6, plays a role in coordinating the internal and external components of the chloroplast division complex, but that PARC6 has evolved distinct functions in the division process.  相似文献   

Previous cell cycle studies have been based on cell-nuclearproliferation only. Eukaryotic cells, however, have double membranes-boundorganelles, such as the cell nucleus, mitochondrion, plastidsand single-membrane-bound organelles such as ER, the Golgi body,vacuoles (lysosomes) and microbodies. Organelle proliferations,which are very important for cell functions, are poorly understood.To clarify this, we performed a microarray analysis during thecell cycle of Cyanidioschyzon merolae. C. merolae cells containa minimum set of organelles that divide synchronously. The nuclear,mitochondrial and plastid genomes were completely sequenced.The results showed that, of 158 genes induced during the S orG2-M phase, 93 were known and contained genes related to mitochondrialdivision, ftsZ1-1, ftsz1-2 and mda1, and plastid division, ftsZ2-1,ftsZ2-2 and cmdnm2. Moreover, three genes, involved in vesicletrafficking between the single-membrane organelles such as vps29and the Rab family protein, were identified and might be relatedto partitioning of single-membrane-bound organelles. In othergenes, 46 were hypothetical and 19 were hypothetical conserved.The possibility of finding novel organelle division genes fromhypothetical and hypothetical conserved genes in the S and G2-Mexpression groups is discussed.  相似文献   

Honda M  Hashimoto H 《Protoplasma》2007,231(3-4):127-135
Summary. Division and partitioning of microbodies (peroxisomes) of the green alga Klebsormidium flaccidum, whose cells contain a single microbody, were investigated by electron microscopy. In interphase, the rod-shaped microbody is present between the nucleus and the single chloroplast, oriented perpendicular to the pole-to-pole direction of the future spindle. A centriole pair associates with one distal end of the microbody. In prophase, the microbody changes not only in shape, from a rodlike to a branched form, but also in orientation, from perpendicular to parallel to the future pole-to-pole direction. Duplicated centriole pairs are localized in close proximity to both distal ends of the microbody. In metaphase, the elongated microbody flanks the open spindle, with both distal ends close to the centriole pair at either spindle pole. The microbody further elongates in telophase and divides after septum formation (cytokinesis) has started. The association between the centrioles and both distal ends of the microbody is maintained throughout mitosis, resulting in the distal ends of the elongated microbody being fixed at the cellular poles. This configuration of the microbody may be favorable for faithful transmission of the organelle during cell division. After cytokinesis is completed, the microbody reverts to the perpendicular orientation by changing its shape. Microtubules radiating from the centrosomes flank the side of the microbody throughout mitosis. The close association of centrosomes and microtubules with the microbody is discussed in respect to the partitioning of the microbody in this alga. Correspondence: H. Hashimoto, Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan. Present address: M. Honda, Department of Computational Biology, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan.  相似文献   

H. Hashimoto 《Protoplasma》1992,167(1-2):88-96
Summary Studies have been made of whether actin filaments and microtubules are involved in the chloroplast division ofClosterium ehrenbergii (Conjugatae). Fluorostaining with rhodamine-phalloidin showed 5 types of localization of F-actin: (1) cables of actin filaments running in the cortical cytoplasm along the cell's long axis, (2) condensed actin filaments at the septum, (3) perinuclear distribution of actin filaments, (4) F-actins in a marking pin-like configuration adjacent to the nucleus of semicells just before completion of chloroplast kinesis, and (5) actin filaments girdling the isthmus of the constricted and dividing chloroplasts. Cytochalasin D (CD) at a concentration of 6 to 25 M caused significant disruption of actin filaments and the arrest of chloroplast kinesis, nuclear division, septum formation and cytoplasmic streaming within 3 to 6h. Chloroplast kinesis and cytoplasmic streaming recovered when cells were transferred to the medium without CD after CD treatment, or were subjected to prolonged contact with CD for more than 9h. In these cells there was a coincidental reappearance of actin filaments. A tubulin inhibitor, amiprophos-methyl at 330 M, did not inhibit chloroplast kinesis but did inhibit division and positioning of the nucleus. These results suggest that actin filaments do play a role in the mechanism of chloroplast kinesis but that microtubules do not appear to be involved in the process.Abbreviations APM amiprophos-methyl - CD cytochalasin D - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - DIC Nomarski differential interference contrast - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - Rh-Ph rhodamine-phalloidin  相似文献   

Summary An X-ray induced mutant (PC22) of the moss,Physcomitrella patens was analysed with respect to its morphology, physiology and suitability for microculture techniques. The mutant protonemata are defective in bud formation and in chloroplast division. As a consequence of the latter, giant chloroplasts are formed which disturb the development of the phragmoplast, the formation of regular cross walls, and cell division. Abnormal cross walls are rich in callose. The actin cytoskeleton was found to be less regularly developed in the mutant than in the wild type. Three-dimensional analysis of the microtubular arrangement with confocal laser scan microscopy demonstrates a close association between spindle- or phragmoplast- and interphase-microtubules. The deficiencies in chloroplast division and in bud formation can partly be compensated for by exogeneously applied cytokinin. The suitability of this particular developmental mutant for further studies was shown by regeneration of protoplasts in microculture and microinjection of the fluorochrome Lucifer yellow into the chloroplast.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scan microscope - DAPI diamidinophenyl indole - DiOC 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis-(-amino-ethylether-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - i6Ade N6-(2-isopentenyladenine) - PIPES piperazine-N, N-bis-2-ethanesulfonic acid - ptDNA chloroplast DNA Devoted to the memory of Prof. Dr. O. Kiermayer, our colleague and friend.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA were characterized in three different combinations of somatic hybrids produced between different species within Brassicaceae. The fusions were made between B. campestris and B. oleracea, B. napus and B. nigra and between B. napus and Eruca sativa. The combinations represent interspecific hybridizations, but the phylogenetic distance between the species used in each instance is different. Whereas the B. campestris (+) B. oleracea and the B. napus (+)B. nigra hybrids are both examples of intrageneric hybrids, B. campestris is more closely related to B. oleracea than B. napus is to B. nigra. The fusion of B. napus and E. sativa represents an intergeneric hybridization. Since hybrids were produced with reproducible and uniform fusion and culture methods, a comparison of chloroplast and mitochondrial segregation and mitochondrial DNA (mt-DNA) rearrangements could be made between the combinations. The segregation of both chloroplasts and mitochondria was biased in the B. napus (+)B. nigra and the B. napus (+)E. sativa combination. The nonrandom segregation of chloroplasts and mitochondria could be due to the different ploidy levels of the fusion partners and/or reflect differences in organelle replication rate. Furthermore, segregation of mitochondria was correlated to the differences in phylogenetic distance between the species used in the fusions. However, mitochondrial segregation, in contrast to chloroplast segregation, could in all combinations also have been affected by the cell type used as protoplast source in the fusions. All different chloroplast types could be established within each combination. Hybrids containing chloroplast from one parent together with mitochondria from the other parent were found in two of the combinations, although the majority of the hybrids had mt-DNA that was altered compared to the parental species. The rearranged mt-DNA found in most hybrids was an effect of the heteroplasmic state following protoplast fusion rather than of the tissue culture methods, since no mt-DNA rearrangements were found in B. napus plants regenerated from protoplast culture. The mtDNA restriction patterns of the hybrids with rearranged mt-DNA indicated that specific regions of the mt-DNA were involved in the rearrangements following protoplast fusion.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to test the role of mitochondria and of mitochondrial metabolism in determining the processes that influence aging of female and male Drosophila. We observe that Drosophila simulans females tended to have shorter lifespan, higher levels of hydrogen peroxide production and significantly lower levels of catalase but not superoxide dismutase compared to males. In contrast, mammalian females tend to be longer lived, have lower rates of reactive oxygen species production and higher antioxidant activity. In both Drosophila and mammals, mitochondria extracted from females consume a higher quantity of oxygen when provided with adenosine diphosphate and have a greater mtDNA copy number than males. Combined, these data illustrate important similarities between the parameters that influence aging and mitochondrial metabolism in Drosophila and in mammals but also show surprising differences.  相似文献   

Retrograde plastid-to-nucleus signaling tightly controls and coordinates the nuclear and plastid gene expression that is required for plastid biogenesis and chloroplast activity. As chloroplasts act as sensors of environmental changes, plastid-derived signaling also modulates stress responses of plants by transferring stress-related signals and altering nuclear gene expression. Various mutant screens have been undertaken to identify constituents of plastid signaling pathways. Almost all mutations identified in these screens target plastid-specific but not extraplastidic functions. They have been suggested to define either genuine constituents of retrograde signaling pathways or components required for the synthesis of plastid signals. Here we report the characterization of the constitutive activator of AAA-ATPase (caa33) mutant, which reveals another way of how mutations that affect plastid functions may modulate retrograde plastid signaling. caa33 disturbs a plastid-specific function by impeding plastid division, and thereby perturbing plastid homeostasis. This results in preconditioning plants by activating the expression of stress genes, enhancing pathogen resistance and attenuating the capacity of the plant to respond to plastid signals. Our study reveals an intimate link between chloroplast activity and the susceptibility of the plant to stress, and emphasizes the need to consider the possible impact of preconditioning on retrograde plastid-to-nucleus signaling.  相似文献   

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