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After 2, 10 and 24 hr labelling with [1-14C] acetate, radioactivity incorporated into the lipids of cotton leaves is mainly found in phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol and neutral lipids. Galactolipids are slowly synthesized and after 24 hr, account for only 10% of the total radioactivity. Under water stress, a marked decrease of precursor incorporation into leaf lipids occurs, particularly in phosphatidylcholine and galactolipids. Relative incorporation into neutral lipids, on the contrary, increases. Water deficits provoke an inhibition of the fatty acid desaturation, resulting in a sharp decrease of linoleic and linolenic acid biosynthesis. The decrease in unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis occurs in all lipid classes, but is most pronounced in the galactolipid fractions. In the drought-resistant cotton variety (Mocosinho), the variations in lipid and fatty acid metabolism under water stress are less pronounced than in the drought-sensitive variety (Reba), and this attests a greater stability of the membrane system.  相似文献   

Total lipid extracts from potato tubers and tobacco leaves are separated into lipid classes by two step HPLC using a silicic column. Elution is first performed for 20 min with a programmed linear gradient of two mixed solvents running from 100% of solution A (isopropanol-hexane, 4:3) to 100% of solution B (isopropanol-hexane-water, 8:6:1.5); the column is then eluted with pure solution B in an isocratic mode for 20 min more. The main polar lipids (MGDG, DGDG, PC, PE, PG) from both plant tissues can be collected and further separated into component molecular species on a simplified HPLC system with a C18 column eluted in an isocratic mode with a polar solvent. Molecular species separations are achieved within 35 min; quantifications are made through GLC analysis of attached fatty acids. Three to five main molecular species are thus clearly identified in each lipid class. In potato tuber, phospholipids (PC, PE) 18:2/18:2 species are predominant. In tobacco leaf, six double bond species (18:3/18:3 and 16:3/18:3) are predominant in galactolipids, whereas PC contains a greater number of molecular species varying by their degree of unsaturation (from 18:3/18:3 to 16:0/18:2). Only certain molecular species of PG contain Δ3-trans-hexadecenoic acid.  相似文献   

Light-induced changes in the membrane lipid compositions were studied in pea leaves and in protoplasts and a plasmamembrane-enriched fraction (PMEF)* of pea leaves. PC, PE, PI, PG, PA, MGDG, DGDG and SL were identified as the glycerolipids. The relative levels of various membrane lipids changed due to light-induced greening. There was an increase in the galactolipids of leaves and leaf protoplasts. The galactolipid constituent of the PMEF was very low and showed no change. Among the plasmamembrane phospholipids, PI increased with a concomitant decrease in PC.  相似文献   

Seven-day-old leek seedlings actively synthesize lipids in vivo from [1-14C]acetate, both in the light and in the dark. In the dark, phospholipid synthesis is more effective than galactolipid synthesis. Whatever the time of acetate incorporation by the etiolated seedlings, very long chain fatty acids having from 20 to 26 carbon atoms are found in all the polar lipids, including the acyl-CoAs. All of the labelled very long chain fatty acids incorporated into the polar lipids are saturated. On the other hand, the labelled C18-fatty acids are unsaturated in phospholipids and galactolipids and almost no label is found in the saturated or unsaturated C18-fatty acids of the acyl-CoAs.  相似文献   

We compared on red cell membrane proteins and hemoglobin (Hb) the effects of (i) natural oxidant stress that has been suggested to occur in a variety of oxidative hemolytic anemias, and (ii) experimental stress induced by hydrogen peroxide. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used for protein analysis. Under natural conditions (thalassemias, hemoglobinopathies with Hb unstability), a high molecular weight polymer (HMWP) and variable amounts of globin mono- and dimers became apparent. Furthermore, a major 12 kDa polypeptide, its dimer, and conspicuous spectrin degradation products in the band 2.2–2.6 region occurred in a patient carrying the highly unstable Hb Hammersmith. Under experimental conditions, incubation of erythrocyte ghosts with H2O2 in the presence of minimal concentration (25 μM) of Hb generated a HMWP at the expense of membrane proteins, mainly spectrin. Incubation of a diluted (200 μM) membrane-free hemolysate with H2O2 induced a HMWP, an array of globin oligomers and a 12 kDa polypeptide similar to that mentionned above. Therefore, the damage to the red cell membrane present in various oxidative hemolytic anemias, including polypeptide polymerisation and breakdown, can be produced by experimental oxidant stress. These observations support the view that the alterations described in the patients result directly from oxidative reactions. However, we did not observe in the patient the sharp breakdown of polyunsaturated fatty acids that was triggered in vitro by H2O2 in the presence of Hb acting as a catalyst. In most cases, oligo- and polymers were resistant to β-mercaptoethanol, and the chemical nature of the underlying cross-links is discussed. To our knowledge, the 12 kDa polypeptide, that we consider as arising from globin proteolysis, has never been reported under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in lipid composition were investigated on maize roots and shoots under aluminum stress. After 4d exposure to 100 microM Al, root growth was inhibited while shoot growth was not affected. In roots, the decrease of the DBI (double bond index) of total fatty acids may signal a decrease in membrane fluidity. The total lipids (TL) decreased by 49%, but phospholipids (PL), phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) increased to approximately 3-fold. The MGDG increased to 2-fold but no significant change was found in the DGDG. The steryl lipids (SL) increased by 69%. The SL/PL ratio decreased from 2.64 to 1.52 and the MGDG/DGDG ratio increased from 0.45 to 1.06 in roots of Al-stressed plants. Al leads to oxidative stress in roots of treated plants as indicated by the increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations. In shoots, changes in fatty acid composition were associated with an increase of the DBI in all lipid classes except that of the DGDG decreased. The PG was the lipid class which shows the large variation of fatty acid composition. No significant changes were found either for TL, PL, SL or MDA concentrations in shoots of Al-treated plants. While PE levels did not show significant change, PI and PG increased and PC decreased. However, the Al caused 87% decrease in the GL levels. The MGDG and DGDG decreased to 19- and 8-fold, respectively. The deleterious effects of Al on polar lipids could be caused by a direct intervention of Al on plasma membrane and/or alteration of cell metabolism.  相似文献   

Stimulation of rabbit neutrophils prelabeled with 32P by the synthetic chemotactic peptide f-Met-Leu-Phe induces a rapid decrease in the radioactivity in both phosphatidylinositol, 4,5 bis phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate. The mean +/- standard error of the mean values of the maximum decrease in phosphatidylinositol, 4,5 bis phosphate occurred at 10 seconds following stimulation and is equal to 19 +/- 3% of the control value. The corresponding value for phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate occurred at 60 seconds following stimulation and is equal to 37 +/- 7% of the control value. On the other hand, the radioactivity in phosphatidic acid and lysophospholipids increased continuously with time following stimulation. The relationship of these changes to calcium release and neutrophil activation is discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of carbon tetrachloride-induced alterations of membrane lipids in various fractions of liver microsomal lipids was studied. The chromatographic spot (referred to as the “D” spot in the previous paper [1]) which has been shown to contain the compounds responsible for the diene conjugation absorption [1], was found in the fatty acid methyl esters prepared from the fraction containing phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and also in those obtained from the fraction containing phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylinositol (PI). The absorption of conjugated dienes was very marked in PE and less intense in PS and PI. The fatty acid methyl esters prepared from the fraction containing phosphatidylcholine (PC) showed no presence of the “D” spot and minimal absorption of conjugated dienes.A decrease in arachidonic acid content was found in the fraction containing PE, while no change in content of this fatty acid was found in the fraction containing PC. Results similar to those observed for PC were also found for neutral lipids (NL).Analysis of the fatty acid methyl esters of the various lipid fractions by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) with an electron capture detector (ECD) gave a qualitative index of the free radical attack by CCl4 metabolites. Quantitative estimation was attained by study of the irreversible binding of 14C from 14CCl4 to the various lipid fractions. It was found that the fraction containing PS had the highest specific activity, while the fraction containing PC had the lowest specific activity of all the phospholipids. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of the fraction containing PS revealed that only 11% of the radioactivity was associated with the pure PS moiety, while the remainder was associated with uncharacterized lipids (probably oxidation products).The possible relevance of the alterations induced by carbon tetrachloride in the various phospholipid fractions of liver microsomes to functional changes is discussed.  相似文献   

The cis-isomer of parinaric acid, a naturally occurring C-18 polyene fatty acid, was incubated with brain subcellular fractions and the polarization of fluorescence increased in a time dependent manner. Greatest increases occurred in synaptosomal and microsomal membranes. This increase in polarization of fluorescence was found with the cis, but not the trans, isomer of parinaric acid and required Mg2+ or Ca2+ and was stimulated by coenzyme A and ATP. Synaptosomes were incubated with cis-parinaric acid and lipids were extracted and examined by high performance liquid chromatography. The highest incorporations of cis-parinaric acid were found in phosphatidylcholine (71%) and phosphatidylethanolamine (20%) while only traces were found in phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol. [3H]Oleic acid was also incorporated into membrane phospholipids and unlabeled oleic acid blocked incorporation of cis-parinaric acid. It is proposed that cis-parinaric acid, like fatty acids normally found in brain, is incorporated into membrane phospholipids by an acyl-CoA acyltransferase. The presence of this enzyme in nervous tissue may make it possible to easily introduce fluorescent fatty acid probes into membrane phospholipids and to thereby facilitate study of membrane-mediated processes.  相似文献   

In the present study, the solubility and enzymatic de-epoxidation of diadinoxanthin (Ddx) was investigated in three different artificial membrane systems: (1) Unilamellar liposomes composed of different concentrations of the bilayer forming lipid phosphatidylcholine (PC) and the inverted hexagonal phase (HII phase) forming lipid monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG), (2) liposomes composed of PC and the HII phase forming lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and (3) an artificial membrane system composed of digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) and MGDG, which resembles the lipid composition of the natural thylakoid membrane. Our results show that Ddx de-epoxidation strongly depends on the concentration of the inverted hexagonal phase forming lipids MGDG or PE in the liposomes composed of PC or DGDG, thus indicating that the presence of inverted hexagonal structures is essential for Ddx de-epoxidation. The difference observed for the solubilization of Ddx in HII phase forming lipids compared with bilayer forming lipids indicates that Ddx is not equally distributed in the liposomes composed of different concentrations of bilayer versus non-bilayer lipids. In artificial membranes with a high percentage of bilayer lipids, a large part of Ddx is located in the membrane bilayer. In membranes composed of equal proportions of bilayer and HII phase forming lipids, the majority of the Ddx molecules is located in the inverted hexagonal structures. The significance of the pigment distribution and the three-dimensional structure of the HII phase for the de-epoxidation reaction is discussed, and a possible scenario for the lipid dependence of Ddx (and violaxanthin) de-epoxidation in the native thylakoid membrane is proposed.  相似文献   

The lipid and pigment pattern of the chaetophoralean green alga Fritschiella tuberosa was studied during different growth periods. Four phases in axenic batch culture are observed. The first phase commences at the end of logarithmic growth and results in a decrease of phosphatidyl inositol and hexadecatetraenoic acid.The second phase coincides with the end of linear growth and is characterized by a decrease in glycolipids, phospholipids and α-linolenic acid, and an increase of linoleic and oleic acid. The third phase starts with the beginning of the stationary phase. During this time glycolipids, phospholipids, and α-linolenic acid decrease and oleic acid, linoleic acid and triacylglycerol increase. The fourth phase begins about one week after the onset of the stationary growth phase. A marked accumulation of triacylglycerol took place, secondary carotenoids were detectable and the long filamentous cells of Fritschiella changed into slightly rotund short cells.  相似文献   

After partial hepatectomy (PH), regenerating liver accumulates unknown lipid species. Here, we analyzed lipids in murine liver and adipose tissues following PH by thin-layer chromatography (TLC), imaging mass spectrometry (IMS), and real-time RT-PCR. In liver, IMS revealed that a single TLC band comprised major 19 TG species. Similarly, IMS showed a single phospholipid TLC band to be major 13 species. In adipose tissues, PH induced changes to expression of genes regulating lipid metabolism. Finally, IMS of phosphatidylcholine species demonstrated distribution gradients in lobules that resembled hepatic zonation. IMS is thus a novel and power tool for analyzing lipid species with high resolution.  相似文献   

A comparison of the chemical composition and physical states of chloroplast lipids, of atrazine-resistant (R) and sensitive (S) biotypes of Conyza canadensis L. (horseweed), in the rosetta stage showed: (1) the R biotype contains lower amounts of polar lipids in its thylakoids, as expressed on a chlorophyll basis, than the S biotype. (2) The chloroplasts of the R biotype have higher contents of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and lower contents of digalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGDG) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), than those of the S biotype. (3) The chloroplast total lipids exhibit a higher degree of unsaturation in the R biotype. This is due to a higher level of linolenic acid, and a lower level of palmitic acid in the glycolipids. The fatty acid compositions of the phospholipids, except that of PG, do not differ significantly. (4) The lipid matrix of the thylakoid membranes of the R biotype is more fluid than that of the S biotype, as measured by the fluorescence polarization technique. The results are discussed in terms of whether these differences are responsible for the herbicide resistance.  相似文献   

Two green algae (Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus) and four blue-green algae (Anacystis nidulans, Microcystis aeruginosa, Oscillatoria rubescens and Spirulina platensis) were grown in 81 batch cultures at different nitrogen levels. In all the algae increasing N levels led to an increase in the biomass (from 8 to 450 mg/l), in protein content (from 8 to 54 %) and in chlorophyll. At low N levels, the green algae contained a high percentage of total lipids (45 % of the biomass). More than 70 % of these were neutral lipids such as triacylglycerols (containing mainly 16:0 and 18:1 fatty acids) and trace amounts of hydrocarbons. At high N levels, the percentage of total lipids dropped to about 20 % of the dry weight. In the latter case the predominant lipids were polar lipids containing polyunsaturated C16 and C18 fatty acids. The blue-green algae, however, did not show any significant changes in their fatty acid and lipid compositions, when the nitrogen concentrations in the nutrient medium were varied. Thus the green but not the blue-green algae can be manipulated in mass cultures to yield a biomass with desired fatty acid and lipid compositions. The data may indicate a hitherto unrecognized distinction between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is one of the essential phospholipids in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have previously shown that a yeast strain, the endogenous PE synthesis of which was controllable, grew in the presence of PE containing decanoyl residues (diC10PE) when PE synthesis was repressed. In this study, we investigated the fate of diC10PE, its uptake and remodeling in yeast. Deletion of the genes encoding Lem3p/Ros3p or P-type ATPases, Dnf1p and Dnf2p, impaired the growth of the mutants in the medium containing diC10PE, suggesting the involvement of these proteins in the uptake of diC10PE. Analysis of the metabolism of deuterium-labeled diC10PE by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry revealed that it was rapidly converted to deuterium-labeled PEs containing C16 or C18 acyl residues. The probable intermediate PEs that contained decanoic acid and C16 or C18 fatty acids as acyl residues were also detected. In addition, a substantial amount of decanoic acid was released into the culture medium during growth in the presence of diC10PE. These results imply that diC10PE was remodeled to PEs with longer acyl residues and used as membrane components. Defects in the remodeling of diC10PE in the deletion mutants of ALE1 and SLC1, products of which were capable of acyl-transfer to the sn− 2 position of lyso-phospholipids, suggested their involvement in the introduction of acyl residues to the sn− 2 position of lyso-phosphatidylethanolamine in the remodeling reaction of diC10PE. Our results also suggest the presence of a mechanism to maintain the physiological length of PE acyl residues in yeast.  相似文献   

Diglyceride kinase (DG) activity was found to be almost absent in the photoreceptor cells of Drosophila vision mutants, norpA (no receptor potential A). Other enzymes related to the phosphatidic acid (PA) metabolism, such as monoacyl-glycerophosphate acyltransferase and PA phosphatase, were normal in the mutant. The deficiency in PA content in the retinular cells of norpA, demonstrated by 32P incorporation in vivo is, therefore, due to abnormal reduction in DG kinase activity. The DG kinase was found to be localized in the retinular cell by assaying its activity in the mutants rdgA (receptor cells degenerated) and sine oculis (compound eyes absent).  相似文献   

Potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Bintje) were stored at 20 °C for 210 days without desprouting to study the lipoxygenase pathway during aging. After 15 days of storage, potato tubers sprouted, while after 45–60 days, apical dominance was lost and multiple sprouts developed. Analysis of the fatty acid hydroperoxides (HPOs) revealed that 9-S-hydroperoxide of linoleic acid (9-HPOD) was the main oxylipin formed. Between 45 and 60 days of storage, increases in the levels of 9-HPOD and colneleic acid were observed. Analysis of phospholipids and galactolipids by electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) showed that a decrease in the levels of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylinositol (PI), digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) occurred between 0 and 45 days of aging. The decrease in the amount of linoleic acid in complex lipids correlates well with the amount of 9-HPOD and colneleic acid produced.  相似文献   

Batch cultures (8–32 l.) of Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus and of Anacystis nidulans and Microcystis aeruginosa were grown in media containing 0.001 % KNO3 and at several stages in growth sampled for biomass, total protein, chlorophylls, lipids and fatty acids. With increasing time and decreasing nitrogen concentrations, the biomass of all of the algae increased, whereas the total protein and chlorophyll content dropped. Green and blue-green algae, however, behaved differently in their lipid metabolism. In the green algae the total lipid and fatty acid content as well as the composition of these compounds changed considerably during one growth phase and was dependent on the nitrogen concentration in the media at any given day of growth. More specifically, during the initial stages of growth the green algae produced larger amounts of polar lipids and polyunsaturated C16 and C18 fatty acids. Towards the end of growth, however, these patterns changed in that the main lipids of the green algae were neutral with mainly saturated fatty acids (mostly 18:1 and 16:0). Such changes did not occur in the blue-green algae. These differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic algae can possibly be explained by the ‘endosymbiont theory’.  相似文献   

Ectotherm animals including insects are known to undergo seasonal restructuring of the cell membranes in order to keep their functionality and/or protect their structural integrity at low body temperatures. Studies on insects so far focused either on fatty acids or on composition of molecular species in major phospholipid classes. Here we extend the scope of analysis and bring results on seasonal changes in minor phospholipid classes, lysophospholipids (LPLs), free fatty acids, phytosterols and tocopherols in heteropteran insect, Pyrrhocoris apterus. We found that muscle tissue contains unusually high amounts of LPLs. Muscle and fat body tissues also contain high amounts of β-sitosterol and campesterol, two phytosterols derived from plant food, while only small amounts of cholesterol are present. In addition, two isomers (γ and δ) of tocopherol (vitamin E) are present in quantities comparable to, or even higher than phytosterols in both tissues. Distinct seasonal patterns of sterol and tocopherol concentrations were observed showing a minimum in reproductively active bugs in summer and a maximum in diapausing, cold-acclimated bugs in winter. Possible adaptive meanings of such changes are discussed including: preventing the unregulated transition of membrane lipids from functional liquid crystalline phase to non-functional gel phase; decreasing the rates of ion/solute leakage; silencing the activities of membrane bound enzymes and receptors; and counteracting the higher risk of oxidative damage to PUFA in winter membranes.  相似文献   

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