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Summary Cell Na activity,a Na c , was measured in the short-circuited frog skin by simulaneous cell punctures from the apical surface with open-tip and Na-selective microelectrodes. Skins were bathed on the serosal surface with NaCl Ringer and, to reduce paracellular conductance, with NaNO3 Ringer on the apical surface. Under control conditionsa Na c averaged 8±2mm (n=9,sd). Apical addition of amiloride (20 m) or Na replacement reduceda Na c to 3mm in 6–15 min. Sequential decreases in apical [Na] induced parallel reductions ina Na c and cell current,I c . On restoring Na after several minutes of exposure to apical Na-free solutionI c rose rapidly to a stable value whilea Na c increased exponentially, with a time constant of 1.8±0.7 min (n=8). Analysis of the time course ofa Na c indicates that the pump Na flux is linearly related toa Na c in the range 2–12mm. These results indicate thata Na c plays an important role in relating apical Na entry to basolateral active Na flux.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies in anuran epithelia have shown that, after clamping the transepithelial voltage in symmetrical sequences for 4–6 min there is near-constancy of the rate of active Na transport and the associated oxidative metabolism, with a near-linear potential dependence of both. Here we have investigated in frog skin the cellular electrophysiological events associated with voltage clamping (V t =inside-outside potential). Increase and decrease ofV t produced converse effects, related directly to the magnitude ofV t .Hyperpolarization resulted in prompt decrease in inward transepithelial currentI t and increase in fractional outer membrane resistancefR 0 (as evaluated from small transient voltage perturbations) and in outer membrane potentialV 0. Overshoot ofV 0 was followed by relaxation to a quasi-steady state in minutes. Changes infR 0 were progressive, with half times of some 1–5 sec. Changes in transepithelial slope conductanceg t were more variable, usually preventing precise evaluation of the outer and inner cell membrane conductancesg 0 andg i . Nevertheless, it was shown thatg 0 is related inversely toV t andV 0. Presuming insensitivity ofV i toV t , the dependence ofg 0 onV 0 in the steady state much exceeds that predicted by the constant field equation. Apparent inconsistencies with earlier results of others may be attributable to differences in protocol and the complex dependence ofg 0 onV 0 and/or cellular current. In contrast to previous findings in tight epithelia at open circuit, differences inV t were associated with substantial differences infR 0 and inner membrane potentialV i . Hyperpolarization ofV t over ranges commonly employed in studies of active transport and metabolism appears to increase significantly the electrochemical work per Na ion transported.  相似文献   

Summary Knowledge of the voltage dependencies of apical and basolateral conductances is important in determining the factors that regulate transcellular transport. To gain this knowledge it is necessary to distinguish between cellular and paracellular currents and conductances. This is generally done by sequentially measuring transepithelial current/voltage (I t /V t ) and conductance/voltage (g t /V t ) relationships before and after the abolition of cellular sodium transport with amiloride. Often, however, there are variable time-dependent and voltage-dependent responses to voltage perturbation both in the absence and presence of amiloride, pointing to effects on the paracellular pathway. We have here investigated these phenomena systematically and found that the difficulties were significantly lessened by the use of an intermittent technique, measuringI t andg t before and after brief (<10 sec) exposure to amiloride at each setting ofV t .I/V relationships were characterized by these means in frog skins (Rana pipiens, Northern variety, andRana temporaria). Cellular current,I c , decreased with hyperpolarization (larger serosa positive clamps) ofV t . DerivedI c /V t relationships betweenV t =0 and 175 mV (serosa positive) were slightly concave upwards. Because values of cell conductance,g c , remained finite, it was possible to demonstrate reversal ofI c . Values of the reversal potentialV' averaged 156±14 (sd,n=18) mV. Simultaneous microelectrode measurements permitted also the calculation of apical and basolateral conductances,g a andg b . The apical conductance decreased monotonically with increasing positivity ofV t (andV a ). In contrast, in the range in which the basolateral conductance could be evaluated adequately (V t <125 mV),g b increased with more positive values ofV t (andV b ). That is, there was an inverse relation betweeng b and cellular current at the quasi-steady state, 10–30 sec after the transepithelial voltage step.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of Li upon the intracellular potential of frog skin (Rana esculenta) was investigated. In the range between 1 and 25mm Li in the epithelial bathing solution, a semilogarithmic linear relationship between [Li] and intracellular potential under short circuit conditions was obtained. The intracellular potential at all [Li] is quantitatively sufficient to explain the previously reported accumulation of Li in the intracellular space of the frog skin epithelium (Leblanc, G. 1972.Pfluegers Arch. 337:1) on the basis of a passive entrance step at the outer border. A reduction of the intracellular potential by Li is also observed in the presence of 6mm Na in the epithelial bathing solution. Consequences regarding the mechanism of uptake of Na across the outer border of the frog skin are discussed.  相似文献   

A method allowing the measurement of the electrical quantities related to the physiological functions of the frog skin in situ is presented. The method allows the performance of several experiments on the same pithed animal, which remains alive for a number of days. The preparation is very stable, and the electric potential difference and short-circuit current values are higher than in isolated skin. The theory of measurement and the possible systematic errors are discussed. The possibilities of the method are evaluated on comparing the pH and temperature dependence of the electrical quantities in situ with previous measurements on isolated skin.  相似文献   

Summary In studies of apical membrane current-voltage relationships, in order to avoid laborious intracellular microelectrode techniques, tight epithelia are commonly exposed to high serosal K concentrations. This approach depends on the assumptions that high serosal K reduces the basolateral membrane resistance and potential to insignificantly low levels, so that transepithelial values can be attributed to the apical membrane. We have here examined the validity of these assumptions in frog skins (Rana pipiens pipiens). The skins were equilibrated in NaCl Ringer's solutions, with transepithelial voltageV t clamped (except for brief perturbations V t) at zero. The skins were impaled from the outer surface with 1.5m KCl-filled microelectrodes (R el>30 M). The transepithelial (short-circuit) currentl i and conductanceg t=–I t/V t, the outer membrane voltageV o (apical reference) and voltage-divider ratio (F o=V o/V t), and the microelectrode resistanceR el were recorded continuously. Intermittent brief apical exposure to 20 m amiloride permitted estimation of cellular (c) and paracellular (p) currents and conductances. The basolateral (inner) membrane conductance was estimated by two independent means: either from values ofg i andF o before and after amiloride or as the ratio of changes (–I c/V i) induced by amiloride. On serosal substitution of Na by K, within about 10 min,I c declined andg t increased markedly, mainly as a consequence of increase ing p. The basolateral membrane voltage (V i(=–V o) was depolarized from 75±4 to 2±1 mV [mean±sem (n=6)], and was partially repolarized following amiloride to 5±2 mV. The basolateral conductance increased in high serosal K, as estimated by both methods. Essentially complete depolarization of the basolateral membrane and increase in its conductance in response to high [K] were obtained also when the main serosal anion was SO4 or NO3 instead of Cl. On clampingV t over the range 0 to +125 mV in K2SO4-depolarized skins, the quasi-steady-stateV o V t relationship was linear, with a mean slope of 0.88±0.03. The above results demonstrate that, in a variety of conditions, exposure to high serosal K results in essentially complete depolarization of the basolateral membrane and a large increase in its conductance.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium and chloride influxes across the nonshort-circuited isolated skin ofRana esculenta were measured at widely varying external ionic concentrations.The curve describing sodium transport has two Michaelis-Menten components linked at an inflection point occurring at an external sodium concentration of about 7 meq. Chloride transport can also be represented by two saturating components. A possible explanation of these kinetics is discussed.At sodium concentrations lower than 4 meq it is possible to define a component of the sodium transport mechanism as having a high affinity for sodium and which is independent of the nature of the external anion. A high affinity for chloride of the chloride transport system functioning at low external concentrations is also found but is significantly different from that of sodium. These systems show the physiological characteristics of the countertransports (Na ext + /H int + ; Cl ext /HCO 3int ) functioning at low external concentrations.At external concentrations higher than 4 meq a low affinity transporting system in which chloride and sodium are linked superimpose on the high affinity components.The physiological significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The dependence of the membrane potential (Em) and the membrane resistance (Rm) of Chara australis R. Brown on the pH of the external medium (pH0) was studied by controlling the activity of the plasmamembrane H+ pump under both light and dark conditions. The activity of the pump was controlled by regulating the internal ATP or Mg2+ concentration in tonoplast-free cells prepared by vacuolar perfusion. In these cells, which contained Mg · ATP (mgATP cells), Em and Rm were very sensitive to pH0, as in normal cells. Em was more negative in light than in the dark at all pH0 values tested. Tonoplast-free cells with very low [ATP]i (-ATP cells) or [Mg2+]i (-Mg cells) showed very weak dependence of Em and Rm on pH0. Thus, the active and not the passive component of Em was sensitive to pH0. At the same time, the high permeability of the plasma membrane to H+ was questioned. In both-ATP cells and-Mg cells, Em was scarcely affected and Rm markedly decreased on illumination.Abbreviations CyDTA 1,2-cyclohexanediamine-N,N-tetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethylether)N,N-tetraacetic acid - HK hexokinase  相似文献   

Isolated frog skins (without chorion) were incubated with 42K+ Ringer's solution, bathing the internal surface for 2 h.All the K+ contained in the frog skin was equilibrated in specific activity with external 42K+.The kinetics of the washout of 42K+ from the internal surface of the skin exhibits one fast and one slow exponential component.Amiloride reduces the release of 42K+ corresponding to both components without affecting the K+ content of the skin.Ouabain increases the loss of 42K+ of the slow component by 200%. Since the total K+ in the skin decreases to 25% of its original value both compartments are affected.The results suggest that two distinct functional compartments exist defined by two 42K+ release ratios and that because of the large K+ contents of these compartments both are intracellular.The relation with the transepithelial Na+ transport and the morphological identification of these compartments is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary To clarify the dependency of the Na/K coupling of the Na,K-pump on internal Na and external K concentrations in skeletal muscle, the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential, the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux and the membrane resistance were measured at various internal Na and external K concentrations in bullfrog sartorius muscle.Upon raising the internal Na concentration from 6 mmol/kg muscle water to 20 mmol/kg muscle water, the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential increased about eightfold and the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux increased about fivefold while the membrane resistance was not significantly changed. As the external K concentration increased from 1 to 10mm, the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in membrane potential decreased (1/5.5 fold), while the magnitude of the ouabain-induced change in Na efflux increased (about 1.5-fold). The membrane resistance decreased upon raising the external K concentration from 1 to 10mm (1/2-fold). These observations imply that the values of the Na/K coupling of the Na,K-pump increases upon raising the internal Na concentration and decreases upon raising the external K concentration.  相似文献   

The negative slope conductance created by the persistent sodium current (INaP) prolongs the decay phase of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). In a recent study, we demonstrated that this effect was due to an increase of the membrane time constant. When the negative slope conductance opposes completely the positive slope conductances of the other currents it creates a zero slope conductance region. In this region the membrane time constant is infinite and the decay phase of the EPSPs is virtually absent. Here we show that non-decaying EPSPs are present in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells in the zero slope conductance region, in the suprathreshold range of membrane potential. Na+ channel block with tetrodotoxin abolishes the non-decaying EPSPs. Interestingly, the non-decaying EPSPs are observed only in response to artificial excitatory postsynaptic currents (aEPSCs) of small amplitude, and not in response to aEPSCs of big amplitude. We also observed concomitantly delayed spikes with long latencies and high variability only in response to small amplitude aEPSCs. Our results showed that in CA1 pyramidal neurons INaP creates non-decaying EPSPs and delayed spikes in the subthreshold range of membrane potentials, which could potentiate synaptic integration of synaptic potentials coming from distal regions of the dendritic tree.  相似文献   

Summary Insulin hyperpolarized the membrane of frog skeletal muscle by stimulating the electrogenic Na,K-pump. At external K concentrations of 1, 2, 5 and 10mm, both the insulin-induced hyperpolarization and the insulin-stimulated ouabain-sensitive Na efflux (an index of Na, K-pump activity) were observed. By increasing the external K concentration, the insulin-stimulated Na efflux increased, but the magnitude of the insulin-induced hyperpolarization decreased; i. e., although the activity of the insulin-stimulated Na,K-pump increased, on the contrary, the magnitude of the hyperpolarization decreased. To clarify the causes of this phenomenon, the specific membrane resistance was measured and found to decrease upon increasing the external K concentration.One of the reasons for the decrease in magnitude of the hyperpolarization is the decrease in the specific membrane resistance. However, the decrease in magnitude of the hyperpolarization with a rise of the external K concentration, which increased the insulin-stimulated Na,K-pump activity, cannot be explained only by the decrease in the specific membrane resistance. It is suggested that the decrease in magnitude of the hyperpolarization is mainly caused by a decrease in the electrogenicity of the insulin-stimulated Na,K-pump upon an increase in the external K concentration. The conclusion of the present study is that the electrogenicity of the insulin-stimulated Na,K-pump in muscles is variable and decreases with increasing the external K concentration.  相似文献   

Summary Prostaglandins are known to stimulate the active transepithelial Na+ uptake and the active secretion of Cl from the glands of isolated frog skin. In the present work the effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on the glandular Na+ conductance was examined. In order to avoid interference from the Na+ uptake and the glandular Cl secretion the experiments were carried out on skins where the Cl secretion was inhibited (the skins were bathed in Cl Ringer's solution in the presence of furosemide, or in NO 3 Ringer's solution), and the active Na+ uptake was blocked by the addition of amiloride. Transepithelial current, water flow and ion fluxes were measured. A negative current was passed across the skins (the skins were clamped at –100 mV, basolateral solution was taken as reference). When PGE2, was added to the skins under these experimental conditions, the current became more negative; this was mainly due to an increase in the Na+ efflux. Together with the increase in Na+ efflux a significant increase of the water secretion was observed. The water secretion was coupled to the efflux of Na+, and when one Na+ was pulled from the basolateral to the apical solution via this pathway 230 molecules of water follwed. From the data presented it is suggested that this pathway for Na+ is confined to the exocrine glands.  相似文献   

Summary Microelectrodes were used to investigate the effect of 0.5mm mucosal lanthanum (La3+) on the intracellular potential and the resistance of outer and inner isolated frog skin (Rana esculenta) cell membranes. Under short-circuit conditions, the transapical membrane potentialV o sc (mean value=–65.4±3.2 mV, inside negative) hyperpolarized to –108.7±2.3 mV in control skins, after addition of the sodium blocker amiloride. Current-voltage curves for the outer and inner membranes were constructed from the amiloride-inhibitable current versus the outer membrane potentialV o or the inner membrane potentialV t . The outer, and to a lesser degree the inner, membrane showed a characteristic nonlinearity with two slope resistances. Addition of La3+ to the outer medium increased the short-circuit current to 190% of the control value.V o sc concomitantly changed to –28±3.5 mV and outer and inner membrane resistances fell, considerably attenuating the nonlinearity seen in control skins. La3+ is suggested to raise the conductance by its effect on the surface potential. A secondary long-term inhibitory effect of La3+ on short-circuit current has been observed. It is ascribed to the penetration of La3+ into the sodium channels.  相似文献   

Electrical measurements on planar lipid bilayers, patch/voltage clamp experiments, and spectroscopic investigations involving a potential sensitive dye are reviewed. These experiments were performed to analyze the kinetics of charge translocation of the Na+,K+-ATPase. High time resolution was achieved by applying caged ATP, voltage-jump, and stopped-flow techniques, respectively. Kinetic parameters and the electrogenicity of the relevant transitions in the Na+,K+-ATPase reaction cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Because the measurement of aromatase activity in cultured human genital skin fibroblasts has been proposed as a means of studying estrogen production in men, we investigated the influence of culture conditions on aromatase activity. Genital skin fibroblasts were seeded onto culture plates at a density of 1×106 cells/plate and aromatase activity was determined over a 1-mo. period. Enzyme activity rose slowly over the first 14 d but then rose rapidly to a 10-fold higher plateau by Day 28. The rise in aromatase activity was similar whether activity was normalized for protein or for DNA content. When cells were seeded at the usual density of 1×106 or at 0.25×106 cells/plate, aromatase activity was consistently lower during the first 2 wk in cells plated at lower density, but thereafter the levels of enzyme activity in the two groups converged. In cells plated at the lower density, the lower activity observed in the first 2 wk was associated with a lower V max . Preincubation of cells plated at one density with conditoned medium from cells plated at the other density did not change the relatve levels of activity in the two groups. By contrast, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) receptor binding and 5α-reductase activity were similar at all time points, despite differences in plating density. In additional experiments, the culture medium was replaced daily rather than every 3rd d, and aromatase activity was assayed on Day 7. In cells fed daily, DNA and protein content were twice that of cells fed every 3rd d. By contrast, aromatase activity declined to 30% of the in the latter group. DHT and dexamethasone receptor binding and 5α-reductase activity were similar in the two groups. In summary, factors such as plating density, culture density, and frequency of media replacement dramatically influence aromatase activity in cultured human genital skin fibroblasts. Therefore, the interpretation of aromatase activity data obtained from cultured cells in relation to physiologic or pathologic states should be viewed with appropriate caution. The work was supported in part by grants R01 DK 35339 and R01 DK 00180 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and by RR 00035 from CLINFO Systems at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.  相似文献   

The molting which occurs in frog skin following exposure to high concentrations of aldosterone interferes with the interpretation of physiological measurements. Exposure of skins from frogs maintained in standard smooth tanks to 5 · 10?7 M aldosterone caused within a few hours erratic responses in short-circuit current I0 and conductance κ followed by sustained stimulation of I0 and κ; 10?8 M aldosterone caused only stimulation of I0 and κ. Storage of frogs in “rough tanks” eliminated in vitro molting on exposure to 5 · 10?7 M aldosterone. I0 and κ were then superimposable for 3 h, after which I0 increased far more rapidly than κ. These results are consistent with an early effect on permeability of the active pathway and later effects on metabolism, either a direct effect on the pump or enhanced interaction between transport and metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary The role of Ca2+ in the stimulation by antidiuretic hormone (ADH) of active sodium transport across the isolated epithelium of frog skin was investigated. This has been done by bathing the blood side with Ca2+-free solution containing 0.1mm EGTA. This Ca2+ depletion halved the resistance but had no significant effect on the short-circuit current (SCC). The sensitivity of both cAMP- and SCC-stimulation to ADH was increased 40-fold by Ca2+ depletion. Sensitivity to stimulation by theophylline was only changed a little, while stimulation by exogenous cAMP was completely unaltered. The increase in sensitivity to ADH was dependent on the duration of preincubation in Ca2+-free solution, which indicates that a slowly exchanging Ca2+ pool is involved in the determination of sensitivity to ADH. We suggest this pool is of cellular origin and the increased sensitivity is due to the decrease of a Ca2+ inhibition of the ADH-stimulated adenylate cyclase. But a direct effect of Ca2+ on binding of ADH to the receptor cannot be excluded. Our results are not compatible with the hypothesis that entry of extracellular Ca2+ is an obligatory step in the natriferic action of ADH, although it may be so in the hydroosmotic action of ADH. We also found the maximal response to ADH to be higher after Ca2+ depletion. This is in agreement with the hypothesis of intracellular Ca2+ as a modulator of the sodium permeability of the outward-facing membrane.  相似文献   

In the present study a shape independent differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique was used to measure the dehydration response during freezing of ejaculated canine sperm cells. Volumetric shrinkage during freezing of canine sperm cell suspensions was obtained at cooling rates of 5 and 10 degrees C/min in the presence of extracellular ice and CPAs (6 different combinations of freezing media were used, ranging from a media with no CPAs, and those with 0.5%, 3%, and 6% glycerol and with 0.5% and 3% Me(2)SO). Using previously published data, the canine sperm cell was modeled as a cylinder of length 105.7mum and a radius of 0.32mum with an osmotically inactive cell volume, V(b), of 0.6 V(o), where V(o) is the isotonic cell volume. By fitting a model of water transport to the experimentally obtained volumetric shrinkage data the best fit membrane permeability parameters (L(pg) and E(Lp)) were determined. The "combined best fit" membrane permeability parameters at 5 and 10 degrees C/min for canine sperm cells in the absence of CPAs are: L(pg)=0.52x10(-15)m(3)/Ns (0.0029mum/min-atm) and E(Lp)=64.0kJ/mol (15.3kcal/mol) (R(2)=0.99); and the corresponding parameters in the presence of CPAs ranged from L(pg)[cpa]=0.46 to 0.53x10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.0027-0.0031mum/min-atm) and E(Lp)[cpa]=46.4-56.0kJ/mol (11.1-13.4kcal/mol). These parameters are significantly different than previously published parameters for canine and other mammalian sperm obtained at suprazero temperatures and at subzero temperatures in the absence of extracellular ice. The parameters obtained in this study also suggest that optimal rates of freezing canine sperm cells ranges from 10 to 30 degrees C/min; these theoretical cooling rates are found to be in close conformity with previously published but empirically determined optimal cooling rates.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the Ca2+ agonist Bay K 8644 on outward potassium currents have been studied in single ventricular cells of chick embryo and aortic single cells of rabbit using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Bay K 8644 was found to increase lK in both heart and aortic single cells. This effect of Bay K 8644 on both muscle was reversed by Mn2+ and blocked by 20 mM TEA. The Bay K 8644 potassium I/V curve of single heart cell had a N shape, which is Ca2+ dependent. These data strongly suggest that Bay K 8644 increases a gK(ca) in both aortic and heart muscle.  相似文献   

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