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The giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, is an amphibious, obligate, air-breathing teleost fish. It uses its buccal cavity for air breathing and for taking and holding large gulps of air. These fish live in mud burrows at the top of the intertidal zone of mangrove mudflats; the burrow water may be hypoxic and hypercapnic and have high ammonia levels. The buccal epithelium is highly vascularized, with small diffusion distances between air and blood. The gill epithelium is densely packed with mitochondria-rich cells. Periophthalmodon schlosseri can maintain tissue ammonia levels in the face of high ammonia concentrations in the water. This is probably achieved by active ammonium ion transport across the mitochondria-rich cells via an apical Na/H+(NH4+) exchanger and a basolateral Na/K+(NH4+) ATPase. When exposed to air, the animal reduces ammonia production, but there is some increase in tissue ammonia levels after 24 h. There is no detoxification by increased production of glutamine or urea, but there is partial amino acid catabolism, leading to the accumulation of alanine. CO2 production and proton excretion cause acidification of the burrow water to reduce ammonia toxicity. The skin has high levels of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids decreasing membrane fluidity and gas, and therefore ammonia, permeability. Exposure to elevated environmental ammonia further decreases membrane permeability. Acidification of the environment and having a skin with a low NH3 permeability reduces ammonia influx, so that the fish can maintain tissue ammonia levels by active ammonium ion excretion, even in water containing high levels of ammonia.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to determine whether active NH(4) (+) excretion occurred in the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, during emersion. Our results demonstrated that continual ammonia excretion in P. schlosseri during 24 hr of emersion resulted in high concentrations ( approximately 30 mmol l(-1)) of ammonia in fluid collected from the branchial surface. For fish injected intraperitoneally with 8 mumol g(-1) ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) followed by 24 hr of emersion, the cumulative ammonia excreted was significantly greater than that of the control injected with sodium acetate. More importantly, the ammonia excretion rate at hour 2 in fish injected with CH3COONH4 followed by emersion was greater than that in fish immersed in water as reported elsewhere, with the greatest change in the ammonia excretion rate occurring at hour 2. Assuming that the rate of endogenous ammonia production remained unchanged, 33% of the exogenous ammonia was excreted through the head region, presumably through the gills, during the first 6 hr of emersion. Indeed, at hour 6, the ammonia concentration in the branchial fluid increased to an extraordinarily high concentration of >90 mmol l(-1). Therefore, our results confirm for the first time that P. schlosseri can effectively excrete a high load of ammonia on land, and corroborate the proposition that active NH(4) (+) excretion through its gills contributes in part to its high tolerance of aerial exposure. Only 4.6% of the exogenous ammonia was detoxified to urea. The glutamate contents in the muscle and liver also increased significantly, but the glutamine contents remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Periophthalmodon schlosseri is a mudskipper which uses the vascularized buccopharyngeal cavity as a respiratory organ. The fish construct mud burrows that contain hypoxic water, but store air inside the burrows. Because the burrow gas is frequently hypoxic and hypercapnic, the effects of altered respiratory gas concentrations on the aerial ventilation frequency (V(F)), inspiratory tidal volume (V(T)) and minute volume (V(M)=V(F)xV(T)) of P. schlosseri were studied by pneumotachography. Both total buccopharyngeal gas volume (V(BP)) and V(T) scaled significantly with body mass (mass exponents=1.10 and 1.03, respectively), and V(T)/V(BP) was 0.54+/-0. 05 (S.E.M., n=6). V(BP), expressed as a percentage of body volume, was much higher (16%) than in other air-breathing gobies (2-4%). When fish respired in normoxic air and water, V(F) was 0.25+/-0.04 breaths min(-1), V(T) 7.6+/-0.6 ml 100 g(-1), and V(M) 1.80+/-0.18 ml 100 g(-1) min(-1). Aquatic hypoxia did not significantly affect V(F), V(T), or V(M). In both moderate (P(O(2))=10 kPa) and severe (P(O(2))=5 kPa) aerial hypoxia, V(F) and V(M) increased significantly. V(T) increased significantly only during severe aerial hypoxia. In aerial hypercapnia, V(F) and V(M) increased significantly.  相似文献   

To illustrate vascular modification accompanying transition from aquatic to amphibious life in gobies, we investigated the respiratory vasculatures of the gills and the bucco‐opercular cavities in one of the most terrestrially‐adapted mudskippers, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, using the corrosion casting technique. The vascular system of Pn. schlosseri retains the typical fish configuration with a serial connection of the gills and the systemic circuits, suggesting a lack of separation of O2‐poor systemic venous blood and O2‐rich effluent blood from the air‐breathing surfaces. The gills appear to play a limited role in gas exchange, as evidenced from the sparsely‐spaced short filaments and the modification of secondary lamellar vasculature into five to eight parallel channels that are larger than red blood cell size, unlike the extensive sinusoidal system seen in purely water‐breathing fishes. In contrast, the epithelia of the bucco‐opercular chamber, branchial arches, and leading edge of the filaments are extensively laden with capillaries having a short (<10 μm) diffusion distance, which strongly demonstrate the principal respiratory function of these surfaces. These capillaries form spiral coils of three to five turns as they approach the epithelial surface. The respiratory capillaries of the bucco‐opercular chamber are supplied by efferent blood from the gills and drained by the systemic venous pathway. We also compared the degree of capillarization in the bucco‐opercular epithelia of Pn. schlosseri with that of the three related intertidal‐burrowing gobies (aquatic, non‐air‐breathing Acanthogobius hasta; aquatic, facultative air‐breathing Odontamblyopus lacepedii; amphibious air‐breathing Periophthalmus modestus) through histological analysis. The comparison revealed a clear trend of wider distribution of denser capillary networks in these epithelia with increasing reliance on air breathing, consistent with the highest aerial respiratory capacity of Pn. schlosseri among the four species. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The size, growth and reproductive biology of the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, was studied in the inter‐tidal mudflat of a mangrove swamp along a 0.4–0.6 × 5 km stretch of the Sepang coastal waters, Selangor Malaysia. The size ranges of the giant mudskipper specimens caught in the study area were between 10–27.5 cm TL (20.6 ± 3.1 cm) for males and 14.5–28.5 cm TL (21.9 ± 2.3 cm) for females. Male to female sex ratio during the study was 1 : 1.1. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L = 29 cm and K = 1.4 year?1, with a growth performance index of Ø′ = 3.1. Otolith microstructure analysis revealed a strong correlation (Female: r = 0.920, n = 35; Male: r = 0.943, n = 41, P < 0.05) between the number of daily rings (number of days old) over the respective size ranges of male (8.5–19.5 cm SL) and female fish (11.8–22.3 cm SL). Four maturity stages were described to follow gonadal development based on external features; these stages were further validated through histological examination of the ovary and oocyte diameter measurements. The gonadal development cycle of P. schlosseri was asynchronous, as marked by the random mixture of early stages oocytes (diameter: 70.7 ± 14.9 μm) to matured stages (356.9 ± 20.2 μm), and had a prolonged spawning season extending from June to October. Monthly fluctuation of the gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices for this species was highly correlated (r = 0.126, P < 0.05).  相似文献   

In Periopkrlialnwdon scldosseri the respiratory organs consist of the gills, the suprabranchial and opercular chambers. The gills are more suited for aerial than aquatic respiration as is shown by the presence of the vascular papillae, blood sinusesand dilated blood vessels in their lamellae. The gill lamellae possess a surface coat of sulphated mucopolysaccharides that prevents water loss during exposure to the air. The filaments of the outer hemibranchs in the first gill arch are reduced to nearly one quarter of those of its posterior hemibranch. The gill area in relation to body weight shows a high slope value ( b =0·93).  相似文献   

Summary Vacuolated and zymogenic cells, which are two of five cell types identified by electron microscopy in gastric epithelium of B. schlosseri, are described in detail. The vacuolated cells are characterized by one, or a few, supranuclear vacuoles containing myelin figures. A peculiar Golgi apparatus is consistently found at the base of the vacuoles; it consists of cisternae frequently containing small vesicles and tubules of constant diameter and/or a strong electron-opaque material. A variety of vesicles and multivesicular bodies are visible in the apical cytoplasm below long ribbon-like microvilli. The se findings suggest that the vacuolated cells are involved in absorptive and perhaps secretory activity. The zymogenic cells are characterized by a highly developed RER, numerous apical secretory granules and a well developed supranuclear Golgi apparatus. At the apical end, autophagosomes are frequently encountered, some of which contain also zymogen granules. Both cell types contain numerous lipid droplets, which are interpreted as an energy reserve available for the cells and for the entire colony during the change of generation. Correlation between structure and function in both cell types is discussed by taking into account the peculiar life cycle of B. schlosseri, as well as previously reported data on similar cells in other ascidians.We would like to dedicate this work to Prof. Giuseppe Reverberi on the occasion of his 70th birthday.The authors are indebted to Profs. A. Sabbadin and G. Mazzocchi for their most helpful suggestions and advice. We would also like to thank Mr. G. Tognon for technical assistance and the staff of the Stazione Idrobiologica di Chioggia for their assistance in collecting material. — This research was supported by a grant of C.N.R., contract from the Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venezia, No. 7100396/04115542 and with the E.M. facilities of C. N. R. contract No. 70.01798.04.115.876.  相似文献   

Summary The following five cell types have been recognized and defined on the basis of their fine structure in the gastric epithelium of B. schlosseri: vacuolated and zymogenic cells (described in a previous paper); ciliated mucous, endocrine and plicated cells. The ciliated mucous cells are distributed at the apex and the bottom of the gastric folds and along the dorsal groove. The mucus droplets appear to form from the Golgi complex as secretory granules of variable density and texture, which are released from the cell after fusion of their membranes with the apical plasma membrane. Holocrine or apocrine secretion has not been observed. The endocrine cells are scattered and are characterized by electron dense granules, especially numerous in the basal region of the cell. Finally, the plicated cells, present in the pyloric caecum, show rod-like microvilli, a well developed Golgi complex and abundant, deep infoldings of the basal plasma membrane, which are associated with numerous mitochondria. The possible role of the gastric cell types is discussed taking into account information concerning morphologically similar cells in other animals, as well as previously reported data on the biochemistry and physiology of digestion and excretion in ascidians.The authors are grateful to Mr. G. Tognon for technical help and to the Staff of the Stazione Idrobiologica di Chioggia for their assistance in collecting material. Work supported by a C.N.R. Grant from the Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venezia, Contract n. 71.00396/04.115.542.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of alkaline environmental pH on urea and ammonia excretion rates and on tissue urea, ammonia, and free amino acid concentrations in two mudskippers, Periophthalmodon schlosseri and Boleophthalmus boddaerti. Periophthalomodon schlosseri is known to be capable of actively excreting ammonia. The rate of ammonia excretion in B. boddaerti exposed to 50% seawater (brackish water, BW) at pH 9 decreased significantly during the first 2 d of exposure when compared with that of specimens exposed to pH 7 or 8. This suggested that B. boddaerti was dependent on NH(3) diffusion for ammonia excretion, as in most fishes. It was incapable of detoxifying the accumulating endogenous ammonia to urea but could store and tolerate high concentrations of ammonia in the muscle, liver, and plasma. It did not undergo reductions in proteolysis and/or amino acid catabolism in alkaline water, probably because the buildup of endogenous ammonia was essential for the recovery of the normal rate of ammonia excretion by the third day of exposure to a pH 9 medium. Unlike B. boddaerti, P. schlosseri did not accumulate ammonia in the body at an alkaline pH (i.e., pH 9) because it was capable of actively excreting ammonia. Periophthalmodon schlosseri did not undergo partial amino acid catabolism (no accumulation of alanine) either, although there might be a slight reduction in amino acid catabolism in general. The significant decrease in blood pCO(2) in B. boddaerti at pH 9 might lead to respiratory alkalosis in the blood. In contrast, P. schlosseri was able to maintain its blood pH in BW at pH 9 despite a decrease in pCO(2) in the blood. With 8 mM NH(4)Cl in BW at pH 7, both mudskippers could actively excrete ammonia, although not to the same extent. Only P. schlosseri could sustain ammonia excretion against 8 mM NH(4)Cl in BW at pH 8. In BW containing 8 mM NH(4)Cl at pH 9, both mudskippers died within a short period of time. Boleophthalmus boddaerti consistently died faster than did P. schlosseri. This indicates that the body surfaces of these mudskippers were permeable to NH(3), but the skin of P. schlosseri might be less permeable to NH(3) than that of B. boddaerti. Both mudskippers excreted acid (H(+)) to alter the pH of the alkaline external medium. Such a capability, together with modifications in gill morphology and morphometry as in P. schlosseri, might be essential to the development of an effective mechanism for the active excretion of NH+4.  相似文献   

The ultra-structure of the epidermis of the mudskipper,Periophthalmus modestus, was examined by both light and transmission electron microscopies. The epidermis is exceptionally not well endowed with mucous or granular cells. Filament-containing cells occur in three distinct layers of the surface, middle and basal epidermis. The surface layer is further subdivided into two layers, an outermost and less superficial one. Two different cell types were identified in the epidermis. Type I cells are fiat cells in a single stratum. Type II cells are enormous cells, characterized by having a large vacuole in the cytoplasm. The outermost layer is composed of a free surface of Type I cells and numerous microridges covered with a fuzzy, fibrillar substance. The “fuzz” forms a cuticule-like structure, but keratinization as found in terrestrial animals does not occur. The superficial layer contains Type I cells and intraepithelial blood capillaries. When Type I cells become senescent, numerous intercellular spaces are formed in the plasma membranes of adjacent cells, with the senescent cells finally falling off. Just beneath these cells, however, young cells of Type I are always found. The blood capillaries are usually reinforced with young Type I cells. A large volume of oxygen may be absorbed through the skin using the blood capillary network. The middle layer contains several strata of Type II cells. The special corky structure of these cells seems to play an important role in thermal insulation and protection against ultraviolet light in relation to life out of water. However, by comparison with terrestrial animals, the histological design of the epidermis of this goby appears incomplete, so as to reduce desiccation on land, owing to the epidermis lacking a keratinized stratum. The differentiation of the epidermis seems to be an adaptation for a terrestrial habit in this species.  相似文献   

1. PK and LDH activities in the muscle of Periophthalmodon schlosseri and Boleophthalmus boddaerti were at least 100-fold higher than their respective activities in the liver. 2. The ratio of PK:PEPCK in liver of B. boddaerti was smaller than that of P. schlosseri. 3. PK:PEPCK ratios in both fishes were intermediate between those of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. 4. MDH activity was higher than other enzymes assayed in the liver of both fishes. 5. The ratios of LDH:MDH in the liver of both mudskippers were comparable to those of anaerobic organisms. 6. AST was at least eight times more active than ALT in the liver of both fishes. 7. In the muscle of these mudskippers, the aspartate content was significantly less than that of alanine. 8. Exposure of these fishes to various experimental conditions led to changes in specific activities of PEPCK, LDH, AST and ALT.  相似文献   

This study provided new knowledge on reproductive traits of the unique mudskipper Periophthalmodon septemradiatus that is also a potential aquarium pet. Fish specimens were obtained by using fishing rods at the muddy flat in tributaries of the Hau River from August 2017 to July 2018. Data analysis of a collection of 1,504 individuals (930 males and 674 females) showed that the sex ratio of this species was significantly different from the ratio 1:1. As mature gonads were found monthly during the study period, it is suggested that P. septemradiatus is an iteroparous species releasing eggs for a year-round cycle. The fish length at first mature (Lm) showed an increase from estuary to upstream areas. Male P. septemradiatus had higher Lm values than that of females. Likely, the batch fecundity increased from estuary region (5,916 ± 312 SEM eggs) towards upstream area (11,451 ± 953 SEM eggs). The fish total length and weight values had strong positive relationships with batch fecundity, as shown by high determination values (r2), suggesting that batch fecundity increased with fish size. This study provided more information on reproductive biology of P. septemradiatus, which can be utilized for fish population conservation and artificial reproductive study.  相似文献   

Subcultivated rat lingual epithelium derived from primary expiants remains mitotically active, possesses an organellar complement similar to the parent tissue, and undergoes terminal differentiation. Successful growth of primary cultures requires an incubation temperature below 34 °C and the addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to the medium. The subcultures retain a stable morphological phenotype through a minimum of 15 passages. Cultures are long-lived and may be maintained for one year or more in any passage.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy was employed to investigate the ultrastructure of the lingual dorsal epithelial cells of the frog, Rana rugosa. The specimens for scanning electron microscopy were prepared by a method that involved osmium postfixation and treatment with acid to remove extracellular material that adhered to the surface of the tongue. Over almost the entire dorsal surface, filiform papillae, consisting of a large number of non-ciliated cells with microridges and a very small number of ciliated cells, were compactly distributed. Fungiform papillae were scattered among these filiform papillae. A round sensory disk was located on the top of each fungiform papilla. Each sensory disk was encircled by a band of ciliated cells. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that a large part of the filiform papillar epithelium was composed of cells that contained numerous electron-dense granules. These cells were coincident with the non-ciliated cells observed by scanning electron microscopy. In these cells, the nucleus was located on the basal side, and the ergastoplasm was well-developed on the basal side of the nucleus.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the developing gizzard of the chick embryo has been studied to define the sequence of events in cytodifferentiation of the epithelium and to look for morphological evidence of epithelio-mesenchymal interaction. During the fourth day of incubation epithelial cells begin to form mucous secretory granules, later massive glycogen deposits appear, and finally by day 8 numerous cell processes have formed. Tissue was prepared by a number of methods to stain material associated with cell surfaces. At the time induction is presumbably occurring such stainable material is abundant. Epithelial and mesenchymal tissue components when cultured transfilter show no inductive effects and stainable cell surface material is greatly reduced near the epithelium.  相似文献   

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