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Adult mammalian brain contains about 20% extracellular space, but fixatives cause the cellular processes to ingest the extracellular fluid, and the space is not preserved in electron micrographs prepared by any of the conventional methods. This distortion can be prevented by replacing part of the sodium chloride in the extracellular fluid by an impermeant solute such as sucrose. To do this, the blood-brain barrier can be opened by vascular perfusion at 300 mmHg pressure, or the barrier can be bypassed by immersion of thin slices of fresh brain in the impermeant solution. In either case, addition of aldehyde fixatives and conventional processing then leads to the preservation of extracellular space in electron micrographs. Both procedures are as easy to use for routine fixation as conventional methods. In well fixed tissue the cellular processes are different in size, shape and electron density from the inflated profiles seen after the ingestion of extracellular fluid that accompanies conventional fixation. Moreover, extracellular space is found to separate widely some cellular elements, while leaving others contiguous.  相似文献   

Synopsis Regions of the brain vascularized by capillaries of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) type require a different fixative from regions which have capillaries of the endocrine type. Fixative with isotonic buffer gives excellent ultrastructural preservation in the BBB regions, but causes severe shrinkage of cells in the endocrine regions. This is evidently due to the difference in the permeability of the capillary walls to solutes in the fixative. In the BBB regions the less perimeable capillaries do not allow outflow of osmotically active particles to a harmful extent, whereas in the endocrine regions osmotic imbalances are created between the intra-and extracellular compartments.The diffusion rate of the fixative and the final volume of the fixed brain depend on the balance between the intravascular and interstitial hydrostatic and oncotic pressures across the capillary wall during the perfusion fixation, as those pressures regulate the amount of perfusate that will enter the parenchyma. Generally, as high a perfusion pressure as possible is recommended to obtain effective wash-out of blood and rapid diffusion of dixative into the tissue. Addition of macromolecules (2% PVP, mol. wt. 40000) into the fixative slightly improved the ultrastructural preservation in the BBB regions of the centrel nervous system.  相似文献   

Lowicryl K4M embedding of brain tissue for immunogold electron microscopy   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We present methods for embedding brain tissue in Lowicryl K4M embedding medium and localizing antigens using postembedding immunogold techniques. After perfusion fixation with 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.1% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, blocks of rat brain were placed in 2% aqueous uranyl acetate for 1 hour, dehydrated in 50%, 70%, and 95% ethanol, infiltrated with Lowicryl/ethanol mixtures (1:2 for 10 min, 1:1 for 15 min) and 100% Lowicryl (20 min and 25 min). Polymerization was carried out under UV light for 24-48 hours at room temperature. Several neural antigens, including three different synaptic vesicle proteins and an enzyme associated with the postsynaptic density, were localized by this technique, indicating that this procedure may have wide applicability.  相似文献   

Summary A cold microwave irradiation procedure was developed to fix rapidly and stain various tissues and monolayers for electron microscopy. Because microwave stimulation always produces some heat, melting ice was used to maintain the temperature of the tissue samples, the fixative, and the staining solution at 0 to 4°C. The low temperature also reduced vapour formation, thus minimizing the risk of explosion. The microwave method shortened the total time of fixation and dehydration from the usual 3 h required by the conventional method to 65 min. After microwave fixation, the ultrastructural details of membranes and subcellular structures were excellent.  相似文献   

The use of neuroanatomical markers in tissues that have been pre-fixed has been virtually ignored, even though this approach could offer certain advantages over in vivo methods, in terms of convenience of application and choice of markers. We have found that HRP can be used on well-fixed brains of cats and goldfish to fill neurons, dendrites, axons, terminals, glial cells, and glial processes for high-resolution light microscopy and electron microscopy. Best results were obtained using brains that were perfusion-fixed with 2.5% depolymerized paraformaldehyde and 1.5% glutaraldehyde. Two methods of HRP application were used: optically guided injections of microliter quantities into various regions of cat brain, and optic nerve fills in goldfish by attaching an HRP-filled polyethylene tube for periods of 1 day to 2 weeks. HRP applied in these ways to pre-fixed tissue was found to fill neurons or glial cells with solid label in the anterograde and retrograde directions.  相似文献   

This protocol describes how biological samples, like brain tissue, can be imaged in three dimensions using the focussed ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM). The samples are fixed with aldehydes, heavy metal stained using osmium tetroxide and uranyl acetate. They are then dehydrated with alcohol and infiltrated with resin, which is then hardened. Using a light microscope and ultramicrotome with glass knives, a small block containing the region interest close to the surface is made. The block is then placed inside the FIB/SEM, and the ion beam used to roughly mill a vertical face along one side of the block, close to this region. Using backscattered electrons to image the underlying structures, a smaller face is then milled with a finer ion beam and the surface scrutinised more closely to determine the exact area of the face to be imaged and milled. The parameters of the microscope are then set so that the face is repeatedly milled and imaged so that serial images are collected through a volume of the block. The image stack will typically contain isotropic voxels with dimenions as small a 4 nm in each direction. This image quality in any imaging plane enables the user to analyse cell ultrastructure at any viewing angle within the image stack.  相似文献   

Tissue processed for scanning electron microscopy by ethanol-cryofracturing combined with critical point drying was embedded and sectioned for transmission electron microscopy. Study of specimens cut in a plane passing through the fracture edge indicated that preservation of cellular fine structure of fractured cells was excellent. Even at the most peripheral edge of the fracture there was no evidence that movement of cytoplasmic components occurred to distort the original structural organization of fractured cells. Lack of cytoplasmic detail in ethanol-cryofractographs has been due more to the nature of the fracturing of the tissue and to the obscuring effects of the metal coating than to structural deformation at the fracture edge or to limitations in resolving power of the scanning electron microscope used.  相似文献   

Summary Liver, skeletal muscle, peripheral nerves, pancreas, thyroid and adrenal cortex were prepared for electron microscopy employing microwave energy either during prefixation with glutaraldehyde or instead of prefixation. Microwave irradiation in the presence of glutaraldehyde in Na/K-phosphate or Na-cacodylate containing CaCl2 and MgCl2 led to distinct appearance of membranes, mainly plasma membrane, and membranes of SER, Golgi complex and mitochondria in liver, pancreas and muscle. The area of high quality fixation, however, was limited to the periphery of samples. On the other hand, SER was dilated in cells of the adrenal cortex, and RER markedly vacuolated in thyroid follicular cells.Microwave irradiation in the presence of Na/K-phosphate and subsequent osmication resulted in preservation of the ultrastructure in similar quality as was obtained by osmication without previous immersion in glutaraldehyde. However, the preservation of SER and Golgi complex in liver and pancreas, and of mitochondria in muscle was greatly improved. Small myelin sheaths remained intact whereas large ones showed focal disintegration.We consider that enhancement of fixation by microwave energy may greatly improve preservation of membranes in some tissues. Successful fixation depends on the use of glutaraldehyde during microwave irradiation, the type of buffer, the addition of ions to increase stabilization, the exposure time to heat, and on postosmication.  相似文献   

Potency of microwave irradiation during fixation for electron microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liver, skeletal muscle, peripheral nerves, pancreas, thyroid and adrenal cortex were prepared for electron microscopy employing microwave energy either during prefixation with glutaraldehyde or instead of prefixation. Microwave irradiation in the presence of glutaraldehyde in Na/K-phosphate or Na-cacodylate containing CaCl2 and MgCl2 led to distinct appearance of membranes, mainly plasma membrane, and membranes of SER, Golgi complex and mitochondria in liver, pancreas and muscle. The area of high quality fixation, however, was limited to the periphery of samples. On the other hand, SER was dilated in cells of the adrenal cortex, and RER markedly vacuolated in thyroid follicular cells. Microwave irradiation in the presence of Na/K-phosphate and subsequent osmication resulted in preservation of the ultrastructure in similar quality as was obtained by osmication without previous immersion in glutaraldehyde. However, the preservation of SER and Golgi complex in liver and pancreas, and of mitochondria in muscle was greatly improved. Small myelin sheaths remained intact whereas large ones showed focal disintegration. We consider that enhancement of fixation by microwave energy may greatly improve preservation of membranes in some tissues. Successful fixation depends on the use of glutaraldehyde during microwave irradiation, the type of buffer, the addition of ions to increase stabilization, the exposure time to heat, and on postosmication.  相似文献   

Lipid fixation during preparation of chloroplasts for electron microscopy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Reaction of osmium tetroxide with isolated spinach chloroplasts fixed completely the glycolipids, phosphatidyl glycerol, and phosphatidyl choline. Under the same reaction conditions only 30% of the chlorophyll was fixed. Reaction of potassium permanganate with isolated spinach chloroplasts fixed more than 90% of the glycolipids, phosphatidyl glycerol, and phosphatidyl choline, provided the reaction period was long enough. Potassium permanganate also fixed the chlorophyll. Reaction of osmium tetroxide and potassium permanganate with isolated (14)C-lipids from Chlorella pyrenoidosa fixed 59% and 66% of the radioactivity, respectively. The lipids that were not fixed included sterols and pigments. Electron micrographs show that chloroplasts extracted with chloroform-methanol after fixation in osmium tetroxide or potassium permanganate differ from those dehydrated with acetone mainly in that in the former, osmiophilic globules have been removed and there seems to be some fusion of the boundary membranes and grana membranes. These effects may be due to the extraction of unfixed, neutral lipids such as sterols and quinones.  相似文献   

The effects of inhibitors of aldehyde reductase (alcohol:NADP+ oxido-reductase, EC on the formation of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethylene glycol from normetanephrine have been studied in rat brain homogenates. The reaction pathway was shown to be unaffected by several inhibitors of the major (high Km) form of aldehyde reductase such as sodium valproate. Two isoenzymes of aldehyde reductase have been separated and characterized from rat brain. The minor (low Km) isoenzyme is shown to be relatively insensitive to sodium valproate and exhibits a similar inhibitor-sensitivity profile to that obtained for methoxyhydroxyphenethylene glycol formation. The low Km isoenzyme is therefore implicated in catecholamine metabolism. The metabolism of succinic semialdehyde and xylose by rat brain cytosol has also been examined. Aldose metabolism may also be attributed to the action of the low Km reductase, but the existence of a separate succinic semialdehyde reductase is postulated. The possible roles of aldehyde reductases in brain metabolism and the relationship between these enzymes and aldose reductase (alditol: NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase, EC are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary It was demonstrated that microwave energy used simultaneously in combination with low concentrations of glutaraldehyde (0.05%) and formaldehyde (2.0%) rapidly preserved light microscopic histology and excellent fine structural details, as well as a variety of cytoplasmic and membrane-bound antigens. Specimen blocks up to 1 cm3 can be fixed in as brief a time as 26 ms using a specially designed microwave device (ultrafast microwave fixation method). The fast microwave fixation method, using a commercially available device, was successfully used to preserve granule-bound rat mast cell chymase which was subsequently detected by a postembedding immunogold procedure. Control of the following parameters is important to the microwave fixation method: (1) specimens with one dimension less than 1 cm; (2) irradiation temperatures lower than 50°C; (3) irradiation times less than 50 s; (4) immediate replacement of the postirradiation solution with cold storage buffer; (5) fixing the specimen within 15 min after it is removed from its blood supply.  相似文献   

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