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We included a parameterisation of the emissions of pollen grains into the comprehensive model system COSMO-ART. In addition, a detailed density distribution of birch trees within Switzerland was derived. Based on these new developments, we carried out numerical simulations of the dispersion of pollen grains for an episode that occurred in April 2006 over Switzerland and the adjacent regions. Since COSMO-ART is based on the operational forecast model of the German Weather Service, we are presenting a feasibility study of daily pollen forecast based on methods which have been developed during the last two decades for the treatment of anthropogenic aerosol. A comparison of the model results and very detailed pollen counts documents the current possibilities and the shortcomings of the method and gives hints for necessary improvements.  相似文献   

A new land-cover map of Africa for the year 2000   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Aim In the framework of the Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC 2000), a land‐cover map of Africa has been produced at a spatial resolution of 1 km using data from four sensors on‐board four different Earth observing satellites. Location The map documents the location and distribution of major vegetation types and non‐vegetated land surface formations for the entire African continent plus Madagascar and the other surrounding islands. Methods The bulk of these data were acquired on a daily basis throughout the year 2000 by the VEGETATION sensor on‐board the SPOT‐4 satellite. The map of vegetation cover has been produced based upon the spectral response and the temporal profile of the vegetation cover. Digital image processing and geographical information systems techniques were employed, together with local knowledge, high resolution imagery and expert consultation, to compile a cartographic map product. Radar data and thermal sensors were also used for specific land‐cover classes. Results A total of 27 land cover categories are documented, which has more thematic classes than previously published land cover maps of Africa contain. Systematic comparison with existing land cover data and 30‐m resolution imagery from Landsat are presented, and the map is also compared with other pan‐continental land cover maps. The map and digital data base are freely available for non‐commercial uses from http://www.gvm.jrc.it/tem/africa/products.htm Main conclusions The map improves our state of knowledge of the land‐cover of Africa and presents the most spatially detailed view yet published at this scale. This first version of the map should provide an important input for regional stratification and planning purposes for natural resources, biodiversity and climate studies.  相似文献   

Climatic change is expected to affect the spatiotemporal patterns of airborne allergenic pollen, which has been found to act synergistically with common air pollutants, such as ozone, to cause allergic airway disease (AAD). Observed airborne pollen data from six stations from 1994 to 2011 at Fargo (North Dakota), College Station (Texas), Omaha (Nebraska), Pleasanton (California), Cherry Hill and Newark (New Jersey) in the US were studied to examine climate change effects on trends of annual mean and peak value of daily concentrations, annual production, season start, and season length of Betula (birch) and Quercus (oak) pollen. The growing degree hour (GDH) model was used to establish a relationship between start/end dates and differential temperature sums using observed hourly temperatures from surrounding meteorology stations. Optimum GDH models were then combined with meteorological information from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, and land use land coverage data from the Biogenic Emissions Land use Database, version 3.1 (BELD3.1), to simulate start dates and season lengths of birch and oak pollen for both past and future years across the contiguous US (CONUS). For most of the studied stations, comparison of mean pollen indices between the periods of 1994–2000 and 2001–2011 showed that birch and oak trees were observed to flower 1–2 weeks earlier; annual mean and peak value of daily pollen concentrations tended to increase by 13.6 %–248 %. The observed pollen season lengths varied for birch and for oak across the different monitoring stations. Optimum initial date, base temperature, and threshold GDH for start date was found to be 1 March, 8 °C, and 1,879 h, respectively, for birch; 1 March, 5 °C, and 4,760 h, respectively, for oak. Simulation results indicated that responses of birch and oak pollen seasons to climate change are expected to vary for different regions.  相似文献   

Birch (Betula pubescens L.) is by far the most common deciduous tree in Norway and birch forests define the forest line both northwards and upwards. Because of its mountainous topography, long fjords, and long length from north to south, Norway is climatically and ecologically very diverse. Therefore, developing pollen forecasts in Norway is a challenging task. In this study we use MODIS-NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) satellite data with 250 m spatial resolution and 16-days time resolution for the period 2000–2007, and birch pollen counts from ten Burkad traps distributed throughout Norway, to characterize the onset of birch flowering in Norway. Four of the seven trap stations with long-term series show significant values at the 5% level or better between the MODIS-NDVI defined onset and the date when the annual accumulated birch pollen sum reaches 2.5% of the annual total. A map of Norway that shows the eight-year mean (2000–2007) onset of birch flowering was produced. It reveals large differences in the timing of the onset of birch flowering along the north–south and altitude gradients. The map provides useful general information that can be utilized by the Norwegian pollen forecast service. This study shows that remote sensing is a useful tool for not only characterizing the onset of the birch pollen season but also revealing regional differences not easily detected by pollen stations alone.  相似文献   

This paper provides a methodology for comparing global land cover maps that allows for differences in legend definitions between products to be taken into account. The legends of the two maps are first reconciled by creating a legend lookup table that shows how the legends map onto one another. Where there is overlap, the specific definitions for each legend class are used to calculate the degree of overlap between legend classes. In this way, one‐to‐many mappings are accounted for unlike in most methods where the legend definitions are often forced into place. Another advantage over previous map comparison methods is that application‐specific requirements are captured using expert input, whereby the user rates the importance of disagreement between different legend classes based on the needs of the application. This user‐defined matrix in conjunction with the degree of overlap between legend classes is applied on a pixel‐by‐pixel basis to create maps of spatial disagreement and uncertainty. The user can then highlight the areas of highest thematic uncertainty and disagreement between the different land cover maps allowing for areas that require further detailed examination to be readily identified. It would also be possible for several users to input their knowledge into the process, leading to a potentially more robust comparison of land cover products. The methodology of map comparison is illustrated using different land cover products including Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC‐2000) and the MODIS land cover data set. Two diverse applications are provided including the estimation of global forest cover and monitoring of agricultural land. In the case of global forest cover, an example was provided for Columbia, which showed that the MODIS land cover map overestimates forest cover in comparison with the GLC‐2000. The agricultural example, on the other hand, served to illustrate that for Sudan, MODIS tends to underestimate crop areas while GLC‐2000 overestimates them.  相似文献   

Habitat associations of Meadow Pipits breeding in British upland 1 km and 10 km squares were investigated using data from the British Trust for Ornithology's (BTO) Breeding Bird Survey (BBS, 1994–97), The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988–1991 and habitat data from the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology's (ITE) Land Cover Survey (1994). Meadow Pipit density was highest in 200 m sections of BBS 1 km transects containing unenclosed grass moor, heather and bog, but there was no difference in Meadow Pipit density between these habitat types. Meadow Pipit density (number of individuals per 1 km square) increased with heather cover up to about 7.5 200 m sections (of ten per 1 km square) of heather, but fell thereafter. There was a positive association between Meadow Pipit density and the extent of grass moor cover. The ITE Land Cover data gave results that were consistent with the BBS habitat data at both the 1 km and 10 km square scale. There was a non-linear relationship between hill grass cover and Meadow Pipit abundance, which reached a maximum when hill grass covered between 40%and 60% of a square. Our results suggest that a mosaic of heather, bog and grassland may be the optimum habitat for Meadow Pipits. Recent changes in land management practices may have led to the disappearance or degradation of these mosaics in some areas. Meadow Pipits are widespread and easily counted. We suggest that this species might be a useful bioindicator of changes in heather and grassland ratios that result from land management practices such as grazing and rotational burning, though further research is required.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of the spatial extent of forest cover is a crucial requirement for quantifying the sources and sinks of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere. In the more immediate context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, implementation of the Kyoto Protocol calls for estimates of carbon stocks for a baseline year as well as for subsequent years. Data sources from country level statistics and other ground‐based information are based on varying definitions of ‘forest’ and are consequently problematic for obtaining spatially and temporally consistent carbon stock estimates. By combining two datasets previously derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) at 1 km spatial resolution, we have generated a prototype global map depicting percentage tree cover and associated proportions of trees with different leaf longevity (evergreen and deciduous) and leaf type (broadleaf and needleleaf). The product is intended for use in terrestrial carbon cycle models, in conjunction with other spatial datasets such as climate and soil type, to obtain more consistent and reliable estimates of carbon stocks. The percentage tree cover dataset is available through the Global Land Cover Facility at the University of Maryland at http://glcf.umiacs.umd.edu .  相似文献   

Current aerobiological research applies the hypothesis that the main source of atmospheric birch (Betula) pollen is forest trees. Our results indicate that the measured levels in Copenhagen are not only due to birch trees in Danish forests but that the urban areas also seem to be a significant source of birch pollen. A number of episodes in 2003 with enhanced pollen levels in Copenhagen seem to be associated with parks and gardens inside and just outside the city. Our results also indicate one long-range transport episode from remote sources in Poland and Germany. Finally, our results show that the pollen levels vary considerably over the day and geographically between Copenhagen and the city of Roskilde, 40 km away. We suggest, that these differences in time and space in the pollen levels are mapped using an integrated monitoring strategy.  相似文献   

In Switzerland the concentration of allergenic pollendecreases with increasing elevation of the samplingsite of the Swiss pollen measuring network. The aim ofthis study was, to compare the pollen concentrationsof five different localities in the Swiss Alps and inthe Jura mountains, to get an idea of the differencesin the pollen abundance in altitudes above 1000 m. Theinvestigated localities are: La Chaux-de-Fonds(1040 m), Wiesen (1420 m), Davos (1600 m), Samedan(1705 m) and Gütsch (2287 m). These pollen sumswere compared to the Swiss plateau (Basel 273 m).Basel, La Chaux-de-Fonds and Wiesen show clearlyhigher pollen values than Davos, Samedan andGütsch. Pollen concentrations of Corylus,Alnus glutinosa-type and Fraxinus arereduced with increasing altitude and are only a smallproblem for allergies above 1000 m. Betulapollen are also reduced in the higher localities, butthere still occur many days with high pollenconcentrations. Especially Betula pollen frommedium range transport can play an important role forallergies in higher localities. The total grass pollensum does not decrease up to an altitude of 1500 m. Thegrass pollen concentration depends more on factorslike composition of the local grassland, land use andwind situation.Pollen concentrations at higher elevations isinfluenced by the local vegetation, a reduced pollenproduction, land use, topography, exposition, windvelocity and wind direction. These factors modify thepollen concentration considerably. Due to the complextopography of the Prealps and Alps, it is thereforenot possible to propose a general rule of pollenreduction with increasing altitude.  相似文献   

Evaluating Swiss pollen productivity estimates using a simulation approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We simulated pollen assemblages for 11 sites on the Swiss Plateau (Schweizer Mittelland) based on a low resolution land cover map and pollen productivity estimates (PPE) from this region. A comparison between observed and simulated pollen data demonstrated that the majority of the simulated pollen proportions were within a range of 5% of over- or underestimation, and that at eight of the 11 sites the dominant taxon was correctly estimated. The modelled sum of arboreal pollen was correct within ±11% at nine sites. Our results indicate that the PPE established for the Swiss Plateau can be used to simulate pollen assemblages with reasonable accuracy. Moreover, our results justify the use of the POLLSCAPE simulation using the Prentice-Sugita model and its variations of pollen dispersal and deposition in more complex topographic landscapes than those to which they have hitherto been applied.  相似文献   

Pollen of the European white birch is a major source of spring pollinosis in Europe. Pollen-allergy diagnosis and treatment by specific immunotherapy commonly rely on extracts of natural origin. To gain insight into the protein content and its variability, we evaluated the profile of allergenic and non-allergenic proteins in extracts of pollen from different origins by MS-based proteomics. Aqueous extracts prepared from commercially available Swedish birch pollen, pollen collected from Austrian trees and a commercial skin prick extract were analyzed by 1-DE, 2-DE, immunoblotting and mass spectrometry, resulting in a complete inventory of extractable, disease-relevant pollen proteins. A main focus of this study was on the isoform distribution of Bet v 1, the major allergen of birch pollen. Using a combination of intact mass determination and peptide sequencing, five isoforms (a, b, d, f and j) were unequivocally identified in Swedish and Austrian birch pollen extracts, while the skin prick extract contained only isoforms a, b and d. Using the same methods as for Bet v 1, divergencies in the sequence of birch profilin (Bet v 2), a plant panallergen, were solved. The molecular characterization of pollen extracts is relevant for standardization and development of new reagents for specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Land‐use change is one of the biggest threats to biodiversity globally. The effects of land use on biodiversity manifest primarily at local scales which are not captured by the coarse spatial grain of current global land‐use mapping. Assessments of land‐use impacts on biodiversity across large spatial extents require data at a similar spatial grain to the ecological processes they are assessing. Here, we develop a method for statistically downscaling mapped land‐use data that combines generalized additive modeling and constrained optimization. This method was applied to the 0.5° Land‐use Harmonization data for the year 2005 to produce global 30″ (approx. 1 km2) estimates of five land‐use classes: primary habitat, secondary habitat, cropland, pasture, and urban. The original dataset was partitioned into 61 bio‐realms (unique combinations of biome and biogeographical realm) and downscaled using relationships with fine‐grained climate, land cover, landform, and anthropogenic influence layers. The downscaled land‐use data were validated using the PREDICTS database and the geoWiki global cropland dataset. Application of the new method to all 61 bio‐realms produced global fine‐grained layers from the 2005 time step of the Land‐use Harmonization dataset. Coarse‐scaled proportions of land use estimated from these data compared well with those estimated in the original datasets (mean R2: 0.68 ± 0.19). Validation with the PREDICTS database showed the new downscaled land‐use layers improved discrimination of all five classes at PREDICTS sites (< 0.0001 in all cases). Additional validation of the downscaled cropping layer with the geoWiki layer showed an R2 improvement of 0.12 compared with the Land‐use Harmonization data. The downscaling method presented here produced the first global land‐use dataset at a spatial grain relevant to ecological processes that drive changes in biodiversity over space and time. Integrating these data with biodiversity measures will enable the reporting of land‐use impacts on biodiversity at a finer resolution than previously possible. Furthermore, the general method presented here could be useful to others wishing to downscale similarly constrained coarse‐resolution data for other environmental variables.  相似文献   

Recent studies describe interactions of pollen surfaces with aerosol particles; pollen surfaces undergo morphological changes and the release of allergens and allergenic fragments from the pollen can be enhanced. Thus allergens from pollen can be found in particle size fractions much smaller than undamaged pollen (<5 μm). This may explain allergic reactions in parts of the lungs which cannot be reached by undamaged pollen. In Switzerland the birch tree (betula verrucosa) major allergen Bet v 1 and the grass (phleum pratense) pollen major allergen Phl p 5 are of particular relevance for inducing pollinosis. In this study aerosols of different aerodynamic diameters were sampled by Andersen-Impactors over 18 months. Sampling areas are subjected to different levels of air pollution (Zürich, Switzerland, urban; Payerne, Switzerland, rural; Davos, Switzerland, alpine). Samples were scanned by electron microscopy and submitted to specific allergen assays (ELISA) for birch pollen major allergen Bet v 1 and grass pollen major allergen Phl p 5 respectively. Particle and major allergen concentrations were highest in Zürich, followed by Payerne and, significantly lower, Davos. Scanning electron microscopy investigations showed interactions of aerosols with pollen surfaces in Zürich and Payerne. The presence of Bet v 1 in smaller aerosol fractions was demonstrated in Zürich and Payerne some weeks before and after birch pollen was counted. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

基于RS和转移矩阵的泾河流域生态承载力时空动态评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用泾河流域1986、1995、2000、2008年4期遥感数据和转移矩阵分析方法,在GIS平台上,对该流域近23a的生态承载力时空变化进行了定量评价和空间化表达,结果表明,泾河流域生态承载力空间分布极不均匀,整体呈南高北低,并由东南向西北递减,由上游向下游递增的空间变化趋势,表现出与流域地貌特征,土地利用/覆被和环境禀赋相关联的地理特性和空间异质性;随着时间的推移,全流域生态承载力呈逐年降低趋势,尤其以2000年以后下降趋势明显,但流域内部不同区域的生态承载力及其各类土地生态承载力的变化幅度与趋势各有不同;3个时段内(1986-1995年、1995-2000年、2000-2008年)流域各类土地生态承载力转换频繁,转向趋势明显,且以2000年为拐点,前两时段以林地和草地生态承载力向耕地和建筑用地生态承载力转移为主,后一时段以耕地和建筑用地生态承载力向林地和草地生态承载力转移为主,导致近23a来泾河流域生态承载力及其内部组成变化均较大,说明土地利用/覆被的变化是流域生态承载力变化的主导因素,而1999年以后国家实施的退耕还林还草生态工程则是2000-2008年该流域生态承载力变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

Recent studies describe interactions of pollen surfaces with aerosol particles; pollen surfaces undergo morphological changes and the release of allergens and allergenic fragments from the pollen can be enhanced. Thus allergens from pollen can be found in particle size fractions much smaller than undamaged pollen (<5m). This may explain allergic reactions in parts of the lungs which cannot be reached by undamaged pollen. In Switzerland the birch tree (betula verrucosa) major allergen Bet v 1 and the grass (phleum pratense) pollen major allergen Phl p 5 are of particular relevance for inducing pollinosis. In this study aerosols of different aerodynamic diameters were sampled by Andersen-Impactors over 18 months. Sampling areas are subjected to different levels of air pollution (Zürich, Switzerland, urban; Payerne, Switzerland, rural: Davos, Switzerland, alpine). Samples were scanned by electron microscopy and submitted to specific allergen assays (ELISA) for birch pollen major allergen Bet v 1 and grass pollen major allergen Phl p 5 respectively. Particle and major allergen concentrations were highest in Zürich, followed by Payerne and, significantly lower, Davos. Scanning electron microscopy investigations showed interactions of aerosols with pollen surfaces in Zürich and Payerne. The presence of Bet v 1 in smaller aerosol fractions was demonstrated in Zürich and Payerne some weeks before and after birch pollen was counted.  相似文献   

The rate of rain forest clearing throughout central Africa is of national and international interest because it affects both the region's contribution to global warming and impacts the sustainable productive capacity of its natural resource base. The size and inaccessibility of much of central Africa makes remote sensing imagery the most suitable data source for regional land cover mapping and land transformation monitoring. Present image availability is poor. Most regional studies have had to rely on coarse resolution AVHRR 1 km data that fails to detect the small-scale agricultural clearings that are the primary cause of land cover change throughout the region. This study demonstrates that higher spatial resolution Landsat MSS imagery, which comprises the most available, geographically comprehensive and longest time series dataset, is too coarse to map land cover in low population density areas typical of most of central Africa. Furthermore, this study cautions that the use of high resolution imagery without detailed collateral field data on population density and land use practices while generating superficially plausible results, will most probably produce highly inaccurate estimates of land cover and land transformation. Policies for future regional remote sensing surveys of central Africa should focus on acquisition of higher spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolution imagery and must be accompanied by detailed, systematic field data collection.  相似文献   

The Internet leads to material and energy consumption as well as various environmental impacts on both the regional and global scale. Yet, assessments of the Internet's energy consumption and resulting greenhouse gas emissions are still rare, and assessments of material flows and further environmental impacts are virtually non‐existent. This article investigates material flows, the direct energy consumption during the use phase, as well as environmental impacts linked to the service, “Internet in Switzerland.” In our model, the service, Internet in Switzerland, is divided into various Internet participant categories. All devices used to access or provide Internet services are merged in a limited number of equipment families and, as such, included in an inventory of the existing infrastructure (stock). Based on this inventory, a material flow analysis (MFA) is performed, which includes the current stock as well as flows resulting from growth and disposal. The direct energy consumption for the operation of the infrastructure is quantified. Environmental impacts are calculated with a life cycle assessment approach, using the ecoinvent database and the software, SimaPro, applying four different methods. The MFA results in a 2009 stock of 98,100 tonnes. Approximately 4,130 gigawatt hours per year, or 7% of the total Swiss electricity consumption, were used in 2009 to operate the Swiss infrastructure. The environmental impacts caused during the production and use phases vary significantly depending on the assessment method chosen. The disposal phase had mainly positive impacts as a result of material recovery.  相似文献   

Aim Land use intensity has been recognized as one of the major determinants of native species declines. The re‐expansion of species previously constrained by habitat degradation has been rarely investigated. Here, we use site occupancy models incorporating imperfect detection to identify the land use drivers of the re‐expansion of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Location Czech Republic. Methods We applied multi‐season occupancy models to otter presence–non‐detection data collected in three national surveys (1992, 2000, 2006) at 552 sites (11.2 × 12 km grid cells). Model parameters included site occupancy, colonization and extinction probabilities, and detection probability at a sub‐site level. We modelled changes in occupancy over time as a function of agricultural, urban and industrial land use and change in the extent of agricultural land use. Results Under the best fitting model, occupancy was estimated to be 34.6% in 1992, 51.3% in 2000 and 83.7% in 2006. Detection probability was neither perfect nor constant. Occupancy probability in 1992 was negatively related to land use gradients. Colonization was more likely to occur where a reduction in agricultural land was larger. Variation in extinction and colonization rates along land use gradients resulted in increased occupancy in industrial and especially urban landscapes. Conversely, occupancy remained almost unchanged along agricultural gradients. Main conclusions Dynamics of otter expansion were strongly associated with the two main patterns of the rapid environmental transition that has taken place in the Czech Republic since the early 1990s. Results show that a reduction in intensive agricultural land use led to an increase in otter distribution, providing evidence of the impact of agricultural land use on stream ecosystems. Moreover, otters recolonized urban and industrial landscapes, probably as a result of extensive reduction in water pollution from point sources. Our results suggest that active conservation of otter populations should focus on restoration of freshwater habitat at large scales, especially in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

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