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Jia Q  Wu TT  Liao HI  Chernishof V  Sun R 《Journal of virology》2004,78(12):6610-6620
Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) is genetically related to the human gammaherpesviruses, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV-8) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It has been proposed as a model for gammaherpesvirus infection and pathogenesis. Open reading frame 31 (ORF31) is conserved among the Beta- and Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily, and there is no known mammalian homologue of this protein. The function of MHV-68 ORF31 and its viral homologues has not yet been determined. We described here a primary characterization of this protein and its requirement for lytic replication. The native MHV-68 ORF31 was detected at peak levels by 24 h postinfection, and the FLAG-tagged and green fluorescent protein fusion ORF31 were localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus in a diffuse pattern. Two independent experimental approaches were then utilized to demonstrate that ORF31 was required for lytic replication. First, small interfering RNA generated against ORF31 expression blocked protein expression and virus production in transfected cells. Then, two-independent bacterial artificial chromosome-derived ORF31-null MHV-68 mutants (31STOP) were generated and found to be defective in virus production in fibroblast cells. This defect can be rescued in trans by MHV-68 ORF31 and importantly by its KSHV homologue. A repair virus of 31STOP was also generated by homologous recombination in fibroblast cells. Finally, we showed that the defect in ORF31 blocked late lytic protein expression. Our results demonstrate that MHV-68 ORF31 is required for viral lytic replication, and its function is conserved in its KSHV homologue.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) has been developed as a model for the human gammaherpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus and human herpesvirus 8/Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (HHV-8/KSHV), which are associated with several types of human diseases. Open reading frame 45 (ORF45) is conserved among the members of the Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily and has been suggested to be a virion tegument protein. The repression of ORF45 expression by small interfering RNAs inhibits MHV-68 viral replication. However, the gene product of MHV-68 ORF45 and its function have not yet been well characterized. In this report, we show that MHV-68 ORF45 is a phosphorylated nuclear protein. We constructed an ORF45-null MHV-68 mutant virus (45STOP) by the insertion of translation termination codons into the portion of the gene encoding the N terminus of ORF45. We demonstrated that the ORF45 protein is essential for viral gene expression immediately after the viral genome enters the nucleus. These defects in viral replication were rescued by providing ORF45 in trans or in an ORF45-null revertant (45STOP.R) virus. Using a transcomplementation assay, we showed that the function of ORF45 in viral replication is conserved with that of its KSHV homologue. Finally, we found that the C-terminal 23 amino acids that are highly conserved among the Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily are critical for the function of ORF45 in viral replication.  相似文献   

Open reading frame 11 (ORF11) is a conserved gammaherpesvirus gene that remains undefined. We identified the product of murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) ORF11, p43, as a virion component with a predominantly perinuclear distribution in infected cells. MHV-68 lacking p43 grew normally in vitro but showed reduced lytic replication in vivo and a delay in seeding to the spleen. Subsequent latency amplification was normal. Thus, MHV-68 ORF11 encoded a virion component that was important for in vivo lytic replication but dispensable for the establishment of latency.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68, or MHV-68) is a genetically tractable, small animal model for the analysis of gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis. The gammaHV68 genome is colinear with the genomes of other sequence gammaherpesviruses, containing large blocks of conserved genes interspersed by a number of putative genes without clear homologs in the other gammaherpesviruses. One of these putative unique genes, the M1 open reading frame (ORF), exhibits sequence homology to a poxvirus serine protease inhibitor, SPI-1, as well as to another gammaHV68 gene, M3, which we have recently shown encodes an abundantly secreted chemokine binding protein. To assess the contribution of the M1 ORF to gammaHV68 pathogenesis, we have generated a recombinant gammaHV68 in which the M1 ORF has been disrupted through targeted insertion of a lacZ expression cassette (M1.LacZ). Although M1.LacZ replicated normally in tissue culture, it exhibited decreased splenic titers at days 4 and 9 postinfection in both immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice. Despite decreased levels of acute virus replication, M1.LacZ established a latent infection comparable to wild-type (wt) gammaHV68, but exhibited an approximately fivefold increase in efficiency of reactivation from latency. M1.LacZ also caused severe vasculitis of the great elastic arteries in gamma interferon receptor (IFN-gammaR)-deficient mice with a frequency comparable to wt gammaHV68, but did not cause the mortality or splenic pathology observed with wt gammaHV68 infection of IFN-gammaR-deficient mice. Restoration of M1 ORF sequences into M1.LacZ (M1 marker rescue, or M1.MR) demonstrated that M1.LacZ phenotypic alterations in growth in vivo and latency were not due to the presence of additional mutations located elsewhere in the M1. LacZ genome. Generation of a second M1 mutant virus containing a deletion at the 5' end of the M1 ORF (M1Delta511), but lacking the LacZ expression cassette, revealed the same latency phenotype observed with the M1.LacZ mutant. However, M1Delta511 was not attenuated for acute virus replication in the spleen. We conclude that (i) the induction of arteritis in gammaHV68-infected IFN-gammaR-deficient mice can occur in the absence of splenic pathology and mortality, (ii) replication during acute infection is not the primary determinant for the establishment of latent infection, and (iii) the M1 ORF, or a closely linked gene, encodes a gene product that functions to suppress virus reactivation.  相似文献   

Zhu J  Chen J  Hai R  Tong T  Xiao J  Zhan X  Lu S  Liu F 《Journal of virology》2003,77(5):2882-2891
We have recently generated a pool of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) mutants by using a Tn3-based transposon mutagenesis approach. In this study, one of the mutants, Rvm166, which contained the transposon sequence at open reading frame m166, was characterized both in tissue culture and in immunocompetent BALB/c mice and immunodeficient SCID mice. The viral mutant replicated as well as the wild-type Smith strain in vitro in NIH 3T3 cells, whereas the transposon insertion precluded the expression of >65% of the m166 open reading frame. Compared to the wild-type strain and a rescued virus that restored the m166 region, the viral mutant was significantly attenuated in growth in both BALB/c and SCID mice that were intraperitoneally infected with the viruses. At 21 days postinfection, the titers of the viral mutant in the salivary glands, lungs, spleens, livers, and kidneys of the infected SCID mice were lower than the titers of the Smith strain and the rescued virus by about 30000-, 10000-, 1000-, 300-, and 800-fold, respectively. Moreover, the virulence of the mutant virus appears to be severely attenuated because no death was found in SCID mice infected with the viral mutant up to 90 days postinfection, whereas all of the animals infected with the wild-type and rescued viruses died at 27 days postinfection. Our results suggest that m166 probably encodes a virulence factor and is required for MCMV virulence in killing SCID mice and for optimal viral growth in vivo.  相似文献   

Xiao J  Tong T  Zhan X  Haghjoo E  Liu F 《Journal of virology》2000,74(20):9488-9497
We have recently generated a pool of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) mutants by using a Tn3-based transposon mutagenesis approach. In this study, one of the MCMV mutants, RvM43, which contained the transposon inserted in open reading frame M43, was characterized. Our results provide the first direct evidence to suggest that M43 is not essential for viral replication in vitro in NIH 3T3 cells. Moreover, RvM43 exhibited a titer similar to that of the wild-type virus in the lungs, livers, spleens, and kidneys of both BALB/c and SCID mice and was as virulent as the wild-type virus in killing SCID mice that had been intraperitoneally infected with the viruses. In contrast, titers of the mutant virus in the salivary glands of the infected animals at 21 days postinfection were significantly (100 to 1,000-fold) lower than those of the wild-type virus and a rescued virus that restored the M43 region and its expression. Thus, M43 appears to be not essential for viral growth in vivo in the lungs, livers, spleens, and kidneys of infected animals and is also dispensable for virulence in killing SCID mice. Moreover, our results suggest that M43 is an MCMV determinant for growth in the salivary glands. Studies of viral genes required for replication in the salivary glands are important in understanding the mechanism of viral tropism for the salivary glands and shedding in saliva, which is believed to be one of the major routes of CMV transmission among healthy human populations.  相似文献   

Collins CM  Speck SH 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33230
Infection of mice with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) provides a tractable small animal model to study various aspects of persistent gammaherpesvirus infection. We have previously utilized a transgenic MHV68 that expresses enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) to identify infected cells. While this recombinant MHV68 has been useful for identifying infected cell populations by flow cytometry, it has been suboptimal for identification of infected cells in tissue sections due to the high solubility of EYFP. Efficient detection of EYFP expressed from the MHV68 genome in tissue sections requires fixation of whole organs prior to sectioning, which frequently leads to over-fixation of some cellular antigens precluding their detection. To circumvent this issue, we describe the generation and characterization of a transgenic MHV68 harboring a fusion gene composed of the EYFP coding sequence fused to the histone H2B open reading frame. Because the H2bYFP fusion protein is tightly bound in nucleosomes in the nucleus it does not freely diffuse out of unfixed tissue sections, and thus eliminates the need for tissue fixation. We have used the MHV68-H2bYFP recombinant virus to assess the location and distribution of virus infected B cells in germinal centers during the peak of MHV68 latency in vivo. These analyses show that the physical location of distinct populations of infected germinal center B cells correlates well with their surface phenotype. Furthermore, analysis of the distribution of virus infection within germinal center B cell populations revealed that ca. 70% of MHV68 infected GC B cells are rapidly dividing centroblasts, while ca. 20% have a clear centrocyte phenotype. Finally, we have shown that marking of infected cells with MHV68-H2bYFP is extended long after the onset of latency - which should facilitate studies to track MHV68 latently infected cells at late times post-infection.  相似文献   

Although genes related to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) open reading frame 35 (ORF35) are conserved in the herpesviruses, information about their contributions to viral replication and pathogenesis is limited. Using a VZV cosmid system, we deleted ORF35 to produce two null mutants, designated rOkaDelta35(#1) and rOkaDelta35(#2), and replaced ORF35 at a nonnative site, generating two rOkaDelta35/35@Avr mutants. ORF35 Flag-tagged recombinants were made by inserting ORF35-Flag at the nonnative Avr site as the only copy of ORF35, yielding rOkaDelta35/35Flag@Avr, or as a second copy, yielding rOka35Flag@Avr. Replication of rOkaDelta35 viruses was diminished in melanoma and Vero cells in a 6-day analysis of growth kinetics. Plaque sizes of rOkaDelta35 mutants were significantly smaller than those of rOka in melanoma cells. Infection of melanoma cells with rOkaDelta35 mutants was associated with disrupted cell fusion and polykaryocyte formation. The small plaque phenotype was not corrected by growth of rOkaDelta35 mutants in melanoma cells expressing the major VZV glycoprotein E, gE. The rOkaDelta35/35@Avr viruses displayed growth kinetics and plaque morphologies that were indistinguishable from those of rOka. Analysis with ORF35-Flag recombinants showed that the ORF35 gene product localized predominantly to the nuclei of infected cells. Evaluations in the SCIDhu mouse model demonstrated that ORF35 was required for efficient VZV infection of skin and T-cell xenografts, although the decrease in infectivity was most significant in skin. These mutagenesis experiments indicated that ORF35 was dispensable for VZV replication, but deleting ORF35 diminished growth in cultured cells and was associated with attenuated VZV infection of differentiated human skin and T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Deng H  Chu JT  Park NH  Sun R 《Journal of virology》2004,78(17):9123-9131
Human gammaherpesviruses are associated with lymphomas and other malignancies. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) infection of mice has emerged as a model for understanding gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis in vivo. In contrast to human gammaherpesviruses, MHV-68 replicates in permissive cell lines in a robust manner, presenting an efficient model to study the basic mechanisms for DNA replication and recombination processes. In addition, MHV-68 also infects a broad range of cells of different tissue types and from different host species, and the viral genome persists as an episome in infected cells. These features make MHV-68 an attractive system on which to build gene delivery vectors. We have therefore undertaken a study to identify the cis elements required for MHV-68 genome replication and packaging. Here we report that an 8.4-kb MHV-68 genomic fragment between ORF66 and ORF73 conferred on the plasmid the ability to replicate; replication required the presence of either de novo viral infection or viral reactivation from latency. We further mapped the origin of lytic replication (oriLyt) to a 1.25-kb region. Moreover, we demonstrated that the terminal repeat of the viral genome is sufficient for packaging of the replicated oriLyt plasmid into mature viral particles. Functional identification of the MHV-68 oriLyt and packaging signal has laid a foundation for investigating the mechanisms controlling gammaherpesvirus DNA replication during the viral lytic phase and will also serve as a base on which to design gene delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Several gammaherpesviruses contain open reading frames encoding proteins homologous to mammalian D-type cyclins. In this study, we analyzed the expression and function of the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68) viral cyclin (v-cyclin). The gammaHV68 v-cyclin gene was expressed in lytically infected fibroblasts as a leaky-late mRNA of approximately 0.9 kb encoding a protein of approximately 25 kDa. To evaluate the effect of the gammaHV68 v-cyclin on cell cycle progression in primary lymphocytes and to determine if the gammaHV68 v-cyclin gene is an oncogene, we generated transgenic mice by using the lck proximal promoter to express the gammaHV68 v-cyclin in early T cells. Expression of the gammaHV68 v-cyclin significantly increased the number of thymocytes in cell culture, as determined by measuring both DNA content and incorporation of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine following in vivo pulse-labeling. Expression of the gammaHV68 v-cyclin interfered with normal thymocyte maturation, as shown by increased numbers of CD4(+) CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes and decreased numbers of CD4(+) or CD8(+) single-positive and T-cell-receptor-bright thymocytes and splenocytes in transgenic mice. Despite increased numbers of cycling thymocytes, gammaHV68-v-cyclin-transgenic mice did not have proportionately increased thymocyte numbers, and staining by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling demonstrated increased apoptosis in the thymi of v-cyclin-transgenic mice. Fifteen of 38 gammaHV68-v-cyclin-transgenic mice developed high-grade lymphoblastic lymphoma between 3 and 12 months of age. We conclude that (i) the gammaHV68 v-cyclin is expressed as a leaky-late gene in lytically infected cells, (ii) expression of the gammaHV68 v-cyclin in thymocytes promotes cell cycle progression and inhibits normal T-cell differentiation, and (iii) the gammaHV68 v-cyclin gene is an oncogene.  相似文献   

Gammaherpesviruses establish lifelong, latent infections in host lymphocytes, during which a limited subset of viral gene products facilitates maintenance of the viral episome. Among the gamma-2-herpesvirus (rhadinovirus) subfamily, this includes expression of the conserved ORF73-encoded LANA proteins. We previously demonstrated by loss-of-function mutagenesis that the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) ORF73 gene product, mLANA, is required for the establishment of latency following intranasal inoculation of mice (N. J. Moorman, D. O. Willer, and S. H. Speck, J. Virol. 77:10295-10303, 2003). mLANA-deficient viruses also exhibited a defect in acute virus replication in the lungs of infected mice. The latter observation led us to examine the role of mLANA in productive viral replication. We assessed the capacity of mLANA-deficient virus (73.Stop) to replicate in cell culture at low multiplicities of infection (MOIs) and found that 73.Stop growth was impaired in murine fibroblasts but not in Vero cells. A recombinant virus expressing an mLANA-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion revealed that mLANA is expressed throughout the virus replication cycle. In addition, 73.Stop infection of murine fibroblasts at high MOIs was substantially more cytotoxic than infection with a genetically repaired marker rescue virus (73.MR), a phenotype that correlated with enhanced kinetics of viral gene expression and increased activation of p53. Notably, augmented cell death, viral gene expression, and p53 induction were independent of viral DNA replication. Expression of a mLANA-GFP fusion protein in fibroblasts correlated with both reduced p53 stabilization and reduced cell death following treatment with p53-inducing agonists. In agreement, accentuated cell death associated with 73.Stop infection was reduced in p53-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts. Additionally, replication of 73.Stop in p53-deficient cells was restored to levels comparable to those of 73.MR. More remarkably, the absence of p53 led to an overall delay in replication for both 73.Stop and 73.MR viruses, which correlated with delayed viral gene expression, indicating a role for p53 in MHV68 replication. Consistent with these findings, the expression of replication-promoting viral genes was positively influenced by p53 overexpression or treatment with the p53 agonist etoposide. Overall, these data demonstrate the importance of mLANA in MHV68 replication and suggest that LANA proteins limit the induction of cellular stress responses to regulate the viral gene expression cascade and limit host cell injury.  相似文献   

Ling PD  Tan J  Sewatanon J  Peng R 《Journal of virology》2008,82(16):8000-8012
Promyelocytic Leukemia nuclear body (PML NB) proteins mediate an intrinsic cellular host defense response against virus infections. Herpesviruses express proteins that modulate PML or PML-associated proteins by a variety of strategies, including degradation of PML or relocalization of PML NB proteins. The consequences of PML-herpesvirus interactions during infection in vivo have yet to be investigated in detail, largely because of the species-specific tropism of many human herpesviruses. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (γHV68) is emerging as a suitable model to study basic biological questions of virus-host interactions because it naturally infects mice. Therefore, we sought to determine whether γHV68 targets PML NBs as part of its natural life cycle. We found that γHV68 induces PML degradation through a proteasome-dependent mechanism and that loss of PML results in more robust virus replication in mouse fibroblasts. Surprisingly, γHV68-mediated PML degradation was mediated by the virion tegument protein ORF75c, which shares homology with the cellular formylglycinamide ribotide amidotransferase enzyme. In addition, we show that ORF75c is essential for production of infectious virus. ORF75 homologs are conserved in all rhadinoviruses but so far have no assigned functions. Our studies shed light on a potential role for this unusual protein in rhadinovirus biology and suggest that γHV68 will be a useful model for investigation of PML-herpesvirus interactions in vivo.  相似文献   

Chemokine-binding proteins represent a novel class of antichemokine agents encoded by poxviruses and herpesviruses. One such protein is encoded by the M3 gene present in the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) genome. The M3 gene encodes a secreted 44-kDa protein that binds with high affinity to certain murine and human chemokines and has been shown to block chemokine signaling in vitro. However, there has been no direct evidence that M3 blocks chemokine activity in vivo, nor has the nature of M3-chemokine interaction been defined. To better understand the ability of M3 to block chemokine activity in vivo, we examined its interaction with a specific subset of chemokines expressed in lymphoid tissues, areas where gammaherpesviruses characteristically establish latency. Here we show that M3 blocks in vitro chemotaxis induced by CCL19 and CCL21, chemokines expressed constitutively in secondary lymphoid tissues. Moreover, we provide evidence that chemokine M3 binding exhibits positive cooperativity. In vivo, the expression of M3 in the pancreas of transgenic mice inhibits recruitment of lymphocytes induced by transgenic expression of CCL21 in this organ. The ability of M3 to block the biological activity of chemokines may represent an important strategy used by MHV-68 to evade immune detection and favor viral replication in the infected host.  相似文献   

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